Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Dec 1876, p. 8

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WHAT PLUCK CAN HO. ' M. i,'V: ' * * An llhwtration of that force or char­ acter which Is genuine power--men call It phi^kv but I* It not about all that ther*4a-A» geoim ?--may be Seen in ati Inctdittt; lu the life of Mr. Edwin Norrli, fHice Secretary «f the Atiaflfl^dety, and translator to tht Eagiftb. foreign office. He had a rawtafkable knowledge of languages, and had acquired the art of type-set^ ting. He waa passionately fond ,«f tf»velttiff$ ttnd in his pedestrian tours •a th»eontineut of Europe his remits ianuvr ii^m iiutne *uuie liuies iali««l roacttltlan. This, however, was to him )wt a trtvat event, fits resources mad* him Independent of the jpost-ofllee.: Orcca, da arriving^ at Oerieva, le without* penny. Goiwtfl to tblpdclpil pili»(tng-offlc«, he as^- •d ta$%$ip\ny met>t is a eompoaitor, •tatm»||i||^he kaew several lanpuagrep, fs slacked, and the yeoq^|jj|jig^ilst !s about to look further. Sfca^ftsityg the printer, k'I have been pHatll^a Hebrew Bible, of which a Mttie dona, but i can find no printer in towti to finish ft, Can yoti undertake the j«HM»«o taj**tigh with It?* s;> • i - • *V'ci£if«Ir." ' 'y:^d . The jot> was undertaken, and when y^otnplal^stl, Mr. Norris departed on his ' tour with mora than a penny jlis You ale Interestod In This NEW PRICE i BY % SttlTfttli! Trade CASES « <* vnv/m REABf ,the aew J FALL and WINTER where you tmn do youf- ,'xm 3 iwa Mettr. fe S*V4 Hall. LAUER 1 BECKER, t •'l ,441 ,M« • wh. KB i»"ear the Mchenry, - - Illinois The subscribers are now prepared, with n SuM-k of . i P#Cket aire kjtew wmt if waC; " * " , of our citizens is blessed (or i>tfi- #f#iM£),*ays the New York Evening /tost,wkh a very stubborn wife. In his case' he finds that when a woman will she will, you may depend ou*t, and When she won't she won't, and that's ail «»d ouH. This peculiarity of disposi­ tion in his wife is no secret among his associates, and one of them meeting him the other day asked: **W ,do you know why you art Mfce a donkey Ft -Like a donkey ?" echoed W-- opening hia eyes wide. "No, I donl,* **I>o you give it up?" £ lido." . ^Because your better half is stubborn- ' " M m i t s e l f ' . . . < 1 . . * ; "That** not had. Ha! Hai ril giTO that to my wife when I gat home." t "Mrs. W.---he asked, as he sat dawn to enpper, "do ypu know why I am like a fionfcgy ?" ,f,.t fie waited * moment, expecting his wife to give it up. But she didn't. She looked at him somewhat commis- • r a s i n l p r . a s s h e a n s w e r e d • *1 itipptee because yoa» we*s bora a*.** *•" Fine Cloths t>f all Kinds, To make tire Suits, on short to order Coats, Pants, Vests or en- notice and on the most Reasonable Terms. NESTf Biohmond olid BHuawl©* CfMrib. ^ ' |p Best Prints ... Rest Hleacheil Cotton,... Bos? Unbleached,.... \H Cambric# Ilrftss braids CGats Tit read S K5lM>d..., . *j. * & f. & .%* Spool Si lk 100 y arils.. .J..,' .v........ 10 €w««I Corsets L60 No. 1 hlaek A1 nae&s...I............ 32 Alpacas No..1 black Cashmere No. 1 all wool Cashiiusffi Mens suits Boys s«iit. Overcoat*. '....'.Liki Best Younsr Hvwm T«a« Best Gunpowuer Tea.^........ Rest Japan Teal 12 lbs. Hire 8 Ww. Good Coffee SSbars Soap •12 Cakes Fancv Soap. 9 boxes dime Matches........ •f •« SO " "*•*** 75 1".*.........$7to 3*26 ,........:|2.50 to $10 ij,;;.t.i....S5to«ao t±.4ii. i~. . AO L00 70 L00 1.00 L00 26 26 1 Syrup 1 Castile Soa»';..; 1 Box Layer It&tsens.i. 18 1tK\ Pared Peaches.'