Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Dec 1876, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, DEC. 27th, 1876. Railroad Time Table. GOTXG Ge*evaT,ake PASSENGER........LLRIFIJ-AS A * Geneva Lake Freight... Ar. .."T;^J*Sr. I GOING XOBTH. ®«pev» f.tke Freight .. J VjjiM# A. *. Geneva Lake Pas«enirer,^7.•((S j>, 3IASOXIC. *CWICNTTY OWAV*H* So. M R. A. Rcsrii- I* OONVWATIONRS held on the second and ionrth I ridnys in each month. HENRY COTJBY H. P. PriASKI AlXTClt Sor,, CHURCH DIRECTORY. MKTlionrPT.--Rev. J. H. Bacon, Pastor. Services everv Sunday at JO.V A. *. and 7 P. M. Sun-I VY School IT 12 M. WM. PAGE, superintendent. REMEMBER,the Leavltt Swiss Bell Ringers, at Riverside Hall this eve­ ning. * MCHENRY Public School closed on Friday last for the Holidays. It will commence again on Tuesday January Id. ' REMEMRER the Party at the Parker House on Monday evening next, by the Band. The best of music will be in attendance. E.M.OWEN is Agent for the cele- brated Portland Gutter, the latest style out, which are selling like "hot cakes." See his notice elsewhere. If is going to be as'tame as Thanks­ giving when the election is settled and men can't dispute- returns and punch oae another's* ribs in "fits of pugilistic {patriotism. THERE IS one thing we are losing eight of in this muddle: Everv part of the country is getting full of unnamed babies, awaiting the final result of this election. GEO. OWEN caught A LARGE grey Owl a few (lays since, and now lias him at E. M. Owen's Warehouse. He is a wise looking bird, and looks almost able to tell who is to he the next President. « THE pleasaiitest sight at this time of year is to see a man pick himself up serenely from a slippery sidewalk with a benignant smile upon his counte­ nance. ,O.W. OWEN, has put a sew Safe Into his store that weighs nearly four thous­ and'pounds. It is one of the best make and is large enough to hold all his Jewelry, Watches, Booths, Ac. WM. LAK^HAM collected and shipped to the Home of the Friendless, in Chi­ cago, last week, one box of Dressed Poultry, given by some of the ladies in and around Ringwood, .. ^£6R*fhe conveiiieace of our patrons who may desire to subscribe l<>r the Prairie Farmer . _ (price 82,00) in connection with our p.'iper.C price 01 .50) we will supply the two papers, if order­ ed at the same time for $3,00 "CCBA wants to borrow forty million dollars." As. we have only thirty-five millions in cash, aud don't know just where we can get the other five millions at preseat, Cuba will have to seek relief from some other source. NOKVJUEST A WjfiKKK-. of this village, have bought the right of McIIenry county to manufacture Elliott's Im­ proved Harrow. It U said to b« one of the best narrows ever presented to the attention of the .farmer. Messrs. Norquest & Weber will manufacture 'them at low rate,® * F. Wnniso sold to Stewart Bros., of Nunda,on« day last week, the four year old Bull, "Horace Greeley." He is a full blood Durham, and weighed 8170 pounds, and is one of the finest animals to be found in this section. The sum paid for him was $125. O. W. OWEN has what is called the "noiseless Slate," which should be used by every scholar in school. The frame Is covered in such a manner that when dropped upon the desk it makes no more noise than to drop a piece of elotb. 'Call'and see them. and we are sure you will buy on4 for your boy or girl. # TIMES are excessively dull, and the collection of moiiey is a task of the most difficult character. It is during stringent periods like the preseut that it-specially behooves all. who have tlit ability to pav their small bills, and especially when they are due to people of moderate iheans. Not to do this is a natural breach of honesty and a gross cruelty. THE finest Christmas Beef that we have seen for a long time was at the Market of John Lansing on Saturday last. It was a cow bought of Freeman Whiting, that weighed 14(10, and dress­ ed 870 pounds. It was as tender as a chicken. Mr. Whiting certainly has the honor of bringing in the finest beef (bat bas been sold in