Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Nov 1876, p. 7

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W,,«, RUSSIA. Her W»nt« and Claims. is at the present time, myn Mie Cincinnati Commercial, a great amount of loose reasoning in reference to the want® and claims of Russia in particular, ami the Eastern question in general. 1 Lack of trustworthy information in re­ gard to the country of the Czar, its re­ sources, population, government and customs ; our own comparative slight intercourse, coupled with the fact that a greater part of our information is viewed through English spectacles and preju­ dices, are sufficient excuses for this. There are many who believe Kussia has hostile designs upon England's power in India and the East; others that she desires to establish the Greek Church to the exclusion of the Jesuits in all Sclavonic countries and in Turkey. While these might be more or less the remote effect of hostilities, and a gen­ eral war, and even while they may now cut no inconsiderable figure in the knotty Eastern problem, we are frank to confess that they do not compass or fathom Russia's purpose, nor are either of them sufficient to justify Russia's taking up arms. It must be borne in mind in the first plaoe that Russia will not go to trar for an idea, as England did va the Crimean contest, for which, according to John Bright, she paid 40,- <)00 lives, £100,000,000, and loaned to insolvents in the Bosphoms as much more ; and in the next place her finan­ cial condition is not such as would jus­ tify her in so doing. Russia's annual deficit is larger than Austria's, her finances are muddled, and her statesmen lack the ability to straighten them. In 1881, the total interest-bearing debt was £135,850,000 ; but in addition there are upward of 750,000,000 roubles issued in paper bills of credit, together with a large floating debt, the amount of which is unknown. Therefore, lacking the needful funds which are the sinews of war, any serious interference with En­ gland's India possessions may not be looked upon as alarming at present. When it is considered that a conquest of India by Russia would involve long and tedious marches over lofty moun­ tain ranges, exposed to exhausting and enervating climates, over poorly-watered and trackless wilds of sand, for over 2,000 miles away from any solid base of operations at Oxenburg, some of the difficulties will be seen. Then met by a large force at the Indus, which could be transported from England via Suez bet­ ter than Russia could reach there by land. Then defeat would be annihila­ tion, and victory might be stripped of any feclid or abiding benefits. 1. Russia wants free and unrestricted access to the ocean, in that her trade and industry may be developed. As Alexander I. expressed it, she wants "the keys to her own house." Peter the Great thought he was amply repaid for his long and bloody contest with Charles XII., of Sweden, when he gained the Baltic provinces. Now the issue from the Baltic is blocked by the power that commands the sound and the belts, and departure from the Black sea by the Turks at Constantinople. These are Russia's two vital points, and hence her interest in affairs at Copen­ hagen and Constantinople. 2. Russia wants an adjustment of the Sclavonian question--that is, the strug­ gle of the Sclave people of Southeastern Europe for unification and freedom based on the principle of nationality. The Sclaves number upward of 40,000,- 000, professing the same faith, speak­ ing the same language. If we except about 1,000,000 free Servians and 4,000,- 000 Roumanians of the principalities who are free, we have the balance who are tryranmzed over by all alien races. Some are held under military sway in Austro-Hungary, while 13,000,000 in Roumelia are lorded over by Turkish barbarians. Is it strange that Russia regards the oondition of the Sclaves with feelings of more than ordinary in­ terest ? Bound by ties of language, re­ ligion, and propinquity of territory, her opposition to the Turks, and aid to the down-trodden Christians, means some­ thing more than the establishment of the Greek Church to the exclusion of the Papal. In May, 1867, M. Bolit, a Croatian agitator at a Pan-Sclavonic meeting, honored by the presence of Coimt Tolstoy, the Minister of Education, M. Pogzeboff, the Mayor of St. Petersburg, and other eminent persons, used the following language : " The battle of Sadowa has decided the destinies of the European East. In consequence of it the German world has been separated from the