Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1877, p. 5

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jjejjeipy jMnlealw. WEDNESDAY. JAN. 24th. 1877. Railroad Time Table. GOING SOUTH. . Geneva Lake PASSENGER.: 7-25 A. * Geneva Lake Freight " 1:45 |». GOING NORTH. •*ne»a Luke Freiirlit 10:00 A. *. Genera .Lake Passenger .. .7:0M». W.' MASONIC. MCHENRY CHAPTER No. "4 R. A. M.-Remi- lar Convocations hoM <>n the second ami fourth Fridays in each month. ITENBY COLBY H. P. PULASKI ALLEN Sec,, CHURCH DIRECTORY. "METHODIST.--Rev. J. H. Bacon, Pastor. •Services every Sunday at 10,V A. M. and 7 1*. M. Snndtiv School" at 12 M. Wit. PAGE, %<I-perintemlent. COUNTY CLERK Whitney ISSUED three marriage License* last- week. HIHIEMMCN th° Old Settlers' Meeting <«t the Parker House to-day. at 1 P. M. WANTED, Five Hundred .Cords of Wood, Green or Dry, by John Lansing. T. E. HALL, of Ringwood will please accept thanks for copies of* California papers. FOUND, a large S!SEEP Skin Glove, which the owner can have by calling at tills office. OUR exchanges of laie have been full of the names of persons who crossed the Ashtabula bridge from six hours tov a week before it fell. WANTED, fourorfive Woodndioppers. to whom steady work will be given. Apply to John W. Smith, one mile South of Ringwood. IN another column can be found the card of T. Kleifgen & Sou, Painters, to which we direct the attention of our readers. IT is stated that counterfeits of bank notes and silver coins are constantly increasing in number, and several are so good that none but experts can de-. tect tiiem. THE next Sociable by the La lies of the Universalis Society will be held at the residence of S. II. Covill. this Wednesday evening, the 24th. AJ1 are oordially invited. THAT long talked OF horse Race is now set down tor Saturday next, weath,er permittlng. 11 will take place on the Mill Pond, and we «learn four horses have already entered. A reliable McHenry Market Report Can be found in another column. This report will be corrected weekly and can always be relied on as correct in •very particular. WE are now enjoying a* tine a run of Slegbing as has been knowrh" in Hits section tor several years. The weather has reinaiued a steady cold for over seven weeks, and there is no prospect •fa let up yet. TIME weather-Clerk LIAS again got on the rampage., the tlteruiouuMerfdittwtitg 22 degrees below zero on Tuesday morning. If we don't have a thaw be­ tween this and July you can look out for a<cold. Winter. . THE meanest man is lie who takes no paper himself, but goes over to. his neighbor's, reads his pa pec and then joes elsewhere and publicly condemns it. The intelligent reading public should bulldoze him whenever he hoJds forth. THE man who drives his horse through Ave fee t .of snow to get a chance to hitch to a fence so that the horse can stand on the walk, has very little regard for the comfort of pedestrians, even if the occurrence takes place on a back street. E. H. COMPTON of Volo, left at our Sanctum on Friday, a jug of as fine Grape Wine as we ever tasted. We did not enquire but presume it was some of his own make, rind if so we must say he is no new hand at the business. He w ill please accept tljauks. THERE will be A Regular Convoca­ tion of McHenry Chapter. No 154. R. A. M.. at their Hall, in this village. tin- Friday evening of this week, Jaiinary 26th. Work on the M. M. Degree. By order of the M. E. II. I '. • * P. K. AM.R.\ ST*'votary . JOE WIEDEMANN is now putting in his Annual ice crojy and tilling his house with as nice Ice as we ever saw. J. Bonslett has also enlarged his Ice House, and put iu^a stock of Ice that lie thinks will last him through the warm ' weather. If our citizens do not "keep cooF next summer it will not be for. the want of ice. MR. DOW, formerly of Nuitda. has opened a Shoe S hop, in the Ea*t side of Rouse's Barber Shop, where be is prepared to do all work in hi* line on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. He comes recommended as a first class workman, and we doubt not will receive a liberal patronage. He makes Jine