Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1877, p. 5

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ptulMler. ; ̂ WEDNESDAY. APRIL 4th, 1877. Railroad Tim* Table. GOING SOUTH. tevaLake Passenger ........7:45 A. M. --"" Lake Freight.. .......... 1:46 P.M. GOING MPWAI^R^ Lake Freight 10:0Q a. m. Lake Lake MASONIC. MCHKWHT Oit.M'TEK No. .141L A. M.--Bero- held on the second and rth Fridays in each month. HENRY Ooi-BY H. P. frufln AtM!* ftec,, CHURCH DIRECTORY. HKTHOWTST.--Rev.. J: H. Bacon, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 103tf A. M. and 7 r. M. fctrnftay School at 12 M. WM. PAGE, S u i>e r i n ten den t. THIS PAPER Is kept on file in the office of I., F. 9»tftii, General Eastern Ajrent, Chicago A Northwestern Railway, 415 Broadway, New York City. Our friends, when in New York, •re cordially invited to call in and read it at anytime. They wM5 always be welcome. WE hope if-ooT subscriber? are to be •eized with any of the numerous fevers ffbout It may be the "remittent" fever. UNCLAIMED letters remaining in the Post Office, -at "McHenry, March 31,1877: Jno. Casey, Miss Mary Schmidt, S. G. Fitch. THERE win be a Maple Sngar Party *t the Riverside Hail, Thursday eve­ ning, Apri 112th. All are cordially in­ vited. Good music in attendance. AN editor, referring to air-tight cof- tftns, says: "No perst>n having once ftrifd one of these coffins will ever use any other." THE Ladles seel able of Ring wood will meet at Residence of Mr. Holmes is that village on Thursday next. MRS. WM. LXNCHAM, Secretary. THAT Mitten'is still uncalled for. If <he owner floes net want it they will «blige us by senffing around the mate. *•> that we can have a ipalr. They will come hamfiy these co4d mornings. THE School Election, for the election of one Director in place of F. K. Granger, whose term of office expires, will be tocM at the village Council Boom on Saturday next, the 7th inst. THE next meeting ot the McHenry County Teachers Association will be hold at the School House., in this vil­ lage, on Saturday next, April 7th.-- Should the weather prove good a large attendance, may be expected... WORK on Bishop^s new Warehouse has been resumed aud that uew firm cf Wood Bntch«rs. so uIke" says, are right in thoir element. The other member of the Arm says that if **lke" don't keep that open countenance of his shut when the ladies pass he will dissolve. WE would call the attention of our readers to the card of the Riverside House, of this village. Goist & McCreery Proprietors. Thi.* House is newly re­ fitted aud furnished, and opened ior the accommodation of regular Board­ ers or trauscient customers. % Two Caucuses were held in tills vil­ lage ou Saturday last, one called a ••Peoples' Caucus'" and the other a reg­ ular Democratic Caucus, the former «, nominating J. W. Cristy, "for Super­ visor and the latter the present incum­ bent. John M. Smith. The result of flie election can be found in another •ewfUuun. A rill has passed tfie State Legisla­ ture amending the game laws, making Jt unlawful !to kill grouse or woodcock fiisom Jan. 1T> to Sept. 1; or deer, fawn, wild turkey* jjatridgtv from/-Feb.; 1 to Pet. li or quail from Feb. 1 to Nov. 1; or wild^oose., snipe, duck, brant, or other water fowl from May 1 to Aug. IS. •"Al," Sellers, of-Chicago.has been {paying his respects to the «reb-footed {birds along the River and La'kes for the past few days., and as usual brings in loads of birds ever nigfit. Be will please accept our thanks for a half dozen very fine ones left at our Sanetium. He leaves to-morrow, for a weeks bunting oneomeof the Northern Lakes. FARMERS, give this matter <ef cheap help a little thought; do tiol hire poor help, because it is cheap; if you do, you will jbue the loser in the -end. Better pay a good man, that you know to be good, twenty dollars per month, than a poor one ten; and save the thousand %tnd one pe-tty vexations and trials in­ cident to every .farmer, with lazy, in- •etfitieDt help. A SON of J. B. Perry. Esq.. acclden,tly fell into the Mill Raee, back of Bishop's Mill, on Sunday morning last, and had -aid not been close at hand would cer­ tainly have drowned. He was rescued by O. N. Owen, and no doubt concluded that it was early in the season for a hath in the Mill race, and if he could have his way, wait for the weather to fyarm before trying it again. Dcck hunting commenced in earnest |aet week, and on Friday and Saturday the "roar of musketry" could be heard *>all along the line." The bridge and the bauks of the river, as far as the eye .could reach, were lined with pickets, and the slaughter of the web-footed birds was terrible, that is if one were .to judge from the*taumbe r of shots fired, ' The prospect# are that it will be lively times for sportsme# tlfe next two weeks, this vicinity. TOWN XSEXIMa Annlial Town Meeting oh Tues­ day p&ssfeti off in the mdst qiUfet manner. There were quite a number of earnest workers at the polls, hut the best of feeling prevailed throughout. Four hundred and one votes were polled, the contest being almost entirely on Supervisor and Collector, and resulted in the Election of the following named persons. For Supervisor--J. W. Cristy. , 48 majority. Fof Town Clerk--M. Kelter, 16 majority. For Assessor--John Hueman. 390 majority. No opposition. For Collector--Frank Smith, tfc majority. For Road Commissioner--r S* H. Walker. 48 majority. For Justices of the Peace--James B. Perry, 192 majority. H. Wattles. 382 majority. No opposition. For Constables--H. E. Wightman. 390 majority. No opposition. Thos. Knox. 14 majority. All of the above were candidates on the Peoples Ticket with the exception of three, viz: Town Clerk, Collector, and one Constable, these three being elected from the Democratic ticket. WE Would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement on the first page of Scott & Co.. Fashionable Hatters, 192 and 194 Madison St., Chicago. They sell one Hat just a& cheap in proportion as a full case, and any of our readers who want a fashion- ble Hat will find this a square dealing firm, and their prices as low as any in the city. See advertisement. The "big egg" business has opened •up, and we were shown one on Saturday that measured 7|x6 inches. Now that Easter lias passed enterprising Biddies can turn their attention, to size instead of quanity. Next. And here we have it. Since writing the above D. S. Smith has handed us a specimen that measures 8Jx6£ and weighs four ounces. He says if any one beats this he wants notice of the tact and his family hen shall try again. " The Steamboat " R.*Einerson," which has Changed hands since last season, is to be immediately Overhauled and put in running order for the Summer. The owner informs us that he expects to put her in condition to run to Fox Lake in less than an hour, which will be just what persons visiting those, pleasant hunting and fishing grounds want: Capt. E. Griswold is to have charge of the Boat, which is a sure gurantee that passengers will be well taken care of. 'As soon as she is ready to run we will publish a Time Table in full. The following base libel, was hand­ ed us a few days since by a friend, and we cannot resist the temptation to publish ft: A young man from Wood­ stock was in a saloon when he observed the barkeeper mixing an egg-nog.-- "What is that anyhow?" he asked "an omelet, or an aquarium, or what?" the artist in alcohol explained, and the young man from Woodstock said he would be bulldozed if he wouldn't try one of rhein himself. His opinion of the beverage would appear to have been a favorable one, for he drew a long breath and set down the glass, and murinered, as he passed his tongue round his ears, "How wonderful are the works of Nature!" * I THE rain of Saturday and Saturday night brought the water up at a rapid rate, and early in the evening on Sat­ urday, it became apparent that- Bishop's Mill Dam was in danger. A large force of inert were put to work, ami by almost superhuman-efforts - suc­ ceeded iu saving it. lla$l> the pond been free from ice the damage would have been immense. The foot bridge just below the dam was completely wrecked, and as this is the second or third time that this structure has been