Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Dec 1876, p. 6

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•- V ':»i- * r Message to W:"V ..,* - -• - <,v M .* »* 4 . m ,x #> v*,>. k'Mk .stva, in * *: ixhiDit eign and Domestic tieiatlons. •'£«•. ; Defense of the Santo Domingo Annexation {Scheme. Etiu, Etc., Ste. ReMte and House of Representatives: In submitting my eighth and last annual Mnage to Congress, it seems proper that I ikonld refe* to and in some degree recapitu­ late the events and official acta of the past tight years. It was my fortune, or misfor­ tune, to be called to the office of Chief Exec­ utive without any previous political training. Vtom the age of 17,1 had never even wit­ nessed the excitement attending a Presi­ dential campaign but twice antecedent to •ty own candidacy, and at but one of them was I eligible as a' voter. Under Buch circum­ stances, it is but reasonable to suppose that ororaof judgment must have occurred; even had they not, difference of opinion between the Executive, bound by an oath to the •tiict performance of his duties, and writers and debaters must have arisen. It is not necessarily evidence *t a blunder on the part of the Executive be­ cause there are these differences of views. Mistakes have been made, as all can see, and I ateit it, lot it seems to me, oftener in the .Mieetion* made of assistants appointed to aid incanying out the various duties of adminis­ tering the Government, in nearly every case •sleeted without a general acquaintance with Ifce appointee, but upon the recommendations of the Representatives chosen directly by the peo­ ple. It is impossible where so many trusts are to be allotted that the right parties should be ebawn in every instance. History shows that the Administration, from the time of Washing­ ton to the present, has not been free from thsse mistakes, but 1 leave comparisons to his- tovy, claiming only that I have acted in every instance from a conscientious desire to do what was right, constitutional, within the law, and for the very best interests of the people. My failures have been errors of judgment, not of intent Retrospective. My civil career commenced, too, at a Boost critical and difficult time. Less than four years before the country had emerged from a conflict such as no other nation had ever sur­ vived. Kearly one-half of the States had re­ volted against the Government, and of those remaining faithful to the Union, a large per­ centage of the population sympathized with the rebellion and made an enemy in the rear almost as dangerous as the more honorable enemy in the front. The latter committed •rrors of judgment, but they maintained them openly and courageously. The former received the protection of the Government they would see destroyed, and reaped all the pecuniary advantage to be gained out of the 4lien existing state of affairs--many of them br obtaining contracts and by swindling the G •r-vernment in the delivery of their goods. Immediately on the cessation of hostilities, the then noble President, who had carried the country so far through its perils, fell a martyr to his patriotism at the hands of an assassin. Reconstruction. The intervening time to my first inaugura­ tion was filled up with wrangling between Congress and the new Executive as to the beet ' node of reconstruction. Or, to speak plainly, as to whether the control of the Government should be thrown immediately into the hands «f those who had so recently and persistently tried So destioy it, or whether the victors ahonM continue to have equal voice with them in this contaoL Reconstruction, as finally agreed upon, means this, and only this, ex­ cept that the late slave was enfranchised--giv­ ing an increase, as was supposed, to the Union- loving and Union-supporting votes. If free to the full sense of the word, they would not ^•appoint this expectation, hence at the be- uuing of my first administration the work of reconstruction, much embar­ rassed by the long delay, virtually •cnunenosd. It was the work of the legislative branch of the Government. My fnrviiice was wholly in approving its acts, which I did most heartily, urging the Legis­ lature* «f States that had not yet done so to ratify the fifteenth amendment to the Consti­ tution. The country was laboring under an enermoua debt, oonfcracied in the suppression of the rebellion, and taxation was so oppree- • dhrsjss to discourage production, Another ganger also threatened us--foreign war. ~ The h«ul to be adjusted, and was «d- • |ssi®d without a war, ana "ia £ turner highly . .>»>.. to all parties concerned. TJationsl Finance*, flu taxes'have been reduced within the last yean .yearly #300,000,000, and the il debt has been reduced in the same i over «485,000,000 by refunding the 6 per eeut. bonded debt for bonds tearing 5%, 5 and 4% per cent, interest respectively. The an­ nual interest has been reduoed from over #190,000,000 in 1869, to but little over f100,000,- •00 in 1876, The balance of trade has been changed from over »130,000,000 against the United States in 1869, to more than $120,000, MO in oar favor ia 1876. It is confidently be­ lieved that the balance of trade in favor of the United States will increase, not diminish, and that the pledge of Congress to resume specie payments in 1879 will be easily accomplished, men in the absence of much desired further tag illation on the subject. The Indian Policy. A policy has been adopted toward the In­ dian tribes inhabiting a large portion of the territory of the United States which has been lmmane and has substantially ended Indian hostilities in the whole laod, except in a por­ tion of Nebraska and Dakota, Wyoming and Montana Territories, the Black Hills region and approaches thereto. Hostilities there have grown out of the avarice of the white man, who has violated our treaty stip­ ulations in his search for gold. The question might be asked why the Government has not enforced obedience to