Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Feb 1877, p. 7

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• fe. IITELY DEADWOOD. *Hen, Manners and Tilings in tha Black Hills. The Virginia City Chronicle gives a report of an interview with a gentleman just returned from Deadwood, as fol­ lows •- " Tell us all about Deadwood, Mr. Williams ? " " Deadwood may be considered a pretty lively town; that is, lively for a town of 2,000 inhabitants. Of course, it's the oentral camp, where all the gam­ bling, fighting and business is done. Everything goes on a grand rush night and day. There is no regularity about anything. A man opens a place of busi­ ness and makes lots of money, then he gets the prospecting fever, starts for the gulches, and shuts up his shebang arallel !ineB Gf hximan progress When a place is closed up it means that I the Centennial Exhibition is tiie owner is out digging, has been taliedj ^e culmination and the flower. Con- sir." "Shure, I think it's a he ye're telling. Bring me that scales. Now bring me that cat." Tae cat turned the scales at exactly one pound. "There, didn't I tell ye she had eaten a pound of mate this mornin'?" "All right, my boy, there's yer pound of mate, but where the devil's the cat ?"--New York Mail. Tapper on America. Mr. F. Tupper is in Charles­ ton, S. C. The News of that city prints j a letter which he has written to a friend in England, in which he praises this country without limit, and says : " I note everywhere, as an unbiased traveler, a vast advance and improve­ ment, not alone materially, but also men­ tally, morally and socially; and of all A BRITISH PAGEANT. in a fight, or is off on a spree. We have no municipal government at all. Every man thinks he's Mayor of the town. Every once in a while the boys call a mass meeting, draw up resolutions, etc., and decide to incorporate the town, and have a Board of Aldermen ; but at the trasted with others I have seen, it is a Victoria Regia to a common water-lily. For mentals, there is not a better edu­ cated people on the face of the earth. Schools and teachers, churches and chapels, books and newspapers, are only almost too abundant; except among the end of the week nobody knows what has neweg^ emigrants from Europe, it is dif- rfjecome of the resolutions or e 1 er- find an ignorant person, and men. We start a new city government' - 6 ^ - * r every two weeks and bust one every , week--if there is any." " How about the theater? " " Yes, we've got a little theater there, not nearly as well fitted up aa your cock­ pit. The orchestra chairs are made of stakes driven into the ground, with a round piece of board about the size of your hand nailed on top. Admission $2.50; reserved seats $5. They run a ' sort of variety show, and sling in the jokes Mid stage business as broad as pos­ sible. The can-can was danced for some time until the boys got tired of it, and they said: ' Give us some singin', or we'll dean out the place. We want something elevatin',' and the manager had to import a female sentimental vo­ calist, at big expense, to appease the patrons. She sung • Sweet Spirit Hear my Prayer,' 'Consider the Lilies,' 'I Know That My Bedeemer Liveth,' and other high-toned music, and I thought that the boyB wonld go crazy with de­ light. But they got tired'of it in about a week. Fanny Garritson . was the singer. I believe she used to be here." " Many saloons there ?" " Saloons all over the place, and whis­ ky four bits a drink. They put two bar­ rels up on end, nail a board across for a bar, and deal it out. A miner who [wants to treat pours some gold dust on 1 the barrel-head and says, 'Set 'em up.' | "They never weigh the dust. Sometimes a man won't put down enough dust, but I they never say a word; and if he's a little tight and pours out ten or fifteen dollars' worth, they never mention it. They have three faro banks running all the I while. They don't use checks for the [boys; when they won a pile of checks I they threw 'em all over the place, and [some were too drunk to handle 'em. So [the checks got played out. Now a man Iputs a little gold dust in a dollar green- lback and it goes for two dollars. Ten Idolkurs' worth of dust in a ten dollar senback goes for $20, and so on. They lever weigh dust at all, but guess the lount." 