.: Saleratiis.... Sih er (il«>8s Starch...., Corn starch....- S» lbs. Cod Fish.,.' 10 1t>s. Kaisens 1ft 1»>s. Prunes. 12 Ihs. /.ante Curraatsv. 50 Good Cigars....a.vr4'**'MiS,.... ..... Stove Polish|».r;w/i Axle Grease Indies Shoes 4XV; Bust Kip R:iot«/ i . \ .t.i-i/ia; i 7 . Good Kip Hoots ; Good kip Boots.;. Boys Boots So. 10 to 13?. Bovs lmots No. 1 to 5 CPursLand Robes. All Price® .2.50 to 2.80 NUNDA MALLOltY, - - - - ILLINOIS I am prepared to sell von Goods cheaper than any STORE in the NORTHWfcs f. WHY NOT? I buy and sell for cash,--make no bad debts, and liirht runnin>J expenses completes the list. ALL my immense stock of men and boys' clothinK is mauufacture l Expressly for MR. OI?E price to all and that the LOWEST. A cordial invitation is extended to YOU to call and C. F. HALL. price see me. N E W S T O R E ! Natlng remtortll td fife New Store, near the De­ pot, is better prepared than ever to supply his cus­ tomers wltrtll Jm I am Bound to Sell the Lowest. Mens Buffalo Lined Boots $3.25. Fine Calf,. $4.50. Extra Kin, 83.50. Goo't, $2.50. Youths $2.40. Boys, $1.!)0. Rubbers. 40, (50 and 75 etc. Womans l\id l)iitton Shoes, SJ2.50. Side Lace, tgc£.2f>. Calf, sewed or pegged, $2. Fine Goat $2.50. Cloth, f 1.50. ftlisses, Kid side lace, S3 But ton, SI.75 and §1.50. Childrens, 75 cts. $| and $1.25. Babies. 30 cts. 75 cts. and $1. New stock just received. Tinware, all kind}, stove pipe and Elbows, 28 cts. ouch. 1 keep Bishop's Celebrated Flour. Young Dyson Ten,D©cts. Japan best, 60 cts. Gunpowder, 75 cU. Imperial, 70 cts.' Liberal deductions on 5 lbs. Ground Java Coffee, 25 cts,, and 3 sets of Silver Spoons in 'every 48 pounds. 1 sell Corn Starch and Gloss Starch for 10 cts. Saleratus, Yeast Cakes and Soap 8 cts., 15 bars lor $1, 7 for 50 cts. Fine Cut Tobacco, 50, 75, and )<0 cts. l'lifg, 60 and 75 cts. Sinok. iff, 35 aud 40 cts. Durham, 70 cts. a pounds Mixod candy. 20. cts., Fancy, 30 cts., Stick, 18c,ts. New «tock Colored Crockery cheaper than ever. Noti >ns of all kinds. Envelopes 1 furnished and printed for 10 x,Ms. a bunch, 3 'or 25 cts. 'If ordered by matt send a 3 cent stamp for postage. Best lot Cigars in town. 50 for $L Large stock Pipes and Smokers ar- . tides. Pure llavanas, 5 cts. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. Life aud Fire In­ surance Agent. Insure in the Protection of Chicago, which is the cheapest Life insurance Company. It has paid t\Vo policies in tins' town of $2,500, one for Mrs. Banister and one for JosiiUi Walkup. Call on me for bargains I. M. Biallory. Nunda, IlL, Nov. 8th, lSJfk ftSTGood Fits Guaranteed Wfcrifcttted.'m'V •** • ? *':? We also Keep a Full Llne^w Beady - Wide Clot^nft t • GENTS FDBHISHIHCr GOODS, Hat3, Caps, &c«,: ' ^ ' Which will 1)C sold as Low as at any estab­ lishment in thpOoiinty. We have eoni(! here "to stay, and respectfully ask a share of public patronage, pledging our­ selves to do our best to please all who may g^ve us a call. v Clothes Cleaned hi the best of tnanner and on short notice. , LAUER & BECKER. McHenry, July 25th, 1876v NEW FIRM. BLAKE & B1NTFIELD. Having Removed to their New Store, Corner of Owens' Old Stand, have just filled up wiQi, « Urge and well selecttd Stock of Chicago & /North-Western RAILWAY. jj; Pflgse^fefB fQ^CirroAGd, Detr»U, role4| • Clev(Hand,"KuiTa1o, Niagara t'alls.jTtttsfeniSwJ Cincinnati, Rochester, Albanv. Toronto. Mqi * tneal, Quebec, Portlauc!.