detnolishe^^Us to be hoped that soipe plan will o^levised to make it per nent. It is a somewhat expensive stitution as it is. The water in tge River is unusually high, but no further damage to bridges is anticipated. T|e Race at Hanley's Mill washed out a small place, but no damage was done to their dam. We have not heard of any great kmount of damage in other par&fiiof the county. DKNTIKTKY. Dr„ A. N. Stone will be at the River­ side House, McHenry, on Monday, Ajaril ath, where he will be happy to wait ou tliose who may wish his ser­ vices. R I NG WOOD EWTOB PLUNDBALER:-- Tuesday, •evening, March 27th, about forty per­ sons entered the parsonage and seemed to make themselves very sociable for .the space of two hours, when Mr. S. Walker very politely informed the Parson that the friends present desired to leave a token of their respect, then in the most appropriate manner pre­ sented the preacher with a roll of greenbacks, which with other very necessary articles amounted to fifty dollars. It was most emphatically a pleasant surprise. Much as we prize the legal-tender, we <k> regard the man­ ifestation^ of respect and kintfne&s much more, and now in this public way permit me to extend to all those .christian ladies and gentlemen our heartfelt gratitude, hoping that this esrly friendship may ripen into a re* . spect pro and con, worthy the truest pos^dence. J», GORTON. -&£:> WOODSTOCK. 1 , EDITOR PLAINDEALKU:--That cos­ tume Sociable was successful to the amount of forty dollars, net, Soon after the time for the rise of the curtain the door leading to the stage opened, and the pocession marched by twos into the hall, headed by a modoc with, blankets, tomahawk, and scalping knife, night and morning two editions of Luna, one in gold and one I in silver. Mrs. Newspaper, a quaker, a tinker a dandy, two squaws, a gipsey and many other personations appeared in a procession reaching around the hall, After countermarching, the maskers broke up and mingled with the audi­ ence, when the fun waxed '"fast; and furious" till after supper, at which time a"Pat"cirae in with a negress; this turned the laught into a roar. A dutch- man in clogs, and the dandy with his eyeglass and cane, drew more attention than the others. We have heard no one complain of not having a good square laugh that evening. Some reading, ppeaking, and siligitig were attempted but that audience was in no humor for anythiug but fun, so paid but little at­ tention to what was not ludicrous. The sociable broke up about midnight, Monday Steadman and Van Curen together cleaned out the store of C. H. Dickinson, finding not much more than one thousand dollars worth of goods. Of course some blame Charley, and others say his failure could not have been prevented, but the sympa­ thy of the commuuity is freely ex­ pressed for "Lou" Dickinson, who is the heaviest loser. W. A. Skinner, after vacillating between iron aud sugar, finally deter­ mined to try the latter, and bought out G. Blakeslee, the uew firm being Buuket & Skinner. The inventory was commenced Monday" and possession given Wednesday. We congratulate "Al" ou his escape from a business iu which proficiency is rewarded by re­ duction of wages and remind him that his present customers will ask of him nothing more unreasonable than, the best quality at the lowest price,sixteen ounces to the pound and unlimited credit. These conditions being easy of course Bunker & Skinner will keep their old friends, make many uew, live long and prosper The mischief committee of the East End Surprises laid a plan to capture Nelson Blakelee's family last Wednes­ day evening, and met with the most gratifying success, if a cordial welcome and a dainty supper may be so consti­ tuted. About three, dozen altogether was present including the "Gay Galona Man" and any number of ridiculous sells such as old folk? only can contrive when they get out for a nooning. Of course the "uov" was there, and when the PLAIXDEALER came next day, he spent an hour iu looking through its columns for a report of his perfor­ mance. Determined to find it lie turned the paper