Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Mar 1877, p. 5

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r ^ ~'i0i 1 * u'if" '|. <&1?t WEDNESDAY. MARCH 7th. 1877. Railroad Time Table. GOING SOUTH. Lake Passenger ..,735 A. *. tteneva Luke Freight...:.. .#245 r. M. GOIXO VOBTB. ' <§«neva Lake Freisrht 10:00 A. M. Geneva Lake Patssencer 7:05 i\ m. • MASONIC. MCHKNRY CHAPTER NO. :U K. A. M.--Reeu- lar Convocations held on the seeon<l and fourth Fridays in each month. HEXttY COI.BY H. P. PtXASKT Allkx Sec,, CHURCH DIRECTORY. MRTHODMT.-Rev. J. If. Bacon, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10V A. M. and 7 P.M. Sunday School at 12 M\ WB. PAGE, Superintendent. THIS PAPER is kept on file in the office of I;, F. Booth, General Eastern Afrent, Chicago % Northwestern Railway, 418 Broadway, New York City. Our friends, when in New York, are cordially invited to call in and read it at any time. The*' will always be welcome. OUR paper is a little late this week on account of -- 8 to 7. A communication headed "Good Schools" is unavoidably crowded out this week. It will appear in our next. RISK up. Stakeholders, and let us SEE If you happen to have about your person those sev<Jibl •> sapirnijeiit „life general result. % * I *; s> AN exchange speaks of a Welsh Con­ cert, where the choir sang. 4*Yrl Argl- wydd ywfy MugaU " The entliusylad- dysm was intense. WE notice Capt. E. Griswold on the streets again last week, he having been confined to tlie house the past two months with.severe sickness. THE Welsh word for beer is "cwrw" and the Chicago Journal says it is pro­ nounced "cooroo." This is too cooroo- ious tor belief. THE Sociable of the M. E. Chwch will be held this week, on Friday eve­ ning, March 9th, at the residenee of Mr. James B. Perry. Allure cordially invited. THE List ©^Premiums to he award­ ed by the Illinois St;lte Fair,' at their Winter Meeting, to be l|old on the first Tuesday in January. TS78, can be found •nthe inside of this paper. A DEMOCRATIC exchange savs: '"Are we to have a king?"" That depends up- (On what you discard and what you have tip your sleeve, but I'd rather chance it with a steady supplication for an ace. EVERY week our exchanges brings us the Information that some poor fool lias been swindled by traveling pedlars. Patronise the stores of your own town and you won't get swindled. O. W. OWEN had the American Flag flying from the top of his residence all day Saturday, in honor of the decision •f the Electoral Commission. It can safely be said he Hurrah's for Hayes. WE learu that eur townsman, F. A. He bard, is quite sick. Some old com­ plaint, brought oil by a severe cold, we believe is the cause. We hope to see him around again iu a few days. Don't neglect your penmanship. A man in New York got $64,000 from a banker for being a good writer. It is not yet known how many yefrs fee will get. The Judge will*decide. it THE next Sociable by the Ladies of the Universalist Society will be held at the Riverside House, in the village of MeHenry,on Wedu : ~day evening of next week, the 14th, Inst. All are cordiallv invited. IF you want Programmes, Posters, Auction Bills, Wedding Invitations. Calling Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads or anything in the job printing line call at the PLAIH DEALER office and ex­ amine otir sty les and pricss. < o THE Ladles Sociable of Ringwood will meet at the residence of Mr. L. II. Waterman, one and a half miles north­ east of the village, on Thursday next. All are invited. Mrs. Win. Langham* Secretary. CHAS. ROUSE has removed his myber $hop to the rooms over the Gun Shop- Apposite Perry & Martin's store where he can hereafter be found, with sharp razors, clean towels, and a neat and tasty arranged shop. ready to give you good sliave at all reasonable hours. WE learn there is a prospect of the old Steamer "Athlete" being brought back here this Spring, for us* between MeHenry and the Lakes. She has been repaired and improved since leaving here and we hope the rumor may prove true. WE would call the attention of our readers to the new advertisement of John B. Blake, Furniture dealer, to be found in another column. His stock