Sclavonian; what remains to be done is to solve the Sclavonian question--a task to be ful­ filled by the Sclavonians themselves-- and chiefly by Russia. Russia, gentle­ men, is no longer Russian, it is Sclavo­ nian ; nay, Pan-Sclavonian. The re­ sources at her disposal are material but also moral. Sclavonic Russia is no men­ ace to civilization, but only prepares Europe for witnessing the reunion of the Sclavonian family." If this means any­ thing, it is that, since Austria is no longer under the protection of Germany, there is nothing to hinder Sclavonians from utilizing her for these Pan-Scla vonic purposes under Russian auspices. This, thens is what Roumelia means when she declares for independence, and, in the light of the above, the demands of the Czar are something more than for a mere extent of territory or the em­ broiling of humanity in contest over a cross ot a crescent, a St Sophia or a Ma- ho MERCHANT'S Gargling Oil has won for itself a woHd-wide reputation as a lini­ ment useful in rheumatism, sprains, bruises, burns, scalds, etc. This prepa­ ration was first manufactured in 1833, and since then has steadily grown into the favor and confidence ef the people. 7^ <» Jong term ars during which it >» v 4 ' jpought to the notice ar with its immense Persons <f an inherent value ted. An objection •Iring infoitaining the skin-- , , , pved, so that it now conritever Altbough or AMEK| and prepared in- fiesh, it answers as WashinKto%ii be found one of purposes, where hat has ever been J)ruggi9t," Ntw PATENT The nmlel Stor< S'MnvIet attempts fe' official, ten as a M.iU'mefX Si •tory being Beasonahl*;! Mcllcury, An African King's Reception. Col. C. C. Long, of the Egyptian army, now visiting with his family friends in St. Louis, gives the following account of his reception at the court of King Mtesa, to which he had penetrated with two attendants onl; >ptio) mysterious King was unique. Covering ly: My reception by this strange and the hilltops that characterize the moun­ tainous districts of the lake regions were thousands of the people of Uganda as­ sembled to welcome " the Great White Prince," as they called me. King Mtesa, surrounded by his ocgirtiers and harem, 88 I arrived, sent a messenger to ask me to appear before him and show him the strange animal upon which I was mounted. I trss riding the first horse that had ever been seen in Uganda. At a quickened pace advancing toward the King and courtiers they fled precipi­ tately before me, while I, turning my horse, regained the hill from which I had descended, and, throwing ray foot from the stirrup, in the act of dismount­ ing, I was surprised to see the people scatter in every direotion in dismay. I learaed from the interpreter that they had supposed, up to that moment, that I and the horse were one animal--that I was a kind of a oentaur. I was pre­ sented the next day to the King--a tall, graceful man, dressed in a flowing Ara­ bic rob?, bound at the wrist by a girdle to which a cimeter was suspended, au* with sandaled feet, who eyed my horse with affrighted glanoe and retreated toward his throne. Prostrate bodies covered the entrance and floor of the hut. It was here that the King held audience with his different shieks and chiefs, and the heads of the different branches of his Government. The cere­ mony ended in a slight inclination of the head of the King to his messengers, who, unrolling from their heads neatly- bound cords, threw them around the necks of the assembled throng at the door, and dragged them, halloaing and struggling, away to an executioner, who, as the fancy struck him, had them poriarded or choked to death, or had their brains dashed out. This is a sac­ rifice which is made to all African kings. Tweed. The New York Herald publishes an account of Tweed's sojourn in Cuba. It appears that he, with his companion, "Hunt," suddenly landed on the coast nea^ Santiago on the 11th of June; that they went to Santiago, where Tweed was detained until July 25 for the purpose of an investigation by the Spanish au- horities of his passport, under the name of John Secor, from the American State Department, which bore date early in April, some four months after the es­ cape from the Ludlow street jail. The escape to Vigo and his arrest there are well known. " Hunt" is now said to be Tweed's son-in-law, Mr, Maginnis, of New Orleans, with whose appearance a photograph of Hunt agrees perfectly. A OORBBSPONDKNT, writing from the Philadelphia Exposition, says: Of machines for cleaning, separating and grading grain-- the most essential of farm implements --tbere aire a goodly number, of various degrees of merit, on exhibition in Agricultural Hall. Some of them have a specialty for doing one kind of work, and others for another kind ; some work well but slowly ; othew rapidly bat olean the grain less thoroughly. But for oombining all excellencies--for doing the best and the most rapid work--none have attracted the attention of practical farmers here like the A. P. DICKEY FANNING MIL,!