1 Have you a daily paper ?" : Yes, sometimes it's daily, and then rhen the compositors get drunk it don't suae out for several days. If there seems to be no home where the children are not habitually sent to school. For morals, wliich include so­ cials, there is so vast a stride toward ab­ solute temperance that Americans may now be called a water-drinking people. I have not yet seen a single case of in­ toxication, and habits of dram-drinking seem to be quite on the decline. No case of cruelty to animals, or even over­ driving (perhaps the 2:40 trotting match­ es of racing men may be excepted), has met my glance. I have seen no street quarrel, no one handcuffed, nor heard one foul word or execration. Several cases of curious honesty have occurred to myself, wliile the general good nature and courtesy, and even self-forgetfulness, of the bulk of those one meets are traits abundantly noticeable. You may say, dear sir, that I take an optimist view of things, but I simply speak of what I see --that great cities cannot be without sin, nor human nature generally from folly, nor (as is hinted to me) political life puri­ fied Irom corruption, are manifest truths, lout art all events the good is on the sur­ face and not the evil, and no bne has a right to condemn what he cannot per­ ceive. , The Talmud. Tryon Edwards, m tScribner's Month­ ly, says: The Jews, Protestants and Ro­ manists all agree in receiving as canoni­ cal the Ixjoks of our Old Testament. But as' the Romanists would add to these the apocryphal books, so the Jews insist on adding their oral law. They say that when the written law was given to Moses, inscribed on two tables of stone, God also gave another and verbal law ex­ planatory of the first, which he was com­ manded not to commit to writing, but to deliver down by oral tradition. When Moses came down from the Mount, they tell us that he first repeated this oral law to Aaron and his sons, and then to the seventy, and finally to all the people, each of whom was obliged to repeat it in his hearing, to insure its correct remem­ brance. Just before his death, they say, he spent a month and six days in repeat­ ing it to them again; and then, they as- , f 1 1 , sert, he committed it in a special manner >me oat for several day« If a man , a, u whom it w». imparted ^g^wadingtog^ md^four ^ OI1 , iew city government they print mliii&noes; then there's a grand rush tor the paper. Sometimes it come ont twice a week and sometimes twice a lay." " Much shooting ?" " Oh, yes; the boys are all on the Ihoot. Every man carries about fourteen pounds of firearms hitched to his belt, |nd they never pass any words. The fel- )W that gets his gun out first is the best tian, and they lug oft' the other fellow's lody. Our graveyard is a big institution, Ind a growing one. Sometimes, however, lie place is right quiet. I've known imee when a man wasn't killed for sventy-four hours. Then perhaps they'd |iy out five or six a day. When a man L4s too handy with his sliootin' irons kid kills five or six, they think he isn't £ &?£ &h1 i for be^s ever ready wi* an »u- done, but-farwhat he's liable to do. j suppose that the average deaths amount about 100 a month'; but the Indians [11 some," Terrible Double Murder. IA fearful crime was recently enacted a farm belonging to Mrs. Turner, in bawford county, Pa. A farmer by the lane of Milton Anderson lived on the tenant. His daughter Maria, swer from the Talmud, with the authori­ ty of which lie is fully satisfied. President <« rant's Cabinet Changes. Alluding to the announcement that the President would give a farewell dinner to the members of the Cabinet, a Washing­ ton correspondent says : "If he could assemble around his table idl the gentle­ men who have held Cabinet positions under his administration since he went ed 16, became, recently, a subject of | into office eight years ago he would have little attention at the hands of Harri- Turner, a weak-minded son of Mrs. lirner. He expressed a determination 1 make the girl his wife, in spite of her Jenly-expressed dislike of his attentions |d the refusal of her father to permit to intrude his presence at the house. a large company. No President ever had such an army of advisers. He hits had two Secretaries of State--Washburne and Fish; four Secretaries of the Treasury --Boutwell, Richardson, Bristow, and Morrill; three Postmaster Generals-- Creswell, Jewell, and Tyner; five At- became necessary within the past few J torney Geuerals--Hoar, Akennan, ^Will- several times to eject the young by force from the premises. Mr. Llerson and a hired man were walking foss a field on the farm toward a piece >-<KKIS, when they were met by Harri- Turaer, who was armed with an army sket. When the men were within a ; these only one died in office, Gen. Raw- paces of liim he aimed toward them 111 his gun, and ordered them to halt. ?rson and his companion stopped, had no idea that Turner intended any harm. When they halted rner said: "Milt, you are cut out for , and I'm going to send you to you belong." With these words >1 at Anderson, sending a whole of buckshot through him, killing , tantly. The hired man ran away |4:n