]je{(eiry piaiifotler. WEDNESDAY. NOV.ttth. 1876. Railroad Time Table. GOING SOUTH. . Cenevfi T.&ke "avenger 7:25 A. M. •cnevt Lake Freight 1:45 P.M. GOING KO>m I.nke Kreiaht RWISO A. M. itntT* L«ke Passenger 7:05 F, M. MASONIC. MCTIKXRT CTIAPTFR NO. *4 R. A, M.--Re*«- lup Cnnvnr«tion« heW on the second an ! fourth Frirtnys In eflch month. ILKXHY OOTBT H. P. PrT.ASKI ALT.EN Sec,, Cashmeres. Reps, Serges Stevens. Alpacas, Poplins, Cord?, and Plaids at Buckliu & IT'S a girl and Wfflghed just eleven pounds, and "Tip" is as well as could be expected under the circumstances. IT seems A long way ahead, but not no fir that the children cannot count on their fingers the weeks that inter- Tetie between now and Christmas. Millinery and Fancy Goods at cost at Mrs.C, II. Morey's. A rare chance to get a nice liat or bonnet at one half the usualjpclce. Don't fail to -call and see for yourself. THE average ot£ar, says the Scien tific American, containsacetic, formic, butyric, valeric and propriomic acid, ammonia. sulphuretted hydrogen,* pyridine, vlridlne, cicoline and rubi- dine. Think of3t--<& whole laboratory for five cents. O. W. OWEN is selling the celebrated Kstey Organ, acknowledged by all good judges to be the best made, thirty-five per cent cheaper (than any other first class Instrument can be sold. Call at liis store, see his instruments and learn prices. THE parties from Chicago of whom we spak«;lasLweek as being here try ing to make arrangements to put up large Ice Houses, have secured the Ipmd and the work of building will undoubt edly commence at once. ThM will prove a great benefit to»our village in more ways than one, andwe hope ttiat nothing will be put in the wajy of £he company. . " , # IN another column can be found a now advertisement of L. Francisco, which the public will do well to read.' He Is offering a first class new openl Buggy for #&Q|\v»rr&irtedfin eVerjr particular. The buggies made at (lis shop are all of the best material and piade by the best workmen, and are far ahead of any city uMOe'fcuggy. Call at.his shop and ex amine .them. attention of our of Mrs S. A. Reid.-MiHiner. Woodstock, to be foauU in another column. The ladies cauiVQt'falf.to be suited by call ing oil 'Mrs. Relf}, fqr.she not only keeps the latest styles,'".but being a lady of rare taste in this particular business •bo is able to suit all whocome. Read tho advertisement, and when in Wood stock be sure and call. WEwouldcallthe readers to tiio new advertisement Miss WIDJTBR 'wishes us to inform our citizens that she-will. if a sufficient number of Scholars ran he ohrafued, open an evening German School. This is a chance which the young of this village should avail themselves of. Mlss'WIdmer i« an excellent Teacher, and if a good class can be formed, will make the tuition reasonable. Those who Wish to •'tittenQ- cat? leave• thefr names at this office. Aswvlll be reen by an advertisement In another column, John Lausing lias opened a Meat Market, in the room next to Lansing A Evanson's Store, neartthe'Pepot, where he is prepared to furnish Fresh and Salt Meats of ull kinds. Poultry, Sausage, &c. lie will kill none but the best »<*f Meats, and will keep ft general supply of all kinds and sell as low as any. In the Sausage lino he cannot be best. Read his ad vertisement and.give him a call. CHICKEN thieves have commenced their depredations In^th'is village, and wo hear of several who have suffered by these sneaking rascals. One roost 'has been robbed of several very fine blooded foyls. There is no law upon the Statute Book half severe enough for henireost robbers, and if we are to judge from the language of some of our citizens, if one of these gentry should be caught a special law would be immediately put in force for his special benefit. REV. J. O* BRIEN, of St. Louis, deliv ered a Free Lecture in the Catholic Church, ou Sunday afternoon last. Subject,--"Popular Prejudices against the Catholic Church." OUR readers will do well to notice the advertieement of Ira Mallory. Nunda. to be found on the first page of this paper. Ue 1ms a good stock of Goods and ie.eelUng at hard pan prices. His goods at* all fresh and desirable, and