this market for years. L. FRANCISCO Is now making a Pat­ ent Wagon Box that beats anything we ever saw. It is a Wagon box, Hay Rack, Chicken Coop, and Hog Rack combined. In short it can be changed into half a ilozen different useful and practical shapes, and be equally well adapted to all. No farmer can aftord to be without one. Francisco makes them to order. Call at his shop and 800 onf. W* BAD «xpe«t««k >«- pwMieh Jjt£V3!ifKK OF *UOU£XBY RCBLIC SCHOOL. Proceedings of the Board of Supervi­ sors this week, but up to the time of going to press, Wednesday morning, have not received tliem. They will appear next week. WE learn that the RingwoodXiterary Association are preparing the Drama of "Out in the Streets," This enter­ tainment will take place some time in January, of which due notice will be given by handbill* and through these columns. - WE saw a fellow the other day dress­ ed up in a pair of Centennial Pants,-- Red, White and Blue. He said he won them on the election, and would wear them if he busted--(himself not the pants.) The were cut in the latest style,-'a la Laocoon, spring bottom and low in the meek.* TmsGenevaLake Herald, of Saturday last announces the death of Robert Stewart, of Hebron, in this county, who died on Thursday last from para­ lysis. Mr. Stewart iis well known throughout the Northwest, having identified himself largely with the cheese-making interest, and was high­ ly respected by all who knew him. Mr. P. D. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y„ who has been here visiting his friends and relations for the past few weeks, returned homeward last week, accompanied by Mr. Wiuslow Bucklin of Pecatonica,who intends making a visit East and returning in time to take in the 22ud at Parker's, A safe and pleasant trip is the well wishes of their many friends. THE Chistmas Party by ttie McIIenry Cornet Baud Club was attended by about 50 couple*, and was one of the most enjoyable ot the season. These parties gotten up by the Band are giving the best of satisfaction to the dancing public, and promise to be well atteuded throughout the entire course. The next one will be held on New Year's night, Monday evening next. WE would call tiie attention of our readers to the new advertisement of B. G'lbert, to be fotrtid *n another column. He has adopted the cash system, but auuounces that lie will sell the choicest goods in his line for as little er less- money than can be found' in any other store in the county. Wheu "Ben" talks he means business, and those wishing goods in his line should not fail to give him a call. it is well known that there are many who are troubled with that disa­ greeable disease, Piles; it may not be out of place to- state that Geo. W. Barney, of Ringwood* Is in possession of a remedy that is a sure cure, 110 mat­ ter of how long standing the case may bo; The recipe was procured from an old Doctor in the East, and is simple but sure. Persons troubled with this disease will do well to give this remedy a trial. _ ' As will he remembered our Wood­ stock correspondent noticed those new- Style Pictures at Medlars. While in Woodstock a few days since we were shown some of these Pictures, and must say that we have never seen any­ thing so beautiful and so near perfect­ ion. They are calied Carbon-types, and certainly are the ne plug u/tra of of photographic art. Nothing we can say about this will do them half justice, and we advise everybody to call upon Mr. Medlar and at least examine these transccuden1 tly beautifnl Carbon-types. THE friends of H. W. McLean made him a Donation 011 Saturday last, and if we are to judge from the "Bill of Fare" which we saw the "wolf" will not hang around his door for some tl i«e to come. "Hank" was taken com­ pletely by surprise, and when his eyes rested upon the good things piled up before him he said, in the language of the Chicago I'imes, "Glory to God." He has . now colored his whiskers a bright blue and is busy writing a His­ tory of how he was "Bulldozed" at the '"new Asylum,* which book will appear indut) time. , , QUITE a