Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Nov 1876, p. 8

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Advsnture mta Oenduetor. Conductor B is always polite CO Tjij|W ladies. All conductors are poMt* tolh- dies, particularly so wheft they Wfc young and handsome. Mi& C----Witt handed on board at "lh« station as care* 4...... fully as though she was "gliw--to *• handled with ca^e." An esififc -soat wm turned over dh the shady sltU of (be car. and the'btfhducter tbJfc a «eat by her side tb do the agre'elalile, kaviag met Miss C on ttte tr&ih before. Presently, as matters wore going along nioely, an old itfan, 'in *iis shirt sleeves, threw hi*i&&f into the seat in front, which the 'Conductor had un­ locked aud turned'over'few the benefit of the partie8^mbre immediately con­ cerned. Mr. £---- «poke up abftrp- iy. *Go *Wiy from1w*«r But'the man didn't go. ^o^ (factor saya,8ti]l more shaiply: ""O'o'away, or m make you T' Itit still no gooirtille a vacant pro- vMing sftiile sat upon the face of the intruder. Whereupon, Conductor B--- Hgrasped the old farmer by the nape of rthe neck. At the sanie time the young lady seined the arm of the conductor, exclaimed: "Please don't Mr. B- This is my father.'1 Ever since Conductor B---- always -&3k8 young'ladies if they are traveling *«lone. War i Prices • ' ***& RED FRON# DRUG STORE Havtaff raiehiMd the interest of WK. & SMITH, Ian nwty to sell J O I L S , School Book & Sundries, .Cheaper Hum any flea#® *lti WoBenry 'Oonaty My Good# are pumlMNetiftto'OaalL (q« tons time,) and to Oaah Qmatumnxm 1 will aqviw to •all and see for IfcssMrtWwn'jwfore puvetaimf elsewhere, No Oli M in Start. J*HN S. WHRAT. Woodstock. 11L, Got, Mtfc* 1876; LAUER & BECKER, fffcrker House McHFNRY,*-ILLINOIS The iubtoribera are now prepared, with a fMMlk'at . .... Fine Cloths of all Kinds, To make to order Coats* Pants, Vests or en- tlr* Suits, on short notice and on the most Heasonable Terms. •arflood Fits Guaranteed and all Work Wamalod. We also Keep a Full Ltn«;of Ready • Made Clothing, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, €ap% 4ko.p Whleh will be sold as Low aa at aay estab- lishmeht in the County. We iiaveeome here to stay, and respectfully ask a ahare of public patronage, pledging our­ selves to do our best to please all who may give us a call, ^ Clothes Cleaned ta the beat of manner and on short notice. LAUER & BiSCKER. McHenry, July 25th, 187«*> Atccdotc of Thaddens Stevens. IBfcny years ago. when Thadiieus ^Stetens was practicing law in L&ueas- ter. he was employed to defend two bank Officers who had been imitated for conspiracy, they having used the funds of the bank in speculation. All 4he legal talent of Philadelphia and uiurvouuding counties had been engaged to assist in the prosecution. When the trial was opened Mr. Stevens rose, and mddressing the court, said;*lf it please jrour honors, presuming there are differ­ ent degrees of guilt attached to the prisoners, my clients,I move thej be tried separately." The judge consulted for a few moments with his associates, who consented, the motion was granted and so recorded. Waiting some mo­ ments for Mr. Stevens to go on, the judge, becoming impatient, saifl im­ petuously: "Proceed Mr. Stevens, pro­ ceed. We are waiting for you, Stevens rose deliberately, and looki ng around the court room for a mane nt •aid: "Did your honors ever heanetfo no man being tried for conspiracy.?* 21) en waving his hand to his clients, he id: "You can go home; you can go )mm* a." And t&ey did go home. The jujryvw# re <d2«tihar$%t4 and the court adjooxa< ;d. A&d tur,thi« jjvece of legal strttt£| ;y. Thai ixbeaoik- £ ec e i ve d $5000. It will Pay to go to Iv^you want a good Hair ©tit, SVa m- poo pr Shavq, call on Charley, near I .he Jfcpot. is always neat andrhlea®, .