ni, fearful that Turner would kill j He carried the news of the murder farm-house, and all of Anderson's j lily hurried to the scene. The fanner | [on the ground where he had fallen. I Vr by lay the dead body of the mur- ; r. He had reloaded the musket, j bed the muzzle under his chin and j DM Progmmmp for the Opening of Parlia­ ment by the Qneen. The Whitehall Review publishes the arrangements for the opening of* Parlia­ ment on Thursday, the 8th of February. The Queen will leave Buckingham palace shortly after 1 o'clock in the royal state carriage, drawn by eight cream-colored horses which are used only for these oc­ casions. With the exception of one car­ riage (that one immediately preceding the royal equipage), which will be drawn by six black horses, all the other car­ riages will be drawn by the bays. The sovereign will be accompanied by Prin­ cess Beatrice. Her Majesty, who, until the death of the Prince Consort, used to pass through the grand entrance of the House of Lords, will alight from the state carriage at the Peer's entrance, where the Queen will be received by the Deputy Lord Great Chamberlain (Lord Aveland), and the great officers of state. As in previous years there have invaria­ bly been many complaints by Peers and Peeresses of the extreme crowding around the door by which those person­ ages enter the House of Lords, both on their arrival and departure, it has been deemed advisable to augment the num­ ber of police stationed in front of the upper house. In all there will be upward of 3,000 constables between Buckingham palace and the House of Lords. ^ Those who have experienced the difficulties and discomforts of getting away from the House of Lords after the royal ceremony will doubtless remember why, on the next 8th of February, some arrangement could not be made which would render the task of getting away from the Peers' Chamber an easier one than has hitherto been. Under existing circumstances, a practical suggestion on this point may not be considered out of place. Just be­ yond Victoria tower there is a large open space, altogether unused at present, and likely to be so for some time to come. This vacant area might easily be made available as an immense waiting-place for carriages on the day of the opening of Parliament, with results which would be eminently satisfactory to all who have assisted at the ceremony. VBGETABIJIs Pulmonary Balsam, the great New England cure for coughs, colds and consumption. Cutler, Bros. & CO. B, Boston, only genuine. Conundrum for St Valentine's day: WAS RT. YALEKTOE . A VARNISH MAKER ? ing toT-aint? - JPASTKNTKES and inventors should wad advertisement of fcdsou Bros, in another ̂ ohmin. TO ADVERTISERS! BEALS & FOSTER, No. 41 Park Row, NEW YORK, GENERAL AGENTS FOR Till! American Newspaper Onion Lists of Co-operatiTe fiewsppers. Advertiser* desirinp to UH either ot the list* (not pub lished In their own city) may communicate with Messrs BKALS A FOSTER direct, aa all order* will hereafter paa* through their hand*. A. J. A IK FINS. President Atucricn U Nt'wminprr I'IIMI, RAW®* oowpouhd or PURE COB LIVES OIL AND LIME. Then buy the g CSnirte fin trill 9 sKNi.10ets.JuBM P.S-'wt,Chte|lb *25,.?£B. CPRflVIf B«it to the World. Trtal WlHIWA0rM/lflU» T. POPMAM * OO.. 1» 8.9th St.. p*n»..n. IfnVPV made, taking order* for Pi dor*- Intmw. HLvliriXganipiiifne. Chu. Clncu Jk Cti.. Cliidn $66 k In roar own town. T«rm* and li a HALLRTT A OO., Portland. ' N.Y. ENAMEL PMNT C0.1 ,$25 A DAT l» T« One nod A5L--Are Yen Suffering from a couch. oold, asthma. hionchitts, or any of the varion* pulmonary'roubles that so often end in consumption? i UPr^rtn nnilAm if BO, Witbm 's Pure fod Lirrr Oil and I.iitu ," a safe 1 Qb I Ck vUnllUL and efficacious remedy. This is nc quack preparation, 1 but i» regularly prescribed by .the medical faculty. Manufactured only by A. B. WlLBOR, Ohemist, Boston. Sold by all drufrftist* C H E M I C A L P A I N T . AND SAVE ONE-THIRD THE COST OF PAINTING, and *et a paint that is MUCH HANDSOMER, anfl will last tu-icr a«• tony AS any other naint fa lor in irhite or <i»y colnr desired. Is "on'many thou- Mndof the finest building* in the country, many of which have been painted six years, and now look us well as when first painted. T!»if UHKMIOAI, PAINT taken FIRST twenty ot the State Fairs of the Union. SAMPLE CARD OF COLORS SENT FREE. Address M. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO.. 103 Chambers St.. N. Y., •r MILLER BROS., 109 Water St. Cleveland. 0. MUSIC BOOKS For Reed Organs. OUKKE'8 NEW METHOD ($2.f»0) U universally known as ono of rare merit, both in the instructive course and the well-chosen aire for practice. I^fuSTOHlSC'i S*J3«r SoTjE At)(I a Day. MOW TO MASK IT. anMU<v«l 00*. rONOK <* CO..St #14 A DAY at horns. Agrau wanted. Outfit • la fri» TRflS * «TO.. Annata. M iatn*. \ Birvill yrD87-****"*."