Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Dec 1876, p. 7

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C0H8TA5TI1PPLE. fPWmllarittos Kud Beaatter «ff Ike TarMaCi C»pit*l. D. Vmtt, in Scfibner for December.] »ple is a oity of the dead m .1m of tite living, and one euooon- te» ereiywhere tombs and cemeteries sentineled by the mournful dark-green oipiWL Oa our wy to take boat for the* Owed Waters of Eorope we de- soended through the neglected Little Field of the Dead. It is on a Htoep #o-' dintar, and the stones stand and lean thiakly there, eaoh surmounted by a in fashion at the period of the ! f* death, and with inscription y oarredL That "every man has date" strikes Ab-del-Atti as a remarkable fiwl' Tbe ground is netted by hap­ hazard paths, and the careless living tread the graves with thooghtlef» feet, aa M the rights of the dead to their scasity bit of soil were no longer re- " We said to the boatman that did not seem wall There was a wwspy touch of philosophy in his reply i MiI mater, the world rww* old! It ii tba fashion for the world to go on Fridqv to the Sweet Waters of Ekurope, the inel of *he Golden. Horn, flowing down, between* two ranges of hills. This •ale;, wMefc is. almost mi oelebr&ted in poebf as that of tne Heavenly Water on tbe Astatic shore, is resorted to by thousands, in hundreds of carriages from Persw in thousands of oaiqnes and bargee. On uK> water the excursion is a festival of the people, of strangers, of adventar- er» of both sexes; the more fashionable, though not moral part of society, which hav ̂e^upages to display, go by land. We elktse the water, and selected a large four-oaar ̂ eaiqae, in the bottom of which we seated ourselves, after a dozen narrow escapes from upsetting the tot- tlish craft, and rowed away, with the grave Ab-del At/ti balanced behind, and under bonds to preserve his equilibrium. All the city seems to be upon the water; the stream is alive with the slen­ der, swift caiques; family parties, rol­ licking midshipmen from some foreign vessel, solitary beauties reclining in sel­ fish loveliness, grave, fat Turks, in stupid tfnjoyraenk Mo voyage, could be gayer than this through the shipping, with the muttitodinoua houses of the city rising on either hand. As we advance, the shore is lined with people, mostly ladies in gay holiday apparel, squatting along the stream,, as on a spring' day in Parw those who cannot afford carriages line the avenues to the Bois de Bologne to watcfe the passing pageant The stream grows more narrow, at length, winds in graceful turns, and finaUy is only a few yards wide, and the banks are retained by masonry The vale nar­ rows Mao, and the hills draw near. The water-way is choked with gaily-painted caiques, fall of langhing beauties and reckless pleasure-seekers, and the reader of Egyptian history might think himself In a saturnalia of the revel-makers in the 3 sacscnl Iv«w VA ^UunoUtf UU Uie AIM). The women are clad in sols silks--blue, red, pink, yellow, and gray--some of them with their faces tied up as if they were victims of toothache, others wear­ ing the gaassa veils, whioh enhance, with­ out concealing, charms; often the oolor and beauty that nature has denied are imitated by paint and enameL We land and walk on® Singers and ntayexs on carious instruments sit along the bank and in groups under the trees, and Ml the festive air with the plaintive and untaeained Oriental music® rMie variety of costumes is innumerable; here meet all that is gay and fantastic in Europe and Asia. The navigation ends at the wnite marble palace and mosque which we now see shining amid the trees, fresh with May foliage. Booths and tlnta, green and white, are erected everywhere, and there are many groups of gypsies and fortune-tellers. The olfve-oomplexicmed, black-eyed, long­ haired women, who trade in the secrets of the Orient and the vices of the Occi­ dent, do a thriving business with those dhrioos of the future, or i'asoinated by the mysterious beauty of the soothsayers. Besides the bonds of music there are solitary bagpipers, whose instrument is a skin,, with a pipe for a mouth-pieoe and another at the opposite end, having graduated holes for lingering; and I no­ ticed with pleasure that the lingering and the music continued long alter the fflnaimftn had oeaeed to blow into the in­ flated skin. Nothing was wanting to the most brilliant scene; ladies in bright g*nmm tm «sy rugs and mats, children • .