-fitsscrsi «hatfpand Razors keen; J think you'll find, *To«feit the taste and please the star I. Spoke tb ave. Woodstock and Buy a STOVE OF As ̂ 5 Victor Sewing Machiae for *aki for less than half price, for >Qa+ rea­ son that the owner has no use to r it *• Can be seen by calling at this*«l®c e. SURE CUBE FOR DIARBHC EA. This is to certify that after <** mi»g; " home from California to my tfam ily la ' Chicago I was taken with a *<35ar rheea* - 1 tried everythingthat was reeem men­ ded to me (but did me no geod ) for ' over five years, until 1 got -two I »ottle& ' of F. Marcus' Bitters which cwaf »letely ' cured me. Robert Forrest, Petei Blaine • and others can testify the abovo to be true and no humbug. I haye pr owl tt to be equally as good foi?'4>illioi is wxa- ' plaints. ItstrengtheaftBidiavigcsrates the whole system; carries off tlie bile,. ; and gives warmth to the ctaille d veins ' of both old and young, 'it tki the beet bitters I ever used. jontf nmuxSiK Town of Seneca, McHenry Gousty, Stele rf Illinois. Subscribed and sw-orn'before W0 this- 18th day of Se ptember 1875. E. Bill'WIC J. T NEW FIRM. BLAKE & BENTFIELD. Having Removed to tholr New Store, Corner of Owens' Old Stand, have just filled up with a large and well selected Stock of RTIN. m Headquarters for atU Kinds of Dry Goods Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps Groceries of all Kinds, Crockery Glass-Ware, FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, And in short, a First Class Stock of General Merchandize. Chicago & North-Western RAILWAY. Passengers for CHICAGO, Detroit, Toledo Cleveland, Buflfclo, Niagara Falls, Pittsburfc Cincinnati, Rochester, Albany. Toronto, Hoa> taeal, Quebec, Portland. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore, 8ft. Louip, Cairo, San Francisco, Sacramento, Ojp. den, Salt Lake City, Denver, Council BluA» Sioux City, St. Paul, Marquette, Escanaba,Me« nasha, Madison, Cheyenne, Omaha, Yanktea. Winona, Dnluth, Green Bay, Milwaukee, aad all |»oints North, West, South and East.sboalft buy their tickets via. the Chicago ft Iforth-Westem Bail way. Close connections are made at Chicago with the Lake Shore & Michigan Sonthern, Michi- rau Central, Baltimore & Ohio, Pittsburg "ort Wayne * Chicago, Kankakee Line aal Pan Handle Koutes, for all points EAST and HOUTII-KAST, andi n itii tiiu Chicago & Altoa and Illinois Central for all points SOUTH. Close connections are also made with the Union Pacific K. R. at Ctaaha fur all far West points. Clone connections are made at junt» Hon points with trains qf all cross road*, Pidlmun Palace Cars. •These celcbrate<l cars are run on all night trains on all the lines of this read. This is the ONLY LINE running these care between Chicago and St. Paul or Chicago uit Milwaukee, At omaha our Sleepers connect with the Overland Sleepers on the Union Pacific Rail, road, for all points west of the MissouriRiier. Among the Intents oM 1? Mi Route to the traveling public are all the modern 1M. provements: Rock and Gravel Ballasted Track, Steel Rail, Rock and Iron BrMges, JPartar aa4 GLOVES and MITTEN8, OBOCXBIES, 0B0CEEBT k GLASS-WARE •heir line AT wprepa THKLC OWEST LIVING PRICES Our Goods are all new and selected with especial reference to the wants of the ncoplo of this community, *tf"No trouble to* show Goods. Call and examine onr Goods and Prices befbre purchasing. WThe Highest Market Price Paid for But­ ter, Eggs, ana all kinds, of Country Produce. Sh6e Shop. Our Shoe Shop is in full Running Order and we are prepared to make Boots and Shoes to Order or do Repairing on short notice. Weare Agents for the celebrated Patent Heel.Stiffe- ner, which is