e L-.-J ll eiFj flaMealep. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6th, 1876. ^AK'SIJYKE,- Kditor. S*L*'Th* {orty-ioiiriii Congress (last reassembled at Wellington on Monday** yiioium of •eacii house being pJT.seut. Tt;p House elected Hon. Sam, J. Randall,of Pennsylvania (Democrat) Speaker, to till the vacancy caused by the ileath of Mr. Kerr, the Republicans voting for General Garfield, of Ohio. fif$F"OMr English cousins are still un happy over the immense importation of cheese from the United States.-- Their agricultural journals Are still •scoldi-«g.*he farmers,, for making an in ferior article* axufl thus allowing our factorjvmade cheese to supply the Eng lish market. *STA nother'shower of flesh has be«n dropped down upon the'iimocent heads of the citizens of Gastonia, Carolina. Who it is that slings this meat around in such a promiscuous manner, or for what purpose he dishes it up to this generation, is not yet known to the'Court. We hope in the next Issue of the. PLAINPEALKH to be able to tell our readers who i# to be the next President of the United States. It is now one month si,i:ce election, and yet we are as much in the dark as we were three pilars after. Public interest is all gone but yet it will be gratifying to all. when it is finallv settled. J jg fTherQ i s honor among theives. Tweed iefu.ccs to-"jieaeir' on his asso ciates in crime* the wretches who" plundered New T-ork^ at least, s® he has earned it to be giveji out io repre sentatives of the press. Isow that the "Boss"' is home again," no one appears to understand why he -was brought back or what is to be done with him. 9&~A fanner wJ<o had sent.a bale of cotton to a warehouse instructed a merchant to have the same sold. The merchant complied with the request, and the staple was disposed of. The .farmer, upon examining his statement, iwas heard muttering to himself: •••'Dryage, warfage, mistakage. stocage, • leakage, we igliage--well, I'll take the balance out in fightnge." Postmaster General has his report ready for Congress, and the fol lowing are some of its footings; Receipts from all sonrces. $28,644,197 50 Increiu^iver Uist vear l,»fr>,83R 91 I fcxjiondit.nre* ol'all kinds 23,273,447 4i j Decrease,fytm !ast year 347,821 87 Excess of oxpeiitlitiires over re- reifit# 4,619,290 08 ' Excess of expenditure for pre vious year was 6,472,126 99 Nearly tUe Entire receipts of the De partment are-nSerived from the sale of . stamps, ataiiip^ envelopes, and postal , cards, the receifrtB from these sources _ l)eing $2G.ST9.51£ 30. Davie -has arrived home from Europe, where lie lias beeir trav- , cling for the past ,fCix months. We . doh'^ kuoAv as there is ajiy one in the United States who wisb to see him, unless it is some Union soldier who suffered the pangs of starvation and -. every other imaginable o,t£rage which Libby, Andersonville, Salisbury and Florence entailed. Jf we .had ourway t about it, we would bind the old man hand and foot, put him into abot Oven. . aud pull him to pieces with red hot <, pinchers. ' ,JS5?*The lapse Of time has tl$e cSect , of reducing the alarm felt in Europe .^respecting the attitude of ltussjUi&n tlie Eastern question. The London Timep, reviewing the prospects of the proposed conference of the powers, say-s the specific proposals which will cou?e before it have been examined in «vnry#capital of Europe. The conclu sion is universal that they present no insiitpcs-able obstacle to peace. Under the leadership of t English aud Russian pjenipoteutiaries, they may be go monl(}e4;fts to command the support of ,«.vevy guaranteeing power and secure the acceptance of the Porte. 3TIIE LATEST DODGK. A wealthy man died suddenly with out making; any will. The widow, desirous of securing the whole of the property.ooAcealed her husband s death and persuaded a poor shoemaker to take hie plaoe. Accordingly he was elos« nmfifccj In bed, as if yery sick, and a lawyer svas called in to write tho w ill. The shoemaker. in a feeble voice, bequeathed halt of ail IWs property to the widow. *'What be done with th« remainder?*' asked the lawyer. •'The remainder/' replied he, "I give and bequeath to the poor little shoe maker acrosa the street,*rho has been a good neighbor and a deaeryiuC man.'