buyers willeaTe money by giving him a call. Helms also a full stock of Wall brackets. <"all and see thetn. l.AUER & BECKJKR. Merchant Tailors, expect to get moved into their new quarters next week. But in the mean time any of our readers who wish any thing in theiT line should not fail to call on them in the Parker House Block, and examine their large Stock of Cloths. .Gents Furnishing Goods and Ready-Made Clething, which They are selling as low as the lowest. Thevars No 1 workmen aft# warrant a fit every time. Try them. THE McHenry Cornet Band Serenad ed Hon F. X. Granger on Thursday evening last, aflteir it was definitely ascertained that he was to be our next Representative Jn the Legislature. After playing a few tunes they were invited in by Mr. Granger and treated to an Oyster Supper gotten up in 4 style which F. K. and his estimable lady know so well how to do. It was a surprise but nevertheless a very pleas ant oue, and will'long be remembered by all who participated. THE majorties for County Officers at the late election were as follows: Circuit Clerk--Richards over Salisbury, 785. Over Dwight. 1,199.. For State's Attorney--Curtis, majority over Lyon, 1,810. ForfSherlfF-- S ted man's majority over Van Curen, C32. For Coroner-- Cummings majority over Benton, 1.595. The Republican majority for the State and National Ticket was 1,611. For Congress Farnsworth, Democratic nom inee had a majority over Lathrop of 139 and over Hurlbut of 294. WE have time and again said through these columns that we could not pub lish anonymous communications^ still people do not seem to understand it, and we are almost every week receiving communications the authors name not accompanying them. Many •f them are subjects of interest and which we would be gladT to publish, but we cannot depart from our rule. We have one before us now signed "A Subcrlber," beaded "we jointly and severely promise," but as the writers name is unknown to us we are obliged to lay it aside. We again state that •we must have the writers name, not for publication, but as an evidence of good faith on their pari. We are glad to receive contributions on all subjects, but can take no notice of anonymous communications: To those of otw readers who are ' de sirous of shipping anything to Com mission Houses in Chicago, we • take great pleasure in recommending them to the following reliable Houses, where they caw rest assured of getting an hon est and fair deal, and the highest^ mar- kit price for their Produce: Chas. Thompson, 1 and 2 Corner Jackson and Canal Streets Thos. Armour A Co., 62 and 64 West Jackson Street. P. A K Cash, 60 West Jackson Street. Lynch Bros,. 127 South Water Street. These firms are well known aud reliable in every particular. F. W,MEAD, Carriage Manufacturer of Richmond, lias the reputation of not only using the best material but always employing the best workmen in all branches of his business. He has veri fied thlsby employing H. H. Nichols.of this village, to run his Paint Shop. As a Sign and Carriage Painter "Tip,'* (as he Is familiarly called,) has no superior in the Northwest, and work that conies from under his baud will bear the closest inspection by tho most compe tent judges. In short he is a first-class workmen in every particular, and Mr. Mead may consider himself fortunate iu securing his valuable s<*rvi«»»>;. A fri<vid i:i Niirvti *e i I- m t i • f >i - lowing: "Last Friday night soin-* -boys put R. G* Benton's Wheelbarrow on the track, where it was run m-<-r am! smashed up badly. In t'ie morning it was found set. up nicely ou -the track, the wheel on top and a play <;ard on lop'of tluit, which read something like this: "The last remains of t!ie T>i-mo- cratic Party, who died Nov. 7i i 1870. Funeral Marjli 5th, 1877. The friends of the deceased will i»eet at the. town pump, »&c." The first man that came along being a democrat kicked it over. The next being a rrinihlicai'set it up again ;aml the next being R. *. lien- ton our defeated coroner, he stuck the placard in his pocket as a relic of the office,.ami for the purpose of finding out4"who did it." Remember that Bucklin A Stevens offer their goods at the very lowest •living