Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Sep 1876, p. 4

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tsst WED\TESr>AY, SEPT. 27th, 1876. .T. VAIN W1A KK Kclitoi*. f^The dispatches to the daily pap- •rt announce that the explosion at Hell Gat* on Sunday last was a complete success, and that nobody wan hurt, or damage to property in the vteJeity sustained. fjjgffi T*- Lord, the grinning fraud of the Geneva Convention notoriety, has received his just deserts by being dis­ charged from the Elgin Watch Factory. This Is right, as he should not be allow­ ed to ever show his * grinning phiz in decent company without receiving the kick deservedly bestow#d upon sneaking cur. Jfi^Foui 01 tne Minnesota bank rob- beffc were surrounded by a party of men on Wednesday last, and after fighting till one of their number was killed and the other two wounded, they surrendered. The other three^ who had separated from the gang, are re­ ported to be surrounded in the woo ds in Dakotali. J&rThe following Government whisky-ring prisoners have now been released, by ortfer of the President, by the equalization Of sentences, after having been in j iil three months, and paid lines of $1,000 each and costs: A. O. Ilesing, "Buffalo" Miller, George T. Burrough, O. B. Dickinson, Simon Powell and Jonathan A bell. Ex-Alder­ man nildreth, late of Canada, has also received immunity, after paying a fine of 3,000 and costs. flgyThe vreneva Republican in­ nocently remarks: Cool reflection must convince any man that, the way things were run in our County Convention was the result of some other purpose than simply to nominate Mr. Latlirop. And cool reflection also must con­ vince any man that such notice must he taken of that affair, that the corrupt ring which "run" that convention will never afjain attempt a trick of that port--and that none other will dare a nimilar outrage. The worst feature of tl»e whole aftair. however, is the fact that two newspapers are found in McHenry County craven enougli to apologize for the outrage, and willing to countenance it. AN APPKAL TO TBR REPUBLICANS OF THK FOURTH CONGRESSIONAL 1>1(4TRICT. I T1 r THE FEKUNG IN DEKALB. The Sandwich Gazette, the ablest and most, influential paper in southern PeKalh County, adds its voice to the denunciations of the frauds practiced upon the Republican party by the Ge­ neva and Elgin conventions. We quote from its comments and conclusions as fojlows: "The Fourth Congressional District of the State of Illinois has won an abiding fame. Its .bogus con­ vention ha> succeeded in pdrpet rating SB shameless and as abominable an out­ rage as ever disgraced the annals Of po­ litical conventions. The outrage was committed by that faction of the Re publican party which claims to repre­ sent honesty and reform." Treating of the manner in which Lord held the chair at Geneva the Qazette says: "They had the right to hurl him out of the place but they were gentlemen and disposed to act with coolness and forbearance. Knowing they were in the majority they felt surest hey could control the action of the convention. They had not prop­ erly esti ,ii»te<J the lmpu4e»t audacity of Lord--and his supporters. • This bully would listen to no motion from the Hurlbut side. Motions made in the Lathrop interest he decided in favor of the Lathrop faction although lie knew and every man in the conven­ tion knew that he was guilty of lying impudence and base dishonor. He would listen to uo arguments nor appeal but made his decision in defiance of truth, order and decency. * * * The plea that the Lathrop delegation was fairly or honorably chosen, that it rep­ resented the will of the Kane County Convention, is a brazen faced falsehood. It was declared elected in the open and impudent defiance of the will of the majority. A clear majority of all the delegates in tlie convention voted loudly and earnestly against the ap- poinmeut. * • * » * All who con­ sented to take part in such a fraudulent convention are partakers in the crime. For our part we shall have nothing to do with it except to condemn. We Fhall have no more respcct for it than vi e would for the action of any other J.iwiess mob. As .for Lathrop. we tlioug'it well ofhitn before his accept­ ance of the nomination, and if he had been fairly nominated would have sup­ ported him cordially. We cannot sup­ port a man whose fine sense of honor does not prevent him from accepting such a nomination. We cannot support a mau moniinated in open and shame­ less defiance of the will of the majority of the Republicans as expressed in the regular and authorized way. We shall reject and denounce a fraud like this which strikes at the foundation of all justice and right. We