Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Dec 1876, p. 7

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TWO MILLIONS WASTED. So: ud Figures aa to the Coat of Fireworks and Proeenlou. [From the Illustrated Weekly.] When it is remembered that both of the ti*9 great factions hold numerous meetings every week in the large cities during m political canvass, it will not seem strange that very extensive pyro­ technic attractions are needed to attract the thousands of people required to make the gatherings sufficiently large and imposing--imposing often in a dcH}I>V ponse. What with Roman can­ dles, Bky-rockets. parachute rockets, re­ volving rockets, •4 illuminating * floral hontb-shells," " campaign salute-shells," "mines of stars and serpents," "deto­ nating cannon salnf^H." " eilver foun- taina,'* "colored fires," and the hundred other designs which go to make up a first-class display, the cost of a political meeting nowadays is considerable. These fireworks vary in price from $1 to $18 a dozen, and twelve dozen do not go very far. The largest outlays oh fireworks of course occur in years of Presidential wiectimm. Of late years the expendi­ ture, even at those important seasons, km decreased considerably. Very ex­ travagant displays were made in New York city -under the Tweed regime. In 1868, for example, the Democrats spent $10,000 cn fireworks for one prccassion. The largest amount spent this year on a single occasion was $4,000, expended on the great Democratic torchlight proces­ sion in New York last Thursday evening. The Democrats in this city have not devoted much more than $10,000 to all their parades during this campaign, and the Republicans have expended little mow) than $5,000. V But the cost of fireworks only repre­ sents a portion of the total outlay for f>olitioal prooessions. Every man in ine with a cap, cape and torch represent* an expenditure of $1.25, so . that a parade of 30,000 men will cost about $87,500 for equipments alone. In the 40,000,000 of our popu­ lation there are probably more than 10,000,000 boys and men capable cf marching in these pageants. If, in the course of a Presidential campaign, one individual in every twenty of these 10,000,000--and this is a moderate esti­ mate--takes part in a procession of this kind, the expenditure for torches and uniforms would reach $626,000. And if to this we add the cost of the fire­ works, the total would probq£>ly exceed $2,000,000= Competition has sensibly decreased the once-large profit realized on the man­ ufacture of fireworks. The goods are manufactured in the suburbs of New York and at Greenville, N. J. Ordinary fire-crackers, which are produced exclu­ sively in China, are the only fireworks imported. The price of these is largely enhanced by the duty ($1 in gold) im­ posed by the Custom House on every box brought into this country. There are six large dealers in fireworks in New York, with an invested capital of a)*out $200,0(K), who ship goods to all parts of the country for political clubs and for Fourth of July celebrations. Great improvements have been made of late in the manufacture of fireworks. Most of them are now made by ma­ chinery only recently introduced, and many new varieties have been lately put upon the market. America is consid­ ered to lead the world, excepting only Chi^a, in pyrotechnical scienoo. The Land of Revolutions. Late advices from the City of Mexico furnish the appended news : The politi­ cal situation is becoming much com­ plicated. Ex-Chief Justice Iglesias ha* proclaimed himself provisional Presi­ dent of the republic, and located his seat of government at Leon, in the State of Guanajuato, the Legislature and Gov­ ernor of which sustain him. A portion Of the procession escorting Iglesias to Leon attacked some American mis§ion- aries with the cry of ** Death to Protest­ ants 1" The missionaries barricaded themselves in a house until the police rescued them. Two ex-Judges of the Supreme Court and several deputies have joined Iglesias. He has established a regular Cabinet and appointed Min­ isters of War. Foreign Relations, etc. Troops are marching upon Guanajuato, and the flight >f Ijrlesias wiih^his Govern­ ment is expected in a very short time. No other State has seconded Iglesias' movement in Guanajuato. Lerdo de Tejada is receiving congratulatory dis­ patches and offers of support from all parts of the country. Gomez Pulacio, former Commissioner at Washington, and Alas and Ramirez, Judges of the Supreme Court, are in close imprisonment on a oharge of con­ spiracy. f Four thons ind ronunoiados took possession of Apizaco where the Puebla railroad branches off from the Mexico and Vera Cruz lailway, interrupting all travel and communication between those two cities. On the 12th advices reached Mexico that Apizaco has been evacuated by the rswolutionists