Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Oct 1876, p. 5

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r.Ti?, •••• ~" • ' 4 S * - r •a^w!- V - »•-«"» -"7" " - A ' "-JFR V": .. #> \ ". * V* " **• V - . ' ; ^ "' -- * i •'V '•'^ ^ ^ } J»>V 1 - *U ;v> T ' WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4th, 1876. ,*Railroad Time Table. GOING SOUTH. I; genera Lake Passenger L.7M A. *. •eneva Lake Freight AM P. M. GOING NORTH. Kae«a take Freleht ^U.^10 :00 A. M. •••a Lake Passenger mvmv...7:06 p. *. MASONIC.? tLLCHRWRT CHAPTER Xo. 34 R. A. M.--Been-* Convocations held on the second and inrth Fridays in each month. „ HENRY COLBY H. P. PCLASKI AUEN 8er„ CHUKCH DIRECTORY. METHODIST.--Rev. J. T. Cooper, Pastor. Services every Sundav morning nt 10K A. M. Sunday School at 12 A. "M. WM. PAGE, Super- intendent. Services at Rin.gwood at 2 P. M. I '3 . THfc Ladies Sociable of Ririgwood .iffill meet at the Louse pf D. lugalls, 4>ne mile North- of the village, on Thursday next, October 5th. MRS. WM. LANGHAM, Secretary, BOBT. E. STANLEY, the noted hunter and fisherman of Nippersink Point, brought in a string of aboitt one hun­ dred Ducks on Friday last. Ducks must fly high if they expect to escape '"Bobs" unering aim, J. LANSING, who has leased the Hay Press at the Depot, is putting in alarge stock of Hay, and intends running the machine to its full capacity during the Fall. Farmers will And a good market for their surplus Hay by calling on John. ULADY KATE," owned by Hon. F. IF, Granger of this village, took first inor»<»y in the citizens Purse at the Lake Coun­ ty Fair on the 20th ult. She Is a very promising young animal,and with good esre will make her mark on the turf la the future. As will foe seen by a notice in another column, John Lansing is t# have an Auction of stock, fanning tools, &c., at his farm, four miles Southwest of Mc- Henry, on Saturday next, the 7th. Those in search of bargains will do well to bear this in mind. THE Steamer "R Emerson," having received her new Boiler, is now ready to make trips to aud from the Lakes on short notice* Everything is now in apple pie order, and hunters and fisher- meu can rest assured that quick and pleasant triprf Will be the order of the dij. «. • . WE understand that Woodstock is to 2ii**,iizea Professional "Nine" next year. Gard South worth is to be Pitcher, Dan Weaver Catcher, and Slder Riugland Short Stop. The Itelance of the Nine has not been en­ gaged. From cents t» $1,20 per •south is the wages paid t« ' ;hose en- !^BUCKWHEAT Pancakes are ripe." KTe are assured of this fact by Messrs fianley & Sons, who have left a Sack, a very nice article too, at our residence, And having sampled it we know ^hereof we speak. In the Flour line this firm cannot be beat, cither }n Buckwheat or any other kind. They will please accept thanks forthls re- ttembrance. -v THE Democrats and Independents of J|t»ke County held a joint Convention tt Lib^tyville oh Wednesday last, the iRTth, and nominated the following ticket for County offices: For Circuit , Clerk, Edwin Wilson, of Libertyville. ,JN>r Sheriff, Clarence L. Pratt, of Wau- eonda. For States Attorney, C. T. P^ydecker, of Newport. For Coroner, ^r. J. K. Etter, of Avon. FROM the number of hunters daily seen going and returning from the , Lakes, hunting and fishing must, be good in that section. No one who has Cver visited these Lakes and learned of the pleasant resort and splendid sport, fails to come again, and consequently thei visitors are increasing every year. There is no better.liunting and fishing grounds in the West. This is the ver- iftctofall. ' "' ̂ ^ • •"* t *' » ' * l iAw Individual, who from xome cause gad 8o*t his balance, was arrested on Thursday night last by officer Wight- jpan, for conduct unbecoming a gentle- nan, and furnished free lodging in the Calaboose, and on Friday morning" was interviewed by Justice Smith, and Jtned 010 and costs, which he immedia­ tely paid, and departed a sadder if not • wiser wau. We did not learn his name. •• 1 " • ' > ••(M.i ltl> it) »•,•« .r-l i i >>, i- i ON Frtflay TrtgHt a %irght skirmish ibok place between two individuals, iu .ifrhich the picket lines were successfully drive u In, but the attacking party re­ ceived an