Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Sep 1876, p. 1

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" ;tr* i "IT. "k"\ *:.,;• '• '• *• • -fc f # . -- " l i ; - ' . . . » *V "* *'•». * * *• .. . ^ ,; :':** t»K£V *t**-" -5 mm# *>, i a *# i . t . .V ? - J 'ese No Favors Win uc snd no Fear Shall Awe." Pledged bH| (o Truth, to DNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1876. M«RY, NO. 9. motion was adopted. Proceedings oi the Biipervliprs, McHenry BUSINESS CARDS Published Every Wednesday by ?,7 , -^IWITOR AND PUBLISHER. Office in Riverside Block, Over Smith Bro*. •% Go.'s Store. r ... #®8m4^or; ,strBse^r"nwr;1^ . rt»» Tear, (in If not Paid within Three Mentha,.....,..,.8 00 fiibscriptions received for three or isijc months §p the same proportion^ "• m, , BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROW3£, M. H>. ) t>BYSIClAN ami Surgeon. q«oe in Brick lljUfirk over F. G. Mwcs Clothing Store ) UFater Street, McHenry III J5. A. BEERS M. D. -T>HT»tCt A w and Surgeon. Office at residence, tl two doors west of Post Office, McHenry III. • 1 :V./M Q. d, HOWARD, M D. (iraA*an<lSurg?i>n= Office tfc® store ofHoward *Son, McHenry, 111. ,. .:. - " . • ,; i • ---h---aHr~'**^r^ F.J. BARBIAN. * 4 ^ CIGAR Manufacturer, McHenry'ilL ^als-tory No. 171. Orders solicited. * RICHARD BISHOP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office in rear of Mnrphv & Bishop's Bank North Side Public Square, Woodstock, IlL GEO. A. BUCKLIN, OTAltY PUBLIC, Conveyancer and tn- surance Agent, Office at Bticklin 4fc Steven'^ Store, near the Depot, McHenry, 111. R. E. RICHARDS. AS a complete Abstract of Titles to land xx in McHenrv County, Illinois. Office with County Clerk, Woodstock. 111. ROBT. WRIGHT, : ! Manufacturer of'OHStom Hade Boots an®' Shoes. Non# but the best of material used and ail work warranted. Shop Northwest corner Public Square, Mcllonry, 111. PR. HKOIFTLE. HOUSE, Slcro and Carriage Painter, McHen­ry 111. Will do all work promptly twi &t reasonable latps, ... E. M. OWBIK, . ; ENBRAL Dealer and Manufacturers, Agent in Loading Farm Machinery.- Prices low and Terms 'favorable. MCHENRY, - . ^ . ILLINOIS. l xi S GEO. SCHREINER. ALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite the Parker House, McHenry 111. WFirat-Class Billiard and1 Pool Tables. J. BONSLETT, SALOON and Restaurant. Nearly oppoeite Owen's Mill, MoHenry, IlL Fresh Oysters «erved up in any shape desired, or tor sale by the Can. ISTGOOP STABLING FOR HORSES, jt* •• TiV,'w:^' ? "r.. JOTWIEDEMAKST. v , v * (C^ALObN and Wsstaunvnf, Near the 'Depfet w Ifa'Hepty- JU^& JSflaBie?'8 .fay *be moals at all hours. WGood StaMinj? for Horses, MCHENRY LIVERY STABLE. H. E. WIGIITMAN, Proprietor. First class rljca, with or without drivers, furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds done on shon notice. B W. W. ELLSWORTH. REEDEKo the Celebrated Magle Ho*. E. BENSTBTT, M. D., CURGEON and Accoucber. Diseuet Pk Wnmi»n ft Siwldltr OfflrAftV)^ on Clay Street, Wowislock, III, s W. H. BUCK, M. a, TTOMEOPATHIC PhvticUn and Sarweo*,-- XI Office Elist Side Pnratlc S»iuare, wood- stock, IlL Office hours II to IS A. M., and 9 to 4 P. M. , W, H. SANFORD, 3torcliant Tailor. lit the store ofGE Dickinson, Saat Public gqua**!, . •* XW&'* WOODSTOCK, ILL. ; ; A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al­ ways on band. Salts made to order ana s fit warranted. Give me a call. I W. H. SANFORJ&. Woodstoek lll., Sept. *7th, ISTft. oeficdinwfr iwcfty io/o« 1 r Home, Sweet Home t"? A comraodldtis one within thrli Ro­ utes walk of the Public Square, DoYou want OmOkeap? For which you can pajr In monthly or yearly Installments, or in one payment as you choose. By adding a small per cent to the monthly rent you are now paying. In a few years you can have a home of your own, by applying tp ̂ ;ASA W. SMITH, P. M., . ̂ - . Woodstock, 111. Waukegan Cigar Manufactory, E. M. DENNIS, Proprietor. Manafecturer and