* The delay in the <Jc,eteion as to who is President appears strange to those wlio remember that the an nouncement ©f the result for the four previous elections was made with accuracy the morning after the ooatest. But this was because the issue did not depend upon States without adequate telegraphic and other means of com munication. as in the present case. The oftieial votes of Florida and Louisiana were known no earlier in I860 '64*68, and r72 than in the present year, but the,, issue did not depend upon them, and the manner in-which their returns were counted was of local interest only. ^B^Work is the beginning and the continuous requisite of all prosperity. Capital is but its prospect,and wealth its result; and wherever found it is still but the representative of work. Work rarely comee to the laborer. He must seek for iff; and accept it whenever and wherever he flnd/it, and when in idle ness he must not be too particular as to what form he find* it in. There are f^rms which are fast-returning to their nptive wilderness, while the country boys, who might find abundant work in cultivating them, go to the eity to try to get something to do more pleasant than farming; or, being in the city idle, refuse to go back. Jg^Frankie Robinson, son of Charles and Elizabeth Robinson, of Havana,111. died of starvation under the following peculiar c! r cam st a i i<?e s» Whs n th& child was 14 months old he swallowed a large quantity of concentrated lye, which had been left within hit reach, and he ha» been unable to swallow anything but soups and liquids except at intervals ever since. Occasionally he had spells when his throat would choke up and he could swallow abso lutely nothing. These spells would last three or four days. They would then pass oft and he would g*t fat and healthy in a short time. lie was taken with one of his chocking spells and died as above stated at the age of six years. * patches from Gen ('rook t© Gen. Sheridan gives tho account of a battle having been fought with the Judiansin a canon of the Big Horn ;Mountaiijs, The Indians were fewer in jimmber than the whites, but, for all itbat, they were driven from their po sition oulv after severe and prolonged •fighting and a heavy lo«s of troops, ,tlir<e officers beinjr killed and eigh- •t^en oflloers ana privates wounded, ^whtye the red-skins escaped -with a Joss /><>nly ;t,w.euty. ^l-eanwhile * he&vy .8$ow *torm hiis sei in .and jtiie ,o«tJLo,ok for the ea<l of th* .war -this w As £9,t encouraging. The affairs ot Cuba are just now the exciting fc»j»ieof debate in the na tional Cortes of Spain. The prolonga tion of the war on that island, owing to the inability of Spain to put down the iimirrecdou among its oppressed people, and the merciless barbarities practiced by the Spanish military, have become one of the greatest scan dals of the age, and;it is quite time that the Spanish government should serioflslj' consider tho matter of its im portant weakness and its systematic tyranny as illustrated ia 'its adminis tration of Cuban affairs. The Teport that Cuban privateers have been re- cently fitted out for a raid against the Spanish ocean marine, is tthr, rocca^on of the present debate lit the Ccrtea.-- Journal. QREENWOOD EDITOR . PLAIN I>EALKR : -- Thet past week, like all other weeks that hate passed since election, has been one in which but little has been accomplished, aside frpm the general routine of busi ness affairs necessary to the diurnal evo lution ®f worldly events. Notwith standing the internal National c« mi no tion which is seemingly daily threaten ing to shake from center to circumfer ence the foundation walls of our glorious old Republic, there are thousands, who stroll up and down the earth aimlessly and thoughtlessly, knowing little and caring lrss, of the events that are pass ing around them, save for self gratifi cation and agraudiseinent, are ready and willing to be led to do the dirty work of any party or organization op posed to the interest of the govern ment. Could this class of beings b6 massed,or colonized by themselves, but little harm could arise from their in fluence, bat scattered as they are throughout the whole nation their in- flue nee and power for mischief is great- lj- augmented. It is an undeniable fact that there are hundreds within our own county who voted at the last elec tion who cannot to-day tell you for whom they voted, and hare been the willing dupes of party leaders. We could eonnt a score or more within our own election precinct, who could not at the time of depositing their ballots, give a single name thereon. If this be true, then, we would ask in the name of God and Humanity, is it justice:'is it right., (based as our laws are claimed to be based, upon the supreme laws gov erning tli« Universe) to give to a man the power of elective franchise, who knows not the use, power, or value of his ballot ? Since our last