Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jan 1877, p. 8

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HtbvB and Beqjtmlt West Aa anecdote h related bf Mr. Tick- Mi ta reference* to Benjamin West's f totur* of the "Death of Nelsen." Just frafore Nelson went to pea for the last Hat, West sat next to the great cftp- lalnat an entertainment flven in his i*»ar, and in the course of dinner Nel- •m expressed his regret to Sir William •aasiiton that he had little taste or discrimination for art. 'Bt»t,M said he, fuming to West, "there is one picture whose power I do feel. I never pass a print shop where yeur 'Death of Wolfe* tola the window without being stopped \f it/* West, of course, made his ack­ nowledgments. and Nelson went on to ask why he had painted no more of •bain like it. -JBcesuMi, my lord, there are no more •objects." •*D--it." aald the sailor, "I didn't think ol thatand asked him to take a glass of Champagne. "But, my lord, I fear your intrepidity will yet furnish me soeh another scene* and if It should, J shall certainly avail myself of it." -Will you?" said Nelson, pouring out hampers, and touching his glass violent­ ly egainst West's, "Will you, Mr. West? Then I hope I shall die in the aestt battle." We all know the painter fulfilled his premise in the "Death of Nelson."-- Editor's Drawer, in Harper's Magai able for December. gfl^The Taylor Cownfff Wis., News la Informed that an old woman, ueld eaongh to grace a grave," has taken up s homestead in that county. She lives Alene. and has chopped and cleared without assistance, about two acres Within the past year. Her homestead la heavily timbered. She came from Germany. A full line of M. Sela A Go's Boots and Shoes, Custom made, and folly warranted and second to none in the market, at Bucklin & Stevens. The prices are considerably reduced from last year. A Hew Hair Tonic Worth Having. ft is the best. Wood's Improved Hair Restorative is unlike any other, and has no equal. The Improved has new vegetable tonic properties; re­ store grey hair to a glossy, natural eelor; restores faded, dry, harsh and falling hair; restores, dresses, gives Yigor to the hair; restores liair to pre­ maturely bald heads; removes ilandrutr burners,scaly eruptions; removes irri­ tation, itching and soaly dryness. No article produces such wonderful effects. Try it, call for WoodVImproved Hair Bfeetoratlve. and don't be put off with My other article. Sold by all drug- fists in this plaoe and dealers every­ where. Trade supplied at manufact­ urers prices by C. A. Cook & Co., Chi­ cago, Sole Agents for the United States and Canada, and all Wholesale Drug- fiats. nun You are Interested In Thl® NEW PRICE usr HENRY COLBY, BY vmm • , ,» - •••*« *« Trade in ail CASES where you Gin do your'1' . B£ST || and in that WAY feather your NEST I firat care- fully f READ !*• the new and ^ - winter price LIST. Richmond and Dundee Cash Store* of Cj, IT. ttttll. Befit Prints... Beet Bleached Ootton.*^.*...... liesf (Tn bleached........'.,..: All Cambrics . Dress braids »>.. Coat s Thread Spooi Silk J<» yards. wood Corsets ...... No. 1 black Alpacas , No. 1 black Ciishmere No. I alt wool C.i8hrnere.... Mens suits Boys suit., 7 10 9 6 • S 10 50 51 80 ... 75 <*%. .fjfto .i..p.50 to *10 Overcoats ..., <6 to #20 Best Yoitfrprffvson Tea..... 80 • ?.*»»,• ••nr Best (Innpowder Tea. Best Japan Tea... 12 lbs, Rice ........ a.... 5 lbs. Good Coffee 23Kirs Soap 12 Cakes Fancy Soap S boxes dime Matches..... . 1.00 7d 1.00 i.oo LOO ' 25 25 No. l Syrup.. 1 lb Castile Roup...... 1 tt»x4I,:tyer J ffaisenV 12 Ihs. I'ured Peuohes Salevatus Silver G1 >s.< Starch' Corn StarCIi.. 20 It*. t*w| Wstag,..*.. 10 lbs. Raiseus ........ 15 lbs. Prune®... 12 1b-. Xante Currants...'.*!,*.' SO Good Cigars.. & Stove Polish....; Axle Greuse........ I.nJies Siloes good......,. B<>st Kip Boots. ; Good Iflp Boots... ........... Good kip Boots Boys Hoots No. 10 to it..... Bov# boots No. 1 to 5.; fHrsand Robes. •*% A!! 65 15 2.00 1.00 8 ** 10 1.00 L0"/ i.oo 1.00 LOO 5 8 ...., LOO 4.00 ... . 