Whole«U*]>ea1«^n> CIGARS, TOBACCO, -AND- Pipes of Every Description. i- • 65 GENESEE STJlEET| a/T. '.V< WAUKEGAN, I1X. O. W. OWEN* WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, MCHENRY ILL., ' Dealer ln all kinds of American Aaft, Swiss Watches, Clocks from the best factories in the country. Silver, plateclware, Silver Spoons, Ac., • ALSO AGENT FOR THIS Weber and Bradbury Pianos AND THE Estey Org-ail ! Which we believf to be the best * the Bes1 Musicians in the World. I also sell other Organs at less prices than the Estey, bat oan't raccommend them to be as good. . O.W.OWEN. July 23. _ Also Li;rht And Dark Brahma Fowls. Pigs shipped to all points by express. P. O. Ad­ dress, Woodstock, 111., ROBERT MURFITT, AWATCH-MAKERofl8years experience, has located at T Niin»la, and will give his atten­ tion to tho Repairing of Clocks, Watches, &c. Shop in Watson A Co.'s Drug Store. AH Work > Warranted. ^ ^ ^j 1>I;TER LEICKEM. REPAIRS Watches, Clocks and Jcwelvv of all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the best possible manner, on short notice and at rea­ sonable rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop first door North of Riverside Block, McHenry III. McHENItY HOUSE. McHenry, 111. John Karges Proprietor. Centrally located and the best of accom­ modations furhUhed. Charges reasonable. RICHMOND HOUSE. RICHMOND ILLINOIS. Frank Foster Pro. prietor. Good accommodations for all E'tiiis. Sainplerooms for Salesmen. Livery ble attached. Public Hall for Lectures, >ws &c., The McHenry Brewery.. King & Herbes, Proprietors. THE best of Beer Shipped to any part of the country and warranted as represented.-- Orders solicited and promptly attended to. FRED. RENICH, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, --AND-- '** WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. PATENTS. Persons desiring to take out Patents, or de­ siring information from the U. S. Patent Office should consult F, A LEHMANN,SOLICITOR OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PATENTS, Washington, D. C. Examinations free. NO PATENT NO PAY. Send for Circular. For Sale. The undersigned offers for Sale, tne Brick Store on Water Street, in the village of McHenry, now occupied by Mrs. C. H. Morey, as a Mililncrv Store. It is 14x35, the flipper story beinjr finished off asa residence. TEKMS BKASONAW.E. Inquire of C. H. MOBEY McHenry, III. Nov. 1st 1875. THE OWENS Fos River Valley Mills. H. D. LUFF, Proprietor. McHenry - * - - Illinois. IT nn iiiur CONSTANTLY ON HAND. CUSTOM GRINDING Done promptly, and satisfaction guaranteed Thankful for past favors a continuance of patronage is respectfully solicited. flfg"Tlie Highest Market Price in Cash for good Milling Wheat. H. D. LUFF, Successor to Owen Bros. RE - OPENED. The Riverside House, McHENBY, ILL. The undersigned having leased tho above Hotel for a term of vears, newly Furnished and Re-fitted it in the best of manner, has opened it For the accommodation of the Traveling Public, and all others who may favorhim with a calL This House is beautifully situated on the banks of the Fox River, and but a short distance from the Steamlwat Landing. Two Steamboats run ilailv to Fox and Pistacjna Lakes, a few miles above, the best Hunting and Fishing Grounds in the Northwest. Large and airy Apartments forjfenjilies during the Summer. Bouts and Oarsmen furnished at Reasonable Rates. Free Biss to anil from tie Cars. No pains will be spared to promote the com* fort of guests, and from a lonjr experience in the business I flatter myself that I can^p 1 ease the most fastidious. iir\ (iOOD LIvtRY IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOL&E. O"hoarders by the Day or Week on the most Reasonable*Term8. JACOB WEBER, Proprietor. Farm For Sale. THE undersigned offers for sale his farm in the Town of Greenwood, consisting of 240 acres of first class la nd, under a.good state of cultivation, well watere^, prairie and jfood Timber