Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Mar 1877, p. 4

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^laraieale?. WEDNESDAY, MAKCH 28t' EisST *f. VAN 8LYKK, Editor. ttgjT'President Hayes invites the Vice President to act as a Oabinet ad- vi«*er. The President will no -tfotibt find hint • Wheeler in the CaMnet team. 4 *** \ ((ST'The President and •CaMnet "have decided to maititaifi tlie *tatu quoin Louisiana aud South Carolina until a commission shall examine -ami report upon the condition of aftairs i« those States. It w»s also decided t» liold an extra session of Congress commencing June 4, 1877. W&pJ. Donald Cameron-was elected to fill the plaoe of his fattier as United State* Senator, by the Pennsylvania Legislature, last Thursday. His major­ ity over the Democratic candidates, Messrs. Dill, (Jlywer,Curtain, and .Tack- son, was very large, and ' it is claimed by his constituents that he will be a worthy successor to his father, the well knowii SJmon Cameron, who served as Pre&ideut Lincoln's Secretary of War. tSf*The number of laborers unem­ ployed And seeking work in New York cfty is said to be 55,000. The figures are sadly significant. It would not probably be saying too much to affirm that tliey represent at least I90.000 per­ sons in actual want, or nearly so, of tlie necessaries of lif«. This ^ives us a dis­ couraging aggregate of disi-omfort aud suffering to which must be added a probable increase In vice and crime. |®-Postm*ster-Genera! Key has caused a circular to be printed a copy of which we give below. There ane thousands who have applied for office thus far, IUM] it is thought that the cir­ cular will prevent thousands more from coming: POST-OF#IC* DEPARTMENT, WASHIXGTON. Sir: Your letter of the lias been received and placcd upou the files of Tlie department for consideration under the rilled of the civil service. When vacancies oocnr. At present uone exist. D. SL KEV, Post-master-General. J®"* The people of Michigan do not seem to favor the policy of permitting arbitrary coalitions to dictate to em­ ployers of labor how they must conduct their business. The legislature has passed a bill, and the Governor has fagned it, punishing any person who «halJ impede or obstruct the regular Justness of any railroad, corporation, firm -or individual iu the State, with Imprisonment in the county jail for three mouths, or in the State Prison for one •year, wldle if two or more con­ spire for such purposes their term of imprisonment may be extended to two yejura. THF IND1aM& Dispatches from Powder JUver of the 17th, by the way of Fort Fetterman, March 20, states that no neiva has yet been received from Spotted Tail or the kostiles. It is feared that the peace Chief and his entire band are forcibly detained in the hostile village, or else that Craxy Horse end Sitting Bull are merely dallying and putting off a final answer to gain time. Grass is alreadj* growing, au$ pasturage w ill soon main­ tain the ponies of the savages on the war-path. With storms again over, and ease of movement assured, the liostiles will hardly think of treaty- making. . 4 A dispatch, from St. J*»ul, Minn., states that next week General Miles, commanding at Tongue Kiver, will re­ ceive reinforcements Iron) the Second Cavalry, and as soon as the Missouri opens, he will be joined by all of the Seventh Cavalry, six companies of the Eleventh Infantry, and four companies of the First Infantry, when he will have, about 1.400 cavalry and 1.000 infantry The Seventh Cavalry will march over­ land, and theanfantry will be'conveyed by boats. All information received here from the Upper Missouri goes to show that the hostile Indians have divided into widely-seperated bands, probabty not intending to unite this season. The troops will have a weary campaign chasing them. 9SfT.J.Gross, distributing clerk ia tfheCliicago Post Office, has been caught (ticking letters containing money from Abe mail. When called to account ho (Confessed the crime, setting the amount taken at $500, but it is thought that a •nueb larger sum bad beeu taken by him He had ait examination before Judge Biodgett, and in default of bail was «ee»mitted to the hands of a Deputy Marshal to be lodged in jail, but suc­ ceeded iugivinir him the slip, and is now probably safe iu Canada. The Chicago