̂ reaving- head-dresses from leaves and raphes, crowds of carriages, tine horses •ad gallant horsoiBon, sailers of refresh­ ments balancing great trays on their heads and bearing tripod stools, and all degrees of the most cosmopolite capital enjoying the charming spring holiday. in the palace grounds dozens of pea­ cocks were sunning themselves, and the Judas trees were in full pink bloom. ^ Above the palace the river flows in walled banks, and, before it reaches it, tumbles over an artificial fall of rocks, and sweeps round the garden in a grace­ ful curve. Beyond the palace, also on the bank of the stream, are a grove of superb srees and a greensward; here a mtiitary band plays, and this is the fash­ ionable meeting place of carriages, where hundreds were circling round and round in the imitated etiquette of Hyde Park. Miner's Music. A bftMr's wife from Blind Gulch came down to buy a music-box or some­ thing of the sort for the girls at home. She had $500 tied up in a handkerchief and attaohed to the hay-bands which formed her bustle. After she had looked at & do^en or more pianos, she remarked to the clerk : " You can't fool me with no planners as has got smooth legs like that- I'll have 'em carved if I die first." The astute manager signaled to a musi­ cian to try a richly-carved " square- grand, " but she protested that she didn't want funeral music in her house. There was & change of instrument, and, what was more important, a new tune--" The Mulligan Guards." The old lady was delighted. It was the " kind of box as would suit the gals." She bought it.-- San Jfywm/fm® News Letter. ife Important Invention* A trial of the Stevenson tug system has just been made on the Brie canaL A boat curryiug 207 tons was towed with great eag© and speed, and several might have been towed with the simc ease had they happen< d to be there, as the heav­ ier the load the greater the traction of the wheel* upon the track. A number of gentlemen representing the New York Produce Exchange were present, and expressed themselves greatly pleased with the invention. The Captain of the boat that was towed showed his appreci­ ation of the novelty by tailing the driver of his hones to " tnsow them crow-baits into the canal, we've got something solid now." l,: 0V A FRitiMTFPL FAL14 Ih« " XlM*fcwr Mwwter at to1 Ctol.-- S0v*n Pnwni Killed, Md Up- *mt<1 of Two Haadrod Injarod. [Flow Bacnmenfc. Beootd.] The overture had been played, a few m>loq mg, nfl an interval of silence had been reaoM, when suddenly the floor gave way, and the whole mass of people, thrown violently towards its cen­ ter, were precipitated into the stable below, m distance of scans sixties gs -aghfamn feet. The floor seemed to sway down Slightly in the middle, the stage aonV, the jousts drew out of the walls, the floor broke off at the room partitions op t.b.e east end, the rows of boxes ca­ reened toward each other, clung an in­ stant to the walls m they fell, and then pitobed over upon the struggling mass t*f human beings below. The scene wMdb followed beggars de­ scription. One ory of horror went op from the stricken audienod ; then it rose en masse ; tfafl next instant it was tossed ha a broke® and oonfused heap, and a second afterward wm pirated down­ ward and crushed beneath toe broken timbers and the falling boxes, entangled in the wreok of furniture and stage fix­ tures, and wedged in between and broken upon the hacks, carriages, and other vehicles, and the heavy stall partitions below. The walls trembled with the sho©kf the roof wavered, the floor be­ ne®!.!), groaned with the mighty shook, but fortunately the walls stood, the roof clung to its fastenings, and the stable floor, supported from below by posts, bore up under its new burden. The thunder of the fall resounded throughout the block, a great oloud of dust burst from the doors and windows, some off the broken gas pipes Mazed forth in long streams of flame, the light trappings of the wrecked stage ignited, the cry of fire was given on the outside, and before the real nature of the calam­ ity was known the bells boomed forth tlie signal for rescue. Meanwhile, within the doomed building rang with the shrieks of the wounded, the groans of the dying, and the cries of the mass of Che terrified multitude, struggling with itself in. frantk) endeavor® to Meape from the inclosore of the walls, and made desperate by fear that the threatening tiers of brick would fall in upon and crush it again. Men sprang upon each other, dashed over prostrate bodies, clambered upon the neacte of the seething mass, fought like devoted beings with but one chance for life left, the sole dominant idea of self-preservation overriding the reason, and giving mercy no resting- place. Fortunately the warwas now broad for speedy olearanoe, and in a very few moments the uninjured had fought their way through wreok and ruin to open air. Then came the firemen and police and hundreds of strong men to the rescue. Chief Engineer Lee took charge of his force and of all the workers, and, aided by willing