Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1876, p. 8

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^ THE OIJJ MAN THAT «>OJ£8 TO SCHOOI* - '4 t ; . *a t know I'm too old to learn, wife; my lessons and tasks arc don*; Thp dews of life's evenbT glisten in the »et- ... tin' sun; • y!§!%the grave by the side of my they'll carry me soon away; But I wanted to see liow the world had grown BO I hobbled to school to-day. > J, y riftaldn't have told 'twas a school IWttiSJ It . towered up to the skies; '"billed on the noble structure till dimmer . grew these old eyes. Xfy thoughts wont bx ck to the log house^-the school house of long ago, ' Where Istudied and romped with the fflWtjr '•iv*- hoys who sleep where the daisies grow. -f .lWis started ou t of my dreamln' by tin ton es >•..<*&£ of a monstrous bell; Of these ears that are grow la' deaf the sweet , notes rose and fell. t ittered the massive door, and sat in A prof­ fered phair-- Jinold man wrinkled and gray, in the midst of the young and fair. fl.ike a garden of bloomin* rosea, the school- ; " room appeared to me-- . children were all so tidy, their fitces so full of jrloe. They stared at me when I entered, then broke o'er the whisperijv'rule, And said, with a smile to each other, "the old man's a comin' to sfchooL" ' :iiiea the country here was new, wife--When • I was a scholar-lad, (loir readm' and w r i t hi' a ndspelUn' were 'bout all the studies we had. We cleared UQ the farm through the summer, then traveled through woods and snow. To the log house in the openin'--the school house of years ago. Hotr boys go to school in a palace, and study -hard Latin and Greek; They are taught to write scholarly essays: they arc drilled on the,stage to speak; ^hey go into the district hopper, but come - out of the college spout; Attd t!iis is the way the schools of our land are griudin' onr great men out. Ltt 'em grind! let 'em grind, dear wife I the world needs the good and the true; Let the children out of the old hoase and trot s 'em into the new. I'll cheerfully pay my taxes, and say to this age of mine, All aboard! all aboard! go ahead if yon leave the old men behind! Our system of common schools is the nation's glory and crown; • Mity the arm be palsied ever, that is lifted to tear it down! If bigots cannot endure the light of our grow- in* skies, Let them go to oppression's shores, where Liberty bleeds and dies. I'm glad I've been to-day to the new honsef large and grand; With pride I think of my toils in this Liberty. lovin' lan>i; I've seen a palaee^rlse where the old log school house stood, And the'gardens of beauty bloom whoip the shadows fell in the wood. TO the grave by the side of my father, they'll • carry me soon away; Then I'll go to a higher school than the one I've see to-day, Where the Masterof masters teacheth--where the scholars never grow old-- From glory to glory I'll climb to the beautifu college of gold. A SURE CURE FOR DIARRHCEA. This is to certify that after coming home from California to my family in Chi^go 1 was taken with a diarrhoea. 1 tried evervthingthat. was recommen­ ded to me (j>"t did me no good) for over five year.*, until I got two bottles of F. Marcus' Bitters which completely cured me. Robert Forrest,Peter Blane and others can testify the above to be true and no humbug. I have proved It to be equally as good for billions com­ plaints. It.strengthens and invigorates the whole system, carries oft' the bile, and give.* warmth to the chilled vein* of both old and young. It is the best bitters I ever used. JOHN PEHMAK SfeK. Town of Seneca, McHenry County, State of Illinois. Subscribed and sworn before me this S8th day of September 1875. K. BALDWIK J. p FOUNDRY AND iue Mi VOLO, ILLJ » ' -a • * . . . . t .',i't if < » i , > < < » , i* -y. f «/ t V - I . V M * ' . F . 4 i t " s < ' 1# 'V- ,* ^ ̂ x-n ie» 1 \i >1 <jj£. <-3* ;%.»• w i. prowbars, Mauls, i'i , • • • • • forks, Rakes, Hi »!•..