upon the approach of the Government troops. There was some fighting, but no particulars are yet reoeived. It was hoped the railway communications would be re established. Meantime a mail line was established by private individuals, with postage rates at $2 per ounce. Gen. Diaz con­ tinues to hold Oaxaca. Mr, IToster, United States Minister; has arrived at Mexico. of the Trinity, and that their presence preserves the people from danger by water and flood. So far as we can learn, the flesh of all pigeons is good for food. It is nourish­ ing and heating in its nature, and for that reason well suited as diet for con­ valescents. The flesh of our wood- pigeons is the finest flavored of all species in America, and by connoisseurs is esteemed superior to that of any other bird. In kitchen parlance the pigeon is considered as game, whether wild or domestic, the flesh of the latter being fine and delicate. THE SEW COM1,BESS, Political THE EASTERN IMBROtiLIO. STATES. Alabama.. Arkansas California....... t: Colorado Conneeticot Georgia Illinois ; Indiana...,.,.,..... Iowa................ Kanoaa... * KcutuoJcy........... I<ouigiana :. ...... Maine Maryland Massachusetts...... Michigan I Minnesota Mississippi Missouri............ Nebrat-ka Nevada "New Hampshire.. New Jersey New York North Carolina "hio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Total. Majority.. The Attitude of Bossia and Kogland--Will UM LaUer Sight? [from the New York Herald.] The report that Turkey has uncon­ ditionally agreed to a conference is not extraordinary; but the consent may come too late. It has been evident to all the world that the irritation of the English Government over Turkey's ob­ stinacy in declining a conference has be«n extreme. The Moslems for their part see that Russia means war as the j ^forid*1* "' alternative of Turkey refusing condi­ tions which they look on as impossible. Lord Boaconsfield's speeoh'they took it committed England to their side in the inevitable struggle, and hence a confer­ ence presented itself to them as a need­ less piece of humiliation to a nation will­ ing to meet its avowed enemy at the cimeter's edge and sure of a powerful ally. By dint of persistent threatening, after sweet words had failed, England has, it appears, brought the Porte to its senses and its knees. We cannot be uery hopeful about the con­ ference now in sight. England wants it for various reasons. She would, of aourse, be glad to secure peaoe thereby, but if she cannot she may endeavor to put Russia wrong in the eyes of Europe. She may angle for the moral support of France ; she may be able to place Italy definitely ; she may round Austria, and, if she cannot get much comfort irom her or from Germany, she may test the strength of the triple imperial alliance. She gains time. Beyond these tempo­ rizing advantages it would be vain to forecast. The temper of the main dis­ putants--England and Russia--is not encouraging to lovers of peace. . Either Russia must abate the demands in favor of the Christian Slavs in Turkey which she has announced herself willing to enforce with the sword, or else England must recede, with a long backward bound, from her definition of the "in­ dependence and integrity" of the Otto­ man empire to admit them. If the con­ ference meets there will evidently be little use in pleading that the Russian demands are impossible. Russia has announced that the reforms she asks are just and necessary, and that calling them impossible is simply compelling her to enforce them. It is diffioult to foresee a peaceful issue from this. Will England fight, then? She has already well advanced her preparations for war. The announcement is made and not denied that if Russia invades Bulgaria or brings her Cossacks to the Danube England will at once occupy Constantinople and " defend it from all attack." This, it is argued, will not in­ volve her in war unless in a certain well- defined contingency. It would leave her free to supply the Turks who would have to do the fighting with arms, money and officers. It is h clever plan to fol­ low Russia's lead in the Servian insur­ rection and make war upon the " lim­ ited liability" plan. But will it work ? It i ailed of a great part of its object in Russia's hand--namely, of winning the Servian campaign. Jc succeeded in another--namely, making Russia a fierce unit for war on its own account. What the Servian is to the Turkish sol­ dier the Turk is to the Russian. In the same degree the "limited liability" plan would be likely to fail England. On the other hand, the English Govern­ ment can command the support of the nation's resources at one time as well as another. Her statesmen, therefore, we may infer, would, if they had a pretext for war, declare it as soon as Russia struck a blow. In the conference, if all else fails her, she may s*ek this