Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1876, p. 5

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'•• t €»|. 1^'li'S $:"'. (.m':<$--t\jt¥ &rj:-**m i> ' . f < **-:: lMv»*v# «*rf« »H .̂>Tf^- .,.n^ -"4i-H^ -/•' ^ -1& . 1 • "* +mt -, .*jm£ . * -* • ' /» i ;'• ^ "*-./»«. i * ' , V ; • *fi *•'«•;* 5. < i* i:%i" . :J » «4M. * ' * *• ^ ^ y* * .- • V - ' 1^ - -^VK. I V. 'it. ? ,f > Aji't '^'^ ?. lit.- tuiSSij* '-tf** '<*-: ;4-,i |- /-sapr•-•».> - • ft* t I> •»» » >-.» S:< 1*- *v. •< jjejewy jtaiealef. WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 13th, 1876. =:f Railroad Time Table. GOING BOUT# . * \ GenevaLake Passenger...„fL...^.. ..7:a5 A W Geneva Lake Freicht .„? , 1 •!fi p »' CUcoette Passenger jy* GOING WOHWL ** Lake Freight ..'.... .g^g A. «, .-jette Passenger...... 11:35A. M. weva Lake Passenser 7:0ftF. M. MASONIC. MCHENRY CHAPTER NO. 34 K. A. M.--Resm- lar Convocations held on the second and fourth Fridays in eacb month. iL C. IRIBH H.*P. <X W. OWES See*. " CHURCH DIRECTORY. METHOI>T8T.--Rev. J. T. Cooper, Pastor. Services everv Sunday morninp at 10K > A- M. •unday Schoolnt 12 A. M. WM. PAGR, SUPER: interment. Services at Rinjtwood at 2 P. M. CALL at O. Bishop's and see the .splendid lot of Skinner Improved Plows there on exhibition. r JOHN M. SMITH, Supervisor of thi« • town, is in Woedstock this weelfat- "•fendlng the Annual Meeting of the ' 'Board. REMEMBER the Harvest Party at the" Farker House on Friday evening of next week, the 22d. A good time may< be expected. An $85 Victor Sewing Machine for •ale for less than half price, for the rea­ son that the owner has no use for it. Can be seen by calling at this office. JCST received at O, Bishop's Ware­ house a Car load of the celebrated Skinner Improved Plows, the best made. Call and see them. Jos. .WIEDEMANN, will accept our thanks for a Can of Fresh Oysters the first of the season. Joe is always on hand in season with everything of this kind. B; D. SMITH, of Burton's Bend. Ne­ braska, son of D. S. Smith of this village, made a flying visit to this place last week. He brought to Chicago several ears of fat cattle. IT has rained in this section almost constantly for the past week, and the water in Fox River is the highest known for many years! We hope this •ort of thing will "let up" after a While. THE Republican Senatorial and Rep­ resentative Convention, comprising the counties of McHenry and Lake, Will meet at the Riverside Hall, in this village, on Saturday next. McHenry county is entitled to 23 delegates and Lake to 17. AN Elgin exchange says: "Sheriff Bolcomb, of Sycamore, yesterday re­ turned with F. H. Giddings, alias George Parker, a noted forger, whom he arrested near Council Bluflfe. Three Indictments stand against him in DeKalb county and several in McHeu- ry county, for forging names of prom­ inent men in those counties." AT*the Democratic County Conven­ tion, held at Woodstock on Saturday last, A. L. Salisbury, of Woodstock, was nominated for Circuit Clerk, S. Van Curen, of Woodstock, for Sheriff, J. B. Lyon, of Harvard, for State's Attorney, and R. G. Benton, of Nunda. for Cor­ oner. The delegates to the Congres­ sional Convention were uninstructed. THE Greenback or Indedependent Convention, which met in Woodstock on Saturday last, nominated Josiah Dwight for Cir~uit Clerk, and left Hie balance of the ticket to the choice of the voters. They started a move to­ wards a thorough organization of the County by appointing a Committee in each town, who will immediately or­ ganize clubs and get to work. Evi­ dently "there is music in the lir" all around. MAKE your plans so as to take a hol­ iday week after next. Come out to the County Fair, which commences on Tuesday, the 26th, and continues through to Friday. Stop toiling. Take a rest. Give wife and children an airing. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull*'--man, puts lines of care oq the cheeks he loves, sends him and his ten years too early to their graves. Let up, occasionally. Unbend. Get away from the farm and workshop and be jolly. Why not ? As will be seen by a notice elsewhere, there will be a grand Republican Rally at the Riverside Hall ou Monday eve­ ning next. September 18th, at which time Col.Gteo. H. Harlow, Secretary of State, and other speakers will be pres­ ent and address the meeting. As this is the first Rally of the season it is ex­ pected that every voter will turn out and give these expounders of Republi­ can principles a candid hearing. Col. Horlow is an able and eloquent speaker, and cannot fail to interest all who at­ tend. THE Ringwood Literary Society, have decided to give their first enter­ tainment at the Congregational Church in that village, on Friday evening, September 15th, at which time they will present the Startling Drama of "The Wine Cup," and the laughing Farce of The two T. J's," This enter­ tainment is gotten up entirely by home talent, and no pains have been spared to make it interesting and instructive to all. Remember the evening, Friday. Sept. 15th, and encourage by your presence this home entertainment./ WE have received a copy of the Premium List of the Seventh Annual Fair of the Elgin'Agricultural Society, to be held on the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th of October. The Premiums offered are the most liberal and arrangements are being made to ensure one ot the most successful Fairs ever held by^ the Society. * # ! - ~ ---."i i'V •, ,{*" . As will be seen by a new advertise­ ment in another column, the firm of Gieseler A Evanson has been changed to Lansing A Evanson, John Lansing having purchased a one half interest in said business. The new firm intend to immediately put in a large stock of staple goods,and make their store as complete as any in the county. They are both live, go-ahead men, and will make a good business firm. Read their advertisement. • ,..\;;.-I|«:PUBLICAN CLUB. " * lit ittWSetln g for the purpose of for­ ming a Republican Club for the town of McHeiny, held at the new Hall over Owen's' Warehouse, the following officer» were elected. i Pretrident^-J ames 15. Perry. \ f 4 Vice Presidents--Dn H. T. Brown, J, W. Cristy. •« . * JSecretary--j. Van Slyke, Assistant Secretary--8. D. Baldwin. Treasurer--Henry Colby. Executive Committee--3ames B. Per- ry,H. T. Brown. Smith 'Searles, E. J. Hanley. F. K. Granger. "* The regular meetings of the Club wijl be held on Monday evening of each week, at Republican Headquarters, in the Hall over Owen's Warehouse. THE WAUKEGAN FA IK. The Premium List for the Fourth An­ nual Waukegan Fair and Horse Grow­ ers Association is before us, and by it we learn that the next Fair will be held on the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, Cth, and 7th, of October. The two former meetings of this Fair were not excelled in the State* The most liberal Premiums are offered, making the inducements far ahead of anything offered by Fairs in the North­ west. Their Premiums on Dairy pro. dncts are exceedingly liberal, the First Premium on Butter being $20, As com­ petition is open to the world we hope some of our McHenry county farmers wives wilLcompete for this Premium, Let us show our neighbors of Wauke- gan that we can appreciate their liber­ ality, and not only attend the Fair but compete for the Premiums offered and by a friendly rivalry bring the two counties closer together in the bands of friendship. The officers of the Society are sparing no pains to make it pleas­ ant and profitable for all who attend, and should the weather prove good, we anticipate there will be a good atten­ dance from this section. Remember t|»e day of commencment, Monday Oct 2d. GREENWOOD EDITOR PLAINDEALKR:--As usual we find ourselves destitute of anything of interest to communicate to your readers. Our little town has been un­ usually quiet for the past two weeks, nothing having transpired to disturb the quietness of. our peace loving, law abiding citizens, save the constant agi­ tation of the political sea, whose wa­ ters are continually throwing up mire and filth in ever^/im%inable forin. The recent meeting on board our Re­ publican craft sailing in the 4th Con­ gressional Gulf, is an infalible omen of the destruction of the entire crew. Al­ ready that piratical old Democratic Ilulk with her attendant fleet follow­ ing in her wake, are making for, port. We can plainly discern floating slug- glishly in the breeze, the blood stained Flag of the Rebellion. As