Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Oct 1876, p. 4

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pkutaler. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4th, 1876. jr. VAN 8LYKE, Editor. REPL'BIJCAN COSYINTIOK To the Republicans of thfi Fourth Con­ gressional District of Iltinfris. The undersigned, representing the delega. lions of Kane, McHenry and Boone Counties, to the Elgin Convention of Sept. 7th, 1876, a majority of the legal delegates to said Conven tion, but defrauded of their just rights there in, having exhausted every means in their power to induce Win. Lathrop, the recipient .of a dishonorable and fraudulent nomination to Congress, to withdraw from a position to which, by ri$ht and justice He is not entitled. And in response to petitions signed by about two thousand of the Republican voters of this District, do now reqnest these delegations to meet at Marengo, on Tnesday, October 10th, 1878, at one o'clock P. M-, pursuant to an ad­ journment had at Elgin Sept. 7th, They also call upon all Republicans of the District, par­ ticularly of the Counties of Dekalb and Win­ nebago, Who condemn the unprecedented fraud committed upon the Kane County Con- tion of Sept, 2d, by Geo. P. Lord and his tors, and its endorsement by the delegates Winnebago and Dekalb Counties at Elgin, «nd who are unwilling that men shall be placed in office by fronds which are subver- aire of the fundamental principles of the parr $y--and will not endorse commission orrepeti- tion, to meet the above delegations at the time mentioned, for consultation and action-- and especially To nominate a candidate for Congress, and Member ofthe State Board of Equalization. JOHN Er»»r, of McHenry County. C. B. I.oor, ot Boone County. JOSEPH RISING, of Kane County. tHoBMEBEDiTii, Chairman of the Delegations Sept. 29th, 1878. H ON EST Y--POLICY. If honesty* be policy then it Is deposed from It* high position as a virtue. Be honest because it suits best Is a fraud--be honest because it is right la a truth. The synonims of honesty hold all their forces from their native alliance to truth, and so an honest man has no personal end to attain by his adhorance to the virtue, but is honest because it Is right. **An honest man Is able to speak for himself when a knave is not." Public men have ruined themselves from too much regard for this virtue as a policy--nothing more-- for when the expendiency fails they 'arts free to corrupt influences. It may thus be reasonably applied to all classes of business men, who should not be dis­ honest, least it should be discovered. Such a sentiment is one fit for criminals who would rob as a duty. It behoovcs,us to settle virtues firmly on principle, and then to exercise them in the sense of a power, which is above and beyond all expendiency er policy: and wjjen matured in habits of right action prove our character to be a bul­ wark against all efforts to win us from the path of integrity. THE: WOODSTOCK SKNTINEX AS A DICTATOR. The Woodstock Sentinel seems to be greatly exercised because the people of this District, or a large, majority of them at least, do not see fit to., become a party to the gigantic fraud the Senti­ nel and the Ring are attempting to force upon the people, in the person of WM. Lathrop, the Winnebago office- seeker. They know well that Mr. Lathrop is not a regular nominee of any party, and having tried, with the aid of Abe Smith, and a few others of like ilk, to use the party lash (which proved so effectual to the Sentinel two years ago.) to bring them into line, and failed, are now about to* read every nan and newspaper out of the party who do not at once endorse the fraud. The Sentinel is a poor tool to use in this matter. A paper that has not one •Ingle idea of its owu; whose course was dictated two years ago by a Cap­ tain of an invalid corps; not putting up the regular nominee of the Republican ftarty for Congress until three weeks before election; who to-day dar<^ not Insert an article until it has passed un­ der the inspection ot the "Boss* ring inan of McHenry county, and then been sanctioned by the Captain of tho in­ valid corps, now puts itselt forward as » dictator to the voters and « press of .HcHenry county, and talks of '"moral courage" In putting up the Republican ticket at its mast head! Great God, deliver us from such "moral courage," viz: the courage to be used as a tool for one of the most unscrupulous politi cal rings that ever disgraced a people; the courage to attempt to pack Cau­ cuses and Conventions, and manufac­ ture affidavits to carry out their hellish plots. This is the ^ moral courage" the Sentinel a9ks true Republicans to - Indorse. Will they do it? I; As regards the PLAINDEALER it does ?