# A' \Wi r|& . .si-v- l «cs . • SHOVELS, HOES, anda Full Line of SlBlf Hardware. We have a large Stock & Pans, Pails, Line of Tinware of all kinds. Milk Cans,an<J a Full ALSO SCBEEN WIRE, CLOTHES WRINGER! In fact everything you watit feg~Call and examine. McHenry, 111., April*3d, 1878. and at VERY BOTTOM PRICES; No trouble to show Goods. JOHN M. SMITH. MILLINERY -AND- 'Dress IMf aklng! Mrs. S.A.BEID East Side Public Sqnarcw "WOODSTOCK, 1 X.L1NOIS. Keeps constantly on hand the latest styles of Millinery Goods of all kinds, Embroidery, Combs, Collars, Ties, Veils, all colors, Wed­ ding Hats, Crape Hats, and domestic Patterns of all kinds. Dresses Cut and Fitted In the latest style and made if desired at very low rates. We also have a New Style Of Ladies Cloaks! To which we invite the attention of the Ladles We are also Agent for the celebrated NORTHWESTERN ORGAN Which speaks for itself! sold. Call and see. I will not be under Mrs. 8. A. REID. Woodstock, Oct. 18th, 1875. van PAPER is ON PIUS wxnx -$3gy Royjj Whattidmtbiog Cou tracts can be ms*** LAtJER & BECKER, It Parker House Block, MCHENRY, - - ILLINOIS 0 • The snbscribers are now prepared, with a Siock of Firje Cloths of all Kinds, To make to order Coats, Pants, Vests or en­ tire Suits, on short notice and on the moat Reasonable Terms. *9~Goo<l Fits Warranted. Guaranteed and all Work We also Keep a Full Line of Ready - Made Clothing, FURNISHING ROODS, Hats, Caps, &c., Which will be sold as Low as at any estab­ lishment in the County. We liaveeoine liere to stay, and respectfully ask u share of public patronage, pledging our­ selves to do our best to please all who may give us a call. Clothes Cleaned in the beat of manfcer and on short notice.* LAUER & BECKEB. McHenry, July 25th, 1876.# A . R E I D , HENRY COLBY, Ales, Gale & Co., Proprietors. The undersigned have jnst started a Fonn- drv and Machine Shop, and are now prepared to do all kinds ot Casting for Machinery, on ahort notice and in the best of manner. We also manufacture the celebrated Gale Wind MILL Repairing of all kinds done promptly an<L satisfaction Guaranteed. « Threshing Machines repaired on short n< tice. Orders solicited. V , T„ , , AXXE8, GALE ft CO. Voln, 111., July 5th W76. NOTICE. 50,000 lbs. of Wool Ml! --AT THE- --DEALBB IK-- Dm Mis, PAINTS, OIJJSk Painters Brushes, Dye Stuffs &CT Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. STATIONERY. "VTe/liavefalfine Stock of Cap, Bill, Note and llourn in JPaper, which we are selling very Cheap. A«ilne .assortment of the latent Styles Box nd Fancy Papers, constantly on hand. All Goods Warranted AM representedjand Satisfaction Guaranteed. Patronage Solicited. H. COLBY. McHenry, July 27th, 1875. 1ANESVILLE WOOLEN MILLS NORTH MAIN STREET. THE subscribers wish to inform their patrons and everybody tjiat they will manufac­ ture their Wool into good substantial Cassi- inere.,, D >eski»s, Flannel and Stocking Yarn, on shares or by the yard or j>oiind, on satisfac torv terms; or will buy their Wool and pav the" highest market price, and sell them goo!l -.substantial Casximeres at $1.00 per yard, and fill other go<»ds at the same rate. Will pav halt cash on good Jine lots, not too small. Will |»av Express charges on all lots of Wool of 50 |xihuds or more and return the goods free ot fharge. Wit I card their Wool into rolls for Be Jner |x»und: also card Wool the same day when 1>rouu:lit fro in a distance, if possible. Will idresH their cloth on the usual terms. Carpets washed; price Scents per yard, Pinners, pa­ tronize home industry. IN exchange for Goods, --DEALER IK-- Boots & Slioes WOODSTOCK, ILL., Has determined to give his customers the BEST VALUE for their MONEY to be oh- tained any where in the County. In order to do who has Reduced His Prices! Materially, and opened a Beautiful Stock of the most desirable new styles of LADIES AND GINTS SHOES, He is confident of his ability to satis­ fy and please all those who will take the trouble to call and