she -ap­ proaches, a little craft which has ap­ parently been floating about without sail or compass, is hailed, "Ship ahoy." a faint voice replies, "Independent Reform.'" "Who's your Captain?' "Elder Ringland," "What'syour port ?' "Oh, we're floating; have lost pur com­ pass and know not where to go." "Come 011 board, Elder, we'll take you in." Three cheers for Tilden are given* the Elder is requested to act as Secre­ tary, a new mast is raised and on they sail. Another craft is met and hailed, "Ship ahoy,'" "Split Republicans," "Who's your Captain?" "Wm. Lath- rop. We're stranded. Our capta'n is a quiet, good sort of a man, but lie's no sailor, our compass too is gone." Three times three, again goes up for Tilden and on they sail, and unless our staunch old Republican ship is again put in repair,cthe seventh of Novem­ ber next will find the Democratic fleet safely in port. But what will become, of the Elder's orphans. Fatherless waifs, go home to your Democratic mother. Sail on, but of one thiug we feel assured, notwithstanding the honr orable manner under whicli Hon. Wm. Lathrop received his honorable nomi­ nation, that the voters of the 4th Dis­ trict will loudly and independently express their choice in November next. Mr. L. F. Howard is preparing to put up a ferge barn 44x74. Mr. J. A. Bar­ low has been engaged to do the work. Our directors have secured1 the ser­ vices of a Mr. Stone of Hebron, for the upper department of our school. They have also commenced to repair the lower room. v\ The services of the Rev. Byron Alden have been secured for another year by the Union Society at the Church on the hiU. EVEN* WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER Things in Woodstock have been moist enough to run bv water for the past week; still that has not been the case, as the mo­ tive power has been politics. The talk upon the streets have been of caucus, conventions, Lathrop and- Hurlbut un­ til the row at Elgin. Since that time the excitement has subsided, somewhat, except in the office of the Daily Tea­ pot in Dacy's building. For that or­ gan of no party but its editor, to advo­ cate the nomination of any man. ap­ pears to be fatal, and candidates, if they are wise, will give him a cigar or stick of candy, to hire him, either to keep still or'oppose them. The green­ back ineu won't trust liirii, and tl»«* Democrats think they have a fair show to win, if he can be persuaded into op­ position; but there's no telling what he will do, and his political situation could not be discovered with a calceum light. Austin Badger lost hiR California- gold ring last Friday, and wants some one to find and return it. At the caucus, on Friday evening, Dr.'Xorihrup was made chairman; J. H. Johnson secretary ;> list of twelve delegates to the convention of the ne t day, was selected and the meeting broke up. In numbers the caucus was as large as many that have been held by the domtaaut palrty in the same place. O11 Saturday the long-looked for Union convention assembled pursuant to call, put Calvin Gilbert in the chair, aud chose J. G. Callender and R. D. Coonoy secretaries; appointed a com­ mittee on credentials, and while the committee were out McLean was called ou for a speech, from which he excused himself on account of the fever and ague; saying lie meant to speak but was physically unable to do so. J. B. Lyon being a second time called for took the stand, and as the chairman, in introducing him, said he was candidate for the office of States Attorney, Mr. Lyon said lie did not wish the conven­ tion to understand him as offering him­ self as candidate before that body, but before the people, still he was willing to be nominated by it. He said he had formerly acted with the' Republican party, but this Fall he meant to vote for Tilden and Hendricks, giving his reason for the chauge. He had'not finished his remarks when the commit­ tee reported that fifteen towns were represented, Riley and Hebron not coming to time. The report being adopted Dr. Northrop Informed the chair that an Independent convention was in session in the supervisors room, which asked a committee of conference that the settlement for the marriage of the two might be made. The chair