Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Nov 1876, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29th, 1876. Railroad Time Tabled GOING SOUTH. Geneva Lake Passenger.. . Geneva Lake Freight GOING NORTFT, gcnevA T-ake Freight f I'assenirer... Geneva Lake' ..7:35 A. M. ...1:46 V. M. .10:00 A. M. ...7:05P. M. MASOXIO.f «„?ICL>LKVI,Y Chapter NO. 34 R. A. M.--Rejru- » uonvoratioris held on the second and fourth Fridays in each month. „ HENRY COLBY IL P. PULASKI ALLKN SEC,, CHURCH DIRECTORY. S METHODIST.--Rev. J. IL Bacon, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10>f A. M. and 7 P.M. Sunday School*at 12 M. WM. PAGE, Superintendent. FOR Late Dairy Markets see last page. 1 • ---- • SEE tho new advertisement of JLansiug & Evanson, in another column. you want a good time do not fail Jo attend the Band Party at the Parker House on Thursday evening. THE boys have been having rare gport skating on the Mill Pond for the past few days. The Skating never was Vetter, WE would call the attention of our readers tothe new, .advertisement of tJohnH. Smith, to be found in another Column. WE have received a new advertise­ ment for John. S. Wheat, Druggist. Woodstock, which will appear next Week. Jacob Myers three miles East of tfohusburg and one mile West of Big Hollow, has a sale on Monday Dec. 11th of Stock, fanning tools, &c. HATS, CAPS, Gloves, Mittens and Underwear at Cost at L. Stoddard's. £ee his advertisement in another column. Remember that Bucklin & Stevens pftertheir goods at the very lowest living prices, and pay Cash for Butter pud Eggs. THE Annual Meeting of the McHenry County Agricultural Board, for the flection of officers, will be held at the Court -House, in Woodstock, Monday Dec. 4th 1870. E. E. RICHARDS, Sec. REMEMHER the Party for the benefit of the Mcllenry Cornet Band, to take place at the Parker House on Thursday ©veiling. Prof. Slater's full Quadrille Baud will furnish the music. THE Palatine Herald has been re­ moved to Arlington Heights, enlarged to eight columns and changed its name to the Cook County Herald. F. W. Hoffman & Co.. are now the publish­ es. . WB learrn that a nevv Paint Shop, is {o bo opened over Phillip Hauprihs' new Blacksmith and Wagon Shop, Jforthof the Brick Church, where all kinds of Wagou and Carriage Paiuting yyiil be done. HENRY F. HUGHS, three and a half piilas Northwest of Wauconda, adver­ tises an Auction of Stock, farming tools, Ac., to take place on Saturday, Peceiuber 2d, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. THE Elgin Citizen, Geo. H. Earlie, publisher, has been enlarged; and i6 How a sov«m column eight page paper, pnd presents a neat and handsome ap­ pearance. We congratulate friend JSarlie on this evidence of his pros­ perity. Two small lads were standing near the Post Office the other day when the third oamo along. One of the two' asked the third, uIs there anything uew in politics?" "No." says No 3, assuming the shape of an Alderman, vwe are waiting now for the official Count in Susianua,"" WRhave received the proof sheets of pn Essay read before the McHenry County Teachers' Association Nov. 18, entitled "The Fellow with a Crotchet," but too late for insertion this week. It Will appear in our next. It may be necessary and right to hold proofs in­ tended for publication in the different county papers until the last day in the pfteruoou, but we dou't see it in that light. CUT out the following item and preserve it: **I am willing to risk my deputation as a public man," wrote Edward Hine of the Liverpool Mercury, *'If the worst case of smallpox can not t>e cured in three days, simply by the use of cream of tartar. One ounce of cream of tartar dissolved in a pint of Water, drank at intervals, when cold, is & certain, never-failing remedy. It has cured thousands, never leaves a mark, nevercauses blindness,and avoids tedious lingering." 