Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Apr 1877, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY. APfliL lttb. 1877. Railroad Time Table. GOING SOUTH. #eneval>ake Passenger •eneva Lake freight ooma Kottf IK •a«ai>T« T,iike l>rei?ht IsSiiSTA LiikC i!;i*sfflj(>r .»?;25 A. X. (tl5r.ll. A. M. 05 P. M. Masonic. . MCTIKVRY CTTAI'TRR No. :u JL AT.--Keen- *»r Convocations held on th« aiwl fourth Fridays in eneh inonth. * "'• HTNTTF COT.BY H. P. PULASKI ALLEN SEC,, SfeE the notice of Oo#S atur^juction in an other column. 'THE Steamboat "II. Emerson." Is how under^oimf thorough repairs, ami it Is expected will be ready to run some time next week. FOUND, a PAIR et gentle mens Buck- akin Gloves, which the owner ean have by calling at this office, proving prop­ erty, and paying for this notice, . ANY lady can press her old bonnet «ver into the new spring style by placing it on A pavement block and letting a wagon back over it. A good Dance, a good Supper, and lots of Maple Sugar is what you will get if you attend the party at the Riverside House to-morrow (Thursday) evening. No man or woman living i* so rich, nor so strong, nor so good that they can offord to treat the humblest hutnau j being on the face of the earth, unjust­ ly. ° A man married a girl without pre» viously telling her that one of his legs was bui!t of oak wood, and now she Walnut live with him. He pines and Rings 4,Oak gum back to me," but she won't go. OLI> Dr Sam Johnson knew what he ' Was talking about when, iti his Dic­ tionary. he put this definition: "Net­ work: Anything reticulated or deeus- satated at equal distances, with inter­ stices between the interactions." THE FOX River Base Ball Club, of this village, have organi&«U for- the coming season, and will be out to prac- tlc# *« soon^as the weather will permit; They have made several changes since Inst year and are now, We think, stronger than ever. We predict they will make a good showirtg on the Diamond Field this season. WE often hear men say that fhey cannot do this, and they cannot do that, -and there is no use trying;" this, too, in reference to the most ordinary un­ dertakings, while the truth of the matter is a man of good common sense* in nine cases out often, will accomplish anything he undertakes, and be sur­ prised at the ease with which he re­ moved all obstacles. DICK Hunting is now a No. 1 on the River and Lakes, and almost every train brings a party of Sportsmen who delight to take this web-footed game "on the wing." Persons living along the river are now early risers as the roar of breech-loaders makes it almost impossible to sleep much after four o clock. Several parties are now at the Lakes from Chicago, Elgin and Harvard. THE Teachers Association, held their regular meeting in this village on Saturdaj'last, but owing to -press of other business we were unable to at­ tend. From thoSe who did, however, we learn that-it exceeded in number any held by the Association in the past year, and that the exercises were of the most interesting character. We shall publish the proceedings in full as soon as they are furnished us by the Secretary. THOSE who love to '"trip the light fantastic toe" should not fail to attend the Maple Sugar Party at the Riverside House on Thursday (to-morrow) eve­ ning. Good music will be in attendance and a pleasant and enjoyable timo may be expected. THE time for cleaning out the front yards is fast approaching. Old hoop- skirts. defunct cats, gi» u shoes. e:,e„ should be do posited on the other side of the line fence between yourself and neighbor. If he throws 'em back, sne for trespass. As will be seen by a notice elstvhere there will be a Donation lor tlie benefit of Rev. J. H. Baeon. at the Pnrsonagf. . on Thursday evening of next werk. the 16th. We hope our citizens wili turn out and till the Parsonage ort that occasion. v LOVERS who have been burning the* old man's kerosene all winter will soon relieve his anxiety by a chang e of base The front gate will soon bear the weight of two hearts that heat as one. while the shimmerh'.g moonlight, with­ out