WEDNESDAY. JAN. 10th, 4877. a* jr. VAN SLYKE, Editor. I0rH©n. .Tames Shn\r, of Carroll County. was elected permanent Speak er of the House, ami in th^ Senate Mr. Plumb was eleeted Presideut protem. HgrThe latest dispatches Ray: Gold ka* declined in New York to-day to 105}--the lowest figures since the Southern rebellion. It means peace at komeand abroad. Government bonds Are active and unsettled. Miscellane ous stoekB are tliill and lower. Commodore VariderbHt, „the great Railroad King, died at his resi dence in New York on Thursday last. He has been sick for some time, and Mveral times reported dead, but at last the grim monster took hold of him {• earnest, and he is no more. He was probably one of the wealthiest men la the United States. J®~The new State officers were In augurated on Monday and assumed their respective duties. The inaugural Address of Governor Cullom is an able and careful survey of the State, and •hows the new Governor to be not only familiar with but determined to do hts duties in such a manner as to him •eerns for the best good of the entire State. We predict he will prove one of the best Governors Illinois ever had. 1®-Telegr::ph dispatches last night brings the news of a terrible excite- •sent iu New Orleans, the streets te eing full of urraed men. The cause was the organization of the rival State Governments. No general outbreak had taken place and we trust will not, but that better counsels will prevail and the troubledu that unfortuuate V Btate be settled to the people. the satisfaction of t&^The correspondent of the Chica go Inter Ocean, at Springfield pays Hon. F. K. Granger, of this village, the following handsome compliment in that paper of Friday last: "The report of to-day's House busi ness would he incomplete without special recognition by your correspon dent of the excellent qualities manifest ed by the HON. MR. GRANGER as a leader of the Republicans. In the House he made friends of all by his "fact and ability as temporary Chair men, and as the leader of the defense fgainst the attack of the Democrats. 'The Chicago Evening Journal •ays: The death of General William Duane Willson. in Iowa, revives the recollection of the active position which he once occupied in Western journalism many years ago, as one ot the founders of the Chicago Tribune and the Milwaukee Sentinel. Of late years he has lived in comparative ob scurity, only to be recalled from it for a moment as a link that unites the present with the past of the Great West. 19* Last week's New Era contained a celumn of slang, a part of which was aimed at us, and which some may^ think we ought to answer, but as we have often said before we do not think it necessary to go out of our way to kjck every dog who snarls at us. We cannot put ourself upon a lovel with him by answering his low. brothel slang, as he has not brains enough to know when be is well used, or moral decency enough to tell the trnth. What we publish we do on our own responsibili ty, and if the viper feels himself hit let^hiin squirm. THK OUTLOOK. In spite of the large sums of aaoney spent by our citisens in visiting the Centennial during the past season; in spite of the complaints of the croakers who are uever weary in telling how hard the times are; our merchants re port an unusually large trade during the week preceding Christmas. Deal ers in holiday goods, who were careful to advertise tbeir wares through the newspapers, concede that their trade has rarely been surpassed. A good many more goods have been disposed ef this year than were sold a ysar ago with perhaps about tiie same cash receipt, the explanation being that nearly all kinds of merchandise are much lower than they were last year. In point ot fact goods have rare ly been as low as they are now. One dollar will buy more than two would have purchased a few years ago. This fact should be taken into Consideration by those eugaged in agricultural pur suits. They are to bear in miud the factvthat though the price of what they raisjyis low, almost everything they are compelled to purchase is corres pondingly low. Twenty-live cents a pound for butter is equal to fifty cents during the war. Our people are pretty well off if they only thought so. McHenry county is sound financially. Not much wealth has been accumulated during the past year, but our people