****- m. ntl IILILIIWIUTIH WOMI. Oh»««a»». A_WEEK. Oatalocns and sample fRIlBL y*" *EI,TON <fc CO., II"J Nassau ?>t., Yojfc $55 H $77 nt«. #10 Oxtfit FKBtL RY. Augusta. Mala*. $S to $20 »v.,~ uiitaod, W&St \MJf AilTED Men 10 «*!! to Merchants. 999 WW MB a month and traralliu nvmmjtt GEM MFG. CO.. SL Ciraht. Ifc EPILEPSY Romedfe?. TBIAI. VACKAOK'PKVT1 Adiiregg, ROSS BROS., RICHMOND •C||Q|nil£ No matter bow aUchtly 4t«abl«<L )» r tilOIUlf w emUM nowjpaid. Advice and clrmuw FW. T. MCMSOMAF.I,. ATTJ., T<>7 Saniom St..Ph(U.,P5, WATCHES. iOnMlwilML JKM Watch and Outfit frm Ic ifntt. Btlto Una Adld«««A OOUL^rttRAr- - $350 i A O0ULTte*00..'.'h|l irig to the world. One eaapAe AMn-i.M V BRONION: DMnN. MONEY H. N. A AKTHUR ST Euoil.T Madr with our 8r.«n«t!i __ Kejr-l'her.k Outfit. Orculxts f'r STArro*i>. lOii Fnltort St.. NewTotk. WILL.COX & GIBBS HTUUTIG FOR PARLOR ORGAN. , . (82.R0.) The sale of more 1pR!i .sO.TO*,'- copies is tho best proof of Its groat popu-lari- v. EMERSON'S HEW METHOD *aSD ($2 is tlm work of two difttinguished mufticians, and is equal t<» the best ROOT'S SCHOOL FOR THE CABINET OR- OPIUM nials. DeacriVe oaae. oldest nnd l>est methods. AN it one of the Widely known and usotl. CURKE'S $1 INSTRUCTOR TOR RKKD is an cibbipviuted I mt ORGANS »d method for beginners. era, down to the time of JuJali the Holy, who lived iu the second century, by whom it was committed to writing lest it should be lost. This work, consisting of six books, is the famous Mishna of the Jews, which, with its Gemara, or commenttiries, constitutes their celebrated Talmud, in which is comprehended all their learning and much of their religion aa a people. The whole work is held by them in far higher esteem than the Bible, so much so, that they say the Bible is water but the Taftnud is wine; and they even de­ clare that lie who studies the Bible when he might read the Talmud does but waste his time; and that to sin against the latter is far worse than to sin against the former. So implicit is their confidence in this oral law that it is almost useless to reason with a Jew out of the Old Tes- A Fortune (jatned. Hie Boston Traveller says : "At the breaking out of the war in 1861 a citizen of Mobile, Ala., by the name of Nichols, espoused the Union cause, while all his family and relatives went over to the Confederates. He left the South, and, taking what he could, he started for the North to seek his fortune. For some time he has been filling the position of station- master at the Linooln depot on the Fitcli- burg railroad. A few days sinoe he sent in his resignation, as an uncle, recently deceased in Alabama, has left him heir to a fortune of over $1,000,000." Wl»y Advertise? People sometimes ask why does Dr. R V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., spend RO much money iu advertising bin family medicines, which are so well known and siu'paes all other remedies iu popularity and sale. It is woll known that A. T. Stewart considered it good policy, and un­ doubtedly it paid him, to spend many hundred thousand dollars in advertising his goods, yet nobody questioned the excellence of his mer­ chandise. The £rand secret of success lies in offering onlv goods which possess merit to sus­ tain themselves and then through liberal and persistent advertising making the people thor­ oughly acquainted with their good qualities. Men do not succeed in amassing great fortunes, establishing thriving ami permanent business, and founding substantial institutions like Drl Pierce's .Grand Invalid's Hotel at Bttff»ki,nvhich* cost* over two hundred thousand dollars, unless their business be legitimate, their goods merito­ rious, and their services which they render the people genuine and valuable. Dr. Pierce does not attempt to humbug you by telling you that his Golden Medical Discovery will cure all dis­ eases. He tsavs, "if your lungs aiv half wasted by .consumption, niv Discovery will not cure you, yet as a rentedv for severe coughs, and all curable bronchial, throat and lung affections, I believe it to be unsurpassed as a remedy." The jxiople have confidence in his mediciuesbecause he does not over-recommend them, and when tried they give satisfaction. His Medical Ad­ viser, a book of over nine hundred pages, illus­ trated bv two hundred and eighty-two engrav­ ings and bound in cloth and gilt, is offered to the peojrie at so moderate a price ($"1.5(1, post­ paid ), that it is no wonder that almost one hun­ dred thousand have already been sold. His memorandum books are on every druggist's counter for free distribution. Only machine a jM in the 'world V# w1"' jImW