Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Sep 1876, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 27th, 1876. ^Railroad Time Table. GOING SOUTH. OcnevaLake Passenger 0«iieva Lake Freight GOING NORTH. 7:25 A. M. 1:46 f. M. Oene MM ava Lake Freight...... 10:00 A. M. •a Lake Passenger 7:Q5F. M. MASOXIC. ' MCHKXRY CHAPTER \O. 34 R. A. M.--Resru- lar Convocations held on the second and foarth Fridays in each month. _ HENRT COLBY H. P. PULASKI ALLEN Sec,. CHURCH DIRECTORY. METHODIST.--Rev. J. T. Cooper, Pastor. Services everv Sunday morning at 1<W A. M. Sunday School at.12 A.M. WJI. PAGE, Super­ intendent. Services at Rintrwood at 2 P. M. LOOK out for the new advertisement Of Perry <& Martin next week. THE September Term of the Circuit Court is in session this week. Judge T. Murphy presiding. : A PARTY, for the benetttfof the Mc- Henry Cornet Band will be held at Riverside Hall, Oct. 12tl». Tickets will be issued in a few days. Further par­ ticulars next week. THE County Fair commenced on Tuesday morning, and the fine weather, which promises to continne, bids fair to draw out a large crowd to morrow, Thursday. THE work af fencing the Park has been commenced, and the plowing and leveling up of .the grounds is also being Attended to. F. A. Hcbard lias the job of fencing, which is a sure guarantee that it will be well done. WE are requested to give notice that Bev. Peter Arvedson will officiate at Washington School House on Friday, Sept 29th, at sevui o'clock P. M; at Wllmot, Wis, on Sunday. Oct 1st, at 10$ A. M., at Spring Grove at 2J P. M., and at McHcnry at 7 P. M. ' P. W. BLAKE, the Boot and Shoe man, has removed to his new Store, where his customers will hereafter find htm readp to sell them anything in his line at his usual low figures. He has one of the handsomest stores .in the village. THE Steamer "R Emerson," having received her new Boiler, is now ready to make trips to and from the Lakes on short notice. Eyeiything is now in apple pie order, and hunters and fisher­ men can rest assured that quick aud pleasant trips will be the order of the day. (/HAS ROUSE, the Gage town Barber, has^flesed his Shop, this week, and can be found during the Fair at the Shop Southeast corner of the Public Square, Woodstock, where he invites his customers to call on him during the Pair. His Shop in this village will be open again on Saturday morning next. A new six foot side-walk has been built from Wiedemann's Restaurant to the Dejpet, an improvement that has long been needed in that locality. Also one on the South side of the Street from Wiedemaniln's to Geo. Schreiner's. The improvements continue and still we are not happy. WE learn that an old Steamboat man from Geneva, Wis., was herelast week, lookftig up the feasibility of building a new boat for the coming season. We hope to be able to announce soon that the work has been commenced, and that we are to have a boat to run be­ tween McIIenry and the Lakes that will be an t^ojior to our village. -MWE are every week getting "more light on the subject." Since our last tiie firm of Bucklin & Stevens, Perry »fc Martin, and O. Bishop have put up Street Lamps in front of their places of business. If this good work goes on it will not be long before McIIenry will be the best lighted village in the county. Who will be the next man to catch the fever ? L. STODDARO has jrvt received a large and well selected stock of Hats and Caps, of the latest styles which he is offering to the buying public at prices that cannot be beat in the county. He has also a large stock of Crockery, Gro- •ceries. &c~ to which toe calls the atten­ tion of the public, confident that he can please them both in quality and price of goods. B. A FOKU, Photographer, wishes us to inform his customers that his gallery will be closed for"*about ©we week, in order that he may make a long contem­ plated visit to the central part of the State. He will reopen again about Thursday of next week, when he invites all to give him a call, guarantee­ ing them pictures that eannot be beat in the State. WE shall next week publish the Plat­ form of the Indpenclent Party, having published the other two Platforms heretofore, so that our readers may have the three to compare their merits, and see wherein they difler on the vital questions of the day. While we do nqt publish a paper in the interest of any particular party we are willing to give all sides a candid bearing iu these columns. GREAT RKDUCTIOX ! In the prices of the Buffalo and Rochester Boots Shoes. Dojj't fail to see them he- fore making your selections. P. D. SMITH. ., BY a notice elsewhere it will be seen that a Democratic/Reform Senatorial Convention, composed of the Counties of McHenry and Lake, has been called to meet at the Riverside House, in this village, on Saturday, October 7th, at 1 o'clock p. M., for the purpose of putting in