Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jan 1877, p. 5

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mzm CRYSTAL WIO IIXO. WEDNESDAY. JAN. 3d. 1877. Railroad Time Table. OOIXG SOUTH. ©•neva "Lake Passeniror. .. Geneva Lake Freight ......T:4S V w. *. xt. GOIVG SOUTH. Lake Freurht. ••ner» Lake Passenger. •>> if. ... ..7:05 p. *. #ra< ttASOVlC. U»fcTT KVKV \o. Si R. A. M.--Ueiru-r Con vorntiong held on the second and fourth Fridays in each month. . HENRY COT.BT H. P. , Prt.XRKT AU.KN Sec,. CJUTIIORT DIRECTORY. M*THOT>TST.--Rev. J. H. Bacon. 'Pastor. Services everv Sunday at 10# A. M. and 7 P.M. fimvlav School" at 12 M. W*. PAGE, Superintendent. THE Editor being sick and confined to the house, ttyv^uty of making up and working off this number of the PlA 'IN'DF/FCLETT necessarily devolve? tip- on inexperianced hands. Therefore if our readers find anything amiss tliejr will make due allo^vancc therefor. "SEE the ww advertisement, of John S. Wheat, to be found in another col­ umn. THOS. COVWAY, a romrer resident of !|fcHenry. bu<" who now resides in Iowa, talnaking his friends a visit in this •ectioii. TtlEMcH?nrv Brewery is now pot­ ting in a supply of Ice for the cemins: season. They are getting &ut some st fln« le* as we ever saw. t)trR Collector Rays: "Ike Went worth was the first man that payed his tax this year. Ike is always on hand lite * wart?' O* the organization of the Legisla­ ture on Wednesday. Hon. F. K. Granger of McHenry, was nominated and elect- ad temporary Speskorof the House, GEO. COGOINS. at. his "MILL, In Wau- conda,is now prepared to do all kinds •f Sawing on snort not tee and at reasonable rates. Give him H call and lie will be sure to plmse you. THE Sociable of the H. E. ChnrcK will be held this week at the residence of Amos Whiting, on Friday evening Jail, 5th. All an> cordially invited to "00me and^jaV* a good time. !F\»R the convenience ot our patron* "who may desire to subscribe for the Prairie Parmer (price #2,00) in 'connection with our papor,(price #1,50) wo will supply the two papers, if order­ ed at the same time for £3.00 F. BEST, of the McHenry Bakery, bad the misfortune to lose his Pocket Book oueday..last week, containing: about $30, and up to the time of writing has bfaa unable to find it. -We think the person who picked it up would have sweeter dreams if the}' would return it to Mr. Best at once. IF our local columns are a little thin this week we. hope our readers will overlook it. for besides losing one day for New Year's we are feeling very much indisposed, and would be much batter oft in bed than trying to .get •ut a newspaper. We hope to be abl6 to do better next week. THE New Year's Party uuder tlie Direction of the Band was a grand success,-financially ami otherwise. One hundred and thirty-three numbers ware sold, and all who attended report a good tiaie. Parker, as ufual, got them up a first class Supper and all went home well satisfied with their New Year's in McHenry. UNCLAIMED Letters remaining in the McHenry Post Office Dec. 30si 187G: Mary Susan Thomas, Miss Louise Gile, Mrs. Anna Myers 2. Dr. Thos. Monrony. Simon Kennedy. Tom Wallen, Mis* Nell Fox, Wm. Parker, Erwin Carley, Eber Blanchard, James Brown, Mrs. M. Brown. In calling for auy of the above letters please say advertised. C. H. M»Rl'V, Dept. P. M. »As will be seen bj- a notice elsewhere the Tax Collector is on the war path, and will be ready on Monday i»ext to receive your Taxes and give you a receipt therefor. There are two things that are always certain, Taxes and death, and in order to be prepared for the latter you must pay the formei^ Bead the notice of the Collector in another column. • large and pleasant gathering as­ sembled at the residence of John M. Smith, in this village, on Saturday evening last, to celebrate the fifteenth, aniversary of the wedded life of Mr, and Mrs. Smith. Their large and spa­ cious residence was filled to its utmost capacity, there being about one hun­ dred friends and relatives in attendance and each seemed to vie with the other in their afforts to make it pleasant for *U, •About nine