upside down, inside out, aud commenced to read it back­ wards, when it was suggested that he would save time by waiting a week. M Ilickox has been iu the cow busi­ ness this spring, going West aud buy­ ing milch eows wnicii he hits brought to this county and sold, except his hundred dollar one. Altogether him­ self and O. Brass of Seneca have sold 140 head this spring and still the cry is "more," Mark starts another lot this week, making his third trip. W. il. Heath has opened a dry goods and Yankee Notion store iu John Donnelly's building, and would like to have us Believe that he can undersell the men who made the goods. The caucus last Saturday was called to order-by G, Southworth; Judge Smith had the honor to preside, and M. D. Hoy to record the doings. "Gard" average but there were some faults Of pronunciation of the common words dog, gone, long, along, that should be corrected as there can be no excuse for such blunders. ^Correct pronunciation cannot be called pedantic, and will not be except by those who glory in their ignorance. Want of space forblis en­ tering into details at this time. The teachers can rest for one week. The Democrat failed to connect last week; indeed there are those who maintain that liquids and solids nevei form * very firm connection The Crafty Ceurage organ came near selling outlast week, so near at least that the price (180D dollars) was named but the thing porteok too much of the crawfish variety to please the weald be purchaser, who retired in disgust. The Pellett still continue his efforts at the M. E. Chutch, "Dan" Weaver has been captured, and as a Free Meth­ odist is an undoubted success. He can "out-Herod Herod" in noise,compell­ ing the master of ceremonies to ad* journ one evening sooner than usual, and all on "Dans" account. To capture Dan, improve Eckler, and make Uncle Sam richer by aai X, is tflory enough for one campaign. Mr. Hutchins one. of the oldest set- tiers of <this town died last Thursday. George Hey and Miss Kitty, are to be made one at the residence of the bride's father next Wednesday after­ noon at 2 P.M. SQCEERS. A VOICE FLTOM SOLON. EDITOR PLAIXDEALER:--It Is not the wish of the writer of the following lines to become famous, or notorious by penning a few lines, for the perusal of the patrons of your paper: fer I wonld rather remain in silence and peruse the lines of other writers, than to try and interest them with my unefilcieut pen; but the remarks made through the col­ umns of the New Era, by the Rich­ mond correspondent, invite me to re spond. He finds a great deal of fault about the mauner the caucuses iu this town have been run of late, (all one sided,) and says the majority of citi­ zens cry "reform," but in spite of all their efforts for reform, expects James Overton to continue iu the old rut; trying to make It appear he is the cause of the nnfair management of the caucuses. New I wish to ccrrect this statement, for I know "Jim" tu be in favor of fair play, on all occasions. The reason for the little eur balking at "Jim" is, he was coming up for office and knew "Jim" would not support him, but the history of "barking dogs" is too well knowu iu this enlightened age for their noise to have much,if any eflect upon political combatants, as was shown by the result of our caucus Saturday last. There was no bulldoz­ ing. no unfair management, and no show for the cobbler. His goose was well picked and dressed and when the fire is started Tuesday A. M., there will be no quenching until the goose is so well cooked it will be unpalatable. In addition to the advice given him through the PLAIXDEALER, two weeks ago, I will suggest that he keeps bis nose out of other peoples business, and not form such unwise conclusions, for the purpose of gratifying his own boy­ ish whims, aud he will the sooner be numbered on the list of men, aud re-i spected citizens. FAIR PLAY. SCHOOL REPORT. In the written examinations of the pupils in the higher department of the McHenry Public School, held during the week ending March 30,1877, the pa­ pers were marked as follows: Ada Granger Emma <»rc'(fory,... Addie