|K>t claim to be the organ ef any party, £nd certaiuly is controlled by no clique, ring or individual, except the editor Whose name stands at the bead of these columns. As its editor we claim the •ole right to shape its course, and the PLAIN DEALER will ever be found battling for the right and against wrong, whether in the Republican or Democratic party. As regards ourself, We are willing to'compare our record •I a Republican before, during and •ince the Rebellion, with any man con- fj|ecte(] with the Sentinel or the Ring, and we will guarantee that they will aot find us in an invalid, oorp* or be­ hind a baggage wagon, and as for the "•slight consideration," sneakingly In- tnuatedat by the Sentinel, we never re lived a hundred dollars.for supporting tt personal enemy for office. Can the jjfentiriel B&Y as miKihf i: ' ^ This threat of slaughtering #thpr Regular nominees ot the party because |jhe friends of the candidates refuse to •upport their Congressional fraud, is an •Id dodge of the ring, and is too thin $o frighten anyone. The Sentinel may :i|e the "official cirgan of Mctfeiiiy Coun- (which we very, much doubt,) but heir <?OUKSQ in t,lie Congressional ^unvasa will condemn th^ei iu the eyes *f all true Republicans. Self-interest fs their only object, principle never Ij^eing thought of in ihe matter. And yet tliey would dictate to the voters fud press of McHenry county! THK HELL GATE BLAST. Two acres and a half of rocks, consti­ tuting what is known as "Halle t's reef;" a dangerous point in the Hell Gate passage, were successfully demolished on Sunday last, by' the aid of 80,000 pounds of nitro-glycerine, dynamite, &c. The general anticipation that the most terrible results would follow, were not realized. The water was only evenly lifted three or four feet high, with a dull, heavy thud, shaking the ground in the vicinity like a young earthquake. In less than half a minute the water settled back »nd became still. There was no concussion of the air, and not a pane of glass broken in the vicinity. The successful issue sttmps Gen. Newton as one of the first civil engineers in the land. A letter from Deadwood 'to the Louisville Courier Journal, September 11, says: "This morning a large train left here for Cheyenne. Among the passengers were the Messrs. Wheeler, of No. 2 on Deadwood, with 1,100 pounds of gold dust, or about $300,000, all of which they have taken out of their claim the present season. Is the same train were also Messrs. Cheesman A Son with 020,000 each, taken out of claim No. 4. and the Woodbury Bros., with about 9100.000, taken out of No. 5 Dead- wood. There were a number of other parties with various amounts. It is estimated thatoverhalf a million went out on this train. It would be a rich prize for Sitting Bull or a band of road agents, but the train is guarded by 100 men well armed. AT the head of our paper to-day we publish a call signed by the chair­ man ofthe McHenry, Kane and Boone County delegations, calling a Conven­ tion of said delegations to meet at Marengo on the 10th, for the purpose of consultation and putting in nomina­ tion a candidate for Congress. This call was made by request of a large number of voter* of the District, ^and alter an Ineffectual attempt to prevail on Mr. Lathrop to fulfill his promise to heal t'ie breach him and his friends have caused in the District. As he presisfa in the fraud let him stand the consequences. No honest man can vote Ifor him. t Q T m a n y i s f e e l i n g t h e , h a r d times severely, aud it is stated that at least 200,000 of her citizeus h"ive gone into France in search of employment. Germany has been trying to follow the lead of the London bullionists, and drive silverout of the monetary sys­ tem. France, on the contrary utilizes both gold and silver and makes paper equal to them by accepting either as a legal tender. Hard times pinch in Germany, and France gives employ­ ment to her starving citizens. The United States may well profit by their experience, aad provide a stable and uniform currency, regulated and gov­ erned in yalue and volume by the na­ tional fronds.