o'clock, the company ware Invited to partake of a bounteous eola­ tion prepared for the occasion, to which they did ampl* justice, the time until eleven ©.clock being intersperced with Social chat, when the company began to break up, wishing Mr. ind Mrs. Smith a long and prosperous life, and a return of many more enjoyable occa­ sions like tlia one just indulged in. It certainly was the Social event of the season, and will long be remembered With pleasure by all present. The Gifts were all of the most beautiful and costly kind, and were an agreeable surprise to the host and hostess, not on account of their intrin­ sic value, but as an evidence of the es­ teem in which they ara held by their friends and neighbor. Below we give a list of the '-Pfcsefljt# with the uames of the donors; A large Fruit Dish with Boquet Holder attached and large Cheese Dish by Mr and Mrs P. D. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Slyke, Mr and Mrs-Dr. H. T Brown. Mr. ami Mrs R. S. Stebbins, Mr. and Mrs. If. E. Wightman. A large Pitcher by Mr and Mrs. B. Gilbert, * One very fine out glass Butter Dish with Silver Hack, by Mr. and Mr*. !>r. K. A. Beer*, Mr. ami Mrs Henry Colby. Pickle Castor Silver Mounted with Silvefr Tongs, "by Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Clemen*. Pickle Castor Silver Mounted by Mr. and Mi's. I,). A. Dodge. One Pair Pickle Castors by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Srrtith. A large Pickle and Sauce Dish, Mr. and Mrs. David Parker. One Set,Siig:^r Bowl. Creamer, Spoon Goblet and Butter Dish Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walch. A large-Cake Di> Bottle*. Mr. ami Mr> i, two Perfumery R. C, McCrory. Pair Vases, Gilt-rack,- Mr. atul Mrs. Edward Smith. One Vase, Silver Rack. Mr. and Mrs O. W. Owen. * Twelve Goblets with Initials. and Wine Set- by Mr. and Mrs Dr. J. E. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bucklin. Mr. and Mrs, F. K. Granger, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. liaulev. Mr. and Mrs Be» Hanley.Mr. and Mrs. H. (\ Smith, Mr. and Mrs J. Draper. On* very Fine Pitcher, with Bfono- gram, from Edwin Hunts Sons Chica- go. 12 individual Salt Dishes Mrs. J. P. Going. Card Receiver with gilt fraiue.Mr. and Mrs. J, M. MeOmber. ] A large Cake Stand, Mr. and,Mrs. S. Searles. - Ground Glass Perfumery Bottle M iss Mable Smith. * by OUR village was visited by another Are on * Tuesday afternoon last. The Cooper Shop coneccted with the Pickle Factory cauglit Are while the workmen were at. dinner, and got under such headway before they returned that it was impossible to &ave it aud was en­ tirely consunu»j& It was owned by- Curtis & Walker, whose loss is about $200. The Cooper. Mr. Sigel, lost abont $25 worth of tools. No insur­ ance. * A resident of this village says that he don't seethe use of getting up a political war, as he gets all the fight he wants at home. He says his wife can deploy a skirmish line and bri< g on a •general engagement quicker than any Major General in the United States, by the unscrupulous use of mop sticks, stove shovels and various other ancient and modern improvements in household warfare. He offers his hairless head, and one closed eye, as evidence that the honeymoon is a thing of the past. A large Celery Goblet, Mrs. George Gage. One Beautiful Mirror. 2-1x30. four inch carver! frame, presented by Mr. aud Mrs. Win. L. Smith. Mr. and Mrs; D. S. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ortnus Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. Shell Colyer, Mr. ami Mrs. J. H. Perrv.Mr. antjl Mrs. C. B. Jovdon! r. and Mrs. Simeon Coville. Mv. and Mrs. A. A. Martin, Mr. E. 31. Owen. Among the guests we noticed from abroad were Mr. and Mrs. John C. Smith, ot Richmond, and Mr. and Mrs. Dodge, of Rockford. Ix another part of this paper will be found an advertisement of Adams*& Co.. Philadelphia, Pa, who are manufactur­ ing Ontcuoial '".fouverrjers, which attracted' such great attention (lnring the Exposition. We have "received one of the Souverniers. representing Agricultural Hall, and must, say that they are indeed