Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Nov 1876, p. 8

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DERBY CHEESE MAKING.--A recent 1 «tter from an English- correspondent of the rural Yorker gives partic­ ulars of the English process of making Derby cheese. They are as follows: *'The rennet is put in the milk, the tem­ perature af whieh is at 80 degrees to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. After the coagu­ lation is perfect the mass is btx>ken fine at the first and until it is rethiced to almost a pulp. Then it is leftat Wsst for half an hour, when the whey is drawn. The curd is now heaped up in the tub and this process is continued at interval* until sufficiently solid, It Is then broken to a moderate degree of fineness, by hand, and put in thts cheese hoo)> and pressed and turned, when the cheese is well rubbed with salt. The next night turn and use anotherc cloth, and continue salting for five days, ouoe a day. It is then taken from the press and ironed on thin paper, when the cheese is ready tor the tshfese room." Derby cheese obtains high prices, be­ ing exceeded only by the very best Cheddar, Hair Tonic Worth Having. It is the best. Wood's Improved Hair Restorative is unlike any other, and has no equal. The Improved has new vegetable tonic properties; re­ store grey hair to a glossy,< natural color; restores faded, dry, harsh and falling hair; restores, dresses, gives vigor to the hair; restores hair to pre­ maturely bald heads; removes dandruff, humors.scaly eruptions; removes irri­ tation, itching and scaly dryness. No article produces such wonderful effects. Try it, call for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don't be put off with any other article. Sold bjr all drug­ gists in this place and dealers every­ where. Trade supplied at manufact­ urers prices bv C. A. Cook & Co., Chi­ cago, Sole Agents for the United States and Canada, and all Wholesale Drug­ gists, Ax $83 Victor Sewing Machine for sale for less than half price, for the rea­ son that the owner has no use for it Can be seen by calling at this office. LOST, a Paisly Shawl, about one yard I# you want a good Hair Cut, Sham­ poo or Shave, call on Charley, near the Depot. My Shop is always neat and clean, Siesors sharp and Razors keen; Everything I think you'll find, ^To suit the taste and please the mind. Snoke Shave. SURE CURE FOR DIARRHOEA. This is to certify that after coming home.from California to my family in Chicago I was taken with a diarrhoea. 1 tried everythingthat was recommen­ ded to me (but did me no good) for over five years, until 1 got two bottles of F. Marcus' Bitters which completely ctir^d me. Robert Forrest. Peter Blane and others can testify the above to be true and no humbug. I have proved It to be equally as good for billions com­ plaints. It strengthens and invigorates the whale system, (Carries off the bile, and gives warmth to the chilled veins of both old and young. It is the best bitters I ever used. Joiix P emi AN SEW. Town of Seneca, McHenry County, State of Illinois. Subscribed and sworn before me this 28th day of September 1875. E. BALDWIN J. P REMOVAL. HAVE removed to their new Store on the corner opjioriite the Brick Church, where they will he happy to see their old customers and aanaay new one^as may see fit to call; A Fill Stock of Furniture of all kinds, at prices as low as the lowest. BLAKE & BRO. McHenry, Aug. 14th, 1876. War a Prices at rau ( ' Ikb FRONT MI STORE! Having Purchased tire interest of WM. E. SMITH, lam ready to sell Drip,-Paints, O I L S , School Books & Sundries, Cheaper than any House In MoHenry Ooanty My Goods are purchased for Caslt, (no long time/) and to Cash Customers B>will advise to call and see for themselves before purc!}»«<sg elsewhere. > Ho M IM in !M" ; JOHN 5. WHEAT* Wowlstoek, I1L, Oct 85th, 18$. It will Pay > You to go to Woodstock and Buy a STOVE OF The Largest Stock in the County. FOUNDRY NOTICE. 50,000 lbs. of YOLO, ILL. .--AT THE-- ' JANESVILLE WOOLEN MILLS KOBTH MAIN STHKKT. THE subscri^r* wish to inform their patrons and everybody that they will innnulw-. tiirc their Wool Into good substantial Cassj. mere:,, Doeskin*, Flannel and stocking Yarn on shares or by the yard or pound, on siiUsfac tory terms; or will'buy their Wool and p;iv the"highest market and sell thein goo*! •substantial Cassiruercs at $1.00 per yard, and ail other goods at the same rate. Will nav half rash on good fine lots, not too small. Will pay Express charges on all Jots of Wool of 50 |H»und<or more and return the goods free ot charge. Willcard their Woolinto rolls for Oc per |H>uud: also card Wool the same day when brought from a distance, if possible. Will •iress their cloth on the ufcual terras. Carpets' washed ; price 5 cents per yard, Flrmers, pa­ tronize home