work a specialty. NEW devices for postage stamps are now talkedof, as th6 contract for su|>- plying them is about to be re-let. The color of the three cent stanip will be changed, they being difficult to cancel There will also be an improvement iu the adhesive compound used--with the new preperation the stamp once moist­ ened and placed upon the envelope can not be removed. \ UNDER the pressure of the heavy body of snow the roof of Lansing's Hay Press building, with the sheds ad­ joining, gave away, making a total wreck bf the whole concern. They will undoubtedly be rebuilt again as soon AS the weather moderates. THE Ringwood Dramatic Society have issued the Programmes for their next entertainments, which will take place on Friday and Saturday evenings of this week, the 26th and 27th. at which time they will produce the beau-, 11fnl Drama of "Out iu the Streets,*' and the Roaring Farces of "The Lim­ erick Boy" and "The Irish Tutor." They have put in entire new Scenery for this occasion, and we dOubt i.ot all who favor them with their presence on that occasion will be well repaid for so doing by witnessing an entertainment equal to any Amateur Association in the country.. Remember the time. Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. AH Exchange gives the following sensible recipe: Ten young couples. Que four horse outfit with driver. One night colder than blixen. One mile of merriment; Ten miles of nearly frozen to death. One chilly'dance hall. One drunken fiddler. Tbr£e hours of light fantastic toe. Supper for twenty five. First course--lukewarm milkaiid water that has been bathed' in by au oyster. •Second course--same as first. Dessert-- country air and ice. The "party" is 'now half way through. Next coiues a little more squeaky fiddle .and balan­ cing around. Then all hands aboard forborne. Colder drive than ever. All sitting in the sleijrh box. Driver loses his way. Young men crawl out aud swear. Girls cry. Home at last--4 o'clock in the 'morning. Moral: Ten dollars apiece out of pocket. Nine frozen ears. Twenty five played out people of both sexes. Four used-up » 1 horses and a lot of young liars, who go around next .lay and say they had *• 'infuse titne.' '* THE Sociable at the re.-i lenre of Amos Whiting on Friday evening last was d<H'i l*Mi|y the Sociable of the season. The evening was plea-nut and the sleighing good, and the turn out was immense. The large and spacious dwelling of Mr. Whiting was com­ pletely filled, an 1 il is estimated that full two hundred persons were 'present who enjoyed themselves t» the fullest extent, iu social chat, niusi •. ..singing Ac. The company were indebicd to O. W. Owen tor one of his fine Organs which lie hro'ught up for the occasion." Although the crowd was unusually large for an occasion of this kind Mr. and Mrs Whiting proved themselves equal to the ̂ occasion, and entertained their guests in the best of uinn> er and to t ho entire satisfaction of ail. Ateom «leveti o'clock llwj-gathering broke - up and all went home feeling that all .were more oi lets benefited by these weekly social gatherings The next Sociable will be held at the residence of S. II. Covill this Wednesday evening DONATION. The Christian Church of Fort Hill {Disciples) are to hold a Donation meeting at Stanford's Hall, two miles East of Volo, on Wednesday evening. Jan. 24th, for the benefit of Elder Johnson. An Oyster supper and other refreshments will be provided ou moderate terms. A general attendance is solicited by the Committee. COUNTY GKANGK. WTill meet at the Court House, in Woodstock, on Thursday. February Hh at 1 o'clock p.-M. Pa4! Master. Ansur .Thompson, \v i !1 install t he oflScers elect J. IS. < olm , Masii r. M. M. CLOTiiiKR, Secretary. Heal Kst.ite Trail4'er*. Conveyances filed for record in the Recorder's Odk*e of Mc;Ie.iry bounty Illinois, for the week ending Jan. 20th. li?77: I) A Stedinan. Sheriff to Paul Jones. W£ s\v nw aud inv >w 17.44, <>, ami lot J No IS. 44, <>, ®750. Margaret 1' Waikup to SP Holnictz. X£ lot 4 bfk 1 Waikup's addition to N un-i.i. $1()0. Martin Neison t<» Peter Scheid. .Pari lot 5, Joh.isMirgh. >JMU. Jo.HI Riley and wife to John Mayes aud Herman Brown XA l ie 12, 45. 