18AW a lady dressed in a beautiful blue silk, with a fresh spot of grease made upon,her skirt by her little child. f tI can take .it out with soft bread crumbs "she said. . Then she told how successfully she had #emoved worse spots, made by butter on the same dress. She rolled or softly rubbed freshly cut (but not new) bread over the place, one fresh piece after another each one soaking up a part of the oil. until the place was left clean. •MM-- "IF any of the readers of the Harvard, Independent have noticed tor the past few weeks, or mny notice this week, anything about the editorial ..columns or that paper that would suggest ab­ sent-mindedness or lunacy in any form, they will do a charitable act by over­ looking it, as Madame Rumor has whispered in our ear that the young man who presides over that sheet is going to Alden on Thursday to put his head through the noose matrimonial, when it is expected that all his troubles will end. We commend him to the tender care of the Pound Master of Harvard until the fatal time arrives. IN another column can be found a no­ tice of an Auction on the farm of W. W.Goff, four miles North of Nunda, and one-half mile West of the Ilolcomb School House, on Wednesday of next week, December 6th, at which time will be sold thirty-two choice Cows, twelve,, of them new Milch, and the balance cOuiing in soon, besides other stock, 60 tons of Hay, and Farming Tools of all kinds. These cows are the very choicest to be found in the county, and persons in want of cows should bear In mind the time and place. The inimitable J. A.^Sherwood is the Auc­ tioneer for the occusiou. As the question will no doubt come up at the nex; Town Meeting of build­ ing or in spine way providing a build­ ing to be used as a Town House, we would suggest the propriety of the Town buying the olil Brick Church property and converting it into that use. We learn that the Church and lot can be bought cheap, and no one will deny that it is well located for that purpose, while the building, with slight repairs, could be made into a Town House that would be an honor to our village. We hope the proper authorities will take this matter un­ der advisement, and if thought practi­ cable, see that it is acted upon. PiiiLhip HAUPRIHS, having comple­ ted his new Shop, North of Perry & Martin's Store, and near the Brick Church, has a new advertisement in this paper in which lie informs his friends that he is now prepared to do all kinks of Blacksmithing promptly and in the most workmanlike manner. He is well known as a lirst-class work­ man, and his many friends will bo glad to learn that he has again opened up a business in this village, lie has also connected himself with Mr. E. Perkins, in tho manufacture of Buggies and Wagons, and can furnish a good Wagon or Buggy, warranted, as cheap as any­ one in the county. As a Wood Worker Mr. Perkins has no superior in the coun­ ty. Read their advertisement in another column. WE learn that some boys who reside East of this village, who have neither the fear of God or man before their eyes, are committing depredations that will sooner or later bring them to grief. On Sunday the 19th inst., we learn that tiiey appropriated a Pig and "some chickens, and by right of possession only carried them Into the woods and roasted them and had a sumptuous Picnic. They thought they were un­ observed but our River Reporter was near by, Pencil in li.nid^and their names are now recorded on our Tablet, and much as we dislike to do so if such wanton acts are repeated we shall be oblige to publish them for the benefit of tlie farmers who are sufferers by these depredations, in which case their punishment will be sure. "A word to the wise is sufficient." WHILE in Ringwood last week we called at the store of J. W. Cristy and found him as busy as a bee waiting upon customers. He has in store a large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hats, Caps, 'Boots and Shoes, and in short every­ thing usually found in a general country store, which his many customers s;iy he is selling at Bed Rock Prices. Cristy is alive man in the business, and know­ ing the wants of his customers spares no pains to meet them. We also called at the store of Vasey & Holmes, where we found a good stock of Hardware. Stoves, Tinware. &c., They informed us that consider­ ing the times they