* OF BAOINE, WIS., tho leading Fan of the West, where 60,000 are in ose, 4,000 having been sold this season. Nine sizes, costing from f28 to $60, and clean­ ing from 40 to 400 bushels hourly, supply every want of the farm or the warehouse. It is the grand outcome of forty-five years' expe­ rience in Fan-making. The J udgee on Agricultural Implements con­ firmed the opinion 1 expressed last summer, of the great superiority of a Harvesting Machine, by giving it the only premium in its class, though all the leading Harvester* of the country REMARKABLE LETTER From a Gentleman Known and Hon­ ored from the Atlantio to the ' Pacific Coast, , KMM. WKII * POTT**. Wboleaate Dnunrteta, Bo» ion, Mass.: Gentlemen.--I hm for tome months felt it » auiy that x owed to suffering humanity to write yon, •atlngthe Krcat benefit that1 have derived from the ose of' SANFORD'S RAMOAI, CM FOE CATAJSEII. For more than 20 years I have been afflicted with this very troublesome complaint. I have tried all the remedies that I could And, but without material or permanent benefit. Last fall the dlaeaee bad arrived at that state that I must have relief or die. The entire membran- ooseystem had become so inflamed, and the stomach so disordered, that it was a donbtful matter whether T Cv i 1,10 Pacific coast, or If I did go whether I (mould live to come back or not. I saw an adver­ tisement of this medicine, and although being- very incredulous about specifics or nostrums of any kind, jret in sheer d< speration J tr',...i at .jCuvmcu by it. The changes of climate, a chronic disease of the liver, and my age --over 70--may pre­ vent my entire restoration, but the benefit I derive from its dally use is to me inraluable, and I am hoping he completely cured, and at last arrive at a respect* able old afc'e If this et Moment of my case can be of any service to those afflicted as i have been, and enable you to bring |h'8 remedy into more lyenaral use, especially on the raclfic coast (where it is mneli needed), my object in writing this note will be obtained. . Very truly yonrs, HENBT WELLS, AVKOKA, V v., June, 1716. of Welia, Fargo & Co. E8TEHLY AND SON'b BABYESTEB, on which the binders ride, which is manifestly superior to all other Harvesters on exhibition. They also, reeeived the first and only premium on their Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator, and • premium on their Self-raking Reaper. They •n made at Whitewater, Wisconsin. IN the case of a robber at Boston, an officer swore positively to knowing that the prisoner had been prowling around nights for over a year past. The man thereupon charged the officer with per­ jury, bringing as proof that he was only released from State prison in June." AT our request, Oragin & Co., Philadel­ phia, Pa., have promised to»send any of our readers gratis (on receipt of 15 cents to pay postage) a sample of Dobbin's Electric soap. Try it. Send at onoe. THE season for coughs and colds is rapidly approaching, and every one should be prepared to check the first symptoms, as a cough contracted between now and Christmas frequently lasts all winter. There is no better remedy than Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. For all diseases of the throat and lungs it should be need internally and externally. . THERE can be no mistake about it. " Matchless " plug tobacco takes the lead. Old fine-cut chewers say it gives better satisfaction and is cheaper than fine-cut. You cannot be im­ posed upon, as each plug has the words " Match­ less P. T. Co." on a wooden tag. Try it once and you will always chew it. Manufactured by the Pioneer Tobacco Company, New York. PIMPLES on the face, rough skin, chapped hands, ^altrheum and all cutaneous affections cured, the skin made soft and smooth, by the use of Juniper Tar Soap. That made by Caswell, Hazard A Co., New York, is the only kind that can be relied on, as there are many imitations, made from oommon tar, which are worthless. IK consequence of the many inferior imitations, the manufacturers of the celebrated "Matchless' brand of plug tobacco have been compelled to protect themselves by a trade mark. Every plug now has tho wards " Match­ less P. T. Co." thereon. The Pioneer Tobacco Co., 124 Water st., N. Y., are the manufacturers. LUXG fever, common cold, catarrhal fever and nasal discharge of a brownish color in horses, may be checked at once by liberal use of Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders. •PREMATURE loss of hair, which is so common nowadays, may be entirely prevented bv the use of BTTKNETT'S COCOAINE. $984 Ma le by one Ajreiil i:i ."