is large and complete, and his prices to suit the times. Read his advertLsmeut. As will beseeii by a notice to he found under the Marriage head, our old friend, Hinton Wheeler, has been caught in the noose matrimonial. Well that's the way the world goes, and his many friends in this section all wish him much joy, and in the language of Rip Vah Winkle, say, "mav you live long and brosper." The happy bride Is Miss Read, of Blackberry Station, Co, MR WILLIAMS, the Agent, has left at our office one of "Bobbins, Little Washers." which for a Washing Machine, is certainly a novel one, and if it will do what it is recommended to do will cartaiuly, be the Cheapest and most convenient made. When our better half tries it we will report. PROF. OUMKOCK, of Evansten, is ad­ vertised to give a Reading at the Pres­ byterian Church, Weodstock, on Friday evening of this week, the 9th. Prof. Cum nock is one of the finest Readers in the West, and our neighbors of Wood­ stock will certainly have a rare literary treat. WE learn that a negro named Sam Hill, who lives near Nunda. committed a rape upon his step-daughter, a girl 17 years of age^ a dajr or two since, lie was taken before Esquire Pettibone on Tuesday and bound over to Court in the sum of 8500. Not being able to furnish bail he now languishes iu the Hotel-de-Stedman, at Woodstock. AFTER we had peacefully retired a night or two since and M ere dreaming of Returning Boards, black cats, white horses, fat turkeys, and other animals and things, we were suddenly awaken by music, and came to the conclusion that some one was getting a seranade Come again boys. We don't always go to feed soearly. THE snow utohn put a sudden stop to the new buildings, and work will not probably be resumed until the weather- moderates. P. D. Smith, however, has resumed work excavating his cellar, and will probably have it ready to commence laying the wall as soon as it gets warmer The frame of Bishop's building is up and it is partiv sided. OUR enterprising Jeweler, O. W. Owen, has just received, at his store, the finest Stock ol Silver and Plated Ware ever brought to this town, being of the latest patterns, and very neat and ta.<:y. Persons in want of any­ thing of this kind should not fail to call at his store and examine these goods. He has also a fine stock of Jew­ elry of all kinds, and of the neatest and most tasty-patterns. ' THE following are the unclaimed Letters remaining in Post'Office al Mcllenry, Feb. 2Stli 1877. Dennis Sul­ livan J. N. Holte, Mrs. Catharine. Los- son. John Meier, James Laugan, Jeremiah llowelv, James White, Ceo Sonburger, Mrs. Lucy Ann Pease, Christopher Pers, Robert Ringer. Iu culling for any of the above letters please say advertised. C. II. MOKEY, Dep. P. M. THE new Boot and Shoe .Shop, in Howe's Block, is conducted by Hermann Kunzc, who is a workman of experi­ ence, and is now ready to manufacture Boots and Shoes to order, from the finest to the coarsest, on short notice and warrant them as represented. He uses none but the best of stock and will make you as good a Boot or Shoe for the money as can be found in the Northwest. Repairing of all kinds done on short notice and in the best of manner. SKPLLI V:« KLCFOKI. Below is given the report of niy, B. class in spelling during the two weeks ending March 2d, 1877. Ada Granger, AN agent for the sale of some house­ hold articles attempted to mount the steps of a house recently, but a dog came arround the corner and took half a yard of cotton from the back of his coat. The tnan sliding out whin the owner of the house came and asked: "Did dose dog bide you?" "He didn't bite me, but he ruined my coat," was the reply. "My goot friend, excuse doze dog if he didn't bide you. He ish young now, but by and by he shall take hold of some agents and eat their bones ride oud of them. He bides a coat how, but he shall soon do petter!" Real Rotate Transfers. Conveyances filed for record in, the Recorder's Office of MeHenry County Illinois, for the week ending March 3*1, 1877. G Benalkin to John Benalkin. 66 a in nw ne 24, 45. 