--Chicago Post. COMPTON, KANE COUNTY. EDRFBB PLAIN DEALEB:--Thinking it might prove interesting to the friends of Rev. J, Wheeler, In your vicinity, to knew how and where he Is at present located, we submit the following to your notice for publication la the PLAINDEALER. Rev. Mr. Wheeler re­ ceived and accepted a call from the First Baptist Church of Compton, the first of August, and commenced his labors the first Sabbath in September. The Reverend gentleman start* in with pleasaut prospects for * well paid salary and keeping both for himself and his estimable christian lady. It has not keen the good fortune for this Church and people to secure the ser­ vices of a Pastor that meets the de­ mands or so fills their hearts with glad­ ness and pleasure as the presence which Mr. Wheeler seems to impart. We feel ourselves under obligation complimen­ tary to your people and town for hav­ ing harbored for us, people So genial, good, honest and true, as our Pastor and wife have already proven them­ selves to be, although so brief a time has past since we have known them. Last Thursday we met them in attend­ ance at our Annual Sunday School Picnic. The opening prayer from Mr. Wheeler before some pleasing exer­ cises from the little folks can only be excelled by his thorough Pulpit oratory, which we unhesitatingly pronounce of a very fine order, while his christian zeal is simply grand. Mr( Wheeler and his wife are in the enjoyment of good health, and we wish for thetn both a long life of useful labor and in their new home we predict for them happy hearts and fat pocket books, and we are well satisfied that all who assist in the maintainance of not only Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler but of all others that equal them in goodness ought to have part in the first Resurrection, and we doubt not but what they will. So thinks. p. Democratic Reform Senatorial Conven­ tion. The Senatorial Delegates elected by the Democratic Reform Conventions of McHenry and Lake Counties, will as­ semble in Convention, at the Riverside House, in Old McHenry. on Saturday, the 7th day of October, 1876, at 1 o'clock, p. M., to place in nomination one can* didate for State Senator and three or less, candidates for Representatives in the General Assembly. Also to trans­ act such other business as the Conven­ tion may deem proper. DANIEL BREWER, WM. PRICE W. H. 8EYMOUB, Co. Cen. Cora. Lake Co. NEILL DONNBL.LT, J. J, MURPIIT, R «R RICHARD BISHOP#, J. II. JOHNSON,., A. L. SALISHU *T, GEO. L, SHERWOOD, Co. Cen. Com. McHenry Co. j£^*Great dissatisfaction is express- fed by the republicans of Malta at the action of the Elgin congressional con­ vention. The people now understand how the thing was done, and refuse to %* bound by the action of the minority ^ filing that it would be gross coward- ||f |ce for « majority to submit to the brow- |>eating and dishonest proceedings of a ijigfew men. Not a man iu the town en­ dorses the manner in which Lathrop WHS nominated, and onlv three or four refused to sign the petition , for the nomination Hurlbut,-r-JBluff City. ; a&"There is a family in this town with nine varieties of children. The I husband and wife have each been mar­ ried twice before, aud had one child at each former marriage, which makes four children, each one having different parents. The present wife's former husbands had each been married before leaving ^child by their former wives, which makes six children of different parents. The present husband's two wives had 1 been previously married, leaving each one child, making, eight of different parents. The present husband and wife by this marriage have one child, making nine, all living, and no two having the satae parents.--Xo* Ap- geles Republican. ; , ; ' TO CALIFORNIA. The Prophet Not Without Honor in His Own Country.