Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Apr 1877, p. 4

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' WEDNESDAY. APKlL llth, 1877. J". VAN 8LYKE, J3ctitor. US-A poof man in New Yofk, sen­ tenced to s}* months" Imprisonment. for stealing four mnckerH, offers to refund three of the mackerel if he is given liis liberty. It is *nepecterl that lie has be­ come acquainted with the terms of the ellV-Tweed bargain. * ^ - ports of great destitution and suffering. arrtetintinjaj in some districts to actual famine, are coming from Ger­ many. The situation is exciting great apprehension, and. the authorities are considering the practicability of com- aiencinjg public wovks to furnish em- pierutent to the poor. ggTiTudge Davis is said to bt worth two million dollars; he owns over 5000 acres of land in McLean county, and probably half as much in PeWitt county, He has been n circuit judge, a supreme judge, and now a United States Senator, And yet with all this wealth and honor he is not happy, for he can not enjoy the luxury of scratching his own back. His arm is not loug enough to teach around. S&* It is said that in repairing the tomb of Washington at Jit. Vernon, reccntlv, the sarcophagus had to be moved and its great heft caused it. to be opened, when to the utter surprise of those present, the body was found to be petrified and in good shape, but minus the eyes and ears. The story, however appears rather gauzy. and ap­ pears somewhat tinted with blue glass, so to speak. , f©*Ravages of the grasshoppers an other insects in the Northwest have excited so much apprehension and alarm that the Secretary of the Inte­ rior lias appointed a commission of, three eminent naturalists to investigate their character and habits, with a hope of devising some remedy, Congress having made aii appropriation of >18.000 for the purpost., <Jt is to be ho­ ped that science can turn its resources to the practical account of agricultura and save the country lrom furture in­ vasions of these pests that have swept such broad areas of fertile fields with the bosom of destruction. VOLO. Harvy Potter, Esq. Died April lsl^ of Cerebral Fever, produced by a contu­ sion sometime since, aged fcl years and 7 months. He leaves a fridour and two children to mourn his taps, and upon her jhe unexpected blow has fallen with gre<tt force, All sympa­ thize with her In her affliction and be­ reavement. Ml*. lN>tte<* was a very kind husband, and an effectionate parent, and was a man of more than mediocre ability and was much esteemed by the peoplo here. The funeral services were held in tlwe M. E. Church, the Rev Mr. Straub, ft Uiuversalist from Chi­ cago, delivered the fuueral discourse. His remains were takeu to Waucwiida for interment. In the several town meetings in Lake County Party lines were ignored but a Court and no Court House Supervisors were runmtd the indication are the Court House party bavo It and Wauke- gan the cite also. Waucouda elected Robert Harrison B. Bnrritt and H. Dobuer for Justices of the Peace. The town of Grant elected George Wait Supervisor, Richard Compton and Dighton Granger Justices of the Peace. V©lo has no Justice, the two elected residing in Wauconda. Esq. Pctter received the nomination and if he. had lived would have bee a re-electedl with­ out a doubt. EDEN. RINCWOOD EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--At the School Election on Saturday evening last, R. A. Bucklin was elected Director by a unnnimous vote. It is now a settled fact that our Cheese .Factory will open this Spring, Mr. Buckland having decided to try his hand again. He has had experience and will not fail to please hit» patrons. Business is reviving in the village, and Farmers are busy .getting ready for the Springs work. The voice of the bird is heard in the land and old moth­ er nature is puting on her new dress, iwhich every day seems to change with the rays of the sun, to gladden the hearts of men. jjgOur School opened this week with a number of new Scholars from neigh­ boring towns, and some from Lake County. So the prospect is Mr Nickle will have a large school. Our Directors received from