ugly bdyonr.t charge over the •ye that put an end to the affray Im­ mediately. No arrests were made, but f|ur Marshal will do well to keep an eye Cjn these indiv'diyils iu the future, and take a hand in should they attempt a repetition of the disgraceful scene. i. ADVICES from all parts of the Co Indicate that Josiah Dwight, the pres­ ent able Deputy, in the Cirp^y Clerks Office, will make a stron^iipr for that o;fflc«- at the approa#ing election. There are many who Will vote for Mm r because they think Ills fealty to party justlyenti ties him to " the office, and that he was badly used ftt the hands of ,|%||pieWo«i that three as Stted for one office iM iov Circuit Clerk, LIST of Letters remaining uncalled for in the Post Office, McHenry, Octo­ ber 1st, 1876: Mrs. John C. Harden, Miss Millie Wright, Win. Nelson, Domas Normanda, Mrs. Mary Louden- Ibee, Foster Hoag^ J. C Huntington, Mre. Betsy Elder, Ervin Carley, M^rs. M. A. Bowman, Chas. Butterfield, Geo. Bates, Mrs. Edith M, Andrus, Lars. Oeelliksen Hirtli, J. Jakobsson, S. Larsson, Mrs,A.May n, Jem Seber. JOHN M. SMITH, P, M. THOS PHALEI? and Will Thurwell, who were indicted for an assault upon one Tonyon, in this village about a year ago, were tried in the Circuit Court on Thursday last, and sentenced to pay a fine of $25 each and be imprisoned iu the County Jail for a term of sixty days. For the offence committed this was very light punishment, and we hope the boys will profit by the lesson and in the future so conduct themselves that our citizens may have no causa to regret that it was not more severe. H. N. HOLMES took the Census of this School District on Monday last, ami reports to us the following result: Number of males under six years old» 74. Number of females under six years old, 59. Males #ver six and tinder twenty-one. 158. Females over six. and under twenty-one, 144. Total in Dis­ trict under * twenty-one, 435. Mr. Holmes also informs us that he found three families, living not over forty rods apart, who gave in the names of thirty-one children under twenty-one years old, one family having 12. another 10, »nd the third 0. We think there is no danger of our population decreasing at thii rate. THE Woodstock Dramatic Associa­ tion covered themselves with honor on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of Inst week, in producing the five Act Drama, of'"The Lady of Lyons." which we do not hesitate in saying was brought out in a manner never equalled by any Amateur organization in the West, and very rarely excelled by pro­ fessional players. The character of Claude Melnotte, the Lady of Lyons, Madame Deschappelles, Mons Beau- seant, and Col Damas were Unexcept­ ionable. and left no room for criticism or improvement. This, Association are adding to their already good name by every play they bring out. We under­ stand they will play in Elgin this week. ON Thursday evening of next week, October 12th, will take place the Party at Riverside Hall, for the benefit of the McHenry Cornet Band, and every person who ever attends such gatherings should make it a point to be piesent on that occasion and put in their might to help the boys along. Our Band is making unusual progress. *nd promises to be equal to the best iu the country, but our citizens must remember that all this takes both time and money, and while they spend their time they should jaot be asked to bear all the expense. Prof. Slater's Band will ftir- uish the music, an Oyster Supper will be served, and all who attend can rest assured of a good time, We, hope the dancing public will turn out aud give tbe Band a rousiug benefit. WE were prevented by other busi-. nessfnona attending the Fair but one day last week, and then the weather was so disagreable we were unable to note but little that was going on. With the exception of one or two de­ partments the show was decidedly slim, which proves conclusively that the people of the County have lost ail interest In these annual Exhibitions, which Is certainly a deplorable state of thiugs. The cause for.all this we have not now time nor space to. discuss, but shall do so hereafter. It is a matter in which every *!itiaen .of the, <5011111}'is interested^ and a plain statement of facts may tend to bring