8, #500, Peter and Elizabeth Blake to John Benalkin. sj wf sw 13, 45, 8, $125. Margaret P Walkup to Jacob Chris- tfciuson. Lot 2 bli 1 Walk lip's addition to Nunda, $103 34. Richard Paddock and wife to Wm. Butler. Lot 5 blk ft Paddock's addition to Crystal Lake, $350. Alvin H Davis and Isaac Hartman and wives to Susan A Coon. Piece in lie cor nw 31.'44, 8, $3000. II Gibbs and wife to A Tyler. Lot 4 Assessor's Plat, Lot 1 nw 19, 46, 7, 9200. A Tyler to X. D Jeamou, same* $308. II G Otis and wife to Ellen 8 Looiuis Pt sec 35 and 26, Marengo, $200. Mark Cooley et al to Hiram J Lock- wood. E 25 a ne 20, 44, 7. $300. Granville Bates and wife to Nelson Gates. Part sec 18 in 46, 7, $1700. Major F Irwin auu wife "to Chas S Dole. Lot 25, 43, 8, $1. T D Murphy to Chas 8 Dole, Lot 1 ne 1. 43. 7, $1. WAMcConnel and wife to Charles Coville. 215 acres in 7, 17 and 18, 46, 8, $9500. E G Ayer to M D Roach. Lot 2 blk 9. iu Ayers addition to Harvard. $175. llarman Bailey and wife to Isaac liar ris. Si lots 7 and 8 blk 8 Blackmail's addition to Harvard, $500. David W Robinson, to John Sliultz. w J wj e$ ne sw 6, 44, 7, $700. J 1 Wells and wife to E L Heath. 21 acres in sec 26 and 35 in 44, 5, $800. J Burton to Marvatta IL Burton Pwight. Part lot 13 blk 2, Woodstock, $25(10. Lyman Harrison and wife to Jona­ than II Ballard. s$ nw eisvy sw se2, 43, 7. $4000. S A Cressev and wife to E E Crati- dall i acre in sec 36,44. 5, $300. Rose Paine and husband to Clarissay M Beardsley. 30 ft on e side of 2d 40 iu east J nw 8, 44. 7, $20. John II Mudge'tt and wife to James Kettle, nw ne frae \ 19, 44, 9, $400. 180; Dorr Kennedy. 7-180; Chas. Slafter 7-180; Addie Alexander, 1-200; Eloise Waite, 3-160; Belle Stoddard, 180; Addie McOraber, 1-180; Ettie Beers, 1-180; Jenuie Beers, 1-180; Mattie MeOuiber. 1-100; Effie Curtis, 3-180; Emma Gregory, .1-180;. Mary Hogan, 180; Jennie Searle*,2-iS0; Hattj^f TH'jiii *3-140, Euge ue Pt rki us, 2-140. 8. 1>. UALIUVIN, Principal. THE opening Party at the Riverside Houseon Monday was attended by about Seventy couples, who enjoyed them­ selves until the "we sma hours*' in the best of manner, and went hoiut? voting it a success in every particular. The supper was excellent, the inusicgrand and the the new proprieter left noth­ ing undone to make it pleasant for his guests. Our citizens turned out very generally, but the crowd from the coun­ try was not as large as was expected. Old '"Hard Times" we suppose was the But nevertheless all had a good time, and went home well pleased with the opening Party at the Riverside. • WE had intended to give a report this week of the Spring meeting of the "Gagetown Jockey Club," but a pres« of other matters has prevented us from doing so. Suffice to say the races have been largely Attended and exciting iu the extreme. The following is some of the noted stock that was entered and took part in the races: "Tipecanoe, by Tipovercanoe. and cauoeover. Dam Everybody." "Flying Dutchman, by Sourkraut. he by Cabbage, by Bologna Sausage, by Lager Beer. Dam Garlic.*' "Nunda, lie by Crystal Lake, by the 95th Ill.Vwl. Dam Manhoff." "Che­ nango, he bj' Utica, by Gafi'uey, he by Yankee Notions. Dam Tin Trunk and Helbaric War." "Herkimer, by Grist Mill, he by Toll, by Hj'osamus MeHen­ ry, he by Alby and two yoke of steers." There were other noted stock on ground but time and space will not permit us to mention them at this time. We may do so hereafter. We understand there is to be a "free for all" Race on Sat urda}' afternoon at 4 o'clock. A WANT SUPPLIED. Dairymen have teit the need of something that could be relied upeii that, would give Butter and Cheese that rich natural color such as is made when cows are at grass. Gilbert's Vegetable Compound will do it every time. Every bottle warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Agents wanted. A. B. CII.BKKT, Proprietor. Mcllenrv, Felt. l!'th IS77. TO DAIRYMEN. Use Gilbert's Vegetable Compound and you can make grass Butter all the year round. Every bottle warranted. RINGWOOD- EDITOR PLAIXDEALER:--Services are held iu tlie M. E. Church every Sunday at 10;30. A. M. Sabbath School 12:30 P. M.. Mrs. J. Madole. Superintendr nt. Prayer meeting at 7 o'clock every Sun­ day evening. Rev. P. Gorton Pastor. The funeral of Silas Stevens on Thursday