Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Feb 1877, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, PEBJ 28th. 1877. Railroad Time Table. GOING SOCTU. • . . „ Geneva T,fckc Passenger. . . .T:%5 A. Geneva Lake Freight. - GOIXG Non rii. T„ake Kreisht Geneva. Lake Passenirer 1:45 r. M. ..10:00 A. M. .. ,.7:«5 F. M. MASONIC. MCJIE>"RY CiiAPTKn No. :U K. A. M.--Rczn- lar Convocations held on the second an<1 fourth Fridays in each month. IIENRY COI.BV IL P. PRTARKI AT.I.EX See,, CHURCH DIHECTOHY. MKTimnisT.--Rev. J. H. IMeonL Services every Sunday at I\ M. Snndtiy School at Superintendent. , Pastor. 10 v. A. M. nnd 7 12 M. WM, PAGE, Tins PAI'RU is kept on flic in the ofllce of Jj, F. Booth, General Eastern Airent, Chicago & Northwestern Railway, 415 Broadway, New York City. Our friends, when in New York, are cordially invited to call in and read It at anv time. Tliev will always he welcome. E.M.OWEN has ornamented the front of his Warehouse with a new and tasty* sign. YE dancing public remember the Opening Party nt the Riverside House' on Monday evening next March 5th. GEO. SCHREINEU is treating his building to a new coatof Paint. Fr. ilechtle is doing the job. SEE the notice of Auction Sale, by L. Stoddard in an other column. Mr- Stoddard having decided to leave McHenry will sell liis'entire stock at Auction, commencing Wednesday, March 7th. Until tnat. time all goods in his store can be bought at cost or less. Here is ft rare chance for bargains. WE learn thatfa man was caught in this village last week passing a Ten Dollar Bill for a One. When confront­ ed with the fact it was some time be­ fore he could be prevailed upon to "take it back." This is a crime that should be properly punished, except when committed upon the printer. We believe there is no law to prevent jus being so treated but we shall keep a sharp lookout for such characters. THE floor of one of Smith & Snyder's Warehouses, gave away one day last week, under the pressure of two many Oats and "Tip"' says that a few thous­ and bushels fell to below par in a very | few minutes. They, came tip again, hwwever.the same day. and the loss was only In a few feet of lumber. This firm are shipping constantly, and yet they had in their Warehouses one day last week from twelve to fifteen thous­ and, bushels, and more a coming all the time. A. II. IIANI.EY & SONS will please ac­ cept our thanks for a sack of very nice Buckwheat Flour. It was certainly as tine as r.uv we ever used. AN exchange spe aks of the "minority sickness." Reference is made probably to the c.irtarrh, as it is a disease of'the, noes--7 toSJ LENT rather drags this season., This is another result of the hard times. With money as close as for the j 'ear past, there has been very little a fel­ low could do that would require repen­ tance. ACCORDING to the weather prophet# *ve are to have an early spring. The sign this year is'an early Easter. The fay comes this season April 1. which, ^cjyyding to the "oldest inhabitant" is a sure sign of an early spring. WE breath easier now. The new counterfeit $1,000 notes now in circula­ tion can be detected by their "greasy feel." It eat* into an editor's salary fearfully to get "stuck" with four or five such notes a week. WE learn that E. M. Owen has had quite a number of sheep killed by dogs of late. We know of but one sure cure for a dog that will kill sheep, and that is to cut his tail ott just behind his - 4.'ais. . . . . . . *. WE learn that -i new Boo: and Shoe Shop is to be opened in Howe's Block, in the room formerly used by Hawkins as a Harness Shop. When we lear.i hv w hom it is to be started we >vill tell our readers, «- AN Exchange asks; "llow can a woman make home more attractive to her hu»baud ?" We think there is no general answer, but in some- cases the thing can be done .by invitiug the widow Jones around to spend the evening. A Correspondent, says he doesn't approve of prettv girls at Sociables in Lake County allowing themselves to be kissed for five cents. That's right, it 's far better to go home with the pretty girls after the Sociable is over and kiss them at the door for nothing. WORKMEN have commenced framing the 'timber for Bishop' store, and