adjoining, good buildings, Fruit in good variety, in fact everything constituting a good farm. Will l>e divided if desired. Terms very low. Inquire on the premises of GEO. H. GAKKIBON. Greenwood III. April 18th, 1876. Good dress Prints, fast colors, only 6 cts., per yard, at P. D. Smith's. U Th« Hon. Board of Supervisors of Henry county met at their room in Couft House on Tuesday, Septein 12th, 1876. Called to orderby the el The roll being called the follow members responded to their namcs^ wit; Supervisors Searlea, Goodrij Patrick, Thompson, Owoney, Pars Gilbert,« Wood, Jorlyr., <1 rison, Brown, Foot©, Coolly, SIB Peek,and Dike. ^ The chairman being abseilt, on Mon of Supervisor Parsons, Sapervt* Garrison way elected chairman for If session. . Several bills were received and ferred to the committee on claims, 5 Mrs. Eliza Bote ford catne before the Board and stated the loss of two conn- _ ty orders of 9300 each--numbers 333^ ahd 312. for thi the question of funding our county stallinent at the rate of 7 per cent anally until the entire debt of tbeetua- ty Is paid. R. M. PATBICK] , M. L. JOM.T# I J.«. CobLET r0on»BalW#® J motion of Supervisor Parsons, In- in- terest was referred to committee finance. On motion of Supervisor Joslyn the Treasurer was instructed in calling county orders for redemption to call each 8th order, commencing at the lowest number. The committee to whom was refer­ red the question of the amount of fuel necessary lor county use, presented the following report, which on motion was adopted to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS 1 >80 McHenry County ) Board of Supervisors, September term, Sep. 13th 1876. To the Honorable Board of Supervisor* of MtHenry County. Your committee lo whom was referr­ ed the question of the amount of fnel necessary for the Court House, The report of expenditures poor, by Z. E. Goodrich,supervisor ai TT_ ..... , <r„., poor master of the town of Marengiitaherrill's office, &c, beg leave to report was received, rend and placed on tile. 'f *.s follows; Two petitions were presented from 1 That since about the first of December K011 da to devide said town making J last there has been purchased and paid two voting places in said town. I for by the purchasing agent eleven On motion of Supervisor Joslyn these J tons of coal and forty-live cords of wood, petitions were referred to a commlttee;|Of the latter there are about fourcord9 of three consisting of Supervisors Ped^finow 011 hand. The coal is all consumed. Parsons, and Dike. ^jpTonr committee are of the opinon, con- Motion made by Supervisor GoodrioijPeidering the number of stoves to be that the bounty on old wolves be fJiJ^uplied, the condition of the jail and and on young wolves 93. Amended bf J Supervisor Joslyn that the bounty ©1 young wolves be 05. Amendment carried. Motion as amended carried. Motion made that the bounty 01 foxes be abolished. Motion lost. Board adjourned to meet to-morrow . morning, 9 o'clock a.m. WEDNESDAY, 2 P.M. Meeting called to order by ofcalralan. Roll called, all present ^except S per visor Digging. The proceedings of the previous^ Mciienrv Countv meeting were read and approved. The following report of the commit­ tee on roads and bridges was read, and on motion adopted: To the Honorable Board qf Supervimrs of McHenry County: Your Committee on Roads* find Bridges would report that fchey* have examined the road warrants «of t!»« different towns in McHenry county and report as follqpA. , , *. f "" Correct;.. 1||| »w«^» to Dunham t. rat ton Hartland Hebron Seneca Coral Chemung Algonquin Burton McHenry 13 17 a Alden not returned Your committee would recommend that the Couuty Clerk receive all road warrants that may be returned by the first of October 1876. All of which is respectfully submitted. SAMUKL W. BROWK,' C. F. DTKK, J. H. Oooi.ET, Committee. CALVIN GILBERT, R, D. COONET The Committee on Claims presented the following repoit which on motion was adopted. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) >08 McHenry County ) Mr. Chairman and Gentleman of the Board oj Supervisors. Your Committee on Claims would beg leave to report that they have ex­ amined all claims presented before them, and rccosrtmend the payment of the following, and that the clerk be directed to issue orders for the several amounts to the several claimants, as entered in the last column, to-wlt: am't total cl'm'd all'd Illinois Northern Hospital In- sane at Elgin, clothing, Julia ^ Callahan Same, clothing, Horace Pease IfriW Same, clothing, Jane Burns... 8IB Same, clothing, T. Hallacy.... 2620 Same, qlothing, S. Sondericker 4 4ft Same, clothing, W. Dougherty 40 Same, clothing, Mary Allen.. 88 88 Same, clothing, James Clark.. 7 80 $W1>1 Henry Haffey, on accoant of error in tax sale duplicate assessment Peter Collier, lime, whitewash­ ing jail and cleaning gutters 900 T J Daoy, pump Court House cistern B Bnshnell, constable, people vs Charles Zimmerman, ar- resting conveying to jail &c. 417 All of which is respectfully submit­ ted. GEO. H. GARRISON) committee. C. O. PARSONS J The committee on Finance made the following report which on motion was adopted: September 13th 1876. To the Honorable Board qf Supervisors of McHenry County. The Committee on Finance beg leave to submit the following report: They And the number of County Bounty Orders now outstanding as follows: 273 county orders of $300 „ each 8 per cent intereat $81.900 00 Total debt of county 81,900 00 Balance in treasury Dec. 16, 1875 4,688 34 Mar. 22*76, county taxes col. for 1875.. 47,649 07 July 17, '70, ree'd Town Coral in pan- per case. 8®* Rec'd from other iources. 85 °® 2 83 383 9 00 1000 1000 237 Total $33,287 41 Paid incidental expenses of county from Sep. 1, '75, to Sep. 1, 76. $ 9=M8 <*) Interest on County Bonds lM**®® Thirty three Connty Bonds redeemed 9,900 00 Balance in Treasurer's hands I.96' 81 Total $83,227 41 The committee would recommend that the following amounts be raised for county purposes the present year: For incidental expenses of county for year J** For payment of int. on funded debt.. o.OOOOU For redemption of county orders lo.oooow Total ...I $a7,000 00 We would further recommend that there be paid of the funded debt of this couuty, tea thousand dollars an- ainpness of the weather a great 'ort ion of the time since the first of eoember last, that there has been lttle or no waste of the fuel urchased for said court house, jail, &c. GEO. H GARRISON 1 Z, K. GOODRICH JOHN M. SMITH F Committee C. O. PARSONS J | ? The report of the committee on fees |>d salaries was read and on motion dopted, to-wit: TATE OF ILLINOIS ) >•8 Board of Supervisors, September «rm, September 13th, 1876. ItfK Chairman and Gentleman qf the Board of Supervisors. Your committee on fees and salaries jNspectfully recommend that the annual Compensation.of the Sherlft of the coun­ ter for the term of two years from the arst of December 1876 to the first of jpecember 1878 be fixed at the sum of jevonteen hundred dollars. Said pherift' to pay all expenses of said office, ttu li us fuel,stationary, clerk hire. &c. f Said sum ot Seventeen hundred dollars ao be paid out of the fees of the office L" We would recommend that an addi­ tional sum of one hundred dollars be lowed said sheriff for his services as nitor of the court house and for keep- ig his office open and warmed for the acommodation of the public. ~ e would also recommend that the fiie'en-cnif courf bo B5S*tf If Thi snm twenty-lour hundred dollars for compensation, clerk hire, fuel, station­ ary &c„ for the term of four years from the first of" December 1876 to December 1880; and if the annual fees of the office shall exceed the sum of twenty-four hundred dollars, pay such excess if auy into the county treasury. GEO. H. GARRISON JAMES THOMPSON CALVIN GILBERT ^Committee M.FOOTE M. L. JOSLYN On motion of Supervisor Wood, the sum of $100 was allowed Sheriff Church as compensation for janitor services for the past two years. A remonstrance against dividing the town of Nunda into two voting dis­ tricts, signed by some 80 citizens of said town, was receive and read to this Beard. T?.