last was largely attended. Rev. P. Gorton officiating. He took for his text the words "Death is yours,*' the speaker handling the subject iu a masterly manner. '4'h« new Organ put In the *letJisJist liar irial* by Samuel Sherman is giving good satisfaction. A new Or­ gan and a new choir makes things lively "There's music iu the air." John W. Smith is fast tilling his con­ tract with the !jgp#tta*^steru Railroad company lor 600 cords orvPOod. He is delivering it on the Depot grounds iu tliis village. Mr. Joshua Chase has sold ont his business at the old stand of F. W. Mead, to a young man who understands the wagon and carriage^business in all its branches, and k said to be a No. 1 workman. Ue is now at work ou a new light wagon for our enterprising Ring- wood Nurseryman, R. A. Buckland. Who will be the lucky man to get the nomination for Supervisor this Spring? Yes, the man to be talked of and abused for an honor that will not last as long as it will take him to get It. Mr. J. Van Slyke we hear favorably spoken of for Collector of the Taxes. Why yes. Van could do it up brown, as he i« used to dunning up delinquent subscribers. Levi Waterman is drawing lumber for a large new house. L. W. is one of our go-ahead, enterprising farmers. The new firm of Vasey & Holmes is receiving a fresh supply of new goods, for the Spring trade, which they will sell as low as any house of the same trade. Ed is always ready to show you goods whether yoti buy or not. J. W. Cristy is still at his old stand w.ith as large and well selected assort­ ment of goods as can be found in anj' me i country store. He sells that well known old Vermont Gray, that cannot be beat for durability, as It wears, like iron. We are to have a School exhibition at the close of the Winter Term. We venture to say it will be a good one. knowing tlie talents ot the actors. MKLTOK. C RE EN WOOD EDITOR PLAINDEALEK:--We have done it!--just as is ilways the case when we attempt to do or say some­ thing nice for our friends, some one steps iu and misinterprets our motives aid puts a wrong construction upon what we refused to say anything about But nevertheless they tell us, that In our attempt to keep still, (which Is un­ natural) we have tread upon the ^ad­ jective" of the cat with our big feet, and he "yowls" fearfully. To bad! we meant no harm to any one, but thus do we always suffer from foes without «nd fun within. We fully realize the danger we are In, and shall endeavor to have Congress do something in our behalf, so that no one can go behind our leturns. But to eurselves we ex­ claim, "DUtrustful *ei»«a With modest caution speaks It still looks home,andshortexcnrslonsmakes But rattling nonsense in full volley breaks." Winter, which for tlie month past had to all appearances left us. has again returned to linger in the lap of Spring, and thosfe weather-wise prog- uosticators are jubilant over the full- fillment of their prophesies. Quite a number of our farmers are preparing to build the coming season. Mr. J. L. Hartwell a hew house. Mr. Geo. Barnard a new barn, Mr. W. A. Baker a large new house and several others whom we have forgotten. The Greenwood Literary Associa­ tion will hold its last meeting for the season on Friday evening of this week. General exercises interspersed with music will be the programme. Our Tax Collector, S. Baldwin, will close his books about the 10th Inst. Those who have not paid, bear this date in mind. The following is the report of the Primary Department of the Green­ wood Public School, for the month end­ ing Feb. 19th. Miss A. E. Grey, Teach­ er. Number attending 33. Grand to­ tal number of days attendance 610. General average, 27J. Number neither absent nor tardy 10, viz: Hattie Gainer Warren Goddard, Aithur Singer, John Marble, Isaac Peterson, Edwin Hartweii* Gustiu Marble, Johnny Dawson, Bradley Marble, Myron Goddard. Writing Spelling Class A. lirant Cowdry, 87 in 432; Edna McCannon, 36 in 312; Clarence Carr, 5 in 480; Edwin Hartwell, 1 in 480; Ida Crookshank, 2 in 480; Sarah Harrington, 1 in 480; Hattie Gainer, 5 in 480; Arthur Daily. 