about, a dls- cussiou that will lead to a remedy of that which now threatens to distroy the Society. We noticed among the show of horses some very fine animals, among which were sonpie very fine Morgan colts, owned by Asa W. Smith, of Woodstock, and a half blood Norman, owned by Page Colby, of McHenry which we will speak more^jparticularly of next week. Thesho%v of Hogs way about the same as in .Jfortner years, while in cattle there jras a very slim exhibition. The Agricultural Ma­ chinery Department w«8 well filled by the "Boss" Machine u||ju, T.J. Dacy, ot Woodstock, who i»e*er does things by halves. The Poultry department made a Fair showk but Floral Hall was almost a total faumre. Had it not been for the di#fav of Stoves by Thoe. Whitson #»oiws and Dry Goods by E. A. Murpfty & Co., the Hall would have been comparatively empty. The at­ tendance was fuliias large as in former years^btit there seemed to be that lack of inlgh'est in competing for Premiums Decenary to ensure a successful Fair. A ful] exhibition and strong eompeti- tlfon is what is needed, and there is no se in finding fault with your neighbor fpr not doing what you ueglect or re­ fuse to do yourself. WE MEAN BUSINESS. AH persons knowing themselves in­ debted to me are respectfully requested to call and settle.the same at once, as I want money to meet my demands. "Live and let live" js my motto, but In order to do this it is necessary that 1 collect what is now past due. B. GILBERT. McUenry, IlL, Oct. 3d, J37& ON Saturday next the Democratic and Independent Senatorial and Represen­ tative Conventions, comprising the Counties of Lake aud McHeniy, will meet in this village, when it Is expect­ ed a joint ticket will be put in nomina­ tion. The following are the DEMOCRATIC DELEGATES, LAKE CO. Ezsa Walker, C. T. Heydecker, J. H. Elliott, John L. Tweed, Dr. J. K. Etter, K. M. Dennis, J. K. Merrill, A. O. Whit­ ney, Proctor Putnam, Thomas O* Mahony, Edwin Wilson. J. Millard, Joseph E. Glynch, F. Givin, L. Ingalls. C. Albrecht. 1>. Monahan. INDEPENDENT DELEGATES, LAKE CO. Ezra Walker, Benton; N. Welchi Newport; James Moran, Antioch; Rich­ ard Compton, Grant; John Moore, Avon; A. D. Whitmore, Warren; Jas. Finney,S. I. Bradbury, A.S. Waterman, Waukegan; M. Melody, Shields; Jas. Bradley, Libertyville; Philander Eddy Fremont ;R.C. Hill, Wauconda; Wm. Jayne, Cuba; T. B. Turner, Ela; Wil­ son Doty, Vernon; John Finney, Deer- field* 'S&f. • N U N D A . EDITOR PLAINDEALER October with Its cold winds is again present to greet us, as well as to warn us of the approach of winter. Overcoat* have been sought in their dusty retreats and again pressed into service. To the farmer it Is a bu*y month and most always to quickly gone by, as many crops are to be secured to prevent being injured by slight freezes that often surprise us during this month. Apples should ^be carefully gathered and placed in mod­ erate cool places until the near ap­ proach of winter. Potatoes must now be secured, but the great crop to be harvested is the corn which is now ready for the crib, but perhaps the most disagreeable job that fall to the lot of man to do, is to get out the stoves and set them up, get together the pipe and get it together (if j'oii cau) and with soot-begrinned visages aiul sore fingers be ready to pronounce a bene­ diction as the last joints reluctantly slip together. Business prospects continue dull i-i the extreme and monev seems almost to have passed out of circulation. Our merchants complain of finding much difficulty in making.collections aud we can only watch aud Wait for the dawu of more prosperous times. We have heard that Dr. Ball<)u has already leased the ground, and will soon erect a Warehouse and commence buying grain aud we sincere!3' hope that it may be so, as a business enter­ prise of this kind is greatly needed iu this place aud we think It will be found to be a good point. We say, success to the enterprise. It is witli sorrow we announce the deaths of Mrs. Alfred Buck and Mrs. Vermilyea both old residents of our town. Mrs. Buck died very suddenly it was thought In a fit ot apoplexy on Saturday night Sept. 30th. Mrs. Vermilyea has been sick sometime and has suffered very much but death re- U!e A*5 morning of Oct. 2d. They have go to their 'reward. Mr. Frank Doran's little boy was se­ verely cut 011 the ankle by a mower .as lie ran forward of the sickle unobserved by Mr. Doran until it was too late to stop the machine in time. The Sabbath School Concert was a very enjoyable affair, the house being densely crowded by an interesting and appreciative audience, while the schol­ ars of the several schools here repre­ sented seemed to enter into the spirit of^their instructions aud their decla­ mations and songs were worthy of" oldcrheads. TYKO. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned having sold his farm, will sell at Public Auction, on said farm, fq|y; miles Southwest of Mc­ Henry, on Saturday, October 7th, 187G, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M.. the following property: 5 work horses^ 30 steers, three and four years old, 1 pair work cattle, 18 cows, 60 hogs aud pins, 2 lumber wagons, 2 buggies, 3 set har­ ness, 1 Buckeye Mower, 2 new plows, 1 sulky cultivator, 30 acres corn, 40 tons hay, 1 ha}' rake,2 hayracks, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale.--All sumu of $10 and nuderCash. Over that sum a credit of one year will be given 011 approved Notes at 8 per cent iuterest. V! • JOHN LANSING. F, K. ixBAKGEU, Auctioneer. IF you want a good Hair Cut, Sham­ poo or Shave, call on Charley,uear the Depot. My Shop is always neat and cleant 8i«sord sharp and Razors keen; Everything I think you'll find, To Suit the taste and please the mind. ; Spoke &Uave. Notice for Letting Contract fop Repairing » Brldg*. i Public Notice is hereby given that on the Seventh day of October. 1876. at the hour of ten o'clock iu the forenoon, in the Town of Nunda, in. the County of McHenry. and State of Illinois, the undersigned, Commissioners of High­ ways of said Town, will publicly let .to the lowest responsible bidder, the con­ tract for repairing the bridge over the Fox River on the highway leading from, the Patterson Mills to ^olo, in said Town, according to the plans and spe­ cifications given on the ground the day of the lettiug. Dated this 28th day of September, A. D. 1876. *, AMOS D. WHITING, ) Commissioners 4AMES KITTLE S of hioMAS BOLGER ) Highways Clothiug-«and Gents furnishing goods a speciality at Lansing & Evanson McHenry. ^ •" • <-V WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Last week was more thau usually full of business* including the Fair, the Court and the Theatre., As you were present at the first perhaps you will allow me to pass that, in a measure, leaving It to but considering the season and the con­ spicuous failures in adjoining and neighboring counties, the receipt of sixteen hundred dollars may hot be taken as ah entire failure. On Thurs­ day it was estimated that 5000 people were on thejground, and Friday per­ haps 3000. Had the Society received as much for the eating house and re­ freshments as last year the receipts would havs fallen but little if any' short of the amount one year ago. The Stallion race on the third day was won by Puzzler In three straight heats. Time 2:55. Bandy second, and the race of last day by Lady Mack. Time 2 ;454,2 ;45, 2 ;46 and 2:46. As usual the **elder" was around look­ ing up matters, his pencil behind his ear. What a pity that the elements of the Natural Sciences were not taught in the college where he learned his dictionary latin, htthat case he might have learned to know the difference oetween a carnivore and a rodent, be­ tween a ferijet and a squirrel. See Fri­ days Daily Blimderer. In addition to the above, the "elder" had a miscar­ riage last week--in his paper ;*having announced a birth that Is not yet a birth, and the week previous he mar­ ried a young couple who are not yet husband and wile. The question i& whether any moral community is safe containing so enterprising a man, and so re-/te-nble a paper. In court, Thurlwell and Wlial$n re­ ceived each sixty days in the county jail including time already served, and each twenty five dollars fine,. They plead guilty to one count of the Indict­ ment, nolle pros entered as to the others. John M. Andiews who picked his friends pocket in Woodstock about a month ago, plead guilty, but said he was on a spree. The court thought that not a sufficient excuse so sent him to Joliet for one year, ten days solitary confinement. In the case of Hayden vs., the C. & N. W. R. R. In which the plaintiff sought to recover damages for an inju­ ry to himself while at work for the company in the capacity of brakeman, through which injury his ankle was sprained. Lyon and Joslyn for plain­ tiff, Barge and Smith (B. N.) for the defendant, the Jury found no cause. The Lady of Lyons was a grand suc­ cess, and was played the best of any that the association has heretofore brought out, the faults being those of elocution only, some sentences being uttered iu 6uch a way as not to bring out the idea intended by the author, but this was their first time, and that will be corrected before they play at Elgin, as we understand they contem­ plate doing next Thursday aud Friday evenings, during the Kane County Fair. It is the intention to 6ring out the "Lady of Lyons one night, and the "Hidden Hand" the next. During the horse fair at Marengo our "bus" went to that town In the way of business and the authorities wanted ten dollars license. This year the Marengo "bus" come here for the same purpose and 011 objecting to the fee ($10) were refered to the precedent set by their^owu town. ' That's a game that two can play at with the odds in our favor. E. A. Murphy has gone East and Neil Donnelly has returned with the best stock of ready made clothing to be found in thismarket, if not in the county, as your correspondent knows by actual inspection. The boxes cover ed the sidewalks all last week and this is opening day, all the week. Some changes take place in our pdb- lic school to day, one- of the teachers stepping down and out, but just the extent of the going out and coming in has not come to our knowledge. Some men would learn after awhile that se­ lecting teachers through motives of charity or friendship, although it will fill places, will not always be for the best interest of the school. Whether our board will find that out remains to be seen. Hiring a teacher without a certificate and then trying to obtain one by influence instead of merit, might have been expected to produce the ef­ fect it has in this case. While upon this point it may not be out of place to state that one of the primary room! has 75 pupil« with seats for 80; that the school has been divided so that, p^rt attend in the forenoon and part in the afternoon. This gives rise to a great deal of uomplaint, and justly too, for little ones ought to have short recita­ tions and have them frequently, f6> the reason that children soon wear}' of auy thing but play aud when the inter­ est lags the lesson should be di6coutin-r ued for a short time. One lesson a day for those just beginning in school is practically no lesson at all, nor is there; any reason in law or logic why parents should submit to such an imposition. SQUBBRS. Richmond Department. Passenger train* pass Richmond station as follows* - GOIKG SOOTH' T^T'V- Geneva Lake Passenger. MA.H Geneva Lake Freight P. K. oonro NORTH T Geneva Lake Freight.... ........... .10:40 A. X Geneva Lake Passenger M CHURCH DIRECTORY. CONGREGATIONAL:-- Rev. F. J. Douglass, Pastor. Services at IS P. M. METHODIST:--Rev. SamL Earn gey Paator Services 10:30 A. M. Sabhath School U:90 A M. J. L. Downing, Supt. BAFTIST:--Eliler Wheeler, Pastor. Services 10:30 A. M. Sabbath School 12 M. MASONIC. Rlr-HMosn LOHGE, Xo. IIS, A. F. A A, If. Regular Convocations Urst Monday in each month on or before the lull moon, and the second Monday thereafter. 1 G. B. CAtFKjrran, W. Ic. C„ CoTTi*o, Secretary. Judging from the number of new stoves received by our Hardware mer­ chants of late, we would prophesy a warm winter in Richmond. Mrs. £. F. Wodell and Mrs. ®. B. Carpenter are in Chicago selecting their new stocks of Millinery Goods, so prepare for a "new Bat." It has got to come. Mr. Geo. W. Eldrl«%e and John McCoitnel have tjaken "leave of absence" and started on Saturday last for the Great Centennial, via Washington. They expect to be goue two or three weeks. We wish them a pleasant journey. The Sabbath School Concert given at the M. E. Church on Sunday evening, was a grand success and reflected great credit on the scholars, their worthy teachers and Superintendent. The