6, and sj lot 1 nw 7. 45. 7, ttJUUU. Cannon to Alfred Corson. Pt. 1,1k i0 Marengo. .>250. Alfred < or.-wii and wife to Daniel H Corson X pt nw s\v :14.4.'{, 5, JsSKK). Mary ^tewart et al to David Camp- In II. I.ots 4. 5. G ami 7. !<lk 2 iu A D Paul's ad tit 1 ion to Chemung, JjiOUO. Thomas l'halon and wife to John Knox, se nw 15. 44, S. $1(500. Smith t )ali«ius to Sarah A Calkins.-- Lot 0 oik 12 Xuuda, and lot 10 blk 2 Xuuda. $500. Thos. Gill to Eiuery Ballon. 10 acres 1 . nw 4. 4.». 8. #7U0. Alexander II. Jones and wife to L Chatli* id. I.ot 1J Assessor's i 'iat sec 2ti Marengo, $54,14. Win 1' Kimball to •lames Frake. 117 acres iu 22,45,8, (ll W McLean Proper­ ty,) Still another large invoice of Buflalo Robes, Lap Robes and Horse Blankets at Buckiin A Ste\eus, near the Depot. If you are iu want ol Horse Blankets, don't fail to call on Lansing & Lvansou they can beat the in all on tiiese goods. Don't i»tiy until you know their prices. Clotl Lug. Ladies and Gents Under­ wear, Caps, Cle ws and Mit tens reduced to whoh-'-ale prides at Lansing A Evausou's. A fnll lin'; of iiloves and Mitts at the lowest possible price at Bucklin A Stevens. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR FLAINDEALER--The banner district fpr twins is number ten Seneca aud Dorr, three families being blessed in this way. Five of these twins are girls, two eight, tfro nine years old, and two that just misled seeing the Centennial year. If any School district of 26 scholars can beat this let us hear from it. The case of Hubble who did the pitching for the Woodstock boys last summer.and who is in jail oti charge of stealing a watch, goes over till next term as do all of Sen. Joslyu, cases, which makes this term of court rather short. McXaughton or the Woodstock Ae- oniinodation has gone East on a two weeks furlough, to attend to some business, Mr. Spoouer taking his place rt the lever. Really, there is no hew# that Hi worth writing and togive n»y opinion instead wo.uld subject me to another dose of the overflowing morality of the ' elder** so henceforth look not for opinions from your Woodstock correspondent until he forgets that he is watched by the editoral returning board of the crtiffy courage persuasion. There is one thing that needs a Itttle explanation, and that is why hogs are all sold on foot this winter. It is net a great while since they came into market with their feet in the air and were called pork. The weekot prayer is past, and things remain about the same as before, but if the Christian prays "without, ceas­ ing." as he was commanded to do it is difficult to see the reason lor this extra effort that is becoming fashionable. It used to be a iiijr'.it of prayer. These people who make so great a display of prayer seem to have forgot ten, or over­ looked. the injunction of Jesus that, the "Pharisees love to prav standing oil the si reet corners and iu the market places tli it they may be seen of men * + • * * When ye pray do not <is the Ph irUeex do, but enter into thy closet s'tut the <1) >r and pray." etc. Did not Jestis forbid public praying, both by, "precept and example ? If so, can^the Christian who disobeys in this point rebuke his brother who swears when he is mad ? Both are forbidden and tin- least condemns, as much as the greater. Union meetings are now held at the churches alternately. Mrs. IJrockway sold off her furniture last Saturday to get money enough to take her out of the State. Albee did the talking and A, K. Bunker was the heavb st purchaser. There is to he a sociable of the Con- gregationalist Church society at tlie resilience of J. S. Pierce next Thursday evening. The sleighs will start from the drug -tore of J. S. Whe it. ami every one iu want of a *>eighHde is ei- l>ect*4 to bo in ti>«t« for the, The topic of discussion among" Otir people just now. is what will be the outcome of the new Congressional re. turning board that is to sav -which «I'ectorinl vote sdia'l be counted from the State of South .i-diiii. Florili, Louisiana nnd Oregon. This new board can determine nothing, for Con­ gress may or may not accept its rec- comiu-'iidat i-ons. Republicans and Democrat!