3.00 ... $2.1)0 $i.«» 2.50 to 2.80 Price*. OILS, Painters Brushes, Dye Stuffs * &c.» &c. Physicians Prescriptions OarefUlly Co impounded. STATIONERY. WehaVe a fine Stock of Cap, Bill, Note and Mourn in Paper, which ivc are selling very Cheap/ A line assortment of the latest Sty lop Box nd Fancy Papers/ constantly on liaiid. I am prepared to sell yon Goods cheaper than any STOUE in the NORTHWEST. WIIY NOT? I buy and sell for cash,--make no bad debts, and light running expenses completes the list. ALL my immense stock of men and boys' clothing is manufacture 1 Expressly for ME. ONE price to all ami tU&t the 1.0WJ&3T. A cordial im itation is extended to VOLT to calf and see me. C. F. HALL N E W S T O R E ! 1ST Tap aid Blacksmith H O P ! ICoHENBT, ILLIIVOiS. E. PERKINS Would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally that he is now prepared, at his Shop, West of the Public Square, to do •U kinds of Carpenter Work or work in wood of anv kind, such as the of Bug­ gies, wagons, making Boats, Ac,, and in short anything ever made in afirat~class Carpenter .Stoop. From a long experience in the business and using none but the best of Lumber I can hi all eases Guarantee Satisfaction! t-- ;vH^$r£K-- ; -; v H»*l»gOi.t»wa Into an arr&B&emeat vtitb ICr. Phillip Hau|grihs! Who will do the IRON WORK, we are prepar­ ed to get up BuggieS and Wagons to Order on the most Reasonable Terms and Warrant as Mpreaented. MR. HAUPEB1HS' SHOP is •ne Block South of my Shop, where all thoae wishing Jobs in the Blacksmith line should «»1L GENERAL JOBBING Promptly attended Uk Give Me a Call! E. PEliKIJfS. MeHenry, 111., Nov. 20th, 1876. HEW BLACKSMITH UD, J O H N M . S M I T H Having removed to his New Store, near the De­ pot, is better prepared than ever to supply his cus­ tomers with . nilrs aid Slelf Harlware, Stoves, Tinware, &c., And at prices that DEFY COMPETITION. His stock of Stoves, both COOK and HEATING, cannot be excelled in the County. QUICK SALES & SMALL PROFITS Is his motto. Call and see for yourselves. JOHN M. SMITH, MeHenry, Ills., Nov. 27,1876. PERRY & MARTIN. Headquarters for all Kinds of Dry Goods Clothing, Boots and Snoes, Hats and Caps Groceries of all Kinds, Crockery Glass-Ware, FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, And in short, a First Class Stock of General Merchandize. TH* trxDERSIGNED H4.VIJTG ^tTILT A new Shop North of Perry /fc Martin's Store Bear the Brick Church, is aew prepared to do anything in the line ef Slacksmithing or Wagon Making, on short aetice, and guaran­ tee satisfaction. Havin| entered into an amesww»t witb MR. E. PERKINS, who will the Wood Work, we are prepared to (ret up Buggies and Wagons to order .on the Bsost reasonable terms ana Warrant as re pre- Mnted. Horse Sin & General Jebliii promptly attended to. JTA good pbed for the accommodation of 0«stomera. ' Givi Me a Call! PK$$i>LIP jfeHenry, VK. We are constantly receiving new Goods of all kinds, and buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't lire in this neck of the woods. Our LARGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OURCLAIM8 ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We always gnarantee our goods to be what they are represented to be and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and hence cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor to ask enormous profits on our goods. We intend to "Live and Let Live!" And while we are grateful to a generous public for their patronage in time past, we hope to merit the same in the future. j^^GIVE US A. CALL and «r* will show jro# oiur Goods aud use you well whether you buy of «w or not. IRA M. MALLOiiY, TtUNDA - - - - ILLINOIS I am Bound to Sell the Lowest. Mens Buffalo Linerl Boots $3.25. Fine Calf, (4.50. Extra Ki»>, #3.50. Good. f2.50. Youths #'2,40. llovs, fcl.SK), Hi\blHTs. 40, <10 :ui<1 75 <'ts. Womans fvi<t button Shoes, Si>le I.ace, y-J.S.'i. Call", sewed or pe.irgetl, Fine Goat 62.50. Cloth, Mist-es, Ki<i side lace, # Nation ^1.7.