volunteers, the rescue went mi with the speed of desperation, and was urged forward with all the power men were capable of who saw their bleed­ ing, dying fellows before them crushed and helpless, and heard their despairing cries beat the air for " help I help! for God's sake, help I" The alarm-bells still rang, and the news of the terrible disaster spread with lightning-like velocity throughout the oity. As it wm Saturday night, the streets were unusually full, and as the news went abroad the people flocked by thousands to the scene. Hundreds of hands soon laid bare the truth, the dead were taken up, and their contorted limbs decently composed for the long silence of the grave ; the wounded were borne to the nearest offioes, engine- houses, drug-stores, and hotels. Every physician of the oity was on hand, and a hundred willing and experienced nurses proffered wit® eager sympathy all needed aid. ,r T In an hour's time the wreck was lit­ erally torn up, and * the fact made a cer­ tainty to the senses that no mortal was left beneath the ruins. 8UMMABY OF KILLTO ASBIfOCXDED. Killed.... 7> Believed £o lis fatally injured...^. 4 Seriously wounded. I^cqs badly hurt JO Slightly bruissdand hurt ..33 Total known 79 It is known that fully fifty persons, who can be classed as slightly hurt, were taken to their homes before their names oould be secured Workmen in the rains place this class as high as 100. At the lowest estimate not less than 130 persons were injured. Fannie Peak, the ticket-seller, was cast down with her box, but it kept well about her, and she was unharmed. Her money-box was broken, and several hun­ dred dollars cast into the wreck. Most of it was recovered last night. The One Serene Man. Good for the "agricultural editor." He hasn't been excited over the election dispatches. His sturdy column has kept its place, and useful information has been disseminated in the midst of the unprofitable froth of politics. Amid the wreok of matter and the^ crash of ballot-boxes he has been quietly writ­ ing up the ichneumon fly and telling us about tree-planting. No country that is Veil supplied with agricultural writers can ever be completely ruined.--Louis villc Courier-Journal. Tax Gbbat Panacea.--In this season of rheumatism, chilblains, frost-bites, etc., nothing better can be kept in the house than Merchant's celebrated Gar­ gling OiL It is peculiarly adapted to Family use, yet it answers equally well for horses and other animals. It is free from Btain, and at the same time very efficacious in all instances where a lini­ ment is required.--Roche*tcr (N. Y.) Daily Union and Advertiser. The header of the Sutro tunnel is now directly under the Chinese cemetery at Virginia City. What a smell you have in your nose; iti«a)l eloppedup; get some of Dr. J. H MaLeau'e Caterrii Buuif. It sooth a, heals, and will ear© a&y disease in your nose or throat. Trial boxes, Mete. hywaiL Dr. J. H. McLean, tfU iiimteut, iaifc. Looia. St, Hldiolas. "Th® king of aU pubUaaUom issoad for the yonng oa either side of Um AtUntta."-- ampUm (England) Observer. The third volume of this tixwmpariMa aiaf- aziM is now completed. With its sight hun­ dred royal octavo pages, and it* six hundred iUtMtcatMXMi, its splendid seriate, it* mhorta? Morim. poems and sketches, eta, ete., in its beaotiful binding, of red and gold, It is the most eplsu&d gift-bos* gtria ever issued from the press. Price, f4; in full gilt, *6. "SL Nicholas is fall of fehaobatoest thing*. The publication ia, in all respects, the beet of itn kind. We have never yet seen a number that mm not surprisingly good."-- Gkwrfk- wwm, Hartford, Conn. R. K1CHOUA FOB 1877, ^ Whioh opens with November, 1876. begins a «ad T6TJ neci&l ui the French. "The Kingdom of the Greedy," a stoty adapted to the Ttumksgiving season. An­ other serial, of absorbing interest to boya, "HIS OWH MASTER," By J. T. TwwMdge, author of the "Jaok Easard Stone*,' begins in the Christmas holi- daynomber. Beside serial stories, Christies storisa, lively afc&tdtaes, poems a™! pir+nrw fnr holidaye, and «?®ae «<iUHu«luiig lllisstotions of Oriental eports, with drawings! by Siamese artiste, the Christmas holiday number of SL Niohoias, superbly illustrated, contains a very interest­ ing paper, "the boto op mt boyhood," By William Collen Bryant; "The Horse Ho­ tel," a lively article, by Charles A. Barnard, splendid!