inspect his PERRY & MARTIN mi P % , ^ • - » i - - J , yir ' • t,W >•' fli J- *•* Goods and Prices. Remember the place, East Side Public Square, Woodstock. A. REID. Woodstock, 111., May 30th, 1876. JUST RECEIVED. A full Stock of Boots & Shoes For the Spring & Summer trad« which I can and will sell at prices that DEFY Competition. •S^ALL GOODS Warranted as repre­ sented. CALL and C. At P. W. BLAKE'S, OPPOSITE PERRY & MARTIN'S STORE McHenry, in. mw-j rPM- '•'> ^ . _ , M. t'A fs" ' AA" VV ts and Slioesf Hats Groceries of all Kinds, Crockery Glass-Ware, FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, And in short, a First Class Stock of General Merchandize. We are constantly receiving new Goods of all kinds, and buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live in this neck of the woods. Our LARGE AXD CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We always guarantee our goods to be what they are represented to be and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and hence cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor to ask enormous profits on our goods. We intend to " Live and Let Live! And while we are grateful to a gefterous public for their patronage in time past, we hope to merit the same in the.future. figipGIVE US A CALL .and we will show you our Goods aud use you well whether you buy of us or not. McHenry, 111., July 27th, 1875. PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & ferotlier. E. M. OWEN, AGENT FOR ALL LEADING f UIH HACEINMI Among which can be found the Bertrand & Sames Celebrated Sulky Cultivator, That Stands without a Rival. Also several other Leading Cultivators. BAYLIES. GREAT Mercantile ColU-irc, Kooknk, Iowa, on the Mississippi. Prof. Wm. H. Miller (jen«5ral Manager. Nineteenth year. Ahout sixty dollars pay all expenses, for Membership lloara anil Stationery, liookkeepers, Penman, ltenorters, Operators, Architects, Surveyors ami Teachers thoroughly lilted. English branches free. Free Lectures hy eminent Orators, t ree Festivals with lirass Band in College Hall. Free furnished rooms for self ixMirding, Telegraphing free. Short hand writing tree Good Itoarding clubs and family iMiard. Railroad fare deducted. Immense business in Keokuk. No vacation. Address Baylies College, Keokuk, Iowa. State where you saw this advertisement, There's Millions in It. What? Why, in Buying Your Wanted,--' Wool-Grease, Tallow nnd Wood, for which the highest price will be F. A. WHEEL Junesrli^ WUs., May 30th, lgjfc TFhe Pearl Gang Plow has no equal. For sale by L. Francisco. Shop opposite the Parker House. ' L. Stoddard, IN HOWE'S BLOCK, McHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS HAS Just received a largo and well selected stock of Hats Caps, Boots and Shoes, NOTION S, Groceries, &e., Which be is offering to the buying public At Prices to Suit the Times. *S"My stock of Hats and Caps comprises the latest styles, and will be sold low for Cash ot Ready Pay. CALL AND SEE. L. STODDARD. McHenry, 11L, May SOth, Apicultiral Iigleieits'l --OF-- L . F R A N C I S C O , Opposite the Parker Houj: McHENRY, Chicago. & North-W Passengers for CHICAGO, Detroit, Toledo Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Pittsburg. Cincinnati, Rochester, Albany. Toronto, Mon> ts^ai, Quebec, Povtlam'. Bost n, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore, 8t. Louis. Cairo, San Francisco. Sacramento. Off- oen, isait Lake City. T>enver, Council lilisff# Sioux City, St. Paul, Marquette, Esc4inal»a, Me' nftHlin, Miulison, Cheyenne, Omaha, Yankton. Winona, Dnlu tli, Green Bay, Milwaukee, and all points isorth, West, South and East, sixottld bay their tickets via. the Chicago ft 'North-Weitem Kailwaj. Close connections are made at Chicago wttll the J^ake Shore & Michigan Southern, Michi- gan Central, naltiinore & Ohio, PittsburK Sort Wayne & Chicago, Kankakee Line and Pan Handle Koutes, for all points EAST SOUTH-EAST, and with the Chicago & Alton ali'l Illinois {'sr.t!"