prices,and pay Vash for Butter and Eggs. TICKETS have been issued for a Thanksgiving Party, for the benefit of the McIIenry Cornet Band, to „ take place at the Parker House in this village, on Thursday evening, Nov. 30th, and we hope our citizen; will each con sider themselves a committee of one to see that there Is a good turn out on that occasion. Our Band are progress ing beyond all precedent, and as there is many necessary expenses for Teach ing. music, &e., it is no more than right that our citizens should aid them, and we know of no better way than by useing their influence to get out a godd attendance on Thanksgiving evening. The best of music will be furnished, and as Parker A Son are to get up the Supper it is a sure guaran tee that It will be all right. Let everybody who ever dances turn out and give the boys a rousing beneffe. Remember the time, Thursday evetijj£g Nov. 30th. LIKH OF THE WEKK. There is no truth in the report that Tip Smith has been converted through the powerful exhortations of Hunk McLean . That the "corner" Gro- ceryman near the "Depot ever danced a shadow dance........That Charley con tinues to drink sedletz water. That the leader of the Band whistles in his sleep and calls it snoring.... That the editor of this paper has fallen heir to $128,000 .That the youhg m:yi from Woodstock came over on Tuesday night to see his cousin! That '"Joe" weighed 24 pounds at the time of his birth........That Shell's baby is now, ten years old.. Or that he was the man who discovered the babes in the woods........That the Tilden pole is to belong to the Repub licans if Hayes is elected. That the Doctor will donate that Tilde.i powder if he don't have to use it.... . . . .That Jim. the Butcher Is figuring on the expense of a grand revival tour through Gage town. .That "Cheap John" gave everybody |5 on his last visit here. .That there will be more lies reported soon. PETERSON'S MAGAZINE for December comes to us, In advance of all others, with increased reading matter, two beautiful steel engravings, a double- size colored fashion-plate, about fifty wood-cuts, patents, &c., and a superb colored pattern in Berlin work, better than most "cromos," and alone worth the subscription price. In fact. "Peter son" has outdone himself. Orig'nal novelets, stories, sketches, poetry, music, &c., crowd the number, "Peter son" claims to be the cheapest and best lady's book in the world. And no WOT - der, for the price is Only two dollars a year, postage free, while to clubs it is cheaper still, viz: three copies for$4,80, postage free, with the magnificent his torical engraving, (27x20) "The Sur render of Cornwall! really a flVe dollar picture, to the person getting up the club. Or better still, six copifes for $9,60, with both An extra copy of the magazine and a copy of the "Cornwall- is," to the person getting up the club. To larger clubs the terms are even more liberal. Subscribe to no magazine till you have seen "Peterson." Speci mens are sent gratis, if written for. to persons wishing to get up c3uba. Ad dress Chas. J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Is business dull? Advertise--make yourselves knowu. Merchants who suc ceed do so by keeping their business before the people. Find a successful man and you find the man that adrcr- tlses. The constantly increasing circu lation, and low advertising rates of the PLAINDKALKR, renders it an excellent advertising medium. Send in your advertisement and thereby secure a lively fall aud winter trade. Do so now. WE wish to inform the public that our well known Artist, B. A. Ford, has reopened hi® Gallery arid is now ready t® m»ke the best pictnies for the price to i»e found at any Gallery in the coun ty. They are realty fine. It is well known that his., wife is an excellent Artist, consequently his work will be such as will please the most fasti dious eye, for their interest are now one. All wishing pictures Copied and Enlarged will find it to their advan tage to give Ford a call. Also those wishing Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views will find a laree assortment and atpriccs to suit the times. They will spare no pains to make it