Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jan 1877, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth, tq Liberty and Law) No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." VOL. 2. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1877. NO. 24. J|ej|eiFy |ta<JeaIer. Published Every \tfednesdny by J. VA1V 8LYKB Editor and Publisher. Office in Riverside Blocks Over Smith Bros. & C<x's Store. OF SUBSCRIftWK: yt*t VifeA^, '(iH Advance,").. ...» I*%AT M\A WITHIN 1HVFFT<5 .MONTHS.........2 00 Subscriptions received tor three AY six months |o the aaiti6 proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. IT. T. BROWN,. lk> I*. j. ODlnfe Ml Brick res Clothing State E, A. BEERS It. IX |3»Y»tCtXK and Surgeon, Office at residence, IT two doors west of l*ost 0®ce, Mcllenry BUSINESS CARDS. E. BENNETT, M. IX, SUROEON and _ Accoucher. I>iupases of Women a Specialtv. Ofti<eand Residence on Olay Street, Woodstock, 111. W. II. BUCK, M, D„ HOMEOPATHIC Phvticlim and Snrf*on.-- Office East,Bide Public Square, Wood­ stock, III. Office hours 11 to 14 A. M., and % to 4 P.M. <K 4. UOWA&D, M T). >MT8I0IA>f and Surtreon. Office at the store of Howard & Son, Mcllenry, I1L F. J. BABIUAX. CIGAB M*Tmfacj<iror, Mcllenry 301. tory Na 17L Orders solicited. Fae- RICIIARD m<mvr, ATTOWNEY AND COI7NSEI OR AT LAW-Office in renrwf llurphv & Kishop's Bunk "North Side PnWic Si|uare, MToodstock, III. om A. *rcKi.ix, PCTBLSG, TiiTOV!ey»nrer anil In­ surant* Afffint. iGMKne at "Bucklni A •Steven'sStore, near the "Depot, "McUcnry., HI. E. E. RICIIAltlM. HAS * complete Abstract «ix Titles to land ra> McTIenrv Cotimiy,, HT'nois. Office with CfcwuutjCJerJk. Wawdsto'ek. 111. KOBT. WRIGHT- Manufacturer of Custom Made Boots and Shoes. None but the best of material used &nd all work warranted. Shop Northwest corner Public Square, WcJI<c#iry., flf. FK. TMKH'TI.E. HOUSE, Wiyn (Carriajoe Painter, Mc Hen­dry 4U. 'Wtfl <Ao »U1 work promptly aud at treasonable rates. E. M. OWEN, fieaier and Manufacturers In Leading Fawu Machinery, prices low and ¥eri#<s fayo^ablfe MCWN&Y, , , , , . ILLINOIS. MT Agaut ii 6 GEO. SCHREINER. AT.OON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite the Parker House, MrlJeary Ht, J®*First-Class Billiard and Pool Tallies, J, 150NSI-ETT, SALOON and Rastaurant, Nearly oppoeite Owjeu'* Ml", Mcllenry, 111. FreghMystero serv ed II |> In miy s\ISPE d«.sh\ed, or lor sale by JMe @*4, *9»<&Q&D STAKI.IXG POR HORSES,.#* JOS.. WIEDEMANN, • JjJALOON a*nl ltestaurant. Nety the Depot yj McHi'w.v 111, r<It.'vs bv th.e day or freek at reasonable rates, Wan'n and cold 0j,ejMU hours, ••"Good Stablinar for Horses .e* NclIENRY \TVERY STABLE. H. E. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First class riffs, with or u itluiut drivers, furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds ione on short notice. W, W, ELLSWORTH. BREEDERo the Celebrated Majrie Hojr, Also LiKht.tud Dark lirahwa Fowls. Pips shipped to all points by express, p. O. Ad­ dress, Woodstock, III., ROBERT MURFITT, AW ATCII-M AK ER of 18 years experience, has located at Nunda, and will ftive his atten­ tion to the Repairing of Clocks. Wa&riies, $,0. Shop in Watson & Go.'s Drug Store, All Work Varrantod. PETER LEICKEM, REPAIRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Also Repairs Violins iutheoest possible manner, on short notice and at roa- sou4blc rates. Also Violins' for gale, Shop (Irsc door North of Riverside Uloek, McHenry M MoIIENRY HOUSE. cHenrv, III. John Karges Proprietor. Centrally located and the best of accom­ odations furnished. Charges reasonable. RICHMOND HOUSE. RICHMOND ILLINOIS. Frank Poster Pro­prietor, UQod accommodations for aty parties. Samplwooms for Salesmen. Liyerv Stable attached. Public Hali tor Lectures, Shows Ac., The 1HcHeajy Brewery, King $ Herbe ,̂ ProprietorB, THE best of Beer Shipped to any part of the country anq warranted as represented.