warranted to prevent Boots and Shoes from Running Over. #i'AU warrant- ed. BLAKE 8b BENTFIELD. McHenry, I1L, Oct. 27th 1878. We are constantly receiving new Goods of all kinds, and buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods We know that talk is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live in this neck of the woods. Our LARGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. * We always guarantee our goods to be what they are represented to be and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and hence cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor to ask enormous profits on owr goods. We intend to " Live and Let Live!" And while w© are grateful to a generous public for their patronage ta» time past, we hope to merit the same in the future. f®~GIVE US A CALL land we will show you our Goods and use you well whether you buy of us or not. < Drawing Room Itev Cohches, Smoking an<t Lounging Cars, Westing-house Sfefty Air Brakes, Miller's Patent Safety Oonpling Platforms, Speed, Safety and Absolute Ooa- fort. Bnnninf tbxaugh live Oxeat States* and operating over 2,000 miles of road, thta Company presents to the traveler facilitiea that ARE xJOT and CANNOT be offered by any Competitor. All tickets agents ean sell you tickets via this mute. If yon wish the heat traveling amomawda* tiens, you will buy your tickets oy thta route* and will take no other. MARVIN HUGHITT General Supt. w.*. fmonn, Gen'l Passeager Ageat J . S T O R Y , --DEALER JW- t Are now Receiving their Fall and Winter Stock of The Largest Stock in the County. FOUNDRY AND And will CASH. They have an immense stock of Mens', Bo^s and Youths' Boots of all kinds, which were bought very low and will be sold right down FOR CASH. NOTICE, YOLO, ILL. 50,000 lbs. of --AT *TITE-- JANESVILLE WOOLEN MILLS NORTH BfAIii STREET. THE subscribers wish to inform their patrons and cvervbody'tftat they will manufac­ture their Wool into gwd substantial Cassi- mereu, Doeskins, Flannel and Stocking Yarn, on shares or by the yard or pound, on satis&c tory terms; or will buivf their Wool and pey toe highest market price, and sell them good aubstantialCasBimeree at $L00 per yard, and all other goods at the same rate. Will pav half cash on'good fine lots, not too small. Will •pay Express charges on all lots of Wool of .">0 pourifls or more and return the gooaa free ot charge. Will cardjtheir Wool into rolls for 6c '"•er pound: also card Wool the same day when Drought from a distance, if possible. Will dress th^ir'cVsth on the usual terms. Carpets washed ; price Scents per yard, Farmers, pa- troniy.e home industry. 4 lAlAnfa«l exchange for Goods, WaniGQi** Wool-Grease, Tallow and Wood, for which the highest price will be -jtaid. F A WHEELER 4 CO. JauC8vjlle, Wis., May 30th, 1S76. WARD 8. BALI, Friptor. Ibe wndereirwetf bare Just started a Fonn dry and laelac Shop, and are now prepared to do aTI kinefs ot Casting for Machfitcry, on short notice and in the beet of manner. We also maiQlketart the celebrated Gale Wind Mill. Repairing of all kinds done pmsptly and sat is fact io* Guaranteed. TbrMbteg Machine* repaired on Short no­ tice. Orders solicited, WARD B. GaLE. Volo, 111-, July tttfa W7C. BAYLIES. GREAT Mercantile College, Keokuk, Io«% on the Mississippi. Prof, Wm. H. Miller General Manager. Nineteenth year. About sixtj'tlollars pay all exi>ense«, for Membership Hoard and Stationery. Bookkeepers, Penman, Reporters, Operators, Architects, Surveyors and Teachers thoroughly titted. English branches free. Fre® L«ct«mts by eminent Orators. Free Festivals with Biass Band in College Hall. Free furnished moms for self boarding. Telegraphing free Short hand writing free. Good Warding clwfet and family board. Railroad !»