} illustrated; "The Closk ir> the Bkv," by Richard A, Prootor; " A Christmas Play for Homes or Saoday-echoote," by Dr. Eg- gleston ; '* The Peterkins' Christmas Tree," by Lucretia P. Hale ; "Poetry and Carols of Win­ ter," by Lacy L&roora, with pictures. Do not fail to buy 8L Nicholas for the Christmas holi­ days. Daring tho year than will be interesting pa­ pers for boys, by William Collen Bryant, John G. Whittier, Thomas Hughee, William Howitt, Dr. Holland, Oeorge Mac Donald, ganford B. Hunt, Frank R. Stockton, and others. There will be storiee, sketches, and poems, of special interest to girls, by Harrfbt Presoott Bpofford, Sosan Coolidge, Sarah Winter Kel­ logg, Elizabeth Btoart Phelps, Lsuisa Aloott, Lucretia P. Hale, Celia Tbaxter. Mary Hapes Dodge, and many others. There will be also "TWELVE SKY PXCTCHEE," By Prof. Prootor, the astronomer, with maps, showing "The Stars of Each Month," whioh will be likely to surpass in interest any series on popular science recently given to the public. "Amusement and instruction, with fan and frolic, and wit and wisdom, will bo mingled as heretofore, and St. Nicholas will oontinue to delight the young and give pleasure to the old. The London Literary World says : "There fa* no magazine for the young that oan be said to equal this choioe production of Bcbibnzb's press. All the articles, whether in prose or rhyme, are throbbing with vitality. * * * Ths 21ta£aiur«mi<raruBuc illustrations areboth superb." The London Daily New* says: "We wish we oould point out its equal in our own period­ ical literature." GOOD NEWS FOB BOYS AND OXBL8. To meet the demand for a cheaper SL Nicho­ las Gift-Book, the price of vols. L and II. has been reduoed to $3 each. The three volumes, in an elegant library oaae, are sold for #10 (in full gilt, $15), so that ail may give their chil­ dren a complete set. These volumes oontain more attractive material than $50 worth of the ordinary children's booka. Subscription prioe,-- $3 a year. Tha three bound volumes and a subscription for this year, only $12. Subscribe with the nearest newsdealer, or send money in check, or P. O. money order, or in registered letter, to Scribneb & Co., 743 Broadway, N. Y. Fifteen Months for $4. Bcribneb's Monthly for December begins Dr. Holland's new novel, "Nicholas Minturn," whioh promises to be even more entertaining than the story of "Beveno&ks." The hero is a young man who has been always "tied to a woman's apron strings," and everybody Is curious to see " what he will do next." • New subscribers may begin with the magnifi­ cent midsummer holiday number (the firu st number of any magazine ever issued), contain­ ing the opening chapters of another splendid serial, "That Lass o' Lowrie's," by Mrs. Hodgson Burnett, and so get fifteen numbers for $4, ending with October, 1877. Scans ner's Monthly is the best of all die Hiagszines; having Sner iiln*trathms and a greater variety in its oontents. Subscribe now, with the nearest bookseller ($4 a year), or send ch eck or P. O. order to Scbibneb & Co., 743 Broadway, N. Y. At ot̂ rrequest, Oragm A Co., Philadel­ phia, Fa., have promised to send any of our readers gratis (on receipt of 15 cents to pa; postage) a sample of Dobbin's Electric soap. Try it Send at onoe. Tejere are 286 newspapers published in Naw Tork city. J CotiHumptlon Cured. Ait aid Physician, retired from active prac­ ticed having had plwsa t in his hands by an Bast India Missionary the formula of a simple Vege­ table Remedy, for the speedy and permanent Core of Consumption, Bronchitis. < 'fit&rrh. Asth­ ma,1 and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a Positive sn<3 Badical Cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having thor­ oughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by thig motive, and a conscientious desire to relieve hu­ man suffering, he will send (free of charge) to all who desire ii, this "edpe, with full directions for preparing and euooessfolly using. Sent by return mail by addressing with stamp, naming this pacer. Dr. W. C. Stevens, 126 towers' Blook, Rochester, N. Y. Winter is now fairly upon us, and the teams are hnetening to the lumber woods in various parte of the country. Our advice to every mm who goes to the woods, be he oap­ tain, oook, teamster, or any other man, is to take along a good stock of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment and Parsons' Purgative Pills. Many months of labor (in the aggregate) may be saved by this precutiou. Fimpi*es on the face, rough skin, chapped hands, saltrbeum and all cutaneous affections cured, the skin made soft aad smooth, by the use of Jumper Tar Soap. That made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York, is the only kind that can be relied on, as there are many imitations, made from oommon tar. which are worthless The Youth's Companion, of Boston, is a thoroughly wide-awake paper, having among its contributors such writers as J. T. Trowbridge, Edward Eggleston, Edward Etst- ett Hale, Jamas T. Fields, J.G. Whittier, C. A. Stephens, Louisa M. Aloott, Rebecoa Harding Davia, Julia Ward Howe, Mrs. A. H. Leonc- wena, Louise Chandler Moulton. No writers more attractive in the oountry, and bo publi­ cation for young people more enterprising and useful. Thb editor takea pleasure in calling tfee attsntkffi. of sufferers from rhemnatiain, gout, neuralgia and lumbago to Durang's Rheiubatia Remedy. It has been before the public for three veers, and. it is said, has never failed in a single case. It is taken internally, and eurea at onoe. Sold by wholesale and retail drug­ gists everywhere. Prioe, $1.00 a bottle. Bad enough to look and feel bad yonr- self; but no excuse for having your horse look and feel badly, when for a small sam you can r.rxtalrjf CATARRH Sneezing Citirrh, Ohfonio Oa- .