McOmher,.. Millie Mi'O'inber,. Ifel'lu "Stoddard , . Jennie Beers,, moved that the voting be uuni voce I(I'~CUMMI,". case but one man be nominated. Upon this the "elder" mounted a «seat, said "Mr. Chairman" and then called upon the name of the "Lord" (the ene of convention fame) whereupon the mover vyiltcd aud withdrew his motion. M. L. Joslyn was then nominated for Supervisor, W. B. Austin and S. Brink being tellers, the "Union caucus" had one Democrat out of the four officers. The caucus then recinded its vote on the ballott business, and nominated Esq. Baldwin for clerk by acclamation, E. C. Jewett, Nixon, and W. II. Cowlin were then named for Collector. After Short's nomination for Assessor (viva voce) Jewett received the nomination. Will Dwight said that Cowliu intended to run anyway whether he were nomi­ nate if by the caucus or «not. For Justices of the Peace Furney and Bald- wiu were theu put upon the ticket, and as constables Van Curen, Pease, and A.J. Murphy. Warren Watermann was nominated for Highway Commis­ sioner. The contest then come 011 school trustees when it become appar- rent that the fight was between Bunker and Dacy with the^town treasurership as the prize to be kept or surrendered as the election might gov Tim won in the caucus--F. Renich and Ezra Smith being nominated and the machine run down. The closing exercises of our public school passed off the best, gave the largest measure of s^Usf^eUou, wwL occupied the least time in preparation of any previous one. The hall was packed to its utmost capacity. The declamations were distinguished by being loud enough to be heard with perhaps one exception, and the articu­ lations was much tyetter th^q the Addie Ai»aaa4er,., Nora Morrison. Kills filtuii, .'... Dor* Kennedy, -- % Ilattio Tilton, Paul Brown Charles Shifter, Cs»*l Ralston, Kloisc Waite, E^tie Beers, Jennie Seartes,. Charles Owen Herman Curtiss, Grace Owen Jessie Witfhtman, Ivate Kelter, Stella Beck with Frank McOmber, Henry Hogan, Clar^i Wightman Ella Kelter, Minerva Ostrauder, Delia Crabtree,, Jeaks Well*, . SI!), 10(1 98i | 1 M 981 W 97193 !sw! 100 98! M 95 90 90; 87] 100 98 99 98;-S3 «e Si <H as ! 95 95! 85 » 96 (05-97 92 92 85 92 SO SW 85 88 80 »U 9f};95 90 90 85 SO !>0 Sf»; 87 78 90 90 85 1*4 100 95 9f. 97 95 88 95 9S 89 99 92 95 97 90 97 94 90 96 88 97 90 90 94 85 9B 80 90 90 80 94 S» IKE 94 80 92 87 90 88 97 84 90 86 90 9S 80 no 88 92 74 70 70 90 00 70 70 90 SO 90 95 90 75 75 98 76 85 76 76 75 96 80 The above does not include those who have recited in arithmetic in tho Intermediate Department but of all others who were present during the examinations. The first column of figures shows the standing in Arithme­ tic, the second U. S. History, third Grammar, fourth Geography, fifth Physiology,and sixth Spelling. 8. D. BALDWIN, Teacher, CRYSTAL LAKK PUBLIC SCHOOL, The following is a list of names of those in the upper department who have been neitherabsent nor tardy for the past two weeks ending March 30: Nettie Borden, Laban Borden, Lousie Wilber. Patsy Leonard, John Knox, Anna Harris, Sarah Leonard, Charles Knox, Luella Short, Olive Van Allen, Frank Pease, Byron Clow, James Leonard, Jennie Huffman, Willie Mil b« rt, J. A. BALDWIN. Tesober. Bucklin & Stevens are very thankfu for the liberal patronage bestowed en them for the past year exceeding their utmost expectation. They will start the year with renewed vigor by closing oft their winter goods at suoh prices as must sell them. Richmond Department. station as Passenger trains pass Richi follows* GOING SOtTTH Geneva Lake Passenger .7:0S A. M Geneva Lake Freight p. u. GOING ROSTH . 