«:•,<: deducted. Immense business in Keokuk. Tfo vacation. Address Baylies College, Kedknk, Iowa. 8tai« where you saw this advertowment. McHenry, mn July 27tb,1875. IRRY Sl MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother. IN BUSINESS At the Old Stand. The Old Goods to be Closed Out Regardless of Cost. TO MAKE ROOM FOB NEW We would respectfully annoimco to onr friends and patrons of Me Henry and vicinity, that we nave concluded to make a sweeping sale of our Goods, and have in consequence thereof reduced the prices to such figures that will ensure a speedy sale. The Goods, in question consist in part of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, STOVES TINWARE^ MECHANICS»TOOLS* FARMING IMPLEMENTS^ CLOTHES WJHNGJSM\ WHICH WILL BE SOLD L O W E R TEAN USUAL PRICES! Xow is the time to purchase, and save wmm ey. 1 believe thnt I caa fimmish good geerti it as lew yrices^as anyone in the county. Ateo keep on hand a full Stock o£ BUILDING PAPER, such as Plata Board, Water Proof. Iron Coated audi Tarred Felt. Also Moth Prtof CStspft Lining-. I KAWL AND SEE ! Repairinĝ rive great Bargains for DWIGHT & FORREST, Corner Maim Street and Public Square, WOODSTOCK. - - - - ILLINOIS Dated Sept. 90th, 1878. HENRY COLBY, Hats anfl Caps, Groceries, Crockery, &c., k We are constantly in receipt of new^and desirable lines of Goods, which we are selling at lowest market quotations. ^ Call early and secure Bargains. tCgfThe highest market price paid for all kinds of Produce. LANSING & EVANSON. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS. --DEALER IX-- PAINTS. OILS, Painters Brushes, Dye Stuflfc &c>, Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Osmpoanded. STATIONERY. W<e!havc a fineJStock of f!ap, Billy i?ote and Mourn in l'aper, which we are selling very Cheap. A tine assortment of the latest Styles Box ud Fawcy Papers, constantly on hand. All Goods Warranted 4« represented and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Patronage Solicited. H. icolsy. McHenry, July 27th; 1875. Fence "Wire, Crowbars, Mau s, Forks, Rakes, y v 0JIOVELS, HOES, and a Full Line of Bmllers and Sktlf Hardware. We have a large Stock of Pans, Pails* Milk Cans, and a Ftill Line of Tinware of all kinds. ALSO SCBEEN WIRE, CLOTHES WRINGERS, In fact everything you want and at VERY BOTTOM PRICES. Call and examine. No trouble to show Goods. .Jggl JOHN M. SMITH. HcHeary, 111., April 3d, 1876. ^nnpMjr attended 4. STORY. Opposite Owen* MJ1W H. MAI MAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. wauconda. Lake County, - - - 2l?inoI»» Hi» lust received the Largest and B*it Stock ot Cloths, Cassiineres, Fancy Ye«ting»fc and also Clothhig of all kinds* ever brought tc* this Market. Hens',. Yeiuth&md BovaSttitfc of all grade* and prices. X am prepare* to Suit you in Ready-Made Clothing Suit yon to Order. Suit you in Price. Suit you in Style. Suit you on Fit. .. YOUBS T>m, WaucoBda,Ill, Aprtl Il» VA UIAK. »1 1 At the OH Stand J. JR. Vaseyt RINCWOOD, < - LLlNOtS. Have just filled their Store with • l&tm Stock of STOVES, Both Cook and Heatinjr, which ^ev are offer inpt to the buying public at BOTTOM PRICKI We have also a line assortment of Table ®»c Pocket Cutlery, and other Goods usually kept in a country Hardware Store Goods that ui Itore. I stock of Hard! i a full line #f In connection with onr large ware we have opened up witl The Best Tobacco and Cigaii'.i To be found in the Market. a OUR STOCK OF 1 Rubber Goods, Ac., are of the best manufat ture, and we extend an Invitation to all t come and sae us before purchasing elsewhei All goods sold at thd Lowest Cash Prices. / VASEY JtHQLMlA Bingwood, Sept. 18th, 1370.

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