* tarrhs Ulearatiw* Oatarrl^ ;r •J permanently eurad by SAN FORD'S ** it liny to Ajgtt. Bwapto free. H. we$77»*g*E^j£args: AQA aDay. mow to MAJLK rr. aw fiivMiMMfe co* rojrM4 to al&eki RADICAL CURE. BPIIIII Uf QB T-ttx* $9u90.70 rtylMi m. HE W WLV CBmasiaam Otm Vmoi. IgaMrrmAiTB. " Nc. j««»uwrta. rBaeh!s«7. iaiaMlll Mlrs Oh. I i " lUSIQll Cm *oa OATim is a safe. U/»l x UtVWT n, It Dootbea, heate. ana eleaases the n»Ml partake* of ev-ry focUnjt orheariaeas, oSstrnction, dulncRs. or Ccnet!tStl05ti^iSuialKuait I >->' ii. 4!'!iijvaw>6 $25 &££& ASKSTS 5*5.«8#?oteS%ESi A GOOD B4J81NB&S 18 tNSUHBDton hy addwMfais Boi 3798. PhllMl»t>h^g. $15 for which, Riven ia grain two or three times a week, will make him look and feel welL A Youth's Publication.--For h*if | century the Youth's Companion, of Boston, has been pahlish^l. I» waa asartod in 1827, , aui Ls to day one of the brightest and most vigorous papers with whioh we are Tiiintml Sbnd ten oents and get three copies of the Caicasro J.^c'^-^the GREAT j FAMILY PAPEll, . »• j - -the taood, puii&eadt of the acid poison with always cnMged in Catarrh,attonlait s t?i» stomiK-ti. pver and kidneys, perreeta difestlon, nviki s ne«-Wood, and permits (ae format!cm of sooiMt, healthy umuo, and anally obtalna oomplete control over tlie otoea»e. The ret 1 Muwy or oonmaHao. Addraaa J. B. Mamkv A Oo.. St. Lnk, .If Olgeaae. The remark able curatlro powers, * other mnedlee n«crly l%U, of &A**roiu>'s R Crax, are atiaated by thowiaads who gratoftuiv rr>r-it to feUow-*u9«rera. Wo statement Ss mnde t it that cannot pe •abarantiatod by the mocl ommeno regardtDfi-re#pectab»p and reUi MTHW. ss.Ta&aag6taajgi AsxvTs rsmntm'tssr* reteeacea. It i» a-grent; and .i.ft . Oub readers who intend purchasing holiday presents will refer to the advertisement of Messrs. Mendall, Hubbard & Co., wboae as­ sortment of Smss Diamonds with a real coating ef the genuine stone are very reasonable. Sent with privilege to examine. Bttbnbtt's Oocoaxnb allays irritation, removes dandruff, and invigorates the action of the capillaries in the highest degree. ^ ^ HAJPPY 'NEW YK\H. ^Splendid hoIid«y nov«>ilt<»«. S<>w Yew's 8t»ti«a, Vesr's presents. New VVar's picfuro*. Nnw Ye»r smacio, Venr's cabinet Xew Voat's chromo». New J®*™ pwtrj. New Year's ohromo book-m.irkm, I?ow \ 3«r » housonuiiJ. Y«ars fashiojin, N>*v Ypju'k «(i- Ntw Ywar's KiwttnRsand other holiday with ran* literary and full-Hi patterns, in tbe ?5>lenni;t hiJjday .lauuary numl>er of Muntkhr '< » wilt's, post froe, yearly Sli, with a Kplciidid Premium. Oonofcfail to th« January number, »/ith 'Sr» brautsful cabinet and arttstir oil chn>m<m. worth several times tho oowt of the innftarnie. Ad<ii*s» W. JENNINGS DKMOKKST, IT K. 1-Ith St. N. V. BEAVTm i, P.VTTKHNS FOR DOLl^, 15, 20 and i.> inches in height. The set incltidts thirteen Kurmentc--polonaise, basque, jacket, wat*r pirxif, bond, ohemise.drawer*.nverskirt, skirt,apron, pettioruit.nijht-dr»>»» and wrapper, with instructions ksu! des.-riptiniis. Price HI cents per set, post free. Address Mmk. DKM-ORKST, WK |#th St., N. Y. Sold at all Toy Stonse at mi, mm*. Deinorest'ii Agencies ever)"where. . M9IE. (rand opening of patterns of the navel and l>eauUful winter ft vie 5 in polonaises, bnsques, cliwksi, orersklrts, etc.. ft Rue de Tracy. Paris; Quoen Vict >; m Street, London, K. C.; aud 1? F 14ti\ Si., N. Y. Airenci«s> evetywbere. (Vnt«'iinlal Award for Patterns <iv»*r ail competitors. See Winter catalogue and splendid Christ­mas and New Year'f numbers of Jitmorr*?* Xlonthlg. ISM. »9d Year. 1877. Progressive! Comprehensive! VBSTEBNFAMJOUMIL CHICAGO, IU^ A MammeUt Weekly for Country and Tone. A Practical Agricultural Newspaper. Jjargmi on the Continent! Ita Otdm&ns are replew each week with fresh.tnt«iMt~ •oflraluabl« matt«r for mtay branch of FARM SSSUKaBJE«wtl"e the department* devoted to use FmffilD& YOVIitQ #«M,KS. CtHRRiVT WPlCS and SEWS ->>•• «acu especial attfintlon •a to render the JOVUKAJ.,, in the truest sense, a com- &oi!SKLD. M th* F1RB8U>^ or fn tba Issue for Jan. 1st, 1877. will be commenced a blKh^teM, InstnctiTe serial story, written etprsasljr for t he Western Farm Journal, entitled THE LESSON FOR LIFE* *?