W mS Automatic m. W Tension and Stitch Indicator. i bM« of ev<?rr niAchlu*. Latest Invention, and producing most Marvelous Results. Trade Mnrk la SILENT SEWING MACHINE. Send Postal Card for Illustrated Price List, &e. Willcox & Gibbs S. M. Co., (Cor. Bond St.) 668 Broadway, New Yortt. WINNER'S NEW 8CH0QLUA"""!T U the cheapest, and anvxei-Uont OlUiAN (Toots.) asy instruction lunik. Lands for Sale 960,000 Acres in Southwest ffiissonri First-class Stock Farms.excellent Lands, and th® best ToSmcco Region in the West. Miort win. tern, no grasshoppers, oxlerly society, good ma rkets and a hoalUiy oountry. l.nw Price*! I.oujr Credit ! Jwo Trmioportntioti to the lnnds fumUbad pur- ohasere. For lurthnr lniormntion, address A. U DKANK, Commissioner, St. Louis. Dr. O. W. Snrdsn'i CONSUMPTIVE CI IIE For all disoa*e« of the Throst and Lungs. The sbove cure IB unrirfcied tor Its sm-AT curutive properties tor the above diseiuM*. Price. $ I and a box. Dr. O. W. SiK'dtnN Pl'LSIO\lC SYRUP. recommend the Pulmmiic Svtujrto be ufed ID oon. Motion with the Consumptive Cure. I'rio... Si a iHittle Remit to A. H. BKNUKR, 876 Bowery. Now York. WONDKKFI L Sl'W'KSS! SC.OOO of the CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION DKSCltinEU AMI IIJIHTKATIH) Sold mOOilavH. It Iwiutc iim-prire i r<>rk (770 WJ<v, onlv treating ot th# rutin* IiInI ory« frrimd biii(<UiiKN« won<lt*rful cxliilut** rurioNitien, wmn d«>^, <>tc,; illiiMirntiMUand S \ cheaper than any other; rvcrvboilv mints it. One nnr> Bffent clear*<I $3«>0 in 4 trrrA>. ant* wantrtl. 8end qu ickhj for pranf of opinions of othciuta, olmgy and preRR, wtmpie pn«re^, full d^Hcrtiitinn and extra trmts. HVUBAKD BHOS., ruhs.,(Jhicjigo, III., undtOincinniiti,O. P ATT^TTA'WR FNHPLY-CLAIMPD vAw XsLV/Xl ami b<»nkM. Send t«u- proof. ORGAN AT HMIESSi'SiiSJiSMa.T gan pieces. Kitber book msiled. post free, (or retail price. OLIVER DITS0N & CO., Boston. C. H. Ditson & Co., J. E. Dttaon&Co., 711 BnoADWST, Successors to Lee A Wmlksr, New York. Phils. REPUBLICANS! DEMOCRATS! CREENBACKER8! All who wish an able, newsy snd fair-minded pspat, reprpsontin^r thebestphssMof Southern Republioamsflk, •houldi resd the LOUISVILLE COMMERCIAL, the leading and representative Republican joarnsl of the South Unil}' CoiiimrrelRl, $lO per jesr; 86 oeots per Blunt h. Try It one month. Weekly t'ommrrcini, nesUr arru«sd, eleerbr printed, caretuliy wiif ed--a capital tsmil}' newspaper; 82 per >:««. )jtl for six mouths. In Clubs of five, 91.00 each per year; Out* of ten or more, ijjt 1.50 each. One copy of eithei edition sent free, postpaid, to say addret«. An A Kent wanted In every neighborhood, to whom we pax per cent, essh commission, or a handsome and •alasbio premium. Send for Special Circular to Agonta. BE*T Al>Vi:itTI*lM; ;u«<<liuin In tli« South, rates and quantity snd quality of circulation considered. Rate-oiuxi and copies of paper free. Address A. II. SlK^FItlRIK Manager COMMKRCIAL. lioiiiHvillc, Ky. HABIT CURKD AT KOMOL No jsiibikAiy. Time Ternjs moderate. 1,0W> tostimot DR. F. 15. M.skhh, Qnincy, Miah. • mmmm KIDDER'S by mttil. Stow oil ,t Oa. ICharlestown, Mats.. COINS Old Copper and Silver A nirriran snd F>yreiam Coins Wanted. Send dates and description to COIN COLLECTOR, BO* 299, Chicago, IB. A 1\J V SKCONW-HAM) SCHOOI. HOOKS Ai." JL mailed, postpaid, m»on receipt of half pab. Ushed pru-<\ _A. S. t'l.AKK. Nassau St., New Votk. PATENT EXTilOlTOR ! In giving birtlk. 8end for circular free to WM. DITLIN, AVOCA, IOWA. 1/AD1KS or GKKTLKMFN--to MCBII I 9 ivholeNitle and rotnil aa e h/tif ir-aiid meritorious article, yocomprtitiom, H. A. Whitney Mfg. Co., 286 Vine St., Cincinnati. ANTE1>. IO.OOO l.IVB I'li.KONS, tame or wild, (iive lowest catih pricu by dtiion or 100. PIGEONS r: SANHORN AKEATOI KEATOR, P. O. Drawer M0, Chicago, PATENTS Agents. 711G St. Washington AND INVENTORS* EDSON BROS. U. S. and Foreign Pa tea* ,Washington, D.C. Rstab. In 1886. Mt after allowance. Olrcularof Instructions,etc., sent free. vor can secui-e a •iclueivo for ^our oo»t . Xo (jy* tuired. Pleasant GOOD payintrbusir county, and small and honorable, fay Onto. S*S5 a week net to Agents. The New Walk indispensable to F. A. M. Send for Descriptor* Catalogue. REDOING A CO., PrnLIgHlOM Mnsonic Works, 731 Broadway, New York. l busineMU nt a small %ll capital required. Pleasant ana Honorable, fay addressing JM, T. Willlnuiiton, Cincinnati, SYNDICATE HOMES IN KANSAS. " (Combination of Capital." New mode of ojterating in Btockfc I/w linpoMMible. l*r«fil« «**«. En>l«iiator>- circular sent. FrM* MORKAK 4 Co , Brokers, 38 Broad-st., P.O. Boa. N.K. DR. O. E. BERl'IT'S Universal l ure for FITS or KPII.KP8Y Has never been known to fail when the directions have been strictly followed. PvH'i\ Sl.'i.Kirui a box. Remit by P. O. order or roistered letter to A. H. BKNDKK, 376 Buvrery, New York. A FORTUNE -- (kn be made by a lew smart men who can (Dwr owl Counsel. Address J. R. GLADDING, UoWw, W.J. <M rt - O C * •UP*' m,,,e b>' A**' I U ̂ SZO Cr;.yoi>», Pii'tuf* Ami Ch " pl»., worth 5..1H p..» The State ot Kansas, j healthful climate, und 1 water, offers great ad- | wlsha change of i health or profit. For > hom< ». we hare a { and fruit Farms at Just a little more than or. Upon application iull descript ion of the E--i 00 CJS with her t'ertilo soil, abundance of puro vantages to those who location, either for those wishing c !»