„ special lommlttee ulu>m was referred the petition for dividing said town making two voting districts presented the following report, which on motion was adopted to-wit: Your special committee to whom was refered the petition fer dividing the townofXunda into two voting dis­ tricts, would report upon the remon­ strance of some eighty voters of said town not to grant the prayer of the petitioners. Respectfully submitted. C. O. PARSONS ) B. F. PECK, > Committee C. F. DVKB 1 The committee ou town accounts submitted the following report, which on motion was adopted,to-wit: To the Board of Sujiervisors of McHenry County III., Your Committee on Town Accounts beg leave to report that they have ex­ amined the estimated amounts voted to be raised in the several towns of this county for town and corportion expen­ ses and for road and bridge purposes, finding the sums hereunto annexed to be the same and correct. Riley, contingent expenses.. $ 400 00 do road and bridge --: 600 00 Marengo incidental expenses 180000 do road and bridge 600 00 do corporation 1100 00 Dunham, town expenses 450 00 do road and bridges 800 00 Chemung, town purposes 1800 00 Alden, town expenses 800 00 Hartland, town expenses 450 00 do road and bridges 8SO 00 Seneca, town expenses 80000 do roads and bridges 800 00 Coral, town expenses 60000 do roads and bridges t 80 00 Grafton, town purposes 400 00 Village of Huntley, for expenses 850 00 Dorr, contigent expenses $000 00 do roads and bridges 300 00 Woodstock, city expenses 8800 00 Greenwood, town expenses 800 00 do roads and bridges.... 8<*)00 Hebron, town expenses •*W>!S Richmond, poor contingent expenses.. 400(W do roads and bridges 400 00 Richmond village expenses 15000 Burton, town expenses.. |0OJ*J McHenry, town tax ®oooo do roads ami bridges W 011 Nunda, town expenses... do roads and bridges... 800 00 800 00 1800 00 400 00 738 00 Algonquin town expenses *. .. do roads and bridges Crystal Lake village Bespectlfully submitted. IRA E. SBARLS1) C. O. PARSONS (.committee B. r , "htK I J. H. COOUEY J The following report was submitted by the committee on refunding tax of 1873, which on to-wlt: To the Board of Supervisors qf McHenry County III. Your committee to whom was re­ ferred the matter of fondlng exbessive State tax paid in 1873. beg leave to re­ port that we have examined the affi­ davits of the following named persons, and find the sums set opposite their re­ spective names to be due them from the refunding fund now in, the county treasury. > Masrm us Held .$173 Juhu Goodnicht 1*5 Total.... Respectfully submitted. ^ s « O. O. PARSONS ) J. It. COOLKY >Committee R. D. COONEY )• The report of the special committee In the matter of the suit of McConkey et, al. vs McHenry County, was read, fend on motion adopted, to-wit: Woodstock, Sept. 13th. 1878. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry Coun ty. Your special committee to whom was referred the mafter of McConkey v* McHenry Countv, beg leave to re­ port as follows: That the 14th day of Sept. being fixed to take Depositions in said case, we recommend that it be postponed to some future time as O. C. Dlggins, a member of the committee on assessment of 1873, is now absent in Springfield, being a member of the State Board of Exqualizatlort. and we were notified by the plaintiff's attor­ ney that they have applied for a change of venue, GOT. H. GAttBtSOW, ) R. D. COOWRT >Committee R. M. PATRICK ) Supervisor Cooney made a motion that the county attorney in these cases be discharged and that the committee have power to employ such counsel and carrv on said suits as they deem proper Motion lost. Ayes and nays called. Ayes, Cooney, Thompson, Gilbert, Smith and