<7 days. 1.1 new art i<•!<•«. Sample* Address. O. 31. l.l\l\«iH». Chicago. YQUR own Liken** In oil eolors, to snow our worfc. painted on can van. from a puotograph or Ha typo, free with the Home Journal. $2.60 a year. "ample of onr work and paper, terms to agents, < lit eente L T. LUTHKR. Mil) Village. Erie eootit* Pa • If yon wasat to do your own pdating, lout, tir make tcoitfj. eTtd f„r a CirrsW. If wut I Bujk of Type, &••-. c.-ud three wits, w# are the oUMkotUuiu tho rouctrv in I Lo business. ha»* tbe cheapest unci hand and self-Inking printing presses* \V* M>! lit rrM« f.">r TWO DOLLARS, *r,.i a miuiaturi inrtin*©fflc« for FIVE DOLLARS. Addiou 70TO3 AHEEICA PEESS CO., 63 Murray St., Sew Twk, u ?.ac*1 X'af Kafc"e contains Dr. Sanford'g Improved In- naungand full directions for use In all cases. Price $1.09. lor sale bv all wholesale and retail 0n^.!££..u,ron«ho,,I< the United States. WEEKS . fOrTfcK. General Agenta aad Wholesale Drug­ gists, Boston, Mas*. COLLINS1 IMPROVED VOLTAIC PLASTERS HAIR RESTORATIVE What It Does! It restores quickly. Gray Hair to its frlomr Natnnl til effect "f Restoring the Hair to prema- 11 £- B • It Removes Dandruff. Humors ami I I I I I I I I l l l l i t e -i l l? a M • M ^ Klossy, whether UM-d as a Dressing wp.»r. the natural hair or upon the ;\1"r m 'mhealttiy cnnditUm : thus rendering It. for the Ul« ana Y ontijr, an article of nnetjualed excellence. N<, preparation offered to the public produces such wonder J1* lt Try It!! Call for " Wood'a lm proved. as It contains no injurious qualities. ..J* was oHgln.illr introduced 20 yer-rs s«o by Prof. O. .T. k'ther^5B,lt change o* ingredients in this ar- tu !e is m.ikiiiK a demand for it In all parts of the United otates« tanadas and foreign oouutriee. ANNOUNCEMENT -TO- -- CONSUMERS! liio great_ radical improvement introduced in ttiisar- licio hat* innu'^d nn to take the a^oncy ami advertise its virtues to the world. Its effects nan Restorative are what na* hwn ion* sought for and wan tod for many year«. be­ ta* mora decided - - Highest Honors AT THE CENTENNIAL! MASON & HAMLIN Cabinet Organs Unanimously Assigned the "FIRST RANK §8 a Day to Agts. Sample free. H. Albert. Hunt m "MB <2i 1 A> Day. Employment for all. Gbnmi • « W-LIJOatalosuefree. Felton A Oo..ll<» N» >H. .1*. PORTHArn", etc., draihi by machinery. Apt"\i;n»»y MM* S#c. A(«nta wanlml. Smtthnfoaph HP* C-»., d|0 PT A DAT to iinitt. Sample free. CatalofCv. ifPLKTCHBlCll 1-ySj... jTlT AGENTS |S5 3 $77 *£!£: BrVfll rn.omt.frtm. IlkWULYIiill Wnnn Go* Woaxs. Chicaspt.. HL. OCTFIT FRER, Beat Ohaae* TM. mm* vpjkwKtnm. OOT,!,JHS ACO.. • Cllnt<i<i lC*T IW THR For Looal Pains, Lameness, 8orenes», Weaknesa, JTumbnesa and Inflammation of the Lungs, Iiiver. Kidneys. Spleen, Bowels, Bladder, Heart and Muscles, are equal to an army of doctors, and acres of plants and shrubs. Even in Paralysis, Epilepsy, or Fits, and JTervouit and Involuntary Sffus- cular Action, this Plaster, by BaliyinK the Jfervous Foroes, has effected Cures when every other known remedy has f«Hed. >^OLD BY ALL DBUOQIST8. Price 85 cents. Bant on receipt of price, 25 cents for Ona, $125 for Six, or $2.25 for Twelve, to any part of the United States and Canadas, by WJSBK8 A PQTTSB, Proprietors, Boston. FOR SINGING SCHOOLS! Make them doubly Interesting by introducing THE ENCORE •TLO. MEMO*. 76OB.:«T.EOPAR*<. THE ENCORE Cantatas a First^Olase Klementary Coarse, yrith the bast kind of exercises, airs, tunes In one, two, thiM or four puts, for practice. THE ENCORE Contains 100 pages filled with bright, wide-awaka^aasv glass and fonr-part songs. Thus it is a good Glee Book as well as 81nging School Book. THE ENCORE Contains GO of Hymn Tanas and Anthems of the best character. Mr. X., O. KMEIISON, (Half a million of whose books have been sold),has never been excelled as composer and arranger of muslo exactly adapted to the public taste. His " tact" In this matter is infallible. Then try THE ENCORE. For sale by all prominent dealers. Specimens mailed, post-free, for 75 cte. OLIVER DITS0N & CO., Boston. C. H. Dition