10 Geneva Lake Freight .......10:40 A. X Geneva Lake Passenger X CHURCH DIRECTORY. _OONG*EOATIONAL:--REV. F. J. Doiurlass. Pastor. Services at 7<i P. M. • MKTHODIHT:-- Rev. $ainL Earngey Pastor Services 10:30 A. M. Sabhath SchoolA M. J. L. Downing, Snpt. BAPTIST:-- Elder Younr Pastor. Services W»:80 A. M. Sabhath School tt M. MASONIC. RICHMOND 1.01*1 ̂ vn. IJSL A- F» 11 M. Regular Convocations first Monday in e&rh month on or before the lull noon, and the second Monday thereafter. G. P. WODBM, W. M C. G. COTUNG, Secretary. Spring has come "gentle Annie." and we are happy once more. . If that fallow don't stop Snoopfng around, trying to find us outv we will advertise for a big, stout, strong man to keep guard over him, and have him tried In Hornby's Court. We shoulu think that Downing A Deninsou would get so filled up with Furniture that they could not get in or ont, but Jim is a good salesman, and Is selling so cheap that people will buy. Mrs. S. J. Emmonds left for Chicago Monday morning to select her Spring Goods for the coming season, and la­ dies will do well t# call and see her they will be sure te be suited both in quality and price. We noticed Geo. Carpenter moving last Friday Bad day to move George. We also noticed Mrs. Carpeuter was beeing to the moving part. We did not know that she was able to be around bat we learn she Is quite smart and able to attend te business again. Iler old customers will be glad to see her at her post. On Saturday night and early Sunday morning we had a very heavy thunder shower which raised the Nippersink and overflowed its banks, ran over the road between tho bridge and Frank Mead's Blacksmith]Shop. washed some bad holes in the road and took away a portion of the abutment to the new bridge. There was the best of mason work done on those abutments, as all sensible people know. The following is the ticket elected at the Town Meeting on Tuesday: For Supervisor--Marcus Foote. For Town Clsrk--A. R. Alexander. For Assessor--William Turner. For Collector--James Bacon. For Justices of the Peace--C. O. McLane, Solon, Wm. Cooley Richmond. For Constables--John H aide man, Solon, P. G. Skinkle, Richmond. For Highway Commissioner--Martin Robinson. For Town Trustee--John MeConnell. ILLINOIS PATENTS, This list of Illinois Patents allowed by the U. S. Patent Office, for the week ending March 20 1877, is furnished this paper by GILMORE & CO., Solicitors. 629 £ Street, Washington, D. C. The Patents will be issued In two weeks from the date of the allowance. J. Thomas, Chicago 111., Line-fasten- ers. J. H. Fisher, Chicago, 111. Bale-tie. J. H. Lswreuce, Sterliug, 111. Barn­ door hangers. C. H. Stevens, Chicago, 111. Herse collar. R. El wood, and R. L. Pitcher , Sjroa- more, 111. Cultivator. J. F. Glidden & P. W. Vaughan, De- Kalb, I1L _ Barbltsr fence wires. s J. Wt Taft, tfhic^g^, IU. Picture ex­ hibitor. Banm Brothers, Chicago, I1L Trade­ mark for Cigars. W. S. Ingrabaujj Waukegan, 111. Sick­ le-grinder. For the Week Ending March 27th. I. S. Doten, Bristol, 111. Devioe for closing doors. E. D. McLean, Netr Athens, 111. Coal-screen. G. Moore, Mollne* 111. Colter Journal. J. Putmani Rushvllle, 111. Corn drop­ per. O. D. Hall, Freeport, 111. Sulky-Plow W, C, Pi^laski, Chicago, 111, Fire- Escape. J. S. Shell}7, Shannon, 111. Horse power. R. S. Barnutu, Chicago, 111. Hinged slate, f H. Curtis, Chicago, 111. Grain-binder* J, H. Dolan, Genesee, 111, Harrow. J. Fieldhouse, Chicago, 111. Pipe weldiag tongs. J. C, Frederick, Chicago, 111. Baby- walker. M. Harrison, Rock Island, 111. Dress oharts, J. Heury, Chicago, 111. Sky-light ban, J. Hollingsworth, Chioago,IM. Horse hay-rake. C, H. Matthiesen, Odell, HI. Center- draft side thills. J- A. Peoples, Chicago, IU, Machines fer splitting hoop-poles, F. A. Reiher, Chicago, 111. Traasom- lifter. H.M. Smith, Chicago^ IU, Stove. • A. 3. ^ya^, C^lcago, IH. _ Water- wlieel. D, Whiteford, Chicago, 111. Lamp. J, L, Wickers, Chicago, IU, Perfora­ ting stamp. 0* to S. M. Owen for Plovn% If yon are fn w^nt of tfoiir, Fee 4, 1 *c.,go to Hrrter A Sons, MeHettrf "1 HalTs Ssfes, all sixes, for sale | Bishop. 1( all sizes, for life %f t Bishop. : : - :ik BnyHVmley A Sons eefcrftrafedf flj* tent the best fit the market. 4| Good Yard wide Brown Sheetings' £|j dftlr 7cts per yard" At P. D SMITH'S. Hairs £afesrall stxesr for sals by 09 | Bishop. i For a first elase Phot©Kralpfi,£o Ml" L. S. Oortoi/s, at Ford's old McHenry, The '.cftefceT brands of Flour to be | found in the* West are made by Bfonlsjr 3 A Sons. No Half Pat«nt or Humbsf* < | CLOTHING J CLOTHING! A large Inrotw at unprecedented 'M Low Prices, at P. D. SMITH'S. | A bran new Qnonr art ©, (Ms taft "1 f o r $ 1 0 0 . . . . ' v 1 Budklin & Elevens have a'Hrrgftsfedl | of ClothSirg which fhev will'sell at verj low prices in order te nrifoee stock.