Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1877, p. 5

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*•" »• *~v' -\,m-y «_o-»ip ^•,flf.',"j'v• W+* •' -j •. ~ ? *•' *. ' • ?i' l: 3T .' ".SW ; HIM mtmm m ?t- * "v HyuaiiS^i j£ * .J r . r. - *> J !-• . • > . 1 JJeJeary pitiaieilef. WEDNESDAY. JAN. 17th. 1877. Railroad Time Table* GOING SOUTH. .CEEEVATJRTSE Passenger ..7:* A. M. iijcht ...... 4»eneva Lake Freijrh GOING NORTH. » ?»•*«** Luke FreiKht.. % neva Lake Pa^s^niter 1:46 P. X. ..10:00a. M. 7:06'l*. M. & . ^;; CHURCH DIRECTORY. ' ' *,J> WL **THODI8T.--Rev. J. H. Bacon. Pastor. '? ~*'-A-Ipervlces everv Sun«lay at 10> A. X. an<1 7 '•••iv-- J*. 5S. Sun lav School at 12 M. W*. PAGE, ** ,«nperintemle'nt. ft CIRCUIT Court adjourned on 'Saturday r lt' • - -- WANTED, Five Hundred Cords of ^ *t; Wood, Green Or Dry, by John Lansing. *•$,' K-f* - * - - • -- [,#J , REMEMBER the Sociable at the resi- -I '•T.yl.-^flenoe of Amos Whiting on Friday eve- * ping.: •; . " ' • ? Do not forget the Club Dance at the 'barker House, this Wednesdavevening. . ; . "^Tickets 75 cents. OWING' to the snow blockade, or ••me other cause, most of our corres~ pondence have failed to reach us this ' ' week? • KEY. B. N. WILES will occupy the Pulpit at the Universalis Church, in this village, on Sunday next, morning and evening. A cutter belonging to Eugene Wheeler was badly demoralized on our atreets on Friday last. Cause--general debility, and old age. OWING to the storm all the fast horses were/asfln the stable on Saturday, and consequently the Races did not come off a* advertised. ONE million is all we expect to get out of the Vaiderbilt estate. The balance of the Commodore's vast for­ tune has been fooled away among his v relatives. THE next^arty of the McHenry Cornet Band Club will be held at the Parker House this Wednesday evening. The best of music will be in attendauce and a good »ime may be expected. ' THE McHenry County Teachers As­ sociation met at Nunda on Saturday ilast, and a good attendance and inter­ esting time is reported. The proceed­ ings have uot reached us but will be published in due time. THE latent tiling is a"mum sociable." It is characterized as a sociable at which all present are prohibited, under penalty of a stipulated flue, from •peakiug or whispering until a ceftaiu time during the evening. V ALMON C. GRANGER, sonof Hon. F. i|C. Granger, of this village, has beeu ^t^ fcppolnted Mail Carrier of the Assem- < bly. by Speaker Shaw. He is ail ac­ tive, intelligent boy and will All the position with credit. We congratulate bin on hisgood fortune in obtaining the appointment. WE are under obligations to Hon.F. K. Granger for a copy of the Springfield Daily Journal which reaches our sanct­ um every evening. The Journal is the Ptate paper and one of the most ably r r^foudueted dailies in the State. The 1 " proceedings of our State Legislature are minutely detailed in its coiumus. DURING the storms of the last week H. E. Wiglitinan, C. Beckwith and H. Kelter have earned the thanks of the Scholars of the Public School by turning out with their teams and oarry- v $ng them to and from the School House, i. morning and evening. They are public benefactors and as such should receive the thanks of our citizens. WE learn that the bells were cut from • horse standing under the Mill shed and that a Buffalo Robe was taken from a cutter at the same place one day last week. This is the meanest kind of thieving, and if the perpetra­ tors do not cease they will surely come to gri»»f. A few iroutiis board at the Motel-de-Steduian might have a whole­ some effect. THE Ringwood Literary Society are" now rehearsing the Drama '"Out in the Streets." which they propose to bring Out ou Friday and Saturday evenings *«f next week, the 26th and 27th. They ||ave arranged new Scenery especially far this play, and are confident they tau give an entertainment seeoud to no . Amateur Club 1n this section. The Programme will be issued in a few days. • INVENTORS, in order to obtain valid Patents, should employ attorneys of high standing. Messrs. Edsoji Bros., Washington, D. C^, are