di Co., J. E. Ditson & Co., 711 BROADWAT, Successors to Lea & Walker, Haw York. PhUa. $3.00 FOR $1.00. TSlk CHICAGO I EDGER VV --Tf nnnmnwinnn than bnsjevor he­ ed. No Drutfitist knows its compo- make it ;therpforo it, "Wood's Im- let any unprinoi- vlncpjou that ho or Renftwer as thing Bitnilar, as It! Insist upon having Ro other, for your money! and satisfactory fore been attain- in , the world sitlon, and cannot when you call for proved," do not pled dealer con- has a Restorative good, or soiue- --; there la none Rke Wood's Improved," and tales "" •"* <™i iuuuoj; It will not bo long before all dealere everywhere wUl have it. If you should fail to V J<"? ®®n<i $1.00 to us hy mail for a bottle, or for six bottles, and we will Rond It to von, prepaid, to any Express Station desired. Ait<lrc*s C. A. COOK CO., Cliicaso. the Sols-- Agents for thf Vnttrd Statm and Can- twists, who will fill all orders And supply the Trade at Manufacturers* Prices. J. B. KIMBALL, Proprietor. .So'd !• Chicago, Mllwaukae, Detroit and St. gener^fy ^rho>**'la Druggists, and by Retail Trade J. & P. COATS have been awarded a Medal aad IMploaa at the Centennial Exposition aad tsnsieaded by the Jndces for " SUPERIOR STRENGTH -AMD- EXCELLENT QUALITY SifVKEAL Qn«We^ Suu;tiuniitMd to male ana iVmaka. : &•%* atamo for circa lars. R. M. Bodine. Indiitap'lls. •20," - Of Such Instruments! MEDALS OF EQUAL MERIT hmv» btett atearde* mtt artirlee deemed trorthy of recognition, so that lt Will be easy for many makers to advert ise that they have received ' highest medals." lt Is by the JUDGES' REPORTS, ONLY, t,hat competing articles are assigned their oom- parative rank in excellence. From these reports ths fol­ lowing is an extract: : "THB MASON A HAMLIN OEGA.N 00.*S exhibit of Reed Organs and Hai^nonium* shows instranients of the FIRST RANK IN TIIE SEVERAI. RK- dl'lSITKS OP INSTRUJIEWTS OF THE CLASS, viz. i Smoothness and equal distribution of iooe, scope of expression, resonance and singing quality, freedom and quickness In action of key* and bellows, with thoroughness of workmanship, combined with Sim" i>llclty of action." {Signed ly a!I the Judge*.) T!icMASUS-&HAMLIN ORGANS are thus 'beloved to RANK FIRST, rtM in one or two respects only, but »n ALL the IMPORTANT Q UAUTIES of Kxich instruments ; and they are the ONLY organs assigned this rank. This triumph was not unexpected, for the Mason * H&miiu Cfthinot Organs have uniformly bf*su AWdrdvd the highest honors in competition* in America, ther« having been scarcely pi* exceptions in nutxlteds ot com- petitions. Theywere awaitied HHillKST HO NOUS and first medals---PARIS, l£ti7; V1KNXA'; lf*7U; SANTIAGO 1875; PHIIjADKLPHI A, 1876; and h^ve ti^sWiUVvard- ed higbest honor* at every World's Kxposition at which they have been exhibited; t*tng the only American Or- gans which have ever obtained any award at any eomne- tU,0V^lVl b**1 European makers, or In any European World's Kxpoeition! on hnvintj a MABON * ORGAN ; do not take auu other. DraUrg often r*c omin+nd iti frrior vryaM becaufi* (hey art paid laryer commission* for Ktiiin>/ thfm NEW STYLKS, with EXTKNDKD TOPS, very ele- gant»and other improvements, exhibit-ed at the CKN- TI.INNLAL ; new cases in variety. Prices Itry Incest consistent with best mafeviul and workman- •hi)». Organs sold tor ciish or instalments, or rented until rent pays. JTtv'.v Oryan warranted to riv* smfyfar. titm to every returnable vt:r< ha>er or THK MONKV HK- TURNED. ILLUSTHATED CATALOGUES sent freo MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN COa-154- Tremont Street, Boston; sd » Union Squ&re, New York; HO and H'4 Adamr btroet, Chicago. $10 $25, $50, $100. $200. AI.FXANI>Kl£ FK9TH1MJHA.H A- CO., 12 ̂ nil Strert, >cw \ «rk. Hankers and Brokers, InTest in Stocksof a legitimate charsctor, The firm nam* bere - -- -1- J--• tbnii n a *• tci n. iiuvianvi, i ilO 11KIU 11U111" bere anions its patrons thjuaands who hiire hocome rich through Krothinghnm A Uo.'a fortunate investments. Stocks piirclinsed and carried long as desired on margin from three to fire per cent. |V8end lor Circular. - Of - SPOOL COTTON.11 A. T. QOSHORN, Director-General. J. B. HAWLEY, Pre*. ALEX.' R. BOTKLK>, Secretary pro tan. A AGENTS WANTED FOR HISTORY IENTENI EXHIBITION SOMETHING NEW ! SELLS READILY! Potters American Monthly, RN ftfin ILLUSTRATED: Best Family Magsr.ina la His 1IIHI the Country, at $3 for 1«7T. Fit.- copies DM Vvi UUU year for $13; 10 copies for $25; 30 conies SnhftiTibara *80' ?n<1 "Copy of Potter'# ltibl« for h<nrj'rlnp«lia, quarto, S.IHK) lllustra- M tions, price, 8*5, giron to the person nend- itiK thi* club. For snip at all Now# stands, «fc **!