Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Dec 1876, p. 4

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eifj liuBdeale?, WKDXESDAY, DEC. 13th, 1876. «jr. VAN SLYKE, Editor. fiEgTlt will be in •rdernow for those Who love their country and peace, more than their pockets and strife, to rise •nd elnf "Yankee Doodle" and "Star Spangled Banner*1 a few times, because those two songs are common property of the American people, and are not owned partieuiary by the side that is counted to or out. 1^"The country is again shocked with an awful calamity, the result of a wild panic at. a lire in a Brooklyn theatre, and insufficient means of exit. Another lesson is here afforded, but at terrible cost, of the imperious necessity of exercising presence of mind on SUCH occasions, If they must occur, and of instituting irtgorons reform in the con­ struction of public buildings to prevent their recurrence. )ur southern neighboring repub­ lic of Mexico has astonished us with the suddenness Of her last revolution­ ary movement. An afternoon tele­ gram announces that President Lerdo, who had just been re-elected after giv­ ing that unfortunate nation the best administration it ever experienced, has been obliged to flee from the capital, together with his cabinet, to make way for the agitator Gen. Diag. The latter in an ambitious demagogue, and his success would be a misfortune to Mexico, and prove of no Advantage to the rest of the world. J&*Dr. Royston Pigott mentions a couple of examples of extraordinary acuteness of vision. In one case, a per­ son unacquainted with the existance of Jupiter's satellites detected three of them with the naked eye, and their position, which he drew upon paper, exactly corresponded with that viewed through the telescope. In the second instance, an individual distinguished at a distance exceeding half a miie, two children ascending the sunny side of a hill, and was able ,to tell trie color of their jackeis. A good opera-glass vcri fled his sight. The same person could Me bullet-marks at 500 yards. J6r-At»Indianapoli8, Ind., yesterday, Jndge Gresham, of the United States Court, delivered an opinion which will be of interest to insurers. Wilber S. Lamb, assignee of the Winnesheik In­ surance Company, of Freeport, 111., brought suit against Burton Bowser on ft promissory note. Bowser resisted payment on the ground th^t the com­ pany had noteomplied with the law of Illinois regulating the business of for­ eign insurance companies. The court held that while the agent of the com­ pany might have violated the law and so become liable to punishment, his conduct did not vitiate, the contract, and that a contract mrfde in Illinois be­ tween the company and the insured will be enforced in Indiana. •KIGItAM YOUNG. Of all the religious precept* of the Mormon chureh, none has so greatly enlisted the zeal and tervor of the prophet as the one Inculcating And in­ viting the plurality ot wives. This doctor!ne he has for many long years faithfully preached and consistantly practiced, with curious results. As time rolled On, the Prophet kept con­ stantly tak'ng unto himself new help­ meets, till at last it became necessary to place some Of the older wives on the retired list to make room for the younger ones. There was much grumb­ ling among the Old Guard, but no ac­ tual revolt. Finally, however, the situation became unbearable, and Ann Eliza, braver than her sisters, threat­ ened to "take t he law on the prophet," wh|chshe did with eminent .success. A Gentile court awarded her alimony, which the Prophet refused to pay; hut he reckoned without his host. The sacrilegious minions of'the law seized upon four carriages, three wagons, one pair of mules, one span bf horses and three cows, the property of the Proph­ et, and sold them at public auction at Salt Lake City, on the 1st instant, to pay the award of the court in the Ann Eliza case. These sales realized SI,185 but Ann Eliza is far from being satis­ fied; other seizures of property will be made and other auction sales follow, till the whole amount of Ann Eliza's claim is fully paid, satisfied and dis­ charged. Brigham Young is probably at this present/writing the most thoroughly disgusted Prophet of whom we have any record since the days when thfe whale swallowed Jonah. After three days and three nights of great discom­ fort, Jonah stepped out of the- whale and went on his way rejoicing. The Harmon Prophet such pleasant future in store for him; he is made utterly and hopelessly -wretched by long vistas of Ann-Elizas, Mary Anns tnd Susan Janes, all determined to ave "their rights." He does not lie on a bed of roses. As long