have generally held their own, and made some pro gress in the way of getting out of debt. We are confident our population, takfjti in the aggregate, are in a better con dition than they were one year ago. The country will work out of the difficulties under which it has been la boring the last few years before a great while. We have Evidently seen the worst, and henceforth business of all sorts will begin to improve. The finan cially rotten are mostly out of the way, having either crone through bankruptcy or compromised with their creditors. Every debt paid is a step in the direct ion of better times and increased ac tivity in all departments of trade. We have great recuperative power. Con sidering the enormous indebtedness Of our people in 1873, and the magnitude of the disasters attending and follow ing the financial collapse in that year, we have made marvellous progress in extricating ourselves from our troubles. We hay® surpassed other nations which have been situated much as we were. We have done better than our own people did in other days. The nation was a long time getting over the disas ters of 1837--six or eight years at least. The troubles of 1857 were of shorter duration--perhaps in consequence of our civil war, which bioke out early in 1861, and was followed by a suspension of specie payments and the almost un restricted issue of paper money. The present is no time to indulge in gloomy apprehensions. There is no occasion for discouragement. The fu ture looks brighter than it has for a long time. No doubt business men will have to be satisfied with small profits for some time yet, but any kind of legitimate enterprise can be under taken and prosecuted with as much safety as at any period during the past ten years. 'The Chinese government has called the attention of Mr. Seward, our "minister at Pekin, to the fact that people in San Francisco was in the habit of asftailing the Chinese in that city, and requests our government to prevent the commission of such acts. The Secretary of State uses the "You're another" style of argument in reply, gently reminding the Chinese minister that Americans in China, though much fewer in number than the Chinese who have come to this country, have had more frequent cause of complaint against their treatment. He however declares that the United States will endeavor to carry out its treaty provi sions in good faith. tfSB"James Gordon Bennett and Fred May of New York are reported to have fought a duel somewhere in Delaware on Tuesday. The cause which led to this result was the fact that Bennett was engaged to be married to May'i sister, and the ceremony was to have been performed a few days since, but when the time arrived Bennett, so re port eays> was too drunk i>o put in an , appeanuice. May considered his sister had been insulted and forthwith armed himself with a raw-hide finding the beastly aristocrat |n one of his haunts proceeded te chastise him as be deserved. For this Bennett challenged Mm to mortal combat. They both be long to what is called high life, and the probabilities are but little if any blood will be spilled. At all events Bennett has proven himself unfit to become the husband of any respectable e girl, and If Miss # May is Serbia \ she will give bim the cold shoulder ' • future. NUN DA. I EDITOR PLAIN DEALER :7-IA, vassing cur town for news items, wo find it as barren as can well be con- ceived t yet the extreme pleasant weath er lias lured must of our citizens out to enjojr sleigh rides, attend dinner par ties, evening sociables &c., Until a grand universal jollification seems to be the one great acme ef human life. Not withstanding the philosophising of many of our ultra religious friends and the peculiar speculations of material ists, hmnuu nature is still free to as- s ;rt its rights and enjoy its privileges while mind * xjKtnds by the friction of ideas and u more liberal sentiment is t he result of all investigations. The election of Directors in the Nundn Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Jan. 2d, resulted in the election of the fol lowing gentlemen to-wit: Edgur Beckley, B. F. Peck, Wm. H. Mudgetf A. D. Whiting, Henry Keller, J. H« Doran, R. Steel, Chester Clemens, F; B. Doran, which Directors selected the following named gentlemen as officers of said Co. to-wit: E/igar