au old. experi­ enced and successful flrju. Their abili­ ty and zeal to promote the interests of their clients is attested by the best of references. They share the fortunes •f the inventor^siuce their fee is not called for until the Pateut Is allowed. Send for tbci* circular. ONE of the worst storms of the season set iu on Thursday last, and during that day and Friday quite a body of snow fell. The weather then turned oold and we have been experiencing fame as severe weather as has been jjJnown for years. On Monday morn- |ug another snow storm set in, and at 1§h*4|<ne of writing, Tuesday noon, is itilf%uowing. We certaiidy wish the old weather clerk jrotild, let up a little. THE Wauconda Dramatic Society are talking of visiting McHenry sttoi., and giving one or two entertainments. Should they conclude to do so we will guarantee the^n a good house, as their reputation as first class players is well knowu here, and those who have never had the pleasure of witnessing their performance would be glad to avail themselves of the chance. '" f THE "shovel brigade" was out in full forceon Tuesday morning, and with few exceptions our citikens were prompt in clearing the snow from the walks in front of their premises. This is a very important duty and no one should fail to attend to it at once when the storm ceases. A few minutes work by each one will make the streets pass­ able for pedeetrinns. THE firm of Lansing & Evanson, near the Depot, know the benefit of Printers Ink. and knowing it do not fall to use it. They have taken posses­ sion of a full column in the PLAINDEAL- ER this week, in which they inform the public that for the purpose of re­ ducing their Winter Stock they will, for the next 30 days, sell you goods at almost your own price. They are live, go-ahead men and mean Just what they say. Read their advertisement in an­ other column. THE Centennial Souvenirs, of which we spoke two weeks ago, are greatly admired by all who see them. Thev represent the five principal buildings at the Centennial, via? Main Building, Memorial Hall, Machinery Hall, Hor­ ticultural Hall aud Agricultural Hall. Each Building is carved in a solid block of Walnut Wood and will never warp or change iu any manner, in any cli­ mate or iuany length of time. As a' relic of the great Centennial they are unsurpassed, besides being an or&iment to any parlor. They are sold at the low price of 73«ents per set of five, and sent by mail, postage paid. A full set can be seen by calling at this office. THE next Sociable by the Ladies of the (Jniversalist Society will be held at the residence of Ames Whiting on Friday evening next, the 19th. Now that the sleighing is good the flat has gone forth that the house of our friend Whiting must and shall be filled. Old ahd young, irrespective of politics or religion, are cordially invited to at­ tend. Au eflort will be made to furnish teams for those who have no convey- auce of their own, and those «vho have teams and will carry a load are reques­ ted to make it manifest by leaving word with D. S. Smith or at Perry & Martin's Store. It is hoped that all will turu out aud have au old fasliioued good time. WE have received from D. Appletou & Co.*Publishers. New York, the ad­ vanced pages of a work entitled "The Presidential Counts,1' being a complete official record of the proceedings of Coiigt*fis at the counting of the » Elec­ toral Votes in all the elect ions of Pres­ ident and Vice President ofthe United States, together with all Congressional Legislation incident thereto, or the proposed Legislation on that subject, with an analytical introduction. It •will be in an large Octavo volume, 750 pages, aud sold, paper cover $3, clotii $3.50. This will be, just at this time, a highly iaterestiug book aud one that will be eagerly nought after by all. We predict for it a large sale. It will be issued iu a few weeks. CHAS. T. ELDUEOOE. of this village, is doiug a railroad business in the Poultry line this winter, and is paying the highest market price for Turkeys. Geese, Ducks and Chickens. He sells in eastern markers entirely and from