* differed as io who had been elected and this new contrivance lus failed to make them unanimous. If i here is any di tie re nee t hey are more equally divided than before though oa a dif'ereut line. Prominent Republi­ can-and Democrats favor and oppose the measure from the most diverse standpoints, some claiming that the measure fvill l»e unconstitutional; rtiat it will not p iss. and if il should become a law, it would not bring about a set­ tlement. The affirmative of each of the above prop.»sitions is maintained with equal confidence. To your corres­ pondent it appears t hat Congress has power to deci ie the matter tor itself, or it uasnot. Upon neither supposi­ tion could 11|«- power be delegated to any -ucli ln»dy of iiieu. A hill contain­ ing so many objectionable features ought not to and cannot become a law. but if it should, and by that means llays should l>e seated, the next elec­ tion ma}' show a diHerent state of things, when the 22ud rule would again be good. S«,»L'EEKS. uKM t: \im:it rui.s. Xow is the time of year for Pneumo­ nia, I.ling Fever, Coughs, Colds, and tatal results of predisposition to Con­ sumption and other Throat and Lung Disease, iiosoi EE's GEKMAN SYUL'P lias l»een used iu this neighborhood for the past two or three years without a single failure to cure, if you nave not used this medicine yourself, go to your Druggist, Henry Colby, aud ask him of its wonderful success among his custom- el's. Three doses will relieve the worst case. If you have no faith in any medicine, just buy a Sample Hott le of RoseHKE'S GEKMAN SYKLP for 10 cents aud try it. R -gular size bottle 75cents. Don't neglect a cough to save 75 ceu ts A full line of M. Selz Co's Boots and Shoes, Custom made, aud fully warranted and second to none in the market, at Uuci;liu "& Steven's. FRlvSH F1SII . , We pay the highest market price for' tresli fish, iu cash or trade Lansing & Kvauson. Xew Goods daily arriving at Lansing »fc Evanson,s to lie sold at bottom prices. Give them a call aud judge for yourself. r , GREENWOOD EDITOR PLAIXDEALEF: -- Tbft cold storuiy weather, of the past week has had a decidedly quieting effect upon the hitherto busy outward appearance of the world in general. Only those who were really by necessity compelled to start out. have been seen upon our streets; but, be it cold or warm, wet or dry, there appears t.o'us one specimen off humanity, who never is intimidated by the elements that do exist, nor bulldozed by hard times. His annua! evolutions are ascertain as tlie rising suu-aud his grasp relentless as death. Pay ltiiu your taxes and he will leave you. j The Singing class'i were to have mfct ou Saturday evening, the 13th. failed to convene 011 account of the in­ clemency of the weather and the un­ certainty ofgetticga sutlicient num­ ber ot names. We understand there are 2G names 011 the list, with a good prospect tor more. There is seemingly a disposition upon the part of quite a large number of t hose who have here­ tofore expressed themselves as desirous of having a class started, to hold back, either for fear of a failure or oh account ot the slight expense, which is exceed­ ingly low for a good teacher. The. ex- pRnse.4»r'ij|ew books' is not necessary, as nearly all hove books that Can be used. We have heard some express themselves as not very well pleased at the idea of havMig foreign choirs im­ ported 111 here to do the singing upon tuiieral occa--ions, &c. This would not occur had we a choir of our own, under pro|>er training, competent to sing in­ dependent of each other. We have 110 lack ot material, but we do lack culture At least three-fourths of those who pretend to siug in oiirchoirs are unable to read the music as written which til 'J' sing. Such being the case, is it not time that some efort was being put forth to bring about a reform ; not only for cur individual benefit, but for the gereral good and reputation of the community