Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Aug 1876, p. 1

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mm VOL. 2 -fail ' *' b"? to Tr"th, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear eitry |)lik3ealep. ywi i :iiw Published Every Wednesday by ^.VAN SLYKE Editor and Pablisher. OflBce in Riverside Block, Over Smith Bros, ft Co.'6 Store. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: * \ One Tear, (in Advance,) . .. 50 If not Paid within Three Months,..... ;.V.:® 00 Bnbscriptions received for three or ais months in the same proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWS, M. I>. < Clothing Store PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office in Brick Block over F. G. Mayes Water Strefet, McHenry 111. E. A BEERS M. D. PHTBTCIAN and Surgeon. Office at residence, two doors west of Post Office, McHenry,.., 111. D. O. J. HOWARD, M nd Surgeon. O of Howard A Son, McHenry, I1L pHTSjciAN and Surgeon. Office at tiie 'store F. J. BARBIA?*. CIGAR Manufacturer, McHenry 111, tory No. 171. Orders solicited. Far U RICHARD BISHOP, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. A Office in rear of Murphv & Bishop's Bank Korth Side Public Square, Woodstock, 111. GEO. A. BUCKLIN, NOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer and 'In­surance Agent. Office "at Bucklin « Steven's Store, near the Depot, McHenry, III. £. E. RICHARDS. HAS a complete Abstract of Titles to land in McHenrv County, Ill'noia. Office with County Clerk, Woodstock. III.' BOBT. WRIGHT. ^UTiuanfaeturer of Custom Made Boots and lfl Shoes. None but the. beet of material ttsed and all work warranted. Shon Northwest vomer Public Square, McHenry, III FR. HECHTLE. HOUSE, Sign and Carriage Painter, McHen­ry 111. Will do all work promptly aud at reasonable tales. E. M. OWEN. 't GSWKRAL Dealer and Matmfftrturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery. Prices low and Terms favorable. MCHENRY, - - - - - ILLINOIS. GEO. SCHKETNER. SALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite the Parker House, McHenry IM. WFJrst-Class Billiard and Pool Tables. J. BOXSLETT, gALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opr Owen's Mill, McITenrv, III. Fresh Ovsters served up in any shape desired, or tor sale by HM Can. JSTGOOI) ^TABLING IfOtt JOS. WIEDEMANN. ^ALOON and Resta ui-ant. Near week at reasonable rates, meals at all hours. the Depot lay or Warm and cold M'HENRY, ILLINOIS^ WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 23. 1876. BUSINESS CARDS. NO. 4. &. BENNETT, M. D., ? ClTTRGEON and Accoucher. Diseases of ^ „)"nmen a Specialty. Office and Residence on Clay Street, Woodstock, 111. W. H. BUCK, M. D.. TJ05IEOPATI1IC Phvtician and'Suri A-l Office luist Side Public Suuure stock, I1K Office hmira 11 to K A- to 4 P. M. irgeon.-- , Wood - M., and 3 Home, Sweet Home! A commodious one within three min­ utes walk of the Public Square^ Do You Want One Cheap ? For which you can pay In monthly or yearly installments, or in oi:e payment as you choose. By adding a small per cent to the monthly rent you are now paying, in a few years you can have a home of your own, by applying to t ASA W. SMITH* P. M., Woodstock, 111. COME HOMK TO YOUK F'KIENOS, EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:---I ARH w HAL­ ls generally called a life long Demo­ crat, and -x O. W. OWEN, WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, MCHENRY ILL., Dealer in all kinds ot American and Swiss Watahes, Clocks from the best factories in the country. Silver, plated ware, Silver Spoons, Ac., ALSO AGENT FOR THE Weber and Bradbury Pianos AND THE Estey Or^an ! Which we believe to be the best Organ in the market. We think we know that by exneri- ence, and we believe it, for it is backed up by the " J Best Musicians in the World. t I also sell other Organ* at less price* than the Lstey, but can't recQoiumenU ilieiu tu be as good. 1' ¥ ; no . aw.OWEN. July 23. ~ OUlt WASHINGTON LETTKR. WASHINGTON, D. C.,Aug. 9th, M78. ; *;• Last Monday there was the jolliest have of late been »nmm|,Hiiu most uproarus scene in the House amused by4reading yonr articles on thej that has been witnessed for many Circuit Clerk question. It seems there! months. A stranger, not knowing are only two candidates for the noniM^vhere he was. would have sworn that nation at the hands of the Reptib]icans.