pleasant for ^callers,even If no purchases are made. Come and see for yourself. Bucklin & Stevens are prepared with a full and complete stock of Seasonable Goods to meet the wants of the buving publie. and are bound to sell them at such prices as todefv any and all com petition. A full line of Gloves and Mitts at the lowest possible price at Bucklin & gteveus. You can train the eye to see all the bright places in your life, aud so slip over the hurd ones witli surprising ease. You can also train the eye to rest on the gloomy spots, in utter forgetfulness of ail that is bright aud beautiful. The former is the better education, Life Is too short to nurse one's misery. Hur ry acroas the lowlands Jiat you may linger longer on the mountain tops. L. M. OWEN aud Amos Whiting Shipped fifty one fat Steers to Chicago ou Monday last. They were as fine a lot as has been Shipped from -this Ltapot in a long time. A dispatch from Calcutta says: The district of Backergunge in Hindos- tan was ravaged by a cyclone on Thurs day last. A thousand native houses were destroyed. The town of Dow- luttkan was surmerged by the waves, and 5,000 persons are believed to have perished. The government has sent relief to the desolated sections. Middle town, Vt., feels pretty proud because it Is discovered that within the century she has furnished a Governor for .Ohio, a Lieutenant Gov ernor for Indiana, a Chief Justice q£ the Supreme Court of Ohio, a Foreign Ambassador to Chili, ̂ member of Con gress for Vermont, a Mayor for New York city, and a long string of Union officers and leading men. The Eastern news yesterday is alarming. The Czar of Russia in a speech indicates that he means to immediately commence war upon Turkey and break the two months arm istice--which means that he will gobble up Turkey in Europe, which will probably draw England into it, as England cannot afford to lose Constan tinople and the right of way through the Straits of Dardanelles and the Bosphorus, leading to the Suez canal and India. If Ton Wish, to gacceed. Read This. Persistent advertising must be well directed to insure success, for if an ad vertiser should desist his efforts in a certain field, and not meeting with im mediate success^ quickly remove to another, although he would in a certain sense be a persistent advertiser, his ef forts would be ill-directed. One of the best known advertisers in the country* and one of the most successful also, for he has amassed a fortune of millions, once replied to the writer in response to a question asking the secret of his success--'"Hammering in one spot." ex plaining that after he had selected his localities and mediums according to tho best of his judgment, he kept spending his money there until it paid. Advertising is very much like drilling a hole in a rock. Were you making an attempt to do the latter you would be unwise to expect a hole iu that rock un less you kept, your drill ia one spot un til your object was effected. If you moved your drill from spot to spot everjr few minutes, Impatient because you did not at once succeed, you would dtserve failure; and it is much the same in advertising. A man who ex pects to get rich from one insertion of an advertisement in a newspaper, or failing Immediate returns or profits from his expenditure in one paper or line of papers, quickly transfers his ad vertisement to another, does not de serve to succeed. Patience and perse verance are truly most necessary quali fications in an advertiser--Ex. ARABIAN MKX AND WOMEN. A correspondent of New York Ex- preen traveling in Arbta, thns describes the Arabs: The Arabs are generally handsome, with pale, oval faces, aqulinllne noses, and large dark eyes. They have rather an effeminate appearance. Their dress is almost indescribable. They* wear a sort of loose, baggy pantaloons, fasten ed at the waist by a sash coming down nearly to the kuees, below which the entire leg and foot are bare. Some wear sandals. Their heads are covered with a turban, and wh&n walking about free from work, they wear a long flow ing cloak with a hood, which is thrown not ungracefully over their shoulders. The fabric from which it is made being originally of