pretext. Complexion of the Forty-fifth Congress. I From the New York Tribune.] The exact complexion of the Forty- fifth Congress is not yet known, official returns not having been received from all the districts. The latest reports, how­ ever, the Democrats a majority of fifteen, whioh may be increased to about twenty. The representation by States in the House, according to the latest re­ ports, is compared below with the Fort jr- woond, Forty-third, and Forty-fourth Congresses. In the .Forty-second Con­ gress the Republican majoritv was twenty-two; in the Forty-thircl Con­ gress it was 105. The Democratic majority in the present Congress is seven ly- XLIf. R. D. XLnr. XLIY. XLV. R. D. R. D. R E: s 3 2 C 1 ® 3 I 4 4 3 1 "i 3 "3 1 l 1 ... 8 "i i S 1 3 1 ... 1 1 2 . "i 1 i 1 3 B 9 9 14 5 "e •13 10 9 10 3 8 8 9 4 » T ta » ... 3 to 2 l 3 . to 1 9 i... 10 .T6 ... 2 4 ar ;? 6 ft 6 2 *4 " 6 "s LJ e '9 2 8 6 3 8 1 3 , 8 3 . 5 1 2 "4 6 4 9 13 "4 9 1 " i 1 "L 1 1 "9 "a 1 1 ' 2 1 ;; 6 1 2 5 3 4 12 11 517 16 18 IR> 3 6 1 7 1 7 13 "H 7 13 12 8 L 1 1 22 6 10 17 17 10 9 2 3 10 5 6 3 "a 7 3 1 "9 2 8 6 6 6 ' 3 "s ' 9 6 ' 4 1 ' 8 1 "8 1 .2 3 8 6 2 J 8 *6 3 198 93 106 185 139 154 ll« !• •• 77 1... 16 'Including 3 Independents, tlnoluding 1 Anti- Monopolist. tlnclnding 1 Liberal Republican and 1 Independent. HElected 6 Republicans, but 1 of them (P. B 8. Pinchback) was not admitted. 5 In­ cluding 1 Independent Republican. HO e vacan­ cy. "New Hampshire will elect 3 Congressmen in March, 1877. ttThe Colorado RepubUcans claim that the member elected to the unexpired term of the XLlVth Congress was also elected to the XLVth CongresB. Omitting Louisiana, the Republican majority in the Senate after March 4 will be six. If the Republicans carry the Legislature of that State, as they claim to have done, and elect two United States Senators, their majority wi:l be eight. If the new Senators, are Demo­ crats, the Republican majority will be four. Giving the Democrats the bene­ fit of the doubt in Louisiana, the XLlVth and XLVth Congresses will compare as follows : XLIVTH CONGRKSB. Senate. House. Republicans *-U 108.... Democrats 29 185.... XLVTB'OONGBHM. Senate. House. 40 139 36 164 4R 15 11 Bine Terms in the Penitentiary. At Philadelphia, the other day, Chas. Langheituer, 74 years old, was held to answer the charge of stealing an over­ coat. Lwgheimer is the man described by Dickeus in his " American Notes." The novt list speaks of him as he saw him in the Eastern Penitentiary over thirty years ago, a picture of forlorn affliction and distress of mind. Lang­ heituer has served nine terms in the Eastern Penitentiary. The reforma­ tory teachings of that institution seem to have little effect upon the stolid Dutchm'in, as upon gaining his liberty he is always upon the lookout for something new. He has occupied the same cell every term, and in one corner in a lot of earth he lays out a garden which looks much like a grave, and in which he takes especial pride. Majorities.. 16 R 77 D • Inc.uding 3 Independents. In the present Senate there is one va­ cancy, only ene Senator from Louisiana having been admitted. Colorado's ad­ mission as a State will increase the membership of the Senate by two and the House by one. The next Senate will then contain 76 members and the House 293 memt)ers. The membership of the pres­ ent House also has been increased to 293 by the admission of Colorado. GIJODDABTH WOODS, near Llandudno, Wales, has been the scene of an extraor­ dinary poaching affray. Fifteen keep­ ers, bent on capturing a gang of poach­ ers, hid in a gun room, but the poachers, obtaining information of the trap laid for them, detached a firing party, which kept up a fusilade from behind a wall on the gun room, while their comrades bagged the game. The poachers kept their would-be captors in confinement for an hour. Three were wounded ; the xemainder escaped by heaping up tables and furniture for protection. A Chapter on Pigeons. In olden times the flesh of pigeons was considered a preventive of the plague, and all other pestilential dis­ eases; also a cure for trembling and palsv; and the superstitious believed the 'use of it to be of great benefit to near-sighted people. The flesh was al­ ways {riven as a restorative after severe illnt ss, and thought quite as much of, for the pur post?, as " beef tea" is at the present time. Yet to-day, in some for­ eign countries, pigeons are not consid­ ered fit for food. In parts of Russia they are reve *ed as em blems of the Holy Ghost. Iii Venice they are proteges of the city. They are fed every day at 2 o'clock; bemjj 'called together by a din­ ner-be'1, and no one is alf§wed to inter­ fere with them. Asy person found ill- treating them is arrested and fined, or, if an <|ld offender, is imprisoned. It is belie ved by the Vieneae that the«f pig­ eons are in some way connected with the prosperity of the city--that they fly three tdmaa round it each day, in honor SPADES are trumps again in Paris, just as much as in the days of Hausmann under the empire. The shovel and the pickaxe are seen everywhere cleaning away rubbish, to charm the eyes of vis­ itors to the great Exhibition in 1878, which, tiie Frenoh hope, will eclipse all its predecessors. STANDARD REMEDIES.'