«•» JJ few good grain, stock, very low prices, at raw prnitie is selling we will give you a country and farms U"l < 'a: l!.fret'. Agento >*)lin<r.>ur Chpomos, " tano r*r.i<. aan. P 'siiMiil 11 luftrv J. II. SSONS. BOSTON, MASS. TftrfSf^lllfiyr mieasn, tb© Foe ol Pain to Man and Beast, b Che Grn.a4 Old MUSTANG L I N I M E N T , WHICH HAS STOOD THE TEST OF *0 YEARS. THERE IS NO WORE IT WILL NOT IIBA1U NO IJAMENESS IT W1L.L, NOT CUKE, NO ACHE, NO 1'AIN, THAT AK. Fl.irTS THE HITMAN BODY, OR THE BODY OF A HOR.SE OR OTHER DOME!*. TIC AM.IIAL,, THAT 1IOEH NOT VIKI.O TO ITS UAOit; TOUCH. A bottla^ eoslinf 25c.. 50c. or 8I.OO1 has often snved the Ilia of a human belnc, and reitori-ti to lit* ana naefulneee Btaay a valuable hews. and satisfactory reasons why we cult sell tlkelU audi i cdiH'cil i iilr*. _ 3. B WATims 4 CO.. Lawrence. Kanaaa. The llrat Trail without Metal Springs aver Invented. ,NV> bumong claim of a r^rram laio&l cure, but a guarantee 'of a comfortable, secure, acd satisfactory appliance. W« ii ill lake bnek and pay fall irlce for all that do not tnit. Price, single, tike cut, ; ior both sides, Sl> .Sent by mail, postpaid, OO receipt of price. N. Truii will curt mort Kupt'irrji tha:t any of (AIM* /or which txtravagant claims are made. Circulars free PitMKROY TRUSS OO.. TM Broadway. New York. w w lams, Pierrepout, and Taft; four Secre­ taries of War--Rawlins, Belknap, Taft, and Cameron; two Secretaries of the Navy--Borie and Robeson ; *uul three Secretaries of the Interior--Cox, Delauo, and Chandler. In all twenty-three. Of lins ; two were promoted to foreign mis­ sions, Washburne and Pierrepout; one went to the Senate, Boutwell; one, Rich­ ardson, was retired to the bench of the Court of Claims ; three resigned. Only one, Fish, has held office through very nearly the whole period of Grant's two terms." The Champion Liar. A Detroiter declared in the presence of a dozen passengers on a Woodward ave­ nue car that he had seen forty-seven feet of snow at one time in "Omaha, burying up a town, that the snow was dug out, and under the crust the trees blossomed and boys went in swimming, the same as in July. One man ventured to ask, _ . "What became of the crust?" "It's I, blowing his head and face entirely j hanging up there yet!" replied the noble |y- ^ Bnt Where's the Cat! ie skeleton of a cat walked into I'S store at Holiokus. Ryan, seeing bawled out, " Mickey, didn't I tell 1 month ago to fade that cat a pound late a day until ye had her fat ?" did, and I'm just aftlier iig her a pound." "Has that cat pound this morning?" "Yes, liar; " and the man who doubts my word wants to step ofl" the car for half a min­ ute !" No one accepted the challenge, and he commenced telling that he had seen hailstones that weighed six pounds each. THE City Council of Wichita, Kan., has been petitioned to appropriate $2,600 to the establishment of a public library and reading-room. Popularity. I The popularity of Mesnr8. James 8. Kirk Jk. j CO.'H Hoiipa, manufactured in Chicago, is I shown BY tlic linpreecdenU 'D sale wlikth TH<ir j goods have reachud during the year 187G. This bv far is the largest soap manufacturing con­ cern in the United States, pnoducing and soiling • in all parts of this country, from the Red River ' of the North to New Orleans, and from Port- . laud, Me., to San Francisco, 25,000,000 pounds • annually. No so-called greases enter into these ' soaps. Only pure refined tallow and vegetable oils are used, containing 110 adulteration. Fair and square weights always reliable. This is why their soaps are so popular with all good and I economical housfclceejiers. | ! 1 1 Coughs and Colds. 