outside scholars last year §160, which speaks well for our Teacher and the village of Ringwood as well. MELTON, ' The Fiiends'have charge of about twenty thousand Indians. Their Exe­ cutive Committee reports that at Ross- ville, Kansas, the Pottawatomies have ninety five farms, a boarding-sehool and a school farm. Many of ••he children are advanced in arithmetic, grammar and history The Modocs have 200 acres enclosed,log houses built by themselves^ and are well disposed. The Friends are confident that the Indians can be both civilized and Christianized, and this is the conclusion of the Board of Missions ©f the Episcopal church, according to the report made at its recent session in Philadelphia. B&FSt. Louis has an insurance corpse In the shape of the Columbia Life com­ pany, whicu it is trying to bury in the courts, but which lawyers galvanize periodically to convince the people that that city has been in style. The old thing has been wrapped up in in­ junctions until it was like a mummy, and policy holders kept paying premi­ ums, notwithstanding an order of the court to the' contrary, making the "corpse altogether too lively," as an obeserver facetiously, remarked. We believe this company swallowed one cr more of its kind, which may account for the kicks tiveness of the coapern. It Is up now for a softeuing of the in­ junction.--Tribune. ftsfr-The Executives of Illinois and Ohio are carrying on quite an interest­ ing ewrrespoudence just now. Some rlays ago Gov. Cullom issued a requisi­ tion upon Gov. Young for .one 0,Don nell, charged with fake pretenses In obtaining #15.000 to $20,000 worth of whisky at Peoria. O'Dennell resists the arrest, claiming that the charge is malicious, and on Saturday last the case was argued before Gov. Young and the at Columbus, decision being reserved until to-day. Meanwhile Gov. Young returns the compliment by issuing his requisition on Gov. Cullom for Michael Clifford, now under arrest in Chicago, charged with a murder committed in Vinton county, Ohio, in January last. ILLINOIS PATENTSL This list of Illinois Patents allowed by the U. S. Patent Office, for the week ending April 3 1877, is furnished this paper by GILMORE & CO., Solicitors. 629 F Street, Washington, D. C. The Patents will be issued In two weeks from the date of the allowance. S. Arteiy, O, Berg & H. Deeterlea. Chicago, 111. Sewing-machine inetor. W. A. Barlow, Chicago, 111. Attach­ ing knobs to their shanks. J. O. A. Bennett, Morrison, HI. Gar­ bage truck. J. C. Coonly & A. O. Burkins, Chica­ go. 111. Clevis. X. Kibler, Pittsficld, 111. Grain sep­ arator. O. O. Kittle eon, Milan 111. Barbed fe nee-wire. W. C. Rogers, Chicago, 111. Locks for sliding doo«s. T.Tuily, Springfield, 111. Cork-stop­ pers or bungs for cans, barrels, &c. R. A. Hays. Elgin, 111. Electro-mag­ netic boiler feed-regulator. F. W. Mallett, Chicago, 111. Slate. W. C. McClintock, Iieoperstou, 111. Rod-coupling! J. McNeil, Chicago,111. Barbed fence wire, D. C. Bacon. Litchfield, 111. Corn- planter. W. B. Cogger & F. T. June, Morris 111. School-desk. H. Fuchs, Chicago, 111. Blutching- device. P. Ilanersperger, Homer, 111. Knife- scourer. W.J. H. Knappe, Quincy, 111. Egg- carrier. X. A. Ransom,Chicago, 111. Combin­ ed register and punch. IL S. Stevens, Waukegan,111. Sickle- grinder. J. A. Thompson, Chicago, 111. Coun­ terfeit coin de teeter. HATS for Men and Boys a large variety at bottom prices at Lansing & Evansoi.'s, GREENWOOD Eorroit PL<INDRAI.ER:--The floods of the past week have subsided, and dry land again appears in view. The olive branch of hope of a bright and beautiful seed time, followed by a bountiful harvest, stimulates and in­ vigorates the weary, ploding. husband­ man as he goes forth to his daily toil, encouraged by the farther promise of, "That which a man soweth that shall he also reap," and the reappearance of the many beautiful songsters of Spring add new vigor and cheer, drawing away from the mind the reminiscense of the chilling blasts of the winter just passed. The llqtieseent effect of the warfft and genial rays of "Old Sol.