-- Orders solicited and promptly attended to. FRED. RENICH, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, --ANp-- WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. PATENTS. Persons desiring to take out Patents, QX de- tiring information from the U. S, Patent Office fhould consult F, A- LEIIMANN, SOLICJ^QR pr AMERICAN ANI» FOREIGN PATENT, Washington, D. O. Examinations free, NO PATENT NO PAY. Send for Circular. For 3ale« The undersigned offers for Sale, me Brick store on Water Street. Ju the village of McIIenrv, now occupied bv Mrs. C. H- Morey, fLS a Milllnerv Store. It is the upper £torv being ifnished off as a residence. TERMS EAmABtE. Inquire of C. H. MOBET J^cJJenry, 111, Nov. 1st 1875, CHARLES ItOUsE. BARftER. shaving, Hair Cutting. Shfcm-. pooiiiij and everything pert&ihing toihe bustaesK ddne in X\e best style ot the %rt< Simp, Hear the Depots Mcllenry. W. H. SANF0RD, Merchant Tailor. In the store of C. H. l)ic km son, East side of Pulslic SqMarcs WOODSTOCK, ILL. A food Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al­ ways on hand. Suits made to order and a fit warranted- Give inc a call. W. H. SAN FORD. Woodstock 111., Sept. 27th, Uli. Removed. FROM the RivewSd# Home to the Brick st»re, opposite Ow«i»1 Mill, where I will open a Hrjit-class Saloon aud Ht'stain-ant. J, WEBER. M. EN.CELN. OUPT-^M ITH. Will c'hange mnx- zle loaders, both J,ingte and ,li>uWc' *;'^A^«3^to breach, loaders. Keeps on hand all terial. All work warranted. Shop Southeast 'Comer Public, Square, MciUeiirr, t4L kinds of Gun Ma O. W. OWEN, WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, MelfENBr ihU, Dealer in all kinds of American and Swiss Watches, Clocks from the best factories in the country. Silver, platfidware, Silver Spoons, &c.^ ALSO AGENT FOR THE Weber and Bradbury Pianos AND THE Bstey Organ J Which w<e Iwlieve to be the l»est Organ jn the market. We think we know that by experi­ ence, and w# believe it. for it is backed up by th« Besl Musicians in the World. I also sell other Organs at less prices than •the Estey, but can't reccoinmend them to be as good, O. W. OWEN, July «*. W K W Meat Market. JOHN LANSING, Ilajn#:r opened a New Meat Market, in his Block, m:ar the depot, |s now* prepared ,to furnish all 3y))Q may give him a call with FRESH AND SALT MEATS Of All Kind*, PO UL Tit r, SA VSA GE. dr.Ac At as Low Prices as at any other Market >n he County, I keep none but the best of Meats, and my Sausage is iqado by an experienced Sausage maker, and are war ran tod the bost. #*-Givc me a Call, JOHN LANSING. Mclfenry, Nov. 14th, I«7«. TUTS PAPER IS OJf FIUF WIMt Where AdTavtteln.^ CsnSncta AMI hm •»'* NOTICE. 90,000 lbs. of fool Wet! --AT TH1 JANESVILLE WOOLEN MILLS NORTH M-VIN STREET, THE subscribers wish to inform their patrons and everybody that they will manufac­ ture their Wool into good substantial Oassi- inere^, Doeskins, flannel and Stocking Varn, on shares or by the yard or pound, oh ^tjsfac tory torms; of wilV'buv their Wool and pay the highest market price, and soli them goori substantialCassimeres at ff).U0 p£i* yard, and all other goods at the same rate. Will pav haft cash on good tine lots, not too small. Will yay Express charges on all lots of Woo) of W pounds or more and return the goods free ot charge. Will card their Wool'lnto rolls fojsfic per pound ; also card Wool the same day *'hen brought from a distance, if possible. Will drtss their cloth on the usual terms. Carpets Wished ; price 5 cents per yard, Firmer^, pa- trgnize home industry. %Af r. -- -i IN exchange for floods, tf HillCQj"" Wool-Grease, Tallow and Wood, for which the highest price will be paid. F. A. WHEELER * CO. ^anesville, Wis., May 30th, 1876, THIS EXTKAniTION TREATY. A final settlement lias been ached between • the authorities of Great Britian atul the United States in rela­ tion t,o the extradition of criminals. Official dispatches have been received by the State Department from London and also by the British Minister here, Sir Edward Thornton, stating that the Englisd government had yielded to the American, interpretation of the extra­ dition article of the treaty of 1842, and concedes that criminals may be tried for crimes ether thai* those for which they are extradited. Ina word, the English Government abandons all its claims by virtue of its construction «f the act of Parlintent of 1870, relating to the surrender of for­ eign criminals, and accepts the rule which has been iu force between the two government since 1842. It also enforces its good faith by prompt action, and surrenders Brent, the Louis­ ville defaulter, who has already been forwarded to this eouutry . Winslow, the Boston forger, is to be given up at once, and the only remaining case-- that of Grey, now in England.