1 Sudden changes of weather are sources of ! Pulmonary mid Bronrhial affectiona. Take at once '"Broirtt a Branchial Troches," let the ( Cold. Cough or Irritation of the Throat be ever j so slight. . A NEW METHOD that cures Coughs, 1 Colds, Bronchitis and Consumption, Dr. J. H. 1 McLean's Cough and Lung Healing Globules, j As they dissolve in your month, a healing gas is generated and inhaled, permeates and comes in direct contact; will cure Throat and Lung dis­ eases. Trial boxes, by mail, 25 cents. Dr. J. 1 H. McLean, 314 Chestnut, St. Louis. IF Congress had employed as much scientific skill in the arrangement of its " lie- ; construction Policy" at the close, as the War | Department did in the beginning of the war, in , arranging for TH«I manufacture of what was® I called Sherirlav's Cavalry Condition Pomkvs for the use of the Cavalry horses, no doubt the I Union would have been restored long ago.-- Exchange. j | WE noticed in one of our exchanges ' I this week the statement of Dea. John Hodg- j kins, of South Jefferson, Me., whose son was , I cured of incipient consumption by the use of , ' Johnson's Anodyne lAiiinunt. We refer to this 1 at this time as tending to corroborate the state- , ! meut we made last week in relation to this Lini- | | ment as applied to consumption. j Is THERE ONE reader of this paper suf- j fering from rheumatism ? If so, write to Hel- j phenstine & Bentley, Druggists. Washington, 1 D. C., for a circular of Durang's Rheumatic j Remedy. This medicine is taken internally, and will positively cure any case of rheumatism on the face of the green earth. LADIES ! If you want the gentlemen to admire vou. take Dr. J. H. McLean's Strength­ ening Cordial and Blood Purifier. It will give you health, strength, vitality, and pine, rich blood. Dr. J. H. McLean's office, 314 Chestnut street, St Louis, Mo. £\ ACTS WANTED FOR HISTORY 1| VENTEiTL EXHIESTION It contains nearly 4<M> lino Hnjcrn vin»;» of buUdinKS «nd ecenep In t.he <»r©at Exhibit ion, and is the only anthi-ntio end complete history published. It treats of the grand foldings, wonderful exhibit*, ouriofitiea, great event*, etc. Very cheap, and sells at sight. One Agent sold 48 copies Jn one day. Send for our extra terms to Agent* ai\d s i'tili ('• rii>ti• m *1 THE work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. . Ch ie f !111 . N A TTfUTAXT Unreliable and worthless books on vaU .1 Al/Jl • the Exhibition a:e h-^inir circulated. Do not be deceived. Set: that the book you Lu; wmtAina over 900 page* and nearly 400 fine engravings. •• IT AT SIOrilT." Frank Leslie's Historical Register OF THE CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION Is the only complete Pictorial History of the Centennial published. A mammoth panoratua, 1 ,OCK>larfji* uiiKruT- lngs, many of them being 14k. by 20.V. inches. Audita Wanteil. Address AGKNCV DKPAKTMKNT. FRANK UiSLlR'S PUBLISHING HOUSE, 637 Pearl 8tr*et, Mew York. A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS. MR WE WANT 500 MORE FIRST-CLAS* SEWING MACHINE AGENTS, AND 500 MEN OF ENERGY AND ABILITY TO LEARN THE BU8INESSOFSELLINC6EWINC MA­ CHINES. COMPENSATION LIBERAL, BUT VARYING ACCORDING TO ABILITY, CHAR ACTER AMD QUALIFICATIONS OF THE AGENT. FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS film Mm Maciie Co., CMcago, 837 * 829 B30ADWAY. New York, er Orloass Lft. CARD STOCK! II ENDLESS YAKIETY. We have just received from the Eastern market a large supply of Cards and Cardboard, comprising all the new and latest designs, which we offer to dealers and con­ sumers at verylow figures. Send 2U cents for sample packages and prices before purchasing. We have sev- l„l naw atvius never bolore offered in the \\est. Ad- dr*«* THE NEWSPAPER IMOX, 114 Alouroe St., Chic«iKO« III. A PLBLU'ATIOX beautifully bound^ pent po*t" Pound ; ' S3S: 1 1 >¥ -^0 :1 . . A i "Linton P.O.,J< Every iter iietdx Address P. M. •fferson < %i. .Ohio. HOME GROWN SEEDS All who wish for fir^t-ehiss shotild send for our new Ilh:str:iifd (iuid^ iu\d ot the best 8eedt for F.ir3i>fr>., Market Amateurs and Florist!, which will he sent free to all applicants. H0VEY & CO., Boston, Mass. SANFORD'S Radical Cure for Catarrh is ! A "ROOK ̂ tli6 MILLION a local aud constitutional remedj, and IN pre- 1 RNINR I AOUSF'T A •W PAGE Pamphlet on Si>eci*L pared bv distillation. Not a particle of woodv IVltLllunL HUliUL »!.<i Chronic i)i»ca«<>«. Cancer, fiber or "cauntic chemicals enters into its oompo- j c»urrh, ITUPTURE.OP'U'A LIT &c., SE^T IBK£ on RCCEIPI aition. It thus differs from other remedies. | 0 ,UN>^R. BUM' iWnwar »O. 12 N. ath «T, St. LOOI«. MA • & \ YANKEE BLADE! I I A l l E Y IIAZKI/S The matchle** STOKY and Sketrli Paper. Full of entertain­ ing:, mirthnrovokiiuc and useful matter. a J%ar. ii cent* a copy of NhwRdealer*. ( 3 *'imple coftief. Jt>NKS A CO.. 4 Libertj S(j., Boatcn, Mass 'HITCH--Men to solicit order* for our g«wd>t Mil I CU pennnnent employment; COM •alary. Traveling espeneea paid by Oompanl. Union ln<*MHtrial Work*, Otnclnnatf.OL HUTCn SALESMEN to tiavel and sell nil i bll to IH'.AI.EKS. Salary liberal. AU traveling expenseB paid by firm. Addre** II. <f. HUDKEK <V C'CI., Cincinnati, Ohio. m-n Seedlinpn.Kveritreenf 4 Lmrch.Nurw^rrOrew®* I one or the larjent A stocks in the 1KB. M. Trw tJarilellt"Klower A Herb Sendf*r » Frio* l.imi. AMmi H. M. THOMP80* ft Vr«pnt», Milwaukee Co.. Wii. ' A Yonr nnd Ex|»ense« to good Aasmt, tpvlxlxf who are wanted everywhere, in a etrtotlf leeitimate and pleasant business. Particular)* fr**w Addroas J. WORTH «V CO., »t. Loula, U«. FTASTKKN ORK(il)N I.ATVns.