Dec. 4th to Jan. 1st shipped something over 35.000 pounds, aud is now dressing and shipping from 5000 to 8000 pounds per week. He is an old hand at the business, and dresses and" packs in such a manner that his Poultry ahvay brings from lour to six cents per pound inore on the martcot than most other dealers. Ifftfiy of our readers have anything in the Poultry line to sell Charley will give you as much for it as any other man. WHEN we take into consideration the weather, it seems a little strange to speak of new Potatoes, but it is a fact that they have been raised in this village even with the thermometer down to zero. A few weeks since we were shown some by^ Geo. S. Curt4s, which be. dug in his cellar, that were as large as walnuts, and as fresh and nice as any Potatoes we ever saw in August. And now comes J. Weber with a dozen or more which he dug in his cellar, some as large as a hens egg. It cer­ tainly proves that these parties have warm cellars, and with a little care might have new Potatoes the year round. At all events we think new Potatoes in January is a rare treat. 8PKLL1NG KKPOKT. In the followiug is given the report of my B. class in spelling for the two weeks ending Jaw. 15, 1877; Ada Granger, 250; Dorr Kennedy, 4-250; Eugene Perkins, 7-250; Chas. Slafter, 4-250; Addie Alexander, 6-250; Eloise Waite, 2-250; Addie McOmber, 2-250; Ettie Beers, 1-250; Mattie McOmber, 4-225; .Effie Curtiss, 1-175; Emma Gregory 250; Paul Browu, 5-250; Jennie Beers, 1-250; Mary Hogan, 150; Belle Stoddard, 1-200$ Jennie Searles, 3-150. S. D. BALDWIN, Teacher. Cheap Clothing, at F. G. Mayes, PKKIMIKD IN THK MTOKM. •It becomes our duty to chronicle this week one of those old stories, which the readers of newspapers &>e so often in print, wherein man, by his own folly, loses his life and that too, in the most painful and shocking manner. The victim this time is John Burke, who resided iu the town of Greenwood, near the Hartland line. The particulars as we understand them are as follows: Burke came to McHenry on Friday last with a load of Oats, after disposing of which he remained around towu during the balance of the day, and as Was usual with him. getting considerably under the influence of liquor. About nine o'clock lie started for home, but by the tracks it was seen that when he got as far as the railroad crossing, near the Pickle Factory he reined his team upon the track, jumped th» cattle guard and drove down the track toward Ring- wood. He kept this direction until he came to the bridge Over the inlet to the Pond„ which it appears his team would not cross, when he drove down the embankment, through the fence strikiug ou to the Pond aud drave ou np sQlne hundred rods or more when he again took the track and drove to the culvert, near the residence of H. W. McLean. Here it again appears that the bridge blocked his way when he again drove down the bank, through t he fence and ou to the canal which is dug through the lots at that place, where his team broke through. From all appearances at this time he could not have been very drunk, as he seemed to have unhitched his team, laid the ueckvoke upon a musk rat house near by, and leaving his sleigh there started off. All this, of course, was learned by tracking him after It was discovered he was missing. Fiiday night, it will be remembered was one of the coldest aud stormiest of the season. On Saturday morning McLean saw the sleigh in the ditch, but supposing some Oue had got swamped iu the night aud abandoned it, thought no more of it. During the day Burke's brother cauie along looking for him aud seeing the sleigh supposed he had taken his horses and started for home and stopping somewhere to warm he had missed him, returned home, but not fiuding him there he returned again on Sunday morning and iu com­ pany with McLtan commenced to search for his track. They tracked him through the lots on toMcColluui'g Lake, and finally found his body on the West s I lore where he had* evidently laid down completely exhausted, and iroze to deatii. liis team had wandered around over the Lake aud adjacent fields and were