Peck--5. Nays--Searls, Goodrich, Patrick, Baker, Southmayd, Parsons, Wood, Joslyn, Brown, Foete, Cooley and Dike--16. Supervisor Cooney asked to be re­ lieved from further duty on this com­ mittee. Supervisor Foote moved that the request of Supervisor Cooney be granted. Supervisor Joslyn moved to lay said motion on the table. Motion lost. Ayes and nays called. Ayes--Searls. Wood, Joslyii and Cooley--4. Nays Goodrich, Patrick, Thompson, Baker, Southmayd, Cooney, Parsons, Gilbert, Brown, Foote, Smith, Peck and Dike-- 13. Original motion carried. On motion of Supervisor Joslyn, Su­ pervisor Foote was substituted on said committee in place of Supervisor Cooney, relieved. Moved and carried that James Do- herty be allowed $6. for wolf killed in the town of Xunda. The following report of the commit­ tee on assessment was read^ and pn to-wit. To the Honorable Board qf Supervisor* of McHenry County. The committee to whom was refer­ red for examination the matterof ex­ cessive assessment of certain towns for year 1874, on which tax was paid in 1876, beg leave to submit the following reports We nnd that there were several errors in the assessors books of that year, that some towns were assessed ou more laud than they should have been, and some towns were assessed on less lauds than they should have been. After consider­ ing all the circumstances connected with these errors, and the trifllug In­ justice done to the couuty, or any of the towus inconsequence of these errors, we recommend that no action be token in the mat Lor and that the as they stdnd shall be final. Respectfully submitted. GEO. H. GABBTSOX. 1 C. O. PARSONS I R. M. PATUICK F c. F. DIKE J On motion ofSupervtsor TDike, Ben jamin Carpenter was appointed to act as one of the judges of election i»t Crystal Lake and G. W. Earlie and James Philp as Judges of the Election at Aigonqnin. On motion the usual per diem and mileage was allowed the members and Clerk of this Board. Board adjourned to meet at the call of the clerk. The committee to settle with the Treasurer to meet one dagr previous to said call. GBO. II. GARRISON, Chairman. Attest, P. WHITNEY, Clerk. kCommittee B@rThree years ago^the prsen$$trin- me need, but it looks as if the ,'beginning of the end" was in sight. The Boston Advertiser says: "The evidences that the tiikf has nearly turned and that we are really entering upon a season of business prosperity, are too numerous and convincing to be longer neglected." These things are proven by "the strong demand, while prices are firmer, Sales are larger than they have been since 1873." "The promise of the future is-all the better when we consider the time at which the improvement begins. It is quite unusual for business to be good in the midst of a great political canvass." "It is decidely likely to be lasting, when we see it occur itf the most un­ favorable season that has been since the depression came upon us.* jfi^There was a gathering the other evening, and a lady, with the desire to chasten the conversation asked a young man if he had never felt a deep and subtle thrill, a fullness of feeling, so to spealc. that reminded him of another life. He said he had once. It was when he was in the country, and the doctor called it cholera mobus, and charged him #4 a visit. July, The the :» •««« muiyttmA unmft -.4 • • PVtLADKr.rHiA, Sept. 13, 1SIC fMl fee-admissions to the tnklit OBntetinlal BThShbion frnm tk. *5. the 8th instant, inclusive, Wfre 377*284 and the half fee 59.539. The free ad* missions during the same time were 93,261. Grand total, 410,074, making1 the cash receipts flS3.5M.7». The grand total admissions for Stay were 684,940; for Jttne, 1,002.825; for 906,449; and;for August, 1,176,314. grand total admissions, Including livestock exhibition, op to Friday - night, were 4.209,149, and the grand to­ tal cash receipts, fly430,399,24* The grandest, most fascinating, and yet most horrible painting at the Cen­ tennial is to be