|V wajin a lunatic .asylum, or that an Both are good men and have been long j unexpected treat had suddenly been and favorably known in Mclienry oouu*|S»iiferred upon a lot of overgrown ty, one as the very strongest kind of *|school boys, aud that it had set them Republican, the other the very strong^! half wild. The Democrats introduced est on the Democratic side, that is, tlwal|s motion to allow the Investigating writer who has known botti men foilCom mi t tees to report at any time they many years has always considered thisJsaw fit, and the Republicans knowing to be the case. We well remember offrtluit nearly everr Committee would voting for Emery for this same office(|liavo a majority and minority report, some time during the war and also thatj: am! fearing that the majority reports' Mr. Dwight run against him and bealjiwmild be more or less of a partizah him.oh the Republican ticket, and it w*^eharacter, were Unwilling that the rer mistake, not this is the only term tha^ports should be made unless both ma Mr. Dwigh't ever held the office spokeMj<>riry and minority reports were pre- of himself, although he has done thefp'ited at the same time, so as to go be- business of the office for about fourteen the country together. Not being years, the greater part of the time for fable to curry their point, the RepublU men uucompctent top< rform the (lutijes j cans began to filibuster, and then left of said office though fully competent tQ,j|*'u' House witliout a quohnu. For the draw the quite large salary forserviceslP'st time this session, a "Call of the rendered by their hired servant whop^'i^e" was resorted to, the doors were knew how to do it, and we believe li®ek>sod, and then the Sergeant-at-Arms, MURPHY & BISHOP. BANKERS. Office North Side of Public Square, WOOt>STOOK, . - . . . . . ILLINOIS , a General Bankitrir an>1 Ex. Business. I)e!>o»its Re»«elveil.- npRANSAcr? JL change lii _ Interest allowed on Special Deposits j Buy and sell United Statet Boiuts, G GoM Kxcltanpe, etc. Gobi, Exchange on HU prwicipal cities in. fcuh>pe tor sale, 'i t* 4-i •9"Good Stablinp: for Horses._^ MCHENRY LJYERY STABLE. H. E. WIGIITMAN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or witliout drivers, furnishe.i at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds done on short notice. W. W. ELLSWORTH. BREEDER o the Oelelwated Maario Hoar. Also Lipht .ind Dark Brahma Fowls. Piars shipped to all points bv express. P. O. Ad­ dress, Woodstock, III.,' Tin: OWEIVS Pox River Valley Mills. H. D. LUFF, Proprietor. McHenry - Illinois. Warranted. ROBEKT MITIIF1TT, AWATCH-MAKERoflSyenrs experience, has located at Xunda, and will trive liis atten­ tion to the Repairing of Clocks. Watches, &c. «!hop in W:>tson & Co.'s Drug Store. All Work & PETER LEICKEM. SEPAIRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelrv of all kinds. Also Rc]>alrs Violins intheliest jMsssible manner, on short notice and at rea- sonttlilc rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop first door North of Riverside Block, McHenry MCHENRY HOUSE. "ITcIIenry, 111. John Karnes Proprietor, -l" Centrally located and tiie best of accom­ modations furnished. Charges reasonable. RICHMOND HOUSE. RICHMOND ILLINOIS. Frank Foster Pro­prietor. Good parties. Sample •Stable attached. Shows Ac., accommodations for all Samplerooms for Salesmen. Livery Public Hail for Lectures, The McHenry Brewery. King: & Herbes, Proprietors. THE best of Beer Shipped to any part of the country and warranted as represented.-- Orders solicited and promptly attended to. CONSTANTLY ON H AN1> CUSTOM GIIL\I)I\ . Dune promptly, and •!' „.t. . .) < Thnnltltif i^r-^ a patronage is restwrtf-iflv jji, u . ««-Th©- MrrL.-i " Rood Milling; Wheat. II. D. Succ'ossor" !•'. 1 »'• c ti r, ' <1 • W. H. SAWFORD, Mert'lian! Tailor. Iu the store of C. II. Dickinson,' l.a<i Mi .ie Public Square, VVOOUSTOCK, ILL. A ffood Stork of Fine Cloths fi>r Suitinifs ways on hand. Suits made to order and a warranted- Give mc a call. can be said without contradiction from either Democrats or fiepublicaiis that Mr. Dwi^ht has done the busiriess of the office to ihe satisfaction of all con* eemed and as a niau that attends to his own affairs, who is a good neighbor and a taithful friend we bave reason to know in this, the town ' tte' moved to over thirty years a»o. we have said before, though he dillers with n§ on the political question of the day, yet we in us tconfess he has fe>v if any enemies in this community and certain­ ly needs the office be ing unused to auy other kind of labor a^ad is now an old gray-headed man. Now Mr. Editor, come to his competitor - for tiie Clerkship, and III dofug so find the t.ame of olir younger frieiid Einerj' Richards, one wlio we remember from boyhood up. and who for himself and family we have always had much re­ spect for. but aro exceedingly surprised to rtnd hihi <m the ticket referred to. We had little expected to tin ! him fol- ioving sLran^e t^ods. IVe ttad always, supposed itini to he one of our party and utterly oppo>ed to the corruptness of the partjr iu »*$•• like to give him up all for the pros- pect-of beating old Josiali Dxvight tor tiie office of (Jircuit Clerk. No Emerv, let the old man have the office if he can get it at the hands of the party he has always belong too, and if your present business is not remunerative enough to furnish von a good living, tell the partv yon have always be­ longed too that you will once more be their standard'henrer, and come back ^here tun will be nf home, ackno\vl> ed^-" y• • i, -inned and will in the liimre atone for the pa>t,fui(! we h:ive no *!• >11!>{ \ (iii c.iii Ik. elect'rd < iri.'iiit CleiK t!:i.< tall. JUU| fleeted by the voice of f he .people. Throw the ring at Woodstock overboard, and come home to v-.ur family fri,.„ds. aud . if joh !|U! fMa^e *>!!!<•*• gel jt lumesth, i rn and through the S l i.v 'inn >•' uin vouor have elalmed j -o and 'vjio yo« b« at all times been at "erne in, it 5<> novi»r too late to mend. ,,n"Vl DKMOCUAJ-. H:t: !. \ !(ir. JJfJ, |S7G. i,is ^istauts, were sent out skirm ®»is!ung to capture the absentees. As '||>ne after the other were caught, they iere arranged before the bar of the |lou>e to give some excuse for their ab- The other members crowded f ound them, and every excise was re­ived with roars of laughter, and all rts pans and jokes gotten off at their f xpetite. One old gentleman appeared |> be very much troubled and scared, flunking that he Was really going to be iwed <pfi punished, and as Ids voice g)uUl not be heard over the uproar and ^illusion, Ue was made to mount up to Ac Clerk's desk, where he stood for ffilly live minutes, going through the emotions af a speech but uot saying a vSo- one Word. Finally lie said, -'I am the ->f circumstances," when some i|terrupted him and said, "There, that ifjil do, we know what Woodstock 111. W. H. S ANKORD. .Sept. 27th, 1S75. FRED. RENICH, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, --AND-- WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. PATENTS. Persons desiring to take out Patents,-or de­ siring Information from the U. S. Patent Office should consult F. A. LEnMANN, SOLICITOR OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PATENTS, \ Washington, D. C. Examinations free. NO PATENT NO PAY. Send for Circular. MOUNT*? ROOT . B I T T E R S . THIS BITTERS, for its intrinsic properties, is known as one of the Best Tonics of the Age. As a laxative Liver Clcaninff. BloSd Purify­ ing Medicine, it has not its superior. It should he taken in <jiiantities from a Tablespoon full to a small wine Klaus full three times a day, according to the strength and age of the lnva- iil or the degree of sickness. For Sale by the Case or Bottle, -BY-- L. KAPPLER, Patentee, Woodstock, 111. For Sale. 1"Mie undersigned oft'ers for Sale, tne Brick A Store on Water Street, in the village of McHenry, now occupied bv Mrs. C. H. Morev, •e a Millinerv Store. It is 14s35, the upper story being rinisheil off as a residence. TISRMS BEABOKABLE. In.)uire of C. IL MOKKY McHenry, I1L Nov. 1st 1875. Farm For Sale. THE undersigned offers for sale his farm in the Town of Greenwood, consisting of 240 acres of first class hind, under a good state of cultivation, well watered, prairie and good Timber adjoinintr, good buildings, Fruit in good variety, in fact everything constituting a good farm. Will l»e divided if desired. Term^ very low, Inquire on the premisesof GEO. IL GARRISON. Greenwood III. April Hth, 1876. iii* Via;•[jn qir lem "It lias a 'K- a -. 