--It is a fact well known to ail our readers that a few pro prietary medioines have achieved a repu tatiou as standard remedies, and occupy a place in every well regulated house­ hold, almost as universally as the Btole and the family almanac. Foremost among these is the Merchant's Gargling Oil, manufactured by the well-linown <?ompany of thit name at L»ckp<>rr, N. Y.--a sovereign remedy for man and beast, and one which has wrouaht hun­ dreds of well attested tures. We m-ed hardly say here what the pttrons of the Blade fully understand--that we do not make a practice of praising indiscrimi­ nately, the numerous compounds offered to the public, but since we tie lie ve the "Gargling Oil" to be a ca'efully com­ pounded and efficacious remedy, we do not he-itate to say as much.-- Toledo (Ohio) Rlnd*>.. You CANNOT HXDB IT I • l nut Catarrh sp< i h your voice." Dr. J H. McLean's Won­ derful Catarrh Snuff Boot ^8 aad lieal* all irri­ tation in tUe n^se betd or throat, a sure euro. Trial box«» 50c by mail. JDr. J. H. McLean, 311 ilieotnat, St. Louis. AT our request, Cragin & Co., Phila­ delphia, Pa., have promised to send any of our readers gratis (on reoeipt of 15 cents to pay postage) a sample of Dob­ bin's Electric soap. Try it. Send at once CoisMuuiptlon Cared, An old Physician, retired from active prats tioe, having had place • in bis bands by an East India Missionary the formula of a simple Vege­ table Ileiuf-dv, f. r the speedy an i pwrnau^nt Tare of Consumption, Bronchitis 1 atwrri), Asth­ ma, and all Throat and Lung \ffectior.s. fil«o a Po-*itiv« and Ridic&l Core for Nervous Debility aud all Nervous Complaints, aft r having thor­ oughly tested ita wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, feels it his duty to make it known to hi*puff-iing fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a conscn>utious desire to relieve hu­ man suffering, he will send (free of charge) to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions t for preparing and successfully uwnj?. Be nic by return mail by addregaiag with stamp, naming this psoer, Dr. W. 0. Stevens, 186 lrowevr Block, Rochester, N. Y. A CORRESPONDENT at the Centennial Exhibition najs the Judges of Artifioinl L tp)>8 and Surgical Instruments gave the sole awcurid fur artidoi*] legs to B. FRANK PALMER, IX. D., of Philadelphia deel ring that " tfye complete success of his invention for the relief of one of the direst forms of human misfortune places 'he author in the front rank of the invent*-^ and mechanics of the age." A'l the artificial l« gs hitherto made, seem worthless in compari­ son with Dr. Palmer's. No one with a muti­ lated leg, who sees it, wou.'d be without it. The Grand Centennial Medal for " distln- gniahed merit" and "great excelienoe" was awatded to the KCKKKA TREE AND POST DMOFE, and works admirably m all soils, prairie, stony, sandy, olay or quicksand, where the auger can •'e worked, without clogging. kn<e-work, or back-ache. Bent to any address, freight free, on receipt of $5. by the Eureka Digger Co., 84 William St., New York. BURNETT'S COOOAINB.--A perfect drese- hig for the hair. The COCOAWS holds in a 1 q ud form a large proportion of deodorized coc-»anut oil, prepared expressly for this pur­ pose. BUTTER and cheese are. almost indis­ pensable articles of food. Prup rlv used, they are nutritious and healthy; bat an inordinate us« of either causes i'ldi^estion and dv^pepsi*. Parsons' Purgative Pills, judiciously used, will remove both or these troubles. SNEEZING catarrh, chronic catarrh, ul­ cerative Catarrh, with all their eympathetio difea-es, promntiy relieved aud permanently cared by rtanford's Radical Cure for < atarrh. Ic instantaneously relieves an<i always cures. WB call attention to the advertisemen of He^rs Kendall, Hubbttrd & Co., New York, who offer an elegant holiday assortment of diamonds and jewelry, whoso prices will be found very cheap for each fine goods. . A Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat Requires immediate attention, and should be checked. If allowed to oontinue, Irritation of the Langs, a permanent Throat affection, or an Incurable Lang disease, i«often the result. "BBOWM'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES," having a di­ rect influence on the parts, give immediate re­ lief. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Con­ sumptive and Throat Diseases, TROCHES ATX used always with good success. IT is becoming all the " go" to dhew "Matchless" plug instead of iioe-cut, as it is made of better material and finer and more delicate flavor, so much liked by old ehewers. The splendid ilavor of this brand is known only to The Pioneer Tobacco Company manu­ facturers, 124 Water bt.. N. Y. Everv "pluK has the words '• Matchless P. T. da" thereon. OSATTSP liAiius, laoe, pimples, ling- worm, saltrheran, and other cutaneous aSTeo- tions cured, and rough skin made soft, and smooth, by using Juniper Tar Soap. Be care­ ful to get only that made by Caswell. Hazard A Co., New York, as there are many imitations made with common tor, all of whioh are worth- lees. HAVE you ague in the faoe; and is it badly swollen? Have you severe pain in the chest, back, or side ? Have you cramps or pains in the stomach or bowels ? Have you bilious colic or severe griping pains ? If so^ use John­ son's Anodyne Liniment internally. S^nd Ots. for either I 400 riieeiy-assorUul De-1 THE 2ML\JM 1 I new 2H'rap-U<M>k OOOBSK^»I;HN,R FOR LEAST. MONEY A CO., 270 ... ... rs WANT- ixjpnlnr Ohromo. 1S«31 inches, of O. -- ~ -J.-- ~ l ufBii; o l.Unmiu.-, j or 75 Cents for them all, to V. T. Hl'I. Weot MadiM " " ~ Kl> for thn West Madison St.. Cliicjino. ill. AtUKNTS \V V.'* '« JHJpiilur Ohivmo. 16*21 Inches, of B. L. •Woody'* FIKST Sl NDAV-St HOOI. (1,ANS. J. & P. COATS have been awarded a Medal aad Dtplena at the Ceateaaial EXPMIIIM aad fameaded by the Jadgea for " SUPERIOR STRENGTH - AND- EXCELLENT QUALITY -- OF -- SPOOL COTTON.11 A. T. tOSHORN, Director-General. i. R. HAWUEY, Pres. AtlL B> BOTILU, S«cnU7 pro t*OL The Enemy of Disease, the Foe of Pain to Han and Beast, Is till Chnuad Old MUSTANG LINIMENT, WHICH HAS STOOD THE TEST OF 4C TEA life!. THERE IS NO HOREITWII.) WOT tiEAL, rvOI.AMEWESS IT WISjl WOT €{'?fE,MOACHE,ni« PA1N.THA1 AFF&K'TS THE Ml'MABf BOi)¥, OP THE m»»f OF \ HORSE «».« OTBKI; nOlH'JCSTit THATBOEgKOI YIEI,« TO ITS MA«IC TOI'OH. A botti' coatinit S»Oc. or §1. >«, hat oft en MTH the life of a human belng^nd sr«tO' U Uftand uiafulaeaa many • valuable bora* sviss HOLIDAYS. S,18 . _ DIAMONDS AN!> WATCHES. We have just received a i'onatgnm»iito( fine Diamonds aad Watches from Movers. A. Ferret, Geneva, which wa now offer to the public at prices for superior goods un­ paralleled, ompiisinR the finest assortment to be foond in any establishment in this city or elmswhere. The brilliancy, fulling and finith of our Diamonds are not excelled by any found in South America or India,and the most scrutinizing eye fails to discover any difference. These goods are a rperialty with us. LO(SK AT PKH'EKi 8olltnire Diamond Studs, set in 14-karat gold, 8 In , S6: Solitaire Diamond Scarf-Pin. sot in 14-karat .gold, 36; Solitaire Diamond Ring, set in 18 karat gold, to $18; ladies' Solitaire Diamond, liumlhomoly set in 18-karat fc-old. pair to $12: Diamond Crosses, elegantly set in 18-karat jrold. $10; Silver Hunting-Case Watch. Anchor movement , $12--these goods range from $12, $ia to $18, warranted one yoar; Sleeve-Buttons, elegant rioh Roman Gold, from $3 to $5, etc. AllKoods,'/i/arajir#e<< as represented or money refunded. Sent by mail, registered, or express, prepaid, to all parti of U. S. Send money by P. O. order, registered letter, or by express. Kit her wiJl be safe. Address all orders to KENDALL, HUBBARD A CO., Manufacturers of Jewelry, 4'41 Broadway, New York. One Dollar. PlllCAGO IEDGEB One Dollar. HHICABO IEDGER THE LEDGER is a large 48-column paper, ably edited, handsomely printed; containing every week choice complet­ ed stories, an installment 01 an interest­ ing illustrated serial, and general reading for old and young. Send your name and address, plainly written, inclosing ONE DOLLAR with fifteen cents for postage, and we will send the.paper to you tor on* year. Adflrecs THE LEDGER, _ CHICAGO, 1LL. WOOD'S" HAIR RESTORATIVE What It Does! It restores, quickly, Oay Hair to its glossy Natural "or, _lt ha*_ the effect of Restoring the Hair to prema- I Dandruff, Humors and the Scalp. It pre- iN'hins and Sculy Skin. It Restores and falling Hair, tokens and Kive? of the Hair. It desired effeois in any Restorative leaving the hair glossy, whether Colo tnrt'Lv Bald Heads. It Remove all Eruptions from vents Irritation, Dr jness ol t he failed, dry, harsh It renews.dressos, vigor to t he gri >\v( !i accomplishes iiinie a short time than ever made, always soft, lively and used as a.Dressing upon the natural hair or upon the hair in an Unhealthy condition ; thus rendering it, for tho Old and Young, an article of uoequaled excellence. No preparation offered to the public produces such wonder­ ful result**. Try it! Try it!! Oall for " Wood's Im­ proved !" as it contains no injurious qualities. It was originally Introduced 30 years tigo by Prof. O. J. Wood, but the recent chsrtgenf ingredients in this ar­ ticle is nicking a demand for it In all parts of the United States, Canada* and foreign countries. ANNOUNCEMENT TO CONSUMERS! The great radical ̂ improvement introduced in thisar- ticle has induced ufPto take the agency and advertise k-s virtues to the world. Its tiYnis as a Restorative are what has been long sought for and wanted tot many years, be­ ing uioro doridvd eg Kg ag w and satisfactory than has ever be- • • • H • m fore been attain­ ed. No Druggist • • • • • • in the world knows its compo- •• • ••• sit ion, and cannot make it ; therefore •• B I IP when you call for it, "Wood's Ini- • • !