& centa » numhor. Special Terms to • Agents. J. P<>TTKII & Co., Vlnla., Pa. The Enemy of Disease, the Foe of Pain to Han and Beast, la the Grand Old ftUSTANG LINIMENT, WHICH HAS STOOI9 TI1K TKST 0F40 ¥KAUS. THEItE IS NO KOltU ITWIB1, NOT HEAL, NO LAIKBNKNK IT WII.I Day. BOW TU .HAKK IT. COf.. m v/7 r f C'J.9Sz. <90(1 a month. Ontflt worth S E»oelaiorM'f'gOo..i&l Mi 1 fiee to icD. A*..Ci>] A Gr^*i!iTS or oommlieion. New f* npM Addrewi J. B. MaBSST A Co.. St. Ixuka. j ISTHfWA. $16 for $5 a tTinCN^s^ ?: Olnb XitM of all Paper* end Muraslnsa. Bl* iks* At <awatifd. Send»tamp. HnntAOo.7Rocl-.raBdT^St e§ **m asa Ser.d %?P cents to seonro Tsissl-- g f A*®!1?/ 0! "CTTAKTEi AddranTOb'ScOOCO".,"38 RsnwiciT'S AWF£2S>~ASI Actiw A.cant to man&tm thtexwdhto-, rtwsiJe of Cig»ra and Tobacco in --rr^rnsii^. $80 H"i%'rh ami Outjit free to At/rnrs Cr.S* »,1.irea» A OQUl.TkR £ CI).. --r * mon(h. hotel and tm^elln^ jpW'is paid for nalesmen. No p«<ldlin* MONITOR MANVT'GI Co , CL<UCTAB&ti OUb. WATOHES, A Qml ttmnMSaa. H"i " /|l f% Cf\ A Month.--Agents wanted, rNAalfl ««>* "wrtioJe* la the world. One soto^vH has. WUlflf AddrsssJAY BKOWSOM.Dtrott.llS fiiK.AP Mirsic. J|)\ r\ /uLi JL M Catalogues free by mail. BtH»Sfr:y A t o., H i Kr.-l 14th Street, ns-w Yewfe, r make SfllP per •rritas^. w TiwSt. W. I.. HATOKN, Trachf n»f Guitar, Flute,OB Ajrtfor 1'at.R nitsr.the heal ii Dealer In Muaical Iiifiirtimenti. II fltrlnf*. Catalogues ftw. U0 Traoioat M. Bss S50=$100; •Ished. Ad'isa K.W.Telsci $10$25 month ree'd by our niadvslss. Students wanted. Salary paME, _ while practicing. tUtnatinnsfaCfe .Telscrsph Institute, JaaeevUl*,W1a, UP«» nt.vif by Afrenti S L*IT*TURE A U\ RUROR _ wort free. J. II. lUn-TORti* SSON f.*- N/W1. 11! wftrt - IUPWCI If yoa want tho best seMtoK alvT.ll I \ in th« world and t'tolld (3 AU1JI11 Jl M lever watch, free o". oost, wHi V4CO to J. liKiDE & CO., 1ii3 Bror Jmy.N. Y. A OSSTS wanted for "RELAT109 of Ute New book with plain •tatement of facts IYR. S. ». FITCK-* / Sumple Copy, oimd in riotn, PWH; 35 cents by mail. AMNH UroRd' troadwsy, New York '8• FAMII.Y PHYMt'l.tfl. Pauer Cover, IO ctsMk with Illustrations, IB jk C --The choicest in the world--Imporsas* A. prices--Largest. Company in Anmtas-- Staple article--pleases everybody--'Trad® continually tn- ereaalM--Agents wsnted everywhere--Itest imluuwi --don't wast« time--send for Circular So EOBT. WKLLS. *3 Veesy St. » Y..P. O. Boa lt FARMERS ̂ jr j|t Pj>I»IK8TiC ANIMALT THAT i)oi« MOT nELDTOlTSMAUIC TOJ'CU. A ?2 .?i.® ®5°" or 9l.OO,IitiKot'trn wived H»e life ofaltuman beinR, sn«i restored to Un tiitl nacfuJaeH many • vaiiutbie horse* All file great weekly newspapers of the =*EC AND character oi TUB CHICAGO LEDGER charge S3.00 per year, while THE LEDGER costs bat Sl.OO. Tuu IiKOCEB is the BKST Familj Paper in the United States, ably edited, handsomely printed; containi; every went choice furies, an iaGtaliir.c-nt an InfaHGstiSig illustrat'tid serial, and ceiiural reading for l old and young, for tke fai iiicr, for the housewife, and for •11 classes. Special care is taken to make its tone uni­ formly chaste and moral Send 131, an3»16 ccate Idr postage, and your address to THE LEDGER, Ciiioago, Illinois. POJR SALE-CHEAP FOR CASH-One SECOKD- J? HANI> HAltDY PAPER CUTTKR, in (food ord«r. Also, onw 8-inch HOE CARP CUTTER (new). The above will be sold very cheap for caah. Address CHI- CAGO NEWSPAPER UNION, 114 Mouroe Street, Chicago, 111. r=H WHY IS IT: The Illustratfld Weekly" has such an ex tensive circulation? Not nlono that It is the most popular family journal published, but because the Four beautiful copyright**! Chromos wo give subscribers are the most valuable ever made. Intelligent male and female Canramere and Agrtitt can earn $100 and more a month working for us. Tho German edition is tho only strictly family German illustrated paper published in America. Don't delay until to-morrow, but send at once for circulars and terms to CHA8. CLCCAS & Co., 112 Monroe Street, Chicago. Patent Revolving Album for circulars AGENTS WANTED TAFT A SCHWAMB, No. 100 Nineteenth St., Chiasm, HL wo [Established 1846.1 1 will mr.i! Ihis 1IKACKFT 8AW FRANK with 12 Raws, ten iilw l'Htterns, mid full dlnt-tinns for I Scroll Sawing, on reci>ipt of #1.25. SatHfacilon j guaranteed. Ktueat quaiitT of Saw BluleH mai,. '1 I for 20 rt«. per itoifn, for 1)00 to 5. Send starup for [ price-listof prepared woo-i3,d.M*ifftn.Fleetwood and Dexter Scroll Paws. Kvi-ythingat