9 in 4S0; Myron Goddard, 4 in 480; Isaac Peterson, 4 in 480; John Marble, 6m 480. Number of visitors during the month 14. Of the school in gener- eral we shall speak more fully hereaf­ ter. EVEN. RlcJiiiiond Department. Passenger trains pass Richmond station as follows* oouro sottTR Geneva Lake Passenger .7:08 A. M Geneva Lake Freight .....11:30p. a. GOIIFG NOBTH Genera Lake Freight .^. ....10:40 A. M Geneva Lake Passenger.. j..fTT.......7:47r. X CHURCH DIRECTORT. COWO R K O A T tONAI.:--Bev. r. J. Douglass, Pa&tor. Servicoifat 7# P. M. METHODIST: --Rev. sjaml. Eamjrev Pastor Services 10:30 A. M. Sabbath School »:30 A M. J. L. Downing, Supt. BAHIKT:- Elder Yonng Pastor. Services 10:30 A. M. Sal)bath School M M. MASOXIO. RTcmtoxo LODOK, NO. lis, A. P. ft A. If. Rernlar Convocations first Monday In each month on or before the tull moon, and the second .Monday thereafter. G. P. WODE1X, W . M C. G. COTTIXO, Secretary. We hear of several new buildings going up this spring. But we'll wait for facu before reporting. Plenty of snow, good sleighihg »nd the boys and girls have splendid times. Oh how we long to be young again. One of the largest Pickerel we have seen for along time was caught in our Mill Pond by John King. Weight, 17 pounds. Particular^attention paid to copying, at tlie old Gallery of B. A. Foj-d, by L, S. Gorton. NUNDA. EUITOR PLAINDEALKR:--The great Political problem has been solved, and the American people have much rea­ son to rejoice; not simply because the Republican candidate has been elected or that the Democratic nominee has been defeated, but because Constitu­ tional Law has been vlndicted, because freedom has triumphed over oppres­ sion and right and justice prevailed over lawlessness and disorder. Besides precedents have been established, that will be valuable beacon lights in all fu­ ture time. The glad tidings was re­ ceived by many of our citizens with cheers and loud hurrahs, and Friday evening was made IT sonant with the sounds of exploding anvils and happy rejoicings. Married, at the Hyatt House, In •Nunda. sM-irch 5th, 1^77. by 1>. C. Mallory Esq., Mr. John Peacock of Al­ gonquin and Mrs. S. A. Austin of Dun­ dee, 111. D. C. Mallory has become very popular in this branch of business for the llymenial Knot rarely If ever slips when tied by him. Make a note of this. The driving snow storm of Saturday !ast prevented a large attendance at the Auction Sale of Daniel Ellsworth, but we learu that the property was sold in a lump, the highest bidder be­ ing Mr. John Marshall. Mr. Robert. Wilson offers his house­ hold furniture for sale cheap for cash, as he has made arrangements to leave Nunda very soon. It can be fouud at the Archdeacon house in this place. Mr. Najah Beardsley is fitting up a shop for the manufacture of Spring Beds. Cheese Boxes dev. Let those in want of a prime article bear this in mind. Sleigh riding has become epidemic since our new edition of snow. The firm ot Hatch & Butler will soon move their stock of goods into the store formerly occupied by R. Rothgerber. They need more room and we are glad to see our merchants enlarging their trade. Wc have a new firm in town I learn with the name of J. P. Beardsley & Co. for the sale of Farm Implements. Ilenry & Beekley have become associa­ ted with Mr. Beardsley under the. above nameband intend to keep a full supply of farming tools constantly on hand which they are bound to sell at bed-rock prices. Give them a call. TYRO. We notice D. A. Potter On/J Sftiitii Aldrich & Haythoru are receiving a new invoice of goods and the public will find it to their interest to call on them and examine thtir stock before purchasing elsewhere, as yen will find their stock complete and cheap as any first-class store in the Northwest. Elder Raymond closed his labors here last Thursday. He has had good suc­ cess and the people showed that they appreciated tlie good that he done while here as they made him a present of the nice little sum of one hundred and thirteen dollars. Good for Rick' mond. We notice that Richard Wray, not being satisfied with the trial and puff in the Gazette has replied and chal­ lenged any agent selling Hay Forks to coifie and, compete, and ail farmers are invited to come and judge for them­ selves. The day appointed Is the 7th dav of March, at 2 o'clock, sharp, at Richard Wray's bam, one-half mile East of Richmond. DIED.