cost, will shed a soft radience around. AT the mee'iug for the Election of a School Director on Saturday ,last„ sixty-two votes were polled, a larger number than for several years before, and resulted In the election of C. 11. Curtis by a majority often votes. Tlie Board now stands John M. Smith, Dr. H./T. Brown and O»,|>.. Cun%. Is this tiling never going to letup? The wind has blown a perfect gale from the North for the past ten days, and still there is no sign of its ceasing. It is certainly cold raw 'weather for April, and if old Probabilities dont let up soon we shall have the, hvtest spring known for many years. WE have on hand a few papers of Garrison Bros,, TSnrly Favorite To­ mato Seed, which we can furnish to those who wish, by calling at this office. They are widowbtediy the earliest and finest Tomato in the market. See advertisement in another column. DR. C. A. BEVER#_Y, the popular Scientist, wiH deliver a course of Lec­ tures at Riverside Hall, commencing Friday, April 13th, on the following interesting topics: "Human Nature.*' "Brains," "What can I do best," "Mar­ riage." Public examinations after each lecture. Admission to first lecture free. PRETTY soon the tossing and turning of carpi;is will begin, and the hubbub of house-cleaning will prevail through­ out. the land. These things are a great trial to the men folks; but then the women--bless their kindly hearts, and well-meant intentions--must have their amusement once in a while; and what pleases a woman more than to stampede her husband by charging upon Mm with brooms, kettles, and soap-suds? It is fun, jolly fun, but it is fortiiuate that it occurs but once in a year. "MUMPS" are now interesting the youngsters, and some that are not so youtig. in this village. Nearly every boy or girt you meet has their head tied up', and when you ask "what's the matter," the reply iuvariably is •Mumps."" The PLAINOEALER force has so far escaped, but the "Devil" is threatened. Look out for breakers. IN the card of Rev. P. Gorton, of Ringwood, published last| week, the type made him say Mr. 8. H. Walker, when it should have read Mrs. Although Mr. Walker is one of the most liberal tnen in the community, we do not wish to detract from the doings of his ami­ able wife, and therefore make the cor­ rection. OrR renders should be on their guard against tlie swindling operations ot a set of 'fellows who are traveling through the country offering cloths for sale, in lots. Buy your goods of some good reliable merchant, with whom you are acquainted, and whom you can re!v-on. Our merchants invest their capital and keep on hand a good varie­ ty good and desirable goods, which tlrev are ever ready to sell art a living margin. It is very poor policy to trade with peddlers of any kind who rove from one place to another and pick-up trade that ought to go to those who are permanent residents, and who use a fair percentage of the community at large. It is a penny wise and pound Todlish to do this kind of business. Ot?R Public School commenced agiiln on Monday after a weeks vacation, with a good attendance. As we have before said, we think we have one of tlie best Schools in tlie county. At "the recent examination of IVaeliers in tills vil­ lage, the ('ounty Superintendent said that he received the best papers of any School In the Comity, This speaks volume* in favor of our efficient Prin­ cipal, M'\ S. D. llrtHwhi and liis as<i -- tants. The School under his direction has been constantly advancing. auH we hav^ yet to hear one word of eefisure from any patron of tlie SoV>o|, while a large majority are suit-spoken* in' their praise. That he is the "right man in the ri-lit plae«-"' all acknowledge, and we trust every pitron of the school will encourage and aid hi in in his labors, E. M. OWE*, the old and-reliable dealer in Agricultural "Implement's, has the Agency for the Cortland, X. Y. N agon Manufacturing Company, and has now on hand a number of their cel­ ebrated Platform Wagons, which he offers to the public as the best Wagon now in the market. These wagons have been in u«e in this section