beauties. They make the fire principal <"eiitennial Buildings, viz: Main Building, Memorial Hall, Machinery Hull. Horticultural Hall, Agricultural llall. And send the com­ plete set of five buildings, each build­ ing in a neat box, postage prepaid, [amounting to 12 cents.] to any address on receipt of 75 cents. Or. if 10 or more sets are ordered, will send them C. O. D. by express to one address for 60cents per set. Orders for 25 sets or over, sent in the same way. .ID cents per set. Money can be made anywhere, by any person who will buy quantities, and retail at 75 cents, as t,he novelty, beauty ami cheapness of the goodssell them wherever or whenever thev are shown. These goods were in such great demand during the Exposition, that thousand- were unable to purchase them, the. supply being entirely inade­ quate to The demand. Every one who saw them desired to get a set. and masay had to leave unsatisfied. We make them exact duplicates of those at the Exposition, except not manu­ facturing them so hurriedly, we give them a much finer and more elegant finish. Each Building is carved in a solid block of Black Walnut Wood and will never warp or change in any man­ ner, in any climate, in any length ot time. In ordering, please write name, town, county and State plainly. Ad­ dress. A da HIS & Co. Post Office Box 1000, Philadelphia Pa., ROPES! ROBES! ROBES! Horse Blankets. Horse Blankets. We can save money to any one that will give ip a call in these goods. ^ BUCKLIN- A SI KVEXS, McHenry, Ills. j WOODSTOCK. [ EDITOR PLAIXDEALER--If there is- anything worth putting upon paper it has notcouie tq my knowledge tiulesi the sociable at John Stawarta is an ex­ ception and that was not much ot Ji sociablo-for the teams that drew the loads from Woodstock as tharo was racing enough for the Fourth of July, and to much for Sunday. Of coui-se there was a lively crowd and so pleased were tfoey with the rid« that the next one is appointed *! the residence of C. O. Parsons. » Some are discussing the question of who is to be our next Post Master, all seeming to agree that '"Gard" is to be the lucky man, but it is a question that does not concern ISqiteers except that ^the l-eason for changing at all is not very apparent, and if Mr. Lathrop be­ lieves in his own resolutions on "Civil Service Reform" he won't be in a hurry •to turn Asa out,even though the win­ ning side may demand it. Mr. Lathrop will make more friends than enemies in Woodstock by letting our postotflue alone fill Smith do^s some actor neg­ lects to perform sorne duty that makes it uecessary to remove him. Still it is not expected that our new congress­ man will take this kind of advic*. Wouldn't it be refreshing to havo a member of Congress from the Fourth District w ho had sense enough to know that there Is something for him to do beside changing all the. Federal officers in his district |issoon as he gets to Washington, drawing his pay with the utmost regularity, and fixing mat­ ters for a re-election. If "W. D." could only go in his place, the "Woodstock Ring would rejoice, Noble would re- Jn'rn to this city, pickle stock would command a pretuium, Uncle Curtis could run the AVtt ami justice would be done to every one. .But then "dot couldn't was." Christmas Eve (Saturday night) turns out to have been a regular Don- nybrook Fair there having been no few«»r than half a dozen lights. Last Tuesday Arnold & Zimmer be­ gan to lay in their store of ice, and the sleighing being passable the ice houses at the brewery were filled be­ fore night. the next day. They have the one at the lake filled too making abo^it 1800 tons in all. He had fifty teams on the road the tirst day. .