Beckley, President; B. F. Peck, Treasurer; and Frank B. Doran, Secretary. Total amount insured Dec. 31st, 1876, was 189,(506. The Treasurer's report shows a handsome sum now on hand after paying all expenses, and a general good feeling seems to prevade the minds of all insured. The company have sustained no loss .up to date, and as no property is insured, except farm property makes it a decidedly safe, cheap aiul desirable Company for the farming grangers. The doors of the Nunda Public School were again opened on Monday and a noisy crowd ot youngsters has been transfered froin our streets to the school room, to the great delight of all sleighing parties, as the nuisance ol pili ug on to every sleigh of a thousand and one noisy boys i» for a time abated. Mr. B. P. Fetherly. (living near this place) turijed his horses loose Sunday afternoon for a little exercise, and they suddenly "vacated the ranche" and he has been unable to get any trace of the in up to date. Any information in regard to them would be thankfully re ceived. They are of a dark roan color and had bridles on when they left. TYRO. Lansing & Evansou have just received a large assortment of Mens and Boys Caps, Call aud examine them. Hall's Safes, all sizes, for sale by O. Bishop. Hall's Safes, all sizes, for sale by O. Bishop. PIMPLES. I WII.T, Mail (Free) the recipe for preparing a simple Vegetable Halm that will re move Tan, Freckles pimples an I Ulf»tches, leaving the skin soft ' , ' c lear and beautiful; f . lso instructions for producing a. luxuriant growthof hair on a buld head or bmooth face. Address l ien. Van lelf & Co., l lox 5121, No. 6 Wooster St . , New York. To Consumptivss. TIIE advert iser , having been permanently eured of that dread disease, Consumption by a simple remedy, is anxious io tnake known to his fel low sufferers the menus of cure. To all who desire i t , l ie wil l send a copy of the prescription used, (Free of Charge), with t l \e directions for preparing and using the same, which thev will l ind a sure cure for Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchit is , Part ies wishing the prescription will pleaffe address 11# v. E. A. WILSON, 1!>* Penn St. , Will iumslMirgli , New York. THE TERRITORY OF HURON. The bill to establish the territory of Huron and provide a temporary govern ment therefor, which passed the Sen ate last week, proposes to create the. new territory out of the northern por tion of the present territory of Dakota, it has been before congress for the past four years, and having passed the senate uow goes to the house of repre sentatives for the concurrence of that body. The present territory of Dakota contains 160,952 square miles, and the new territory would have an area of about 70,000square miles. It is to be a parallelogram, extending from Minne sota on the east for something less than 400 miles to Montana on the west, and from the British possessions on the north 200 miles to the boundary of the remaining territory on the south. Its population is estimated at about 10,000, having received considerable accessions by imigration since the last census. It is said that one of the best farming regions in the United States lies in the proposed new Territory. Among the reasons given for the passage of the bill is that the settle ments in the present Territory of De- kota are comprised in two communities entirely separate and distinct from their geographical position. The in habited portion of Southern Dekota, the old settled portion of the Territo ry, is along the Missouri river. Its commercial relations are with Nebras ka, Sioux City and through Iowa to Chicago. Northern Dekota, the portion which the bill proposes to create into a new Territory, is settled for200 miles along the proposed Northern Pacific Railway and along the lied River of North. Its commercial relations are with Duluth. St. Paul and Milwaukee.-- The inhabitants of the Northern por- tiou are often compelled in winter to travel as far east as Chicago in order reach the capital, Yankton, in the southern part of the the Territory, tliere being no direct means of commu nication between the Northern and Southern portions. It was first pro posed to call the new Territory Pem bina, but the name was changed to Huron, on the motion of Mr. Bogy. Cheap Clothing, at F. G. Mayes, Errors of Youth. AGI :NTT.1:MAX who suffered for years lroiu Nervous Debil i ty, Premature De cay, and al l the effects of youthful indiscre- tio 'n wil l , for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to al l who neod i t , the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing tp proli t by the adviser 's experience can l)v addressing in perfect confidence "JOHN B. OtiDKS, 42 Cedar St . , New York. SPECIAL NOTICE. V ' ' if- •• J1**!