! for all jwinisSinJi n, Close connections are also made with the Union Pacilic It. R._at Onuihu lor all far West points. Close connections are made at junc­ tion points with trains of all cross road$t Pullman Palace Oars. These celebrated cars are frnn on all' night tmins on all the lines of this read.' 1^, This is the ONLY LINE running these cars between Chicago and St. Paul or Chicago and Milwaukee, , * At Omaha our Sleepers connect with the Overland Sceepers on the Union Pacific Rail. Wild, for all points west of the Missouri River. Among the t Mimrnli offered tiy this Route to the traveling public are all the modern im- Srovenients: Rock and Gravel Ballasted Track, tool ltail, Uock and Iron Bridges. Parlor and ' Drawing Hoom Dav Coaches, Smoking and Lounging Cars, 'Westinghouse Safty Air Brakes, Miller's Patent Safety Coupling and Platforms, Speed, Safety and Absolute Oom. fort. Running through Five Great States. and operating over 2,000 miles of road, this Company presents to the traveler facilities that AUfc NOT and CANNOT be offered by The Peerless Reaper and Mower, the Walter Wood Reapers and lowers, the Meadow King And the Warrior Mowers, All of which are first class machines and sold on Reasonable Terms. |^PAlso the celebrated Kenosha and Racine Pumps, Hay Carriers, orse Forks, &c. o Prices Low and Favorable Terms. CASH AND CLOSE BUYERS are invited to inspect stock and com­ pare Quality and Prices, as I will not be undersold in the same qual­ ity of Machinery in Mu -.enry Count}\ E. M. OWEN. Mcenry, 111., June 7th, 1876. Competitor, All tickets agents can sell this route. a uf you tickets via If you wislf the best traveling acconinioda« lions, you will buy your tickets oy this route. and will take no other. INOIS. He !is selling the celebrated Union Corn Planter, the One and Two Horse Champion Cultivator, the Best Gang Plow in the Mar­ ket, Carr, Scott & Co.'s Threshing Machines, the celebrated two- wheeled \ Kirby Reaper and Mower, The IAiproved MEADOW LARK MOWER, and other first class Machfnery. The Kirby Reaper and Mower is now acknowledged to have no equal, and will be sold as low as any other flrst class Machine in the Market. BW& Hemember 1 will not be undersold when first class in com petition. Call at my Shop and examine Machines and leavn Prices. L. FRANCISCO* McHenry, May 10th, 1876. MABVIN HUGHITT General Supt. W. H. STIKNETT, Gen'l I'asse: ger Agent For President in 1876: THE HAH WHO GETS THE HOST VOTES. And the Man who gets t;he MOST GOODS for his money, buys of L. > J(SUCCKSSOB TO Ot. G. ITIIOMFSON,) NUNDA, - - ILLINOIS Largest Stoci Best Assortment, LOWEST PRICES. The Stock is New and Large, Consists of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Choice Groceries, &c., &c. WGive me a Call and Save Your Money, by guying Goods ClieJip. L. ROTHGERBEH. Nnnda, 111., Nov. SOth, 1875. J . S T O B Y -DEALER IN-- Shelf and Heavy Hardware , STOVES TINWARE, ME CIIA NICS' TOOLS,\ FAB MING IMPLEMENTS,' CLOTHES WRING EM* j WHICH WILL BE SOLD L O W E R THAN USUAL PRICES! Now is the time to purchase, and save mon­ ey. I believe that I can furnish good goods at as low prices, as anyone in the county. Alffo keep on hand a fnll Stock of BUILDING PAPER, such as Plain Board, AVsiter Proof, Iron Coated and Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpet Lining. KAWL AND SEE ! Promptly attondedjto. J. STCRY. Opposite Owens MI'l. H. MAI MAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. WAUCONDA, Lake Countyf - - - Illinois* Has Just received the Largest and Best Stock of Cloths, Cnssimcres, Fancy Vestings, and also Clothing of all kinds, ever bronght to this Market. Mens', Youths and Boys Suits of all grades and prices. I am pre par eo to Suit you in Ready-Made Clothing Suit you to Order. « Suit you in Price. Suit you in Style. Suit von 011 Fit. YOIBS TUt'LY, H. MAIMAN. Wanconda, 111., April 2Sth,187«.

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