were doing a good business. Their Stoves are the best in the market and they will not be undersold by any. Our readers in that section should give them a call when in want of anything in their line. FOX KIVEIT VAIXKY MILLS. On and after this date all Flour, Feed &c., purchased at this Mill will be deliv­ ered anywhere in the Corporation Free of Charge. Leave your orders at the Mill and they will be promptly attend­ ed to. We are now putting in the proper Machinery for making Patent Flour, and»fariners bringing their grists to our Mill can haye the Pateut Flour if they so desire. Our Planing Mill is also in running order, and all jobs of Planing and Matching will be done on short notice. R. BISHOP JfcSOX, Proprietors. Mcllenry, Nov 21st,1S7C. U»t of Prices At Fords Fine Art Gallery. Tintypes four' for 31, The common Card Photo's. $2 per doz. The latest style Frost and Marble Back­ ground $3 per doz. (This is the finest Picture out.) Please Call and examine Specimens. SHEPD, SIIKItM A?» & CO., Is the name of the firm who have pur­ chased land qt the -head of the Pond and are now engaged in putting up a building for the purpose of storing lo® and doing a general Ice biisiuess. They broke ground on Saturday last for their building and now have a large gang of men at work, intending to put it up in the shortest possible time. The build­ ing will be located at the head of the p6nd, just North of the Pickle Factory, will b« 150x160 feet, tweuty-six feet high, with half Mansard Gravel Roof, and will hold 25,000 Tons of Ice. This firm will employ from sixty to seventy-five men during the Ice Har­ vest, and thirty or forty the year round. They intend, besides filling this mam­ moth Ice I^ouse to ship 100(^cars of Ice this winter. We understand this firm have also bought tiie farm of H. W. MeLe#u, which comprises 120 acres aud takes in a part of what is known as McColluin's Lake, where they propose another year to put up additional Ice Houses, run-r Hiug a switch track thereto, which will give them ad-vantages for getting the best quality of ice enjoyed by no com­ pany in the West. Messrs. Shedd, Sherman & Co., are live, go-ahead men, and we anticipate will not only reap a rich harvest for themselves, but their business will prove a great benefit to McHenry, by furnishing employment to a large num­ ber of men who will live in our midst, circulating their money among our mer­ chants, and helping business of all kinds. There are but few enterprises that could have started here that would prove of more general benefit than this aud our citizens can think themselves fortunate in being able to induce these gentlemen to locate here. We shall speak more of this enterprise as it pro­ gresses. FUTUKK OF MCHENRY. We trust our neighboring towfis will not think us egotistical when *we say that,the prospects of McHenry never looked brighter than now, and that the future of no town in McHenry county, iu a business point of view, looks as bright as ours. Capitalists are begin­ ning to see the natural advantages of this locality, surrounded as it is bj* a rich and prosperous farming com­ munity, and almost every week one or more arc here looking around with a view of starting some kind of business. The splendid water power and privilege at the Mill having now be­ come the property of Mr. Bishop, who has ample means and the energy to push things, ensures the working of that splendid power to its fullest ex­ tent in Milling and other manufacturing interests, which of itself will have the tendency to draw other Interests to this village. The firm of Shedd, Sherman & Co., of which we speak else­ where, is also another evidence of our prosperity as a community, and the prospect^ now are that be 1'oro spring we shall be able to chronicle the ad­ vent in our midst of more large business institutions. Our citizens are now awake to their true interests, and any business that seeks a location here will receive their encouragement and hearty support. As wo have said before the future of McHenry is indeed promising. Murder AY'ill Out. A few years ago-'August Flower" was discovered to be a certain cure for Dyspepsia aud Liver Complaint, a few thin Dyspeptics made known to their friends how easily and quickly the}' had betn cured by its use. The great merit of Green's August Flower became her- aled through the country bj r one suffer­ er to another, until, without advertis­ ing, its sale has become immense, Drug­ gists iu 'every town" iu the United States are selling it.