for the past year by J.C.Clemens, Amos Whiting, and others, and they pronounce them a No. 1 in every particular. They are made of the best material,are finely finished, and in short are the tastiest road Wagon now in use, and are sold way down to hard pan. Parker & Sou, of the Parker House, in this village, have ordered one of the No. 20 size, which will be covered in good style, and hereafter be known as the Parker House Buss. Farmers or others con­ templating buying a wagon 'should call at Owens Ware-Ilouse and exam­ ine one of these Wajons. if. S. COLBY'S STOCK FA KM. Wgtttade a short visit'one day last week to the stock farm of N. 8. Colby, one milte West of this village, and although we have befoi :e looked over hi8 fine- stock, consisting df Horses, Cattle, Sheep; ami Swine, we inust say that no lover of fine animals would ever get tired looking at And Admiring the fine animals there to be seen. Jh the Horse line he now has the Voting Mdrrill Ilorsei a fiill blood Mor­ gan, 20 years old, and yet as lively as any colt. Also Black Bill, a full brother to the above, but four * ;ears yodnger.-- These two old horses are as fine blbod as any to be found in the West* and notwithstanding tlfeifilge will make a showing with almost any coltsi He also has a half Norman colt. In' Success; six years past, that is the finest specinlen of a draft horse we ever saw* While he is powerfully and strongly built, tlie awkward, clumsy movement of the Norman is not seen, being au easy and, handsome traveler, fine smooth build, and a lively stepper. We next come to Young Green Mountain, and we must say.that wohls are inadequate, to describe him. He is the most perfect uiodel of a horse we ever saw* In form, movement and intel­ ligence, We can give no description that will do him j Ustiee4 He must be seen t6 be appreciated. He is five years old, a deep bay Color, 15$ hands high. well formed and fine action. , He is probably oue of the best bred eolts in tlie country. No picture. can be drawn by the best Artist that will equal him in beauty. No lover of a line horse should fail to call at Mr. Colby's farm and see him. IIo also has a flock of the finest Meri­ no Sheep, Magie and Berkshire Swine, and Devon Cattle, all of tlie purest blood. Mr. Colby is a practicable stock man and ke^ps none but the best., and farmers and stock raisers will find it to their advantage to call on him and take a look through stables and herd's. ^ *3fi DONATION. A Donation party will be held at the M. E. Patonage in this village, for the benefit of Rev. J. H. Bacon, on Thurs­ day afternoon and evening. April 19th, 1877. The old folks and those at a distance are invited to tea in the afternoon, The committee are Jji hopes the whole community, will turn out and have a good tiin«£ HOTEL FOR SALE. s The Volo Hotel, together with one acre of land, good Barn and out houses. Pool Table, Soda fountain, and other Furniture. Also a set of Hay Scales. Will be sold on reasonable terms, and possession given immediately. Apply on the premises, JOHN ROSING. N U N D A . KMTOR PLAIXDKALKR:-- DEATH.--- Promulgated by E. P. St. C. Victiiu- oue kut. A meeting will be held at the Con­ gregational Chapel to take into con­ sideration the question of re-organiz­ ing the Union Literary Society. Leroy S. Mallory's Farewell Party, on Monday, April 2, was well attended by au invited company. Leroy de- departed the next da* for Michigan, where lie is to engage in the study of medicine with his brother-in-law. Mrs.. Caiger is now fitting rooms which she intends filling with Milllut'ry She will probably have the stock ready before the end of the week ; and, with­ out a doubt it will be one of good se­ lection as she has hud a long experi­ ence in purchasing this kind of goods in New York City. She has already fWefVed a number of orders* among t Lie in being some "weddin' fixing." Ira M. Mai lory is arranging to supply a great deficiency in tlie business of our town, by re-stocking his store, this time with Furniture. If he makes the cflort to furnish us with these necessaries at the lowest price, as