--is to be promptly acted on. Ellis, the de­ faulting teller of the Park Bank of N«w York City, who i« nom* iu the Dominion of Canada, also conies milder terms of the settlement, and he will be sarreud#re«l at «nce. The settlement of tlie diflerei*ce i« soooneluslve that it is not expected that there will be a supplemental treaty, as at one time seemed probable. The settlement of this difficulty again demonstrates the fa£t that Uncle Saui is bound to be at the top of the iieap, as lie always lias been in the contest^ civil or otherwise, with Great Britain. THK XAVAL HIlX The bill introduced in Congress, re­ cently^ and referred to th* Committee on Naval Affairs, provides that the fleet of the Navj', in peace and until the public safety demands an iiw?re$se, shall consist of thirty .sea-going vessels of war, to be distributed among the resjiective squadrons and divisions. Jt specifies the number of Jin^officers. aud provides that their full pay shall be the same as ttiat of otlicers of the aruij' with whom they take rank; that when on sea service the same amount in emoluments to be allowed as to the assimilated grades i«i th«army; that when on duty, shore officers shall be entitled to their full pay without the allowances and when on leave of ab­ sent to63J percent of the full pay of their grade without the allowances. Retired )ine officers, who have seen twenty y£ars actnal service at sea, and retired stall officers who hare seen fourteen years actual service at sea. shall receive 75 per cent of the full pay of the grade from which they were re­ tired, and all other officers shall re­ ceive one-half of the full pay of the grade from which they retired. In ad­ dition te the number of men now allowed in the Navy, Sfft boys for training may be enlisted, 03P: Ve x t y e ar A us tralbt U have a World's Fair, It promises to be one of the most remarkable of the series ©f these exhibitions. Europe, iu her anxiety to get the trade of that flour­ ishing young empire, will make a tine display. "We shall send a small exhibit, though a greater and better on« would redound to. our advantage, and the Australasian islands will themselves present an array of their natural and manufactured products of great variety and peculiar interest. The Australian Department in our Centennial Exhibi­ tion surprised all visitors, and we fprsee that the rich islands of Ausfira- sia will make a fine appearance at their home fair. Africa is also to have its internation­ al fair. The exhibition is to open on the 15th of next March at Cape Town, and our manufacturers are urgently asked to contribute to the show. They wfl.idd doubtless find their pro tit iu Dis­ proving the opportunity. Next will be a Japanese and Brazilian interna* tionai exhibition aud so the move­ ment begun iu London iu 1851, at the suggestion of Prince Albert, will travel rounxl the world. We have so far had eight world's fairs-^two at London, in 1851 and 1862; two at Paris, in 1855 aud 18C7; one at Dublin 1852, one at Vienna in 1873, and two in the United States, in 1853 and 1870. To these will be added the Australian aedAfijpan fairs of next year, and the Paris exhib­ ition of the following year, t&~ The successful revolutionary government Mexico begins its career in cruelty ai^l blood by the execution of Escobedot the late Secretary of War a brave aud patriotic general of the Republic, who compelled the abdica­ tion of Maximilian. This is the inti­ mation of the probable fate of the late President Lerdo, who has been captur­ ed by Diaz. It looks as if Mexico was on its backward way toward the cruel- ty, bigotry and intoler^q*# of its Span ish antecedents* THE I)EAD CuMINGTO LIFE. The Fort Wayne, Ind., Sentinel, of January 2d, published a story concern­ ing a young man uamed Charles Hues- ton, living at Monroeville. in this coun­ ty. On Friday Hueston was attacked suddenly with congestion of the lungs, and after an illness of about two hours was pronounced dead. The body was being shaved by the barber, when the razor slipped, making a slight cut in the cheek, from which blood spurted freely. Some, of . the bystanders thought from this that Hueston was still alive, but not much' attention was paid to this tl.eorv. Meanwhile Hues- ton's father, mother'and sister arrived from Forest, O. The body was placed in a coffin and put on the Pittsburg express