the work of excavating the cellar for P. D. Smith's Store is also in progress. The other buildings of which we spoke last week are to be commenced at once and the sound of the saw and hammer will soon be heard all around town. AN Eastern paper remarks: "A Wis­ consin hen, a few days ago. laid an egg tvitli a letter 'C' on it; but not even Josh Billings can spell War with a 'C.' The egg according to our notion, was Intended for the Centennial, but the lieu was bull-dozed, and consequently late in getting in her returns. WE have received a copy of the new History of McHenry County, and do not hesitate to pronounce it a VM V use­ ful and vuluable work. Like all works ot the kind, there are of course some mistakes, but we think probably as few in this as any we eversaw. It is a bonk that should be in every house in the .county. GARDNERS and others who wish to raise the best Tomato, should see the advertisement of the "Early Favorite," in another column, by Garrison Broth­ ers, Greenwood. Their seeds are all warranted fresh and true to name, and their varieties of seeds and plants of all kinds are second to none in the Northwest before you purchase your seeds Ont Deputy Postmaster says that since our notice of last week the num­ ber of stamps which he has been re­ quired to lick has materially increased, thus showing the indisputable benefits of advertising. He also requests us tu suggest to persons who will persist in cheating him out of his lunch, that thej* would accommodate him much In­ putting the^r stamps.on the Xorthwest corner ot the letter, a position which any school hoy acquainted with Geog­ raphy can designate. Ox the first page of this paper will bo found the proceedings of the Ex­ ecutive Committee of the Old Settlers' Organization. by which it will be seen that the date of holding the next Re-Union has been fixed for June 14th. at Mellenry. It is hoped that the Vice Presidents in the di tie re n't Townships will go to work at once and see what can he done towards raising funds to carry ir forward. Prompt actions \*il[ ensure a successful aad i-nterestiiig meeting. THE Washington Birthday Party, at the Parker House on Thursday evening last was a v"erv pleasant and enjoyable aflair, between fifty and sixty couples being present, who enjoyed themselves until the "we sma hours" admonished them that "the day of Jubilee'* had pa«sed for this year, or in other wojrds that Washington would not have an­ other birthday nut il 187S. Mine host Parker, as usual left nothing undone to make it pleasant, for all, ami the party broke up, all well satssfied with their evenings enjoyment. *E. M. OWEN. th'; old and reliable dealer in Agricultural Implements, is on hand this Spring with a full stock of Farm Machinery of all kinds, which he ofiers to the farming community on the, most libera] terms. He handles none but the best of machinery, and any machine bought of him can be relied ou to be just as represented. His Warehouse can be found opposite the Mill, and those wishing to purchase should not fail to call and examine his stock. Read his advertisement in an­ other column. v CHARLES CLARK, of this village, who ha* been sick with hemorage j>f the lungs for the past six weeks, died on Tuesday morning about half past eight. Until he Was taken sick all thought lie- was a robust, healthy vonug man, but a severe cold brought. ' out a disease that was undoubtedly heredi­ tary. and in six short weeks carried him away. He was a young man of exemplary habits, and honored and re­ spected by all who knew him. His friends have the sympathy of this community. He was about 23 years of age. THE Opening Party at the Riverside House on Monday evening next promi­ ses to be one of the most enjoyable times of the season. The new proprie­ tor. Mr. Goist, is leaving nothing un­ done that can tend to promote the comfort and pleasure of those who attend on that occasion. The Mellenry Quadrille Band, four pieces, will furnish tin? music, which we gurautee to he as good music as can be found in the county. We hope the dancing public will turn out and give him a rousing benefit on that occasion. Let the Old Riverside Hall be'filled, and all go in for having a good time, Remember the date, Monday evening next. March oth. TO DAIRYMEN. Use Gilbert's Vegetable Compound and you can make grass Butter all the year round. Every bottle warranted. 