--The opinion of Those Who are Right on the Ground. -- Unsought Testimony in Favor of the•*' Old Reliable" North- West We don't give this for au fait aceom- plis, but it is yery strongly rumored that Cedar Rapids is to be the half-way station between Chicago and Council Bluflfe. If this is to be, and soms experiments have been made to that end, we sup­ pose it is on account of the superior condition of the road, A trip on the steel railed and well balasted road, is not any more now, if as much wear and tear on the employes and machinery to a train, from Chicago to Cedar Rapids, 218 miles, as it was on the iron rails from Ciiicago to Clinton, 138 miles, in the olden time. It is not necessary for t» to say that the C. & N. W., Railway is a first-class road in every particular, that it ride* as easy as sitting in a rocking chair, that its coaches are parlors, that its employes are the most polite and affa­ ble gentlemen the traveling public can meet or will meet in a lifetime of travel--the esprit de corps of th« em­ ployes, if we may so say, is at ft high standard; we say we need not say this in a newspaper, it is self evident to every traveler on the road. But in the future these are to be increased; we suppose the speed will be increased; if possible the superb trairis will be more supefb; there is to be no train more complete, ei ther for comfort or safety, leave the world's commercial metropo* lis for the golden gate, than the great/ train on the Chicago & North-Westeril Railway--the only company running oat of Chicago that has a road so reli­ able that they are not afraid to run at any speed capable of being attained by engines of the most improved con­ struction, run with the hand of iron nerve, and a head of brains, without any fear of accident or inconvenience. Every employe on the road feels ft personal interest in the North-Westem Railway; it's the."clipper" road in the West, and so far as anything he can do it will continues to be. This is the Trans-Continental link from the Great Lakes to the Great Missouri River. The old-time traveler speaks in high glee of the ease and comfort of these days of steel iu con­ trast with the pioneer days of thii pioneer road in the days of iron. The comforts of travel on the North-Wes­ tem Railway are in every traveler's mouth from the Atlantic to the Pacific. It must be a pr6ud compliment to the efficient management, and that is the reason every officer'or employe feels fro happy apt! obliging. It is with pride we mention these things, and join , the general shout along the line, Hurrah for the "Old Re- liable.--Cedar Rapids Republican. Aug 14,1876. ' HARVARD. Two German women living near Carmack's Corners, south of Harvard, Indulged in a free fight last Friday eve­ ning. The smartest one whipped. The quarrel grew out of a little too much gossip. --Ed. Stoker had the misfortune to cut his right leg below the knee last Wednesday, with acorn cutter, which will probably put him hors de combat for a few weeks. Dr. Wade is attend­ ing him. * --A. W. Toung of Harvard, has been admitted to the bar. He has formed ft co-partnership with J. P. Cheever. and the firm will be known as Cheever & Young. • Mr. Young was principal of the Harvard Schopl for three years, and we wish him thefsame success and popularity in his law business that he gained as a teacher. --foo much curiosity will sometimes place a person in a very laughable po­ sition, as.a lady living in the eastern part of town has discovered. A few days ago said lady observed a tramp approaching tin? house and "immedia­ tely locked the door and put herself in position before the key-hole to peep out. The tramp knocked on the door several times and receiving no answer turned away. As he was passing through the gate our heroine's curiosity overcame her caution, and she opened the door and asked him what he want­ ed. •'Something to eat," was the re­ ply as the door slammed together again.