--At the Richmond House. Sat­ urday morning, March 3d, Wm. Foster, father of Frank Foster, aged (M> years. lie has been sick for nearly two years, and was deranged most of the time un­ til his death. Funeral services at the M. E. Church, Monday, at 1 o'clock. Rev. Samuel Earngey officiates. And still another, Mrs. Wm. P. Anthony, living 2j miles west of this place, died of Cancer last Thursday. Not being acquainted with the family we cannot give the particulars as we would like to. Business Kotices. Go to £. II. Owen for Plow*. If yon are In want of Flonr, Feed, £e„ go to Hanley A Sons. MeHenry Hall's Safes, all sizes, for sale by 0» Bishop. Hall's Safes, all alses, for salo by # Bishop. Bhy Hanley A, Sons celebrated Pi* tent Flonr, the best in the market. Brown Shotting! At P. D SMITH'®. Good Yard wide only 7 cts per yard Hall's Safes, all sizes, for sale by Bishop. For a first class Photograph, go t# L. S. Gorton's, at Ford's old Gallery, MeHenry. The choicest brands of Floor to found iu the West are made by HanlejK ft Sous. No Half Patent or Humbug- CLOTHING! CLOTHlNGt A large Invoice at unprecedented Low Prices, at ; P. D, SMITH'S. A bran new Organ at O. W. Ow mH for $100* Best thing in Plows, Call and i £. M. The cheapest and best Pictures in the county at^tiie Fine Art Galler* of L. S. Gorton, MeHenry. Buckliu & Stevens have a ffw Over- Coats and Ladies Cloaks left which they will close ont at such prices at will sell them. Fancy Note and Letter Paper, with envelopes to match. Very neat style*. At O. W. Owen's. Buckling Stevens wlsb to reduce their stock as much as possible within tlie next sixty days and will make it for tlie interest of close Cash Buyers to call on them. HOG Cholera, orjfujyr disease of Ilegs, Sheep, Horses, Cattle, Dogs, Poultry or Birds, can be quickly, cheaply and effectually cured. I have experimented for 12 years, and mean what I say. I will pay half the value of any animal or fowl on which my new discovery fails. Enclose stamp for jjistructions. Dr. A. Fairbank. 125 Washrajftou Aven­ ue, St. Louis, Mo. Being late and iu a hurry last week with our items we did not have time to answer the item from the able pen of the Richmoud correspondent of the New Erf. Below we give the Item. He says: "The MeHenry /Yafnrieafcr lias a new contributor at tliis point who deals out a number of interesting locals each week. Evidently he is not a new hand at the business. If we are not altogeth­ er mistaken we have read items from his pen before. For reasons best known to himself he withholds his name. It may be real modesty in tlie fellow, or perhaps he does not wish to be classed with the Sentinel and New Era con­ tributors. One thing>ye, ?vauld advise •him, »ujKl *i*at is,, don't deal out lar^e quantit ies of soft-soap. The thing is largely overdone, and is making peo ,p}e sick. In reply to the above article we would say we know of no man that lias more soft soap iu his composition than the correspondent of the Era. He is full of it. There Is hardly a week passes but what he has more or less iu his column trying to make somebody feel good, but he often fails. Speak­ ing of modesty if we had the cheek that the Era correspondent has we would not say anything about modesty. But then cheek is necessarv iu his case. As for being classed with Sentinel and New Era contributors we dou't feel ourselves above them but it is our privilege to withhold onr name if we see fit. and if we act the part of a gen­ tleman, no one can Hud fault, aud to close we would say to the gentleman to stick strictly to his business and if he will pick the beam out of his own eye he wont see it so often in his neigh­ bors. Having engaged the services of a fi r s t - c l a s s R e t o u c h e r i n C h i c a g o , l a m now prepared to make as fine Pictures as cau be found in the county. Call aud see specimens. L. 8. GORTON, At Ford's old Gallery. i THE PEOPLE WANT PKOOF. There is no medicine prescribed by physicians, or sold by Druggists, that carries such evidence of its success and superior virtue as Boschee's German Syrup for severe Coughs, Colds settled ou the breast, Consumption, or any disease of tlie Throat u.!