communication, four, and we presume, five persons have been made happy in our midst. On Wednesday afternoon at the resi dence of the bridl's father, Mr. A. Stevens, fcy the Rev,. B. Alden, Mr. Frank Mansfield to Miss Charlotte Stevens. . Also in the evening, by the same, at his residence, Mr. Wm. Wilson to Mrs. Ida Yan Schoiack, all of Greenwood. In such mathematical problems as the above, Is The only exception to the general rule that "figures won't lie/' In all other «ases one plus one makes two, but in such cases, one plus one does not Increase the number. May the^ live long, prosper and be happy, and a '•generation rise up to catt them bles sed." General exercises on Friday evening next at the "Literary Association." An organ has been obtained and good music may be expected. A full house on Friday evening last. Evftx. Lansing & Evanson; Mellenry., hare just received a large assortment cJf Buffalo Kobes, which they are *fi«ring very cheap. Lansing & Evanson have just re eel vccJ a large assortment of Mens and Boys Caps, Call and examine them. Woolen and Flannels a full stock and at lower prices than ever at Bueklin & Stevens1, £gf-Mo»t peopde stiH retain a recollection of the great English^Tich- l>orne,case iu which the claimant to the title and estate was, two -or three years ago, inipriioiied for forgery and /conspiracy. The prosecution -claimed £hat he was in reality an individual tjfyned Arthur Ortoj:. it is now ,an- naupiX'd that tke latter personage, -who whm anxiously sought far at the t4uve of the tfial. has recently been discover ed in Australia, and also that other witnesses 1,0 the truth of the claimant's ^tPange story have been found, So that the my£tejy surrounding this ^cejpbrated ca^e ma/ be cleared up after NUNOA. EciTon PLAIKDEALKK: -- <W*irter with his icy breath has put in an ap pearance, as the past few days fully at test, and it seems as if new life was given to most all branches of business, -as our streets are foil of teams and our •Merchants appearing happy as they are busily exchanging tneir goods for greeubacks. The cold weather makes a g*w»d demand for wood and coal and while the former is supplied by the eurr©undijig farmers in abundance, the latter can be found in quantities to suit at eur enterprising coal merchants. Sleighs are Jbeing put in repair and new ones manufactured at Kelley'a shop, where all eau get their ambition satis fied both in style and quality of work. But not onlyljere but activity at all places pf businesses very apparent. Ira lias recently placed a new and elegant show ceae upon his counter filled with one .of ,t!he best assortment of >4segars" found iu the place. The inveterate smoker will find this to be the spot so Jong looketf for. Ira »ells cheap and the connoisseur can here be suited* .forIr-akeeps 4-he best besides Ira says he can afford AU4 will .sell as cheap m it be cheapest. The iic w Warehouse baa been finished and Hatch & JAti tier are wsm ready to exchange greenbacks or goods for grain. We alao find tlkfct Mr. Edgar Beckley has fitted severaii ^capacious bins in his ware rooms -a-nd is ready with the "apondulica* to buy the fann er g surplus grain ©r exchange lumber for it. The Thanksgiving Party g-ottcn up by the young folks, was pronounced a success, some forty numbers were<ailled and a good time generally was con- ceeded. It was held iu Xjunda Hall and supper was served at the fiotel, pre pared by Mr.Hyatt, whieU'is a sure guarantee that it was "A Xo. 1" in every respect. TYRO. Administrator's Notice. INSTATE of J.'icob lllakc (iGoeasnil. The 1/ unik'rsitfneil li;»ving lu»en a|ir<>int?"1 A<1- niinistrators of tin* Estate of Jarm> Kluka lat# of the County of Alclleiiry, ami Slate of 11L inois, ileoenswd, hereby {five notice that thej will appear before tlie County Court of Mf> Henry Comity, at the Cunat llonse jn WootJ- stock, at the-Jauuary Tcrni. on the Thiri Monday in January next, at which time persoiib having claims against wii.l Estate aie notiiii'd oixl rM<|iiC)itcil toatteucl for the pup- pose of having the t»anie mljutteil. All jwrsuis in<iebte<l to tai<! Estate are re<iueste'l to iua(e iinmmiiat^e payment to the uat{cr«jgne<l. •£$>•• iuu ihi.