^ upon the heavy body of snow, aided by the heavy fall of rain, had a somewhat melting or liquifying effect upon the heavjr gravel embankment of Mr. Toles Mill Dam,* last week, washing out a deep ugly chasm. This constantly occiiring misfortune would to many, be a source of discouragement* but Mr. Toles with his usual good grit, is bound not to be beaten by the elements. There h^s been a great amount of damage done by the high water by way of washing away- of tencess* small bridges, embankments, &c. Our enterprising egg man, Mr. H. J. Wood, who for two or three years past has been so extensively engaged in buying and pickling eggs, in connection with his farming, has left us. having exchanged his farm with a Mr. Howell, of Streator, LaSalle Co., 111., for a laige stock of goods. Mr. Wood, with his accustomed enterprise and energy will undoubtedly make a grand success of his new occupation, though not to him new. as he has previously been engaged in trade for a number of years% He has the best wishes of the community, and will be greatly missed from among us. We hope and trust his successors will prove as worthy memhers of our society, #i which we presume there need be no fears, as Mr. HoWyll we un­ derstand is a very enterprising and es­ timable citizen, and as such we gladly extend to him and his family the hand of fellowship and welcome. Evening meetings are being held for the present at the Baptist Church, con­ ducted by the Rev. Mr. Raymond, of Chicago, and are to continue through the present week. Considerable inter­ est is manifested. At our Town Meeting on Tuesday last, the following where the officers elected for the ensuing terms; For Supervisor, Geo. H. Garrison; For Town Clerk, Adam Westerman; For Assessor, Burton Wright; For Collector O. Garrison; For Commissioner of Highways. Geo. Abbott; For Justices of the Peace; A. C. Thompson and S. Baldwin; For Constables, W. D. Given and G. E. Adaius; For Town School Trustee. A. C. Thompson. No opposi­ tion except some little personal effu­ sions. Some slight movement in real estate lias taken place within the past week. Squire Baldwin has become the posses­ sor of the 40 acres originally owned by him. W. H. Wilcox has purchased the Intervening piece of ground between his own and the school grounds, and has metamorphosed It into the Black Hill*. We saw him digging into it with an Old spade the other day. Presume he was prospecting for (Burdocks) seem­ ingly without fear of the "Modocks," as his faithful wife was standing guard near by. Our School, which commences on Monday of this week, will undoubtedly be a "little thin" owing to the preval­ ence ot the Measles. At, the school meeting on Saturday evening last W. D. Stewart was re­ elected for the term of three years, which is his third term. '" Anything to beat Grant." II. R. Baldwin, youngest son of Squire Baldwin, leaves on Saturday of this week, for Valparaiso, Ind., for the pur­ pose of attending a Normal School at that place. Tho firm of Garrison Bros. & Co., have over fifty new and choice varie­ ties of Seed Potatoes for sale. Also choice and new varieties of Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, but no "Utah Hybrid Cluster Cherries," nor fine- haired, high-pHced "Russian Apples. -The meeting of the Mutual Protec­ tion Association will meet again on Tuesday evening, April 24th. EVEN. *^The Attorney General ofllllnois in response to a resolution of the Rail­ road Committee of the General Assem­ bly, has .declared that, under the deci­ sion. of the United States Supreme <*ourt in the Granger cases, the opera­ tors of sleeping ears are common car­ riers, aud their business can be regula­ ted by the Legislature. Bills will ac­ cordingly be introduced providing for the control of sleeping ear traffic. The sturdy yeomanry of the prairies can JIOW rest assured that bed-bugs will be legislated out of the berths, that "sin­ gle uppers'1 will be eouverted into •"double lowers," and that porters will Ut only too happy to brush sJojtijes and pidish hoots for nothing. The cheapest and best Pictures in the county at the Fine Art Gallery ,of J-v.ft. Gjoj&xh,, Kclienry. really looks as if the old stan­ dard of qualification for public office established