he has done heretofore, it Will doubtless be a success, in the full sense, both Of the people and himt-elf, -I. P. Hansom, a Swede, whose family is living near here, staited for Texas about two months ago and nothing be iug heard from him his friends feel considerably alarmed as to his welfare. Their fears are augmented by a state­ ment in the Chicago Times, recently, that a man of the same name, except the first hutial, had been killed while boarding a train at some point in Texas ceultf not* -.payment, that was due on laud that he had bought here and had star ted for Texas to work out a home for his family, who, if their fears are verified, ar# left destitute. A. Dygert; L. Beckley, F. McDonald and Cias. Wiley left to-dav to attend school at Ringwood. Quite a courpli- ment to Mr. Nickle we think.. riCKLKg* A. J. Russell. Superintendent of, and representing the Jauesviile Pickling and Preserving Co., lias been at the office of the Crystal Lake Pickling & Preserving Works the latter part of this week tor the purpose of contracting with the farmers of this community tor the product of Cucumbers from five hundred acres of land. They contract at fifty cents per bushel. Cash.--no scrip, no acreage. Already, (since Wednesday) the contracts ar6 more than half taken, and Mr. Russell ex­ pects to have tlie whole number com­ pleted s»on. These cucumbers are to be pickled here; the Janesvilje com­ pany having rented the buildings and entire apparatus of the Crystal Lake Pickling Works. There is some vague talk of using the same building for pickling and preserving meats next Autumn It is to be hoped that this may assume definiteness. for it would be a remunerative source to nearly or quite every class of people. J. J. Wilson is contracting with pro­ ducers for cucumbers at fifty cents per bushel, cash. Mr. Wilson has not yet decided how many acres he will con­ tract for but anticipates 110 trouble in getting all he needs. The Canning Department is for rent and surely, if capacity is any desidera­ tum, it will not be long unoccupied.-- It is a brick building 200 feet losig by 120 feet wide, part .being two and part three stories high. It has three boilers with a capacity of 100 horse power,and everything needed in the canning and preserving business. Also it might utilized as a steam grist mill. Some persons have questioned its strength but J. ,T. Wilson and A. J. Russell, both having every opportunity of knowing, affirm that the strength of the building is unquestionable. MA rois. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PJLAIXDEALKR:--The Liter-- ary Circle met last Monday evening at the residence of J. M. Southworth Esq.? and besides going through with t|ie regular programme, elected officers as follows; President, O. H. GilmOW, Vice President Addie Stewart, Mrs Mary Thomas Secretary, and Howard Pratt Treasure!1. On being one of the reg­ ular meetings of the Board of Town Trustees, that august body met, and by some turning board maneuver re­ appointed "John Bunker as town treasurer for the ensuing year. Hot* the Vacancy was caused does not ap­ pear; but probably Mr. Bunkerresigued that he might be re-appointed as no appointment could be made unless a vacancy existed; It is said that the new board. McConnelU Reuicln and Sinitlu are to appoint Luman Hoy to that office, hut wiiilt is the Use of being treasurer unless one can handle the money ? i^iere appears to be a chance for a quo warranto here and Luman might better retain 8. J. T; as lie is said to be in that business Our town meeting was as the Grange editor of the Sentinel says iu regard to one of our county officers, , ;a great suc­ cess." Jewett for collector wiuning by 35 votes, the total'vote being 6&3. 