the Utuw of the treaty prohibiting the occu- Skkne ©f the Black Hills region bv the whites. ie answer is simple. The first emigrants to the Black Hills were removed bv troops, but tumors and fresh discoveries of gold took into that region increased numbers. Gold'his act­ ually .been found in paying quantities, and an effort to remove the miuers would only result in the desertion of the bulk of the troops that aught be sent there to remove them. All dif- ieolty m this matter iia->, however, been re­ moved,, subject to the approval of Congress, by »treaty ceding the Blank Hills and its tp- ptoncb©^ to settlement by oitizen-. The subject of the Indian policy «nd treat­ ment is so fully set lorth by the secretary of the Interior and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and my view ?s are so fully expressed therein that I refer to their reports and • rscommer dations as my own. Our Foreign Relations." The relations of the United States with for­ eign powers oontinue on a friendly footing. Quest ions have arisen from time to time in the foreign relations of the Government, but the United States has been happily free durigg the past year from the coiujrtications and em­ barrassments which have surrounded some of the foreign powers. The d'plom&tic correspondence submitted herewith contains information as to certain of ih« mutters which have occupied the attention •f the Government. The cordiality which at­ tends our relations with the powers of the earth has been plainly shown by the general participation of foreign nations in the Exhi­ bition which has just olosed, and by the ex­ ertions made by distant powers to show their interest in and friendly feeling* toward the United States in commemoration of the Cen­ tennial of the nation. lh( Government and people of the United States have not only fully appreciated this exhibition of kindly feeling, but it may be justly and fairly ex­ pected that no small benefits will result both to ourselves and other nations, from a better acquaintance and a better appreciation oC. cor mutual advantages and mutual wants. The Diplomatic Service. Congress, at its last session, t-aw fit to re­ duce the amount usually appropriated lor for­ eign intercourse by withholding appropriations for representatives of the United States in oertain foreign countries, and for certain con­ sular offices, and by reducing the amounts usually appropriated for oertain _ other diplo­ matic posts, »ud vinrn iMw6Kii»wjug » uuftuge iu the grade of representatiues. For these reasons, immediately upon the passage of the bill making appropriations for the diplomatic and consular service for the present foroe, in­ structions were issued to the representatives of the United States at Boll vis, Ecuador and Co­ lombia, and to the consular officers for whom no appropriation had been made, to elosa their respective legations and consulates and cease from the performance of their duties, and iix like manner steps were Immediately taken to substitute Charges d' Affaires for Ministers Resident at Portugal. Denmark, Greece, Switz­ erland and Paraguay. While thoroughly impressed with the wis­ dom of sound economy in the foreign service as in other branches of the Government, I cannot escape the conclusion that in some in ­ stances the withholding of appropriations will prove an expensive economy, and that the small retrenchment secured by a change of grade in oertain diplomatic posts is not an ad­ equate consideration for the loss of influence and importance which will attend our foreign representatives under this reduction. I am of the opinion that a re-examination of the sub­ ject will cause a change in some instanoes in the conclusions reached on these subjects at the last session of CoBgress. The Alabama Claims. The Court of Commissioners of the Alabama Claims, whose functions were continued by an act of the last session of Congress until the 1st day of January, 1877, has carried on ite labors with diligence and general satisfac­ tion. By a report from the Clerk of the Court transmitted herewith, bearing date November 14, 1876, it appears that during the time now allowed by law the court will have disposed of all the claims presented for adjudication. This report also contains a statement of the general results of the labors of the court to date thereof. It is cause for satisfaction that the method adopted for the satisfaction of the classes of claims submitted to the court, which are of long standing and justly entitled to early consideration, should have proved successful and acceptable. The Northwest Boundary. It is with satisfaction that I am enabled I© state that the work of the joint commission for determining the boundary line between the United States £E<J. the British Possessions from the northwest angle of the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky mountains, commenced in 1872, has been completed. The final agreement of the Commissioners, with the maps, have been duly signed, and the work of the commission is complete. The fixing of the boundary upon the Pacific coast by the protoool of March 10, 1873, pursuant to the award of the Emperor of Germany by article thirty-four of the treaty of Washington, with the determination of the work of this commission, ad­ justs and fixes the entire boundary be­ tween the United States and the British possessions, except as to the portion of ter­ ritory ceded by Russia to the United States under the treaty of 1867. The work in­ trusted to the commissioners and the officers of the army attached tj the Commission, has been well and satisfactorily performed. The original of the final agreement of the Com­ missioners, signed upon the 29th of May, 1876, with the original list of astronomical stations observed, the original official list of monuments marking tho international boundary line, and the maps, records and general reports relating to the Commission, have been deposited in the Department of State. The