appointed R. Bishop, J. J. Murphy, and F. M. Mead to arraingc for the wedding. After waiting an hour or more, aud dialing that the convention in the other room consisted of not more than twelve cooperates, the Democrats became im­ patient, and the committee brought in their report that the dozen rag baby nurses, calling themselves an Indepen­ dent convention modestly asked that the Democrats should give them one half the Elgin delegation and one of the representatives. The other side offered them one third of the former, and both the latter if they would vote for Tilden, to which they would not agree, and an impatient delegate who thought time enough had been wasted, moved that no delegate or delegates vote in this convention who would not for Tilden and Hendricks, which being curried vociferously the match was broken off and an informal vote taken 011 clerkof&Mrcuit Court, A. L.Salisbhry, receiv ing 56; J. S. Calender, 18; Dwight, 4;. Van Valkenburgh, 12; Short, 17; when tho chair decided that there was 110 choice, as no one had 57, when the fact was that only 107 votes were cast and Salisbury had a majority of three O11 the second ballot Salisbury had 78, and was nominated. Van Curen was nominated foY sheriff on the first ballot securing 83, and J.-B. Lyon for states attorney received 91 out of 107 R. G. Benton was then nominated for coro­ ner. The delegates to the two conven­ tions having been selected the conven­ tion instruct for J. P. Farns- worth, not because it was opposed to hi 111, but because the delegates were opposed to the instruction business, on general principles. Bitzer then made a short speech, when. Bishop, being called upon, went for things in general. The convention was large and enthusi­ astic, and did its business in an orderly manner,but might have done what it did, much sooner if they had had a man in the chair who could put a motion as it was given, or knew how to perform the duty required of him. He is a can­ didate for the legislature, but after witnessing his skill in mixing things in that convention, it is evident that his sphere is behind the hoe, not in the fo­ rum. The greenbackers dominated Dwight, selected their delegates to Elgin and adjourned. While the convention was in session making its political hash the secretary of the Agricultural Society was engaged in getting up a boarding house for those who may attend the fair. Two bidders were present, the Congrega­ tional and the Methodist, Churches, the former bidding fifty and the latter seventy-five dollars, so the Methodist have it and people may as well get ready to shell out when their wagon comes around. SQUEERS. N U N D A . EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Again DO we present our budget of news from Nunda without claiming My thing strange or startling, but rather pride ourselves upon being faithful to our trusts, honest in our dealings, and loy­ al to our country and her free institn- tions. But for fear you might infer that we are all solid for Hayes A Wheeler, let me say that Tilden, and even Cooper, have thei^ abherents in this place. But as far as the currency question is concerned, it has been so long since we have seen any money of any description, that It matters but little whether it be coin, greenbacks, bank notes or anything else, only that it is money, and will satisfy the prin­ ter, the butcher, the baker and the priest. ' Mr. Josiah Walkup has again been stricken down by sickness, and Is at the present writing In a critical condi­ tion. We learn that he was taken with chills which still continue to afiUct him and his recovery is doubtful. Many of the members of the old 95th Regiment assembled at Kayes Park, on the south shore of Geneva Lake, on the 4th inst., in comuiemoratioa of the day the Regiment was mustered into the service, fourteen years ago, and this being the Tenth Annual Re-Uulon en­ joyed by its fortunate members. A regular cajnp was laid out, tents set up (and the stars and stripes thrown to the breeze, which brought vividly to mind .many of the old scenes so familiar to ns when the camp was our home aud the campaign our work shops. But not content to stop here in our reminders, several of the boys busied themselves In