as there re­ mains one single, solitary mule in the locker, the holy man cannot hope for peace. ISrThe European war-cloud still lowers on the Eastern horizon, grow­ ing thicker and blacker, if possible. It is generally considered in European capitals that war, sooner or later, is Inevitable, but that certain prelimi­ nary and formal negotiations must first take place. These are now In progress. Meantime, both nations, Turkey «ud Russia, are making the most gigantic preparations foi the coming struggle. Prince Bismark of Prussia, has recent­ ly made a speech, in which h© said (Germany would not interfere, and would do all she could to keep England also in a non-committal attitude. He thought the time would come by and by when interference would not only j be necessary but be gladly recei ved bv the parties engaged, and by all the Great Powers, but that time was not yet. And so the matter lingers along from day to day, without any overt act being committed on either side, which would percipitate open hostilities. In France, there is another cabinet crisis, and all the ministers have resigned. In Spain, a hot discussion is going - on relative to the further continuance of the war in Cuba. FIRE IN ELGIN During the heavy wind on Friday -pight, last a barn belonging to R«v Father Fitzsiinmons, in Elgin, was burned together with seventeen fine blooded horses, valued from $300 to $500 each. The Elgin Bluff City gives the following list of some of the most valuable'horses burned. "Prince, valued at #1;000; Julia, a thorough-bred brood mare, for which 3500 had been refused; Orphan Boy, a splendid four-year colt, $400; Bay colt Hartland, $500; Mate, a Brood mare, $300. The celebrated trotting horse •'Rocky,'1 sold by John Duck to Father Fitzsiinmons a year or so ago, was being taken out of the stable when a lot of burning hoards fell on his back burning the hair off his rump and des­ troying his tail. Lady Frances was also badly burned about the head and neck. Six colts in a shed at the west end of the stables were driven out. Reports at latest date are that thir­ teen carcasses have been discovered, but three or four are missing, which causes a suspicion that several horses were stolen and the barn set on fire. The Bluff City also says: "Father Fitzsimmons, on the alarm of fire ran down stairs, took one look at the cruci­ ble containing his lost pets, and was carried back up stairs to his bed. Rev, F. tins been seriously sick several days with brain fever, and danger is feared." l^Word comes from Greenville, Mich., that some hunters have found,' on the lake shore, the remains of a man supposed to be those of the lost aero­ naut, Professor Donaldson. Nothing but the skeleton and remnants of clothing ts left, but the location Is such as to make it jseeui possible that at last a clue has been fonnd of the sHent resting place where the intrepid air-voyager has lain undisturbed for over a year. A flue cloth cap was found upon the remains, and this throws doubt upoa the identity, sioee the Professor started upon his fatal voy­ age with a silk stove-pipe hat, and yet 4t is altogether possible that he carri­ ed with hiiu such a cap as is described by the finders of the body. The matter will be investigated* for the friends of Donaldson have frequently expressed a desire to make a search of the^ east #D*st of Lake Michigan, in company With the Journal representative who brought back the body of the lamented reporter, Mr. Grimwood^ with the bppe Of finding trace of his companion in danger and death--Professor Donald- The Serpent and the Slanderer. The serpent was once asked: "Pray what profit hast thou in depriving other beings of their life? The lion kills and eats; the wolf strangles and devours; other savage beasts destroy to testify their ravenous appetite. But thou alone etrikest the innocent victim, and infuseth thy deadly venom, without any other gratification than the fiend-like pleasure of destroying." 'And why do you ask me?" replied the serpent. "Rather ask the slanderer what pleasure he has in scattering his poison, and morally wounding those who never injured him? Besides, I kill only those who are near me. He destroys at a distance. He scatters his deadly vemom here, and a hundred miles hence." WOODSTOCK. Plaindealer:--With the mercury 22 degrees below "Caesar"* you will not be likely toloek for a letter from the "Hub" this week; but your* readers must be Informed of the fir£ here last Saturday. • Seated comfortably by the coal fire in one of our drug stores your corres? pondent was startled by hearing street "gamin" with his pipiug voice trying to raise' an alarm of fire, but little