train, but the lid of the coffin was not screwed down. The sistei4 of Ilueston staved in the express car, to be near his body, and when about twenty miles west of Forest, gave a heartrendering shriek and fell to the floor in a swoon. The train men rush­ ed to her assistance, when they found the cause of her horror. The supposed dead body of her brother was moving and breathing. The face, with ghost­ ly pallor extended above the c«jQ9n, the eyes wide open and presenting altogether a weird and ghostly specta­ cle. The serrices of physicians were secured, restoratives applied, and Ilueston removed to the home of his parents in Forest, where ne now is. The prospects for his recovery are said to be good. His sister, since her faiut- ing lit iu the cars, has been wholly insane, and fears are entertained that her reason is partially dethroned. SUCH WITHOUT MONK*. Many a man IB rich without money. Thousands of men with nothing in their pockets, and thousands without even a pocket, are rich. A man born with a good sownd constitutiojj, a good stomach, a good heart, and good limbs, and a pretty good headpiece, is rich. Good bones are better than gold; tough muscles than silver; and nerves that flash Are and carry energy to ev«ry function are better than liouses and luiul. Jt is better than a landed estate to have the right kind of a father and mother. Good breeds and twd breeds exist among men as among herds and horses. Education may do much to check evil tendencies er to develop good ones; but it is a great thing to inherit the right proportion of facul­ ties to start with. TJ>e mania rich who lias a good disposition--who is naturally kind, patient,cheerful, hope­ ful, and who has a Iliivor of wit and fun in his composition. The hardest thing to get on with in this life is a man's own self. A cress, selfish fellow--a desponding and com­ plaining fellow--a timJ4 *nd care burdened man--these are all born de­ formed on the inside. They do not liuip, but their thought* do. NOT SO IGNOtt A NT. ^ He sat aloue in her father's parlor, waiting for the fair one's ;appea«;ance, the other evening, when her little brother came cautiously into the room, and gliding up to the young inatrs side, hold out a handful of something) aud earnestly inquired: '•I say, n»4ster, what'r them "Those?" replied the young man, solemnly, taking up one in his fingers, "those are beans," "There!" shouted the bpy, turning to his sister, who was just coming in, ,kI knew you lied. You said he didn't know beans, and he does, too!" The young man's Stay was noc what you might call a prolonged one that evening. The 8elma (Ala.) Times of De­ cember 27, prints this paragraph: "While one of our young men of literary persuasion was meandering our streets, last Saturday night, he was very much startled and seriously frightened by coming in direct contact witK a desper­ ate looking negro. Our young friend, true to his native grit, promptly placed a pistol in the eyes of said des* perado, who In turn being duly terrified promptly stammered out, *For de Lord's sake, boss, don't shoot, l'se got no money, sarch uie and see," The young man subsided. |^*An Eastern exchange brings the news that "the Western Union Tele» graph Company commenoed the new year with a sweeping reduction of rates throughout New England and the Cauadas, In many cases the reduction amounts to a very important oonsiderar tion to patrons of this oompany." How about the West? We are anxions to learn if the lightning struck in M'U vicinity, List of Pvioes At Fords Fine Art Gallery. Tintypes four for $1. Theoommon Card Photo's. 92 per dot, The latest style Frost and Marble Back­ ground $3 per . doz. (This is the finest Picture out.) Please Call ftfd pxamine Specimens, MORE AltOUT TIIK CAPITOL. - - - - - R W A S H I N G T O N , D. C., Dec. 30th 1376. Passing through the wonderful piece of bronze history, of which I* wrote last week, we enter the rotunda where we might remain a whole day to ad­ vantage. There are four entrances to the rotunda* one from the East, through which we have just passed, an opposite one from the western terrace, and one from each of the wing«. The circular walls of tlite space are divided into eight panels each of which is occupied by a historical painting. These are true to the life aud to a real lover of the country and its history, are fraught with deepest interest and contain suffi­ cient food for hours of thought and study. A detailed explanation of these though it could not fail to be interest- this connection with the Police Board are being unearthed, it having bee* shown that &u intimate relation be» tween members of the detective corpe and the "boss gamblers" has existed for years. M. M. W. 