found but a little way oft from the body. Of course there can be only surmises as to how long lie laid or how muck he suffered, but from appearances lie must have almost perished by inches. We understand they found Where he had wandered urocmd and laid down several times, and the probability is that he froze both his feet and legs and at the last end was unable to walk at all. By the side of his body was found an empty bottle, which too plainly told the cause of his sudden aud untimely end. By permission of Justice Perry the body was taken home by his brother, where we presume an inquest was held on Monday. Burke was a single man, about 30 years of age, aud was considered a hard case, being quarrelsome and headstrong when In liquor, and it is probable that it was oue of his foolhardy acts that he attempted to drive up the track. After unhitching his team he probably became bewildered in the driving storm and wandered upon the Lake, not knowing where he was going. It was a sad eud of a misspent life, and we do not think auy one can be blamed but himself. THE Aurora Beacon says: A mn having recently stolen fifteen turkeys from an Elgiu farmer, was tracked to his home and confronted with a war- ran.'; when he compromised the mat­ ter by handing over to the farmer, a horse, buggy and harness. Expensive poultry, certaiidy, or an exceedingly poor rig. . NOTICE. There will be a regular meeting of the Stockholders of The Union C®m- pany at their Factory on the second Tuesday iu January. (9th.) 1877 to elect five Directors for the eusuing year, aud to transact such other busiuess as may come before them. GKO A. BUCKLIN, Secretary. ADJOURNED. The meet'ngof the Stockholders af the Union Company called to meet Jan. 9th, 1877, has been adjourned two weeks, until Jan. 23d, 1877 at 2 o'clock P. M. GEO. A. BICKLIN, Secretary. N U N D A . EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--All com­ ments about the weather are entirely unnecessary, at lc4|S| it will be sufficient to say that we have some snow here in Nunda, with a fair prospect of mora falling soon, and with the present ominous signs of a snow storm we think it would be safe to predict a short fun of sleighing. Some rat her startling rumors ar fhcts have recently come to light iu connec­ tion with Mr. R. G. Benton of this place, which we hope may only prove to be the premonitory signs of the ap­ proach of an hereditary disease that lias at la*t fallen upon him. and obli­ terated or deranged all that in reality makes the man. Ilejis partially aud wc fear hopelessly insane. It appears that a Promisory Note bearing the name of oue of his neighbors was pre­ sented at the bank at Woodstock and money drawn thereon by him that proves to be a Forgery. This was some time ago, since which a Trust Deed bearing his aud his wife's name and as executed before Esq. Pettibone, of this place, placing the farm (which belongs to his wife) in trust for eight hundred dollars which was obtained of Mr. R. C. Jefferson, of Woodstock, and brought to light by hl-m. which is also a forgery. What use he has made of the money thus obtained h*s uot been ascertained at this time. The whole affair is one of those mysterious and unaccountable freaks peculiar to a diseased mind. Mr. Benton has long beeu an honored and respected citizeu of our town, has assessed our town at diflereut times and otherwise had the confidence of our citizens. The Me Henry «County Teachers Asso­ ciation met at the School House, in Nunda, on Saturday last, aud notwith­ standing the severe cold weather, a large number of. its members were in attendance, and enjoyed an interesting sessiou. It stands adjourned to meet at liuutley in four weeks from date. Mr. Henry Magoon aud wife luive re­ cently beeu afflicted with several gath­ erings popularly known ,as surprise parties, but as they are blessed with a large amount of good nature aud hav- ii'gJWiple room and naturally very so­ cial their unexpected guests were made welcome of course. Good music was brought along and in dancing and social convf rsation the evening soon wore away aud the guests