111 > < i; j - ]• per stood behind walked a f>tranjrer, who in-| is the matter v|ith you." The shouts and roars of loiter that followed almost shook House. One member was noticed in the gallery with two ladies, when ;e Sergeant ,^t once went up for him, *" marched him up before the bar tjke others^ lio had. however, vo- ted on the measure and was not amena­ ble, whereupon a motion was made that the Sergeant take him up, and de­ posit hiin where he got hiin from In the gallery. One has to witness one of these scenes, in the House to* form the slightest idea of how childishly and and foolishly a set of sensible men can ;u't. A game of leap frog, alone was wanting to make the fun complete. After repeated attempts to repeal the Kesumption Act, it has at last been effected, so far as Section 3, which Axes ihe date of resumption is concerned, by a strict party vote of 10G yeas to 83 najte. Mr. Cox, who forced fliis vote through, was evidently working under the dictation of some one else,- as he is really a "hard money'1 mau, aud did Uot a ppearr to;*; like the part he was acting. About as contemptable a thing as this Congress has been guilty ot isiiow being gotten into shape to be forced through iu the...closing hours of the session. Both parties wish the Frank­ ing Privilege restored, and especially jnst at this time when they < an flood •r-.rwi- OfcN. STUKGT& . E,; Sherbune, formerly of. (bg ewwrftr-^veoth Iowa Toltmteers.-- asks Gen. Sturgls some questions Among others, if he "remembers order­ ing a private In the Second Kansas Volunteers to be lashed to the wheel of a ghn carriage and sconraged with twenty lashes on his bare back, and when no man of that regiment could be found to execute the sentencef does he remember ordering two regulars of own regiment to do the job, while he stood by to see it well 'laid on?" Does the gallant General who criticises Cus­ ter, remember, when all things were ready, "if an officer of the second Kan­ sas, at the head of his battallion, di d not step forward and tell Gen. Sturgis that the sound of the first blow on their comrade's back was the signal for his batiallion to riddle the generous be­ loved Generars body with bullets, and if the said tieneral's cheeks didn't blanch with fear when he cast his eyes down the the constantly lengthening line of stern frontiersmen who faced him, and if he didn't walk off, leaving them to free their unhappy comrade? Gen. Sturgis, do you remember t his little incident?--A>. This is the same, Sturgis that commanded the disastrous expedition* against Gen. Forrest which resulted iir a most shameful defeat at Guntown, Miss., June 10th 1864, entirely, throttgh his cowardice and incompetency, as the people of this and .McHenry Comity will long reraenber, for many of their bravest and noblest eons found a last resting place upon that disastrous field courageously trying to retrieve as far as possible, their leader's Stupidity, while he was uiakiug fast time for Memphis and was not afterwards seen by his brigade, which consisted of the 95th, 01st, aud lUth, 111. Inf. This is the man that would tarnish the fair fame and name of Gen. Custer who stands as far above hiui as the Henvefis are higher than the earth, both as a noble hearted man and a military leader. Custer stood by his men to the bitter end, and shared their fate, while Sturgis dare not bo seen by his brigade after the Guntown disaster, for fear of the result w hich would have been likfely to follow. Pass him *rouud.---Belvidere 2fortfupe$tem. THKOAMIS LAWS. TheNww York Exprea* say^ ftl|» annual meeting of the National Sport- men's Association will be held on* Tues­ day, the 29th inst, in Chicago. Ill*Ob­ ject of the association is to labor to secure proper aud harmonious legisla­ tion, by and between the several States and Territories of the Union, for the protection of wild beasts, fish and mala* throughout the ITnited State* during the seasons at which it is Im­ proper to pursue, capture or destroy theni, to such an extent a* to tlireaton their extinction withiu our boundary, and for the enforcement of such laws aa shall be enacted for these purposes.-- Several of flie'Western States are al­ most without protecting game. Texas, With her vast area of of g4ta* country, has no law protecting its gam®, and many other states are but little better blessed, as the laws are very loose and very badly framed, and In many instances might well be done awav with. The deetgates to repre­ sent this State at the meeting hare already been chosen. A large gather­ ing is anticipated from the fact th*6 the Kennel Club holds Its meeting in Chicago at the same time. James Robbins. MANUFACTURERS AGENT for the Champion Reaper and Mower, the Gor ham Corn Cultivators and Diamond Plow, warranted to Scour in any soil, the Forest City Sco I Plow and State Beam Stubble Plow* Corn Planters, Rakes, &c. Will take •i®1 "'>r Good Notes in exchange for any aud all of my (.ioods. Post Office* Solon Mills, III. . j the eountrj- with political documents. • i«'i »•' an you i>tf«u ui tiie what effect ( Neither party, however, is