> 75 ct?v « and $1.25. Ifciliies. ."0 cts. 75 ct.s. and SI. New stork just received. Tinware, all kinds, stove pipe ami Elbows, 23 cts. each.. 1 keep Bishop'* Celebrated Flour. Young Hyson Ten, 50 cts. Japan best, 60 cts. Gunpowder. 75 eu. Iiuiterial, 70 cts. Liberal deductions on 5 1b.s. Ground Java Coflee, 2S et»„ and .'t sets of Sil\er Spoonei in every 48 pounds. 1 sell Corn Starch and GhSss Starch for 10 cts. Saleratus, Yeast Cakes and Soap 8 cts., 15 bars for $1, 7 for CO cts. Fine Cut Tobacco, 50, 75. and'.Ml els. Plug, 60 and 75 cts. Smok. iug, :55and Wets. Durham, 70 cts. a jiound. Mixed candy. 2U cts., Fancy, Ii0 cts., tftick, 13 cts. New stock Colored Crockery cheaper ttwr» ever. Notions of nil kinds. Knvelopes fivmished and printed for 10 cts. a bunch, ;i or 25 i ts. Jf ordered bv mail send a 2 cent stamp for jjoslage. Best lot Cigars in town. 50 lor #1. Large stock Pipes aud Smokers ar­ ticles. Pure H tvauas, 5 cts. H Highest price l«id for Butter aud Eggs. Life and Fire In­ surance Agent. Insure in the Protection of Chicago, which is the cheapest Life Insurance Com pun v. It has paid two policies in tins town of $2,500,One for Mrs. Banister and one for Josiah Walkup. Call on me for bargains I, M. Mallory Nunda, III., No*. 8th, I878L L. FRANCISCO, WAGON AND Shop opposite 111* Pa,rter Bo.Qsek McHENRY • < ^ - ILLINOIS. Persons contemplating purchasing a new Buggv should c.Ul at my Shop. I cangiveyou a good op<'n Buggy, made of the best material aud finished in Urst class atyle for $!>0. Am now preparing to put "up a line lot of Cutters, which will be sold at Hard Pan Prices for Cash. I am also Agent for all lead, ing Farm Machinery. H o r s e N h o e i n g A SPECIALITY. R E P A I R I N G Of all kinds protnptly attended to. see for yourself. Call and \ L. FRANCISCO. licHenry, 111,, Nov. 14th, 1676. FOUNDRY AND MacMne Sim, VOI4O, ILL. WAP B. GALE, Proprietor. The undersitrned have just started a Fonn. dry and Machine Shop, and are now pre pared to do all kinds ol Casting for Machinery, on short notice aud in the best of manner We also manufacture the celebrated Gale Wind Mill. Repairing of nil kinds done promptly and satisfaction Guaranteed, Threshing Machines repaired on short no­ tice. Orders solicited, WARD B. GALE. Volo, 111,, July 5th 1876. BAYLI MeHenry, 111., July 2Tth, 1875, PERRY &. MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother. GREAT Mercantile College, Keoknk, Iowa, on the Mississippi. Prof. Win. II.. Miller General Manager. Nineteenth year. About sixty dollars pa y all expenses, for Membership Board and Stationery. Bookkeepers, Penman, Heoorters, Operators, Architects, Surveyors and Teachers thoroughly fitted. English branches free. Free Lectures bv eminent Orators. Free Festivals w ith Brass Band in Oollesre Hall. Free furnished rooms for self boarding. Telegraphing free. Short hand writing free. Good lioarding clubs ami lamilv lH>ard. Railroad fare deducted. Inimens'o business in Keokuk, No vacation. Address Baylies College, Keokuk, Iowa. State where you saw this advertisement, WESTERN HOMES! The Lake City JorRNAL is a local news paper published in the midst of the Garden of the West, where lands May h» procured at $3 to «*! peracre. The man of whatever age. pro- fession or capital, can here make his fortune. Those contemplating a wpstorn home and competency, may be thoroughly informed by becoming subscribers to the .JoVrnal, Tkkms: One year, $2 00; Six months, fl00; Three months, 60 cents; postage paid. Address T. B. HoTciffciss, Lake City, Iowa. ^ VV >**"• \ ' -4? All Goods Warranted As rCpfesetited and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Patronage Solicited* H. COLBY. MeHenry, July 27tli, 1875. LAUER & BECKER, Kear the Pepot, McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS The subscribers are now prepared, with a Stock of Fine Cloths of all Kinds, To make to order Coats, Pants, Vests or en­ tire Suits, on short notice and on the most Reasonable Terms. *i~Good Fits Guaranteed and all Work Warranted. We