attention was paid till Pinstone took up the refrain who informed th4M half dozen inquirers that it was a house near the Congregational Church. Even then oni* citizens gave themselves but little trouble about the matter; and upon inquiring it was ascertained that about one o'clock p. M. that defective chimney had given the Are fiend if mortgage on the house in the rear of! that church, said house being the prop­ erty of Gardner Barrows but occupied by John Young. The fire'caught ire the roof but was soon extinguished^! the damage be-ing small ; of which the furniture suffered ;he most in being removed in too much haste. It would seem that these careless masons who build chimneys with holes in the side, and they all do i t. ought to be regula­ ted by law in some way, for there is no reason why a chimney should be so carelessly constructed--more than half the fires originating from that "defec­ tive flue." Squeers is in favor of "bull- dosing" every such mason. Woodstock has another store, G. N. Sherwood having last Saturday opened the building next north of the Waver- ley and filled it full of fancy goods and Yankee Notions. Of course trade is reviving; but in the uncertainty as to who is to command the United States army at $50,000 a year for the next four years men cannot think of trading; so he need not anticipate a heavy run till after the fifth of March 1877. Who shall say we have no prophets in this land in view of the facts that ths present state of things in South Carolina was, more than twenty years ago prophesied in the following lines. "I wish de legislature world set dig darkie free. Oh! what a hanpy place den de darkie land would be; We'd have a darkie parliment, * An' darkie codes of law, An' d.irk!? indires on the bench. Darkie barrister and aw. Just think of it; fifty one members of the lower house and all darkies but three; many of them being unable to read and write. The Teachers Association meets here next Saturday and a good time may be expected by all who may attend. The house will be called to order at ten a. M. at which time it is to be hoped that all will be on hand ready for business, sis the programme is quite lengthy. Holiday toy a have made their ap­ pearance and those children who do n<?t expect to own any of the nice things can, at legist spend all their spare time till Christinas in looking at them; for they can do that as Well as those who havs the money to buy. Stedman has taken possession of the Court House and Richards of the Re­ corders office, while Owen stalks .about with his blanket. Squeers. TITTPP A TT I JUL 'LJ JCwJtvJfcJuJEilb FOR V.?3r,. • - ; i •anta Claus. (By Permission.) He will make his Headquarters . --AT THE-- Red Front Drug Store, For the Next TWO WEEKS. "Where Oceans of Lansing ^; Evanson, Mcilenry, have just received a large assortment of Buffalo Robes, which they are offering very cheap. Lansing & Evanson have just received a large assortment of Mens and Boys Caps, Call and exam ine them. Woolen* and Flannels a full stock arid at lower priccs than ever at Bucklin & Stevens', Can be found Cheap FOR CASH JOHN S. WHEAT. Woodstock, Dec. 12th, '76. NEW BLACKSMITH AND The undersigned having **triLT a new Shop Novth of Perry & Martin's Store near the Brick Church, is now prepared to do anything in the line of Blacksmithing or Wagon Making, on short notice, and guaran­ tee satisfaction. Having entered into an arrangement with MR. E.- PERKINS, who will do the Wood Work, we are prepared to get up Buggies and Wagons to order on the njost reasonable terms and Warrant as repre­ sented. Horse Shoeing & teal JoMing promptly attended to. A good Shed for the accommodation of Customers. Give Me a C^ll!. PHILLIP HAUPERIHS. McHenry, Ills., Nov. 28th, 1876. Terrible Excitement! Oyer the Arrival of the Immense StocIc*at the Store of NUNDA, - - ILLINOIS Considerable anxiety and bustle was inainifested at a dance in Brook­ lyn the other evening, when, during the second figure of the lancers, a hollow, sepulchral object of wire and canvas, was suddenly discovered on the floor, in the center of one of the sets. Nobody appeared to know what it was, or where it came fr6m, but it was noticed that several young men snicker­ ed audibly as an attendant removed the offending obstacle, and that four young ladies left the room in hot haste the moment the dance concluded. One of the amueing features of a recent Mlddlebury, Vermont, college hunt, was that the judges put Colorado potato bugs on the list of game, and one side seeing this, went to work capturing and hiring cuptured speci­ mens of this species of game till their prey numbered about 1,100, The other side