{i Lungs. A proof of that fact is that any person afflicted, can get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try its superior effect before buying the regular size at 75 cents. It has lately been introduced lit this coun­ try from Germauy, and its wonderful cures are astonishing everyone that use it. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it. Sold by Henry Colby Druggists, MeHenry Illinois. Call at the Fine Art Gallery of S. Gorton, over Perry & Martin's Store, and examine his specimens. Good Pictures or no pay is his motto. GREAT REDUCTION! In the prices of the Buffalo and Rock ester Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to see them before making your select tions. P. D. SMITH. New and elegant styles of Fall and WinterT>ress Goods, in the most pop* ular shades.--Also a large variety ef Ladies Waterproofing and Cloakinra* at P. D. SMITH**? MARK 'EM DOWN. Flannels and Woolens marked down . to sell. Hats and Caps marked 10 close. Buck Mitts and Gloves awa? do>vn. Winter Goods of all kin* reduced at Btieklin it Steven's. Buck 11 n & Stevens are very tliankfn for the liberal patronage bestowed en them for the past year exceeding their utmost expectation. They will start the year with renewed vigor by closing oft their winter goods at such price* aiust sell them. CLOVER THRESHER. F. WIEDRICK would inform the farmers throughout the County that he is prepared to thresh Clover or Shell Corn, having one of the best machines iu the market. For information ad­ dress F Wiedirck. Woodstock, 111. NEW SHOE SHOP. The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that lie has opened ft Shoe Shop in Lansing's Block, near the Depot, and is now prepared to do work to order, on short notice and warrant satisfaction every time. From a long experience he is confident he can please the most fastidious. Particular atten­ tion paid to Repairing. Give me a call. "WM DOW. NOTICE. Having bought ef B. A. Ford, the old reliable Fine Art Gallery, of MeHenry, and wishing to convince the Publia that I am now prepared to inako better and finer pictures than evev before, 1 have decided, for the sexf sixty days, tf> redute the price --stogr:;• Worm?? price §3.00. I will also make Bontou Tintypes foriJOcts each,or four for91,00, Former price fiOcts each. I will ate keep on hand a superior qnality ol Blapk Walnut Frames, at prices to suit the times. L. S. GORTOJT. A New Hair Tonic Worth Having. It is the best. Wood's Improved Hair Restorative is unlike any other, and has no equal. The Improved haa new vegetable tonic properties; re­ store grey hair to a glassy, natural color; restores faded, drv, harsh and falling hair; restores, qresses. gives, vigor to the hair; restores hair to pre­ maturely bald heads; removes dandruff* humors.scaly eruptions; removes irrl~ tation, itching and scaly dryness. No article produces such wonderful effects,. Try it, call for Wood's Improved Hair Iiestorathe, and don't be put off with any other article. Sold by all drug­ gists in this place and dealers every-- where. Trade supplied at manufact­ urers nrices bv C. A. Cook & Co., Chi­ cago. Sole Agents for the United Statea. aud Canada, aud all Wholesale Drug­ gists, MAltRIED. WHEELER--READ.--At the residence of the bride't* i>arent8, March 1st. 1877, by the Rev. Joel W heeler, liiutoa Wheeler, of MO. Henry, aud Miss Orrissa Read, of Kane Oottn<- ty. KER3SEN--TOYNTON.-In Genoa, Wis.,. March 5ih, bv Rev. F. J. Doufrlass, Mr. Johiv Kers«en,of ifandall Wis., to Miss Elizebetlv Toynton, ofSolon. MoHKNRY MAKKJCT, BUTTER--Packed, 18@23 eta. ReUa^, 15@18. CHEESE--12Jc. Eu<is--llcts. --U Ct5. BEAXS--91.25 per boshel. OATS--20@ 28c. POTATOES--81 per buaheL CORN--$12 per Ton. FLOUR--$7.50@$8.50 per barreL HOGS -- Dressed, 6.00^ $6,50 L1y«» 5.00® $5.50. TIMOTHY SEED--$1.40@L.FI0 per tub- el. 55 • CLOVER SEED--*7(^8.00 per bushel. FLAX SKKII--®1.40$ 1.50 per bushol. HUNGARIAN--40 cts. per bushel. IIAT--$3(£G per Ton. TURKEYS--Live, 8(t£10cta per pound CHICKENS--Live, 5@6ots per pounds ;

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