-it ' * •>* 4 * WI WIL& CLOSE OUT OUR ENTIRE aTOOK This is no Hnmbtijor. Call convince yourselves that we are sroiuff to sell out our entire Stock of - Gloves. Mittens, Hosiery, LADIES AND GENTS* Underwear, At what they Cost us at the lead ing Factories iu the country. Corner Main Street and Public Square, WOODSTOCK, - - - - ILLINOIS Dated Sept. 20th. 1870. EUREKA! Eureka ! It will pay you to purchase your Drugs, Oils, Chicago & Korth-Western RAILWAY. Passengers for CIIIC AGO, Detroit , Toledo Cleveland, Buffalo, Niasrarn Falls , Pit tsburg, Cincinnati , Rochester, .Vbany. Toronto, Mon- tuefl i , Quebec, Portia rid, Boston, Vow York, Philadelphia, Washington, l ial t i inoro St . Louis, Cairo, San Francisco. Sacramento, Od- den, Salt Lake Citv, Denver, Council Bluffs. Sioux Citv, s t . Paul.M irquette, Kscanaba, Men nasha, Madison, Cheyenne, On alf t , Yiinkto. Winona, Duluth, <ireen Bay, Milwaukee, and all points North, West, South and East , should buy their t ickets via. the Chicago & North-Westem Railway. Close connections are mad oat Chicago witl i the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, Michi gan Central , r .al t imore & Ohio, l ' i t ts lmrg tort Wayne A Chicago, Kankakee Line and Pan Handle Routes, for al l points KAST and SOUTH-EAST, and with the Chicago & Alton and Il l inois Central for al l points SOUTH. Close connections are also made with the Union 1 'acil icR. U. at Omaha for nil fur West points. Clone connections are made at jun c- tion points with trains of all cross roads, lPiillimtu Pnlacc Curs. These celebrated cars are run on al l nigbt trains on al l the l ines of this read. This is the ONLY LINE running these cars between Chicago and St. Paul or Chicago and Milwaukee, At Oinaha our Sleepers connect with the Overland Sleepers on t l ic Union Pncil lc Rail road, for al l points west of the Missouri River. Among'the laiacements offered If this Eonte to the traveling public are al l the modern im Jmovements : Rock and Ora vel Ballasted Track, i teel Rail , Rock and- Iron P,ridges. Parlor and Drawing R tooni Day Coaches, Smoking ami Lounging 'Cars, Westinghouso Safty Air Brakes, Miller 's Patent Safety Coupling ami Platforms, Speed, Safety.and Absolute Com fort . Banning through Five Great States, and operating over '2,000 miles of road, thife Com pa n v presents to the traveler facil i t ies tbat Altfc NOT and CAN NOT be offered by uu} Competi tor. » All t ickets agents can sell you t ickets via this route. If you wish the best traveling accommoda lions", vou will buy you t ickets by ",his route and wifl take n<> other. MARVIN HtJGHITT tieneral s;>.>•!. H. 8TI fNETT, •: gcr Airent --AT trtfe-- Red Front Drug Store, WOODSTOCK, ILL. JOHN S. WHEAT. Woodstock, Dec. 12th, '76. ' ' " J" : :'h . . / k • * , ' ' n ' ' BJU,CKLIN & STEYENS, " i,fV: . ' - l i i f f* • ."^TSASTTHE DEPOT, M'HENSY. Dry Goods, a full Stock. Boots I Shoes in abundance Clothing a Full Line. Hats and C aps for all. wo f^lT*Choice Groceries, Fine Teas, Can I ruits, Crockery and Glass Ware. « • The Highest Market Price for BUTTER EGGS, AND POULTRY, in Cash or Trade. * BUCKLIN & STEVF^S. McHenry, 111., Sept. 23dJ870. KRtablishetl 1865. ti ILM0UE & €0., Attorneys at lair, to (dlinnan, lluMtncr Jb Co., 629 F Street, Washington, D, C. American and Foreign Patents. procuifil in all cftininiH*. No FKRft IN I>V\N« K. No charge iini<>T».« the patent is griMiictt. No for tonkin* preliminary •'xaini- uaiions. No additional tees jor obutimnir and conductiui: u iHiuat oij: S|>ei ial attention nlvfn >o III'et fei eln e (':is«*s ilie Patent Olht'tt Kxtension* l>e)oie < Oiipi^s. I nfniipeiilent Suits iu dillerciii Stale*, Mint all III rn;» Molt appertain ing IO In \ enliotis HI l\i lent*. Sk.NI> Sl AMC f'OU I'AMI-III.KI Of SIXTY I'MiM. United States Courts and Department*. < 'laiiil* prosecuted HI Die Supreme < 'ourt of tll« f' n i let I St si i«f, I 'mirt iif l.'In i i lis. < 'our l oft 'ommis- sioners tit Alabama I'laitti*, Sottihern ('linn* ('oniin:uul all ••l:i>.