official re* Eort of the Commissioner on the part.of the 'nited States, with the report of the Chief Astronomer of the United States, will be submitted to Congress within a short time. Extradition. I reserve for'a separate communication to Congress a statement of the condition of the questions which lately arose with Great Britain respecting the surrender of fugitive criminals under the. treaty of 1842. Turkey. The Ottoman Government gave notice, un­ der date of January 15, 1874, of its desire to terminate the treaty of 1862, concerning com­ merce and navigation, pursuant to the provi­ sions of the twenty-second article thereof. Under tbis notice, the treaty terminated upon the 5th day of June, 1876. That Government has invited negotiations towards the conclu­ sion of a new treaty. By the act of Congress of March 23, 1874, the President was author­ ized, when he should receive satisfactory in­ formation that the Ottoman Govern­ ment or that of Egypt had or­ ganized the new tribunals likely to secure to the citizens of the United States the seme Impartial Justice en­ joyed ander the -of lndi«iii.l fnnations the diplomatic and consuler ofScars of the United States, to suspend the operation of the act of June 22, i860, and to accept for the citi­ zens ofthe United States the jurisdiction of the new tribunals. Satisfactory information hav­ ing been received of the organization of suoh new tribunals in Egypt, I caused a> proclama­ tion to b > issued on the 27th of March last, suspending the operation of the act of June 22, 1800, in Egypt, according to the provisions of the act. A copy of the proclamation accom­ panies this Message. The United States has united with the other powers in the organiza­ tion of these courts. It is hoped that the juris­ dictional questions which have arisen may be readily aojusted, and that this evidence in judicial cases may be hindered by no obstacles. The Hawaiian Treaty. The necessary legislation to carry into effect the convention resnecting commercial reci­ procity concluded with the Hawaiian islands, in 1875, having been had, the proclamation to carry it into effect, as provided by the act ap­ proved Aug. 15, 1876, was duly issued upon the Tuesday of September last. A copy there­ of aooompardea this Message. Mexico. The commotions which have been prevalent in Mexico for some time past, which unhappily seem to bo not yet wholly quieted, have led to complaints of citizens of the United States of injuries by persons in kuthoritv. It is hoped, however, that tbeee will ultimately be adjusted to the satisfaction of both the Govern­ ments. lb* frontier of the United States in that quarter has not been exempt from acts of vtotanoe either by citi­ zens of one republic or those of the other. The frequency of these acts I supposed to be increased, and their adjustment made more difficult by the eonfciderable changes in the course of the lower part of thr Rio Grande river, which river is a part of the boundary between the two countries. These changes have placed on either side of that river por­ tions of land which, by existing conventions, belong to the jurisdiction of the Government on the opposite side of the river. The sub­ ject of the adjustment of this cause of dif- ticultv is under consideration between the two republics. Colombia. The Government of the United States of Colombia nas paid the award in the case of the steamer Montijo, seized by the authori­ ties of that Government some years since, and the amount has been transferred to the claimants. Mexican Claims. It is with satisfaction that I am able to an- n«uuce that the joint commission for the adjustmen of claims between the United States and Mexico, under the convention of i.8 8, the duration of which has been several times extended, has brought its labors to a close. From the report of the agent of the United States, which accompanies the papers transmitted herewith,lit will be|seen that with­ in the time limited t»y the commission 1,017 claims on the part of citizens of the United States against Mexico were referred to the commission. Of these claims 831 were dis­ missed or disallowed, and on 186 cases awards were made in favor of the claimants against the Mexican republio, amounting in the aggregate to t4,125,622.20 Within the same period 99:! claims on the prr 0f citizens of the Mexican republic against thb United States were referred to the commission. Of these claims 831 were dismissed and disavowed, and in 16v cases award* were made in favor of claimants against thi Unite* States, nw««Hn» in the aggregate to $15,049,841. By the terms of the convention the amount of these awards is to be deducted from the amount awarded in favor of our oitizens against Mexico, and the balance only to be paid by Mexico to the United States, leaving the United States to make provisions for their proportion of the awards in favor of its own citizens. I invite your at­ tention to the legislation which will t>e neces­ sary to provide for the payment, In con­ nection I am pleased to be able to express the acknowledgments due to Sir Edward Thornton, the umpire of the Commission, who has given to the consideration of a large number of Qlftiwis submitted to him mnoh time, unwearied patience, and that fairness and intelligence which are well known to belong to the accom­ plished representative of Great Britain, and which are likewise recognized by the repre­ sentative in this oountry of the republic of Mexloo. 