^Ros'ton, New' Yn%< Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore, I.ouis,-Cairo, San Francisco, Sacramento, *Oj, den, Salt Lake Citv, Denver, Council RluiS. Sioux City, St. Paul, Marquette, Escanal*,Me» naslia, Madison, Cheyenne, Omaha, Yaukto. Winona, Dulu th, Green Bay, ^filwankee, and all points North, West, South and East.ahoikM buy their tickets via. the Chicago ft Uorth-Weftem Bailwey. • Close ciuirections are made at Chicago wltil the I ake Shore A Michigan Southern, MicM- gnn Central, naltiuuue & Ohio. Pittubttrit Jt'ort Wayne & Chicago, Kankakee Line a*S Pan Ilaiulle Routes, for all points EAST and SOUTH-EAST, and with the Chicago & Alton ard Illinois Central for ail iK»ints SOUTH. iClose coniiectinns are also made with ami tfnion Pacitlc R. R. at Omaha for all far WeSf points. « Cloxe connections are made-at jun«* tktn points with trains of all cross roade\ Fttllman Palace Cars. - Tliese celebrated cars are run on all nigitft trains on all the; lines of this read. 5 > This is the ONLY LINE running these carl between Chicago and St. Paul Or Chicago ana , Mil waukee, • .< ^ At Omaha our Sleepers connect with tl fwgi Overland Steppers on the Union Pacific Rai! 1 road, for all {toints west of the Missouri River Among the Miiwnts clrod iy ffls Be to the traveling public are art! the modern Movements: ]{<>ck and Gravel BallasdeilTrr Steel Rail; Rock and Iron Bridges, Parior Drawing Iloom Day Coaches, Smoking Lounging Cars, Westiughouse Saft_. ti Brakes, Miller's Patent Safety Coupling Platforms, Speed, Safety and Absolute C fort. Banninf through Five Great Btatef. and operating over 2,000 miles of road, I Com pan v presents to the traveler facility that ARE NOT and CANNOT be offered by a Competitor. All tickets agents cam sell yon ticket*. this route. If you M'ish the best traveling accommo* lions, von will buy yonr tickets by this rout and will take no other. MABVIN HUGHITT W. H. 8TINNET1 General Supt. Gen'l Passenger Agt A Iffr n%ht of the MOtlMt.daring and sneoessftil robbery Was added te the Ust, at Somerset, Ohio. Four masked men entered the lieiise of Xr. Heam, the cashier of the buik; three of then seized him and took him to the bank, where he was forced to open the safe, while the . fourth man stayed at the house to prevent an alarm being given. 910,200k was taken from the vaults and the rebr tors made good their escape before toy alsfflgt Was given,leaving Mr. Beam gagge&wMl bound at the bank, where tie was leood n H i tie before daybreak •n the Inlawing morning; rs aM SI Stoves, Tinware, &;c., ?ws»i f he Journal »ay»: A Ksw Yorj| min has Mil! convloted of swearing t# the trttt%jBut the trouble is the Mlow b^Pldthathe was committlaf perjury at the time of the offense, though subsequent revelations proved fli&t Ims had unwittingly sworn to in# '•Smth. "Banc® Ms ^ailt. • tie a Isssob to everybody. Cfeorgia colored debating Ifeety was recently discussing,/'Which if the best for the laboring man, to work for wages or part of the crop fn An old "uncle" spoke the sense of the meeting when he said "Bofe was de Wat, if they could only be brung to] gedder soBftehow." . >• . - IHB^A^Ilttle girl came into one of Mir storfs the other day to take shoes he,me for her mother to select from. "What number does your mother wear sissy?" asked the merchant. "She told ma to bring some half-past fours," (•plied the little girl. Terrible Excitement! ",hc 6toek •* •1M at jmn tkat DEFY COMPETITION. His stock of Stove*, both COOK and HEATING, caunot be excelled in the County. *"r QUICK SALES & SMALL PROFITS Is his motto. Call and see for yourselves. JOHlftl M. SMITH. McIIjjnry, Ilts^ Nov. 27,1876. PEEB.Y & MARTIN. -3P- r ^ - - ILLINOIS $g . 