Post Office seems to be un­ fortunate. About a year ago a clerk in that institution was sent to Joliet for stealing some $9000, the Postmaster himself has preyed a defaulter to the' tune of ̂ 80,000, and now this distribu­ ting clerk is short some $10,000., It would be well if the government would give the Chicago Post Office a thorough cleaning. The disease seems to be catching. NUNDA. EDITOR PLAINPEAURR:-- Seme doubts are freely expressed ^bout hav­ ing six weeks sleighing in Ma^h, as tome seemed to anticipate a sho®t time ago. for the thaw is having a very liq­ uidizing effect upoi) the sleighing; but I think it will be a general time of re­ joicing, when the snow disappears and tlie water dries away, bringing the songs ot birds and giving life to vege­ tation. The great event of last week, was our Public school Exhibition, Thursday and Friday evenings last, which may be summed up as a grand success, and as an honor to our teacher and a reward of merit to the scholars every thing to make success sure, had been carefully attended too,with ample room upon the stage forevery exercise. The pieces were of a varied character combining the grandest flights of oratory, together witli tlie humorous and grotesque. Two law suits were started before Esq Petti Uone by Walker & Co, the proprietors of the book known as the McHenry Co Directory, but several days before tli£ trial, costs were paid, aud the suits withdrawn, aud we hope this ends the great book swindle for the present. But few of tlie books, were received by the parties subscrib­ ing (as was claimed) as they were not aware they were signing a contract for a book, hence they refused to receive it. Mr. Pierce (our school teacher) star­ ted for Tioga county Xew York (his old home) Tuesday morning last to be absent for a short time. There was a traveling show .in town Saturday evening last, but with what success they met with I am unable to write, but we hope with all they deserve We cannot speak of their efforts as we were not present. A Mr Colgrove, that was employed as a teacher in the school near Samuel Terwilligers, died Thursday night March 22' inst, after a short illness, of Inllamation of the lungs. ?His home was in Michigan, where his friends reside. . A telegram announcing his sickness was sent them, bu^ they did not arrive until after his death. His remains were taken there for iutecment. Mr J. J, Wilson is contracting with growers for cucumbers to be produced tl*e coming season; at fifty cents per bushel for cash. Mr Najah Beardsley is an agent for making the contracts and is able to give all tlie needful in­ formation. TYRO. Kxemptlon from Execution. Judge McBoberts, of the Will County Circuit Court, has recently decided a question of considerable interest to la­ boring men and t heir employers, Un­ der the exemption laws every laboring man Is entitled to 825 wages free from execution or attachment, and another clause of the same law also exempts, after the other articles specified, $100 worth of property suited to his condi­ tion in life. The court decided that employ#" or laboring men could claim bl« $100 as wages. That is, according te this decision, #125 of his wages are exempt from attachment or execution, instead of$25 as has been heretofore decided.--Legal Agriser. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEALKR -Some chan­ ges in business firms and places of business have taken place during the past wt|ek or havl been determined upon in the near future. First the firm of McNett & Losee has dissolved, the business beiug now in the hands of the latter named partner, the former returning to the bench. Second* Mr, Shermau is to take poSession of the store vacated by E. W. Blossom the workmen being now engaged in fitting it up. He is to take posession April first. Third. The sherifi took posession of the boot aud shoe store of C. H. Dickinson last Friday, at suit of Dave Robinson, whose claim is four hundred and fifty dollars, while Lou Dickinson has a claim agaiuft the same concern of four thousand, and it is probable that the number of our shoe stores will be reduced to two. And 'Fourth our friend W. A. Skinner thinks of aban­ doning the school room for the couuter of a hardware store, not as a clerk, but as a partner, "AP isx one of the best teachers in the