'Venezuelan Claims, Monthly payments of a very small part of the amount due by the Government of Vene­ zuela to the citizens of the latter against that Government continue to be made with reason­ able punctuality. That Government has pro­ posed to change the system which it has hitherto pursued in this respect by issuing bonds for part of the amount of tine several claims. The proposition, however, could not, it is supposed, properly be accepted, at least without the consent of the holders of certifi­ cates of the indebtedness of Venezuela. These are so much depressed that It would be difficult, if not impossible, to asoertain their disposition on thr subject. Expatriation and NHturalimition. In former messages I have called the atten­ tion of Congress to the necessity of legislation with regard to fraudulent naturalization and the subject of expatriation and the election of nationality of the number of parsons of for­ eign birth seeking a homo in the United States; the ease and facility with which the honest emigrant may, aftor the lap*e of a rea­ sonable time, become possessed of all the privi­ leges of citizenship of the United, States, and the frequent occasions which induce such adopted citizens to return to the oountry of their birth. Und^r the subject of naturaliza­ tion, the safeguards which experience has proved necessaiy for the protection of the hon­ est, naturalized citizens are of paramount im­ portance, the fraud ceedings and records of the various courts, and in the forms of the certificates of naturaliza­ tion issued, afford a constant source of diffi­ culty. I suggest no additional requirement* to the acquisition of citizenship, bevond those now existing; but I invite the earnest atten­ tion of Congress to the necessity and wisdom of some provisions regarding uniformity in the records and certificates, and providing against the frauds which frequently take place, and for the vacating of a record of naturalization obtained in fraud. These provisions are needed in aid and for the protection of the honest citizen of foreign birth, and for the want of wh'^'i he is fco suffer not unfrequently. The United States has insisted upon the right of expatriation, and has obtained, after a long struggle, an admis­ sion of the principle contended for, by acqui­ escence therein on the part of many foreign powers, and by the conclusion of treaties on this subject. It is, however, but Justice to the Government to which such naturalized citi­ zens have formerly owed allegiance, as well as to the United States, thai certain fixed and definite rules should bo adopted, governing such cases, and providing how expatriation may be accomplished. While emigrants in large numbers become citizens of the United States, it is also true that persons, both natfve-born and naturalized, once citizens of tho United States, either by for­ mal acts or as the effect of a series of facts, and circumstances, abandon their citizenship and cease to be entitled to the protection of the United States, but continue on conve­ nient occasion to asseit a claim to protec­ tion. In the absence of provisions on these questions, and in'this connection, I again in­ vite your attention to the aecessity of legis­ lation concerning the marriages of American citizens contracted abroad, and concerning the iatus of American women who may marry foreigners, and of children born of American parents in a foreign country. The delicate and complicated questions continu­ ally occurring with reference to naturaliza­ tion, expatriation and the status of such per­ sons as I have above referred to, induce me to earnestly direct your attention again to these subjects. Court of Claims. In like manner, I repeat my recommendation that some means be provided for the hearing and determination of the just and existing claims of aliens upon the Government of the United States, within a reasonable limitation, and of such as may hereafter arise. While, by existing provisions of law, the Court of Claims may in certain eases be resorted te by an alien claimant, the absence of any general provisions governing all auou vases, and the want of a tribunal skilled in the disposition of suoh cases upon recognized, fixed and settled principles, either provides no remedy in many deserving cases, or compels a consideration of such claims by Congress or the Executive Depart­ ments of the Go vernment , It is believed that other Governments are in advance of the United States upon this ques­ tion, and that the practioe now adopted ia en­ tirely unsatisfactory. The Centennial State. Congress, by an act approved the 3d of March, 1875, authorized the inhabitants of tho Territory of Colorado to form a State Govern­ ment, with the name of the State of Colorado, and therein provided for the admission of said State, when formed, into the Union, upon an equal footing with-the original States. A constitution having been adopted and rat­ ified by the people of that State, and the act­ ing Governar having certified to me the facts as provided by said act, together with a copy of such constitution and ordinances as are provided in said act. and the provisions of said act of Congress having been duly complied with, I issued a proclamation upon the 1st of August, 1876, a copy of which is hereto an- neaed. The Reorganisation of MM Aran?. The report of the Secretary of War shows that the army has been actively employed, during the year, m subduing, at the request of the Indian Bureau, certain wild hands of the Sioux Iiidiati nation, and in preserving peace at the South during the election. The commission constituted under the aot of July 24, 1876, to consider and report on the whole cblect of the reform and reorganization of the whole army, convened in August last, and has collectf-d a large mass of statistics and opinions bearing on the subject before it. Tiieae are now under consideration, and their report is progressing. I am advised, though, by the President of the commission that it will be impracticable to oomplv with the clause of the act requiring the report to be pre­ sented through me to Congress on the first day of the Bession, as there has not. yet been time for that mature de­ liberation which the importance of the sub­ ject detr&nde. Therefoie, I a«k that the time for making the report be extended to the 29th day of J&nuarv, 1877, in accordance with the resolution of August 15. 