earnestly hope that Lathrop will withdraw from this unhallowed combination. If he persists hundreds of Republicans will vote a.raiust him and the moral effect of the outrage will be disastrous. We love the Republican party too well to dis­ grace it by lending any co.unteiiauce to this shameless infamy. Felloiv Republicans--Are ahy of yon asleep and dreaming that all the wranglings, political trickery, and knavery which has characterized many of the caucuses and conventions of this District during this campaign, art now at an end; and that the people are every day becoming more and more reconciled to the situation, and will doubtless vote all right in November? Are you dreaming that the wounds produced by the unparallelled political outrages which were planned and car­ ried into execution at Geneva and which finally culminated at the Dis­ trict Convention at Elgin are being tapidly healed? Are you dreaming that the minority of that Convention, representing a small minority of the people of this District, through a epecies of chicanery and knavery too low in the scale of civilisation to justi­ fy even a Democrat, to indulge in. forced the name of William Lathrop before the people of this District as the Republican nominee for Member of Congress, and that with the lialin de­ rived from a fe w speeches by Lathrop, Abe Smith and Crawford of Winneba­ go, and a few other smaller lights--if possible--in different sections of the District, the sores will all be so nicely healed before the November election, that tiie result will then be glorious for the Republican party? Gentlemen, if such is your «leep, and such your dreams, be assured'tis the sleep of death, and unless you are aroused to a sense of your danger, the fate of the Republi­ can-party in this District is sealed. Already the grim visages of every copperhead in the land are on a broad grin at the protpects of so soon having you iu their power. Our situation to­ day demands of us in tones louder than ten thousand thunders to wake up, and as we value Hie existence and success of the principles of the Republican party, proceed at once with all the wisdom, and prudence, and earnestness at our commaud, to honorably repair the tremendous breach which has so foolishly been permitted to be made in our ranks. But 'tis asked what shall we do? What is demanded by our situation? 1 answer,'tis demanded, first of all, by all true Republicans of this or any oth­ er District, that only such men as are eminently wise, prudent, honorable, yes, incapable of corruption, shall rep­ resent us in the Halls of Congress. Here then is a basis upon which all true Repqblicans will agree, as readily as copperheads can write upon the oppo­ site qualities iu their candidates. b Now then let the Ceutral Committee call the Convention together once more in the interests of harmony, giving Kane County, of course, an opportunity to select 12 delegates of her choice. Drop all the old candidates if necessary, and all unite upon some man possessing the requisite qualifications. Nominate him unanimously, and you will elect him with a tremendous majority. It will be a bitter pill for Mr. Lathrop*s friends 1 admit should Mr. Lathrop be dropped, yet they must remember it will be no more so than for Mr. Hnrl- but's friends should bis fate be the same, nor will it be worse for either faction than to be disgraced again by John F. Farnsworth. Surely then if Mr. Lathrop is the man he has been represented by his friends to be,he can not, nor will he, fail to make good his promise to the Convention, "that he would do all in his power even to taking himself out of the way, to secure an honorable ad­ justment of the difficulties which had so fatally ruptured the party." Again, if he possesses the qualifications de­ manded by the Republican party, he certainly cannot feel proud of the po­ sition he now occupies, nor will he long remain there, even at the solicitations of his friends. On th« other hand should Mr. Lathrop and his friends continue the course introduced by them at Geneva, and repeated at Elgin, and also persist in adding insult to injury, by asking those whom they have so grossly outraged, to become a party to their villainy, by aseistiug them in the election of their champion, without a reasonable effort on their part at recon­ ciliation, the people of this Republican District will then be no longer in doubt as to whose door they should justly lay the cause of this division. The duty of the electors will then be made clear. Friends of the Republi­ can party let us hope and work ear­ nestly and honestly and fairly for a speedy reconciliation. Then we shall be able to wage our warfare against the common enemy of our country the more effectually. Very Respectfully submitted, • 4 J. w. ciiisyr. Ring wood, 111., Sept. 25th, 1876 THIS INDIGNATION MASS MEETING AT AURORA, On Wednesday of last week an in* dlgnatlon mass meeting was held at Aurora to protest against the outra­ geous proceedings of the Gerena and Elgin Conventions. The following is a synopsis of the proceedings, as tele­ graphed to the Chicago papers. AURORA, 111., Sep. 20.