county, and ought to stay iu the business but the disposition of school boards tending so strongly towards economy--iu the wrong place, he leaves the desk in disgust as others will be compelled to do until our schools, will be entirely, as they are now mostly in the hands of those who teach merely as a means of getting^ through the winter. This will un­ doubtedly save some money; but on the eaine principle closing the school will save it all, meanwhile wd are taxed for the support of Normal schools, ostensibly for training teachers for a profession that will hardly give them clothes. Let that mill be closed too, its products are not wanted. A petition is circulating to establish a post office at Kishwaukie station, which, if done will diminish the reven­ ue of this ofHce somewhat probably. It has beeu determined to lease the pickle factory to the growers who are to' par five cents a bushel as rent. This appears to be a fair proposition, and there is no doubt that the cucumber business will be lively if the snow takes its leave before the first of July. W. II.Cowlin is willing to sacrifice himself for the good of his country by collecting the taxes for Dorr township next winter and says so iu our papei-3 this week. Mrs. Church, widow of Hon L. S. Church and her daughter, wife of Wm. E. Smith, are expected to return from Colorado this week, but Wm. E. goes to the Black Ilills, and "Jeff" with his usual generosity went to Chicago, bought and sent hint a Sharps rifle as a hair preservative. Xow Mr. Sitting Bull.^'ou better look out. There is a certain man in this town who is so very particular as to the es­ cort of his daughters when they go out of an evening that he quite recently' knocked down one of the boys for lii-s little act of gallantry. It does not ap­ pear that there was any complaint or cause for any. but just a kind of "dog in the manger" trick. Our Winter term of school closes this ! week and of course all are busy with those examination papers, that were unknown when we went to school. 3QUE-BRS. NOTTCrc To the holders of McHenry connty or­ ders. Notice is hereby gi*ren. that, on the fifteenth day of April 1877, I will pay the following $300 8 per cent conn­ ty orders, to wit: Numbers 201. 210. 219 228, 237, 24(5. 256. 265. 274, 283. 296. 307, 323, 344. 53, 63, 73. 84.06 and 106. Inter­ est will cease on the above Connty Orders April 15 A. D. 1877. - JAMES Ntsir. County Treasurer. - Woodstock, Mareh 14, 1877. w3 C. W.ROBERTS, M. I*, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Special At tent ion given lo Diseases of Wmnen and Children; VOLO, III. 8pratt of Brooklyn wishes to be divoreed from Mr. Spratt, and |ier allegations against him are alarm- It seems that only four years af­ ter the wedding he bit her in the left eye with a pumpLin pie, perhaps not a •ery dangerous missile,but certainly a disagreeable oue to be hit with, to say nothing so waiitiug the pie. Later Spratt. who Is in the tugboat business, but who seem# to be anything except a jolly tar. fluug a pitcher at her, hit Iter with a lighted kerosene lamp, threw jglass bottles at her, drew a knife across to** ueck and threatened to cut her (ttyv»*t, stuefc a fork ia ber leg, poured tea Aver Ucr, tnd finally hit her in £^e back w ith a boot-jack, wher, her pa tieoce paving been exhausted, she left film. N^wit is Spr&tt's turojLo ttfll his &>ry, Crystal Lake Cassipt EDITOR PLAINDBALER:--At our vil­ lage election whichMs soon to be held the question will be, of course "License or No License." Numbers who voted right last year intend voting for license this coming year. Looking to the welfare of the people they think that if one or more saloons were per­ mitted there would be responsibility where now is none. If property or persons were injured the dealer \first, then the bondsmen, become liable for value or amount of injury. But I do not understand that if a drunkards family starve the bondsman will replacc them, nor if a farm is "Drank up" that the bonsmen are compelled to give one that will make good the family's los». Nor if a father is trans­ formed into a beast at their factory that the keeper or the surety will oi can reimburse. They also secure safe- to themselves in all the smaller suits by getting one of their friends on the jury, but how will this be be|^ered