'Squir" Coon has been compelled to carry one of his hands i i i i a sling for Send for their catalogue \ days, in consequence of a severe ~ injury to one of his ringers.--Marengo lie publican. \ The Squire probably got it in his mouth which he keeps all the time open. Don't you remember the Elgin convention, where the old nan talked at a point two hours on a dead stretch --and flieu didn't hit it?.--St. Charles Leader Yes, and made thirty seven speeches by actual count, and when lie got through declared he had not said a word--and we guess he hadn't, lie can talk more and say less than any other man in the Fourth District, GREENWOOD EDITOR PLAINDEAEER Our pen once more stagnates, refuses to act, for want of items. Yes items; naked items of news, is ail we ask. We are ready, yea willing and waiting, to clothe them with thought, in our own language, only give us the foundation for cover ing. For us to tell your readers what the weather has been for the past week, or what it is to be for the future, would be insipidly thin, as all know the past, and many the future, we are willing to presume, better than we', from the oc­ casional prognostic warnings, we have from Ihe lips of the weather wist,who tell us "we shall get our pay for this fine weather." Ac. Thanks for the past and the present, we cau but exclaim with "Patrick Henry." or soiue other forgotten Hero. "Let it come," (we mean the pleasant weather.) Then again if we were to attempt to tell your readers about our various enter- tertainmettfcs. and the little incidents of gossip connected therewith, (which are seemingly necessary appendages to fill the programme of all gatherings,) how this young gent,accompanied that young lady home, or how upon .another; occasion, he did not accompany her, (no fault of his however.) or how a certain young man, expoKjjiding upon the subject of capital punishment, tells us (through mistake) that he nev­ er has practised it in school govern­ ment. Or of another young man who has been taking lessons in corn shelling an a back action sheller. And of an­ other part}'who, it is currently repor­ ted, is pre disposed to matrimony and melius business. .And of another who seems to have taken great oflcnce on account of certain current reports and has branded with his apparent con­ tempt, innocent parties. And still an­ other young gent, from a neighboring town, mistaking the school room tor the public Ilall, while in search of-- ( well he can tell better than we, who. (We think however she was at home, taking care of the mumps.) Then there is poor "Sammy," who has been so unceremoniously treated by that. "Republican Rooster." and scores of other similar incidents, which we could mention but won't say any tiling about any of'em. We had thought to mention a word or two in reference to that Ohio trip on horse back, and the narrow es­ cape from being "Bulldozed." and the final triumphant, success in securing that beautiful gold watch and chain &c.. but like Washington, we "cannot tell a lie," we have promised not to mention these things and we won't. Should we say any tiling about them, some one would be mad. and pass us by without speaking, which would make us feel bad. 'Don't do so; remember the good "Samaritan." l>r. A. E. Baldwin is spending a short vacation at home, visiting friends Returns ihis week, Doc., is bound to make the Medical profession a success, as we observed him on Sunday last, seating himself in church, within the sliadr of the Blue glass. Mrs. Wilcox.