white woolen or worsted, but is innoccnt'of receut washing, and uncertain in color as woru. The women, when seen outdoors, are attired in a large white robe reaching belew the knees, full white trowsers fastened at the ankle, and slippers. Their heads aud faces are covered, ex cepting the'reyes. They are possessed of a reasonable share of coquetry. So tar as I have seen, I do not think them as good looking as the men. Woolen and Flannels a full stock and at lower prices jhan ever at Bucklin & Stevens', An Iowa editor, who has been off East, sat down the first day of his return and with sad tears chasing each other down his cheeks, wrote as follows: While visiting the home of our boy hood recently, in Eastern Pennsylvania, the old school house where teachers punished the boys by making them sit between the girls, was decayed an£ gone, but on the opposite side of the road the same white, long-nosed female swine was rooting, and just over the massive stone wall the same flock of turkeys stood pecking at the apples. It Is twenty-seven years since we eaw them. A Michigan man ..l»out to get a patent on an improved pcach-basket, to be in Produced next year, The merit ef the basket is in looking as though It would hold a peck, when, in fact, the dealer has hard work crowding a quart Into it. There have been some nine mur ders committed within Chicago's bor ders since McAlister made those rulings in the Sullivan case. A little hanging Is the only remedy we know of for the prevention of these things. A new stock <f( Dress Goods and Waterproof Cloaklngs. Black Al- pacca 25cts and upwards at Lansing & Evanson's McHenry. When a confidence woman tried to blackmail Cardinal McCloskey, in New York, recently, the ^sensible pre late had her handed into court so sud denly that it seemed as though tho world had been yanked out from under her feet. Over Coats, Men and Boys Suits at lower prices than ever at Bucklin & Stevens. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, on his farm, 1} miles Nortn of Johnsburgh. On Tuesday, Nov 21st, 187G, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. the following property. 1 Span Horses, 1 C'W,1 tnreeyear old Heifer, 3 two vear ol}l Heifers, 2 year lings, 1 Double Wa^on, 1 Set Harness* 1 Plow and Drag, 1 Cultivator, and other farming Tools. TERMS--All sums of $5 and nnder, cash. Over that sum a credit of one year on good approved Notes at 8 per cent Interest. KATHARINE FREUNDU Election is over, the contest is deci ded and the uniform low prices at Buckliu & Stevens remain the same. Waterproofs in Seal Brown, Navy Blue, Grey and Black, at Buckliu & Stevens. ANKW INVENTION. - W® hav«^b«en aware for sottM tim* that our friena Geo. W. Russell, of Woodstock, was<«t work getting up a new Patent for a Mowing Machine,and knowing his great experience in the machine business we were confident he would succeed. In the Sentinel of last week we find the following; which provesthat he has succeeded, and has now one of the best machines in the market: Propably ^ most of onr readers are aware of the fact the G.W.Russell, who has been the General Agent ef the Mc- <C< rruick Maohin^sfor a uumbei of years past, hasfbecn engaged the last year in setting up a mower of his own, aud as Mr. Russell is a man who has had a large-amount of experience in the ma chine business. and beitijra mechanic by trade, and Wurked'at tlie manufac- tfrrc of reapers two seasons, his many friends will not be surprised to learn that he has succeeded in inventing one of the best mowers to be found in the Northwest. He completed hi? mower about thre* weeks ago, and the first trial took place on the farm of John Mc Lean, in a very heavy piece of grass, working to the satisfaction of all pres ent. Mr. Russell understood that D. H Bruuson, a farmer living about 1£uiilej from the city, had a piece of grass that could not l^ecut by any mowing machine and he concluded* that it would be a good chance to test his. consequently on Tuesday of last week he invited several of onr citizens to be present and see whether his mower was equal to the task or not. Arriving on thcj'ground. it was a little mixed in the minds of some of