if saloons are allowed? There is some talk of calling a general town meeting to consult as to the interests of both parties. As a principle the Temper­ ance and Liquor classes are opponents* Neither of them are puerile forces and anything bearing any feature of a com­ promise between the two Is deciedel distasteful. However if any conjunc-i tion can be formed which will promote the PermcBient welfare of all--if it can befcleaily proven, if it can be equitably and conscientiously made,, then may it have the fair consideration due It. HA JTOIS. BEASLEY S CELEBRATED SMITH 4 SNYDER, n ::U tm!Wr s • < "^XJEALEBS Itf-- M Hhi ̂ , . . jsrai v. iJt • ' i t •rro-'Vfovi.-'.ii t"-* i';V.'M- h«w' ' * J LIME, CEMENT, Plastering Hair, Stucco, Ac. CHOICE $7 Per barrel Or $1,75 PER SACK. We Warrant this Flour in every respect, and if not satisfactory the monev will be refunded. SALT $1.60 Per Barrel. Warehouse near the Depot McHenry, III. SMiTH & SNYDER. HATS, ^ ; FOR FURNITURE, . • \f ! ' : - •* *r;- -<:r * M ^ . '• •4 'r" * ' STILL INCREASES! AND PRICES AUE LOWER THAN EVER. constantly receivino- fresh supplies of everything nsually 1 a First-Ulass Furniture Store, to which I would invite the* I am found in , .. attention of all those contemplating purchasing;, And I am positive I can satisfy them both in Quality and price. ISP""We are selling First-Class Extension Tables for One Dollar per foot, aud all other goods in proportion. Give us a Call before Buying and Save Money. „ . JOHN I. STORY. MeHenry, Ills., Marcfh 20th, 1877. Furniture, Furniture !' The Best is the Cheapest. j? JOHN B. BLAKE, A the new Store of Blake & Bro»;^ has now in Store one of the Lar­ gest and Best Selected Stock of Furniture to be found in McHen­ ry Comity, which he is selling to» tlie public at a very small advance? of (Jout. In Stock can be foundi Who Visits Chicago should fail to call at the Mammoth Hatting Establishment of Scott Sc Co., Parlor Suits, Chamber Sets, Kitchen Furniture, l Wall Brackets, Picture Frames, and in short everything usually found in a first-class furniture Store. OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Was nevermore complete than at present The Finest line of Coffins^ Caskets, Gold and Silver 1 rinimiiiiis, to be found in the market. - -- • JO MTS McHcnry, 111.. Jiarch Gtli, 1877. B, BLAKE. Mt[u Me, For Sale at the Saloon of •J. .T, aiLi^E^, McHenry, III. The Old and Reliable AGRICULTURAL Annual Town Mooting. "VTOTICEis herebv piven to the citizen, letfftt voters of the t«>w'n of McHenry, in the County of W-Uciirv, state oi'Illinois, that. Town JleetinR for said Town wilt be lield at the Village Hull in said Town on Tuesday, the 3d Day ot April. beinpthe first Tuesday in said month, for the purttoaes following, viz: Fir^t--To choose a Moderator to preside at said Meeting. Second--To elect one Supervisor, on© Town Clerk, one Assessor, one Collector, one Over­ seer of the Poor, one Commissioner of High­ ways, two (-2) Constables, two (2) Justices of the Peace, and as many Pound Masters a« the Electors may determine. Third--To elect seventeen (17) Overseers of Highways, and to act upon any additional subjects which may, in pursuance of law, come before said meeting when convened- Which meeting willbe called to order between the hours of nine and ten o'clock in the fore­ noon, and kept open until six o'clock in tlie afternoon. tJiven undermy hand, at Moilenry this 20th day of March A. I>. 1377. ilENKY COI.BT, Town Clerk. - ... iAjiimiwi BMtpmj, couuieu witn uie ary pronuses to do better m the future. SEVERAL highly distinguished European oj cers, who have long been investigating strength of the Turkish army, state that official estimates are vastlv exaggerated Turks only have on the Danube frontier and Bosnia and Herzegovina, 169,000 men, wil what seems hardly credible,8 225 cannon. TU force they a» preparing to strengthen with 193& 194 Ma'lisan St. Corner 5th Av.. Tlsi^'.* civrv the stock <>f MKD1UM an I FtXK "F VSIlIOXAIJLli HATS in the West. MCI! « single h it cheerfully as a dozen or a c.tse, and give you ranniitaoturirs' prices. Administrators SaSe. IN the Kstate of J icol) IMake deceased. Tly virtue of a de •retal order of • the County (Jourt of McHenry (bounty an.I State of IHiuo- is, entered on rrc'ord on,the 12th daj* ofMarch A. !