^QUEERS. NUHDA. EDITOR PLAIXDEALKU:--The cool but beautiful weather of the past week- together with the splendid sleighing has produced a strong desire in the minds of all t o have a good sleigh ride, we should judge by the merry tjiroug that is constantly pacing through our streets. Mr. Martin has purchased the Bakery of R. G. Benton, where he may be found at all reasonable hours of the day ready to wait upon his numerous customers. A full stock of Bread, Cukes, Candies, Tobacco, and a thousand and one other articles constantly on hand and oflered at prices to suit the times. The stock ot goods of Mr. Rothgerber lias been boxed up and shipped to Clinton Junction, in Wisconsin, where 'ie intends goiug into business. The Christmas Party at Nunda Hall was a social aim enjoyable affair there being a good company present and good music, in . attendance. Upwards of forty numbers were called. New Years without a wedding would be a rather dull affair we think, but Nunda is not to be in that condition. \o, for we learn that Mr. Emery Filik, of Alden, and Miss Minnie Gilbert, of • Nunda, were married'by the Rev. R. K. Twid at Woodstock, New Year's. We • hope and 'rust that life's journey will be strewn with the flowers of Love and Aflection and that life's many burdens may he equally borne and consequent happiness crown with joy their fondest anticipation. We wish them a Ilappy New Year. Mr. D«de has commenced his ice har­ vest and ftWherop is A No. 1. He has made many additional improvements to h!s facilities for cutting and getting it out, also lie is enlarging his tneansof storing and when all his improvemerts are complete it will be the largest establishment of the kind anywhere in the country. TYUO. TEUKIBLt: HAIIJtO.lI> DISASTER. Another wholesale destruction of life near Ashtabula, Ohio, occurred on Friday night last. The following is the telegraph account: CI.EAVLAXI\ O., December 30--2 a. tn.--A t 7:30 o'clock last evevingan iorn bridge over the Ashtabula river on the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad gate way under the Pacfic express, a train which consisted of eleven cars, drawn by two engines. The forward engine had justcleared tlie bridge when it "fell, and by the breaking of a coupling-pin, was left on the track. The rest of the train fell a distance of seventy-tire feet into the water below. Six of the eleven cars were passenger coaches. There were on board over 300 persons. The crash of the falling bridge and train was heard at a distance of a mile from the scene, and was immediately followed by a brilliant illumination of the sky, caused by the burning cars, which took fire almost instantly. Crowds of people were soon on the ground rendering what assistance was in their power, whiOh was little enough. About fifty were picked up from the wreck, and taken to neighboring houses. Of these several have already died. A relief train was sent from this place at 10:30 having on board ten physicians and a number of assistants. The heavy fall of ssiow will prevent this train reaching the sufferers before 2 or 3 O'clock this morning. " The most heartrending incidents are told. Several persons firmly wedged be.tween heavy timbers, yet not mor­ tally hurt, were burned to death before the eyes of helpless by-standers. * A man, a woman, and a child are now known to have died in this way. The man was roasted for full half an hour, uttering the most pitifill cries for aid meanwhile before death caiue. One of the most remarkable escapes recorded is th it of a gentleman, one of a party of four playing whist in a double seat. Two of his companions were crushed and the third was mortally hurt,but he escaped nuinjured. Two babes were taken from the wreck alive and not fatally iujured, There is no one to claim them. The Mayor and citizens of Ashtabu. la are doing all that can be done to alleviate suffering. It isextremly .cold at the scene of tlife accident. The snow- is already very deep, and is fulling, with a strong wind. A Crowded Srhool-houae in Flamas A three-story school-house, witfra narrow and winding stairway. Iri Min­ neapolis, Minn., caught fire from the furnace on Tuesday forenoon, while over nine hundred children were in the building. Presence of mind on the part of the teachers prevented a panic and probable loss of life. The circum­ stances are thus described: "About 10 o'clock this morning, while the schools wort in session, a fire started in the Jefterson School building, a three-story brick, and within an hour nothing was left but the walls. The fire was first