• • proved," do not let any unprinci- • • [_• • • • nl,H| dealer Con­ vince yon that he • I j • • • • lint; a Restorative or Renewer as •• •••• [.ood, or some­ thing similar, ns H JH m tiioro is nono like it! Insist upon having ""Wood's Improved,"and take no other, for your money! It will not be long before all d'-alera everywhere will have it. If you should fail to find it, yon can send $1.00 to us by mail for a bottle, or #5.IKI for six I Hit ties, and we will send it to you, prepaid, to my Express Station desired, A«l«li « ss <•. A. « «M)K & CO., Chtcnso. the Sole Aariits For I he t'liitril Slnli K anil Can units. «hn will Sill all onlrrx and supply the ut Allium fart iircr*' I'lkct. J. B. KlMBAJJ-, Proprietor. I* Sold in Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit and Ht. Paul by all Wholesale Druggists, and by Retail Trade generally. OMPANION -eCA WEEKLY PAPER FOR V Samples KRKS. Augusta. Main* fftyy a Week to Agent* 911 P. O. VIOKK NKW WILLCOX GIBBS ma i ifl Latest Invention, aiul\, producing most Marvelous Results. Trade Mark in baso Only machiuc tM ike world with Automatic Tension and Stitch Indicator. of every machlno. SILENT SEWING MACHINE. Send Postal Card for Illustrated Price list, &C. Willcox & GilVbs S. M. Co., Cor. Bond St.) 658 Broadway, New York. EUPEON ! If yon llftve rheumatism, neuralgia, headache, a burn, or a bnxiM, procure a bottle ot Eupeon. It will give instant relief as thousands can testify. Foe sale by all Druggists. H. A. HURIr BUT A CO, 75 and 77 Randolph streat, Chiraga for the Proprietors. WIIKAB¥' OK A«1'lTfT«-THE CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION BKSCRIBED ANDJI-LUSTRATED. A graphic pen-iiicrnre of its history, trrnnrt butldit)i<N> wanilrrt'iii i'xliil>it«, ruriositIPH, jrrP,it dnyH, etc. I'roi'iiMt'ly illustrated, thorounh. ly popular, and very rlu-np. h selling iinineKhrly. A 0(H) wiiiiird. Send for full pa.rticulnrs. This is tin" rluuiee of 1<K) yam to coin »ii<mt>y t'tiKt. (5<-t tlm :»nlr rdlidilr history. HUBBARD BROTHl' HfS, Fubs., 36 LnSalle St., Chicago, 111. n A TT'PTfilM 1108 deoeivetl by prt'inatnrn l/all 1 ivJL™ books assuming to bo " official," and telling what will happen in Auetutit and September. The Best Trass wtthont Metal Springs ever invented. E I-Tj C ~ humbug claim of a retain "2^. ̂ ^^radioui cure, but a guarantee ; \°f * comfortable, secure, and •atiRfaotory appliance. W« vt ,/ r'^ '"kr back and />riy Full I»rire for all thai <lo not suit. Price, fin^ie, like cut •S I: for both sides, 8'». Sent by mail, poitp.ud, oo receiftt of price. N. B.--7*AM Trust will cure tnnr, Rupture* th<m any of ihott for uhich extravagant claim ire m:i l'. Circulars free. Pi"~>\tRROT Tflt'SSOO.. T*6 Broadwav. New Voi* Potte d Am rican Monthly, 50, THE COMPANION aias to be a favorite tn twry family--looked for eagerly by the young folks, and read with interest by the older. Ita purpose is to interest while it amuses; to be judicious, practical, sensible and to hare really permanent worth, while it attracts for the hour. It is handsomely illustrated, and has for contributors some of the most attractive writers in the country. Among these are: JT. T. Trowbridge. (jouls* N. Alcott, Edward Eggleston, J. G. Whittler, James T. fields, Loulir C. Aloulton, Rebecca H. DUTU, C. A. Stephens, Airs. A. H. Lconowant, Harriet P. Spoflord Edwurd EverettHale, Julia Ward Howe. Its reading is adapted to the old and young; is very comprehensive in its charaoter. It gives Stories of Adventure, Letters of Travel, Editorials upon Current Topfcs, Historical Articles, Biographloa* Sketches, Religious Articles, Stories of Home and School Life, Tales, Poetry, Selections for Declamation, Anecdotes, Puzzles, Facts and Incidents. Subscription Price, SI.75. Specimen copies sent free. Please mention in what paper you read this advertisement, PERRY MASON A CO., 41 Temple Place, Bos to a, Mass. $8 m Oay to Ajrte. Saraole free. H. Albert. BostonJb 9f| *W«ek8alarr guaranteed to male and fpmale 8MI •V stamp for circulars. K. M. Bodine, Cincinnati Ol •20, jit 1 f|a0ny. Kmplcyment for all. Ghromo A NorsMf wXAfOatak>*uefree. FeltonAOa.U9S*«*wiSL.R.T Da jr. HOW TO MA KM IT. Something m a»H KalahU. COB. TONSM <ft CO., St. Lonit.l l^ORTEilTS. etc., drawn hj n««K-h!inty. Ap...r»i« fey • He. Aiinti wultil BffitlhiWfi tire Co., Phjle,,1 A DAY to Assnta Sample free. 32-JM| OMTALOGNE. ITFLRTOHBS, 111»eySt.,LTT Rrvni ni .e BhiUH LHWMTIM OCT WoMi.ohicago.t UTliSi* SPECIFIC. 