*e!. .,f war claims lieforw 111* l\K4*i*ll live |n>|>;lMlllelils Arrears of Pay and Bounty. OfriiKiiv, MM rnK.ii S, INTL NAII.OIIM of I lie |nl« war, ot then lieir*. ate in ni;inv cases eiimleil lo money from 11«>-(lover'nnieiit, i.f which lli«V d.lVB lio UnowletlKe. V\ I lie lull |,i>. toty «>f *erv ice. a nil Stale .•IIIIOIIII' of |>:iy anil lummy ft-ceiv*«|. I'.n- clone Maiiip, :in<l a lull leplj iiliwi HxtniiiiiMlitiii, will lie jiiven y<>" lice. Pensions. All CKKKHiis, sot.l.lKi.s, w.MIIKleti inpiuie.l, or injured in Hi- late wai% howevei fliplitly. eail olnaill :t pension, lil:inv now reeeiv- ini£ peliNioiiN me eimileil |„ Seinl • tamp ami iiilornnnioii will lie Inmishetl free. United States General Land Office. Oonleslftl I .and < Vas.-s, IVIiate I .ami «l:ihi»*, IVliliii'K I've enipiitin Mini lloin, -.(,-;i.i»•;r.-e«, pruse- C'llted liefote lhe< {eiienil |.:n,d Oin.-eantl )»e|KU'l- ment ol't lie In lei ior Old Bounty Land Warrants. The lawt Uepoi t of the <'uirnoisnioiier of th« General l.aml OllU'e 'J.Mt.'.MMineieHol Homi ly l.aml Wai urn s ..iiiniiinlum 'I'hetn* were i»- eiK it iniflei act ol isw, -inil j.iitit nefs. We pay cash for lliein Send !»y l euM eitil let i»>r Where asKi<:iiinenls ;ue liupflileci we |fne llifiiiM.'tloii» lo |ieilet'l them. Iia.cll tlep.l I t lllenl «f (Mir l>U«i|lier-v t« itilitlllt'led III a « hineaii. under*> cltui)t^ of «-x}ie- rieneeil lawyers mid clerks lty reason of erroi or frttnd inanv ;• I lornevs »re suspended lroiu practice ttelore the ('elision and otliet i.(llees e.-icii yeai. Claimants. wiio*e atttu'iieys have IMM>II ihiiti sin<iieiided. will be jftaiiiiioiixly tin iiisheu with full ititormalion and proper papers on apoliciiitr>u to tu As »i' charge no fee unl.^t- Mict eattful, m.ain|» for ret urn piwia|t« should lie *eiii ns. I.ilieral :i liau^einen i> niailewiih alltiriieyH iu allilan-es of lillKine»b Address GILMORE & CO., P. O. liox 44. HVu/iiiiy'tm. It. V WAKIIIMJTON. I I .y„x>*mh*r 24, 1W«. I lake pletiMire m. exprei-NlUK niv entire coult- dence In the > ihi and jhttiitu of tl»e Law, I'alenl ami Collection llont>e «»1 (IH.MOIIS h Co, of lliiit city. GEO. U. B. WHITE. {Cathter Uttilonal MetropolUtm Hank ) LANSING & EVANSQ1II Dry Goods--A complete stock offered at lower prices than any house in the conn- *y- Dress Goods--A fine as sortment in all the most fashionable patterns. CLOTHING for Men and Boys at Panic Prices! BOOTS and SHOES at Special Bargains! HATS anc1 CAPS, GLOVES and MITTENS for Everyone! CHOICE TEAS and other FAOULY CROcERIESI^. CR O C K E R Y , G L A S S W A R E , E T C . BUTTER, EGGS AM) 1'OULTItY AVANTED IN EX CHANGE FOR GOODS OR CASH. LAKSIIVG Ac ETANSON, Jiciir Depot, McHenry. It will Pay Yon to go to Woodstock REMOVAL. rtmiGvAd fcr-thsh-new" •Stwte' on th#-. 1 J. corner nji|w»site the Brink Ohrntb, wber#- they will bo happy to see their old enstomerB- and* as many new ones as may see fit lo call. A Full Stock of Furniture of all kinds, at prices as low as the lowest. BLAKE & BRO McHenry, An jr. 14th, 1876. and Buy a STOVE OF T.liMSls The Largest Stock in the County. I Would respectfully announce that On and After Jan. 1st, 1877, I WILL SELL Groceries For Ready Pay Only. Also that I will pell the Choicest Good* m ray line for as Little or Less money than can bo found chewlierc. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on ine in years past, ana with the compli- season, I am, Respectfully ments of the Yours, B. GILBERT. McIJenry, Dec. 26th, 18j6. Administrator's Notice. IT^T ATE of Jacob Blake deceased. The Id undersigned having been appointed Ad ministrators of the Estate of Jacob Blake lata of the County of McHenry, and State of 111. inois, deceased, hereby give notice that they will appear before the County Cotrrt of Mo- Henry County, at the Oonat House jn Wood, stock, at t in; January Ternj , on the Third Monday in January next, at which time all person's having ciainis against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the pur- pise of having the same adjusted. All persona indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate navment to the undersigned. Da- tec} Vflis -Utu day of November A. D. 1876. KATIURINA.BLAKB. STEPHEN FRBUND. AdministratOMt