departed wtih the firm conviction that their Hosts were uot to be oaught napping. Mr. Dow has sold out his Boot and Shoe Shop to a Mr. Woodburu, but is employed as Foreman of the Shop. Mr. Woodburu has several hands eui ployed, and by close calculatf on, hard work and low prices intends to con vince the public that it will be for theii interee: to give him a oalljfer anything iu bis line. Truo. Old Settlers* Organization I Business Notices. . • i «"• - . -• -- ANNUAL MEETING. •a- Notice is hereby given that the An­ nual Meeting of the Old Settlers* Or­ ganization of Lake and McHenry Coun­ ties. for the election of officers for the ensuing year, and the transaction of general business, will be held at the Parker House, in McHenry, on Wed­ nesday, Jan. 24th, at one o'clock p. K. RICHAKO BiSuov, PrMideaW 8, X. BRADBI'RY, Secretary. ^ TAXES! TAXES! The undersigned. Collector of the Town of McHenry, will on Monday, Jan. 8th. commence the collection of Taxes for said town, and will attend at the following time and places for that purpose: Mrnklav, at the Store of L. Bonslet, in Johusburgh. Tuesday, at the Store of J. W. Cristy, In Ringwood. Thursday, at the Store of Perry & Martin, in McHenry. Saturday, at the Store of B. Gilbert near the Depot. PKTEK ROTUEKMEL, Collector, NUNDA TAXES! The undersigned. Collector of the Town of Nuuda, will be at the follow­ ing places, at the times designated* for the purpose of receiving Taxes; On Wednesdays, at the Store of D, C. Hal lory, Nunda. Fridays, at the Store of C, Shales, Barreville. Ou Saturdays, at the Store of Parry «fc Martin, McHenry. ltPPT- J- SUTTON, Collector. NOTICE. An Apprentice wanted immediately at Ford's Fine Art Gallery. Those wish'ng to embark in the Photographic business please give him a call. Terms reasonable and particular pains taken to give full instructions. Thorough satisfaction guaranteed, and a splendid chance for any young man who lias willing hands. Address, B. A. Ford, McHenry, 111. P. O. Box, 93. to E. M. Owen for PteMt Hairs Safes, all sizes, for sale by d. Bishop. i- Bucldin Stevem, *tand ready to meet any and all competition. Nubias in great variety. IfeoaBdi Boys Scarfs,at Bucklin & Stevens. Hair* Safea, all sizes, for aala bj O Bishop. Oood Yard wide only 7 cts per yard • Brown Sheetlu§ At P. D SMITH'S. Alpacra at 25 cents per yard la all new shades at Lansing <Jfc Evanson. Beaver Cloths for Cloaking, as wall as Claaks at Ruckiin & Steve us. i. - ' Hall's Safes, all sixes, for sale by O. •Bishop. The best place in the county to bttf Horse Blankets is at Lansing m Evausou's, McHenry. Waterproofs ih Seal Blue, Grey aud BlaCk, Stevens. Brown, Navy at Bucklia For the best Teas in Lansing & Evanson. town •all on TO MRS. L A. I'.tREEB, \ IN MEMORY OF CORY. We hft<l a tiny blossom once, To pure for earth it (coined to be, E'en while I pressed her to ray heart "The hand of God hath stricken me/' I thought to see that one 1* Sot sweetly here beside my chair, And chat in all her childest glee, Thus 1 the future planed with care. With dimpled arms around my neck, And roascbud lips pressed close to mine She could iny thoughts of sadness check, And win me back to joy sublime. Dear little lips my name had learned. To lisp in such sweet baby way. Iler chattering voice and bright dark eye, Had meaning inuchas words could say. Her conversations varied tones Must by the Angels have been heard, 'Twas dearer, sweeter Air to me Than of a thousand singing birds:' But Death came wooing little Cory, In a strange mysterious way, £'er the mother arm* clasped about her, Could notmukeher gentle spirit stay. And my heart is O so lonely. With a void earth cannot ever fill. Vacant is the little chair besidb me, The prattling tongue is hushed and stilL I thank our Uod that love's in'morial It was bom at Heaven's gate, And above the shining portals, Her little pattering feet will wait, rather wc will be comforted, By thee her short sweet, life wai given, She'll be our little guarding star To lead our spirit up to Heaven, O while we stay to perforin our<lttty here, Nobly striving to accept our lot as given A b.essing wc call her short life, We have lain our treasures up in heaven H. A. G. A full line of M. Selz & Co's Boots and Shoes, Custom made, aud fully warranted aud second te none in the market, at Bucklin & Steven's. FRESH ^1SH. We pay the highest market price for fresh fish, iu cash or trade Lansing & Evauson. ROBES! ROBES! ROBES! Horse Blankets, Horse Blankets. We can save money to any one that will give us a call iu these goods, BUCKLIN STEVENS, McHenry, Ills. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, on the Garat Seber Farm, Four miles Southeast of McHenry and Three miles Southwest of Volo, iu the Towu of Nuuda, on Thursday, Ja«\ 25th, 1877 Commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. the following Property: One Spun of Mares, One Six and one Eight y« ars old, 1 Cow, 1 Yearliug, 14 head of Fine Wool Sheep, 3 Tons ot Hay. 1 Lumber Wagou, 1 Ball Mower, 1 Double Harness, 1 Buckeye See'der, 1 Sulky Cultivator, 1 Hay Rack, 1 Drag. 1 Plow, 1 Fanning Mil), and other Farming (Jtensils. Also 1 Cook Stove aud all other Household Furniture. TKUMS OF SALE.--All sums of $5 and under Cash. Over that sum a credit of Nine Months will be g^venou approved Notes at 7 par ceut interest. Three per cent off for Cash, J. BERNABP ADAMS. TAKE GOOD ADVICE. If you wish to meet aud chat with friends and acquaintances, the place to find them is .it Ford's Fine Art Gallery notwithstanding the dull times aud winter weather his Gallery seems to be the centre of attraction, for it is crowd ed from morning till night. Perhaps it is owing partly to the cordial man­ ner with which UG receives customers, one fact also cannot be denied, his Pictures are never k:iown to fade, and, unlike those of most Artist, have a richucssoi Tone which brings out the most lifelike prints. The new style of Back-ground for Photos, are charm­ ing. Call ut the first opportunity aud you will never regret it. Call at Lausjng & Evanson's for supplies of Japan Tea at 60c. This Tea beats anything ever offered in this market. We are not bankrupt, neither have we made an assignment, but will sell our our entire stock of Boots, Shoes, Hosiery. Gloves, Mittens and Ladies' and Gents' underwear at COST, for "CASH AND CASH ONLY." Owiiiff to the fact t hat there Is now being sold out the Boot and Shoe stock of A, Reid by J. S. Wheat, Assignee, at cost, we have also concluded to close out our whole stock at what the goods cost us at the leading factories iu the Uuited States, thereby giving the public the privilege of buying goods very low, and also the chance to ascertain who have bought their stock at the lowest figures. This sale will continue uutil all of our stock is closed out. Call aud examine goods and prices before buy- at the Assignee's sale. DWIGHT A FORREST. Corner Main street and l'ublic Square, Woodstock, 111. POULTRY. We want 10 Tons of live or fancy dressed Poultry for which the highest market price will be paid in trade or cash Lansinr & Evanson. THRESHING MACHINE MEJT, Get your String Leather of O. -W, Owen, McHenry, 111. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! _ A large Invoice at unprecedented Low Prices, at P. D. SMITH'S. Lansing A Evanson are now offering special bargains in Shawls of all da« scriptions, they have m large stock which they will sell at cost. Have you seen the new arrivals af Ready-Made Clothing just received at Lansing & Evanson. Dou't fail. Fancy Note and Letter Paper, with envelopes to matoh. Very neat styles* At O. W. Owen's, Clothing aud Gents furnishing goods a speciality at Lausing & Evansoa McHenry. Salts,Suits, at F. G. Mayes, HOftSE BLANKETS. Only $2.20 per Pair at Lausing A Evanson's, OYSTERS. Four Cans for $1 at J. Lansing's Heat Market, near the Depot. Millinery and Fancy Goods at oost at Mrs. C. IL Morey's. A rare chance ta get a nice hat or bonnet at one half the usual, price. Don't fail to call and sea for yourself. Flanuels at all prices from 16 eta pav yard up at Bucklin & Stevens. A bran new Organ at O. YT. Ow for 9100. ' Best thing in Plows. Call and see. £. It.OWXH. LADIES CLOAKS! LADIES CLOAK8 .lust received