'A NOVEL OPERATION. We learn from one of our exchangee that a novel operation has been per­ formed in extricating an aching tooth® and after Its remaining out of the mouth for one hour and thirty minutes during which time it,was filled, he re­ placed it and the operation proved ail entire success--the tooth now being entirely well and free from soreness. If such operations can be preformed successfully, and the Doctor seems con^ t fldentgthercan, how handy l*. will be lug, would occupy more time and space' leave your teeth and have them filled that I am entitled te here, t lie re fore I will only give their names. They are "The Signing of the Declaration of Independence," "The Surrender of Burgoyne," "The Surrender of Corn­ wall is,"* "The Resignation of General Washington,'" "The Baptism of Poca­ hontas, 1613,"" "The Dkcqyery of the Mississippi River," "The Landing of Columbus" and "The Embarkation of the Pilgrims:" Above the four en­ trances sire groups of Statuary, by Italian artists, which cost 33,500 each and represent respectively, Daniel Boone in a direful conflict with Indians Thet Pilgrims landing on Plymouth llock, Pocahontas shielding tfapt. John Smith from her father's savage ferocity and William Penn in the act of mak­ ing a treaty with the Indians, under an elm tree. The canopy of the rotunda i« decorated with a frescoed scene rep­ resenting Washiugtou as a deity,-- Freedom en his right, victory on his left, while the thirteen original States, iji the guise of female forms occupy the foreground, with the revolution in alle­ gory, represented by six groups. I must now pass quickly through the most interesting rooms which are the Library, occupyiug a hall with two wings and which is built of iron, the floor laid with encaustic tile, and re­ markable from being the wily totally flre-proof Library in the world; the Senate Reception Room, richly orna­ mented with.frescoes aud oil paintings tiie Trianble room, aud as a private re­ ception room by the Senators and con­ sidered. with its walls and columns of inarhle. the most beautiful room in the Capitol; the President's room, contain­ ing portraits ol Jvfierson, Knox, Alex­ ander Hamilton, Edmond Randolph and S, Osgood,--frescoed representa­ tions of Columbus or Discovery, Brew­ ster or Religion, Vespucins nr Explor­ ation and Franklin or History, and Statutes of Liberty, Legislation, Re­ ligion and Executive Power; and the Post Office of the Senate with ceiling frescoed to represent History, Geogra­ phy, Physics and the Telegraph. With Statuary Hall, House of Representa­ tives and Senate Chamber, I will finish "The Capitol" in my next week's let­ ter. Little, of puVMa iiiterestv lias trans­ pired W1 Congress for the last week. Daily sessions have been held in the House but no quorum has been present excepting on Wednesday and of course no real business could be attempted, A spirited discission occurred on Wed­ nesday iu which soine very sarcastic remarks were made and . replied to. One member accused another of incon­ sistency aud asserted that in the case of certain contingencies the people would resist the authority of the Uni­ ted States, whereupon the njemher re^ ferrqd to said that (he mau who pro* posed violence, to the people, was the man who shakes a fire-brand among the trains leading tp the magazine of pub­ lic passion and should receive the severest censure from right-minded aud loyal people, Thursday the Senate held no session and that in the House was but of nine* teet> minutes duration and nothing was done but the introduction of a few bills, the principal of which was one authorising the Commissioners of the Freeduiau's Saving ami Trust Company to dispose of certain real and other property at public or private sale, and was referred to the Committee 6n freed man's Bank. The property pro­ posed for sdle is the elegant building on Pennsylvania Avenue,and the value is 9300,000. If the bill is passed it is to be hoped that precautions will bo