(formerly Mrs. Boyden.) has let her farm to a Mr. Fox from Woodstock who has taken posession. Mr. and Mrs. Rathburu, of Buffalo X. Y.. are he«.e on a short visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moses of this place. The donation for the benefit ©f the Rev. Byron Aldenon Thursday evening last, was well attended, notwithstan­ ding-the evening was rainy and un­ pleasant, and $"(» were raised. On Suyday afternoon the funeral pro­ cession of a child ot Mr. Win. Couch of Hebron parsed through our village for interment in the Greenwood Ceme­ tery. During the past week the only child of "Mr. Jonathan Brown, of Hebron was also burled. On Thursday last while Mr. Charles Erckenbeek who has lately taken Mr. C. 11. Trvon's farm, was engaged in burning over a pasture fiel 'l, in which were some stacks of hay, the fire be­ came unmanageble. burning two stacks containing some 15 or 10 tons. Charlie considers this rattier a bad beginning. Ev I:N. only L_ -"-sam, WOODST3&K. EDITOR PLAINDEALER--The sensation of the past week wan caused by the app^aranee of the neuter gen, der organ of this town containing in one column a cut of it9 editor, and in an adjoining column, that individuals funeral oration over the graves of the Independent Order of Knight Ilawks,, of which the above alluded to editor was a member, he being elected, as the Scnf'me! says, to give high moral tone t'» the raptores. but the members had made a slight miscalculation of the elevating power of the Elder's moral tone, for fio sooner had he become a " bird of a feather," than the aforesaid "moral tone" went up kiting.aud has'nt come down yet. Which was the greater sensation the portrait or the "I come to bury Cesar." is too difficult a prob­ lem just now wi shout,the aid of the Tribune philosopher, but it is said the "elder" intends to offer a copy of. that portrait to each new subscriber. The war of the Cyclopedias is raging at a fearful rate and every man who buys any of the three, Apple ton's. Johnsons, or Zells, appears to be fully cOmpetant to determine which is the bcst.even though unaeqnaiuted with the others.; especially if lie takes John- Son's. One who has merely turned over the leaves of a bowk of that kind, while listening |o the committed speech of its agent in its favor, is scarcely competent to pronounce an opinion of so extensive a work unless he is something more than an ordinary scholar. Your correspondent lias naught to say of this new Cyclopedia, except that such puffs as have already fallen beneath his notice would not go far as a recommend, because a correct opinion cannot be formed in the time; and besides it is flattering to ones self- esteem, to be called upon by the agent from whom he has purchased, to just put his name to a prepared opinion, iu order to help '-that, agent sell another copj". besides, one might be permitted to inquire, how much was discounted, not as a compensation for signing the certificate but iu consideration of your influence as a man of position, and therefore a judge of literary excell­ ence. Mr. Fisher is now here delivering the Mellenry County Directory, which as far as appears, gives good satisfac­ tion to the subscribers. The third entertainment of the Dime course will ' be given Thursday evening of this week, by Mrs. Laura Tisdale.and will consist of miscellane­ ous and dramatic readings. As the lady conies well recommended there is no doubt that an evening can be well spent in listening to a professional reader. Teachers especially should attend. A despatch iu the Time* ot Saturday teitres tl»imt*re*si<Mi that Ilurl but in­ tends to give A. E. Smith of Rockford, his parting blessing. As Lathrop can stop proceedings about as soon as they are commenced, Abe won't be likely to care much. \The Thomas store has been bought bv E. W. Blossom who is fitting it up for business, intending to open it about the first of March, at which time his present place will be for rent. The wagon and blacksmith shop of Xeison Norton on Main Street; lias been pulled down and removed, but what is to be put iu its place, is not yet known, to outside barbarians. Again Madam Rumor asserts that the new Democratic paper is to be issued amino mistake this time, wheth­ er; Tilden or Hayes be President or neither of them. , An effort, has bleu irutae to JUL. cure the appointment of Mrs. Mary Thomas as postmaster, in Wooustock, but as appointments to such offices are made in consideration of political services or influence the chances would seem to be against her. Medlar is beatingjhimself iu Pictures, doing all the work himself and finer photographs have never been offered for our inspection than some seen the past week, but not in his gallery, though doue there.. S^CEERS. partment. Pasaenge^ pass UicJnnond station as follows- 15"' - #• ooixo sot-fife Geneva Luke Passenger.. j,.v . . . . . . .7"OS A. M (itinera Lake Freight'*; ......... 