firing a cannon that had been pro­ vided, so that the smell of powder to­ gether with the sulphurous smoke and deafening report gave to the Park the appearance of a military camp. But not until the camp fires were lighted and the jests and songs of the merry groups that surrounded them com­ menced, was the likeness complete. We expected to have a gala day Tues­ day, as several excursions were to join ns atgthe Park and take part in our pastimes, but tho day proved to be very unpleasant from the rain that set I11 about midday, which put a stop to all out door exericses. The Boats loaded with the Excursionists arrived about 10 o'clock, but the rain dampen­ ed all our enthusiasm and all were pleased to see the boats returning to take them back. It has been only four or five years since Mr. Kays commenced to open up his Park, yet he has about seventy acres enclosed, which is nicely shaded by the forest trees, and most of it beautifully seeded to grass. He has a niuseum of curiosities seldom found putside of our large cities, and many bther embellshments to the Park to make it attractive and pleasant. He contemplates enlarging his hotel ac­ commodations this fall, in fact hit im­ provements will keep paco with the demands. To sum it all up the boys had a lively time, that will long be re­ membered, and when we adjourned Wednesday, It was to meet in Rich­ mond,, on the 4th day of September 1877. Was it a Clover Huller you wanted? Mr. J. P. Beardsley of this place is ready to seperate your clover seed from the chaff at living rates and satis faction guaranteed. He is an old ma­ chine man, hence he knows just how such work should be done. Shall we have a Hayes and Wheeler Club formed in Nunda. There is much to be done. There has already been much talk In regard to It, but no ac­ tion. Let the Republicans uiove in this matter. TYRO. HEBRON. EDITOR PL.AINDEALER On Saturday Sept. 16,1876, the pupils and friends of Hebron Public School will commemo­ rate the one hundredth year of Ameri­ can Independence with a rpusing Cen­ tennial Exhibition, consisting of dram­ as, dialogues, speeches, song«sr etc., appropriate to the enthusiastic spirit of 1876. Procession will form in front of School House at ^o'clock, A. M., and headed by the Hebron Martial Band, march to the old picnic grounds in John Pierce's grove near tl»e village. All other schools who will, are most cordially invited to come and join with us in the procession. After the exer­ cise at the grove and a sumptuous "76" dinner, there will be varied recreations in the way of croquet, etc., while Blodgett & Rowe will serve the weary and tnirsty with ice cream and lemon­ ade. All agree that Hebron has never been outdone in her annual exhibitions and picnics, and It is hoped we shall hoist her banner still higher in this year ofjubilee. Come one and all, of whatever politics or religion. D. w. SOFBB, Teaeher. Free Ride to Laud Buyer*. Martin's second Excursion to Iowa and Nebraska, Sept. 26th. Choice of three Routes, C. B. & Q., C. A N. W. andC. R. I. & P. Send for Excursion Bill with full particulars to J NO. H. MARTIN. Excursion Agent, C. B. & Q., Land Dept. <S» Clark Street Chicago CLOVER THRESHER. F. WIEDRICK would inform the farmers throughout the County that he is prepared to thresh Clover or Shell Corn, having one of the best machines in the market. For information ad­ dress, F. Wiedirck, Woodstock, 111, "Go to E. M. Owen for Plows.. Announcement. Owing to the persistent urgency of many friends, in various parts of the county, who feel outraged, at the re­ sult of the convention on Saturday last, at which instructions were violated, and other things done which are neither to the credit nor advantage of sound Republicanism; I have to-day, consented to enter the contest for the office of Circuit Clerk, regardless of the decision of that convention. And in this behalf I would ask all my friends throughout the county, to give my case a fair consideration, and then cast their vote and their influence for right and justice, on whichever side they may seem to lie. JOSIAH DWTOHT. Woodstock, Aufif. 