willing to noiiade has on the mental tvstom V» I «houlder the 'responsibility, and so a 'Democrat Senator was induced to tack it on to one of the appropriation bills, where it will surely go through and be­ come ajaw. As the agreement between tlit two Conferance Committees, now stand upon the Legislative, Executive and Judiciary Appropriation bill, the sala­ ries of Senators and Congressmen will be $4,500 a year; the President's salary after the 4th of March next will be 825,000; the number of clerks to be dismissed is 7C5, one-third September 10th, one-third October 10th, and one- third November 10th; all clerks who receive over $1,800 a year will have their salary reduced 10 per cent. f3,- 600,000 is the amount of the reduction provided for by this bill. It was proposed dining the week that a pension of $10,000 a year be al­ lowed President Grant afteY his pres­ ent term of office, upon the grounds that he lias lost the whole of his fortune in speculations, but the proposition has found no favor in Congress. The Pres­ ident denies that ha has lost his money and that such a pension was entirely unnecessary. llallett Kilbourne has entered suit for $150,000 against Speaker Kerr, Sergeant at-Anns of the House, and the Ilea.1 Estate Committee for confi­ ning him for contempt of the House. on the mental system ood effect, where you pay for it.'* was the reply. "And where }*ou don't?" "The eflect is then transfered from the mental to the physical sj's- tem, and you* go ont .of herewith something kicking you forty times per minnte." "Thanks, sir."' bowed the stranger' backing out; "I am not thirs­ ty, aud 1 never did believe in summer drinks." He went do^n/ tjie street, stole two harvest apples^aj^ found the eflect t-j be just the same as if he had taken lemonade. When the "machine" ceased kicking, the stranger remarked: "Between being kicked for three cents or for ten cents it is mj' duty to be kicked for ten cents, aqd that it shall be my motto hereafter, = t&f* There is such a thing as retribu­ tive justice. Pinchback after disgust­ ing us so long, is beginning to be dis­ gusted himself. The House refuses to agree with the Senate in that little matter of $10,000 and cnts off" the ap­ propriation. So his idling and lolling around {hrough three sessions, cla'uiing a seat that he was never elected to, is likely to go unrewarded--for the pres­ ent at least. Poor Pinch! Republics are proverbially ungrateful, aud the par­ ticular half of ours represented by the House Is stubborn in addition; but we tins instance to an adtnira- tiou for its stubbornness. Let us hope that forever hereafter the principle now l-iid down that no man has a right to be paid for what did not him will l>e the rule. Then BSfA fatal affray took place in Chi­ cago Monday afternoon between Alex­ ander Sullivan, Secretary of the Board of Public Workst and Francis Hatiford, Principal of the North Division High School, resulting in the d^ath of the latter. Mr. Hanford had written a let­ ter to Mr. Van Osdel, one of the Board of Education, setting forth that a -'ring" existed in the Board, for the purpose of controlling appointments by the Board, in which letter Sullivan's wife was mentioned as being one of the best diplomatists in the "ring." The letter in no way reflected on her character as a woman, simply as a politician. Mr. Sullivan and his wife visited Mr, nauford on the evening of the day the letter became public, and demanded a retraction. Mr. Ilanlordrefused to re­ tract, but would turnish proof Of the same at the proper time. Mi. Sullivan struck Hanford, knocking him down. He arose, and a scuffle ensued, in which it is claimed that Hanford struck Mrs. Sullivan in the face. Mr. Sullivan then drew a revolver and shot Hanford, from the effects of which he died in thirty minutes. Sullivan was arrested and now lies in jail to await the action of the Grand Jury. The affair has pro­ duced a great sensation iu Chicago, and Northern Illinois. Both parties are highly respectable. CUKli FDK HYDROPHOBIA. • Mr-Gilbert S. Howard informs w that the recipe, discovered by an oldf pfey&ician in New Jersey, cured four of his brothers and several others of hy­ drophobia; and'a* it is about time for mad dogs, we give it, by request of tho mayor, for the ieiietlt of those who aro in fbar of this, dise lse: "Take one under aud two upper oyt~ tershells, well pulverized and burnt into it lime; roach alum, well bntiit; bal- armcnleal, or dragon's blood, pulver­ ized ; elecampane root dried well and made line. The four articles are to to ttiixetl. iu equal parts by measure, ex­ cept the lime and eleeampane, whk& be one-eighth the most; all mixed wall, and kept in a glass jar, air-tight. Tor man or beast weighing 160 pounds or more, take one common table-spoonful* mixed in white wine, beer or ale, im» mediately after beiug bitten, and early In the morning thereafter, and bind some of the medicine, mixed witk grease, tightly on the wound. Takp 4h» medielne two mornings, then* on the lourth morning. Neither nor use any ardent spirits for threo months after. Diet while takiug th* medicine.