nomination a candidate for State Senator and three or less candidates for Representatives for said District. WE learn from the Elgin Bluff" City that aa Nfwcomb's train passed Ring- wood Thursday evening, it ran into an obstruction placed upon the track by some person or persons, who probably have a grudge against some of the train men or the railroad company. The pilot was partly demolished, but no further damage done. This is the third time that attempts have been made to wreck this train at the same place, and,probaly by the same parties. W hoever they are, if caught, they should be severely handled. Now that Winter is approaching, the question naturally arises what facili­ ties have we for extinguishing a fire, should one break out iu our midst? Water, to be sure, we have plenty, but facilities for using It are entirely lack­ ing. No Engine, no buckets; no lad­ ders, aud iu fact nothing to aid us in fightingthe fire-fiend, and if the calam­ ity should fall upon us we would be en­ tirely at its mercy. Will not our citi­ zens think this matter over, and by "united action see if something cannot be done iu this matter. The expense cannot be great, and we cannot afford to run the risk of having our village destroyed, when a few paltry dollars would put us in condition to protect ourselves in such an emergency. Will not some one make a move in this mat­ ter at once. Do not wait until by sad experience we learn that if we had locked the barn the . horse would uot have been stolen. Green Back Meeting at McHenry. House called to order by Mr. A. H. Hanley, and Mr. John Dunn elected temporary chairman aud M* Kelter Secretary. Meeting addressed" by Dr. Morrison. Mr. H. B. Burrett, H. W. McLean aud others. On Motion a constitution was adopt­ ed and signed by persons present, and a Greenback Club organized. After the signing of the constitution the following gentlemen were elected permanent officers of the club. Presi­ dent, Mr. J. L. Dunn; Vice President, Mr. Iiufus Brown; Secretary, M. Kelter; Treasurer Mr. A. II. Hanley. Moved and carried that this society oe known as the McHenry Green Back Club. Adjotr ued to meet here this evening at 7J o'clock. EVENING SESSION. On the House coining to order the President stated that, for some reason the Speaker lion. J. M. Curry, that was expected had not arrived and the next best thing should be done. Whereupon the following gentlemen were called upon to address the meeting, to which they very agreeably responded. Mr •Walker of Chicago, Judge McLean lion. George Gage aud Hon. R» Bishop of McHenry. The McHcnry Cornet Band discour­ sed several pieces of excellent mutdc at intervals during the meeting and on motion of the President received a hearty vote of thanks. Adjourned to meet on call ot Presi­ dent. J. L. DUNN. President. M. KELTER, Secretary. Democratic Reform Senatorial -Conven­ tion. The Senatorial Delegates elected by the Democratic Reform Conventions of McIIenry and Lake Counties, will as­ semble in Convention, at tlie Riverside House, in Old McHenry, on Saturday, the 7th day of October, 1876, at 1 o'clock IVM., to place in-nomination one can­ didate for State Senator and three or less, candidates for Representatives in the General Assembly. Also to trans­ act such other business as the Conven­ tion may deem proper. NKILL DONNELLY, J. J, MRIMIY, lilCIIAUI) HISHOP, J. H. JOHNSON, A. I.. SALISIU HT, (» EO. Stl Kit WOOD, Co. Cen. Com. McHenry Co. DANIEL BREWKR, WM. PUM'K W. If. SKYMOI R, Co. (Jen. Ci>m. Lake Co. THE EFFICACY OP ADVERTISING. In a conversation recently between some members of the bar, an ineresting reminiscence came up regarding the efficacy of advertising. Several years ago an eccentric bachelor, who had become imbued with the advanced ideas of affinities, advertised for a wife iu a paper of small circulation then pub­ lished in Worehester. He had the advertisement also copied into a phre­ nological journal in New York. In answer to all applicants he sent a blank to be filled out by the applicant, stating her name, measurement, color of the hair and eyes, and also a daguerreotype. The man never married, but at his death his effects passed to his executors, and with them the blanks and like­ nesses. Among the legal advisors was a gentleman who now occupies an official position on the bench. He said that he could not fell the nunfber of applicants for marriage. There was a large trunk and a valise filled with blanks and daugerreotypes, and they came from all parts of the country, many of them from the city and persons of respectability. Soon requests began to pour in from persous requesting the return of the blanks and likenesses. The matter caused quite a sensation at the time." WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEAI.FR:--This being the week before the Fair and the Sept tember term of court, it might be sup* posed that