Mr. Russell's friends as to the success of the mower doing the work. Mr. Bruuson remarked that he had as ?;ood a mower as any man around, and t would not rnn a rod in that grass, and he did not believe Mr. Russell's would. And we will state here that it was one of the finest and thickest pieces of grass we ever saw. But George at ill had confidence in success, and when he started the team to the surprise of all present it worked to perfection, doing as good work as any machine could do !n any kind of grass. Mr. Russell cut about an acre, the mower never clog ging in the least. Mr. Bruuson re marked that he had lost hay enough to pay for any mower in the state that would cut like that one. The motion is very slow, draft light, and everything about it shows that it will be durable. Mr. Russell's friends.and they aro many congratulate him on his success, and sincerely hope it may prove a profita ble undertaking, and a benefit to the farming community at large. CIIEEN WOOD ' EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--NOW that the excitement of election is somewhat subsiding aud our citizens are once more settling down to their various avocat ions of business, awaiting with deep and intense interest the result, which will in a few days more be officially heralded throughout the land, we cannot feel too thankful to that Republican JFfy which has lit upon the opposite balance aud carried the result for Hayes and Wheeler. The contest has been unusually close, and is without a parallel. The darkness an'd gloom, forshadowed by the probable prospect of having Samuel J. Tilden for Presi dent, Is beginning to be lifted from the political horizon, and we can again see the bright rays of sunlight shining in upon us. But as your readers are many of them doubtless becoming tired and sick of hearing and reading constantly the political issues discussed and com mented upon we will dosist from farth er mentioning. At the meeting of the Greenwood Literary Association on Friday evening last, the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: President, H. J. Wood. Five Vice Presidents, (who constitute an Exeoutive Committee,) Rev. B. Alden. Dr. Wm. B. Hart, S. Baldwin, John Mansfield, O. Garrison Secretary, J. H. Garrison. Treasurer, W. A. Baker. Organist, Mrs, M. A. Wood. Janitor and Door Keeper, C. Marble. Meetings on Friday evening of each week. The programme for Friday evening next, will be an address by the President, followed by general exercises interspersed with mueic.a School will commence on Monday Nov. 20th. The prospect bids fair for a full attendance. Our enterprising citizen H. J. Wood, (as is his usual custom) bound not to be outdone by any Hog man in the County has just been off to some adjoining State and purchased at a heavy ex pense one of the finest full blood Berk shire Pigs we have ever seen. He is certainly a model of beauty in the hog line. Farmers would do well to call and see Mr. Wood's stock of Hogs, as he Is confident that he can convince any man that a cross between the Berk- shiae and Magie is much more profit able for the farmer than auy other, as a much quicker growth can be obtained and at a less expense than with tho Magie alone. Michael Dassow now occupies the house vacated by A. W. Washburne, (temporarily for the winter,) Mrs. Washburne having gone to spend the winter with friends in Dakota. Corn husking through this section is newrly finished and farihers would be happy could they know beyond a doubt that Hayes and Wheeler were elected. EVKM. BaainessNoticeg. Go to E. M. Owen for Pnmpe. Go to E. M. Owen for Plows. Nubias in great. variety. Men andl Boys Scarfs,at. Bucklin A Stevens. Good Yard wide Brown Sheeting* only 7 cts per yard' At P. D SMITH'S. Beaver Cloths for Cloaking. M well as Cloaks at Rack'..in & Steven*, One two-«e*ted Democrat Wagon for sale cheap. O. W. OWE*. The best place in the ctftmty to |>w Horse Blankets is at Lansing is .Evansou's, McHenry. THRESHING MACHINE MEtf. Get vour String Leather of Ifc ilk Owen, McHenry, 111. CLOTHING! CLOTHINflf A large Invoice at traprecerfenteci -Low Prices, at P. D. SUITE'S. Bucklin & Stevens are constantly re ceiving new and -desirable goods, from Boston, New York and Chicago. Buffalo Robes. Lap Robes, Horse Blankets, and Bed Blaukets at Bucklin & Stevens. An Illinois girl couldn't secure a certificate as a school-teacher, because she couldn't tell the committee why the h|nd-wheeU of a wagon were the larg« est. Talk is said to he cheap bot not cheaper than goods of all kind# at Bucklin A Stevens'. Fancy Note and Letter Paper*, with envelopes to match. Very neat styles. At O. W. Oweite. Clothing' ami Gents fnmlshing gooda a speciality at Laming & Evanson McHenry. Flannels at all prices frmn 15 cts per yard up at Bucklin A Stevens. SALT! 3ALT! Fresh Salt for sale at onr Warehouse at$1.60per Barrel. SMITH A SNYDER A bran new Organ at O. W. Owen'a for $100. Best thing in Plows. Call and see. E. H, OWEN. If yon want ahy kind of Farm imple ments or repairs call on E. M. Owen. The Blancttard and Emnjett Clmrns? the best in the market. Fo/ Kale by O. BISHOP. Forsyth's Hay Scales.Counter Scales and Portable Platform Scalcs, for Sale by O. Bishop. 4 ' . 4S, We want 50,000pounds of choice bat ter for which the highest Market price will be paid. Laksino & Evakbon McHenry. GREAT REDUCTION! In the prices of tho Buffalo and Roch ester Boots and! Shoes. Don't fail to see them before making your selec tions. P. D. SMITH. The Pear] Gang Plow has no equal. For sale by L. Francisco. Shop opposite the Pahker House. A full line of Flannete, Casaimeres Domestics, and desirable Print* at Buckliu A Stevens. POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY. The best in tlte market at 'Ik , Stod dard's " For the Winter trade, a full and com plete stock of all kinds of Goods foand in a general store, and at prices which defy all competition at Buuklla A Steveus. New and elegant styles of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, in the most pop ular shades.--Also a large variety of Ladies Wuterproofiug and Cloakiugs, at P. D. SMITH*#. HARD MONEY OR SOFT. Bucklin & Stevens' take Qlthef, as well as Butter, Eggs and Poultry, and give in exchange good Goods at. Bot tom Prices. Lansing A Evanson have just received a choice article of Machine Oil which they ofler 33 per cent less than regular retail quotations. Threshers should ebar this in mind. You can save auleast 95 per cent in, buying your Clothing, Hats, Caps Boots anil Shoes, at Lauving A Evansnu McHenry. Don't buy your Underwear, BooU, and Shoes, Gloves, and Mittena until you see the great bargains in these Cccds at Laming A Evanson's, McHenry. V- Y? '• WANTED. 10 Tons of Poultry for which tho highest market price will be paid at Lansing A Evanson's. McHenry. New Goods daily arriving at Lansing A Evauson,s to be sold at bottom prices. Give them a call and judge for yourself. * The new American Sewing Machine, the best In the market. They are war ranted in every particular, run easier, and make less ^nolse. Call and see them. O. W. Owen, Agent. A full line of M. Selz A Go's Boot* and Shoes, Custom made, and fully warranted and second to none in tho market, at Bucklin A Stevens. Tho prices are considerably reduced from last year. FLAX SEED WANTED. One Hundred Thousand Bushels of Flax Seed Wanted, for wh'tch the High est Market Price will be paid in cash, by Smith A Snyder. McHenry, Aug. 21st 1876. TO THE PUBLIC. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the firm of Blake A Bro., are requested to call and settle the same in the next ten days, asl wish to close all outstanding accounts. JOHK BLAKE, Surviving1 Partner BUke A Brn. Cash buyers are invited to call and examine the large and New Stock of Dry Goods. Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries «fcc..now arriving at Lansing A Evanson's. From 10 to 25 per ctfnt may be saved on all goods bought from this firm. Parties buying in large quantities will get an extra deduCtieu from 5 to 10 per cent. WE MEAN BUSINESS. * -- All persons knowing themselves In debted to me are respectfully requested to call and settle the same at once, a* 1 want money to meet my demand*, "Live and let live" is mr motto, but la order to do this It Is necessary that ( collect what Is now past due. McHeary, I1L, Oct. *1, Ik V •Sr. L: ' \ v_: