WEDNESDAY. MARCH 28th. 1877. Railroad Time Table, GOING SOUTH. •enevaLake Passenger Ceneva Lake Freight... GOING NORTH. tten»v% Lake Freight QenevaLake Passenger 7 :S» A. M. .... .1:45 P. X. 10:00 A. W. 7:0B p. M. MASONIC. MCIIKNRY CnAPTKR No. 34 R. A. M.--Hescu- tar Convocations held on the second and fourth Fridays in each month. . HENRY COLBY H. P. .PRLASKI AIXEN Sec,, • CHURCH DIRECTORY. METWMHST.--Rev. J. II. Bacon, Pastor. Services everv Sunday at 10^ A. M. and 7 K M. Snndny School at 12 M. WM. PAGE, Superintendent. THIS PAPER is kept on file in the office of Ij, F. Booth, General Eastern Agent, Chicago A^forthwestern Railway, 415 Broadway* New York City. Our friends, when IU New York, are cordially invited to call in and read it at aqy time. They will alM'ays l)c welcome. PEOPLES' CAUCUS. The legal voters of the town of HcIIenry are requested , to meet in Caucus, at the village Council Roora^ in the village of McHenry, on Satur day, March 31st, at 3 o'clock p. M. for the purpose of putting in nomination suitable persons to be supported for town offices for the ensuing year, and to transact such other business as may come before the meeting. PER ORDER. BALLOTS! BALLOTS!! WK are prepared to print Ballots for Town Meeting on short notice. Any number from two to five hundred fur nished wit'iin an hour after receiving the copy. SEE the card in another column of C. W. Roberts, M. D., Volo, HI. FOUND, a boys yarn mitten, which the owner can have by calling at this office. THE roof of C. B. Curtis' Wagon House fell in one day- last week, the heavy body of snow being more than it could bear. TUB new Riverside Bus$ made its appearance on our stieets the other day, and will soon be ready to do duty to and from the Depot. THE hens seem aware of the near ap proach of Easter Sunday, and are gov erning themselves accordingly, and eggs are selling at 12 cents pur doztn. A SCHOOL Election, for the purpose of electing-ene Dim-tor * Iii place* of F.K. Granger, whose term of otlice ex pires, will be held on Saturday of nex°t week, April 7th. THE Annual Village Klection, for the election of six Trustees and one Clerk for the village of McHenry, will be held on the third Tuesday, the 17th day of April. See notice elsewhere. O. W. OWEN was quite sick last week hut we notice he is out again. With the changes we have been having the part week it is a great wonder that more are not under the weather. THOS. KNOX, has removed his Sa loon to Howe's Block, iu the room for merly occupied by Howe's Billiard Saloon. We also understand he will put in a Billiard and Pool Table. • ".SICK the advertisement of Beasley's tMaukagan Ale, in another eohimn. J. J. Gilles keeps it on draught, and it is pronounced by good judges to be the best Ale in this section. NEXT Tuesday is Town Meeting, but as yet we have heard but little said as regaTtU ean-iidates. As the Ciueuses are to be held on Saturday next, we presume they will then1make iheir wants known. IT has now been positive!}' decided that we are to have a Bank in McHenry. This liac long been needed, and will prov« a great benefit to our business men and farmers. We shall speak mone particular of this in the fjnture. •40b* Clydesdale. Horse. "Ilether JTeek," owned by A A. Coljey, Green wood, was exhibited on our streets on Saturday last, and<*li£tcd a good deal •f ipraise from the lovers of the horse. He was indeed a tine animal. A ten year old miss of Cayuga, Hinds <oeunty,Miss., stands six feet in her «trlped stockings, kicks the beam at f90 pounds and sports six fingers on each hai|d and six toes on each foot. And yet the South is down-trodden. L. STODI>ARD is packing up his goods preparatory to removing to Elgin, where we understand he has made ar rangements to open up business on a more extensive scale. He will there make a specialty of Dried aud Canned Fruits. SOME of our exchanges have been oomplaining about the mau who vvaiits them to take a post auger on subscrip tion account. This simply shows that hard times hasn't brought them out of their stuck-up notions. We could easily manage this fellow; but what can we do with the chan* that want to trade off the post-holes themselves, and make u> send after them ? A NEW Tonsoriaf Artist from Phila delphia has taken possession^ Rooms in the Parker House Block and is now ready to give you a shave or Hair Cut on short notice., With four Barber Shops in town we see no reason for our citizens goring unshaved. WARD GALE has removed his Foun dry from Volo<to this village, aud will Immediately commence the erection of a building just South of Francisco's Wagon Shop. He iutends putting in a new engine and a Planing aud Match ing machine. IK you pass through the hen-roost with careful eye, just now, you will notice a sadness creeping over the coun tenance of the old hens. It is not simply the knowledge, that they nnist die, but the thought that they jnust be sold for sprHig chickens after they are "laid" out. WHEN * ye local" is called aside and confidentially asked to put in some thing to vent the petty spite of one person against another, and of no pub lic interest, does it occur to the party of the second part that the party of the first part, objects to raking his chestnuts out of the lire ? WALSH & HOWARD have 'opened a Meat Market in the store formerly oc cupied by Howard & Son, near the depot, where a good line of meats of all kinds can be fffiind constantly on hand. 'They keep their shop in«a neat and tasty manner, and sell you the best of meats at low figures. Op all the months of the year, £ive u.< March for variety. Such weather! O. my! »unshine, rain, snow, sleet, spring, summer, fall, winter; and all in t wenty-four > hours. Mow do--, we leave the sentence unfinished, for want of an appropriate word. Get out your cutter to-day. and your buggy to-inor- row. WHEN you see a young fellow stand ing on a corner with a far awav look B f in his eyes and a nit of yarn on each of the last two lingers of his hand, you may be tolerable sure he just begun keeping house, and that he is mutter ing to, himself. •'Chopping bowl. egg*, clothes lin«s--that's the thumb and first, two fingers, Now. what did she w a n t o n t h e o t h e r t w o f i n g e r s ^ A PRETTY school marm,--no matter where--to prevent scholars from being tardy, promised to kiss tile first scholar who made his appearance at the school house. All went well for a few days and the nineteen-year-old boys.anxious to participate in this fun, actually got to roosting on the fence all night iu order to be at sch<x.l the first, in the morning. This became monotonous, and the teacher gave the idea lip. II. COLBY. the popular Druggist of McIIenrv. has made a new departure iu the fact t hat he has rearranged - his store and put in a stock of Groceries second to none in the'county, which he proposes to soli at bed-rock prices.-- He will keep none but first class goods, which he will sell at a small advance from cost. lie will also keep his usual stock of Drugs. Medicines, Paints. Oils, ftc., and those wanting anything in his line will find that he will give them satisfaction iu every particular. WE are iu receipt of a package of Garrison's Early Favorite Tomato" Seed, for which they will please ac cept thanks. Thin is a new variety which the Messrs. Garrison's ,'iave pro duced by experimenting, and hey h:ive no hesitation in pronouncing them the best and earliest grown. Gardners and others who rai*ft Tom itos shottM net fail to give this new variety a trial. They can be obtained by ad dressing Garrison Bros.. Greenwood 111., or orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. Price, 15 cents per package or eight packages for $1. Sent postpaid on receipt of price. THE Fair and Festival at Riverside ilali on Thursday evening l ist was a decided success, financially and other wise. The entertainment during the evening was varied, consisting of Grab Bags. Guessing Prizes, Ring Cake, Post Oflice, Auction, a substan tial repast. and to close up with, a Social Dance. We heard many compli ments paid tlie ladies for their great display of taste, both iu getting up ar ticles foi sale and the snbstant ial sup per furnished for the occasion. Aud all were glad of their success, for the object is a'worthy one, being for the promotion and welfare of the Church. After the articles had all been dis posed of and ample justice done to the good tilings offered to tempt the appe tite. the music tojk the stand and dancing commenced, which was kept up until abour half past one. and seemed to be enjoyed as well by old as young. When the party broke up it was the universal wish that such times might roll around oftener. The amount cleared, after paying all expenses, was .something over $40. WE made a hast*" call a few days since at the fiirrtfof W. W Ellsworth, breeder of the celebrated Polaud China Swine, but not finding him at home, we only took a passing look at his stock of HOSTS. He has in his yards thirty-six head in all, thirty-one of which are choice breeding sows, and the best judges of blooded stock pronounce them the^ finest to be found in the West. Mr. Ellsworth has had the ex perience to enable him to tell every weak point, and no pig that is not up to the standard is ever kept in his yard or offered for sale to breeders. He has taken first Premiums at the Wisconsin and Illinois State Fairs, for the past three years, aud the superiority of his Hogs has been acknowledged by all who have seen them. Later in the season we shall visit his yards again and give a more extended and partic ular notice of his stock. THE boy who spends au honrof each evening lounging idly on the street corners wastes iu the course of the year three hundred aud sixty-five precious hours, which if applied to s';udv. would familiarize him with the rudiments of almost any of the familiar sciences. If in addition to wasting an hour each eveniug, lie spends ten cents for a ci gar, which is usually the case, the amount thus worse than wanted would pay for ten of the leading periodicals of the country. Boys think of these things. Think of how-much time and money you are Wasting, and for what? The gratification afforded by the lounge on the corner and the cisrar is not only temporary, but positivelj' hurtful. You cannot indulge in theui without seriously injuring yourselves. You acquire idle and wasteful habits which will cling to you with each suc ceeding year. You may in after life shake them oft, but the probabilities are that the habits thus formed iu early life will cling to you to your dy ing da}\ Be warned, then, in time, and resolve that as the hour spent in idle ness is gone forever, you will improve each passing one. and thereby fit your selves for usefulluess and business.-- Exchange. Keal Kutute Transfers. Conveyances filed for record in the •Recorder's Olllce of McHenry t.'ountv Illinois, for the week Riding Marclu24, 1877. / A Bourne, Adm'r 11 I\ er Iverson. e*tf EW D\v'4 11, 41, 7, *4 A). • *»•••.-"• R Sheldon and wii'o to Geo Voss. eV so. lf» 43, S, 50. I. Backus ,'ind wife to D P itojr jrs. sw sw 19, t i, <i, N Mitchcl iTid wife to G B.irchert. Piece in se s.v t-i, t», $UK). f Jo in Wel»ur ;in 1 wi(\> tt> J'>hn Ni.u^gron. e}» se sw iiii I sw so HI, I'i, !), S1000. N Malitor aa 1 wile in same, w^-se aw 31, 46, !», *1000. Nicholas Sch:efer ind wife to Mary A Hay.-- Pie.'.e iu lie cor n*v 3, 4o, 8, Si KM), Susan Nimskv to sinnj. nw no 2, 4.1, S, $700 C G Cutting !in i wife i» Thom-is II Wilson.-- T/ota4:md5 Aiuoil 's aXl.tiou to IftclunuuU. JAV1. Miss M^r^'i i C I'lilnif to I'i CionmirjC'.-- Lots 'IS, *2 >, .•» an I 31, (• >tting and Purdy's ad dition to Uicliuioii'l, .g^OO. Johinna Grace and h us bund to Sarah M CliHinplin. Lots^iaud'J blk 1 Cary Station, $•(.'5. W.n Hill to I? D Williams Lots 12 and 1J hlk land l"l I blk 10 riorsou'a ad iitioa tu<Jrv«tal Lake, $1100. <'"tmti tn'Va/d nnd wife to Jacob Bratzlev.-- n w n w sw 31, 4-», i), and lo,Si acres nu 36, 43, s, $rf00. Geo K:>el and wife to J Ebel. 99 acres in ne 31, 4-;, $4000. K M Israel and wife to Carl\iunerbin Lot 1 ne >2, lot 1 nw!< 1, 44, 7, except School House, $1000. l':iel>e*Ann Smith and husband to Olara M Fi'oi:inj^ita:ii. w.'-v lot»i land 4, blk 6, Hart's a Miiion to Harvard, $1100. Kli Lnoi i an 1 wil'j to I>ivid W B:ik*er. wvV SW U, 44. 5, AS.SKSMMENT TOWN OF OF THE XcMIMlY. i As there lias been considerable talk about the ^\f*se»<snient on Real Estate iu the town of McHenry being raised the past year, 1 took the while in Woodstock a short time since to copy from the books in the Clerk's Office the figuresshowing the equalized Assessment for the past four years. Below we givd the figures as they ap pear on the bookti. Assessed Equalized 1873 14,33 17,OO 1H71 14,+0 17, .W 1*75 l«,5o W7tt 15,5ti 1(5,41 JOHN M. SMITH. FLOUR! FLOUR! Owing to the great rush of Custom, Grinding at our Mill we have been obliged to ship in several cap loads of Minnesota Flour to accommodate our customers, aud we are Jiow^ offering- Choice Minnesota Flour ifj; $7 per barrel. We have also a gQoij supply of Corn, Bran and Feed, wliioh we are selling at corresponding }ow figures.. We warrant every thing* delivered from our Mill just fts represented Give us a f^all. A. Hi HA$LEY & SON. SCHOOL ITKI'ORT. The following is the report, of the McHenry Public School for the four weeks ending March 23, 1877: Wlioie number eurolle d, 119. Average daily at, 100. HIGHER DEPARTMENT. Xuinber enrolled, 46. Average dally attendance 40. Xuinber neither absent nor tardy, 18, viz : Addie Alexander, Jennie Beers, Paul Brown. Fred Colby, Emma Gregory. Dorr Kennedy, Mary llogan, Frank McOrnber, Nora Morrison, Charles Owen, Herman Curtis. Boile Stoddard, Jessie Wight man, Ella Ivelter, Charles Slafter Etta Beers, Jennie Searles, Frank Torrance. Number tardy, 13. Num ber visitors, 10. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT.--LUCT A. WAKE, TEACHER. Number enrolled 44. Average dailv Attendance, 38. Number neither ab sent nor tardy 17, viz: John Bishop. Joe Buck. Emma Fay, Mabel Ford. Katie llalpin. John * Hegan. Eddie Knox. Thos. Kerns, George McOsnber, John Mil l#r , August Norquest , Howard Perry. Millie Waite, Clara Wright, Willie Weber, Eddy Weber. Fred Wells. Number tardy, 7. Number visitors 4. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT.--MISS ETTA TORRANCE, TEACHER. Number enrolled 29. Average daily attendance. 22. Number neither ab sent nor tardy 5. viz: NicK Barbinn, Wallie Morey, Ray Owen, Bertie Steb'mis, Albert Weber. Number tardy, 5, J^qjber visitors 9. S. D. BALPWIK, Principal. ' ! . r. RE EN WOOD EDITOR PLAIN-DEALER:--The evolu tion mentioned iu our last communica tion. seems really t* have taken posses sion of the present and past months, completely reversing the weather,with a very fair prospect of proving; true that old time adage, "'six weeks slelgh- ing in March."^ The, farmers who, sometime iu mid winter, sowed their wheat, may perhaps find when harvest time arrives, that "evolution," has also had something to do with changing their wheat from Spring to a Fall va riety. O'ur community weie pa'ned to Warn the past week of the sudden death of Mr..C. A. Caldwell, whose efficient ser vices and pleasing manner as teachcr of the Singing Class, had gained the high esteem of ail who had formed his acquaintance. Although coming among us an entire stranger, having met with the class but ten evenings, an evidence of t'ie high appreciation in which he was held, will be shown by the action taken at a special meeting., of the class on Saturday evening last. A'committee of three were appoi ited to draft appropriate resolutions to be forwarded to the friends of the de ceased. Our Public School which lias been so ably and satisfactorily conducted under the 'supervision of Mr. C. A. Stone, as Principal aud Teacher of the Higher Department, assisted by Miss A. E. Orev, 1 cacher of Primary Department closed the winter term with very ap^ propriate aud interesting exercises on Wednesday evening last. The exer cises were held at the Church on the Hill, which was filled to overflowing. Considering the very limited amount of time spent, in preparing for the oik casiou, together with the intended de sign on the part of the teachers to avoid any uuostentacious display, (wishing merely to close with a f»w gen eral exercises for the entertainment of the patrons of the school,) also the nu- meroift cases of Measles, which pre vented some from participating, we do not hesitate in pronouncing it a grand success, all performing their part well. The music was appropriately se lected and nicely rendered. The read ing of a paper entiled "Cicero Star," which, judging from the contents of its columns, was of the Woodhull and Clalliu order, containing many cute aud witty hits and.sayings, furnishing amusement, and merriment, for all, the Editress fitly illustrating the careless indifference of her predecessors. Time Mud space will-not permit further men tion. The high esteem iu which the te ichers were held by their scholars, was very appropriately illustrated by the presentation to each of a beauti fully bound volume of"Bunyan's Com plete . Works" containing over 1000 pages,, with fine Steel Engravings. Many valuable presents and prizes were also given by the teachers to their scholars, which we would particularize more fuiiy would time and space per mit. Suffice il to say that the term just closed has been one of profitable advancement, as is evidenced by the marked improvement, especially so in penmanship, to which our attention was more particularly called. The following is the report of the Primary Department for the 'term from Nov. 20th, 1876, to March 21, 1877: Number of days taught £8. Number of names enrolled, 36. Grand total number of days taught, 2,028. Daily average, 20 19-22. Cases tardy, last two mouths, 44. Number not tardy nor ab sent during *.erm. 2, llattie Gaimor, and Bradley Marble. Number of visi tors 1st mouth, 7. 2d mouth, 17. 3d month. 14. 4th month. 30. , Attend ance .largely diminished of late bjf Measles, which are being thoroughly introduced at present. Miss Grey lias been engaged for the Summer term, which is to commence in two weeks. Remember the meeting of the Mu tual Protection Association on Wed nesday evening. April 4th, 1S77. IIow about the Editress of that "Cicero Star f" It has been reported to us that something in the form of a big eagle swooped down on Wednesday evening last at the close of the enter tainment, took her under his wing and departed. Others claim that her arm was caught in a gumming machine. and she was voluntarily drayed through the streets to her home. The legal voters of the town of Greenwood are requested to meet at the Hall over the Post Office, on Satur day. March 31, at 2 o'clock p. m„ for the purpose of putting in nomination per sons to fill the various offiees of the Town to be voted for at the coming Town Meeting. By Order of Town Committee. EVEN. Richmond Department. Passenger trains pass Richiaood station M follows • OOLKO SOCTH Geneva Lake Passenger ,..7:«t A. M Geneva Lake Freight T. M. ooive jroHTif > ,R •• - Geneva LakeTreight ....1".*. "10:40 A. M Geneva Lake Passenger^ 7:27 p. M rituRCH DIRECTORY. OoaroREtiATiosAL:-- Rev. V . J. Douglass, Pastor. Services at 7.^ P. M. MKTHOIUST:-- Rev. Saml. Karnirev pastor Services 10:30 A. M. Sabbath School »:Se A M. J. L. Dnwninff, Sapt. BAPTIST:-- Elder Yonng Pastor. Services 10:30 A. M. Sablwth School 12 M. MASONIC. RICHMOND LOIKJE, XO. I«, A. F. A A. M. Regular C»nvvwvuions flr«t Monday in eneh month on or Itefure the lull moon, and the second Monday thereafter. G. P. WODEtXj W. M C. G. C0TT1K0, Sccretarv. Pleasant weather,snow disappearing aud items scarce. , Revival meetings still continue with good success. . f . 'the board of town Auditors wilt meet at the store of Alexander & Hyde Tuesday. March 27th. . We hear that Frank Foster goes t© .-Burlington, as lie has rented a Hotel at that place. Frank will be at home there. We agree with Bin. Garver and his reform movement as signified in the New Kra of lust week. Hold out to the bitter end John. ' Charity begins at home, and if yon want a good .^uit of clothes go to Mrs. Gelespie and leave your order and Ilolden wi'l try and give you a good fit. THE REASON WHY You should use Gilbert's Vegetable Compound tor coloiing butter. It is the only article that gives the natural color. It is purely vegetable, contains noth ing poisonou? or injurious, It is In liquid for.n, and always ready for us*. Butter colored with it will sell at from 3 to 5 cts., above the same article colored with Annatto. Try it. Every bottle, warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Manufactured,and for Sale by A. B. GILHCRT, McHenry, March 13t|i 1877. < Call at the Fine Art Gallery of L. S. Gorton, over Percy & Martin's Store, and examine his specimens. Good Pictures or no pay is his motto, The Baptist Church is having a new coat of paint on the inside. When they get their new carpet down and all fixed up, you want to take your slippers along and leave your boots outside. There is a firm in this place compos ed of two enterprising young men, who know, at least tliev ought to know what is f»r the best Interest for this country. But they will import Chinamen and sell them at five cents each. We think it a little cheeky tor Alexander & llvde to be in that kind of business. We were somewhat surprised one Vlny last waek to see a man on cur streets and in our business places tak ing subscri ptious for a "McHenry Coun ty Democrat? said to be the editor.-- Now we have seen editors of ourceunty papers here belore, but never saw such a nose on any of them. They probablv left that part of them at home. We think that tils Brother Editors ought to initiate him before he leaves home again and perhaps he will have better success. If he is not more careful in the future, instead of running a Demo- crat paper it will be a hickup paper, and he will have to take it to snakes to read. fiMiess 51 Go to E. M. Owen for Plow*. If you are in want of Flour, TNI, £e.,go to Hauley A Sons. McHenry Hairs Safes, al) sizes, for tale by O, Bishop. . , • Bishop. Bny(Hartley * Sons celtbnitei ft* tent Flour, the best in the market.. Good Yard wide Brown Sheeting* only 7 cts per yard' At P. D SMlTH,i» Tlall 's Safes, all sizes, for sal* by O* Bishop. ^ For a first class Photograph, ft. ,|P ' Is. §* Gorton's, at Fortfe old GallatfV McHenry. " The choicest brands of Flour to bo found in the West are made by Ifanlay & Sons. No Half Patent or Humbug, CLOTHING I CLOTHING! A large Invoice at nnpreoedented Low Prices, at P. D. SkfTB'l. A bran new Organ at O, "W. Ow for $100. PartiCHlar attention paid to reprint, at the old Gallery of B: A> Fora. Ito L, S. Gorton. Bucklin & Stevens liave a few Over- Coats and Ladies Cloaks left which they will close out at such prices as will sell thcia. Fancy Note and Letter Paper, with envelopes to match. Very seat stylea. At O. W. Owen's. - Bncklin & Stevens wish to reduce their stock as much as possible within the next sixty days and will make it for the interest of close Cash Bnyera to call on them. GREAT REDUCTION! In the prices oftho Buffalo and Roeh ester Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to see theiu before making yonr selec tions. p. D. SMITH. New and elegant stvles of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, in the most pop ular shades.--Also a large variety ef Ladies at Waterproofing and Cloakings, P. D. SMITH'*. MARK 'EM DOWN. Flannels and Woolens marked down to sell. Hats and Caps marked to close. Buck Mitts and Gloves awir down. Winter Goods of all kitt4fe reduced at Bucklin A Steven's. Bucklin & Stevens are very thanhfa for the liberal patronage bestowed on them for the past year exceeding their utmost expectation. They will start the year wi th renewed vigor by closing oil their winter goods at such prices aa must sell them. TIHKK of our, farmers who wish a good Wagou or Buggy, or an old one repainted,should call on F. W. Mead, who will do you a job that cannot be excelled in the Northwest. He has on hand a number of Wagons and Buggies that will bear the closest inspection, both as regards workmansfiip nnd ma terial, which he Is selling at prices to suit the times. He uses none but the best of material, and employs the best of workmen, and consequently warrants everything just as represented. For a Painter he has In his employ II. H. Nichols, and we do not exagcrate when we say that he has uo superior in the Northwest. His samples of scroll and gilt work now on exhibition at Mead's Shop will bear the closest inspection by the most experienced critic. If any of the readers of the PLAIXDEALER are in want of a good Wagoji or Buggy, or an old one repaired, we advise theui to cali on Mead. RINCWOOD. EIHTOR PLAIKDKALKR:--With your permission I would like to have a little space in your exeelleut paper this week. The Nunda correspondent of the Sentinel attended our exhibition at Ringwood on Wednesday evening, the 14th inst. In speaking of the principal piece spoken during the evening, he compliments Rose Nickle very highly, but more than intimates that the other parts were not well done. Now we wish to ssy that nineteen out of twenty of the persons present, will say that the other parts were equally as well per* formed as hers. Miss Carrie Ladd did her part admirable. The writer of the article in the Sentinel lias said that Ben Heudee did his part extremely well. Moseby Buckland could not be beaten on the part enacted by him, Frank Thompson and Frank Carr did their part« well, and, in fact, I have not heard an intimation that there was a failure in any part of the dialogue. I write this Mr, Editor not that I care anything for the criticism person ally, but as a simple act of Uistice to the young people who took p* t iu the play. I have had something to do with this kind of work for more than twenty- five years, and during that whole time I never had a pieoe so well learned and so \ve}l spoken by all the characters as the oye |refered to^ and I do most sin cerely thank the young persons engag ed In it, far their patience aud perse- vera nee in the preparation of the work aud for the excellent manner in whieh they pr rformed thir several parts. WILLIAM NH/KU> CLOVER TIIRESHEB. F. WIEDRICK would inform the fahners throughout the County that he is prepared to thresh Clover or Shell Corn, having one of the best machine! in the market. For information ad- uress F. Wi^dirck, Woodstock, 111. Having engaged the services of a first-class Retoucher in Chicago, I am now prepared to make as flnfe Pictures as can be found in the county. Call and see specimens. ,m L. 8. Gortoi^ At Ford's old Galtorv. TO DAIRYMEM. Don't use any more Annatto for col oring butter, until you have tried a bottle of Gilbert's Vegetable Com pound. Try one bottle and if not as represented, your mouey will bo re funded. NEW SHOE SHOP. The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that lie lias opened a Shoe Shop in Lansing's Block, near the Depot, and is now prepared to do work to order, on short notice and warrant satisfaction every time. From a long experience lie is confident he can please the most fttstidious. Particular atten tion paid t© Repairing. Give me a call. ' < • REMEMBER. That I have removed ray Barber Shop from Gagetown to the room op posite Perry A Martin's Store, where all who want a nice easy Shave are In vited to call. Sharp Razors, clean Towels, an ! everything pertaining to my busim'Stf, in the best of order. Be* member the place, opposite Perry A Martin's Store. CHAS. ROUSS, NOTICE. Having bought of B, A. Ford, the old" reliable Fine Art Gallery, of MoHeprr, and wishing vo convince the Publia that I am now prepared to make better and finer pictures than ever before, ! have decided, for the next sixty days, to reduce the price of photographs to ft8.R0 per Dos. Former price $3,00. I will also make Bonten Tintypes for30ets each, or four Tor#l,00. Former price QOcts each, 1 will also keep on hand a superior quality of Black Waluut Frames,at prices to suit the times, L. S. GORTOX. MARRIED, LILL--WHELLKK.-Bv Rev, V. J, Doe*. ln*s, at his residence in Gen*^ Junction, WW. on Sunday, March 2fl*h, Mr. "^tniuel H. LIU of Seneca, to Mru. Martin J. Wheeler. BUTTER 18#30. UVlKKSK--14o, MEHKNKV MAUKCT. Paoked, jk -•Hi EGGS--184cts, LARU-- 13 cts, ^ BKAKS--*1.25 per bushfl, OATS--20@28c, , POTATOES--$1 per bushel. CORN-- $13 per Ton, Fiui u--per barrel* HOGS -- D«*»ed, Q5JS0* 4,8(>@$5, TIMOTHY SSSP--*L40@1.B0 per boat** CLOVKR SIKU--$7@8.00 per hnahe!../ / ' \ FLAX s^«i>-^$i.40c§i.s0 per b«iihe& * , -1 HUNGARIAN*--40 cts. pertaaheK. HAY--per Ton. ; 0 TURKEYS--lave. 8(^10cts per CnKKKK»~Lm, per