--Exchange aST-An Oregon exchange lately came out *£?th the assertion that all the ladlftg in town were wearing "Govern­ ment socks." Tlie agoni/ed editor tore the hair out of his head, shot seventeen holes in the compositor and chased the proof-reader into the mountains with a shot-guii. He then slipped beck in the night and barricaded himself in his, office, where he spent three days in talking through the key hole to the en­ raged females, trying to convince them that he wrote "Garribaldi sacks." They have ways of their own out in the mountain fov settling controver­ sies* The last case reported occurred on a railroad between Denver and Boulder on Tuesday. Judge Stone,"of the District Court, was on the traiu from Denver, en route for Boulder, tm open court there next day. It appear* that the court had designated yester­ day to appoint a receiver for a bank­ rupt railway company, and, iii order to prevent such appointment, those in interest resorted to the highwayman,s method. They boarded the train cap­ tured the Judge, and spirited him away into the mountains, compelling him to return to Denver, by a differ- ent route. They indicted no personal injury upjn him, their only object being to prevent the court from con­ vening. They failed in their purpose, however another Circuit Judge accom­ panied by Governor Bouettand aposs* of militia, having reached Bouldar la time on Wednesday afternoon to opeu. coiirt. If the youngest member of our family of States does not wish to cr«- ate for herself the reputation of being a ruffian, the sooner site stops this sort of thing, the better.--Chicago Journal* jgjf-A Michigan paper says that a Detroit man has a piece of bark from a tree that grew on the farm of an uncle whose grandfather's brother-in-law started with Gen. Jackson to the battle of New Orleans, but was detained by an attack of cholera morbus, and he would send that to the Centennial Ex­ position if he had auy adequate assur­ ance that he would ever get it b^ck again. „ have fewer PinchbaekV making a pfO- fesson out of <ku<testingi fgir'The use of the editorial "we" prevails in the South, as will he seen belong to | by the following remark in the Paris we shall | (Tenn.) Itde/igencer. "If we escape the hog cholera this season, there will, be a large surplus of pork next winter." jj6£*A Chicopee man had a cat which he cared no longer to possess. He took the animal into the garden, struck It nine times on the head with a hammer, and, as it still moved, he boxed its ears with a spade, aud then buried it. Next morning the cat walked serenly into breakfast, willing to forget the past.-- Savannah News. t&r'fHtf rraders will thank tts for th* following sure preventive against hy- di ophobia in dogs: "Boil three table- spoonsful of salt and an ounce of oar- bolie powder in a pint of watar, squeeze In a lemon, and then let a piece of meat simmer in the mixtur« to give it attractive taste. Take out the meat and put the liquor in a cool place. Then while the remedy is cooliug lead• the dog out behind the ham and shoot him between the eyes with a Seming-- ton Rifle. One pint of the liquor will be found enough for 100 dogs.--Rome Sentinel. WHAT AN EDITOR Is.*---An editor is described as a mau who is liable to errors of grammar, toothache, typo­ graphical errors, and lapses of memory and has twenty-tive thousand people watching to catch him tripping--a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief; poorly paid) poorly estimated, yet en­ vied bjr some of the great men 1 made. INTERESTING TO TOBACCO USKRS.--Our' exchanges relate aca.<e of a Chinamaw in California dying of small pox, on a» bed of tobacco leaves. After the death of the Celestial, the tobaeo wasmadfr up Into cigars for the special use of Yankee. Ye users, of the weed, "pt* this iu your pipe and smoke it."

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