discovered in the prinfary department on the first floor, near the tines, which txt Glided from basement to roof, through the centre of the building. In ten minutes the flames running up along the side flues had burst out in evey room. Owiug to the unexampled discipline and presence of mind, the children were marshaled down the winding stairways in regular order, two at a time, and not one was injured. The-teachers were all women, and thev receive tho praises of the whole com­ munity. Three minutes after the prin­ cipal left the halls, she being last to leave, the whole building was in ll ames." Business Notices. a * Bofs Clothing, at F. G.MajNMc So to S, M. Owen for Plot#*,, HitH's Safes, all sizes, Bishop. Bucklin & Stevens, stand ready meet any and all competition. Nubias in great variety. Men Boys Scarfs,at Bucklin " & Stevens. Good Yard*wide Brown Mieetingt only 7 cts per yard' At P. D SMITH'S. Alpacea at 25ceiits per yard in all new shades at Lansing A. Evanson. Beaver Cloths for Cloaking, as w«]| as Cloaks at Rucksin «Sfc Stevens. Hall's Safes, all sizes, for sale by O, Bishnp. The best place in the county to bur Horse Blankets is at Lansing • Evanson's, McIIenrv. Waterproofs in Seal Brown, Nary Blue, Grey and Black, at Buiklin id Stevens.' MiT It seems that Great Britain has in an informal way backed down fron her absurd construction of the extra ilition provisions of the Ashburton treaty, A cable dispatch confirms pre vieus reports concerning the surrender of Brent, the Louisville (Ky.).forger by saying that he will certainly bs surrendered to the United States authorities to-morrow. If the princi­ pal she lias contended for is given up in this case, why not abandon it in all such cases ? TAKE GOOD ADVICE. If you wish to'itieet and chat with friends and acquaintances, the place to find them Ford's Fine Art Gallery notwithstanding the dull times and winter weather his Gallery seems to be the centre of attraction, for it is crowd ed from morning till night. Perhaps it is owiug partly to the cordial man­ ner with which he receives customers, one fact also cafinof be denied, his Pictures are never k:iowu to fade, and, unlike those of most Artist, have a richness of Tone which brings out the most lifelike prints. The new style of Back-ground for Photos, are charm­ ing. Call at the first opportunity and you will never regret it. WOODSTOCK, Dec. ISth, 1S70. 1 can and do, willingly testify that for depth, finenss, and richness of tone, elasticity, of touch, and durability. I have never seen the "Estey Organ" equiited. I certainly do not expect to ses it excelled very soon. Yours Truly, , ' .Mas. BI-XLA IIAI.U Teacher of Instrumental ftixl Vocal Music. JfcQp The Brooklyn disater has awak­ ened attention universally and to a resolute and,, earnest degree to the safety of buildings ot public resort. People all over the country are now in­ quiring and examining as to the safety of their churches, schools and public halls, in case of an alarm of tire, or panic of the inmates, and in many instances additional means of egress are being provided. The anxiety ought not to subside until it has made thorough work at secure meaus of amendment. Lansing A Evanson are now.offering special bargains in Shawls of all de­ scriptions, they have a large stock which they will sell at cost. Woolen and Flannels a full stock and at lower prices than ever at Bucklin A Stevens', WANTED. 10 Tons of Poultry for -which the highest market price will be paid at Lansing & Evanson's. McHenry. ^ TAXES! TAXES! The undersigned, Ccdlector of the Town of McHenry, will on Monday, dan. 8th. commence the collection of Taxes for said town, and -will attend at the following time and places for that purpose: Monday, at the Store of L. Bonsl*^, in Johnsburgh. Tuesday, at the StorgofJ. W. Cristy, in Ring wood. Thursday, at the Store • of Perry & Martin, in McHenry. Saturday, at the Store of B. Gilbert near the Depot. PKTKH ROTHEHMEL, Collector. NOTICE. An Apprentice wanted immediately at Ford's Fine Art Gallery. Those wUh'ng to embark iu the Photographic business please give him a call. Terms