* No person suffer­ ing with Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Law Spirits, etc., can take three doses without relief. Go to your druggist Henry Colby, and get a bottle for 75 cents and try it. Sample bottle 10 cents. Over Coats,Men and Boys Suits at lower prices than ever at Bucklin & Stevens. Have you seen the new arrivals of Ready-Made Clothing just received at Lansing & Evanson. Don't fail. To Whom If May Concern. I have been running the new Ameri­ can Sewing Machine for some time and can cheerfully recommend it to all. There is really no fault to be found with it. It runs very lightly, is thread ed with remarkable ease, does the finest of work or makes a stout seam on heavy cloth with equal facility. In addition to its other good qualities it is a very ornament il piece of furniture Friends at the East (where it is very popular) reeouimond it very highly for durability and say as a family sewing machine it cannot be surpassed, it does so many Kinds of work and doe6 all so well. Mas. R. A. BUCKLAND. Ringwood, 111., Xov. 21, 1S70. Cheap Clothing, at F. G. 3Iayes, A GOOD CHANCE. Anj' young gentleman wishing to learn the Photographic Buisness will find it to his advantage to call at Ford's Fiue Art Gallery, McHenry. 111. To those wishing to write, No. of Box 93. Your immediate attention desired. Millinery aud Fancy Goods at cost at Mrs. C. H. Morey's. A rare Chance to get a nice hat or bonnet at one half the ^usual pri^e. Don't fail to call aud see for yourself. FIRE. THE RESIDENCE OP J£>KF W. VIHH TOTAJLLY DESTROYED. The residence of John. W. Smith, three, miles West of this village, was totally destroyed by fire on Friday last. The fire was discovered about half past eleven A. M. in the roof near the chimney, but had gained such head­ way on the inside before it was discovered that all efforts to save the buildihg was unavailable. The sup­ position is that the fire caught from some defect in the chimney close to the roof, and consequently the inside was one mass of flames before it broke out and was discovered. It being found impossible to save the building attention was tyrned to getting out the furniture, a great portion of which they succeeded in removing, but iu a somewhat damaged condition. By tlie efforts of those present, who de­ serve great praise for the able aud systematic manner in which they work­ ed, the cellar and its contents were save<j. Mr. Smith was away from home at the time and when he; returned found but a heap of sinortldering ruins. His loss will foot up over Four Thous­ and Dollars, on which there was not a cent of insurance. Being in the Fall of the year when, owing to the weather, it is impossible to build -at present, this loss will be keenly felt by Mr. Smith, and he has the sympathy of the entire community in this misfortune. This house was burlt some twentv- flve years ago, but was one of the most substantial iu"towuv being built of heavy oak timbers, large and well finished, and was what might be call­ ed a model farm house. NUNDA. EDITOR PLAIXDEALER: -- Absence from home has prevented me from jot­ ting down the items of news from Nunda that might interest at least a portion of your readers, but as the one great object of interest (the election) has absorbed or crowded .*11 other mat­ ters out of sight, very little lias been found of sufficient importance to find a place in your paper, but now that the election of Ilayes and Wheeler is gen­ erally conceded, we will a«?aiu post you upon matters as they transpire in our quiet "Burgh."