1 he last lecture of the Dime .course is to be given by B. F, Church Eisq, Thursday' evening of this week, at which time he will give lissome infor­ mation about the Government" depart­ ment of the Cehteutiial. At the school election Saturday the people said to the outgoing members "Well done good and faithful servants' bv continuing tlieili in office, so it won't be necessary to call upon Hays to preserve the statue quo in that depart­ ment. School opens again for the Spring term this Monday morning, with no change in the «*orps of teachers. At the town election (I come near forgetting to inform you) Hon. M. L. •Joslyn, .John Short, E. Baldwin, and \ au Cureu were re-elected* the new officers being Fumey, J. P., Asia, Pease and A. J. Murphy, Constables, Warren Waterman Highway Commissioner, beside those mentioned above. Ira Slocum, for $1750 has contracted to take care of the poor for one year, and there is to be no more boarding round for them, as itissaid that Ira has hired a farm for them to work and intends making grangers of Miem. This being a new move for this county, or rather township, whiuii has beeu boarding its paupers at three dollars a week it excites considerable com­ ments. The real owner of the McIIenry County Democrat was here last Friday, and purposed to sell the thing out at once, "but a quartette of the disciples of Jackson, or Calhoun persuaded hiui to wait a few days that they might make arrangements to purchase the office, and so the matter stands with the patent package for last week's 'paper iu the Express ofllce and "that Democratic feller nan est inventus. Possibly that Ayer shot in the ludt- pciident did the business. G. Blakesloo is going into tho T. line in Chicago, and E. A. Murphy started for the East last Thursday, to be gone about two weeks. New Goods. Last Friday the sportsmen of the town had a pigeon match on the fair grounds upon which occasion 43 doves were sacrificed to the deity of- murder, misscalled sport, Billy Whitsou, Charley Donnelly,Geo. Whitsou, Win. Sherman, Jim O. Brieu and Newton doing the killing, the first ar.4 last bringing five out of seven two getting away and outsiders bagging quite a number. It is rumored that Smith of Ridge- field.our newly elected trustee, has been bulldozed by some interested party, so that he won't qualify and if h*4 falls the town money stays on the south side of the square. Ezra is a straight advocate of abstinence and having been made to believe that he has been elected on a whisky ticket, (so they say) he is a little inclined to kick and leave the laurels with the grocery. SQUEEKS. Kicluiioiid Department. Passenger trains pass Richmond station as follow*- OOINO souta Genera T.aicg Paauenger..... lT<fri«'vn Lake Freight ooixo NOK^il Uenerri Lrtke Freiprht.... wetKatie Passenger. .:4&*A; It .;19:5U*. M. ;fe:40A.M .^7: 37 v. X lt«*at state Transfers. Conveyances filed for record in the Recorder's Office. of McIIenry County Illinois,for the weekending April 7th 1877. Eli T.ucia and wife t.o Casper IJattleing.-- 140 acres in «<'c Ifi and lt> in 44, 6, $4000. GCF (iutsliow and wife to Nancy E Good no Lot* 8 and V blk i, Harts addition to Harvard, $soo. (Jeo I K.isson and wife to Robt Campbell.-- wv no neand right of way Ac., 12,44,6, ftfOO. Peter I)eno and wife to Chri» Friez. 4 acres in se cor 24, 45, 5, $400. Andrew liourne Adm'r Jfce., to George llcrdklotz, wh se 20, 4S, ?, leSBO. Kobert Ca nun bell to Geo I Kasson. Lots 6,7, and 10, blk 8, Ma>t»tleld's addition to Wood­ stock, fflOO. M J Cole and wife to Minerva L Pettibone. Piece north of K K in »w 10, 46, 7, $3000. Philip Gicseler and wife to John Lansing.-- Pt lot 14, lot 15. pt lot 16, pt lot 4, lot 5 and 3, pt lot 6, all iu blk 3 West McIIenry, $4500. Lyman W Sheldon and wife to Hiram J. Lockwood. 14?j acres w side ejtf e^ ne 3D, 44, 7, $140. William R Phinney amt wife to Witlet L Itosenkrans. 10 acres in 8W.^-2!I, 40, &, $300t Win St Clair Receiver to Henry A Waidner. Crystal Lake Pickling and Preserving Works. $500, Receivers Deed. John J Wilson Assignee to Henry A Waidner Crystal Lake Pickling and Preserving Works. $300, Assignee Deed. Wm S Wannemaker wife to I.aura Ford. Lot 11, Arkills addition to Richmond, $1R0. Jonathan Imerson ami wife to Allen Andrews and wife, e# ne 13,46, $ and v-H »>» llW IS, 46, 9, $4602. CHURCH DIRECTORY. «nri*nF.E«ATioNAt.: - Rev. F. J. tfodglass, as tor. *tu-Tices at 7,V P. M. >lrtTii6r>j*t:-- iter. Saml; Earagev Pastor Sprvic-- £:;*> A. Jf. miiteih Schooi'il:30 A M. J. I,. Downing, Supt; V«nag pastor, Services 10:o1> A. >1. Sabbath School 12 M. Business Notices. Miso>ho. RuWioSfr I.OtKiK, Ho. 143, A; P: & A: *. Resruiar (oMvorution.