4JTD 1,4* HOW PREPARED TO MURDER ! The Market at the Low Prices I cut oflter mr •Biy Good®, ^;{.vy- and Caps,y Qioice (jjOMTies, &c,, &c. <Oive me fce*:teo»viHced ^onvselves Stat I ean «|UiM|4]itopr thiw* w» other Store in thepfpiv ̂ iad you can sa,ve won- s : EOBERT It BOTHGBEBBB. • ;;;,lr«Bda, Zll| Hov. 28th, 1875. K^The Highest Market Price Paid gfcr *U kinds of Country Produce. , m 'WY ' Headquarters for all Kinds of Dry G-oocis i Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps Groceries of all Kinds, Crockery Glass - Ware, FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, JFBtTNKS, And in short, a First Class Stock of General Merchandize. __ ^ ^ ̂ ^ ^ We are constantly receiving new Goods of all kindsfatfd baying them for Cash Down are thereby, enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live in this neck of the woods. Our LABGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we oan say that OUR CLAMS A8E NpT UNFOUNDED. ShKlf and Hardware GLOVES and MITTENS, GB0CEWS8, CB0CKS&Y ft QLASS-WABS L. FRAfSC^CO, WAGON AND Shop opposi te the Parker %tnse, • WicHENRY V- - - - I L L I N O I S . Persons contemplating purchasing a new Bnggy should call at my Shop. I can give you a good open Bugjry, ma'de of the best, material and linislied in c,lan» style for ̂ *0. Am now pre piling to put up a line lot of Outters, which will be sold ar. Hard Pan Prices for Cash. I am also Agent for all lead­ ing Farm Machinery. Horse Slioeinsr A SPECIALITY. R E P A I R I N G Of all kind8 promptly attended to. see for yourself. Oall and L. FRANCISCO. 3lcIIenry, 111., Nov. 14th, 1876. We always guarantee oargoodsto he what they are represented to be and are always ready to Make good our word. nnot aierd to be spdncaH o' enernwms ptofits oil our goods. %«inteid'io L j *"* J f l~" Live and Let Live!"T! And wjiik w« are grateful to a^ genarous pablic for their patronage in time past, We hope to merit the game in the future. , |@~GIVE US A CALL and we MfiH show y<w offlp Goods aud use yoin well vkhettie* yeu-iibuy ef ns or nirtr. *Z£* McHenry, Dl^ July 27th, 1878. PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother. FOUNDRY AND Macbine SbOD, VOIiO, ILL. WARD B. GALS, .Proprietor. The undersigned have jnst started a Foun- ilry and Machine Shoji, and are now i»rep;ircd to'doall kinds ol Cantipg for Machinery, on short notice and in tfee. best of manner. We al8o manufacture the celebrated Gale Wind Mill- Repairing of all kinds done promptly' and satisfaction Guaranteed. Threshing Machines repaired on short no­ tice. Orders solicited. - WARD B. GALE. Volo, 111., July 5th 1876. / BAYLIES. GREAT Mercantile Collejre, Keokuk, Iowa, on the Mistdtssipni. Prof. Win. II. Miller Cieneral Manager. Nineteenth year. Al»out sixty ihdlars pay all expenses, for Membership TVmrd and Stationery. Bf)okl»eepers, Penman, Uei»orters, < iperftters, Architects, surveyors and Teachers thoroiijflilv fitted. Knsilish .re telB t.>get . B«1Uh«JJ.