bottom prices. JOHN WILKINSON, 66 Lake Street, CHICAGO. A close of Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient has removed the agony of rheumatism, and its oontinned use entirely heafcd the patient. Rtiouniatism Is bat little understood. Home empirics resort to embrocations, which are really dangerous. It is now acknowledged to be a blood disease, resulting from acidity. This aperient corrects all such acidity, ami thus euros the disease. All rheumatic BUiferers are advised to try it SOLD 11Y ALL DRUUG1STS. IN PRESS-OUTFITS PEAOY-THE CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED. A graphic peii-iuciureof ltsltiutoryi Kritiia btiilii- In^s, wonderful exhibits, curioeitie^ flri'cnt aayn, etc. Profusely illustrated, thoroughly popular. and vfrv cheap. Mutt sell IminenNely. £»,OOU A :KNT* wanted. Send for full particulars. This will be the chance of 1(K) years to ooin money fitwt. Get tile '>nh/ r>lia),le history. HfliiiARD Hltns., Pubs., 16 LaSalle-st, Chicago, IE,, or 144 W. 4t,h-st.., Cincinnati,O. f! ATTTTAKT B® not deceived by premature »» A A%J • books, assuming to be official," and selling wbit will happen In Aufruet and September. , Agenfa -- - -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- Wanted 200 SUPERB KNQRAVIN08.< OR SECRET SERVICE W . - winnPP8t"omc® Department, by p.H. wool). WAR2« el«Ten years la the nrVi.e, andCh ,uf's pecla 1 Agen tnnd«f P. M. Oss't. JSWRI.1.. The most rcc "ikal.le and t lirilline book 0* detecUoBCTsrwriueB, Wonderful Exploits<•/"•«s«'el Servlct Agtatt lu the aursu;! aad capture©! PofctalTWcve*. fi»vtDg an enpanllelea tsle. Our large Illaitraled circularsfrM> Dam*, QtLMA* * Co*» Hartford, CL, Chicago, IlUrCiaclimatl.a the Mails neasant and FrofitaMe Employmeiit. " Heautiful!" " Charming!" "Oh. how iovoly!" "Whrt ere they worth ?" Ac. Such are the exclamations of those who see the large, elegant now Chromos produced by the European and American Publishing Company. Kvery one will want them. It requires! 110 talking to sell the pictures ; they speak for themselves. Canvassers, agente, and ladies and Kent lemon out of employment will find tills the best opening ever offered to make money. For foil particulars, tend stamp for confidential oircntar. Address F. ULKASON & CO., No. 738 W«')H lafton Street, Bostou, Mass. NKW Wl'LJLCOX & GIBBS AUTOMATIC Latest Invention, and producing most Marve'onp Kei>uits. Trade Mark in base Only machine. in the world Willi Automatic Tension atul Stitch Indicator of every machine. J.ESTET & CO. Brattloboro, "\7"t. f^"8end for Illustrated Catalogue or their son* wanted thisihaal^i |wintor, (1 or 2 ineaSh Ct>.) Ill J . , ... ® few staple articles of rral Mask to the farmers 111 thrir own couiitiea. Businps* plessant.H*D^ ntsgood. Farticutar* ftoc. J. WORTH. St, Louis, Ma.*' " #55 A WKKK TO AGENTS. Something mm- tlrely new and magnificent. Send for JMscyt®.- 'tlve CataloeuH. RKBHING ft CO., "rT 'iihniil ^Standard Masonic Works, 731 Broadway. If. Ain o ^1 nnn wall St. Stocks laataft m III H ill (ii HI fortune* every month. BookeMk free expiaininft everything. Address BAXTKB # CO., Buikereri? WaU StL, M.T- TJ Hi Wr. will start yon In business; yon oa» 11 \J make e im without capital; eeM TVTrifJiPV and reapactabl* for either sex. Aonrar JUUnril SCPPLT Oo., afll Bowery, N. Y. GANCEA8, TUMORS. HEMORHOIW Removed. Cured without the knife, loss of blood.M# nttu* pain. Send desosiption and aet opinion frect m• git. i*. B. WALKER, I» Soutli Clark street. Room 47, Chicago, 111, Investigate the merits of Tim inn*, trated Weekly before determining -- -- * upon your work this fall nmi wt»> r-- . combination for this saaeon surpaasea aivy'biMr A BOOK for the MILLION. (pasGAi ADVICE iateiasesrffls CTI-.I r,i. Kupmrr. Opium ilabit,fcc.,SKNX > RKK uu ot >Km|i. Ai!(hcv,i, Dr. ' Itirtp' l)|gppncary No. IS N. 8th rt„ St. Lotifj.Ma pPwOL/'s CHAIN Electricity is I.tStou I'uolis licit, nest Ai the wvrtA": Cures Disease whcntvlf ruuiedti.'s fail. TostnnonlBli and circulars sent frov on ap­ plication. to P. J. WIHTfi, 27 Homl Street, New York. f1! HTi1 K " BOWKKR'S PRKSERVAT1T*" V^JL will keep sweet the yeaF WW»IL A •ample packajro, enooirh to keep half a barrel sweet, address for *5 cents. Address H. U BOWUK 4 CO., ChotTiisti, t !5l Milk St., Bewton, Miias. 44 This does the work perfectly. Cider can IM mtJ as champaen©."--Boston Weekly Globe. I?® /oi- mm *'• FITLKR, b^ingsworii.ESVS: I ML* luUd ia 1?»