large-number of the papers throughout the country do not issue any paper this week, but take advan­ tage ot Holiday week, between Christ­ mas and New Year and drop one issue. This is all right and proper for what we know, but believing that our read­ ers wish :he news us much this week as any week in the year we issue our paper as usual giving our patrons the full fifty-two papers for the year. This of course causes us labor and expense, hut by a little extra effort we are able to accomplish it, and obiserv« the Holidays iu a measure at the same time. _ _____ BELL KDWMHTS. The celebrated Leavitt Swiss Bell Ringers,, will give one of their grand entertainments at Riverside Hall, in this village, this Wednesday evening, the 27th. Their eutertaimeut consists of Solos, Classical Songs for the levers of music, Grotesque Acts, Humerous delineation and Comic Songs for the lovers of fun, together with the ad­ mirable music of the Bells, which makes it second to no company now traveliug. The I.eavitt's are well and favorably known in this county, and it only needs the anuouueemeut that they are com­ ing to draw a full house. We predict that Riverside Hall will be packed to its fullest capacity tlris evening.-- Those who de uotgo will uii$%»£ rare treat. » CREENWOQD In the following is given the report J EDITOR PI.AIXIIEAI.ER:--As our com^ of our School for,, ^ mon|^ ^dipg i tnuniciation failed to reach you in time l>ec.22d, 18<d: . , > * f r y°l,r ^ast wpeks. issue, we do not u feel satisfied, (with the general scarci­ ty of news in view) te let items qt iterest pass. , { . Since our last many hearts have been made to rejoice, while others have been weighed down beneath a heavy burden of grief and sorrow. Thus has it ever been and ever will be. The ffrmameut whieh overhangs life's path­ way has its bright and dark spots. The day-star of promise may shine forth with all its beauty atul bright­ ness, yet, ere the bright sunlight of Hope reaches the meridian of enr ex­ pectations, wishes and desires,, many dark clouds pass over us, driven before >.fc' HIGHER DEPARTMENT. Number enrolled, 47. Average at­ tendance. 45. Number lardy during the month 1(X Nuniber neither absent nor tardy 27,'viz: Addle Alexander, Jennie Beers, Ettie Beers. Paul Brown, Fred Colby, Hattie Til ton, Ada Granger, Emma Gregory, Dorr Kennedy, Mary Ilogan, Henry Ilogan, Frauk McOmber, Addie McOmber Alinon Granger, Nora Morrison, Eugene Perkins, Carl Ralston, Jennie Searles, Belle Stoddard, Mabel Smith, Frank Torrance, Sarah Thurhvell, Jessie Wightman, Clara Wight man, EJoise Waite, Ella Kelter, Mattie McOmber. Numberof visitors, 7. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. --, MISS . LUCT WAKE, TEACII Eft. < Number enrolled 45. Average at­ tendance 36, Number tardy 7. Num­ ber neither absent nor tardy 12, viz: Wm. Bonslet, Mabel Ford, Emma Fay, Katie Halpin, John Hogan, Eddie Kuox, George McOmber, Howard Perry, Millard Stoddard, Millie Waite, Eddy Weber, Wm. Went worth. Num­ ber of visitors 5. PBIMARY DEPARTMENT.--Miss ETTA TOIUlANCE, TEACH Eli, Number enrolled, 28. Average at­ tendance 24. Number tardy 9. Nurn- ln?r neither absent nor tardy, 7, viz: Snsie Barbiau, Nick Barbian, Wallace Morey, Ray Owen, Glenn Waite. Albert Weber, May Wighruian. Num­ ber of visitors 4. s. D. BALDWIN, Principal. AT the close of our Public -School on Friday last, the Teachers were made the recipients of some very handsome and appropriate presents. The Princi­ pal, Mr. Baldwin, was presented with a beautiful volume entitled "Songs of Yesterday, by Benj. F. Taylor," Miss Wake with a Card Receiver and Work Bojc and Miss Torrance a beautiful Vase. These tokens of remembrance from Scholars to Teachers are gratify­ ing iu more ways than one. Gratifying to Teachers to know that they are re­ membered and that their efforts in belialf of their pupils are appreciated, autf gratifying to patrons of the Scliool to know that Teachers and Scholars are working in harmony. And it is a fact tliat never was our school in sip prosperous a condition as now. and it is the universal expression of our citizens that Mr. Baldwin has few equiils and 110 superiors as a Teacher, and that he is ably and satisfa'-toriallj seconded by his assistant Teachers. Thut Teachers and Scholars may live to enjoy the return of many as pleasant Holidays as the one just passed is the wrish of yours truly.