in which we live. Let there be a.due consideration placed up­ on the opportunity now oflered, as randv .are like chances for improve­ ment presented to us. Iu our la<t communication we failed to mention "Grandma Dake,' ' who cel­ ebrated herJ>4th birthday on Jan. 1st, by • id ng to the village aud back, as she says "breaking colts.' ' She is re­ markably smart ai-d active, bidding fair to reach her Centennial year. The meeting of the Literary Associa­ tion on Friday evening last was not as well attended, as usual owing in part, to the appointment of another meet­ ing upon the same evening which had the ellect to draw off a part of the working force together with the necessary detention of the President and Organist by sickness in the family. The programme for Friday evening n*rxt is to lie changed, aud somewhat vari"d from the usual course persued and will be made highly interesting and instructive. Religious. Prayer and Conference nn-etings ha\e been in progress for the greater part of tin time for the past two weeks, w ith quite a degree of in­ terest manifest. We understand that it is the intention to continue the saute during part of the coining week. The Singing Class, organized 011 Sat­ urday evening last, to he under the su­ pervision of A. S. Caldwell is a success, more ; ban meet ing the expectation of those having the matter in charge. Mr C. is seemingly well adapted for the position as teacher, and by t he aid of his new "Canvass Hoard." is endeavor­ ing to make the science ot Music plain aud comprehensive to each member of his class. AnV'who may wish to avail themselves of this opportunity would do well to join at the next School on Saturday evening of this week. The present indications are very favorable for a large class. , Garrison Bros, were the losers of a valuable young horse 011 Sunday last, by the animal iu some almost unac­ countable way, managing to roll through an o|>eii doorway aud hang himself by the halter. EVEN. A D MIXIS I" R A TO R'S S A Lis,. The undersigned. Administrator of the Estate of Catharine Freund, deceas­ ed, will sell at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, on the Farm, one mile Xorth of Johnsburg, On Monday, Jan. 29th, 1n77, Commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. the following Property: 2 Cows, 10 Sheep. 10 Slioats, 50 Bushels' of Oats, 50 Bushels of Wheat. 70 Bushels Barley, a (juintiiy of Corn, 50 Bushels of Potatoes, Farming Tools, all the llouse- h 1. Furniture, and other Artichs too numerous to mention. TEKMS OE SALE.--All suuis.of $5 aud under L'ash. Over that sum a credit of One Year will be given ou approved Notes at 8 per cent iuteres1. JOHN M MAY, A i ninistrator. TAXES!~ TAXES! The undersigned. .Collector of the Town of Mclleury, will on Monday, Jan. 8th. commence the collection of Taxes for said town, and will attend at the following time aud places for that purpose: Monday, at the Store of L. Bouslet, iu Johnsburgh. Tuesdaj', at the Store of J. W. Cristy, In Ringwood. Thursday,- at the Store of Perry & Martin, iu Mclleury. Saturday, ?t the Store of B, Gilbert t^ear the Depot. PETER ROTUEBMEL, Collector. Proceedings of the Board of TrvtMi. Council Rooms, Jan. 17th, 1877. Board met on call of Presideut. Ftril board in attendance. Minutes of last meeting approved. It was moved and carried, that an Ordinance be passed, compelling occupants of lots bordering on Sidewalks to keep said sidewalks clear from snow. Whereupon the fol­ lowing ordinance was unanimously passed. Seel Belt, ordained by the Pres­ ident and Board of Trustees of the village of Mclleurr. That all persons occupying lots bordering on sidewalks within the corporation limits of this village,shall keep said sidewalks clean and free from snow, and shall see that the same it done within twelve hours after a storm ceases. Any person re­ fusing or neglecting to comply with this ordinance, shall be fined in a sum not less three nor more thau teu dol­ lars. Sec. 2 And it is further ordained, that the President of this board, shall employ the Street Commissioner or some other person to clear the side­ walks bordering ou unoccupied lots. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the villrge constable to notify all persons to clear the' sidewalks iu accordance herewith. , This ordinance shall be in force on and after the 28tli, day of January 1877. 1L BISHOP, President. M. KELTER, Clerk. O11 motion the followifig ordinance in relation to Peddlars was passed. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the village of Mclleury. That all peddlars desiring to vend their wares within this corporation at r< tail, s iall fiist procure a Licence from the Presideut or Clerk of this board, and shall pay therefor a sum not. less than three nor more thau five dollars, at the discretion,of the Presi­ dent or Clerk. This ordinance shall be in force on and after the 28th, day of January 1877. R. BISHOP, President. M. "KELTER. Clerk. NUNDA TAXES! The undersigned. Collector of the Town of Xuuda, will be at the follow­ ing places, at the times designated, for the purpose of receiving Taxes: On Wednesdays, at the Store of D. C. Mai lory, Xuuda. Fridays, at the Store of C. Shales, Barreville. Ou Saturdays, nt the Store of Perry & Martin, McHenry. ROfiT. J. SUTTOX, Collector- For tlie best Tea9 iu town call on Lansing & Evansou. Call at Lansing & Evausou's for supplies of Japan Tea at 60c. This Tea beats anything ever offered in this market. We are not bankrupt, neither have we made au assignment, but will sell our our entire stock of Boots, Shoes, Hosiery. Cloves, Mittens and Ladies' aud Gents' underwear at COS l'. for "CASH AXl) CASH ONLY." Owiujr to the fact that there is now heing sold out the Boot and Shoe stock of A. Reid by J. S. Wheat. Assignee, at cost, we have also concluded to close out our whole stock at what the goods cost us at the leading factories 111 the United States, thereby giving the public the privilege of buying goods very low, and also the chance to ascertain who have bought their stock at the lowest figures. This sale will continue until ail of our stock is closed out. Call aud examine goods and prices before buy- at the Assignee's sale. DWIGHT A FORREST. Corner Main street and Public Square, Wooddtock, III. POULTRY. We want 10 Tons of live or fancy dressed Poultry for which the highest market price will be paid iu trade or cash Lansing & Kvanson. Cash buyers are invited to call and examine the large and New Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats Caps, Groceries tfee.,now arriving at Lansing & Evausou's. From 10 to 25 per cent, may be saved ou all goods bought from this firm. Parties buyiug iu large quantities will get an extra deduction from 5 to 10 per cent. CLOVER THRESHER. F. W1EDR1CK would inform the farmers throughout the County that ho is prepared to thresh ('lover or Shell Corn, havii g one of the best machines in the market. For information ad­ dress F Wiedirck. Woodstock, III. SOAPS. "We will sell 25 Burs of Kirk's Soap for $1.00 or 100 Bars for $3,&0. Lansing A Evanson. CUTTERS! CUTTERS! " The Portland ('utter, the latest style out. for sale at manufacturers Prices by E. M. Owen. Lansing & Evanson are selling a choice article of Fine Cut Tobacco at 50o per pound. Try soine. POX KIVKK VALLEY MILLS. On and after this date all Flour, Feed &c., purchased at this Mill will be deliv­ ered anywhere in the Corporation Free of Charge. Leave your orders at the Mill and they will be promptly attend­ ed to. We are now putting in the proper Machinery for making Pateut Flour, aud farmers bringing their grists to our Mill can have the Pateut Flour if they so desire. Our Planing Mill is also In running order, aud all jobs of Planing and Matching will be done ou short notice. R. BISHOP & SON. P roipr ie tors; McHenry, N«\ '21-1. IH76. Lansing & Evanson are closing out their entire stock of woolen goo<l«, Clothing, Underwear &c., Look for bargains. Lansing «Sc Kvauson have just received a large assortment of Mens and Boys Caps, Call*ind examine them. If you wish to buy Waterpreofh, Flannels and other Woolen goods at great bargains, go to .Lansing & Evausou's. Business Notice Go to E. M. Owep for Plow*. 