found in the French collection, and represents Rizpah. de­ fending the dead bodies of her sons. The painting is very large, and the colors are put on In great masses so as to produce strong effects, without t-h1* slightest effort to give an artistic finish and touch. In the rocks there have been raised (wo great beams, to the tops of whieh is secured a cross beam, from which hang Rizpah's two sons, and five other d£ad bodies. These men have not been crucified, but have had their outstretched arms tied at the wrists to the cross beam, and then left to die of exhaustion, agony, heat and cold. Two of the poor wretches, In their agony ef death, have torn one hand loose, and hang suspended by one arm alone, while Rizpah's two sons, who are nearest, hang In all their nakedness, without even the sign of a thread to cover them. Abeve them, as they hang blackening In the fierce heat of the sun, are secured their swords, shields, and other weapons. One of those who have succeeded in tearing one hand loose, has had his side pierced with a spear. In front of these bodies, on the rocks at the base, stands Rizpah. clothed In a bright yellow dress, w^b sandals on her feet, the left arm raised straight above her head* while in the right hand, drawn back in the act of throwing at a great vulture that has come to feast on the bodies, is a long stick. On her faje is the en­ ergy and desperation of despair. Fly- iug out behind her, as blown by »' strong wiyd, is a heavy datk garment of purpfishJBlue. The story Is to b$ found" I u II Samuel, 8--11, In the Acfttrian collection, in Memo* rial Hall, there is a hi very keenly. The figure ts that of ftill sized negro man, who stands with outstretohed, raised arms, holding lis one baud a copy of the Emancipation Proclamation, while on the wrist of ther other hand is a part of broken manacle* with a single link of a chain.. At hi» feet lies the balance of the manacle and chain. The body is perfectly nude, with the exception of a breech clothr and his face is raised upward with % look of joy and thanksgiving, as the realization that he is free bursts upon." him, that exceeds all description. The whole story is portrayed in this figure- with a vividness that I have never be* fore seen. , A GOOD STORY.--Bishop Sfaven's ap­ pearance as presiding officer at the; fifty-second session of the Pittsburg ' Conference of the Methodist Episco­ pal Church brought the followingstory to the recolletion of the correspondent of the Pittsburgh Cnronicle: uDr. Newhall, the President of Delaware College, and a personal friend of Bish­ op Haven, was very sick. The disease filled the poor man's mind with all sorts of vagaries. For many days he thought himself immortal, and refused to eat anything whatever. The Bishop hap­ pened to visit him during this time, and tried to prevail upon his sick friend to take nourishment. "No; I do not want anything,' said he. *1 am im­ mortal. I am in heaven. This is hea­ ven.' then pausing for a moment and looking at his visitor with a troubled air, he said "But, Haven, how in the world did you get here? You are the last person I expected to see In this place.*1 I^TSitting Bull seems to have as many lives as the storied cat He has bee* reported dead three or four times, but he is by a morning telegram announced at the head of his forces and said to have crossed the Missouri about thirty miles below Fort Peck. Better yet, the dispatch says Gen. Terry haa ordered cavelry and infantry in pursuit under Major Reno and Col. Moore. It is possible therefore the Indian cham­ paign Is not over /or this season. MT Mr. Buckle says that history repeats itself. We presume he refers to the fact that the Jews were directed t® make glad the waist places, and that the same pleasing custom of doing It with the left arm on the front stoop evenings, after the old gentleman haa gone to the lodge, is popular BOW.

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