** i* *1^ *bsorbin* Interest, aa well m profit, by all etasses. warrc ron advahob bbert or kktbacxb. We want every man and woman lis the counts? to anhccribe for tho p»p«« and to art m oat t h i s a w M o n , S l n s l e a u b a c . r i n M o n B . . , e « » moiaba. Mo special aut hority to act needed. Send In roar own subjoription and then others m imt aa oiv IHf®"!. WJiA ' iVll eubacrlptious . aoetved dnrtaMl 1876 will run to end of 1877. HAMPT.g. PAPBKB roSnCRS ud OIROULARS Free. Addresa^^^^ WESTERN FARM JOURNAL, WW Waslilngton Street, CMaap. THE BESfTET The Bunday Pehool Times, of which H. Clay Trum­bull and Gforire A. Peltz are editors, and John Wnnn- U tiocs. KADioax Cuks is aoM by all vhoifsale j 'Hi9-1 rtniajfists thronctbout tlin ynited States. Priced, Bfjiot, WEEKS 4k POTTEK,Boetoa. - j EVERYBODY OMSERFUL.UY IKBOOfMMRNMl COLLINS' , VOLTAIC MASTERS.! rPHEY contain the prrand curative element. Elbo- I TsicrTT, combined with the finest compound of j medicinal puma ever united together. It therefore j ecems impossible for them to fail in affording prompt ' relief for all pains and achca. j A A jw A Oims +mmm VK JC waiek Ouiftt fr*» to Anwata. Bttte |U' 0<^d. A<?4(«msA. (*M>XTi/r^K $984 ^a«lc by one Ajrcnt in 57 (l.irs. 19t .urtlcle*. Samples free. Addrofv, *- LUlSUTeK, tl WAMTED Men to sell to Metchanfe • month ind trarnl^nc eaaaHM paid. OKM MFtl. CO.. St, Cm4 AS » mocth, ImM sad dv Bald for mImimb. No p Monroa MamrVa Oo. $80 MAGIC : Sportta* Goods. Revolran. Mairic V QUODS '• Secret of Bean(,v. Agents wautad. logym. iw. K0RKKA OO.. 29 Broadway, K.JT. We will atari nm us tef* HO Bukt fso a week without capital; 1 MONEY i5!tsres?iurss5rs.y - MtaMaS. tbe«eild. Oa» asaBpiafrtBk AMmm JAYBROWSOW. Detroit. M»g. PARTNER IN* KVBRY OOUNTT. 10c. for National Flag, l*uzzl* and Nesripts, K. C. Ast.Mfr.of light, u&efularttcles. Box (>73. New $3N £SSSk "THE BEST PLASTER." I Jfeaftrs. WwJt* <t J\>ttfr,G«nUem*n, -- Please aen<! me six CoixutB* Pt*.BT*Ra. Bend by return mail. 1 tUluk they arc the beat Plaster I ever used. Please find money lncloeod. w ̂ _ HASKELL LEWIS. Milfosd, DXL„ July U, 1878. ii JIMTS vwl Introduc fall d«acriptioi» c Introduction by TthflTirtiy'Ni "X*nrnif> • cimUfir.4 free. A4Arcm» ,4. Q. NKTTLKTON JTCO,, ( AL EXCELLENT PIASTER. M $10 $26 t-*v rv TTi-i:!-; hy Apents M'llin^ oar r.'iyo»sv PS'ttiT' j)l«. worth * -- --,yF{ ftji,'. ('hww C-ftni; . .. ....y r. worth '•'•Jit n-'Stnnid U',l C»t IHh-. J. II. BUr'KORD' S SONS, BOSTON, N.HA8& Jfiwr*. "Wffla <t Potter, Gentlemen, -- Please send me another Collins' Voltaic Pla^tsb. I find them to be an excellent Piaster, --the best that I have over used. I am sorry that the drustclats here do not keep them. F. M. SKIDEK. Bboadwat.O., Jul}-, 1S76. SOLD BY ALL DKUGGTSIS. HOLIDAY HDSIG BOOKS. Ttvo Splendid Volumes for Presents. THE WORLD OF S0N6! Price in Boards, $2.60. Cloth, $3.00. 6ttt.t4.00. MIJML IHfAIITEP^ •• salary. Trav • • ITaian In month m^brcara Students wanted. while practicing. ' Institute,Ja&esriDe,^ Men to solicit orders for our gee<K PMMaiMl e»|4sy»ieM| C««l; iveling expensee paid iw1OompaW- Ualoa Induatriml VVorka, Ctncini»a>v<fc. f. L. Havt>t.v, TMfVr of Guitar, FtatabQn# kA)ft.forTilton Piit.OultarjIhebtstniia ll>enlw In Mtisinsl laBnimest%.lM|k Strings. Ostaloguos ftvr. W) Tmnont StTBSBtMlk R. 8.«. FITCH'S FA^IILiY PIIYHH IAK. lessons overy woek, by the Rev. Nwtuiui IIjUI, «f l.ondon; ana h pruetical application of tlw leiwon truths,by II. Clay lYiinibull. This plan sfcures Stiller und tK'tter lesson heljw than enn tK> obtained else­ where. The Times is pent to new subscribers, tliree months on trial, for 25 cento: one year, fi.15. For seven cents there will be sent a specimen copy of the Scholars' Quarterly, the best Sunday school lesson help for schnlajj puhllshed. Sp«>cimens of the Weekly Lesson Ijcaf sent free. Tlie most complete leaf of any; although il la seld at ao low a price. Address, JOHN X). WATTLES, Business Manajter. 610 Chebinut Street, Philadelphia. We have just received 6. constenmesis of and Watches from Memrs. A. rt now offer to the imhltr nt pri.iea _ .. paralleled, oomprlsiog tho finest assortment to be found in any establlshiaesit in thin city or olseiThere. The brillianryt satiny and Jinith of our Diamonds are not excelled by any found in Scmih America or India, and the rnoet Hcrutfnizitig eye toils to dieco?er any dUferenoe. These goods are a 'ft/with us. LOOK AT Pit ICES i SoliUire Diamond Studs, set in M-karat goid, 3 in set, $51'tvilitaireDiamond Scarf-Pin, eet in 14 kar*t gold,$6; Solitaire Diamond Bin^.set in iK-karst. nold, $8 to $18; Ladies' Ear-Rinst;, Solitaire Diamond, handsomely set in Its-karat cold, pair $8 to $12 ; Diamond Crease*, eleoantlr aet in 18-karaf, gold, $10; Silver Huhting-Case Watoh, Anchor movemetit, $12--these goods r«n(t" from $12, fit to $18, warranted one year; Sleevo-Buttohe, elegant rich Roman Uold, from $:t to $6, etc. srret, tJeneva, whielfwe ; for Hi»n«rior Koode ua- Raieljr have we Itemed ft liook of eongfi including such a variety of really tirst-class and popular Vocal Music. 