1876. The army regulations prepared under the act of March 1, 1875, have not been promulgated, but are held unto after the report of the above-men­ tioned commission shall have been received and acted upon. By the act of August 18, 1876, the cavalry force of the army in­ creased by 2 500 men, with a proviso that they should be discharged on the expiration of hostilities. Under this authority, the cavalry regiments have been strengthened and a por­ tion of them are now in the field pursuing the renaaantB of the Indians with whom they have been angered during the summer. The War Department. The estimates of the War Department m made upon the basis of the number of men authorized by law, and their requirements, as shown by years of experience, and also with the purtpse of a part of the bureau offioers to provide for all contingencies that may arise during the time for which the estimates are made. Exclusive of the engineers' estimates, presented in accord anoe with the aots of Con­ gress calling for surveys and for the improvement at "various locali­ ties, the estimates now rrrannrrl are about $6,000,000 in excess of the appropria'ions for the years 1874-75, and 1875-76. This increase is asked in order to previde for the increased cavalry force should their services be necessary; to prosed cute commenced work upon important public buildings; to provide for the armament of fortifications and the manufacture of small arms, and to replenish the working-stock m the supply departments. The appropriations for the last-named have for the past few years been so limited tbat the awnmnktinni in store will be entirelv exhausted during the present year, and it will be necessary to at once begin to replenish them. I invite your special attention to the following recommendations of the Secretary of War: First, that the olmmm, under the aot of t-fes 4th of July, 1864, for supplies taken by the army during the war, be removed from the offices of the Quartermaster and Commissary Generals and transferred to the Southern Gurfms Com­ mission, These claims are of a precisely simikr nature to those now before the South, ern OMTOH Commission and War Debt Bureau, and they have not the clerical foroe for their examination, nor proper maohinery for investi­ gating the loyalty of the claimants; second, that Congress sanction the scheme of «ui annuity fund for tho benefit of the families ofdecaased officers, and tbat it also provide for the permanent organization of the regular service, both of which were reoommended in my last anna&l message; third, that the manufacturing operations of the Ordnance Department be concentrated at three arsenals and an armory, and that the re­ maining arsenals be sold and the proceeds applied to this object by the Ordnance De­ partment. River and Harbor Improvements. The appropriations for river and harbor improvements for thtt current year were $5,015,000 With my approval, the Secretary of War directed tbat of this amount #2,000,- 000 should be expended, and no now works should be begun, and none prosecuted which were not of national importance. Subse­ quently this amount was increased to $2,287,- t>00, and the works are now progressing on this basis. The improvement of the Booth pass of the Mississippi river, under James B. fkds and his associates, is progressing favorably,. At the present time there is a channel of 20 3-10 feet in depth between the jetties and the mouth of the pass, and 18^ feet at the head of the pass. Neither channel, however, has the width re­ quired before payments can be made by the United States. A commission of civil engineer officers is now examining these works, and their reports will be presented as soon as re­ ceived. The Navy. The report of the Secretary of the Navy shows that branch of the service to be in a con­ dition as effective as it is possible to keep it with the means that the appropriations give to the department. It is, of course, impossible to rival the costly and progressive establish­ ments of the great European powers with the old material of our navy, to which no increase has been authorized since the war, except the eight small cruisers built to supply the place of others which had gone to decay. Yet the most has been done that was possible with the means at command, and, by substantially re- building some of our old ships with durable material, and completely repair­ ing and refitting our monitor fleet, the navy has been gradually so brought up that, though it doeB not maintain its rela­ tive position among the progressive navies of the world, it is now in a condition more pow­ erful and effective than it ever has been in time of peace. The complete repairs of our five heavy iron-clods are enly delayed on ac­ count of the inadequacy of the appropria­ tions made last year for the working bureaus of the department, which were actually less in amount than those made before the war, notwithstanding the greatly-enhanced price of labor and materials, and the increase in the cost of the naval service growing out of the universal use and great expense of steam mac inery. The money necessary tor these repairs should be provided at once, that they may be completed without further unnecessa­ ry delay and expense. When this is done, all the strength that there is in the navy will be developed and useful to its full capaci­ ty, and all will be powerful for the purpose of defense, and also for offensive action, should necessity for that arise within a reasonable distance from our shores. The fact, that our navy is not more modern and powerful than it is, has been made a cause of complaint against the Secretary of the Navy by persons who, at the same time, criticise and complain of his en­ deavors to bring the navy that we have to its best and most efficient condition; but the good sense of the country will understand that it is really to his piactical action that we have at this time any effective navy force at command. The PostofHoe Department. The report of the Postmaster General shows an excess of expenditures (excluding the ex­ penditures on account of previous years) over the receipts for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1876, of $4,151,988 66. The earitnared ex­ penditures for the fiscal year ending June 30. 