there would be plenty of news, but very little of it has come within the of ken of your correspon­ dent. The Methodist society has built a cook house 16x64 feet, and put up four tents end to end, which they iutend to use for a dining hall." From appear­ ances they will be ready to feed the multitude with the best the market affords, served up in as good style a» their extemporized hotel will admit. The track is in prime order and things promise well. Three Base Ball Clubs have entered for that ten dollars, one from Riley, one from Union and the Spring Cities. The picture department of Floral Hall, has taken a change of base; hav­ ing been moved into the north side of the east end of the cast wing, where the light is nearer what pictures re­ quire. A better light could have been had on the south side of "the same wing, but it was thought best not to interfere with the fruit department. Now bring on your pictures. Daniel Burke of the town of Greeu- wood, and a member of that notorious family that has given our city officers so much trouble, was arrested here last Wednesday by the sheriff' of Racine county Wisconsin. The charge was an attempted rape ou a ten year old girl in Racine county. Dan 6aid he was guilty, but didn't like the idea of going to Wisconsin to be tried,still there was no help for it, and when the invitation come from the Governor of the Badger State, Burke invited an officer to go with him to protect, him from the little girls, and sorrowfully took his depart- ure. ^ • The editor of the New Era commen­ ting on the above, uses the following strong language, which shows that the "elder" lias been to school, and. when aroused and it is perfectly safe to ex­ press an opinion, be can be very severe, full as much so as the language will al­ low. "The frequency of such terrible outrages, in which little children are the objccts, are getting to be terribly frequent." It is said that when Burke read that sentence, he immediately re­ alized the enormity of his offence, and wished that he had never been boj'tfbr that the "elder" hadn't, li^Wasn't par- ticular which. Court opens on Monday with seven crimnal cases on the docket, besides what the grand jury may find, sixty two common law aud sixty four chan­ cery cases. J. A. Parrish returned from the Cen­ tennial this week but appears to be the same old bachelor still. The Marengo Republican goesfor Mc Church, intimating that he has asore spot on his head, aud that he has been in the east part of the county election­ eering for Van Curen# Babcoclc shnuU not be quite, to sensitive in the Stead- man matter, for, although Mack has done no such tiling, nor has he even complained of his defeat, the editor of the Republican should remember that some boys, and men as well' say, "one might as well have the game as the name." Mack does not say so yet; but if "Bart," wants to help Steadman, he can do it better by abusing Tilden as that won't irritate any of the defeated co u n ty» ca n d i d a t e s. The Democrats met last Saturday evening in Arnold's hall to form a Tilden aud Ilendrick club, aud they ap­ pear to have adopted the tactics of Nepoleon and taken the initiative in Woodstock. The Lathrop and Ilurlbut quarrel seems to have paralized the Republicans, who for three weeks, have talked of, but never made a move to­ wards forming a' Hayes and Wheeler club. Last Thursday night Joe Hill was called upon twice by someone who didn't want to get in, when he found out that Joe was on hand. Episcopal services were held in the Universalist Church last Sunday by a preacher from Chicago. A fair audi­ ence was present. SQUEEKS. GREENWOOD EDITOR PLAINDEALKR:--The politi­ cal Ball is still rapidly rolling in the direction of the seventh of November. The campaign is becoming.; warm and earijw-s^. Already the Oritorical Thun­ der Jjs sbunding forth througliout the lengtljuAnd breadth of our land. The whole country is becoming enthusiastic in its support of the various party can­ didates, each feeling confident to a certain extent perhaps that victory is theirs. The heavy booming of pur Re­ publican artillery Is having a telling effect upon the rauks of the enemy. Although defeat In many locations may be unavoidable, her roll of prison­ ers is daily increasing. In the Fourth Congressional District, the defeat though avoidable is inevitable. The persistant traitorous villainy of certain Ring masters, (anled by their dupes) is bound to accomplish the disaster aud defeat of the Republican Party. With­ out the slightest possible chance of ac-„ coniplishing the object claimed namely, the election of Wm. Lathrop to Con­ gress, they persist on accomplishing what more truthfully appears to be their object the election of Jack Farns- worth, and the ruin of the Republican party in the District. We have been told bv some of the leading Lathrop lights, that the Kane County Fraud was no more than what Hurlburt's friend# attempted to accomplish in McIIenry county. We fail t o compre­ hend, hot we do know that it is no more than Mr Lathrop friends did attempt in McHenry county. Among other things which are exceedingly strange to our political comprehension, is this, how a caucus composed of nearly two thirds Ilurlbut men could manage to appoint a solid Lathrop delegation. Com­ ment is unnecessary. 