reasonable and particular pains taken to give full instructions. Thorough satisfaction guaranteed,and a splendid chance for any young man who has willing bauds. Address, B. A. Ford, McHenry, 111. P. O. Box. 93. For the best Teas in Lansing & Evanson. town call on NOTICE. ^ There will be a regular meeting of the Stockholders of The Union Com­ pany at their Factory on the second Tuesday iu January, (i)th.) 1877 to elect five Directors for the ensuing year,anil to transact such other business as may come before them. GEO. A. BITKLIN, Secretary. Murder Will Out. A few years ago "'August Flower" was discovered to be a certain cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, a few thiu Dyspeptics made known to their friends how easily aud quickly they had betn cured by its use. The great merit ot Green's August Flower became lier- aled through the country by one suffer­ er to another, until, without advertis­ ing,its sale has become iin me use, Drug­ gists iu 'every town"' in the United States are selling it. No person suffer­ ing with Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Costiveuess, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Low Spirits, etc., can take three doses without relief. Go to your druggist Henry Colby, arid get a bottle for 75 cents and try it. Sample bottle 10 cents. Lansing & Evanson, McHenry, have just received a large assortment of Bullah Robes, which they are offering very cheap. , IIor»o Blanket:*! Hor»e Illankctl! Do not pay niore than S2,t25 per DClif f°r One Buckle, Six pound Horse Blankets. Bucklin A"Stevens, near the Depot. Still another large invoico of Buffalo Robes, Lap Robes aud Horse Blankets at Bucklin A Stevens, near the Depot. If you are in want of Horse Blankets, don't fail to call on Lansing A Evanson thev can beat them all on these goods. Don't buy until you know their prices. Beautiful Box Paper, at the Red Front. Drug Store. Woodstock. Long Branch, Cape May and number of .new styles. Cash buyers are invited to call' and examine the large and New Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats (Japs, Groceries &c.,now arriving at Lansing & Evanson's. From 10 to 25 per cent may be saved on all goods bought from this firm. Parties buying in large quantities will get an extra deduction from 5 to 10 per cent. Clotl ing, Ladies and Gents Under­ wear, (Japs, Gloves and Mittens reduced to wholesale prices at Lansing & Evanson's. THRESHING MACHINE MEN, Get vonr String Leather of O. W, Owen, McHenry. 111. ^ You can buy a first-class Womans all Calf-Shoe.for 75 cents at Lansing A Evanson. McHenry. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! A large 'Invoico at unprecedented Low Prices, at P. D. SMITH'S, Have yon seen the new arrivals of Ready-Made Clothing just received at anson." Don't fail. Fancy Note and Letter Paper, with envelopes to.match. Very neat styles. At O. W. Owen's. Clothing and Gents furnfeliing goods a speciality at Lansing A Evanson McHenry. * Suits ,SuitarAt.F^G. Mayeg. IIORSE BLANKETS. Only SSUS20 per Pair at Lansing & Evanson's. OYSTERS. Four Cans for $1 at J. Lansing's M«*t Market, near the Depot. Millinerv aud Fancy Goods at cost at Mrs. C .Jtf. Morey's. A rare chance to get a nice hat or bonnet at one half the usual price. Don't fail to call and soe for yourself. Flannels at all prices from 15 cts p*f yard up at Bucklin A Stevens. A bran new. Orgau at O. W. Ow m 's for $100. Best thing in Plows. Call and se». E. M.OWBK. LADIES CLOAKS!LADIES CLOAKS Just received from New York a tint assortment of Ladies Beaver Cloaks,, at Bucklin A Stevens. Hall's Safe^, all sizes, for sale by O. Bishop. FOXUIVKK VALLEY MILLS. On and after this date all Flour, Feed &c., purchased at this Mill will he deliv­ ered anywhere in the Corporation Free of (.'barge. Leave your orders at the Mill and they will be promptly attend­ ed to. t We are now putting in the proper Machinery for making Patent Flour, and farmers bringing .their grists to our Mill can have fhe Patent Flour if they so desire. Our Planing Mill is also in running order, aud all jobs of Planing and Matching will he done on short notice, s, It. BISHOP A-SOX. I'lopi ictors. McHenry, Nov 21st, 1S7S. Hall's Safes, all sizes, for sale by O. Bishop. CLOVER THRESHER. F, WiEDRICK would inform the farmers throughout the County that he is prepared to thresh Clover o.