industry. IX ewbange for Goods, • Yfool -.Grease, Tallow and Wood, tor which th* highest nrice wijl be paid. V. A. WHEELER * (pO, JtnciTtll#, Wis,, May30«j, JSNfc WAED B. GALE, Proprietor. The undersigned have just started a Foun­ dry and Machine Shop. and are now prepared to do all kinds ol Casting for Machinery, on idiort notice and in the best of manner. We also manufacture the celebrated Gale Wind Mill. "Repairing of all kinds done promptly and satisfaction Guaranteed. Threshing Machines repaired on short no­ tice. Orders solicited. WARD B. GALE. Volo.IlL, July 5th 1876. Wanted/ LAUER & BECKER Barker House MCHENRY, •> ILLINOIS SiSk Of b8*fib*** a Fine Cloths of all Kinds, To make to order Coats, Pants, Vests or w. tire Suits, on short notice and on the most Terms. Warrantod.r't8 all Work W« also Keep a Full Unt of Ready - Hade Clothing, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, &c.9 Which will be sold as LoW as at any estab­ lishment in the Countv. We haveeome here to stay, and respect fully ask a sharp of public patronage pledging oar- selves to do our best to please all who may give us a calL • Clothes Cleaned in the best o f manner and on short notice. LAUER & BECKERI McHenry, July 25th, 1870 , A . R E I D , --DEALER IN-- WOODSTOCK, ILL., Has determined to give his customers the BEST VALUE for their MONEY to be ob­ tained anywhere in the County. In order to do so he has r Reduced His Prices ! Materially, and opened a Beautiful Stock of the most desirable new styles 'of LADIES AND GENTS SHOES, He is confident of liis ability to satis­ fy and please all those who will take the trouble to call and inspect his Goods and Prices, 8^,Remember the place. East Side Public Square, Woodstock. A. REID. Woodstock, IU., May 30th, 187$. M I L L I N E R Y --AND- Dress Waking! Mrs. S. A. REID East Side Public Square. WOODSTOCK, - - . ^i.INOIS. Keer>s constantlv on hand the latest stvle»- of Miilincrv Goods of all kinds, Embroidery, Combs. Collars, Ties, Veils, all colors. We! ding Hats Crape Hats, and domestic Patterns of all kinds. Dresses Cut and Fitted In the latest Stvle and made if desired at very low rates. We'also have a New Style of Lafe Cloaks V To which we invite t,b* attention of the Ladles We are also Agent lor .the celebrated NORTHWESTERN" ORGAN Which speaks for itself. I will not be under sold. Call and see. Mrs. 8. A. REID, Woodstock, Oct. 18th, 1875. HENRY COLE Y, BAYLIES. CJKEAT M<T< an t i l e College, Keokuk, Iowa, J on the Mississippi. Prof. Win. H. Miller llen«ral Manager. Nineteenth year. About *ixty dollars pay all expenses, for Membership Hoard and Stationery. Hook keepers, Penman, Itciiortei'ri, Operators, Architects, Surveyors and Teachers thoroughly t i t t ed . Kngl i sh branches free. Free Lectures by eminent Orator*. Free Festivals with Brass Band in College Hail. Free furnished rooms for self warding, Telegraphing free. Short hand writing free. <;<x>d boarding clubs and family board. Railroad fare deducted. Immensa business in Keokuk. No vacation. Addresa Baylies College, Keokuk, Iowa. State where you saw this advertiecraent, --DEAHfilt IN-- PAIJNTS, OILS. Painters Brushes, Dye Stuffs &c., &c. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. STATIONERY. . We;h»v« a fine Stock of Cap, Bill, Note and Mourn in Paper, which we are selling verv Cheap. A liu*> assortment of the latest Styles Box lid *»i»ey Papers, constantly on hand. All Goods Warranted As represented and,Satisfaction Guaranteed. Patronage Solicited. n COLBY. "McHenry, July 27th, 1675. » IPERRY & MARTIN. .... ;• 1 : •• ' •• Headquarters for atI Kinds of Dry Goods Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps Groceries of all Kinds, Crockery Glass - Ware, FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, And in short, a First Class Stock of General Merchandize. Chicago & North- Western RAILWAY. i % Passenger® for CHICAGO, Detroit, Tole% Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Pittsburg ninelnrmtl »,i„ I . V,R. ' »» »RNUI^IUIL| IMJLUUWLV) . __ l>ouis, Cairo, San Francisco, Sacramento, Off. den, Salt l ake City, Denver, Council BluiU, sionx City, St. Paul, Marquette, Escanaba, Me nnsna, Madison, Cheyenne, Omaha, Yanktc- Winona lJuhuh, Green Bay, Milwaukee, a 3t We are constantly receiving now Goods of all kinds, and buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to ofl'er special bargains In all classes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live in this neck of the woods. Our LARGE AXD CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. ' We always guarantee our goods to be what they are represented to and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and hence cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor to ask enormous profits on o'ur goods. We intend to "Live and Let Live! 