--ludependent. \U t. ' NEAR THE DEPOT, M'IIENRY, Dry Gtobdsfi full Stock. Boots I Shoes in abundance Clothing a Full Line. ̂ Hats and Caps for X Choice GrocerieSj Fine^Teas, Can Fruits, Crockery and Glass Ware. The Highest Market Price for BUTTER " EGGS, AND POULTRY, in Cash or Trade. BUCKLIN & STEVENS. McHenry, 111., Sept. 23d, 1876. PERRY <te MARTIN. •J the REMOVAL.. UKEHM) HAVE remove! to their new Store corner opposite the Brick Church, where they will be happy to see their old customers and as many new ones as may see fit to call. A Full Stock of Furniture of all kinds, at prices as low as the lowest. BLAKE k BRO. McHenry, Aug. 14th, 1876. Now is the Time to Buy FDGStlTDBG! Headquarters for all Kinds' of Dry Goods Clothing, Boots and Shoes; Hats and Cam Groceries of all KindS, Crockery Glass-Ware, FRUIT CANS, CARP^tS, TRUNKS, / & And in short, a FirrtClass Stock of General Mercbamlte. We are constantly receiving uew Goods of all kinds, and buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk is che4p, hut the party or parties who can undersell ns don't live in this neck of j^ie woods. Onr LARGE AND CONSTANCY CREASING TRADE ̂ testifies better than anything we can say that ' OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We always guarantee our goods to be what they are represented to fee -AT- 16?"Yellow fever is creating great alarm at several points in the South. At Savannah there is ntf abatement in the pcourge, tl»e deaths averaging about 20 daily. Brunswick, Ga^ which has a population of less than 2,500, has 600 ca. of fever. Cases have been report Aj at Baltimore, but, the report does udBkeeerii well confirmed. At LouigvilwH^Xew Orleans. Richmond, IK! other towns, meetings id for the purpose ot rais- nd other material aid for (OWi^ ' . ' Baitinior are be in ing mon stric] It is hardly fair to give yonr orders for printing to traveling solici­ tors when youexpect your home paper- to look after yonr interest and occa*- sionally speak a. good word for you. Your home paper feels a personal inter­ est in you; the traveling man doesn't care whether you live or die, succeed or fail.--Kankakee Gazette. t&.'The long contested champion­ ship for the base ball|j)rize is at last virtually settled in fi\rSr of the Chica­ go White Stockings, jthey having won 97 of all the games p^yei. r i Naw Cabinet Warerooms, NEAR THE DEPOT, MCHENRY, - ILLINOIS Come and See Before you purchase elsewhere, as I have a full and complete Stock of everything ill the Furniture Line. fcgfDon't be afraid to Come. Anything in my line Manufac­ tured to order and satisfaction guaranteed, order, Repairing done to JOHN JSUOEN. McHenry, 111., Septf&th, 1878. % L. Stoddard, IN IIOWE'S|BLOCK,| McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS HAS Just received a large and well selected stock of Bats Caps, Boots and Shoes, NOTIONS, Groceries, &c.9 * Which he i» offering to the buying public At Prices to Suit the Times. tSTMy stock of Hats and Caps comprises the latest styles, and will be sold low for Cash or Beady Pay. CALL AND SEE. L. STODDARD. McHenry, III, iUy Mth, 18W. and are always ready to make good our word, and hence cannot afford to be undersold or to enormons profits •» ear goods» Wo intend to We are here to get a livelihood deceive the publie, nor toMk. •And wljrflf, it are grateful to a generous public for their patronage in tin# past, we hope to merit the same in the future. jM^GIVE US A CALL land we will our Goods aud use you well whether you buy of us or not. PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother. 27th, 1875. McHenry, At his Agricultural Wareb in addition tq/his large stoc Farm Both I At the Old Stand of J. E, Vasey, . RINCWOOD, - - ILUNOtS, also put in a Fit It Stock of Builders and Heavy Hardware ! Hand Bakes, Scythes, Forks, Naila, Horse Shoes, Iron, and .^Blacksmith's Supplies Hav.e }nst filled their Store with 4 lAlf# Stock of TOVES, I Heatinjr, which they are ojfff- itiK public at BOTTOM PBlOfcft a line assortment of Table aad iry, and other Uooda ip a country dware cotoBf 'i v sow .with onr large 'took of End. n-e we have ft|Mmiirt «p with a full line ef The Best Tllfil and Cigars • "I.* W. i «• OUB STOCK Generally, Public. • he new offers to the baying C^Bememher these goods are being sold At Prices to suit the times« Call and Sec. O. BIS August 8th, f i Rubber Goods, Ac., are of the best manufac. tune, and we extend an invitation to all to come and before purchasing elaewhero All good8 aNtl* thd Lowest Cash Price*. VASKY * HOLMSB. ood, Sept 101* vm. 1 %

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