- Shell Corn, having one of the best machines iu the market. For information ad­ dress F Wiedirck. Woodstock, 111. If you wish to buy Waterproof^. Flannels and other Woolen goods at great bargains, go to Lansing A Evanson's. We w;m\ 50,000 pounds of choice but* ter for which the highest Market pric* will be paid. LANSTXO A EVANSON McHeurfb GREAT REDUCTION! In the prices of tho Buffalo and Roefe ester Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to see them before making your seisin tious. p. D. SMITH. Heavy Work Team for Sale. One Heavy work team, Harness Wagon for sale cheap. Apply at th« Fox River Valley Mills of II. D* LUFF. A new stock of Dress Goods an# Waterproof ( loakings. Black Al­ pacea 25ct« and upwards at Lansing A Evanson's McHenry. The Red Front Drug Store, Woo4» stock, is overflowing with Holiday Goods, and selling cheap for cash. List of Prices At Fords Fin* Art Gallery- Tintypes four for $1. The common Card Photo's. #2 per iloa. Tho latest style Frost and Marble Back- ground $3 per doz. (This is the finest Picture out.) Please Call and examine Specimens. New and elegant styles of Fall juiid Winter Dress Goods, in the most pop­ ular shades.--Also a large variety of Ladies Waterproofing and Cloakings, at P. D. SMITH'S. HARD MONEY OR SOFT. J?ucklin A Stevens' take either, as well as But ter. Eggs and Poultry, and give in e>:c:iunge good Goods at Bot­ tom Prices. A full line of Gloves aud Mitts at the lowest possible price at Bucklin & Steve us, Lansing & Evanson have just, received a large assortment of Mens and Boys Caps, Call and examine them. If you want the highest pries for your Poultry in trade or cash go to Lausing & Evanson. WON'IIKKFI'L SDCCKS* It is reported that Boschee's German Syrup has, since its introduction iu the United States, reached the immense sale of 40,000 dozen per year. Over 0,000 Druggists have ordered this medi­ cine direct from the Factory, at Wood­ bury, N. J., and not one has reported a single failure, but every letter speaks of its astonishing success in curing se­ vere Coughs, Colds settled on the Breast, Cpnsumption, or'any disease of Throat and Lungs. We advise any person that has any predisposition to weak Lungs, to go to their Druggist Henry Colby, and set this Medicine, or inquire about it. Regular size,75 cents; Sample Bottle, 10 cent"?. Two doses will relieve any case. Don't neglect your cough. Lansing & Evanson have just received a choice article of Machine Oil which they offer 33 per cent less than regular retail quotations. Threshers should ebar this in mind. You can save at least 25 per cent in, buying your Clothing, Hats, Caps Boots and Shoes,at Lansing tfe Evanson McHenry. ° Don't buy your Undenvear, Boots, and Shoes, Gloves, and Mittens until you see the great bargains in these Goods at Lansing A Evanson's, McHenry. MARRIED. PROBERT--AVItrrXEY-On Lords Day evening, I)t>c. 17, "at. the i.ittlo Church around the comer," by the Pastor He v. J. Wheeler, Mr. Olrirle* Proberfto Miss Kaohol Whitney, alt of Campion. SMITH--SAYLOU--By the Rev. R. K.ToH, i of Woodstock, at the resiftunce of the !.rifle's jiare.iU, on the evening of the 37th of Deo. llrl Edward A. Smith and Miss Ella Savior, bothf of Riiigwood. FIXK--GIL11ERT--By the Rev. R. K. Todd, I at the Wuverty House, Woodstock, ou New) Year's IK.v. Mr. Emery D. Fink, of Ahlen,J and Mi*« Minui« M. daughter of Geo. Gilbert! iv-'i-. Nunda. Hall's Safes, all sizes, for sale by 0.| Bishop. A full line of M. Sola A Co's Boot and Shoes, Custom made, and fullj warranted and second to none in t)u market, at Bucklin A Stevens. Thi prices are considerably reduced troi last vear. CHAitLU:} UOtTsE. AKRE!!. spavin*, Hair Cuttinjr, Sham| pooincand everything (lertaioiu to the. hnslnps.i-donein tho. -bo»t style of the u;| Shop, near the Depot, Melleury. LI 9

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