- CHYSTAL LAKE I'UULIC SCHOOU The Crystal Lake Public Scliool closed for the Holidays 011 Thursday last, at which time the scholars took occasion to show their high apprecia­ tion of their Teacher, Mr. J. A. Bald­ win, by presenting him with a very handsomely bound book entitled "The Late* Centennial Exhibit ion." From patrons of the Scliool at Crystal Lake, we learn that they are now having one of tlie best schools taught there for many years, and that they highly appreciate the fact. Their Teacher, Mr. Baldwin, is earnestly devoted to the work, ami as a Teacher ranks among the. best in the county. The cHize-nsuf Crystal Lake certainly have reason to congratulate themselves on being able to secure his valuable services. The next term begin** Jauuary 2d. CUTTERS! CUTTERS! The Portland ('utter, the latest style out, for sale at manufacturers Prices, by E.M.Owen. Murder Will Out. A few years ago "'Augilst Flower" was discovered to be a certjyn cure for Dyspepsia and Liyer Complaint, a few thin Dyspeptics made known to their friends how easily and quickly they had bent cured by its use. The great merit of Green's August Flower became ber- ale»l through the country by one suffer-* er i» another, until, without advertis­ ing, its sale has become immense, Drug­ gists in 'every towu" iu the United States are selling it. No person suffer­ ing with Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Costiveuess* Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Low Spirits, etc., can take three doses without relief. Go to your druggist Henry Colby, and get a bottle for 75 cents and try it. Sample bottle 10 cents. Hall's Safes, all sizes, for sale by O. BWiop. FOX KIVKR VALLEY MILLS. On aud after this date all Flour, Feed &e., purchased at this Mill will be deliv­ ered anywhere in the Corporation Free of Charge. .Le^vp yoiir orders at the Mill and they will be promptly attend­ ed to. We are now puttiug it! the proper Machinery for making Pateut Flour, and- farmers bringing their grists to our Mill can have the. Patent flour if they so desire. Our Planing Mill is also- in running order, aud all jobs of Planing and Matching will bo done on short notice. IL BISHOP &SOX, Proprietors. McIIenry, Nov 2Idt, 1876. Lansing &Evansou have just received a large assortment of Mens and Boys leaps, Call and examine them. the chilling winds of^adVersity and misfortune. Occasionally the bright rays of Hope beams forth in dazzling beauty and brightness, and we again gra*p for them and are apparently happy. The truth of which has been fully demonstrated in our midst within the past few days. On Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Byron" Alden, Mr. W. H. Wilcox, (familiarly known as ,4Uncle Henrj*,") and Mrs. S. E. Borden, (familiarly known as "Mother Borden,") were .placed.upon the pinnacle of happiness at the bride's residence, and are now sliding down the sunbeams of bliss. We have no doubt but that the happy bride will place t he emblematic present which they were made the recipients of on Christmas Eve., in some con­ spicuous place aud occasionally remind her happy spouse of blister instead of bli*8. The children were also happy at the entertainment at the Church on the hill on Christinas Eve. The house was well filled and all seemed happy. The Ladders were well filled and were neat and tastefulljT arranged. The presents were numerous though perhaps of not ,so great an aggregate value as on some former occasion, being mostly presents for the children. The Literary exercisea On Friday evening last*, were .well attended aud interesting. An attempt was mad* to create some little disturbance, which, however. ,was promptly nipped in the bud. Those who visit the meetings of the Association,with this in