{SSSX' B» Oolletre Hall. Free rurnislied voom-s for self boarding, Telegraphint; free. Short band writing free. (Jood iHiiirdiiitr cliihs ftpd tauiilv Iwarir. liailroad fare deducted. Immense business in Ke'okuk. No vacation. Address Baylies College, Keokuk, l«wa. State where yo^i saw this aflv(^rti»einent, WESTERN HOMES! Ttie L*kk City Jottrkat^ is a local news paper published in the midst of the (iarden of t.lie \V»*>t, where lands nav Ik> procured at to ae per acre. The man of whatever age, pro. fe-siim or capital,-can here make his fortune. Those contemplating a western home and competency, may be thoroughly informed by becoming subscribers to the JoVrnal. Terms: One vear. 82 00; Six months, $100; Three montHMMiifPttt; P^tago paid. Address »• lloToimisS, Lake City, Iowa. And their id are now prepared to sell all Goods iw- r ltneAT TifK LOWESTl^lVING PRICES .1 )W- Our Goods are all new and selected with especial vc'.erence to the wants of the peopwP of this community, tn»uble to show Go>'ls. lull and examine our Goods, and Prices before purchasing. &35~The Highest Market Price paid for But­ ter, Kggs, and kln^Sjbf Country Shoe Shop. - Our Shoe Shop is in full Running Order, and we are prepared to make Roots and 3hocs to Order or do Repairing ot» slv>rt ml ice. W«0ro Agerts foivtbe eolohrated PatetiS Heel-Stiffe- n*r, which Is w:ln%mted to prevent Roois and S!»oes from Hnhniiig Over. ^"All Mvirrint- H i in.AIvE A , McH«mry, 111., Oct. S7tl» W7S. 1 5 * Ar > now Kcccivhig tlieir Fall aiij Whiter StoJ: of And will give great Bargains for CASH. They have an immense stock of Mens', Boys and Y out lis' Boots of all kinds, which were bought very low and will be sold right down. FQli CASH. D WIGirf^& FORHEST, Corner Main Street and Public Square, WOODSTOCK. - - * - ILLINOIS Dated Sept. 20th. 1S7B. HENRY COLBY, --DEALER MJ-- PAINTS, OILS, Painters Brushes, Dyfc Stuffs &c., &c. Physicians Prescriptions Garefafly Compounded. | STATIONERY. "iVe"haTe a line Stock of Cap, Bill, Note and Mourn in Paper, which we are selling very Cheap. rtne assortment of the latest Styles tun jui i'axicy Payers, coubCuutly ou iuind. All Goods Warranted As represented and Satisfaction. Guaranteed. Patronage Solicited. H. COLBY. McHenry, Juty 27th, 1875. J . S T O R Y , -rrI>EALER IJI--, , STOVES 3 '[ • 'PAHMINO IMPLEMENTS* ' ' " CLOTHES WRINOEM *P-vr&c., ,1 i iWHICfl ^WttL-'-BE8" ^ L O W E R y iliiow is the time?to purehaw, and iB.V 1 ̂ eHpve tb^^Ifa^fiirnjish gq»0<g$9fat as lo^r j>r|ce8, as ahyonelh the Count;. Also kepp On hand a fhll 8t*>elt Oi* BUILDING PAPER, such as irib»»: Hoard. W^ter Propf, Iron Coated and! Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpafc Lining.: CAWL Hepairing: Promptly attended to. J. 8TCRY; Opposite Owen» Mill, H. CAIMAN, MERCHANT TAILOlt . . . . . ^ WAUCONDA« Lake County, ~ - • Illinois* Has just reeeived the Largest and Beef Stock ot Cloths, Cassimeres, Faney Vesting*, and also Clothing of all kinds, ever brought to this Market. Mens', Youths and Bpvs Snlta' of all grades and prices. I am pregtueo to Suit you in Ready-Made Clothing Suit 3rou to* Order. / Suit you in Price. Suit you in Style; Suit you on Fit. YOUJtB, XBlTtT, , ' ' * R * Wauconda, til., Aprfl 25th, 1876. / / At the Old stand Of J. E. Vasey^ R{R2#OCDf - - ILLINOIS Have just filled their Store witD a Large Stock of STOVES, Both Cook and Heating, which they are offer* ing to the'bnying public at BOTTOM PRICE8 We have also a tine assortment of Table and Pocket Cutlery, and other Goods that ara usually kept in a country J Hardware Store. Ia connection with ff Hard ware we have opened up with a ilea I.lino The Best Tobacco and % To be. found in the Market. , ^ (f<^R sypOK OF fcrs, *d / Rubbci tioods, Ac., are of the best manufac. tnre, and we extend an invitation to all to come and see lis before purchasing elsewhere* All goods sold at thd Lowest Cash Prices. VASEY A HOLME ft ' Ringweod, Sept. 18th, 137ft.

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