29th, 1876. To the Uiiectors of McHenry County. Believing that officers for the admin­ istration of justice, should be independ­ ent of, and have no official favors to reciprocate with politicians, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of States Attorney. If elected. I shall discharge the duties of the office impartially and conscientiously to the best of my ability. JOHN B.LYON. Harvard. 111., Jiilv 22 1876. TO T«B PUBLIC. In making our bow before- the buying public of McHenry and vicinity, we would respectfully represent that our constant aim shall be to have the wel­ fare of our patrons at heart and always endeavor to advance their interest for mutual benefits. The knowledge ac­ quired in trade by many years expe­ rience, both In this county and else­ where, will enable us fully to compete with any retail house in this part of the county, which fact we propose to show to our customers in quality and prices of our goods. We believe in one price to all, making no distinction or allowing 110 special preference be­ tween any mau's^money. We also be­ lieve in conducting our business upon Ccuh bouis or its equivalent, thereby avoiding all bad debts or giving the cash buyer the real advantage^ of a cash system", as experience teaches that a five dollar note in greenbacks will buy more goods than the same amount on credit, which every sound thinking Individual must acknowledge. We would also in connection herewith state, that our old goods have recently been reduced to prices that will insure a speedy sale and our new arrivals will always be sold at lowest market quo­ tations. The few items herein set- forth we shall strictly adhear to. HenCe we would respectfully solicit an exam­ ination of our Goods and prices, assur­ ing those, who may favor us with their patronage, that our Goods will be rep­ resented as they really are and sold at one price to all. LANSING 4k BV ANSON. Business notices* PArit Jan in abandonee at Stevens. Go to E. X. Owen for Pampe, Croquet Sets from one dollar O.W, Owen's. fBUlTJARS. J All sisesf at L. Stodd»riA» Go andse« the piles of new Go6d» being received daily at P. D. Smith's* at SmithBros. old stand. T ICE CREAM at R. A. Howard's taurant, near the Depot. Tne>daptp Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. SALT! SALT! Fresh Salt for sale at onr WarehoMM at $1.60 per Barrel. SMITH & SMYIMH$ A bran new Organ at O. W. Owen's for *100. Dress Goods of- all kinds and at cos to please, at Bncklln & Stevens'. Best thing in Plows. Call and see^ K. M.OWBJT ' A Aill line of Clothing at Buckiiti 4k Stevens'. A full suit from #6,50 up. \ One two-seated Democrat Wagon for sale cheap. O. W. OWEN. = If you want any kind of Farm ImpSe* ments or repairs call on E. M. Owen. . The Blanchard and Emmett Churns, the best in the market. For Sale by O. BISHOP. Forsyth's Hay Scales, Counter Scales and Portable Platform Scales, for Sale by O. Bishop. POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERS'. The best in the market at gLi Stod­ dard's A NEW THING. "Double chain, Ingrain beats them Smith's. all. For sale at P. M. Selz & Co.'s Boots and Shoes, warranted to give perfect satisfaction, at Bucklin A Steveus'. « A splended Piano to Rent on reason* able terms. McHenry 111. Jan. l«h, WW.0, W* OW**' Remember that Bucklin A Stevens offer their goods at the very lowest living prices, and pay Gash for Batttr and Eggs. HATS! HATS! A cart load just received at Boddbl A Stevens', at very low prices. Elegant patterns of Notingham Car- tain Lace from 20 cts., and upwards. Also a new invoioe of Wall papor aad window shades, at very low prices. - P. D. SMITH, DRESS GOODS. New and desirable shades 111 BUM Plaids, Mohairs, Melanges, Alapaoaa. at P. D. Smith's. CLOSING SALE FOR THE SEASON. In order to make room for their Fall and Winter purchase. Bucklin A Stevens propose to offer their Summer Goods for the next 80 days at a bargain Good Prints at 6. and 6 cents per yard. Dress Goods from 15 cents per yard up. Pant Linen at less than cost- Summer Shawls at prices to close. Hamburgh Edgings at greatly reduced prices. Ladies Hose from 10 cents per pair up. Mens Summer Coat? from 60 cents up. Clothing at rednced price, and in fact all kinds of Goods at such prices as cannot fall to sell them. The highest market prloe for Butter. Eggs and Poultry. ' Call on