view will do well to count their hosts before tuey start, as there 110 half way work. A word to the wise «frc. The exercises for Friday evening will be general. The Greenwood Mutual Protection Association (horse owners) will meet at the Hall in Greenwood, on Thursday Jan. 4t!i, at 2 p. M. AS this is the annual meeting a full attendance is requested. Within the past three weeks the weather gage has marked a much lower temperature than was seemingly pleas­ ant and comfortable to endure, es­ pecially so for those who from bitter experience have learned that it will not do to tamper with (ire-water when the mercury stands at 22 degrees below zero. Our schools are progressing finely. Scliolarsare seemingly becoming in­ terested which is good evidence of progress. If outside influences do not detract and engross too mucli of the attention of our large scholars, (of which wo fear there Is some danger from present indications) all will be well. Parents and patrons, would it not be well to visit the schools more frequently, and thus by your presence- encourage both teachers and scholars? Become interested yourselves, and the teachers will have less trouble to build tipon the foundation already laid aud which they are attempting to lay a structure for future usefulness. Too little attention as a general thing is given to our educatioual interests. In no other branch of industry or labor do we display such an indifference. A teacher is usually employed, placed in the school rooai and never for once, even do one of the employers go ntear to see, or know, how or in what manner the labor is being performed. Of all natious on the face of the globe ours is the most lax and indifferent as to her educational luterest, compared with the amount or money expended for such purposes. The deep interest manifest 011 the part of teachers them­ selves throughout different sections, and more particularly in our own coun­ ty, is highly commendable, and should receive the encouragemeut aud support in a substantial manner- of every tax payer. The Sabbath School concert on Sun­ day evening, the 17th, at the church on the hill, was a decided success, all thinsrs considered, the limited time for preparation &c. The house was well filled with an attentive and interested audience aud those who participated are the highest commenda­ tion for the able manner in which each performed their respective parts, more especially the little ones. Here were displayed gems of great promise for ftiture usefulness, unsurpassed, if prop­ erly cared for and cultivated in future years. The original remarks of ohe*r aud encouragement by Elder Alden had their telling effect and were lis­ tened to with interest, as were also the few remarks by Mr. Wood, in which we fully coucured, as to the influence of young ladies over the Society in which they mingle. Upon them alone rests the greater part of the responsibility ef the conduct and character ef our young mew. After the entertainment the hat wa* passed afflf * contributionwhich is to be used to procure papers for the Sabbath School. A few owes of Scftrlet Feter are re­ ported in this neighborhood. Eva* --• -- 5?.' * RIHCWOOD.^. -I5V 1&r»*rdn PLAINDEALER;--B*v. P. Gorton spoke from those beautiful words in Rev. 21st chapter 9tli verse. "Come hither and I will show thee' the bride, the iaoibs wife." Seme in the congregntion we re* moved to tears aud 3*011 could hear the old fashioned Amen fram some of the old members. He address the audience forcibly and was attentively listened to by the whole assembly. 