also Keep a Full Line Ready - Made Clothing, SHUTS FUKNISHIE GOODS, Hats, Caps, Whioh will be sold as Low as at any estab­ lishment i>n the County. We have come here to stay, and respectfullv ask a share, of- public patronage, pledging our­ selves to do our- host to please all who may give ua a calk Clothes Gleaned m the of manner and on short notice. LAUER & BEOKCT, McHoijgj-, July *25th, 18?6i> NEW FIRM. BLAKE & BENTFIELD. Having Removed to their New Store, Corner of Owens' Old Mtand, have just tilled »p with a large and well selected Stock of GLOVES and MITTENS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY & GXASS-WA.R2 And are now prepared to sell all Goods in air Mne^T TIIK l.C WEST LIVING PRICES Our Goods are all new and selected with especial reference to the wants of the peo]>lti of this community, trouble to show Gouds. ('all and examine onv Goods and Prices before purchasing, <S~The Highest Market Price Paid fo,r But­ ter, Eggs, aud all kuuU of Country Produce. Shoe Shop. Our ShoeShop is in full Running Order and weare prewired to make Boots and Shoes to Order or do Ko|>airing on short notice, Weare Agents for the celebrated Patent lleel-Stiffe- ner, which is warranted to prevent Boots and Shoes from llunniii^ Over, ft^'All warrant­ ed, BLAIvE & BENTFIEHi. MeHenry, 111,, Oct. 27th 1878. A FULU STOCK OF Hats & Caps AND UNDERWEAR, Gloves and Mittens, AT COST To close out. Being desirous of closlnft out my entire stock of the above goods, I will sell tliem for the next 30 days at COST FOR CASH. They are »U and deslral>le. Ko old ook, but first-class goods. Call and exam ne them. I mean business. Also in store a full stock of Groceries, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, &c. which will be sold as Low as the Lowest L, STODDARD, MeHenry, Hov, 20th, 1876, Rf I Say! Mt* S. A. JilSlD, uar* WOO#tOOK. . f | I H»* the Largest Stock of EvjJr brnnght to MeHenry County, and out sell you a Fashionable and hondvomer Hat or Bonnet for LESS MONEY than any other establishment in the Northwest. is a faet and no discount, iiEu stock or Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces NECK -TIES, COLARS AND CUFFS, Is complete In every patfcular. Call and 1 convinced. Mrs. 8. A. REID. Woodstock, Nov. 15th,[1878. J . S T O R Y , -DEALER Shelf and Heavy Hardware, STOVES TINWARE MECHANICS' TOOLS, FAHMINQ IMPLEMENTS, f CLOTHES WKINGEIIS* WIUGIL WILL SOLD LOWER TEAM USUAL PRICES! Now Is the time to pnre>haa#, awt save ami ey. I believe that I can furnisli frood ad low prices, as anyone in the cou»ty« Atsokepp on hantT a full Stoek o( BTTII.DINO PAPER, su^U us PIMn Ronrtl. Waterproof, Iron Coated an<| Turred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpet Lini»g% KAWL AND SEE I Repairing1 PlompUy attended to. J. aTORY. Opposite Qwens MPk H. MAS MAN, MIRCHANT TAILOR. WAUCONDA, Lake County, * » ^i||!riol» Has lust received the Larpest and Bes^ Stock o't- Cloths, Cnssimeres, Fancy Vesting* and also Clothing of all kinds, ever brought let this Market. Mens', Youths and Boys Suit* of all grades and prices. I am prepared to Suit you in Ready-Made Clothing Suit you to Order, Suit you in Price. Suit you in Style. Suit you on Fit. YOURB TRC'LY, H' MAIMAX. Wauconda, I)}., April 35th, 1876. I At the Old 8t*nd of J. is. RINCWOOD, - - ILLINOIS, Have just filled their Storey with a Larm Stock of * STOVES, Both Cook and Heating, which thev are ofto; ing to the buying public at BOTTOM PBIC®1 We have also a line assortment of Table and Pocket Cutlery, and other Goods that usually kept in a country - 1 Hardware Store. In connection with onr large stock of Hfcrfl ware we have opened up with « full liae. of The Best Tobacco and Cigar* To be found in the Market, OUR STOCK OF Boots and S Rubbei tioods, Jfcc., are of the best tuftsmfeftt ture, and we extend an invitation to all come and see us before purchasing elge^hM* All goods sold at thd Lowest Cash Prices, YASEY £ HOLMES Rtngwood, Sept. ^Stb, 1376,

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