'Tis strange but true. A Miss Grey has been employed for the lower department of our village school. The work of repairing the house is nearly completed, aud soon the Educational Mill will be in running order. A few days since while in Woodstock, by some unusual good turn of fortunes wheel, we were invited by a friend to dine at the Richmond House in Nation­ al Block. As this was our first visit to this part of the building and especially to this New Hotel we must acknowl­ edge that we were not a little surprised to find so commodious,, pleasant and homelike accomodations and so con­ veniently located. In connection with the Hotel we were shown the scenery and paintings, for the Woodstock Dramatic associa­ tion, which were exceedingly fine and would do credit to a much larger city. A general feeling of gloom and sad­ ness has been cast over our community by the announcement on Friday eve­ ning last of the death of Mrs John Mansfield, of Typhoid Fever. Mrs M. was much esteemed and highly re­ spected by all who knew her. The family have the sympathy of the en­ tire community. The County Fair this week should the weather be favorable will be well attended. EVEN. NUNDA. EDITOR PLAIXDEALER:--Since our last communication our quiet town has experienced but few changes to mark this from other weekly periods wor­ thy of mention. All prognostications in regard to the weather merely show us what very poor Prophets Ave are, and the prospect is now very cheeri ig for fair and propitious weather during our County Fair, which will add much to the fees of the Society as well as to the comfort of all those who attend and we expect to see everybody and his family there. The Nunda Union School was opened Sept. 18th, with a Mr. Pierce as Prin­ cipal and Mrs. Chamberlain Assistant. Mrs. Chamberlain is an experienced teacher, having given general^ satis­ faction to tne patrons of our school in the many terms that she has taught here. Mr. Pierce comes to us a stran­ ger Jjut well recommended iu scholas­ tic duties and his very gentlemanly department aud social manners, which are ft good index to the real man, rath* «r giv*i8 us a very favorable impression of him. Rjobert Murfltt has just returned froui a flying trip East. Many rumors have been started for his sudden start, but Robert can explain the whole mat­ ter. Give him a call. There is considerable sickness In town, among which we mav mention Mrs. Vermilyea as being very low and her recovery doubtful. Mr. Mansfield has been puite sick but I saw him out Monday looking aather the worse for his indisposition. A rather bold case ot horse stealing occurred in our town last week near Barreville. A Mr. McMillan bad occa­ sion to tide one ot his horses to a neighbors, securely fastened it at the hitching post and went into the house. A few minutes afterward the neighbor's boy saw some one unfaisten and ride the horse away, but snp|>osed it was the owner (it being to dark to see.dlstinct- lv) until he went into the house and found Mr. McMillan and learned that be was the one .that left the horse there. They hurried out just in time to hear the clatter of hoofs on Burtou Bridge, aud all search for him has been useless only that he has been traced near to (jhicago. Mr. William St Clair has been ap­ pointed Station Agent by the Railroad authorities vice Mr. Walkup deceased. Our citizens feel that the appointment is a good one, as Mr. St. Clair has had much experience as a Clerk under Mr. Walkup and will be found a safe guard­ ian of the Company's varied 'interests in this place. A letter was received by Mr* Wm. McDonald of this place from John McLaiu, (who it will be remembered moved with his family to Kansas last spring.) stating that his means were exhausted, that no work could be ob­ tained for pay, that the larder was empty, with no visible means of re­ plenishing it, while^absolute want was almost there. Thus armed Mr. McDon­ ald starts out and rakes in about forty dollars from among friends and ere this John is happy. We learn that M. F. Ellsworth has been appointed Sabbath School Super- intendant in place of Mr. Walkup de­ ceased, by the M. E. Church of this place. Mr. Ellsworth is a young church member, but old in experience and we hope he will devote his time to the in­ terest of the calling for which he has been appointed. What has become of Jordon ? is now the inquiry. The gentleman he board­ ed with says he sneaked away on the 5 