1878, are ©86,728,483a43; estimated revem/ie for the Bamo period is $30,645,165, leaving an estimated excess of expenditures, to be ap­ propriated aa a deficiency, of $6,078,267.43. Tue Postmaster General, like his predeces­ sor, is convinoed that a change in the basis of adjusting the salaries of Postmasters of the fourth-class is necessaiy for the good of the service, as well as for the interests of the Gov­ ernment, and urgently recommends that the compensation of this class of Postmasters above-mentioned be based upon the business of their respective offices as ascertained from the sworn returns to the Auditor of stamps •anceled. A few Postmasters in the Southern States have expressed great apprehension for their personal safety, on account off their connection with the postal serviee, and have specially re­ quested that their reports of appre­ hended danger should not be made pub­ lic, lest it should result in a loss of their lives, but no positive testimony of interference has been submitted except in the case of a mail messenger at Spartanburg, in South Carolina, who reported that he had been violently driven away while in charge of the mails, on account of lus fohticiil affiliations. An assistant, superintendent of the railway mail service investigated this case, and report­ ed that the messenger had disappeared from his post, leafing his work to be performed by a substitute. The Postmaster General thinks this case is sufficiently suggestive to justify him in recommending that a more severe pun­ ishment should be provided for the offense |of assaulting any person ia charge of the mails or of retarding or otherwise obstructing them by threats of personal injury. A very gratifying result is presented in the fact that the deficiency of this depaitment during the last fiscal vear was reduced to $4,081,790.18, as against $6,160,938.88 of the preceding year. The difference can be traoed to the large increase in its ordinary receipts, which greatly exceeded the estimates there­ for, and a slight decrease in its expenditures. The ordinary receipts of the Posteffice De­ partment for the past seven fiscal years have increased at an average rate of over 8 per cent per annum, while the increase of ex­ penditures for the same period has been about per cent per annum, and the de­ crease of the deficiency in the revenue has been at the rate of nearly 2 per cent per an­ num. Aftrienltnral Department. The report of the Commissioner of Agricul­ ture acci moanying this message, will be found one of great interest, marking, as it does, the great progress of the last century in the variety of produo a of the soil; in the increased knowl­ edge and skill in thelabbr of producing, saving and manipulating the same, to prepare them for tho use of man; in the improvements of machinery to aid the agriculturist in his labor, and in a knowledge of the scientific subjects necessary to a thorough system in economy in agricultural production, namely, chem­ istry, botany, entomology, etc. " A study of tbis report by those interested in agriculture, and deriving their support from it, will find it of value in pointing out those irticfes which are raised ha greater quantities than the needs of the world re quire and must sell, therefore, for leee than the cost of production, and those which com­ mand a profit over cost of production, be­ cause there is not an over-production. I call especial attention to (he need of the depart­ ment for a new gallery for the reception of the exhibits returned from the Centennial Exhibition, including the exhibits donated bv very many foreign nations, and to the recom­ mendations of the Commissioner of Agricul­ ture generally. District of Columbia. The reports of the District ̂ commissions the Board of Health are just reoeived, too late to read them and to make recommendations thereon, and are herewith submitted. The Centennial. The InterssiiOEss! SshibittCE held ia Phila­ delphia this year in commemoration of i he 100th anniversary of American independence has proven a great sucoess, and wiH no doubt be. of enduring advantage to the oountry. It has shown great progress in the arts, sciences and mechanical skill aiad© in a single sentury, and demonstrated that we are but a little be­ hind the older nations in my one branch, while in some we scarcely have a rival. It has served, too, not only to bring people and products of skill and labor from all parte of fixe together, but in bringing together people from all sec­ tions of our own oountry, which mast prove a great benefit in the information imparted and pride of c iintry engendered. It has been suggested by scientists interest­ ed in and eotmected with the Smi hsonian In­ stitute, in a communication herewith submit­ ted, that the Government exhibit be if moved to the capital and a suitable building be ereot- ed or purchased for its accommodation as a permanent exhibit. 