didn,t hear what was up tilllate, and in consequence only captured 660. The Performing Bear on exhibition daily at the Bed Front Drug Store, Woodstock, Go and see him. AND I AM NOW PREPARED TO M U R D E R ! The Virketat the Low Pri"os I can offer mr New and Immcnsc Stobk. of Dry Goods, \ Clothing, J Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, poll top of etch othtr and" maeaed GTOCOriGSj SkCij they could ex ricate comparatively few.r theae were all braised, bleeding and maim# me n he convinced yourselves Vot*. niQ,t„r. T that I can srell Hoods Cheaper than ans other a woman in the crush had her foot pushes tween the balusters aud fell. The crowf hind, forced forward by the terrified pa still further behind, fell over and piled on of each other four and five feet deep. ( The polioe from the station-house, | door, were promptly at the scene, but, ow F/t" to the manner in which the people were Kate Giaxton, at the preliminary iuqiLrj the Fire Marshal, said: ' -At the begiunf the last act, juat M the curtain went lit ard a rumbling uoise on the stage, aud minutes after I saw flames. The tire to be all on the stage. Mrs. Farren, m Mr. Btpdjey aud Mr. Murdo<£ were Oi New Wapn anil Blacksmith S H O P ! MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. E. PERKINS . Would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally that he is now prepared, at hiH Shop, West of the Public Square, to do all kdiUh ot Carpenter Work or work in wood ot any kind, such aa the wood-work of Bug­ gies, Yk agonn, making Boats, &<*., and in short anything ever made in a Carpenter a nop. r roni a long experience in the business and using nose but the beat of .Lumber I can in all cases Guarantee Satisfaction! Having entered into an arrangement with Mr. Phillip Hauperihs! Who will do the IRON WORK, we are prepar­ ed to get up Busies and Wagons to Order on the most Reasonable Terms and Warrant sis represented. MR. I1AU l'KUl I IS' SHOP is one Block South of my Shop, where all those wishing Jobs in the Blacksmith line should calL GENERAL JOBBING Promptly attended, to. ^ Crive Me a Call? * E.PERKINS. McHenry, Ills., Nov. 28th, 1876. Store in the Couflty. And you can save moo- eytby calling on ROBETtT R. ROTHGERBER. Nunda, II1J, Nov. 20th, 1975. The Highest Market Price Paid for all kinds of Country Produce. A FULL STOCK OF Hats & Caps AND UNDERWEAR, Gloves and ..Mittens, AT COST To close out. Being desirous of closing out my entire stock of the above goods, I will sell them for the next 30 days at COST FOR CASH. They are all new and desirable. No old ock, but iH-st-class goods. Call and exam. ne them. I mean business. Also in store a full stock of Groceries, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, &c. which will be sold as Low as the Lowest. L. STODDARD. McHenry, Nov. 20th, 1876, •• r-rm '•*'1 NEAR THE DEPOT, M'HENRY^ . ;i -V ' RWS. Dry Goods, a full StockJ - Boots I Shoes in abundance Clothing a Full Line. and Caps for all S5f~Choice Groceries, Fine Teas, Can Fruits, Crockery arid Glasa Ware. EST* The Highest Market Price for BUTTER EGGS, AND POULTRY, M Cash or frade. BUCKLIN & STEVENS. Mcliepry, HI., Sept. 23d, 1876. LANSING & ETANSONI Dry Goods--A complete stock offered at lower prices than any house in the counr fy- Dress Goods--A fine as­ sortment in all the most fashionable patterns. CLOTHING- for Men anil BoyS at Panic Prices ! BOOTS and SHOES at Special Bargaiii9l HATS an£ CAPS, GLOVES and MITTENS for Everyone! CHOICE TEAS and other FAMILY GROCERIES! C R O C K E R Y , G L A S S W A R E , E T C . BUTTEK, EGGS AND POULTRY WANTED IN EX­ CHANGE FOR GOODS Oil CASH. - Sc. EVANSON, . fC Near Depot, McHenry. We invite Competition in all our prices for Boots & Sloes, Gloves and Mittens, A. REID. WOODSTOCK, ILL., REHOVAIn. 11 it: HAVE cenwived tothei* Mnr fltor* on Ifafe-corner oj»{x>sito the Brick Church, wher® thev will be happy to see .their old customers, and' as many new ones as may see lit to call. A Full Stock of Furniture of all kincfr, at priccs as low as the lowest. BLAKE *BKO McHcnry, Aug. I4th, 1876. HOW LISTEN S Ait Barter What I Say I Mrs. S. A. HEII), £ast Side Publle Squares WOODSTOCK, - % # if AiLUSrOIS.. > J lias the Largest Stock of Ever bronpht to McHenry County, aad can sell von a Fashionable niid hondsomer Hat or Bonnet for I,ESS MONEY than any other establishment in the Northwest. This Is % faet aud no discount. HER STOCK OF Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces NECK - TIES, COLLARS AND CUFFS, Is complete in every patieular. Call and he convinced. Mrs. 8. A. REID, Woodstock, Nov. 15th,J1876.

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