50 th* Vorid. ™ tm. aglWIWA i"iV| t. PQPHAM A co, »g. frust.. ntfc.h. %Hf fk TED Men to set! to Merchants. 190 WW a month and traveling ezpeasw neW. fiKM MTO. OO.. Ji m. PHYSICIANS. DKNTISTR. etc., who wish J. genninw chartered Univorsity Derrees can address. inclos'ng M> cpnts, ,1. R YXTII,T,F:. Boston, Maes. 100 PEECENT. dtrowiS . i. HOWARD.O«ii'l Atent, Detroit, )Aeh. MflWF'V ^r^'" 7tth St*ni " *"d Key Check BHIrlJbl « « i*- and .KBIBIM FRKR. -M^ Wash. St,. Huston. T S3 'fit fr-- to AaenU. Better Til i A. OOUliTtCR 4 OO.. Oiito* WATCHES. A Onst Sense Hop. Wafi aad Ov^t/rMteio " - Odd Addr " ISo--Agenta W«RS«<L MIMMM* articles tn thk» world. On* satavle Addrase.TA" RORlON.Detrall Mtefe $350K ^ uK>ntb, hotel UMI JftOU LMd '01" Ml!7men-. peddling. Addrasa _ wowtTos Mamcf'o Co.. ClBcincatt. OUa $984 OPIUM Made by ono Agent in X days. 13 new anlclcs.. samples True. Address, M. MXOCTOX, HABIT CURED AT HOMR? No publicity. Time short- Terms nn>d»rate. l.Outi Ustlnio. t .< !•' K. MARSH, Qnirtcv. KIDDER'8 PAgTllif^^oSH: JjPPPHHHHHMCbuleshnni, Maaa. AGENTS wanted for " SZO* BOHAIISMIN M oontalnlng full dcscripiioDS of richer SIL.VKR MINES talks wld. Introduction by 3SC«»B*>B. Twain. llluntraM (bcnlars free. Address A. O. NKTTLRTON & CO.. Chteaa* 1IL a month ree'd by our gradnatsa. Students wanted. Salary paid _ wliilepracticing. Sitnatiormhsr- mr»" Ad*rm N.W.Telegraph Institnte, Jsmesville.Wla. W^IITCn->ie« to solicit orders for our gooda: fill I CI) iirrnmnent employmenl T food salary. Traveling expenses paid by Company. I'nion IndiiHtrlnl Workw, Cincinnati, OL $§QH$I00 VTA We will start sou In biwineas: yon « " make (^O a week without capital, W NUT?V aad Mspeotable for either Mil. Aox: JIlVa Q X SUPPLY CO.. *61 fWorr. N. Y. dtffk - jfljr A.tKysupe iniuUby Airents Sfllini; i»ir I'hr.wmw, (5 C ' j).£i O ' 1 'y""4- Pi' ture and Ohromo ' xr<j*. 1 Mm. *••01 I> -limui for <'nlmriK>fV*«>. J. H. Btl^KORD' SSON8. BOSTON. MASS. YQUR own IJV.NKM in oil colors, to show our wsifc painted on canvis. from a photograph ortS type, tre« with the Home Journal, $2.5tl a year. KanpiS Picture and paper ti months for $1. OneLagent mada ISS.Hl in a day. Address L. T. LUTH KR. Oorry, Pa, WdlltPd 'or " Navlns' Explanatory Stock Ooa- fl (til lull tor," a foil treatise, with ptvscrlptions, oo horspB, cattle, hogs, slieei» and poultsy. !*H> pa^ss,'^aod in ieatiior, illustrated. The best selling book publiHbad, Liberal terms. Address J.H.Yeagley, Pub., lndianapoUa or their sons wnutid tliis fail and winter, ( 1 or '2 in esch Co.) to sell a few staple articles of real merit to thf farmers in their own counties. Business pleasant, pro- tits troixl. Particulars free. J. WOBTII. St. lAiuis, Mo. |K. S. 8. FITCH'S FAMII.Y PHYSICIAN. FARMERS Siimptc Copy, Paper Cover, 10 cr ti Illnstrallo! Attdnii ound in Clotlh, wti tRCES, 3D cents by wall, (roadway. NEW York. m PATPNTQ f H I l||«| I |% InclndingGoT't.Fee A •• A •Ml I# >Send for Pamphlet to KNIGHT & KNIGHT, Washington, 0.O. ANY l'KMSON of ordinary intelligenotj can earn aHVt lug by canvassing for The Illustrated Weekly. BxperimM la not necessary--the only requisites being, as in all sM> oessful business, industry & energy. Send for particular Address Chas. Clurav Si Co. - 1* H*nrr#i» St., if. f. " " " Fi:i/r ( A li IM:TI.M;S 20 to 4fi cents iK>r' yai Fl'.l.T ( I'tMNt; for rooms in place of Plaster. Fl.l.T ItOOI'iNi; and SII>1N<;. ForCircularand Sainplo. address (J. J. FAY, Caradsn, New Jersey. 1T7« -ONE HI M)it KI) YF, \HS A CO 187® Beautifully illustrated in Oil by the New York Ohrooao Press. A valuable book for Children, illustrating iba scenes and events of Revolutionary times. Agents wan^ ed everywhere. Sample sent by mail on receipt of 23 eta. THK INSTRUCTIVE TOY COMPANY, New Yotk._ JttJ KE ll'.l ttft for an /uetirttldf *P^»I?HPL>K. ,7. P. FITLKB, beingsv,'orn,says: 1 «rad- in fepMiaifd t© rrof«ccor's «bair ibi>5>; htvt d«vot*<l 4»> •icluBhp),?, to Rliruuietiofn, Neurtlgift, (i^ut, Eidnay Aad Liver lgua?Ante«DR. FITLUVS HHKUMA llC RJSH£PY, Cordis^ ^ li^er fc-'illg, % ptpraaiQent iur#, or will refuad t mem aad Advi$a »ea( by aalL • Fsurl^ MIDIVUfJ tiy an arrr.:»somont 'vim ruliiisiier we \vl il send every iwn4 or off-Is Pai'.cr .i smn;il> pnekauo of Transfer f»i< tun"' IVeo Smi.I stamp ibr postage. They are highly colored, l.eieU. lt)l, uaU easily transforml to any oblect. Aeents ir-nnti"! J. i.. TATTEN ii CO., 1«3 William St., Neiv York fpi? A C --The choicest In the world--Importan JL I Jllprices--Largest Company in America--- staple article--pleases everybody--Trade continually ill* creasing--Agents wanted everywhere--best induoementa ---don't waste time--sen ,, for Circular to BOUT. WKLLS. 