o'clock train for Chicago. But why make the inquiry? We can very easily get along without him and the longer he stays away the better II will suit " Tvnrt Mrs James Leggett died in thie village on Sunday morning last, after a long and painfull illness. Our friend, J. R. Hyde, of the firm of Alexander & Hyde, took in a new part* net* in his half of the business on Tuesday mornings The gentleman is quite young as yet, but by proper en­ couragement will fill the bill. Joe is as well as could be expected. Business of all kinds has been quite- lively in Richmond of late. With the large stocks kept by our merchants in all branches of trade, and close compe­ tition with our produce buyers, the farmers appreciate the advantages found in this market and are not slow to accept them. > ~ Our Public School is now fairly opened with a good attendance and running very satisfactory. The coming winter school bids fair to be a very successful and profitable one. Parents should visit the school often and thus encourage the scholars and teachers. Mr. Wm. Cooley has occupied his new just completed, and Mr. G. W. fEldridge will soon have his ready for occupancy. These places rank among the best residences in the place and do to the builders aud qur village. us. TYRO, Richmond Department. Passenger trains pass Richmond station at follows • GOINO SOUTH Geneva Lake Passenger....J*.,..<...*?:<» A. W Geneva Lake Freight... p. M. GOING NORTH Geneva Lake Freight.... M:40 A.(M Geneva Lake Passenger.;... ,....7:27 p. m CHURCH DIRECTORY. OOWGRBOATIONAL:-- Kev. F. J. Douglass. Pastor. Services at 1H P. M. METiromsT:-Rev. Sainl. Earngey Pastor Services JO:30 A.M. Sabbaih School l*:30 A M. J. L. Downing, Supt. BAPTIST Elder Wheeler Pastor. Services 10:30 A. M. Sabbath School 12 M. MASONIC. RICHMOND LODGK, NO. 143, A. F . & A. M. Regular Convocations tirst Mon<tay in each month on or Iwfore the lull moon, and the second Monday thereafter. G. B. CARL'EWTER, W. M. C. G. COTTISO, Secretary. Business Notices. Considerable feeling has been created by the course pursued in putting in nomination Mr. Lathrop as candidate for Member of Congress, and many ot our leading Republicans declare their intentiou to withhold their support, and a petition is being circulated and liberally signed by Republicans,asking for a call for a new Convention, where a square and impartial deal can be had inwh'ch case ail would support the nominee with a hearty good will. The first Political Meeting of the campaign was held 011 Saturday at the Richmond House llall. The Hon F. K. Granger aud Dr. J. E. Morrison of Mo- Henry were present and very appropri­ ate speeches were made by both gen­ tleman and attentively listened to by those present. There is not as much enthusiasm manifested in this as In many localities, as the teeling in this vicinity Is nearly all one way, but No­ vember will find Richmond all right with a large Republican majority. The remains of Mr. Frank Prlckett were brought to this place for inter­ ment 011 Saturday last and buried by the Masonic Brotherhood, of which or­ der he was a worthy member. Mr. Prlckett was a son-in-law of S. L. Hogle, a former residence of this coun­ ty, where he was well aud favorably known by many. At the time of his death he resjded at Cedar Rajjids, Iowa, and was in the employ of the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & N. W. R. R., as engiijger, and came to his death by a collision with another train on the 10th inst. He leaves a wife and two childreu to mourn his untimely end. HARD MONEY OR SOFT. Bucklin & Stevens' take cither, as well as Butter, Eggs and Poultry, and give in exchange good Goods at Bot­ tom Prices. New and elegant styles of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, in the most popular shades.-- Also a large variety of Ladies Waterprootiag and Cloakings, at P. D. SMITU'S. Announcement. ' Owing to the persisteut urgency of many frieiids. in various parts of the county, who feel outraged at the re­ sult of the convention 011 Saturday last, at which instructions were violated, and other things done which are neither to the credit nor advantage of sound Republicanism; I have to-day, consented to enter the contest for the office of Circuit Clerk, regardless of the decision of that convention. And in this behalf I would ask all my friends throughout the county, to give my case a fair consideration, and then cast their vote and their influence for ri ght and justice, on whichever side they may seem to lie. JOSIAII DWIGIIT. Woodstock, An?. Zftli, 1S7H. CLOTHIX^ ! CLOTHING I unprecedented Low P. D. SMITH'S. A large Invoice at prices, at To the Electors ot McHenry County. Believing that ofRcers for the admin­ istration of justice, should be independ­ ent of. and have no official favors to reciprocate with politicians, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of States