- Business .continues'] dull in the ex­ treme, but as that is so universal the world ovor we have no very good rea­ son to complain, but must be satisfied to watch and wait for "the good time coming." Thanksgiving will soon be upon us and as a People aud'a' Nation we have very much to be thankful for, and it is but meet and proper that we should ab­ stain from the usual routine of busi­ ness upon that day, and consecrate it with thankful hearts for the many priv­ ileges. opportunities and abundant blessings meted out to lis. Wa have recently learned of the death of Capt. F. I\. Lyman, who was located at Pine Bluff, Arkansas, where ho died a few weeks ago of typhoicj fever after a short illness. Capt. Ly­ man enlisted as a private in Co. "D." 95th Ills. Vol. Inft'y., in I8G2, but upon the organization of the Regiment was appointed a Sergeant and served with the '•Regiment until in the February following, when he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant iu a Colored Regiment, with which he served until the close of the war, taking an active part in many well contested battle*, He was re­ spected and honored by the officers of the Regiment, and greatly G -teciuc-d by his command. Social in his nature, ele­ vated in thought, with a soul burning with patriotism, ever ready for an emergency and always anxious to vin­ dicate the honor of the "Stars.- and Stripes.*' Since the close of the war he has identified himself with the in­ terests ot Arkansas, and as a writer and editor he was outspoken and purely Republican 111 thought aud purpose. Burglars were in town last week and paid their respects to the mercantile house of M. llelm & Co., by prying open the dqor to gain entrance, and af­ ter selecting a supply of ladies' shoes* shawls, jewelry, &c., to the amount of forty or fifty dollars worth they de­ camped with their booty, leaving no clue to their whereabouts. Hatch and Butlers store was attempted but their dog did not propose to trade at »hafc time of uight, and would not admit them. The blacksmith shop of Henry & Beckley was also broken open but nothing taken. TYRO. RINGWOOD. EDITOR PL UXDEALEE:--There will be an evening Sociable held at the house of Mr. Frank Barney, in the vil­ lage 6f Ringwood, on Saturday evening Dec. 2, commencing at 7 o'clock and continue until 10. All are invited aud a large attendance is expected. Wm. Langham shipped, week before last, 2,G0U pounds of Provision which he and Mr. T. Hall collected iu this section for the Home of the Friendless at Chicago, The following letter was re­ ceived iu acknowledgment of the re­ ceipt of the same: CHICAGO, NOV. 10, 1876. MIU WM. LAXGHAM. DEAR SIR:--The very generous col­ lection from the Ringwood friends is just received, also your letter enclosing fcsl. Please all accept our thanks for all your kindness, both in soliciting aud giving, and all the trouble you have taken. MRS. .J. GRANT, C!iica#o Homo I'm- the 1'ds. Suits, Suits, &t F. G. Mayes.. , Proceedings of thin Board wZ Trustee*, COUNCIL ROOM, NOT. 18.1876. Board assembled 011 call of Presi­ dent. Present. President Bishop and Trustee Searles, Walsh, Story and Hanly. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Comiaittee «m Public Square report­ ed that they had proceeded as directed with th^ improvement of Public Square to the amount of appropriation for that purpose; had let the contract of fencing to Mr. F. A. He bard for the sum of 0275--which lie had completed as per agreement. On motion the report was accepted and clerk ordered to draw order on Treasurer iu favor of Mr: Ileb- ard fcor the amount ot appropriation, namely, §250. The following bills were audited and allowed, and orders on Treasurer for the several amounts ordered drawn: Coininissj'vnwv Wentwo'rth's bill for la - bor on streets $1*0 80 Smith A Snyder for lumber IH4 57 P. 1 oikum for services 12 50 S. McDonald for lalnir 4 50 GOD: GAGE in l'avor of Rantl for Survor- 400 H, t 'olby, Stationery.... ...... tfO . Total amount of Bills audited and al- 'owed...... . $B17 27 Oil motion ordered that the Street Commissioner put in a Crossing 011 Elm street at the iiitesection of Front street. Moved and carried that the Street Commissioner be ordered to notify all parties obstructing the drains or gut­ ters 011 each side^of the streets as left by him for carrying off' the water; to remove the same within the space of six days, and if they fail to comply within the time specified, then lie, the said Commissioner is to go 011 aud re­ move the said obstructions. Adjourn­ ed to meet 011 call of President. R. BISIIOP, President. 