>., 1?C7, we will sell at Public Auction to the Highest and best bidder for cash, on tho 14th day of April, 1377, at the hour of lOo'clock A. M , on the pieinises designated as in the Order of the (Murt in> the following described Heal Ks.tate of saio deceased, to.wit: tho un­ divided one-half of Lot Number one ^1} ID Block Number tliree (S) in the village ot Mc- Ilenrv in the (Tou- tv of McHenry and State of Illinois, on the West of Fox liiver. CATIIAICINE HI.AKE, Administratrix. STEPHEN FKEI ND, Adininistrafor. Dated, this ]'2th day of March A. I). 1977. Executor's Notice. F'STATK ot' M irv K Dunn teceased, The 4 limlcvsigned Viaviiig l>ef"n appointed Ex­ ecutor of the test Willantt 'Ifestameut of Mary Ki DIJIN;,-. l:Uc nf th i CNTSIITV' of McHer.ry, and State of Illinois, deceased," hereby gives no- tice that he will avpe:tr before "the Connty Court, o-f McHenry Comity, at »he Court House in Woodstock, at the April Term, on the third Monday in April next, at which time all i»or Sons havina claims agninftt said Kstate are notified and requested to attend for the pur­ pose of having the same adjusted. ATI per­ sons indebted (»> suid Es ;att>'are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 6lh day of March A. !>., 1K77. JOIIN L. TUTNN, Executor. jnir. cutter exporne* . t from New York, 10,791,700 pounds,All leading-Plows kept constantly on nana ami at Lowest inees.. against 4,335,800 in 1875 ; cheese, 93,-Also see the celebrated Buckeye Broadcast Seeder. It is not equaled.. 025,806, against 91,992,200 in 1875 f" eggs, none. Exports from all ports, fo: tlie year ending June 30, 1876--butter, 4,644,894 pounds, valued at $1,109,496 cheese, 97,676,264 pounds, worth $12, 270,083; eggs, 29,633 dozen, wortl# $8,300 ; total value, $13,387,879--reduc­ tion of $1,787,463 from 1874-75. Value* of condensed milk exported in 1875-76| $118,549, against $123,565 in 1874-75. Total exports from all countries, excepi the United States, for tlie veat- endiywt 9 I a TO $25 A DAY ^ Mad* by Agents in cities and country towns. Only necessary to show samples to make sales »nd money, tor any one out of employment and disposed to work. Used daily by afl business men. Send stamp for circular, with prices to agents. Address "Special Agency," Kendall Building. Chicago, E . M . O W E N , StVll Lives, and can be found on linnd this Sprinsr, atf Bis Ware* house, opposite the Old Owens Wilt, McHenry,.with a full line of Leading Farm Machinery, Qf all kinds, amonor which can be found tlie celebrated Buckeye* "Grain Drill * Broadcast Seeders, J wirier Cultivator, Plow Sulky,, which cim be attacfi 3d yfc«ia®pi*ni SelMfcumpiiig '<ak£„ &c«, ^fec» Plows ! Plows ! Plows! Prices Low and Terms McHenry, 111., February 27th, 1877- Favorable. E. M. OWEN. ALL COPY TOUR LETTERS. USE Excelsior Copying Hook. Made of C! paper. Quickiv copies any writing WITHOUT water PRlESS or BltUSH ufteti at home, library or office. For Ladies wishing to retain copies of letters every busi­ ness nuin, clergymen, correspondents, travel­ ers it is invafur.ble--sells at sight. Send S3,00 and we will tend a 300 page liook, let­ ter siae i£Y M All. paid o any address. We refer to any Commercial Agency. Send stamp for Agents Circular. EXCELSlOlt MNFG CO., 110 l>earborn St., Chicago, Ills. 6000 Agents wanted. DIVORCES Legally and qutetlv obtained in every State unti Territory, for fcooMjrATiBiUTT and oth­ er eauses, no matter where the party resides. 13 year J experience. Fee atter decree. All letters confidential. Address* A- J- UtXTER, Att'v, Uooius Band 9, 13d Dear- lK»rn 81., Chicago 111. Uiiyuestionable refer­ ence given. Correspondence with the legal profession invited. Notice. I hereby forbid all persons from selling or giving to my Son, John Hlattman, any s|firituous li'quors of any kind, Beer or Cider, as I will prosecute all such to the full extent of the law. BAKBARA SCHKBISKR Mcileury. III., March 13th, W77. BUCKLIN & STEVENS> NEAR THE DEPOT, M'HENRY. Dry Goods, a full Stock. Boots I Slioes in abundance Clothing a Full Line. Hats and C aps for all. l^gfrChoice Groceries, Fine Tea»v Can Fruits, Crockery and Glam Ware. The Highest .Market Prke for BUTTER EGGS, AND POULTRY, in Gash or Trade. BUCKLIN & STEVENS. McHenry, IU., Sept. 23d, 1876.

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