12:60 r. m. OOI3TO ROHtH Geneva Lake Freight.... M:40 A. * Geneva Lake Passenger^. --. .7:27 P. » CHURCH DIRECTORY. CosrunEOATioNAi.:--ttev. F. J. Douglass, Pastor. Services at 7.'$ P.M. MfiTiionisT:--Rev, t Sanil. Earngey Pastor Services A. 51. r*al>li\tli Sch«ol^:30 A M. J. I.. Downing, Snpt. ll.xrTisTElder Young Pastor. Services A; M. gnhlKlth School 12 M. MASONIC. UtciiMoxn I,OIK;K, No. 143, A. F. & A. M. Regular Convocations first 'Monrlay in each month on or ltefore the tull moon, ami the second Monday thereafter. G. P. WODEIX, W. M C. G. COTTINU , Secretary. Farmers call Hick's sells. and see the Planter Johnny sells lots of Harnesses now days. West makes a good harness and the farmers know it. " >• Moonlight nights una - fjlPHMint, just such as the boys like to take the girls outriding. Whew, "1 wish I were a boy again.' ' ; , We are enable'to learn which Hay Fork done the best work at the trial last week. There were three in the field. 1. N. Mead. J. Robbins and Rich ard Wray. 'They all claim it. We are so.-ry to announce the death of Mrs. Ilyde, wife of Dr. Hyde, of this place, which occurred Monday at half- past five. whe was beloved by all who knew her and will be sadly missed by her many friends. Business Notice** •» . . >r til. M. O^euSr Pl<i^ If you are in want of Flour, Fe«dt &c., go to Hauley & Sous. Mellenry Hall's Safes, all siases, for sale by O. Bishop. Hairs Safes, all sires, f «r rate by • Bishop. Buv Hanlev A Hons calibrated ?§• tent Flour, the best In the market. Good Yard wide only 7 cts per yard' Brown Sheetltifi At P. D SMITH'*. Hall's Safes, all sizes, for sale by Ok Bishop. For a first class Photograph, f• to L. S. Gorton's, at Ford's old Gallery, Mellenry. The choicest brands of Flour to be found iu the West are made by HanUy & Sous. No Half Patent or Humbug* CLOTHING! CLOTHING! A'large Invoice at unprecedented Low Prices, at P. D. SMITH'S. A bran new Organ at O. W. Ow ?n*» for $100. Best thing in Plows. Call and se*. E. M.ovix. The cheapest and best Pictures in the county at the Fine Art Gallery of L. S. Gorton, McHenry. Bucklin & Stevens wish "!• reduce their stock as much as possible within the next sixty days and will make it for the interest of dose Cash Buyers to call 011 them. GREAT REDUCTION! In the prices of the Buffalo and Roeh ester Boots and Shoes. Don't fail te see them before making yoar selec­ tions. P. D. SMITH. "Mow to make newspapers."1 There are a great nhiny readers who are quite sure that the editors don't know how to do it. If these sagacious and calti- cal readers could only do the editing, how many -blunders and libel suits would be avoided, how many able ar­ ticles would be writte'u, what a tone the papers would have, how many shining little hatchets would be ground! Suits .Suits, at F. G. Mayes, A WANT SUPPLIED. Dairymen have I >ng reit the need of something that could be relied upon that would give Butter and Cheese that rich natural color such as is made when cows are at grass. Gilbert's Vegetable Compound will do it every time. Every bottle warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Agents wanted. A. R. (In .BERT, Proprietor. McHenry, Feb. 19th 1*77. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Publio Auction at his Store in Mellenry, on Wednesday. March 7th 1S77. commenc­ ing at 10 o'clock A. m.. the following described goods: Crockery and Glass­ ware, Ilats and (Japs. Shoes, Gents Fur.iishing Goods. Baskets and Wooden Ware. Whips, Lashes, Stoneware. Lamps and Lamp fixtures. Fruit Cans and Cases, Notions, Table and Pocket Cutlery, &c. In fact a general stock of Merchandise. Terms Cash. L. STODDAItP. J. M. MCOMHETI, Auctioneer. 