by the Fathers of the Re­ public was to be restored by the pres­ ent administration, and that the best interests of the community are to be primarily considered, rather than par­ tisan fealty or devotion. It will require no little nerve and independence on the part of the executive officers to maintain the position which they have laid down, but the geiieral satisfaction and approval of calm and candid men outside the ranks of heated politicians must encourage and sustain them. The Postmaster-General informs a Southern Democratic Senator, anxious to know whether he might expect to have a voice in distributing official patronage that when vacancies occur appointments will be made of persons satisfactory to the business interests of the community; and that, while always glad to receive the advice of members of Congress, he shall not feel bound to follow it. It Is new times and good times when "ad­ vice" no longer moans "dictation." A FREE CURE For Consumption bronchitis' asthma, catarrh, throat and lung diseases. Also a sure relief and permanent cure for general debility, dyspepsia and all nervous affections, by a simple vegeta­ ble medicine, which cured a venerable missionary Physician who was long a resident of Syria and the East, and who has freely given this valurble specific to thousands of kindred sufferers with the greatest possible benefits, and he now feels it his sacred christian duty to impart to others this wonderful invig­ orating remedy, and will send free the orignal recipe complete, with full di­ rections, to any persou enclosing stamp for reply. DR. CLARK A. ROB BINS, Greelv Block, Syracuse, N. Y. (P. O. Box 76) TBTS PAPER IS ON m.F wiwi BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOlt 1877. The following are the names of thd Board of Supervisors, elected on th# 3d. inst., for the year 1877, as far as heard from* R i J e y . r . L R . S U A R L E j f Marengo... ..fc. S- GOODRICH' Dunham ssjf&J&WS 0: ft BIGGINS' C h e m u n g . . . . . . . . . . J A M E S T H O M P S O N Aid en -- .j, Hart anfl,.. t>. COONEY Seneca..... ..." C. O.1 PARSONS Coral L. BARHKIt Gra fton f...AJGiJtAS V AL KEN BE IK*' Dorr. M L. JOSLYSI Greenwood .(1EO. 13. GARRISON Hebron...... ....... Richmond.. MAHCTtfS FOOTE Burton.... Mc Henry *. W. CRISTT Xiinda F. PECK Algonquin JOH X GILL IL AN Hall's Safes, all sizes, fof sale by O. Bishop. Hall's Safes, all sizes, for sale b^O Bishop. trnamtSm a A R R I S O N S EARLY FAVORITE T O M A T O . This new Tomato is without doubt the Earliest ami Best Variety tffnvn ; size, above medium, smooth as an U|>pie, iieurly ror.nd ; very solid, tine flavor, and excellent quality every way. Kruit ii> a beautiful dark crimson cluster, larpro, ripening evenly and perfectly, beinsr free from the hard confer core which many varieties possess. From .seed sown in open ground in latittideof Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin, fruit begins ripen, ins? July 15th to 20th. After 8 yoar<* of expe­ riment il testing we have yet to see an iinper- feot. specimen. GARRISON BROTHERS, Jfurwrrmen. Greenwood, III BEASLEY 'S CELEBRATED For Sale at the Saloon of JT. .T. GILLBS, McHenry, 111. FOUNDRY AND MacMne SI105, McHEXISY, ILL. WARD B. GALl Propnetor. The liniersisnwd his just »ta rted a Foursj dry and Machine shop,, and is now prepared todo all kind* ot Casting for Machinery, on short notice and in the best of manner. "We also manufaeturer the eeJebnutfd Gale Wind Mill. Refwirtnn: of all kinds done promptly and .satisfaction Guaranteed. Threshing Machines repaired on short no- tice. Orders solicited. WARD B. GALE. McHenrv, 111., April 4th 1877, Administrators Sale. IN the Estate of Jacob Wake deceased. By virtue of a decretal order of tho County Court of Mclfenry County and State of Illino­ is, entered on rt cord on the 12 th day of March A. D., Uf77, we will sell at Pnblir /Suction to the highest and best bidder for cash, on the 14-th day of April, 1^77; at the hour of lOo'cloek A. M., on the in einises designated as in the Order of the Court in the following described Heal Estate of sai«» deceased, to-wi't: the un­ divided one-half of l.ot Number