- i Particular attention p«fcf to copying, 1 at the old Gallery of 9. A. #erdl bf 'M L, 8. Gorton. • .• • .•';|j Bucklin <& Stevens have a few Own* • Coats and Ladles Cloaks left ^-1 tiiey will close out at such prices as '4 will sell them. J Fancy Note and Letter Paper, witti i envelopes to match. Very neat styles. I At O. W. Owen's. j Call at the Flue Art Gallery of L. 1 Gorton, over Perry & Martin's atoKir | and examine his specimens. Good 3 Pictures or no pay is his motto. | Bucklin & Stevens wish to reduce § their stock as mnch as possible within J the next sixty days and will make it 1 for the interest of close Cssh Buyers to 1 call 011 them. tJs GREAT REDUCTION! In the prices of the Buffalo and Rock ester Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to see the in before making your selec­ tions. P. D. SMITH. New and elegant styles of Fall sgMt Winter Dress Goods, in the most pop­ ular shades.--Also a large variety of Ladies Waterproofing and Cloaking*, at p. D. SMITH'S. MARK 'EM DOWN. Flannels and Woolens marked down to sell. Hats and Caps marked te close. Buck Mitts and Gloves «W#T down. Winter Goods of aU MM1 reduced at Bucklin A Steven's. The cheapest and best Pictures in the. county at the Fiue Art Gallery ol L. 8. Gorton, MoHenry. Having engaged the services of a first-class Retoucher In Chicago, I an now prepared to make as fine Pictures as can be found In the county. Call anil sec specimens. L. 8. GORTON, At Ford's old GallerV- NEW SHOE SHOP. The undersigned would respectfulljr inform the public that lie has opened a> Shoe Shop in Lansing's Block, near the Depot, and is now prepared to do work to order, on short notice and warrant satisfaction every time. From a long experience he is confident he can please the most fastidious. Partlcnlar atten­ tion paid to Bepairing. Give me * cull. \V« Dow. . 1 • -- REMEMBER. That I have removed my ItBfiker- Shop from Gagetown to the room op­ posite Perry & Martin's Store, where all who want a nice easy Shave are In­ vited to call. Sharp Razors, cleia Towels, and everything pertaining to» my business, in the best of order. Be- member the place, opposite Perry A Martin's Store. CIIAS. ROUSE* NOTICF To the Holders of McHenry oounty ders. Notice is hereby gi«en. that, eft the fifteenth clay of April 18T7,1 will " pay the following 9300 8 per cent coun­ ty orders, to wit: Numbers 201, 310, SHI 228, 237, 246, 266, 265, 274, 283, §86,30ft 323,344,53,63,73, 84,96 and 106. Inte^ est will cease on the above County Orders AprU 1ft A.&, 1877. JAMBS NISH. County Treasurer, Woodstock, March 14,1877, '«§' FLOUR! FLOUR! Owing to tbe great rush of Grinding at our Mill we have been obliged to ship in several car loads of Minnesota Flour to aooommodate oar customers, and we are now offering Choice Minnesota Flour ac $7 per baarel. We have also a good supply of Corn, Bran and Feed, which we ate selling at corresponding low figures We warrant everything delivered from our Mill just as represented Give us n Call. A. 11. HANLBY & SON. MARRIED. STEPHENSON--BECK--In Genera. Wti, March by the Rev. A. A. Hoskin, Mr. Wai Stephenson, of lting*v»od, lit,, and Miss JKllsa Beck, of Richmond, 111. FULLER--FIELD-RT-- At Genoa Jnacttaft Wis., March &Hh, by Rev, F. J. D»uglas*, )A& Stanley W. Fuller to Miss Jennie P. Ffolqeot, both oi Biaotntleld Township, Wai worth O** Wis, jkeJUtNKT MAMKJGE. BUTTER--Packed, 20@33 ets. Ifi@l8. 7' * Cheese--14o. , H Egos--12 Jots. Lard--13 cts. Beans--?1.~>0@1.75 per beshsl; _• Oats--20® 28c. v\#;. Potatoes--#1 per bushel, y f . •CORN--$13 per Ten. 5' VJl>; VlouR--#7.00(6;#8.50 per b*--A I'M\ Hot; 3 -- Drssssd, 4.80(a«5. TimotHT CLOVER SEED--#7$&M BMBAK "% FLAX SEED--per :- :r Hungarian--40 cts. per htafcfl; Hay--&TIA6 per Ton. TURKEYS--Live, 3$]Qcta per fMNHVft CHLCKJUKH-UVST STIMCP PET |W*S

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