Attorney. If elected. I shall discharge the duties of the office impartially and conscientiously to the best of my ability. JOHN B. LYON. Harvard, 111., July 22 187G. Go to E, M. Owen for Pumps. Go to E. M. Owen for Plows. Good Yard wide Brown Sheetings only 1 etc per yard. At P. D, SMITH'S., Woolen and Flannels a full stock an|| at lower prices ihan ever at Buckliu m Stevens', THRESHING MACHINE MEN. Get jTonr String Leather of O. W, Owen, McIIenry,111. Talk is said to be cheap but ndt cheaper than goods of all kinds aft Bucklin & Stevens'. Fancy Note and Letter Paper, with envelopes to match. Very neat styles. At O. W. Owen's. SALT! SALT? Fresh Salt for sale at our Warehouse at$1.60per Barrel. SMITH & SNYDER A braii new Organ at O. W. Owen's for $100. Best thing in Plows,. Gall and see. E. M.OWEK. If you want any kind of Farm Imple­ ments or repairs call on E. M. Owen. The Blancnard and Emmett Churns, the best in the market. For Sale by O. BISHOP. Forsyth's Hay Scales, Counter Scales and Portable Platform Scales, for Sale by O. Bishop. • POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY. The best in the market at &L. Stod­ dard's A splended Piano to Ront on reason­ able terms. ; O. TR. OWEN. McHenry III. Jan. 11th, 137V. Remember that Bucklin St St&'rens ofier their goods at the very lowest living prices, and pay Cash for Butter and Eggs. ______ SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE. If you want one of the best Sewing Machines in the market for half prfco, call at this office, where the Machine can be seen and tested. The new American Sewing Machine, the best iu the market. They are war­ ranted in every particular, run easier, and make less noise. Call and set them. O. W. Owen, Agent. Volo Cornet Band* Are now prepared to furnish music for Picnics and Pleasure Parties to the Lakes or elsewhere on the most reason­ able Terms. Address Volo Cornet Bajiid, Volo, 111. Bucklin & Stevens are prepared with a full and complete stock of Seasonable Goods to meet the wants of the buying public, and are bound to sell them at such prices as to defy any aud all com­ petition. A full line of M. Selz & CoJ& Boots and Shoes, Custom made, and fully warranted and second to none in th» market., at Bucklin & Stevens. The prices are considerably reduced from last year. r FLAX SEED WANTED. One Hundred Thousand Bushels of Flax Seed wanted, for which the High­ est Market Price will be paid in cash* by Smith & Snyder. McHenry, Aug. 21st 1876. Particular Notice. All persons indebted to me, either by Note or Book account are hereby noti­ fied to call and settle che same on or before Oct. 1st, and thereby save costs. A word to the wise is sufficient, and I mean business. L. FRANCISCO. McHenry, Sept. 4th, 1876. TO THE PUBLIC. All persons knowing themselves in­ debted to the firm of Blake & Bro., are requested to call and settle the sama in the next ten days, as 1 wish to cloao all outstanding accounts. JOHN BLAKK, Surviving Partner Blake A Bra. FOR SALE. I have choice" Village Lots and acre Property, iu and adjoining the Village of McIIenry, that has heretofore been held out of market, which I am now selling to those who will build and improve, ou very reasonable terms. E. M. OWEN. WOOL! WOOL! I am now in the market prepared to pay the highest market price for Wool. Those having good marketable Wool will find it for their .interest to call and F. K GRAHOBH. McHenry, 111, July 5th 1876- CLOVER THRESHER. F. WIEDRICK would Inform the farmers throughout the County that h® is prepared to thresh Clover or Shell Corn, having one of the best machines in the market. For information ad- dress, F. Wiedirck, Woodstock, 111. FOR SALE. A House and Lot in the Village of Richmond, favorably situated near tha business centre of the village, with a good cistern and well, a large, well-fin­ ished barn, well located for Livery and Sale Stables. Terms, a part cash, bal­ ance secured by mortgage. For parti­ culars address or call on D. A. POTTER, P. K.t Richmond, I1L A New Hair Tonic Worth Having. It is the best. Wood's Improved Hair Restorative is unlike any other, and has no equal. The Improved has new vegetable tonic properties; re­ store grey hair to a glossy, natural color; restores faded, dry, harsh and falling hair; restores, dresses, gives vigor to the hair; restores hair to pre­ maturely bald heads; removes dandruff^ humors.sealv eruptions; removes in^- tation, itching and sealy dryness. No article produces such wonderful effects* Try it, call for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don't be put oft with anv other article. Sold by all drug­ gists in this place and dealers eveiy- where. Trade supplied at manufact­ urers prices bv C. A. Cook Jfc C o., Chi­ cago, Sole Agents for the United States ami Canada, and all Wholesale Drugv gists,

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