'Plie young mens Lyceum Hs in a prospering condition. On Monday even­ ing, Dec. 18th, they met at the School House and discussed the following question:- Reitolve<l, That Intemper­ ance Is a greater evil than War. F, M. Peck, of Nutnla. on the affirmative and Thomas Grimalsbv, of Lake County, on the negative. Both speakers On open- ing the debute showed they had studied their parts and acted it out well and was ably supported by their colleagues -It was then given to the house to de­ cide which was so near a tie that both partieswere willing to let the matter stand as it was without calling for a division of the house. Wm. Langham being present was then called for by the audience to address them. He irose aud iu his usual quiet manner spoke for same time on the evils of intemperance, and in his closing re­ marks tried to impress on the minds of the young ladles present not to be seen in the company ot young men who go from one saloon to another, flirting a cigar, if they want to be happy in after life. He was followed by Mr. Wm. Nickle who recited that poetn "Give Me Rum," which was well rendered. After some siugiug the meeting broke up. Mr. C.^arrison has, been at work cleaning'tip the Depot. The company having iHit in a glass door, Charley's Sanctum looked on Saturday night as if he expected Santa Claus, but he dldu't come, lie was an invited guest at the Congregational Church, the young ladies having fitted it up for his reception. The Christmas tree at the Congrega­ tional Church was well attended. The largest crowd that has assembled in the village for years to witness the dis­ tribution of presents from .friend to friend, which made it a sight worth seeing. There was costly presents that were worth having and some of smaller value. Some of the citizens of Gveeu- wood were preseut aud received some nice presents. Solon was well repre­ sented. We were glad to see some of onr McIIenry friends there. Every­ thing went oft O. K. . MELTON. Business Notices. Ifoyf Clothing, at F. G. Go to E. M. Owen for Plows. Hall's Safes, all sizes, for salt hf Biehop. ^ i ~ For your Holiday Goods go ipf Bucklin A Stevens, near the Depot. Steam Engine, at the Bed Frovt Drug Store, Woodstock. ^ Jiucklin it* Sferen#, stand' ready i|| meet any and alt- competition* Nubias in great variety. Heft Boys Scarfs,at Buckliu A Stevens. Good Yard wide only 7 cts per yaril Brown Sheeting# At P. D SMITH'S, Alpacra at 25 cents per yard in all new shades at Lansing A Evanson. Chromos,all sizes, at the Bed Front/ Drugstore, Woodstock. » Beaver Cloths for Cloaking, at walffe as Clenksat Ruck 1111 & Steve us. .- If all's Safes, all sizes, for sale' by O. Bishop. The best place in the county to bur Suits .Suits, at F. G. Mayes. HORSE BLANKETS. Only 32.20 per Pair At Lausing &, Evauson's. What did you say? Don't know what to get your wife for a Christmas present ? Then you should not fail to •*ce the large stocjv Of Furs. Dress Pat­ terns, Shawls. Felt Skirts, Elegant sets of Jewelry, Cloak Patterns, and scores of fancy articles which are. ornamental aud use Ail, at P. D. SJIITII'S. OYSTERS" Four Cans for 01 at J. Lansing's Meat Market, near the Depot. Millinery and Fancy Goods at cost at Mrs. C. H. Morey's, A rare chance to get a nice hat or bonnet at one half the usual price. Dou't fail to call aud see for yourself. Before/inaking your "selections of Cliri$tm/.is presents do not fail to look through the la>ge and varied stock displayed at P. D7)SMITH'S. - ~-- WANTED. 10 Tons of Poultry for which the highest market price will be paid at Lansing & Evansou's. Mclleliry. Lansing & Evanson, McIIenry, have j«> st received a large assortment of Buffalo Robes, which they are offering very cheap. Woolen and Flannels a full stock and at lower prices than ever at Buckliu & Stevens*, Herae Blanket*! Hone Blanket*! Do not pay more than $2f25 per Pair for One Buckle, Six pound Horse lilankets. Buckiin & Stevens, near the Depot. Still another large invoice of Buffalo Robes, Lap Robes and Horse Blankets at Bucklin & Stevens, near the Depot. Beautiful Box Paper, at the Red Front Drug Store. Woodstock. Long Branch, Cape May and number, of uew styles. ^ Cash buyers are invited to cat! and examine the large and New Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, llats, Caps, Groceries «&c.,now arriviug at Lansing & Evauson's. From 10 to 25 per cent may be saved en all goods bought from thi9firm, Parties buying in large quantities will get an extra dcductieu from 5 to 10 per ceut. CLOVER THRESHER. F. WIEDRICK would inform the farmers throughout the