2ft0 page*, full Sheet Mn#ic size. Song* by neariy sixty dif-fSverit-rcn*.pv>wi» »«I« aniviiff (xnninitiiinnv are niwy such rmw as " rrnne to Me Quickly, " Golden Locks are SilVBr1," " Mjr Heart's Best I»w" "She's » Rosy, she'is s Posy," ami Millard's " Whlppoorwill." We publish nineteen valuable collecUons, uniform with the " Would " and "" Send for Catalogue of ** Hovk Mdsioai.¥," aud select one or more of ita books for Christmas, GEMS OF THE DANCE! A Companion fa d«>tawiu "0MM «tf &ra*»*ln fS.50 in Boards, *3.00 Cloth, 94.00 Gill. The " of Strai'ks " bad a wonderful success, and this new work is fully its equal, and contains the recent "Straus*" pieces and many others by Gung'I, Lamothe. Faust, Ooote. Zikoff, and other eminent com-poserti 'JSS p»»Bes, f ull Sheet-Music eize, well tilled wttti Waltzes, Sialops, Polkas. Quadrilles, etc. Either book mailed, post, free, lor retail pcioe. OLIVER DITS0K 4 €0., Boston. C. H. Dtteon & C*., J. B. Dllsoa A, Co., til Broadway. Successors to Lee ft Walker, New York. Phlla Mention this paper in ordering. Railroad end Express k«*. uses taaaht. BltaetteiW A ruaranteea 01 jroalar. Address UN. TKIJ£URAPH'IN8TITITTE, Box T9U, Freepot, "V>LI m mm B »* ML* A. w aBaw1wi 95 w M • IflV 18 THE SE8T ASO CHEAPEST. mtettion. Sand for the latest descriptive ui kie Wsi. McMillan, aas chestnut St.. £%aadsi»Mk 25,000 i TO BE OIVKN AWAY IN .. next A months by the pubUsksM ' the ST. S.Ol'IS WKE1U.« rOHKNALt For full infc write IMMKDIATEX.T to WOlA)OTT A HUMB PcBLieaxBa. St. Lovib. Mo. IthePubllshsffwe ngsment with will aeixteTery rssd A G I r T »r of this Paper a sample packa^o o r Transfer Pictures free. Send So. stamp for postage. They tiro Wfihly colored, toeirik (UL anU easUy transftrred to AOS <•:>=,( Acents wanted. jr. u fatten a co.. ms wimam st„ n» --'The «holoMt in the world-- --Trade ooatMn O.BoxlMT All goods guaranteei! a.9 represented or money refunded. >nt t»v mail, registered, or espreafj, prepaid, to nil parts of U. iv Send money by F. O. order, r»>#ititei*d letter,or by esDress. Eirtinr will" be cat". Atldreeg all orfers to KENDALL, HUr.BAKD « CO., _ . Manufactuicrs of Jewel:;', i Br 4wr •. Sew Tosk. MEW W1LLCOX * GIBBS AUTOMATIC Investigate the audi of The trated Weakly before detsnaMm > Ms ttpooTour work this fall ast wM*-^ ilaatlon tor this sssson sorp siess inytMH stofore attempted. Terms seat free. Address OHAB. CLUOAH A CO., 14 Warren St-.NewTeifc E l e c t r i c i t y i a I i l f e 1'iioHs Kelt, oest in the wc-1" [Cures Diiwase when all remedies fail. Testinv-- and ctrrnlnrs gent free osMh' >lieatl»n, to P. j. WUIXK» Bond Street , New York. Latent Invention, aud producing most Marvelous Results. Trad* Mark in & i b«M <» Only machine tu the iverU with Automatic Tension and Stitch Indicator. FARMERS* »v«*ry mtcblsi SILENT SEWING MACHINE- Send Postal Card for Illustrated Price List, &C. "Willcox & Gibbs S. M. Co., (Cor. Bond St) 068 llr®adwajv New York t> A* goU fer wnnn tk» nacw ^ of enUoery Sleigbs of equal ntvle aod floleh ; while they are etroniicr than any ^<55?^ £bo© Otit-ter oak » made an'S 110 hearler In weight. Ko«e* are all malleable iron, material best tbat >ari be found anrwherfi; finish (irsi-^laea, ityle ko^'% fasb4otiiil>3e«. Hare gome respon«lW® ^ M S r n m m H a r d w a r e O f Imr.lemfQt Dealers order one for you, who ar* au'borlied I» wiBSiwr vutM to thtir e«»iomer» m JL r ABBOTT * CO., «'• * 8«bor»to" CHICAGO. Cincinnati Cancer Inatitnta, Offico No. 1«*» Plum St. Established fnr the rur'e of Caneer. Tumore. l'l<*r». Sk-rofilla. and Rklti dlsp*«»». br lwal ii nt constitutional ren»e-,iles. ,'nueer cured without the use of the knife or canslics. This trentment Iia« heen »ui:ee««rully employed for many year*, ami in no case <toe« the Canoer return an when removed with the knife. A» evideow I>rrwaI faith and honorable dealing, vte require no fee for our nenrices utitil the |iaileot is »ur«d; For further infi>rnjBti«» enclose two ftamjis tor lioolt contaliiiiis theoiy of treatment, teKtimoDialo from pauenta thet bare been cured, and Bm claas ci» reference;, etc. Address L, 11. GKATIO^T. M, V> Bo, m. CINCINNATI, OHIO. EST Milton Gold i Jewelry Comhina-tion out. Consisting of watch chain, ladies' Jet and jroki hrooch, jet and gold ear drops, pair elegant frola stone sleeve