«, erjx>}nf. d to Profetsor't chrr 1^; have devoted •>cluiri««ly,_to Rbeutnatiam, Neuralgia, Gout, Kidney and I 4T1C REMfiDY.KidMT »ill refaail raone?. " mail, CPATIS. Addr ftad Lir«f-1 CWUaL Pamphl»t«L mm*. r«si PR l'W, Bri>o tO Ifclltr itJiij, ^CUniFll. iVlflU1 SeuMMtetDE. FlTLKH'fj RHEUMATIC REMEDY wttr P11U, • peraianeal «ur«t or will refaail ruone Mid MtdfeaS Advle# Kbl by mall, gratis. Aauivw i»*v. rati « BMlIk Btsm, I biUdftlp^ MIU1CLVES AT S>KUGUfB?a HO, FOR IOWA 11\ Fnrntem, renters c<zi%rf hired men of AmerlottP. A ctiolco from 1,'JOO.OOO acres of the beet land* to, lr.'.?a on H. Jt. tonus, at $.> and $0 per acre. Seat} ». postal card for onr map and pamphlet, or call on tfe»- Iowa R. R. Land Co..P2 Randolph St.. ("hicaeo, or CedM~ Rapids. Iowa. JOHN R CALHOUN. Land ( omiuwV $15 SHOT GUN XTiiml'ic bmrcl fc-un. bar or front action locks v.nninlftl cc»~ uinetwi^t barrels, an«i a *<x>d shooter, on xo«aie; with Tit Pourh nnd Wnd-cutter, for $15. Tan st nt C. 0. I), with yd ilepo ro examine before paying bill. Pond Kt»np 1'or P. I'OWKLL A SON, Gun Dealers. 'J3H 'Juiu St.. r<c^ Whether You Travel or Not, INSURE AGAINST ALL KINDS OF ACCIDENTS, BY A YEARLY POLICY IN THE TRAVELERS ^QFE AND ACCIDENT INS. CO. OF HARTFORD, CONN. oxxtm Every where. SILENT SEWING MACHINE. Send Postal Card for Illustrated Price List, &c. Willcox & Oibl>8 S. M. Co., (Cor. Bond St.) 658 Broadway, New York. LANDS FOR SALE 960,000 Am ill SouM Missouri. FIRST-CLASS STOCK FARMS, Excellent Agricultural Lands, and best TOBACCO REGION In the Wart. 8HORT WINTKRS, NO GRASSHOPPERS, «ood Market, and a Health; Country. Prices $2.50 to S10.00 an Acre. T>im : One-tenth down, balance la Mren fear* at V per eent. Interest. FKEK TRANSPORTATION Ui the land* furnished pnrehaaera. For elronlart, rnld«e, Baps, etc., addreae A. L DEANE, Land CommUslonar, St. Loals. THHF.K OENTKNNIAIi MEDALS AND XHKKE HONORABl.K, MK. N'T IONS aie given to Soynton's Cas-Tight Furnaces. (Cast or Plate Iron--suited for Bituminous or Hard Coal or Wood). Especially adnptfd for boating Dtvi'llin^< I'liun ht's, Srlutols, Are Pow«rful in Hoatintt, Econnntical in Fuel, Heavy and Durable, and perfectly Gas-tiitlit. Will do a greater amount of heating than any other Furnace sold. Over gO,MOO in use at present. Most prominent churchei In the country heated hy those (lurablo Furnaces. Iloyiitoii'ti "Tile" Open-Grate Stove. The most attractive library stove ever made. Kstl> mato given for heating. Correspondence solicited. Send for circulars. RICHARDSON, BOYNTON A CO., Manofaetnrere, No. vf 34 Water St., Hew York. BLISS A WALLS.Wat'u AgU.,S4LakMt.OhloacoJU. The Bwt TI'IM« «it_ Metal Spiiniw -rc^r invent No humliu; ci.iratior a ret irr.diciil cure, a of a comfortable, nucurc, eatisfactory appXance. W» v ill hike buck ui*>l fnlM ^prlcr for all thai ,l>?r»r suit. Pvu-e, sinA. like cut, $4E; for both *<des, $'». Sent by mail, jsoA*p«hl_. tm receipt of price. N. B.--Thi* Truse ttifl vure iwr ttu/t'tircfi than any of tha.'e for tchich extravagant claiamr- ar«iiM'ir. Oil ciuara free. > , POMKROV TRUSS CO.. T«ft Broad way, Www Cincinnati Cancer Ol!3<»o A'o. K5VJ I'liiiia «<t- Ki>tu>>li>:>' •! r..r tli.- .Mir» .:f Cnn<-t>r Tiiiuoria. L'ltrcnk Keroruiu, jmi<1 Skin ai-ma** i,T i ..-N| ai„| i(•••liiim! [1^7 Si*?' ' c'lnNl w itiiotit the tm ..r th» knife ..r . . i^i1 f """ " ,w'"" "in|>l.>vr«l fer in im irMm. and ill nn cttMe «.!"<". tin- CIUKN I- rrturo i< rrhnt n utov-d the knlft. . .U r\ | i.imnrr.i.j,. .Vntin-. „. ("? ;>r"'ir ^ UIHII tl,.- |.uii.>vi j„ , urn». (Wr fUrth*T i t)Ti'rut.•*(J.11> I,.*,-1 n .•>»i, ni;i, <ir tx->iicrwKnfiiiue IIUM. r""" I""i"»t» that fcave been ua£ and »tt cla«s <-tt v rctcr»ij., t.. I.. H. t.if \TT«NY, M.n. ' ^ ' lvv \ • I. HHTO. EUPEON1 If you have rheumatism, neuralgi% headache, a burn, or a bruise, procam a bottle oi Eupeon. It will give iiistaafc relief, as thousands can testify. Par •ale by al) Druggists. H. A. HUHj&c- BUT * CO., 75 and 77 Randolph afi--C Chicago, Agents (or the Proprietor. O.^u. _ -No. TTHEN WRITING TO ADVERflSKKf please eajr you MW tk " ^H*ntae In this paper. ME RIDE N CUTLERY OO. Received the HIGHEST CENTENNIAL PRIZE. /• » THS "Paimi ITOBT" HAKOUI TABLX Kxm. TABLE CUTLERY; MANUFJCTIBE ALL KINDS OF Exclusive Makers ot the "PATENT IVORY" Cellnlold Knife, the moat durable WHITE ___ HAADIjK known. The Oldest Manufacturers in AIIM . . . - , , , , • , . , , . . . . -- . HA.% 1)1.K. Always call for " Trade Mark " " MFKII>KN CUTM- tt\ CO," on the blade. Warranted and t _ by all Dealers In Cutlery, and by the JfflKKIDEN ClTLlill Y CO., «0 ClltlJubcr* St., Nrw % HAttft lU'tt

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