9? And while we are grateful to a generous public for their patronage in time past, we hope to merit the same in the future. GIVE US A CALL and we will show you our Goods aud use you well whether you buy of us or not. McHenry, 111., July 27th, 1875. PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother. REMfflN ID BUSINESS V At the Old Stand. The Old Goods to be Closed Out Regardless of Cost. T O M A K E R O O M F O B N E W We wonl 1 respectfully announce to our friends and patrons of McHenry and vicinity, that we nave concluded to make a sweeping sale ot our (roods, and have in consequence thereof reduced the prices to such tigmes that will ensure a speedy sale. The Goods in question consist in part of % Dry Mi Cliii . n y y y j m i u k / 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 l l Hats and Caps, Groceries, Crockery, fc, k We sire constantly in receipt of new and desirable lines of Goods, which we are selling at lowest market quotations. Call early and secure Bargains. g^gPTUe highest market price paid for all kinds of Produce. LANSING & EVANSON. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS. Pence Wire, Crowbars, Mauls, Forks, Rakes, 81IOVELS, HOES, and a Full Line of Slelf Hardware. We have a large Stock of Pans, Pails, Milk Cans, and a Ftill Line of Tinware of all kinds. ALSO 5CBEEN WIRE. CLOTHES WRINGERS, In fact everything you want and at VERY BOTTOM PRICES, and examine. No trouble to show Goods. :̂ F| JOHN M. SMITH. McHenry, HI., April 3d, 1876. V » • 'III.M1 OIL) , IT2 .ILLNVV, i all pointw North, West, South and East. >ho buy their tickets via. the Chicago ft North-Western Eailwvy. FT th«'v aVl°iV,Lcrtii ,n;sriu;c. n,af,e at Chicago with Lnn <vhftSouthern, Michl- kviit ? Ohio, Pittaburff i>« ii *ii rf C/hic.iigo, Kankakee Line ana SOlTTiT^i ton, for all points EAST and MJlI i ll-r.AN'i, ami with I he Chirnevt AHAM and Illinois Central lor all points SOUTH. Clobi' connections ure AI^O IIUHJC with tb4 Union I ficilic 1{. R. at Omaha for all far West points. Clone connections are made at junc­ tion points with trains of ail cross roads Pullman Palace Cars. * These celebrated cars are rnn on all ntchfc trains on all the lines of this read. This is the ONLY LINE running these car* between Chicago and St, Paul or Chicago and Milwaukee, _ A t O m a h a o u r S l e e p e r s c o n n e c t with tb* Overland Sreepera on the Union Pacific RnlU road, lor all points west of the Missouri River. Anions the • Mieenats ofeil by this Route to the traveling public are all the modern im­ provements : Rock and Gravel Ballasted Track, steel iiiil, Rock and Iron Bridges, Parlor and rv" ~ " and . Air Platforms, SpOed, Safety aiid"Ab^oiuto^Con^ fort. Running through Five Great States, and operating over 2,0(K) miles of road, this. Company presents to the traveler facilities that Al?K NOT andCANNOT be offered by any Competitor. * All tickets agents can sell yon tickets via this route. If yon wish the best traveling accommoda­ tions, you will buy vour tickets by >his route* and will take no other. steel Rail, Rock and Iron Bridges, Parlor Diivwinsr Room Dav Coaches, Smoking 1 ounging Cars,, Weslinghoisse Safty Brakes, Miller^ Patent Safety Coupline CLLTA/IIL CO N .. .1 * T I MAEYIN HTJGHITT Generals apt. I W H. STIWNETT, Gen 1 Passe: ger Agent m THE CAMPAIGN. O. BISHOP, At his Agricultural Warehouse, McHenry in addition to liis large stock of Has also put in a Full Stock of Builders and Heavy Hardware ! Hand Rakes, Scythes, Forks, Nails, Hora* Shoes, Ironi and Blacksmith's Supplies Generally, which he now offers to the buyinff Public. ff5"Remcmber these goods are being sold at Prices to suit the times. Call and See. O. BISHOP. McHenry, 111., August 8tli, 1876. J , S T O R Y , --DEALER IN-- Shelf and Heavy Hardware , STOVES TINWARE\ MECHANICS' TOOLS, F A J i M I N G I M P L E M E N T S - CLOTHES WHINGES^ &c., &c., &eM Ae., WHICH WILL BE SOLD L O W E R THAN USUAL PRICES! Now is the tin\f» to yr.ircbase, and save mon* ey. I believe that 1 can furnish good goods ak as low prices, as anyone in th£ county. Aleo keep on hand a full Stock of BUII PIXG PAPER, such as Plain Board. Water Proof. Iron Coated and Tarred Felt, Also Jlotli Proof Carpet Lining. ° / KAWL AND SEE ! Hepairing: Promptly attended to, J. STCRY. Opposite Owens Mi'L H. MAI MAN, MER:HANT TAILOR. WAUCONDA, Lake County, • * • Illinois* Has just reeeived the I.argest imd Best Stock ol Cloths, Casshneres, Fancy Vestings, and also Clothing of all kinds, ever brought tq this Market. Mens', Youths and Boys Suita of all grades and prices. I ain preparea to Suit you-in Heady-Made Clothing Suit you to Order. Suit you in Price. Suit you in Style. Suit you on Fit. YOURS Titi-I/r, N« MATMA>\ Wauconda, 111., April *26th, 1876.

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