-s isria tiay ui Novein'oer A. If. liSili. KATIIAKIN.V BLAKE. aiEJfllEN FllEUND. Adininibtratorc New Wapi anil Blackn: S H O P ! i MeHENRY, ILLINOUI E. PERKINS Would respectfully inform his friends Jtd the puMic frenerallr" that lie is now prepnrj at his-siiojx, Vest of the Public Square, to all kind* of Carpenter Work or work in \v< <»f any kirnl, such sis the wood-work of 15 Sles,'WajfoiiR, making Boats, *c., and in sli anything ever made in a lirst-cla*A Carpen Shop. From a long experience in the busin and using none but the best of Lumber I 4in in a'll ca«e8 Guarantee Satisfaction! Having .entered into an arrangement wjth Mr. Phillip Hauperihs Who u ilj do the IltOX WOIiK, we are prert' ed to get up TJuggieS and Wagons to Ordeim the iiv>8t ueasonatUe Terms and Warrant is represented. MK. 11 AUl'EltlllS' SIU>P is one Block South-of my shop, where all th »e wi»tnng Jobs in the Blacksmith line alio Id calL GENERAL JOBBIN Promptly attended to. Give Me a Call! E. PERKINS. Mellenry, His., Nov. 29th, 1876. WESTERN HOMES! THE LAKE Crrv JOURNAL is a local ne\fc paper published in the mid^t of tlie iiarden >f th<> Weat, wher« lan<ls May lie procured at ;r acre. Tlie jnan ot whatever age, p to iff! pe lies.sion or capital, <'an here inalut his lortun Those contemplating .a western home a competcncv, may be thoroughly informed becoming subscribers (Millie JOJ KNAI.. TERMS: One year, 0(); Six months, $1 Three monthe, 60*t'ent«; jx>«tag« paiiL Address T. It. HOTCHKIPS, Lak<3 City, Iowa RESERVED FOR JOHN S. WHEAT. WOODSTOCK, - - - - ILLINOIS NEW BLACKSMITH AND THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING ™UII,T A new Shop North of Perry A Martin's Store near the Brick Church, is now prejmred to do anything m the line of Black&mithing or Wagon Making, on short notice, and guaran tee satisfaction. Slaving entered Into an arrangement with MR. E. PERKINS, «*- WHO 'WLH DO~TH^ WS»4--WORK-, rrt orf.-prf PAPETT- ;o get up Buggies and Wagons to order on the most reasonable terms anil Warrant a* repre- sunlud. Horse Sbceisi & General JoIm promptly attended to. V good Sbttd for th* aeooramodatiou of Customert. Give Me a Call! pTftLLIP HAUPERIHS. Mellenry, llle., Nov. Mth, 1376. Terrible Excitement! Over the Arrival of the Immense Stock at the Store of NUNDA, - - ILLINOIS AKD I AM NOW PREPARED TO M U R D E R ! The. MarketsI.ow rnccs I can offer m-jr iiiiCuSv OIUIJ& Ot Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Choice Groceries, &c., &c. Give me a call and be convinced yonrselves that I can sell Goods ©heaper than ana other Store in the County. And you can save mon ey by calling on ROBERT R. ROTHGERBETL Nunda, 1113, Nov. 20th, 1875. S£%~The Highest 3Iarkot Price Paid for all kinds of Country Produce. A FULL STOCK OF Hats & Caps AND UNDER™, Gloves and Mittens, AT COST To close out. Being.desirous of closing out mv entire stock of the above goods, I will sell them for the next 30 days at COST FOR CASH. T hey are all new and desirable. No old ock, but flrst-class goods. Call and exam-' no them. I mean business. Also in ttore a full stock of Groceries, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, &c. which will be sold as Low as the Lowest. L. STODDARD. Mellenry, Hov. 90th, 1876, FALL ID BUCKLIN & STEVENS * NEAR THE DEPOT, M'HENEY. Dry Good's, a full Stock. Boots % Shoes in abundance Clothing a Full Line. Hats and Caps for alL f^gT'CIioice Groceries, Flue Teas, Can Fruits, Crockery aird Glass Ware. Sjy The Highest Market Price for BUTTER EGGS, AND POULTRY, in Cask or Trade. v BUCKLIN & STEVENS. MeTIenry, ITT., Sept. 23(1; 1&76. LANSING & ETANS01I! Dry Goods--A complete stock offered at lower prices than any house in the coun- Dress Goods--A fine as sortment in all the most fashionable patterns. CLOTHING for Men ana Boys at Panic Prices! BOOTS and SHOES at Special Bargains I HATS, and CAPS, GLOVES and MITTENS for Everyone ! CHOICE TEAS and other FAMILY GROCERIES I C.R O C K E RY, G L ASSW ARE,, ETC. BUTTER, EGGS AND POUI.TKT WANTED IN EX CHANGE FOR GOODS OK CASH. lLv»ilXi & i;VA3fSO]X, Near Depot, McHenry. We invite Competition in all our prices for Boots Gloves and Mittens. %t A. REID. WOODSTOCK, ILL., REMOVAL. UKE&UH HAVE removed to their new S4or« on Ihe corner opposite tlu> Brick Church, wfcer® the}- w-lil be 1MIVM>V to their elil e«tslon«ra. ami as uiauy n»w ua«n us may see lit to call*. A Full Stock of Furniture of alli kinds, at prices a« low as the lowest^ BLAKE * BRO McHenry, Aug.Wth, 1WC' KB1 OT! M Roaemtisr What I Say! Mrs. A. REID, East Side Public Square* WOODSTOCK, - x,Lnrois. lias the Largest Stock ot 111 Ever hroufrlit to Mellenry County, and can sell you a Fashionable ainl hondsomer Hat or 1 tonnet l'or LESS MONEY than any other CHt.'iblislmH'nt in the Northwest. This la a faet and no discount. HER 8TOCK Or Hats, Flowers, fiibbons, Laces NECK-TIES, COLLARS AND CUFFS, ts complete In every paticular. Call and be convinced. Mrs. 8. A. RElO. Woodstock, Nov. 15th, '1876.