1 earnestly reoommend this, and,believing that Congress would second this view, I directed that all the Government exhibits at the Centennial Exhibition should re­ main where they are, except suoh as might be injured by remaining in a building not intend­ ed as a protection in Inclement weather, or such as may be wanted by the department fur­ nishing them, until the question of permanent exhibition is acted on. Although the moneys appropriated by Congress to enable the partici­ pation of the several executive departments in the International Exhibition of 1876 were not sufficient to carry out the undertaking to the full extent at first contemplated, it gi^es me pleasure to refer to the very efficient and cred ltable manner In which the itoards appointed from these several departments to provide an exhibition on the part of the Government have discharged their duties with the funds placed at their oommand. Without a precedent to grade them in the preparation of such a display, the sucoess of their latere was amply attested by the sustained attention which the contents of the Government build­ ing attracted during the period of the Exhibi­ tion, from both foreign and native people. I am strongly impressed with the value of the collection made by the Government for the purposes of the Exhibition, illustrating as it does the general resources of the oonntry, the statistical and practical evi­ dences of our growth as a nation, and the uses of the mercantile arts and the applica­ tions of science in the administration of the affairs of the Government. Many nations have voluntarily contributed their exhibits to the United States, to increase the interest in any permanent exhibition that Congress may provide for. For this aot of generosity they should receive the thanks of tne people, and I respectfully suggest that a resolution of congress to that enect be adopted. The Klectoral System. The attention of Congress cannot be* too earnestly called to the necessity of throwing some greater safeguards over the method of choosing and declaring the election of a Presi­ dent. Under the peeent system there seems to be no provided remedy for contesting the. election in any on© State. The remedy is par­ tially, no doubt, in the enlightenment of the electors. The compulsory support of the free schools, and the disfranchisement of all who cannot read or write the English language, alter a fixed probation, would meet my heartv approval. I would not make this apply, however, to those already voters, but I would to all becoming a© after the expiration of the probation fixed upon. Foreigners coming to this country to become citizens, who are edu­ cated in their own language, would acquire the requisite knowledge of ours during the neces­ sary residence to obtain naturalization. If they did not take enough interest in our lan­ guage to acquire sufficient knowledge of it to enable them to study the institutions and laws of the country intelligently, I would not confer upon them the right to make suoh laws nor to select those who do. Santo Domingo. I append to this Message, for convenient reference, a synopsis of administrative events, and of all the recommendations to Congress made by me durin • the last seven years. Time may show some of the recommendations not to have been wisely conceived, but I believe the larger part will be no discredit to the adminis­ tration. One of those recommendations met with the united opposition of one political party in the Senate, and with a strong opposi­ tion from the other, namely, the treaty for the annexation of Santo Domingo to the United States, to which I shall specially refer, main­ taining, as I do, that if my views had been concurred in, the oonntry would be in a more prosperous condition to^day, both politi­ cally and financially. Santo Domingo is fer­ tile, and upon ifa eoii may be grown jtiat those tropical products of which the United State© uses so much, and which are produced and prepared for the market now by slave labor al­ most exclusively, namely : sugar, coffee, dye- woods, mahogany, tropical fruits, tobacc®, , . etc. About 76 per cent of the exports of Cuba 1 tied, the more recent Indian coming by are consumed in the United States. A large s way of Behriug Strait. terminates. It is not probable that public af- fS5SJSL*teragRin reoeiT® Rtt«»Mon from me fortfewthan as a citizen of the Repnblie, ai- » *eep interest in the honor, ta- P«*P«ity of the whole lnd. fte (Signed) U. A GBAIWL feTOimvE MAMIOH, DM. 6. 1876. • 111 :;St "Cr All Sorts. LnwffWR has just sent salt to New England. «°ira?oTIClTT grirla know how to elope at. only 13 years of age. ALGERNON SOTKBY DBTSBI htt been caught stealing at Indianapolis. BBECHBR MID Tilton rode from Bos­ ton to Maine in the same palace car kit week. THE Younger brother* will be older when they get the chance to shoot an­ other bank oashier. STEVB KXBKSEY, of Mayfleld, Ky„ put a package of gnnpowder on a hot anvil. He is bald-headed now. IT costs over $22,000 a month to pub­ lish aa. ordinarily good morning news­ paper in San Franeisoo, THE contractor for tho stone work erf Horace Greeley's monument lw ̂ arrested for embezzlement. THBBE is in India a community of Jews called Ben Israel, whose ancestor* settled in India 1,000 years ago. OSTBJOH eggs are worth $10 each at the Cape of Good Hope, where theysw hatched by an artificial process. f" RUSSIA has 170,000 wolves withia ita boundaries. The naturalists are not oer­ tain but that there may be 170,001. A SNYDEB county (Pa.) farmer,, accus­ tomed to abusing and horsewhipping his wife, bears the name of 401„ Com­ fort" • KING KATIAKATTA ia doing all he can to be a great man. He is at premnt wear­ ing a pair of suspenders that Napoleon Bonaparte used to own. _ IT is announced lor the thirteenth time that New York hotels have sgaiu reduced their prices. One can now get very good board at $4 per day.