43 Vesey 8t, N. Y..P. O. Bog UST, A BOOK M' ilie MILLION^ medical ADyiOE Catarrli, Kupturc. Opium ilaoii, fcc.,8Liil jkH£.kd on rcceilf of stamp. Aildress, IJr. Butts' Dispensary No. 12 N. 8th it.. Sr. Louis. Ma. J e c t r i o l i j i n I i i f e . Pi.olltt lU'lt. lot in the u orld Curra iMsensv when allot tier reined' , f "fttll. *i stk .nni.'ila mid cirt-ulars Kent tree on ap­ plication. to i'. .1. WHITS»' '27 HOIK! Street. Nexv York. dAOLI'Q g% AGENTS-WANTED FOR HISTORY LENTEN I EXHIBITION It sells faster than any other bock. One Agent sold M oopiea in one dsy. Sena f"r our satrs terms to An^. NATIONAL PUBLI8H1NO CO., Chisaco, UL mf mm NEW BOOKI TOM SAWYER, Is ready for Agents. Don't get behindhand this titaa^ but send for your territory orj-irculiirs «t once. Address AMKKICAN PUBLISHING CO., HAHTFORD. CONN., CHICAGO, ILU, CINCINNATI,Ol r A XPF R I I and Scrofula^-- Vyixli KjJCiXVa Dr. T. s. ROBERTSON, Supt. of the American Cancer Institute, and disooverer of tlM remedy for the radical cure of Cancer, Tumors aad Scrofula by acting en the blood only, will send, on receipt of 9 afi.Ot), a full course of medicines that has nevar failed fh the cure of Cancer. Tumors or Scrotula. y* Tremoiit Street, Boston. Man. 1850, tfSd Year. 1877. Illustrated ; Best Family MagasiB© iffl the Country, at $3 for 1877. Five copies ons year for $13: 10 copies for $25; SJ copies a u fer ®60- an<1 a copy of Potter's Hi bit: oubsenhars Ency«'Iopedia, guarto, 8,000 Iliuatra* tions, price, &*5, given to the person send­ ing this club. For sale al ill News tihmdii, at «•"» cents a number. Special Terms to Aaenu. J. E. Pottkb & Co., Phila., Pa 1877. $10. 825. $50. $100. $200. Af.EXANDElt FKOTHINOHAM A" CO., 12 M all Street. NEW York, Bankers and Brokers, invest in Stocks of a legitimate character. The tirin num. ben among its patrons thousands who have become rioh through Frothingham A Co.'s fortunate investments. Stoaks paiok.'ised and carried long as desired on margin tt»m Uiieci K fire per cent. ^~s«nd lor Ctrcolar. Progressive! Comprehensive! WESTEM FARM J01RJVIL CTflCACSO, ILL, A Mammoth Weekly for Country and Town. A Practical Agricultural Newspaper. Largest on the Continent! Its columns aro replete each week with fresh, interest, g snd valuable matter for every branch of FAKM INDUSTRY, while the departments devoted to the FIRESIDK. YOl'XG Kt»LICS, fUHKK\T TOPICS and SEWS receive such especial attention as to render the Journal. In the truest sense, A com. FI'TH^SELIOL'l) ^ l'le ^ IKIiiSilDK, or. tiia In the issue for Jan. 1st. 1877, will be sommenced a high-class, instructive serial story, written azprsssly lot the Western Farm Jo-.rnal, entitled THE LESSON FOR LIFE. mr It will b© read with absorbing interest, as well aa profit, by all classes. White fob advance shekt of Extbactb. We want every man and woman in the country to sabeorib© for the paper and to act as onr a gent this season. Sifigle subscriptions, §2.00 a year; only $ t c<9 in clubs. No special authority to act n»eded„ Send iu jronr own subscription and then others as fast sis ob. tained. DON'T DELAY! All subscriptions received during 1876 will run to end of 187;. SAMPLE PAPERS. FOOTERS and CIRCULARS Free. Addr«w ^ •' KA'RBI J«l'R\AL, iSt» Waiblngtoii Street, Cldca((. plode; cannot be iillod while burning; instantly extin­ guished if dropped, broken, or upset. Put out ae easy aa ?:as. Miiiled to any address for 50 cts.; 3 for 1. A ew agents, male and female, wanted. Proiits' Urn. KCLIPSK MA-NUFACTUKI>*G CO., Cincinnati, O. 1 IT'n. l';tr or frnnt actiou lockx: warrants res- ulnctv. :st narrels. and a fix* shooter, op. NO KALK: with I'!»U Pouch Jun U :i,i<uttrr, for ,«15. Can In- «• nt C. O. I>. wi«.h rrh. llega ti> exaiuiiic bcrnre ptiyiiiR bill. Srn'i Hlamp ftor cir. uUr M P. 1'OH'KLL fr SON, nD.-nl-ra. ass Main St.. Ciiu itir.-ati. O. Ghjiardiri&WB goo 8UPERB ENQRAVINCS.O the Mails --sw SECRET SERVICE .. _ to the Post-off'ico Oepurtnier.t, br P."- WAR'^', ci, v, a; eaifciu t,?«,auoC!: Jadss P. M. GIB'L r*rasrk»h:- *.-d dirU'-r bix'k aa deUctti.B .verwrttuo. WcndefTiil E*pfOltS>"<5".S'-c'** tt»rylc« A(«I.U la ttc rursnUn-i.l cmr'u1'""' »lThi*refc Now havlccaa au|>arall«ird •.«<«. Oi-lnr.-f ll!u>in.t.d circularifr** "••••..Diu,,, % r„ H.rKo*, r. rh'-«r. :n..CiMiui*ii.Ok DR. WARAER'3 nEALTH CORSET. With Skirt Supporter u< Hclf-Adjastliig Pads. Secures HEALTH and ( OMFOKTOI B.-HIV, with GUACK and 1 KAVTT of Form. Thi te Garments iu one. Approved bv all i liysicians. AOKXTS WANT 1. D. Sam pies by mail, in Couti!, $2: Satteen, «l T5. To Agtnis at S5 cental era. Order Bize two inches smaller than walat mea­ sure over the dreg?. Warner Bros. 763 Eroadway.lT.Y. c. N. lT. No. 48 .T HKS WRITING TO ADVKHTlSUtA TV please «ay yno uw the adK-HUMITM' please «ay yno tn papor

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