1 M, KELTER, Clerk. Business Not ice* Boys Clothing,at F. G.MayM. Go to E. M. Owen for Plow*. Nifrbtas in great variety. Meft and Boy# Scarfs, at. fcu^klin &'Stevens. -.Good Yard wide only 7 cts per yard* Brown -Sheetings At P. D SMITH'S. an Alpacca at 25 e^nts per yard in new shades at Lansing & Ersuuon. Beaver Cloths for Cloaking, m wtll as Cloaks at Ruckiin & Steveua. The best place in the county tobu, Horse Blankets is at Evanson's, McHenry. Lansing I THKESHING MACHINE MEN. Get yonr String Leather Owen, McHenry, III. ^ Yon can buy a first-class Wonriwrt* all Calf Shoe for 75 ceuts at Lansing Si Evanson, McHenry. CLOTHING I CLOTHING! A-large Invoice at unprecedented Low Prices, at . I\ D. SUTTH'S. Talk is said to be cheap but not cheaper than goods of all kiude at Bucklin Stevens'. Fancy Note and Letter Paper, with envelopes to match. Very neat styles. At O. W. Owen's." Clothing and Gents furnishing goods n speciality at Lansing & Evanson McHenry. Flannels at iall prices from l&cts per yard up at Bucklin & Stevens. A bran new Organ at for SHH). ^ AUCTION! Tho undersigned will sell at Public Auction, 011 his farm, four miles North of Nunda and one-half mile West of the Ilolcomb School House, 011 Wednes­ day, December Gth, 187(1, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M., the following prop­ erty: 12 New Milch Cows, 20 Cows coming in soon ; 2 three-year-old Dur­ ham Bulls,3*> Milk Cans,GO Tons Tame llav. 1 Dol.lman Cutting Box, 1 New Single Buggy, 1.000 Bushels of Oats, '00 Good Store Sheep, 1 span seveu- year-old Mules, 1 span eight-year-old Mares, and Farming Tools too numer­ ous to mention. Terms--All sums of $10 and under Cash. Over that sum a Credit of Eight Mouths will be given on approved Notes at S per cent. \V. >V. (jOFF. J. A. SHERWOOD, Auctioneer. •> AUCTION SALE. The Subscriber will sell at public auction at his residence, knowu as the James Golding farm, 3J miles North­ west of Wauconda, on Saturday, De­ cember 2nd, at 10 o'clock A. M., fhe fol­ lowing property to-wit: 3 Work Horses, 4 Milch Cows. 2 two-year-old Heifers. 1 Calf, 52, Sheep, S Slioats, 30 Tons of Hay, 20' Acres of Corn-Fodder, 300 Bushels of Corn, 1 Combined Reaper and Mower, 1 Sulky Rake, 1 Sulky Cul­ tivator, 1 Double Harness, with Plows, Harrows, «fcc. Terms of Sale--All sums of §5 00 and under Cash. Over §5 00 one year's time on approved Notes at 8 per cent, no property to be moved until terms are complied with. HENRY F. HUGHS, H. B. UURRITT, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE. The subscriber will sell at Public Auction, on his farm, 3 miic» East of •Tohnsburgh and 1 mile West of Big Ilolloyv, on Monday, Dec. 11th, 1876, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following property to-wit: 1 span llorses live years old, 1 Mare se.ven years old. 8 Cows, 2 three year old Heifers, 1 pair three year old Steers, 3'yearling Heifers, 4 Shoats. 10 tons of Hay, 1 double. Wagon, .1 demo­ crat Wagon. 2 set double Harness, 1 Reaper, 1 Sewing Machine, 1 Sulky Cultivator. 2 single Cultivators, Plows, Harrows and other articles. TERMS OF SALE.TAII sums of $5 and under. Cash. Over $5 a credit of one year will be givondn approved notes at 8 per cent. JACOH MYERS. Election is over, the contest is deci­ ded and the uniform low prices at Bucklin & Stevens remain the same. Heavy Work Team for. Sale. One Heavy work team, Harness and Wagon for sale ch«-ap. Apply at the Fox River Valley Mills of H. D* LUFF. A new stock of Dress (Jtoods and Waterproof Cloakings. Black Al- pacca 25ets and upwards at Lansing & Evanson's McHenry. A New Hair Tonic Worth Having. It is the best. Wood's Improved Hair Restorative is unlike any other, and has no equal. The Improved has new vegetable tonic properties; re­ store grey hair to a glossy, natural