--Detroit Free Press. AN Arizona man was bitten bv a tarantula, and his friends saved his life by keeping him drunk for six days. This settles the doom of the tarantula in that Territory. IF a man who takes pictures is a pho­ tographer, and the art of sending dis­ patches is te&^rraphy, why isn't the man who writes short articles a paroflrraphist f --Lowell (Mass.) Courier. A FRENCH scientific person upbraids Oapt Nares for not taking a balloon along with him. It would have been easy to reach the pole in a balloon from the point attained by the skips. " WHO am de people?" said Bates. TSates reads and thinks, and he said, answering himself: " I know who de people are. Dey is attorneys for candi­ dates dat am not eleoted. --New Or­ leans Republican. ANOTHER great work, the New York and New Jersey tunnel, is to be rapidly pushed forward. With one highway over the East river and another tinder the North river, two very important needs of the metropolis will be mite plied. J *' MRS. THOMAS W. You*r«% of Concord, Mass., has recently attended the golden weddings of two of her "sistert, and will soon assist at the golden wedding of her brother's sister. Thus there will be three interesting anniversaries in one family within one year. MRS. MCINTOSH, who was going to Toronto with cattle, was put off a traia on the Great Western railway. Her pass was refused by the conduotor, who declared, "No woman, can ride on a drover's paes." Judge Burton gave ' judgment for plaintiff on her suit, rth ' miring for consideration the amount o£ damages. AK awful warning is offered to those little boys who use their mouths as pen wipers by what happened to a amall French boy, who nearly died from the salts of copper in the ink he took, and only recovered through the doctor's guessing what was amiss, and promptly applying the right antidote. isjiiNCjui J,.forty-OuG wrecks o? Jspaa- cse vessels have stranded on the A man- can coast; twenty-eight since 1850, qnly fcwolvo deserted, sad all swept across the Pacific by th© great current at the rale of twelve miles an hour. In the great past, it is said, America was thus set- percentage of the exports of Brazil also find the same market. These are paid tor : almost exclusively in coin, legislation, ; particularly in Cuba, being un- 1 favorable to a mutual exchange of the pio- i duets of each country. Flour shipped from i the MisBisefppi river to Havana can pass by the very entrance to the city on its way to a portion of Spain, then pav a duty fixed npoo articles to b® re-exporiecl, transferred to a Spanish vessel, and brought back almost to the point of starting, paying a second duty, and still leave a profit over what would be received by direct shipment. All that is pro­ duced in Cuba could De produced in Banto Domingo. Being a part of the United States, commerce between the island and the main laud would be free. There would be no export duties ore her shipments, nor import duties on thoee coming here. There would be no import dutieB upon the supplies, machinery, ete,, going from the States. The effect that would have been produced npon Cuban commerce with these advantages to a rival is observable at a glance. The Cnban question would have been nettled long ago In favor of Free Cuba. Hundreds of American veseele would now be advantageously aged in transporting the valuable woods and other products of the soil of the Island to a market and carrying supplies and emigrants to it. The island is but sparsely settled, while it has an area sufficient for the profitable employment of several millionV of people, and the soil would have soon fallen into the hands of United States capitalists. The products are so valu able in commerce that emigration there would have been encouraged. The emancipated raoe of the South would have found thare a congenial home, where their civil rights wbuld not be disputed and where their labor would be much sought after, and the poorest among them could have found the means to go there. In cases of great oppression and cruelty such as has been practiced upon them in many places within the last eleven years, whole communities would have sought, refuge in San Domingo. I do not sup­ pose the whole race would have gone, nor is it desirable that they should go. Their labor is desirable, indispensable almost, where they now are, but the possession of the territory would have left the negro master of the situ­ ation by enabling him to demand his rights at home on pain of sending him elsewhere. I do not present the^e views now as a recom­ mendation of the renewal of the subjeot of annexation, but I refer to it to vindioate my previous action in regard to it. > Olttaen Grant. With the present Congress my official life IK tho fields I met a maiden, Both her arms with tansy laden* Ah, how could a girl prevent It, Or & merry boy avoid St 1 , Jfuat one kiss I took and spent It For aaoffaer ©lose beside it. • Ob, fowl how she frowned and pouted t Much my bo'dneus then I soouted t ' But another day I met her, Proffered then a freah-pluoked palley - - And she iauahed: " No, I like better Juat the simple, wild-grown tantty!" THE mission of Prof. W. 8. Clark, of the Amherst (Mass.) Agricultural Col­ lege, who some months ago went to Japan to found a National College of Agriculture there, has thus far been very successful. Already he has 300 stu­ dents in a fine building erected at the expense of the Japanese Government, with 100 men at work on a farm which is connected with it. THE Nottinghamshire (ISngland) oonn­ try folk have two sayings relating to the appearance of severe weather at ttk time of the year : If therc-'e ice in November that will bear a dndk ThereH be nothing aftir but sludge and muck. ' - If the iee bear a man before Christmas It will not bear a mouse after. There is a proverb of a similar ohar acter attached to Hallowe'en, Nov. 1, ]f. S., or the evening before AS! Saints dav: If ducks do slide at HoltandMde AtChiiatmaathey wUl swim; * If ducks do swim at HoMandtidsw At Christmas they will slide. A Blind Lawyer's Hide. Tho champion rider at the Muskogee Fair waa a'blind maa Mined John Mn. Clelland, of McKinneys Texas. Mr Mn. Olelland is totally blind, Wd is ̂ markable. man. He traveled hundreds of miles alone on horseback through the Territory, his faithful horse being his oniy companion. He acquired a knowl­ edge of law by reading raised block let­ ters, and, it is said, enjoys an extensive practioe.--Deniaon {Texas) Cresset. ' PUBLISH that which is good. JDr J H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and* Bloed h^Uh ̂a llfe-« îii£ remedy, imparts vigor hearh and strength tr> thA heaJ'h and strength to the system, puriiiessjad ennchea the blood. Dr. j; H. McLean ^14 Chestnut, St. Louis, Mo. McLean, 314 •&L

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