--In answer to a call for a mass indignation meeting to express the disapproval of the people of this city and to protest against the outrageous action of the Geneva and Elgin conventions, the city hall was crowded to its utmost capacity to-night. The Batavia Hayes and Wheeled club numbering 120 men, came down and paraded the streets, making a fine ap­ pearance. Prof. J. G. Quereau was selected chairman of the meeting. Sta- tiug its object, ne said that the outrage perpetrated upon the republicans of the Fourth District was not &harp practiced or apolitical trick; but that smiling Lord and his followers played upon the republicans of this district a fraud, a crime, and the feeling against it was not dyiug out, but increasing, aud will uever die out until the disgrace is wiped out. Judge Lawrouce, of Boone county, was then introduced, his re­ marks bringing down the house with repeated applause, after which he de­ nounced the high-lianded operations of the Geneva and Elgin conventions in the strongest term, calling it an out­ rage worse than any ever perpetrated in the democratic wards of New York city--an outrage as bad as any ever committed by the democrats in the south. Lathrop is mislead by keen, sharp, unprincipled men. Mr. Robertson, of Do Kalb county, then made a short but telling speech, straight to the point, and said that tlif southern part of De Kalb oouuty, iu which hs lived, was sure. He entirely disapproved of the outrageous proceed­ ings which culminated in the nomina­ tion of Lathrop, although tho delega­ tion from his county joined with the Winnebago delegation iu that dastard­ ly operation which defrauded the voters of Kane county of their rights. He had talked with a gre at many voters of De- Kalb county, aud had found that every oue was disgusted, aud did not propose to support the man nominated. The Fourth district cannot afford to sanc­ tion such outrageous proceedings as those of Geneva and Elgin. John Sherwin, of Geneva, a former Lathrop man, made a very telling speech, denouncing the outrage. F. C. Moore and Mr. McClellan. of1 Batavia, also spoke. There was more enthusiasm and feeling manifested at the meeting than has been stirred up by any po­ litical matter for many years. Over 200 citizens of Batava were present, coming by special trains. The following resolutlonswere adopt­ ed. WHEREAS, A most unparalelled out­ rage has been perpetrated upon the republicans voters of the Fourth con­ gressional district of Illinois in the nomination of Wm. Lathrop to congress by u nmitigated fraud; and. WHEREAS, The unity and prosperity of the republican party demand that fraud shall never be countenanced; therefore, be it. TER TRADE. Are now Receiving their Fall and Winter Stock of And will give great Bargains for CASH. * They have an immense stock of Mens', Boys and Youths' Boots of all kinds, which were bought very low and will be sold right down FOR CASH. People attending the . County Fair will do well to call and ex­ amine Goods and Prices. DWIGHT & FORREST, Corner Mala Street and Public Square, WOODSTOCK, - - Dated Sept. SOth, 18M. - - ILLINOIS It will Pay You to go to Woodstock NEAR THE DEPOT, M'HENRY. Dry Goods, a full Stock. Boots I Shoes in abundance Clothing, a Full Line. Hats and Gaps for alii Choice Grocories, Fine Teas, Can Fruits, Crockery and Glass Ware. • • . , . • The Highest Market Prjce for BUTTER EGGS,'AND POULTRY, in Cash or Trade. -W BUCKLIN & STEVENS. McHenry, 111., Sept. 23d, 1876. REVOLUTION IN At the Old Stand. The Old Goods to be Closed Out Regardless of Cost, TO MAKE ROOM FOB NEW and Buy a STOVE OF We would respectfully announce to our friends and patrons of McHenry anil vicinity, that we nave concluded to make a sweeping sale of our Goods, and have in consequence thereof reduced the prices to such figures that will ensure a speedy sale. The Goods in. question consist in part of Hats and Caps, Groceries, Crockery, k, k We are constantly in receipt of new and desirable lines of Goods, which we are selling at lowest market quotations. Call early and secure Bargains. J3§TThe highest market price paid for ail kinds of Produce. LANSING & EVANSON. • - # REMOVAL. Resolved, That we cannot support Mr Lathrop for congress upon such nomination. Resolved, That tre as>fc the chairman of the