color; restores faded, dry, harsh and falling hair; restores, dresses, gives vigor to the hair; restores hair to pre­ maturely bald heads; removes^jandruff, humors,scaly eruptions; removes irri­ tation, itching aud scaly dryness. No article produces such wonderful effects. Try it, call for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don't be put off with any other article. Sold by all drug­ gists in this place and dealers every­ where. Trade supplied at manufact­ urers prices bv C. A. Cook & Co.. Chi­ cago. Sole Agents for the United States and Canada,and all Wholesale Drug­ gies, A full line of Gloves and Mitts at the lowest posbiblc prioj at Huckliu & Stevens. Best thing in Plows. O. W. Ow -iTa Call and se . E. >1. OWN. Cashmeres, Alpacas, Poplins, Cords, Peps, Merges and Plaids at Bucklin & Stevens. If you want any kind of Farm imple­ ments or repairs call on E. M. Owen. LADIES CLOAKS! LADIES CLOAKS •T^t received from New York a flu® assortment of Ladies Beaver Cloaks, at Bucklin & Stevens. We want 50.000 pounds of choice bnt- te'r for which the highest Market prioo will be paid. LANSING & EVANSON McHenry. GREAT REDUCTION! In the prices of tho Buffalo aud Roch ester Boots aud Shoes. Don't fail to see them before making your seleo- tions. P. 1). SMITH. A full line of Flannels, Cass i me res Domestics, and desirable Priuts at Buekliu & Stevens. For the Winter trade, a full and com­ plete stock of all kinds of Goods found iu a general store, aud at prices which dety all competition at Bucklin A Stevens. New and elegant stylets of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, in the most pop­ ular shades.--Also a large variety of Ladies Waterproofing and Cloakings, at , P. 1>. SMITH'S. HARD MONEY OR SOFT. Bucklin & Stevens' take either, aa well as Butter, Eggs aud Poultry, and give 111 exchange good Goods at Bot­ tom Prices. Lansing.«& Evanson have just received a choice art icle of Machine Oil which they offer 33 per cent less than regular retail quotations. Threshers sUonkl ebar this in mind. You can save at least 25 per cent In, buying your Clothing, Hats, Caps Boots and Shoes, at Lvtusing Evausou Mcllenry. Don' t buy your Underwear, BooU, and Shoes, Gloves, aud Mittens until you see the great bargains in these Goods at j.ansing & Evanson's, McHenry. WANTED. 10 Tons of Poultry for which th* highest market price will be paid at Lausiug & Evanson's. Mcllenry. New Goods daily arriving at Lansings & Evanson,* to be sold at bottom prices. Give them a call aud judga for yourself. The new American Sewing Machine, the best in the market. They are war­ ranted in every particular, run easier, aud make less noise. Call and 8e# them. O. W. Owen, Agent. A full line of M. Selz & Co*s Boot a and Shoes, Custom made, and fully warranted and second to none in the market, at Bucklin Stevens. Tho prices are considerably reduced from last year. FLAX SEED WANTED. One Hundred Thousand Bushels of Flax Seed wanted, for which the High­ est Market Price will be paid in cash, bv Smith & Snyder. 'Mcllenry, Aug. 21st 187G. TO THE PUBLIC. All persons knowing themselves In­ debted to the iirm of Blake & Bro., ar« requested to call and settle the saino in the next ten days, as I wish to clos« all outstanding accounts. JOIIK BI.AKB, Surviving Partner Blake & Bro. CLOVER THRESHER. F. WIEDRICK would inform the farmers throughout the County that he is prepared to thresh Clover or Shell Corn, having one of the best machinea iu the market. For information ad­ dress F Wicdirck, Woodstock, 111. Cash buyers are invited to call aod examine the larye and New Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoos% Ilats, Caps, Groceries Ac.,now arriving at Lansing-& Evanson's. From 10 25 per cent may be saved on all gooda bought from this firm. Partie* haying in large quantities will gel nn deduction from 5 to 10 por oeul. DIK1). DL'NX.--In this t«*w»», Xov. Stth, tS7tt, Stfnvy E. lMnui, mother of J. I . Dtiun^ageii 'li 'iston Janet's i> copy. B.uttalo Robes, Lap Robes^ Blankets, and Bed Blankets at UtMfeUkk C; Steve ho.

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