ta­ ken to secure to depository in the bank the benefit of every Gent that if ob­ tained by tlie sale. The recent Treasury Robbery is ex- piting much commotion here. The de­ tectives are actively at work, and, al­ though no clue to the thief has yet been obtained, suspiciou naturally points most strougly to some of the clerfc? employed iu the cash room. The Investigation into the gambliug hells of this pity is still going on, witnesses are being examined daily, and it is hoped that their permanent closing up will he effected by the pres- eut movement, Unpleasaut facts in while you go shopping, or stray off after a--stlmulent. That's what's the matter. ffigr One who confined his reading to the violent utterances of the partisan press on either side, especially in ref«*t- en<*e t* the voting In the three con­ tested Southern States, would be sad­ dened and humiliated at the revela­ tions disclosed by this Presidential campaign. It is apparent that the difference between the contending par­ ties are deeper mid more radical than those of mere opinion, audi are not te be laid aside and burledby the decision of a majority vote. The era of har­ mony ami good feeling has not yet reached that section. Nor will Jit be hastened by the faA that South Caro­ lina has already two State govern­ ments in operation, each claiming to be elected by the people, and that Lonlsianals also soon to have^the'vame embarrassing and confusing state of things. It Is to be hoped that the Su­ preme Court of tlie'United States may have wisdom to restore peace and har­ mony to those distracted" teoramunl- ties, IgfThe Presidental question re­ mains In statu quo. The chairman ef the Executive Committee of one of the greatest political partiesrhas Issued-'a* address congratulating the p+Ople oa the election of the candidates of that party. Tills, of cour«e, has calledfforth a rejoinder from the chairman? of the Committee of the other ppfty. The method of electing a President by a partisan pronunciamento has the "merit ot novelty, but it will hardly stand the requirements prescribed by the consti­ tutional authorties. Wejcannot doubt that there are honesty and patriotism enough in the two Houses "of Congress to decide upon the* right! method of counting the electorial votes regardless of merely personal or party results. US*He was only an inquisitive bey, and said: "Ma, will all heathens turn up when it comes resurrectiou time?" "Yes, my son." And them missiona­ ries; those will turnup?" "Certainly, my son," *Well, when them cannibal heathen what's beeivfeedin' on mission­ aries gets resurrected, and them mis­ sionaries what's been eat comes around and wants to get resurrected, things is going to be worse mixed „up than th« Presidential election, hey, ina?" "It is time you were in bed say son."-- Home Sentinel, Re marks the mystified Xorris- town (Ph.) Herald: * A wonderful evolutionary freak has just come under our notice. A jear ago one of the il­ lustrated papers pictured the New Year coming in as a comely aud trip­ ping maid. This year the same paper represents the same year going out as a gray-haired, tottering old man. Will Professor Huxley explain ?" $&"A little French story reads this way: On the first night of the new piece a pretty young actress advances to the front of the stage, flaunting in an exquisite new costume. "'That must have cost 3,000 francs!" said audi­ bly a lady who sat with her husband in the front row. "No, no; only 2,500." he said mechanically. Then lie found her eye fixed on him and he was silent. The condition of busiuess Issueh as to indloate that, were it not for th» political vexatious and uncertainties, we should be now enjoying greater prosperity than for several years back, T'te exchanges at the clearing houses of the chief cities shew only a small falling off as compared with the same time last year; prices are lowland the couutry needs to fill its shops. (fe^Tlie editor of the Louisville Courier~Jai*rnal publishes a bit of au­ tobiography under the thin disguise of "Mr. Oakenhead's Story." The differ­ ence between Oakenhead and wooden- head is too slight to deceive era» th# Kentucky reader. New Goods daily arriving at Lapsing / & Evansot^s to be sold at bottom prices. Give them a call *a<) Judc* for yourself, y ^- ;-

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