'Money is scarce and a man who has any. and owes and will not pay debts, is among the tneau men of the earth. Every dollar is wanted. Of course we don't want any. It don t cost us anything to buy paper, type, and ink, and a printer can live upon air and sleep on a clothes line,--at least, some people seem to thiuk so. Particular attention paid to copying, at the old Gallery of B. A. Ford, by L, S. Gorton. ~ MARENGO --Mr. E. R. Merrill visited a promi­ nent oeeulist in Chicago last week, to see if there was any help for his «ye recen'-lv injured by a chip. The oeeu­ list told him there was no hope for the eye, and that he must keep very quiet or he might loe*e the other. --T. McD. Richards, of Seneca, esti­ mates the loss to this County in crsps, by the heavy rains of last season, to be about $200,000, A few years ago the loss for the hick of rain amounted to three times that amount, and yet we live and prosper. .--Win. Sanford is building a large barn on his farm. Osgood Joslyn is also building an addition to his barn. These boys cover a good deal of ground with barns and other necessary out­ buildings; but they do ' farming ou a mammoth scale. --An infant child of Rev. J. N. Hutch 60n died Wednesday morning, of scarlet fever. This is the only case ef scarlet fever in the village for many months. We hope that great caution will be ex­ ercised to prevent the spread of the con tagion.--Republican. Judge lias the Dyspepsia, ' and has had for some time, in a mild form, un­ til Saturday evening about 7:30, he was taken very severe and had a very bad night of it. lie is able to be around at this writing, but curses the Rooster that gobbled up poor Satnmy. WE find the following description o f the new residence of II. A. Ne\\*comb of Geneva Luke, in the Herald of Sat­ urday last." Newcomb is tlie popular and efficient Conductor on the Geneva, Lake Passenger train over the Fox River Railroad, and his many friend* along the line wish him a long and pleasant life in his new and palatial residence: The new home of II. A. Newcomb mentioned last week is worthy of ex­ amination, by everyone contemplating building any time in the near future. The plan of the house, its careful build­ ing. and every thing going te make .up its finish, even to the painting and ornamental work, sets the building out as a worthy model to those wishing a pleasant home. The ground plan of the house is as follows: leading from the front door is a hall, in which is n winding stairway of black walnut. The hall opens on the side into the parlor and from the'-back end.fnto the sitting room, with a large bay window opening to the east. Between this sitting room and parlor, are double doors, and from the sitting room a double door leads to the dining room, and a single door leads into a large and comfortable sleep ing room : from both sleeping room and dining room are doors connecting with the kitchen, which* is situated back of the sleeping room 011 the west side of the house ; from the dining room a door opens into the pantry, furnished with a china closet, and from the pantry a door opens into the kitchen iu the rear of which is a summer kitchen woed shed, &c. Throughout the house is finished with black walnut graining, which is done in such a manner as to be admired by all who have seen it. We do not wonder that conductor New­ comb is anxious to get into his new home. We could even appreciate such it blessing ourselves. SCHOOL liKl'OKT. In tbo iollowing is given the report of the McHenry Public School, for the month -ending Feb. 23, 1877.* Number enrolled 121. Average daily attend­ ance 107. HIGHER DEPARTMENT. Number enrolled <18. Average daily attendance 43. Neither absent nor tardy 20, viz : Addie Alexander, Jennie Beers, Paul Brown, Fred Colby, Ada Granger, Emma Gregory, Dorr Kennedy Mary Ilogan, Frank McOmber, Addie McOmber, Nora Morrison. Clias. Owen, Herman Curtis, Belle Stoddard, Jessie Wightnian, Eloise Wait«,Ella Kelter, John Kelter, Eddy Owen, Thomas Murphy, Chas. Shifter. Number tardy 12. Number of visitors 3. IXTERMKDIATE DEPARTMENT.-- LL'CY A. WAKE, TEACHER. Number enrolled 47. Average daily attendance 41. Neither absent nor tardy 22, viz:" Willie Best, Willie Bouslet, Joe Buck, Emma Fay, Mabel Ford, John Ilogan, Thos. Kerns, George McOmber, Philip Mayes, August Niirquest, Lewis Owen, Howard Perry Millard Stoddard, Millie Waite, Eddie Weber, Mollie Searlcs, Lewis Fisher, Nellie Morrison, llattie Morrison, Willie Wentworth, Philip Wenclel, Win. Web§r. Number tardy G. Num­ ber visitors C. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. -- MISS ETTA TORRANCE, TEACHER. Number enrolled 26. Average daily attendance 23. Neither absent nor tardy 4, viz: Wallace Morey, Ray Owen, Albert Weber. May Wightnian. Number tardy 0. Number of visitors I S. D. RAJ.DWIN, Principal. New and elegant styles of Fall an4 Winter Dress Goods, in the most pop­ ular shades.--Also a large variety ef Ladies Waterproofing and Cloakitigs, at P. D. SMITH'S. MARK 'EM DOWN. Flannels and Woolens marked down to sell. Hats and (Japs marked t* close. Buck Mitts and Glove* j^awav down. Winter Goeds of all kiuij| reduced at Bucklin & Steven's. Bucklin & Stevens are very thaukfa for the liberal patronage bestowed MB them for the past year exceeding their utmost expectation. They will start the year with renewed vigor by clesiug oft their winter goods at such prices M must sell them. NEW SHOE SHOP. The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that lie has opened * Shoe Shop in Lansing's Block, near the Depot, and is now prepared to do work to order, on short notice and warrant satisfaction every time. Front a leny experience be is confident he can pleas* the most fastidious. Particular atten* ' tiou paid to Repairing. Give me a eall. WM Dow. VOX 1UTKR VALI.KY MfUA On and after this date all Flour, Feed &c., purchased at this Mill will be deliv­ ered anywhere iutlie Corporation Free of Charge. Leave your orders at the Mill and they will be promptly attend­ ed to. We are now putting In the proper Machinery for making Patent Flour, and farmers bringing their grists to our Mill can have the Patent Fleur if they so desire. Our Planing Mill is alee in runulnff order, and all jobs of Planing and Matching will be done on short notice. R. BISHOP ft SON, Proprietor*. McHenry, NOT'2lHt,1876. NOTICE. Having bought ef B. A. Ford, the old reliable Fiue Art Gallery, of McHenry, and wishing vo convince the Publio that I am now prepared to mako better aud finer pictures than ever before, I have decided, for the next sixty days, to reduce the price of photographs to 32J50 per Dez. Former price $3,00. I will ali-o n:ake Bonton Tintypes for30cts each,er four for$1,00. Former price* 50cts each, 1 will4 also keep on hand a superior quality of Black Walnut Frames, at prices to suit the times. L. S. GORTOK . A Xew Hair Tonic Worth Having. It is the best. Wood's Improved Hair Restorative is unlike any other, and lias no equal. The Improved has new vegetable tonic properties; re­ store grey hair to a glossy, natural color; restores faded, dry, harsh and falling hair; restores, dresses, gives vigor to the hair;restores hair to pre­ maturely bald heads ;i*emove6 dandruff, humors.scaly eruptions; removes irri­ tation, itching and scaly dryness. No article produces such wonde'rful effects. Try it, call for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don't be put oft with any other article. Sold bj' all drug­ gists in this placfr asid dealers every­ where. Trade sirppffed* at manufact-. urers prices by C. A.Coek & Co., Chi-, cago. Sole Agents for the United States and Canada.aud att Wholesale Drug­ gists, MARRIED. Call at. the Fine Art Gallery of L. S. Gorton, over Perry & Martin's Store, and examine his specimens. Good Pictures or 110^)ay is his motto. Having engaged the services of a first-class Re lonelier in Chicago, 1 am now prepared to make as fine Pictures as can be found in the county. Call and see speciuaeu&. I„. S GORTOX, At Font's old Gallery. Boys Clothing, at F. G.Mayes. OODDARD--BOONE--In W<xxtstock, FeV. 8th, 1*77, bv the Rev. James Cox, of « oo<lstock Mr. Clarent-e V. G«xt<lant and Miss Emma Intone, bothof Greenwood, 111. McHENHV MAUKKT. BollSt BUTTKB--Packed, 18@23L cts. 15$18. CLIKKSK-- 12|«V EG<!S--lids. LARD--13 cts. BEANS--81.25 per bnsbe). OATS--20 (<I 28c. POTATOES--$1 per bushel. CORN--612 per Ton. - F LOL R --87.50^ 88.30 per barrel. HOGS -- Dressed, #6,60 Live, 5.00C«i §5.50. TIMOTHY SEED--91.40® 1.50 per bnsfe* el. CI.OVKR SKKD--97(38.00 per bushel, FI.AX SEKD--91.40(»i 1.50 per bushel. HUNGARIAN--40 cts. per bushel. HAY--G per Ton. TI RKKYS-- Live, 8($l0cts per pound CHICKENS--Live, 5(j$6ets per pounds

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