nouse was packed to Its utmost capaci­ ty aud all seemed to be glad that they were there. Lansing A Evanson have just received a choice article of Machine Olj which they offer 33 per cent lens than regular retail quotations. Threshers shonld bear this in mind. CASH will buy Sheetings, Prints, Cotton Flannels &c., at WHOLESALE PRICES, freight addded. At Lansing $ Evansou> McHenry, Miss Hugg, who has had charge of the primary department of Richmond School, has tendered her resignation which has been accepted by the Board, and Miss Mattle Fisher engaged to fill Vacancy. While mauy are sorry to part with so valuable a teacher we thiuk the department has been left In worthy hands, and trust It will loose nothing by the change. Miss Hugg has taught several successful terms iu this school and is highly esteemed by alarge circle of friends whose best Wishes fol­ low her. This being Court week many of our citizens have been called to Woodstock against their wishes to testily tn the Hall--Clothier suit, which has been brought up and passed over so many times. We sincere hope this, will be the last of it, as the good people of Richmond are getting heartly sick of this annoyance and tired of having this burden of expense heaped npou them and the county by a case in which neither they or ttie county are inter­ ested. v s Business ^otlc«8* J ' --'if Go to E. IK* Owen for Pumps4, Go to £. M. Owen for Plcftrt*, Good Yard wide Brown Sheeting#< pcfr yatfrt. At P. D, SMITE'S. _ Woolen and Flannels a full stock and at lower prtccs ihan ever at Backlin Stevens', I THRESHING MACHINE MfiN. Get your String Leather of O. 2^ Owen, McHenry, 111. " 6' ,?.! Talk Is said to be cbesp tmt n4t - cheaper than goodi of la kinds Mi Bucklin & Stevens'. 1 Fancy Note and Letter Paper, With envelopes to match. Very neat styles# At O. W. Owen's. ' SALT! SALT! Salt for sale at oar WtrellMtfii» at $1.60 per Barrel. SltfrrH & SNYDER A bran new Organ at O. W. GVREIF* for $100. Best thing, In Plows* Gall and Me. ' , • , E. If you w^nt any kind of Farm Imp]** meats or repairs call on E. M. Owen. The Blanchard and Emmett Churns^ the Jtest in the market. For Sale by . O. BISHOP. Forsyth's Ilay Scales, Counter Scale* and Portable Platform Scales, for Sal# by O. Bishop. We want 60,000pounds of choice bud*, ter for which the highest Market pri«( will be paid. LAHStiro A EVANSON McHenry The Pearl Gang Plow has n6 equal* For sale by L. Francisco. Shop opposite the Parker House. POCKET AND TABLE CtJTLEKY* The best In the market at ;L. Sto4» dard's S. G. Street, of Hebron, passed through this place on Saturday last on his return from Elkhorn, W is.. Fair, where he had been to exhibit some of his Magie nogs which took the first premium at that exhibition, and we think it would be a hard matter to flud their equal. The largest weighed 900 and 600 pounds while several of the spring pigs weighed 225 pounds each. Parties wishing to engage in hog raising would be well paid by visiting Mr. Street and hear what he has to say on the subject. Announcement. Owing to the persistent urgency of many friends, in various parts of the county, who feel outraged at the re­ sult of the convention 011 Saturday last, at which instructions were violated, aud other things done which are neither to the credit nor advantage of sound Republicanism; I have to-day, consented to enter the contest for the office of Circuit Clerk, regardless of the decision of that convention. And In this behalf I would ask all my friends throughout the county, to give my case a fair consideration, and then cast their vote and their influence for right and justice, on whichever side they may seem to lie. JOSIAH DWIQHT. Woodatpok, Aug. 90th,' 1876. CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! A largo Inyoice at unprecedented LOT PriCfes, at P. D. SMITH'S. To the M^eton of McHenry County. | Believing that officers for the {admin­ istration of justice, should be independ­ ent of, and iinve no official favors to reciprocate with politicians, 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of States Attorney. If elected, I 'shall discharge the duties of the office impartially and conscientiously ,to the best of my ability. J011N B. L^ON. Harvard, 111., July 22 1S76. ,, ^ -J--- f'Tf GREAT UK DUCT ION 1 i, In t We-prices of the Buffalo and Rrteh ester Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to Me' them be­ fore making your selections. P. D. SMITH. Cash buyers are invited tQ call and examine the large and New Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries «fcc.,now arriviug at Lansing & Evanson's. From 10 to 25 per cent may be saved on all goods bought from this firm. Parties buying In large quantities will get an extra deduction fromro to 10 per cent. New and elegant, styles of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, in tae nMfet popular sliades.-- Also a large variety of Ladies Waterproofing and Cloakings, at ( P. D. SMITH'S. One two-seated Democrat Wagon for $<*le cheajj, |v 0, W, Owfc* A splended Pianv to Rent oil re no** able terms* 0> W. OWSICK McHenry lit. Jan. Ilth, 1878. Remember that Bucklin & Steven® offer their goods at the very lowest living prices.and pay Cash for Btitttr and Eggs. You can save at least 25 per cent ttt buying your Clothing, Hats, Cape, Boots and Shoes, at Lansing & Evanson Mclleury. HARD MONEY OR soFi^ Bucklin & Stevens' take either, as well as Butter, Eggs and Poultry, and give in exchange good Goods at Bot­ tom Prices. SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE. If you want one of the best Sewing Machines in the market for half price, call at this office, where the Machine cau be seen and tested. The new; American Sewing Maclifni, the best in the market. They are war­ ranted in every particular, run easier, and make less noise. Call and tiff them. O. W. Owen, Agent. Bucklin & Stevens are prepared witte a full and complete stock of Seasonable Goods to meet the wants of the buying public, and are bound to sell them nt such prices as to defy any and all com­ petition. A full line of M. Sels A Co's Boot*- and Shoes, Custom made, and fully warranted and second to none in tha market, at Bucklin & Stevens. Th« {trices are considerably reduced CrfJP1 ast year. _____ , * r FLAX SEED WAXTElfc One Hundred Thousand Bushels of Flax Seed wanted, for which the, High­ est Market Price will be paid CWpt by Smith & Snyder. McHenry, Aug. 21st 1876. Particular Notice. AH persons indebted to me, efttierbr Note or Book account are hereby noti­ fied to call and settle che same on or before Oct. 1st, and thereby save coftti* A word to the wise is sufficient, and t- mean business. L. FRANCISCO.' • McHenry, Sept. 4th, 1876. TO THE PUBLIC. All persons knowing themselves In­ debted to the firm of Blake & Bro., fire requested to call and settle the san* in the next ten days, as I wish to all outstanding accounts. Johk Buu Surviving Partner Blake A B». • FOR SALE. I have choice Village Lots and aor* Property, in and adjoining the Village of McHenry, that has heretofore been held out of market, which I am new selling to those who will build and' improve, on very reasonably terms. E.M.OWJ WOOL! WOOL! I am now in the market prepared to* pay the highest market price for Wool. Those having good marketable Wool will find it for their interest to and see me. • . F. K QKAXoaa. McHenry, III, inly tth W7«. » CLOVER THRESHER. * * F. WIEDRICK would inforfn tj»* farmprs throughout the County that ne is pre pared to thresh Clover ot Shell Corn, having one of the best machines iu the market. For information ad-- dress, F. Wiedirck, Woodstock, 111. A New Hair Tonle Wcirtii Having. It is the best. Wood's Improved Hair Restorative is unlike any other* and has no equal. The Improved lifts new vegetable tonic properties; re­ store grey hair to a glossy, natural color; restores faded, dry, harsh and <•- falling hair; restores, dresses, gfvet vigor to the hair; restores hair to pre­ maturely bald heads; removes dandraft, humors/scaly eruptions; removes Irri­ tation, itching and sealy dryness. No article produces sneli wonderful effect*. Try it, call for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don*t be put oil villi any other article. Sold by all dnf* >vetj»-gists in this place aud dealers where. Trade supplied at mi tirers prices bv C. A. Coek & Ce. cm- cago, Sole Agents for the United StatpA ami Canada,at<4 all Wholesale I>re£»

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