them and see for yourselves. No trouble to show goods whether they sell or not Aug. 1st 1876. * TO THE PUBLIC. All persons knowing themselves in­ debted to the firm of Blake A Bro., are requested to call and settle the same in the next ten days, as I wish to dose all outstanding accounts. JOHH BLAKE, Surviving Partner Blake & Bro. Particular Notice. All persons indebted to me, either by Note or Book account are hereby noti­ fied to call and settle che same on or before Oct. 1st, and thereby save costs. A word to the wise is sufficient, and I mean business. L. FRANCISCO. McHenry, Sept. 4th, 1876. WOOL! WOOL! I a£n now iu the market prepared to pay the highest market price for Wool. Those having good marketable Wool will find it for their interest to call and see me. F. K GBAKOEB. McHenry, Ill> July 5th 1870- A New Hair Tonic Worth Having. It is the best. Wood's Improved Hair Restorative is unlike any other, and has 110 equal. The Improved has new vegetable tonic properties; re­ store grey hair to a glossy, natural color; restores faded, dry, harsh and falling hair; restores, dresses, gives vigor to the h»ir; restores hair to pre­ maturely bald heads; removes dandruff, humors,scaly eruptions; removes Irri­ tation, itching and scaly dryness. No article produces such wonderful effects. Try it, call for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don't be put oil with any other article. Sold by all drug­ gists In this place and dealers every­ where. Trade supplied at manufact­ urers prices by C. A. Cook A Co., Chi-r^11,.tw The new American Sewing Machine* the best in the market. They are war­ ranted in every particular, run easier, and make less noise. Call and see them. O. W. Owen, Agent. Volo Cornet Band* Are now prepared to fnmMi maris for Picnics and Pleasure Parlies to the Lakes or elsewhem un the most reason­ able Terms. Address ¥oki Cofnet Band, Volo, IB. FLAX SEED WANTES*. One Hundred Thousand Bushels of Flax Seed wanted, for which the High­ est Market Price will be paid >Ir SMlu by Smith & Snyder. • • McHenry, Aug. 21st 1876. It is the universal testimony that the Rochester aud Buffalo Boots and Shoes, for which we are the sole agents In this village, are relatively the best and cheapest in the market. Give them u trial. P. D. SMITH. FOB SALE. I have oholce Village Lots aud aero Property, In and adjoining the Village of McHenry, that has heretofore been held out of market, which I am now selling to those who will build and improve, on very reasonable terms. KK.OWH. F. BEST of the McHenry Bakery now makes regular trips asr follows: Ringwood and Richmond Mondays and Thursdays, Volo aud Waueonda, Tues­ days and Fridays. We can assure oar reader* in the above named places that Mr. Best is a first class Baker, and will' deliver at their doors anything they may want in the line of Bread, Pies Cakes, etc., on the days mentioned. FOR SALE. A House and Lot in the Village of Richmond, favorably situated near the business centre of the village, with a good cistern and well, a large, well-fin­ ished barn, well located for Livery and Sale Stables. Terms, a part cash, bal­ ance secured by mortgage. For parti­ culars address or call on D. A. POTTER, p. M., Richmond, IlL Republican Senatorial ami Repreaentattvot District Convention. The Republicans of McHenry and Lake Counties are requested to send delegates to the Republican Senatorial and Representative District Conven-. vention, to be held at the Riverside House, McHenry, on Saturday »he 16th day of September next, at 1 o'clock P. M., to put In nomination one candidate to represent us in the Senate a ad two in the House of Representatives. Tbo ratio of representation will be one dal- Sate for everv 130 votes cast for tho Republican Presidential Electors in 1872 as follows: McHenry county cask 2,895 votes and is entitled to 22 dele- gates. Lake county cast 2,244 votes andl i eafciiled to 17 delegates. 4 EV E. THOHAS I J. A. BATBD, I J. L. TI RNKRK . }Qwusittea»ltr:i, 4. STEARNS, & K. BARTHOLOMEW, i^rlfisa&S** , A*. ago. Sole Agents lofiWe and Canada, and ail Wholesale ^ ' I^HINE FOR wheel * th and Canada and gists f the best et for half prico^ the Maohia%

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