nrttonx, set Hpirai «tuds, collar but­ton, heavy plain wedding ringr, and Ki'iits' Paivitka dia­mond pin. Tbe id, for 50 cents, have been shove 8 articles sent, |*K<tpn: , retailing for 86. r.nikrtipt sttx'k and niunt be stild. F. STOCKMAN, 27 Bond Street, New York. Guarding MO ftUPERB INORAVIMOS.C7 the Mails »Agenfi ^suma KNORAViNjoa.r-- Wanted 61 SECRET 8ERVI0B s&r.sK^ss?.Rs?ann®^ lAgentnndar j> M Ssn'i. Jswsl;.. Thejnoit remarkable and thrlllln* book oo i«'t',xl«>ii«vcrwritten Wonderful ExDlOlt«ofto«S««'t He'vu-eArt-jU la the j)«rsiiitandeapt»r«of PoeulThtasws. New bavlr? aiTunnaralkird «sl?. OurlarW llla«tf»»edcircolarefre«. Ocana.OiuiaB A C*.U«rtford.Cl.lCMea«^nt,CtaslBiuUk.O |3r-K,l-;A.I>Y FOR A.OT^WT«-TME CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED. A irrnpliic pep-nicture of ite history, »r«K bufidiiMT". 5MferW exWbitm riirlts^rtej «reat dnym etc. Proftiseijr illustrated, thorouA ly pnindar. and very cheap. Is telltng InuBenaely 5.<KM> Aii EN TS wanted. Send for " fcappsaia Awgpai' Sepccaabcr. or their sons wanted this fall ifinter, ( 1 or 2 In each Co.) to ' a lew staple articles of real I to the farmers in their own counties. Ihisinrix plcaasnt,, fits good. 1'artU-ulare tree. J. WORTH. St, Louis, SL«S YUUR own !UK£NXBa in oil colore, to ahow < painted on canvas, 5)4*734, from a pbotogriaph < Csiie, free with the Home Journal, $3.50 a year. 8a Picture aftd paper 6 mefntha for «1. One agent j j^.6() in a day. Address U T. LUTHKR, Oorry, f aa CAMMWAMDff mn IwewraW* 4 JiKiR SS'K.T^ saii ssdM'.Mtr, ta ibautsUan. M«o»al«ta, eaat, Ettowea#Uto ItuanatMDa.rmsa'B RItnitZng awiaDT, tolaey 0« Uvw Pllla a Hisiant euia, m will rafuad aan. ftwtl •a « < « a a d J t a d l W l A d T t r * a a a t » B a l l , s s a w a . Mitnm W L . . . ttlHIklMrttibK-i :> :.'.!>daMla. »l*WCI."t«8 AT MIUMIIW. WmKCsg r:r! cscuuut K.0EttEWCK8iC0 Ai.DAMV \ H. [Eatabllahed 1646.] X.ESTE7 & OO. B i T 7 " t . nrSend for Dlnsirated Catalogue. VABE'S FUBUft 55WK:S£ F1BB iBOUDPAY OIF1?* ,. GAZETTE, monthly, entirely floral. » tinted paper, riohlf iUastrated. Only 30 eta.»j beautifal ohromo Moss Rose2 eopies, with O.v M Miik naalrsM VIAMB ( fiUu.; or 3 months on trial, with r 111. OatAiogue, for stamp. GEO. 2 eoplag. withjhwaifc paokaae Flower Hkeda a«4 o.W^Iek, Mt-VernoaTo: erer oc th* TUMORS aad Sc.. >9 Dr. T. .8. RoB^mraoN*, CANCER the American Cancer remedy for tbe radi< Scrofula bwMtinjron U10 wuwj uiui,wiii •cuu, un rwamm of a full course of medicines that baa mmm foiled in the ante of Cancer, Tumors or Scrofula. 9* Tremont Street. Boetoa JImb> %r. Butts,a&itpeniiaty Ko. 12 N. t&hit., St. Lonia.1 WRK TWAIR'S NEW BOOR! Is Um <hraadOI4 MUSTANG LINIMENT, fssss. as?.- DOMESTIC 1876. 1776. B U R X U.S. CENTENNIAL GAZETTEER AND GUIDE. TV Us what has been accomplished during 100 years, (jives general information concerning each State and Territory, and is of more practiaal value than anything crcr ptiblishod. Gives information of our own and all other Inhibitions of the world, with Cuts of theBoild- toK®, Ao. Agents Wanted Everywhere. Send i'2.00 for Boot and Circulars, or send for Cirooian free. Any one can sell It and make money. Office, 152 8,4th St,( Philadelphia, TOM SAWYER, Ia ready for Asentci. Don't get behindhand this tfcn% bnt send for your territiirv or circular# at onoe. Address AMRRICAN PUBIJ8HING CO.. HAKTFOUD, COHN., CmCi.OO, 1Li., ClNrlNMATl.<le. S15 SHOT GUN A ttoubi* tinrrvS gwo, bar or front irtmMeifM-ulnetm lnt bariols. aud a goofl shooter, en; ko ha^i; witli 9wfte Pouch »nd WRd-outter, for $15. Can seut C. O. I>. «itk pfri llejio to «?xamiof? b^for*: paying hilt Serwi Stamp fm ciriiiilir t> P, POWELL k Q»n Dealers, 238 Male St., Cincinn lis WEIGHT ii GOLD* The Kt:lii>be Aatomatte Katingnisher Burner all UoaWJil l^iunpa perfectly safe. They eat piode; cannot be filled whOe burning; instant); Kuished if dropped, broken or upset. Fat out- as <MfM K&s. Mailed to any address for o<> cen-. s. A few aagala. mole and female, wanted. Profits laren. Kt" IjIPSJB jMANi'VACTlJiUMU CON Ciacianatt. O. A AGENTS WANTED FOR HISTOmr TENTEN'L EXHIBITION It sells faster than any other book. One Ajtent copiee in one day. This is tho only anthennc atta '-- piete history published. Semi for our;eitTt» ,MnMlJ Agenta. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Chicw, F Pottei's Am rican Monthlj, 50,000 iLLrBTKATED; Ji f f t \ 'l?' 1?. the Country. »t. S3 for lB7i. ^rooyrtses* year for S13; 10 copies, for lor $o0. and a copy ot * * for $50, snd a copy 01 *""»»** Subscribers KiiryrlupnUa, quarto, ,».iw fo1 tions. price, SfS.givea»th^rjooMJ*- 1877. K«, *9 C.N. O- WHITIMO TO AnVEHT^ffiaS^ \ f rlraie nm.y you »tw tke •dTtrtll'l* |» in '*» paper.

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