1 ( ' f t : - i Hall's Safes, all for sale br«. Bishop. BuckHn A Sterna*, »ttnd ready J» meet any and all competition. Nubias iu great variety. VentM^ Boys Scarfs, at. Bucklin A Stevens. - Hall's Safes, all sizes, for sal* bjr Q Bishop. Good Yard wide Brown Sheeting* only 7 cts per yard At P. D SMITH'S. Alpacea at 25cents per yard in all new shades at Lansing A Evanson. Bejarer Cloths for Cloaking, as well as Cloaks at Ruck,in A Stevens. Hall's Safes, all sizes, for sal* Ql Bishop. The best place in the county to buT Horse Blankets is at Lansing Jk. Evausou's, McHenry. Waterproofs in Seal Brown, Kflvrf Blue, Grey and Black, at Bucklin it Stevens. TH KESHI NG MACHINE ME#. Get yonr String Leather of O. W. Owen, Mclleury, III. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! A large Invoice at unprecedented -Low Prices, at P. D. SMITH'S. . • T- Lansing A Evanson are now offering special bargains in Shawls of all de­ scriptions. they have a large stock which they will sell at cost. Have you seen the new arrivals ef Rendy-Made Clothing just received at Lansing A Evanson. Don't fall. Fancy Note and Letter Paper, with envelopes to match. Very neat styles. At O. W. Owen's. Clothing and Gents fnrnishlng goods a speciality at Lansing A Evansoa McHenry. Suits .Suits, at F. G. Mayes. HORSE BLANKETS. Only $2.20 per Pair Lasting A Evausou's. OYSTERS. Four Cans for 01 at J.Lansing's Heal Market, near the Depot. Millinery and Fancy Goods at cost at Mrs. C. II. Morey's. A rare chance »• get a nice hat or one half the usual price. Don't fail to call and se* for yourself. Flannels at all prices from 15 cts p*v yard up at Bucklin A Stevens. A bran new Organ ai, O. W. Ow m'l for $100. Best thing in Plows. Call and set. E. M.owstf. LADIES CLOAKS!LADIES CLOAKS Just received from New York a fin* assortment of I.adies Beaver Cloaks, at Bucklin A Stevens. We want 50,000 pounds of choice but­ ter for which the highest Market pric* will be paid. LAKSTNO ft EVAXSOX MctTeaiy* GREAT REDUCTION! In the prices of tho Buffalo and Roeli ester Boots and Shoes. Don't fail t* see them before making your selec­ tions. p. D. Surra. * Heavy Work Tram for Sale. One Heavy work team, Harness a*4 Wagon for saje cht-ap. Apply at th* Fox River Valley Mills of II. D- LUFF. A new stock of Dress Goods a*41 Waterproof < loakings. Black Al* pacca 25cts and upwards at Lansing 41 Evausou's McHenry. New aud elegant styles of Fall Winter Dress Goods, in the most pop» ular shades.--Also a large variety *f Ladies Waterproofing and Cloaking*, at T. D. SMITH'*. HARD MONEY OR SOFT. Bncklin A Stevens' take either, as well as Butter, Eggs aud Poultry, an# give in exchange good Goods at Bot­ tom Prices. Y011 can save at least 25 per cent In, buying your Clothing, Hats, Cape Boots and Shoes,at Lansing A Evausoa Mclleury. Don't huv your Underwear, Boots, and Shoes. Cloves, and Mittens Until you sec the great bargaius in tli*** Goods - at I.aiislng & Evanson'*. McHenry. If you want the highest prlc* far rour Poultry iu trade or cash go !• Lansing A Evanson. Woolen and Flannels a full stock aw) at lower prices than ever at Bucklin A Stevens', Lansing A Evanson, McHenry, bar* just received a large assortment of ButtaU Robes, which they are offering very cheap. MARRIED, MORRILL--MARVIN--111 the town of Arnn Lake Co., IH., on Thursday Jan. 13th, by Rev. Roilncv Gilbert, Comfort Morrill to Mis* Marv G. M'tr\ in, HII of Avon. DIED. HTT.L--At Crystal T.ake. Doc. 1876, Ellen L. Hilt, "wife of William Hill, and (tan^nter of William mul At>by Champlio, ot Sherburne, N. V., in the 45th year of her WNow York jwpers please copy. MeHKNRT MAUKET. BUTTER--25 cts. CHKKSE--ll@12c. Eoc.s--23 cts. LAKI>--12i cts. BEAXS--SI.25 per bushel, OATS--25@3'k\ POTATOES--$1 per bushel. CORN--$11 per Ten. FLOUR--No. 1 Spring, 96@7. p*r bav* rel. Hoc.s--Dressed. $f>.75@7. Live, TIMOIUT SEED--®L40@1.60 per ba*fc> el. CLOVER SEEP--®7@8.25 per bushel. FLAX SEED--• 1.40(^1.50 per bush*|, HUNGARIAN--40 cts. per bushel. HAY--F3@6 per Ton.

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