from New York a Una assortment of Ladies Beaver Claakt# at Bucklin & Stevens. We want 50,000 pounds of choice but* ter for which the highest Market prioa will be paid. LAVSIVO & EVANSON McHensf, GREAT REDUCTION! In the prices of the Buffalo and Roah ester Boots and Slioos. Don't fall ta see thein before making your sele»> tious. p. D. SMITH. Cash buyers are invited to call and examine the large and New Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries «fccM now arriving at Lansing & Evanson's. From 10 to 25 per ceut, may be saved on all goods bought from this firm, Parties buying in large quantities will get an extra deduction from 6 to 10 per cent. CLOVER THRESHER. F. WIEDR1CK would iuform the farmers throughout the County that he is prepared to thresh Clover oc Shell Corn, having one of the best machines iu the market. For information ad­ dress F Wiedirck, Woodstock, 111. SOAPS. We will sell 25 Bars of Kirk's Soap for $1,00 or 100 Bars for 93,50, Lan&ing & Evanson. HeavyiWork Team for Sale. One Heavy work team, Harness aa4l Wagon for sale cheap. Apply at tba Fox River Valley Mills of H, D* Luvr. A new stock of Dress Goods aa4 Waterproof Cloakings. Black Al- pacca 25et8 and upwards at Lansing & Evanson's McHenry. The Red Front Drug Store, Waafc stock, is overflowing with Holiday Goods, andselling cheap for cash. New and elegant styles of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, in the most pop. ular shades.--Also a large variety at Ladles Waterproofing and Cloakings. at P. D. SMITH'S, HARD MONEY OR SOFT, Bucklin & Stevens' take either, af weii as Butter, Ejggs and Poultry, aad give in exchange good Goods at Bat* torn Prices. Lansing & Evausou are closing out their entire stock of woolen goods, Clothing* Underwear «fcc.. Look for bargains. Lansing & Evanson have just received a large assortment of Mens and Boys Caps, Call aud examine them. CUTTERS! CUTTERS! The Portland Cutter, the latest style out, lor sale at 'manufacturers Prices by E. M. Oweu. Lansing A Evanson are selling a choice article of Fiue Cut Tobacco at 50c per pound. Try some. FOX K1VKK VAtU£Y MILLS. On and after this date all Fl.o.ur, Feed &cM purchased at this Mill will be deliv­ ered anywhere in the Corporation Free of Charge. Leave your orders at (he Mi 11 "aud they will he promptly attend­ ed to. We are now pmtlug iu the proper Machinery for making Patent Flour, and farmers bringing their grists to our Mill can have (he Patent Flour if they so desire. ^ Our Planing Mill is alsa in running order, aud all jobs of Plaiting and Matching will be done on short notice, JI. BISLLOI* (JFCSON, Proprietors. McHenry, Nov 21st,137& You caii save at least feS per cant la, buying your Clothing, Hats, Capa Boots and Shoes,at Lausing A Evaasaa McHenry. Don't buy your Underwear, Boots, and Shoes, Gloves, and Mittens until you see the great bargains in theSa Goods at Xausing A £vanson*s» McHenry. If you want the highest price far your Poultry in trade or cash go ta Lansing & Evanson, Woolen and Flannels a full &to^k and at lower pricci than ever at Bucklia £ Stevens', Lansing A Evanson, McHenry. have just received a large assortment of ButtaJc Robes, which they are offering very cheap, KOHC Blankets! Horse Blankets! Do not pay more than $2,25 Mr pair for One Buckle, Six pound Hoiae Blankets. Buckliu A Stevens, near tha p.epot. Sltll another large invoice af Bufiala Robes, Lap Robes and Horse Blauketa at Bycklin <fc Stevens, near the Depot. If you are in want of Horse Blankets* dou't fail to call on Lansing A Evausa* they can beat them all on these goods. Don't buy until you know their pricaa. Beautiful Box Paper, at tto Bad Front Drug Store. Woodstock, Loag |Branch, Cape Mfey aud uurnbef ftf uaw styles. Clothing, Ladies and Qaat* Vada*» wear, Caps, Gloves and Mi ttens reduced to. wholesale prices at Lausiug 41 Evansou's, If you wish to buy Watarpreofh* Flannels and other Woolen goods l§ great bargains, go to Laiialag $ Evanson's. - A full line of Gloves and Mitts at tte lowest possible price at Bucklin g Steve as. •mz\

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