County that lie is prepared to thresh Clover or Shell Corn, having one of the best machines in the market. For information a,d» dress F Wledirck, Woodstock, 111. A full line of Gloves ajid Slit is at the lowest possibl® price BuckUp & Stevens. ' - New Goods daily arriving at Lansing & Evanson,s to be sold i\% bottom prices. Give thetu vuU uud fer yourself. Horse Blankets is Evauson's, McIIenry. at Lansing Diaries. The cheapest and largest stock at the Red Front Dtog Store, W oodstock. Waterproofs in Seal Blue, Grey and £lackt Stevens. Brown, Navy * . at BUCWIB#^ THRESHING MACHINE MEN.. Get your String Leather of O. W, Owen, McIIenry, 111. Y on can buy a first-class Womsns all Calf Shoe for 75 ceuts at Lausing A Evanson, McIIenry. Go to the Red Front Drug Store, Woodstock, for Holiday Goods. You will find something that will Bult you. CLOTHING! A lar^c Invoice Low Prices, at CLOTHING I at unprecedented P. D. SMITH'S. Have you seen the new arrivals of Ready-Made Clothing just received at Lansing & Evanson. Dou't fail. Fancy Note and Letter Paper, With envelopes to match, Very neat stylos. At O. W. Owen's. Clothing and Gents furnishing goods a speciality at Lansing & Evanson McIIenry. Beautiful Books, at the Red Front Drug Store, Woodstock. * Flannels at all prices front 15 cts per yard up at Bucklin Stcy<0. A bran new Organ at 0. if . T)w m'a for #100. , f * Beit thing in Plbtfr. Call and se«. " -lt.ll.OWBM. LADIES CLOAKS! LADIES CLOAKS Just received from New York a fine assort me u t ef La dies Reaver .Cloaks, at Bucklin & Stevens. We want SO,000 pounds Of choice but­ ter for which the highest Market price, will he paid. 'J LAXSINO ,T EVAXBOK MoHeary, v GREAT REDUCTION I T11 the prices of tho Buffalo and Roch ester Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to see them before making your selee> tions. P. p. SMITH. Heavy Work Team Ibf Sale. One Heavy work team, Harness and Wagon for sale cheap. Apply at tho Fox River Valley Mills of HD-Lur*. A new stodt of Dress Goeds and Waterproof Cloakings, Black Al- pacca-Wets and upwards at Lausing A Evauson's McIIenry. The Red Front Drug Store, Wood­ stock, is overflowing with Holiday Goods, and selling cheap for cash. libit of Prices At Fords Flue AHOalkl/. Tintypes four for #1. The commo* Card Photo's. 92 per doz. The latest style Frost and Marble Back­ ground #3 per do*. (This Is the finest Picturo out.) Please Call and examine Specimens. N^w and ele^gaiit styles of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, in the most pop* ular shades.--Also a large variety of Ladies Waterproofing and Cloakings, at P. D. SMITH'S. HARD MONEY OR SOFT. Bucklin Jt Stevens* take Either, as well as Butter, Eggs and Poultry, and give in exchange good Goods at Bot­ tom Prices. Lansing A Evanson have Jdnt received a choice article of Machine OH which they offer 33 per ceut less then regular retail quotations. TJitoshere should ebar this iu niind. i judge You can save at least 3S per oent ln, buying your Clothiug, Hats, Caps Boots and Shoes,at Lausing $Evansan McIIenry. Don't buy your Underwear, Boot*, and Shoes, Gloves, and Mittens until you see the great bargains In these Goods at Lausing & Evansou's, McIIenry. MARlill^D. M AKTIX--CARR--Bv tbe Kev. R. K. Ttodd, at his resilience iu Woodetock, Deo. 41. Mr, It VRON V. Martin and MIT*A Florence M. C*M% of Greenwood. SHEKMAS--KELI.EY--Alao br the Rev, H. K. Twt«L. at liis residence IN tVoodatoek. Christmas Eve, Mr. Adellwrt Shormitti |AA MISS JOMIITT Kelley, botliut Mclhmrv. EDDY--SCOTT--At the LI, & McIIenry, DEC. -JOtli, JS76, by tho Bacon. Mr. Edwar<I Eddy, of Seneca, and MU« Mary SC-ott, of PorrV Parsonage, Rev. J. 15. DIKD. PARKER--DECEMBER 15th, 1S78, of SPIUAL Menonjrelis, Chester A. Parktfr, son of 1., A* HI\d E. .VL. FR.rkor, 5 YEARS and 2 mouths* 1 Hall's Safes, all sizes, for sale by 0% Bfchop. CHARLES ROTTSE. BARHEI t . Shaving, Hair Cuttinjr, IMHIINFFAMI EVERYTHING pertaining t«v THE BUSINESS done UI THE best U\l£ <i£ Illy Shop, near the De^ot, McRetaYy,

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