-«<m.OOp J A<'r»"H. Soil rich, title perfect, crops < ert<iiu, oll- mato iiti'ttrpaKst'd. For sale at from .f 1.5t)to_.f!l.ri<lp*ir 1 crt'. Terms easy. For Circular, Map, Ac., apply to R. MARTIN <t CO.. 4118 Front St.. S11 n Francisco,'< 'aliforma. WHY ROSE GROWER'S COMPANION AND FLORAL GUIM i TelL- vow how to cr<»w Rosos, ^vrauiutnfl, etp. itij^ B!itilink Plants a StKifialtySend fdf it. A. K. wn.LIAMS. ftuccetiorli. ) K. Y. T*^A«SCO.. Richmond, Ind A fipvrrpQ with exclusive rlchtof territory. U1M- ullli X O matum Coal Oil Burner--lighted, eztte.- guinhed, trimmed witl»ut moving chimney; unbre*®. able glass chimneys: wtck 82 yards, and other lamp' gpecialtiea. CircuUtrs. Child & PratfcjCiii d WIIITCIl MEN to travel nnd sell to Dealers HIl I C.U our new unbreakable glass chimney* and lamp Roods. No PetUllllig. Salary libersL Business permanent. Hotel and traveling: expenses paid. IIONI'CUH GLASS T)o„ 2U4 Main St.. Cincinnati, Ohtoi BOTTOM PRICES! GOOD STO®! OsaK<* I'lnntH, Evergreens, (iritue Tinea* Tr« i », »o.. Keiui for our prices before 1--tlat t: A HNKS. CR ICS y ELL 4. CO.. Klrkwood. ML A K Y PK.USOIC of ^ordinary tnteliigenoe can earn il|b Kxp«ri«OM * in all MM- parttoulMk m If. T. (•I.'by canvttcBintc tor The Illustrated weekly. Kzperii li not necessary--the only requisite* being, a* in all ' business, industry t energy. Send turpi s Clia*. Cluca* & Co.. 1# Warrtm $100. REWARD. $SOO. Tin* MOUSTACHK produced on fin mooch liy the use of UYKK'A BBAKO KLIXIR WLTBOUT injurr, or will forfeit $100. Price by mail in sealed packngo 25 centn, for tbre« 60 cenfti* A. L. SMITH & CU., Ag ta. PataUnc, 111* Fop a Literary Paper from an Eastern city when you can get THE CHICAGO LEDGER--a paper as large and as valuable--for SEND TOUR ADDRESS, WITH TEN CENTS, AND GET THREE SPECIMEN COPIES. Address T H E L E D G E R , 114 Monroe St., Chicago, p. Prof. Hall'* Music ContiaaM li the only preparation, one package of which will force the beard to grow thick and hsaTV on the smoothest fuee (without injury! in & d.iy» in every case, or money checrlully fiindpd. V> cent* per package, poKti>ai<l ; 3 fljr Mlccnt*- K. W. Jt)N KS. Achlanii, Mass, VIOLIN STRINGS. Genuine Italian Violin Strings, also for Banjo or Guitar, IB and 20c. each, or $1.80 and ®2 a doz. Sent by mnil on receipt of price. Dealers! Send card for catalogue. J. SAIvN<« HR, Importer of Musical Iii8tr»m*o% and String:, lOti Chauiliera Street, New Yor^ CHICAGO NOVELTY CO., iwis® emu sssana, ..Jiinjf novelty out. to any address, poBtpuuj^ on receipt ot l>.) cones. Kv«ry Illustrated catalogue frso. Mtioker Nlioiihl have omv CHEAPEST Rotary Hand CORNSHELLEB Guaranteed to IH* the siiupU'st, cheapest, mot)t. durable* effective ant] the best. Buy it. Try it und convinced. Samples »1 .OO. Lar^e i>n>fit« to agents. Addiew Ilsrrishurgh. F«.t family Cornsheller (-o. L<»ck Box 9. SCALES POMONA NURSERY! MIM.IONH of Trei s nnd Plant*. C!n|ilain Jark and (irrul Ainerionu, the boat Strawberries. Ten acres of BRAXDYWINE (Snsuoeoo) Raspherries yielded last summer S-t,3IiS. Send for Catnhigne. W1M. PARKY, finnaniinson. N. J. FLORIDA -̂̂ ^^ ̂ 10c. f(»r specimen. Pn>ceetiinjrs Florida l<ruit-(»roweta Association --infetini; 01 2ric. fiitna««l"iry aud Bt> S 'Uicfa of Kloiidu. Inc. (ittiiesui's Treatise oi> t'ie «'itro* Family Itrur.slnt^d irom the fr'ri'iieh), <1. Guide Mnpoc Florida, .Vic, Address WALTON £ CO.. Jacluouville, Fl*. SV~8*j where you law this. SECRET ERVICE THE PA nr a \ u., 4iinuoru,\i • "•Xru-LR A Chicago, IU., Cinviimati, 0., RicJmK»od. Vj ACENTS WANTED Tor tb»M« b«x.k.Cuarding the Mails, aiswt WOIMU rful LT«X'k «>»I '.f I>E(T.'otion of Piwtal 1'l.ifVft, by iuti- Cbit-i Special Agent Wood- wml. ] llujtnurucircuiarsRtntfrw. AtUrvw c OL'STIN.GILMAN A CO., Hartford,CU, IHAVK sold Hatch's Tniversal Con*h Syrapforabaai four year*. By nsing it in my own laiuiiy I hecaat* satistieii of irs merit. It has bwome the leailintt artW» of its kind, having by far the best sale of any. Sa bottles were freely Riven away, and this led to its introduction. JAMKS JOHNSON, Clayton. Jeff. tV>.. N. Y-, Kx-Meml>er ot New Vork Le^islatiMk Sold by H. A. HURLBUT * CO.. Chicago. 11L C. I*. U. No. « WHEN WBI1WO TO APVEKTlSKKj^ W jrtease say yeeeaw tlwe adreetlaemeee In l&l* paper.

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