one (1) in Block Number three (3) in the village of Mc. Henry in the Couuiv of McHenry and -State of Illinois, ofl the West side of Fox River. CATHAKINF, HI.AKI :, Administratrix. STKVHKN FRKI'M ). Administrator, Dated, this l-'ih day of March A. D- 1S77. Executor's Notice. K3T ATE of Marv K Dunn deceased. The i undersigned having been appointed Ex­ ecutor of the list Will and Testament ofSIary E. Dunn, late of the Countv ofMcIIsnry, and Stale of Illinois, deceased," hereby (rive's- no. tice that he will appear before 'the County Court of McHenry Countv, at Mie Court Mouse in Woodstock, at'the April Term, on the third1 Monday in April next, at which time all per sons having claims against said Estate arc notified and requested to attend for the pin -' pose of having the same adjusted. All tier- sons indebted to said Es ate are requested to> make immediate pavmcnt to the undersigned. Dated this 6th day of March A. D., 1877. JOHN L. DI;NN , Exeentor. J O H N I . S T O R Y ' S FOR FTJRNITUSE -. > Q. \r Village Election. THE Annual Village Election for the Vil­lage of McHenry, will be held at the Council Room, in the'Village of McHenry, on Tuesday, the 17th Day ot April, at which time the following officers will be elected: Six Trustees and a Clerk, for said Village, M. KKLTER , Clerk. McHenry, March 20th, 1877. COPY YOUR LETTERS- USE Excelsior Copying Book. Made of Chemical paper. Quickiv eopies anv writing WITHOCT water. PRfe.SS or BRUSH used at home, library or office. For Ladies wishing to retain copies of letters everv busi­ ness man, clergymen, correspondents., travel­ ers it is in valuable--sells at sight. Send S3,Q0 and wo will send a :$00 page Rook, let­ ter size BY MAIL paid o any address. We refer to any Commercial Agency. Send stamp for Agents Circular. EXCELSIOR MNFG CO., 110 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ills. 6000 Agents wanted. AND PRICES ABE LOWEK THAJJ EVESfc I l am eo^tantly receiving fresh supplies of everything usually found in ii First-Class t urniture Store, to vvhii h I would invite the attention of all those contemplating purchasing, audJ am positive' I can satisfy them both in Quality aud price. e are selling First-Class Extension Tables for 00 cento per foot, and all other goods in proportion. , Give us a Call before Buying and Save Money. JOHN I. STORY. Mcfltenry, Ills., Harch 20th„ 1877* Furniture, Furniture ! The Best is the Cheapest. * ^ JOHN B. BLAKE, A the ney Store of Blake & Bros., has now in Store one of the Lar­ gest nnd Best Selected Stock of Furniture to he found In McHen­ ry County, which he is selling to> the public at a very small advance ol Cott. In Stock can be found* Parlor Suits, Chamber Sets, Kitchcn Furniture, \V all Brackets, Picture Fnimcs, and in short everything usually found in a first-class Furniture Store* OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Was never more complete than at present The Finest line of Coffin?* Caskets, Gold and Silver Trimmings, to be found in the market. JOHN H BIAKE. McHenry, 111.. March Gth. 1877. The Old and Reliable AGRICULTURAL li E . M . O W E N , Still Lives, and can be found on hand this Spring, at his Ware­ house, opposite the Old Owens Mill, McHenry, with a fall Kne of Leading Farm Machinery, Of all kinds, among which can be found the celebrated Buckeye Grain Drill, Broadcast Senders, Junior Cultivator, Plow Sulkyr which can-be attached to any Flow, Champion Self-Dumping Kake, &c., &c. Plows,! Plows ! Plows f All leading Plows kept constantly on hand and at Lowest Prices. Also seeyhe celebrated Buckeye Broadcast Seeder. It is not equaled. Prices Low and Terms Favorable. E. M, OWEN. McHenry, III., February 27th, 1877. WbcteAdvcrtlsiiagCaBtanMfeeaalmm* wo FILL HID JMB TRADE. BUCKLIN & STEVENS, NEAR THE DEPOT, M'HENRY, Dry Goods, a full Stock. Boots I Shoes in abundance Clothing a Full Line. Hats and C aps for all. • !j£-$§r*Choice Groceries, Fine Teas, Can Fruits, Crockery and Glast Ware. psf" The Highest Market Price for BUTTER- EGGS. AND POULTRY, in Cash or Trade. BUCKLIN & STEVENS. McHenry, 111., Jkpt. 23dr 1876. /

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