republican congressional dele­ gations which received a majority of the votes at the several eonnty cen- ventions to convene their delegates at Aurora at as early day a? possible, and place in nomination a candidate for member of Congress in the f'ourlli con­ gressional district. & J HAVE removed to their new Store on the corner opposite the Brick Church, where they will he happy to see iheir old customers AND' AS many NEW ones as may see fit to call. A Full Stock of Furniture of all kinds, at prices as low as the lowest. BLAKE & BRO. McHenry, Aug. 14th, 1876. Now is the Time to Buy FM1IDRE ffegrTbe Aurora Beacon truthfully says: It would be well for the Chicago Tribune and Journal to look a little to their occasional correspondents from the country. While their "regulars" are honorable men, who send them facts and genuine news, there have, during the past week, appeared in their columns from Aurora, and other places In this vicinity,statements which every one here knows to be entirely untrue. Tlieir object is entirely too transparent to mislead any one--and the result is simply to destroy confi­ dence in reports of the same character from other portions of the Fourth District. If these journals are Inclined to wink at political rascalities, they should not further lend their columns to insult the people suffering from tliera." ®ST JOJIJHD LEE has been on trial for murder at Salt Lake City during the past week. Lee was the leader of a band of Indians who attacked a band of emigrants "at Mountain Meadows 60ine years siuce and killed all of the party except a few children whom it was believed were too young to reoiem ber the affair. The evidence against him was overwhelming, it being nothing le*s than the testimony of the party who were engaged iu the ailair. The jury on Wednesday last rendered a verdict agralnst the prison­ er of uiurder in the lirst degree. One two-seated Democrat Wagon iter .sale chea^ O. W. OWEK. The Largest Stock in the County. to k Holmes M. ENOELN- «• U IN' - I Til. Will change muz­ zle loaders,, both single and double, to breach loaders. Keeps on hand all kinds of Gun Ma­ terial. All work warranted. Shop Southeast Corner Public, Square, McIIenrv, 111. fj$r*Tommy, my son,what are you going to do with that club?" "Send it to the editor, of course." '"But what are you going to send it to the editor for?" "Cause he says if anybody ]wiH send him a club, he will send them a copy of his paper." The mother carae near fainting, but recovered herself suf­ ficiently to ask, "But, Tommy, dear, what do you suppose "he wants with a club?" "Well, 1 don't know,"replied the urchin, "unless it is to knock down sub­ scribers as don't pay for their papers. I suppose there are plenty of such raeaa people." That boy stands a chance for the Presidency, if he lives. F. BEST of the McHenry Bakery «ow makes regular trips as follows: Ringwood and Richmond Mondays and Thursdays, Volo and Wauconda, Tues­ days and Fridays. We can assure onr readers in the above named places that Mr. Best is a first class Baker, and will deliver at their doors anything they may want in the line of Bread, Pipe Cakes, etĉ on the days mention****. FOR THEJAMPAIGN. O. BISHOP, j At the Old Stand of J. E. Vasey, RINGWOOD, - - ILLINOIS, Have Ju®t filled their Store with a Large Stock of STOVES, Both Cook and Heating, which they are offer- in* to the buying public at BOTTOM PRICES We have also a tine assortment of Table and Pocket Cutlery, and other Goods that are usually kept in a country Hardware Store. In connection with our large stock of Hard­ ware we have opened up with a full lino of The Best Tobacco and Cigars To be found in the Market. OUR STOCK OF At his Agricultural Warehouse, in addition to his large stock of McHenry, Has also put in a Full Stock of Builders and Heavy Hardware ! Forks, Nails, Horse Rubber Goods, Ac., are of tke best manufac­ ture and we extend an invitation to all to come and see as before purchasing elsewhere All goods sold at ihd Lowest Cash Prices. VASEY A HOLMES. Ringwood, Sept J8th, If7* Hand Rakes, Scythes, Shoes, Iron, aud Blacksmith's Supplies Generally, which he now offers to the buying Public. *3-Remember these goods are being sold at Prices to s-uit the times. Call and See. O. BISHOP, llottenry. III., Augast 8th, 1876. --AT- New Cabinet Warerooms, NEAR THE DEPOT, MCHENRY, - ILLINOIS, Oom«3 and See Before you pure huso elsewhere, as I have a full and complete Stock of everything in the Furniture Line. fl^gPDon't be afraid to Come. Anything in my line Manufac­ tured to order and satisfaction, a-uaranteed. Repairing done to order, JOHN SHOEN. McHenry, 111., Sept"5th, 1976. WO l

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