^ flrftt Sfftiiitav in ©firh .mouth on or. before tjie full moon, and tlie second Monday thereafter. G. P. WOOELL, W. M P. G. COTI IJFO, Secretary. Cloud)' weather^ Spring sitfife' feoirifng and fanners looking blUei We see that lficks has received a new Star Corn Planted dud will sell it at low figures and if you <idn ;t believe itca'l and see for vouraelf. Ii Jt. Mi*:i has fixed up inside and looks so slick that if 3*011 did not see "Ike" btoitiud the counter you would think that yoti was iii a city hardware store. We will not puft that Golden Buckle at Smith, Aldrich A Haythornvs if they don't give its bn*; But then they don't know us, so "Jim*' you can give it to Van when he conies tip aiid it Wilt do iu6t as well. Skinkle is happy once more* Looked blue before election but WHS elected Constable and it revived his drboptrtg spirits. "Perry* Went where the woti&binetwineth. Never niind^'Perry*' there is another day coming. We notice that the bourbon paper called the McHenry County Democrat has played out and causes weeping, wailing Uhd gnashing of teeth iu the Democratic ranks, especially among those who paid their dollar and a half in advance for thb Wishey-washey sheet. He bulldozed soitotf iti Rich­ mond. We notice that the Milliners lisve their wiitdows cleaned up and new goods in them, and oh what shapes.-- But never mind, they will sell them if they have a eh«ttce» Ladies call aud see for yourselves that you can buy in Richmond cheaper than any other place this side of Chicago. Mr*. G. B. Carpenter and L. 1\ Wodell can suit you both in goods and prices. There is to be a Donation at G. B. Carpenter's 011 Wednesday evening, April 11th, for the benefit of Iie|f. Geo. Young. Let there be a large turnout and let hini know that jou all appre­ ciate him and his work here this win­ ter. as lie has had nothing and is in need of It very much. Open your lieuits and couie out and show that you have a little feeling left and you Will tind your path much smoother in life. Gd; id S< Mi Owen for FM#i?. J J if jrou are in,want of Floor, Foocffl Ac.igo to Hauiey & Sons. McHeuty Bhy Hanlet & Sous Celebrated ttfnt Flour, the best in tht! market/ . ̂ ,| Good Yard wide Brown ^Keetijifaf 1 pujy 7 cts pet far At P. Ti < HalPs Safes^aU sizes, for s&lft by O. Bishop. A complete line of WAJ-L PAPtR at very. loiv prices dt Lansing A Evansou's; Fdr a first class Photograph, go to L. S. Gortou**, at Ford's old Gail«rtf McIIenry.' The choicest, brstnds of Floiir t6 b< found iu the West are made by Hanley & Sons. No Half Patent or Humbug. CLOT HI NO! CLOTHING! A lar|fe inyoiee at_nnprecede'Qt«4( Loiv PriCfes; at P. D. SMITH'S. A brrin neifr Organ at O; W; Ow m*# forflCfe; Bfirttlin & MeveiiS hairfc a iarge«t6«i of Clothing which they will sell at ver^ low pri<%s in order to redi«fe stock; P:trtiMilar ilttention paid to copfinjft - at the old Gallery- of B. A: Ford; by L, S; Gorton; • • .. 1 ;""r ,-^j PRINTS In new and desirable stj'leS | at 6 cents peir jritrd at Lansing A BvtiA* 1 son's. • 4 .>1 Bucklln & Stevens hiiv# It f#w Oref* Coats and Ladies Cloaks left which they will close out at such prices a* Will sell the 111. Fancy Note and Lotter Paper, with envelopes to match. Verv neat styles.- At Oi W. Owen's. Call At tiie Fine Art Gallery of L. S« Gorton; Over l^erry & Martin's Store, and ckamine his specimens.. Good Pictures or rto pay is his motto. ftnfcklih A stevens wish to reduce their stbHt W mhdli lis possible within the iiekt MJcty ttiiys and Will inake U' for thfc int^Hjst of dose Cash Bbye^s to call Oil tlii^itt; GREAT itEDuctiotf* In the prices of the Buffalo and Rotiii ester Boots and Shoes. Don't fall to see theiti before milking your selec­ tions. P. D*. SMITH; Boys Clothing, at F. G^M»yes« The village election is drawing near and it is time that the voters of the village of Richmond had decided liow to vote. Liceusc or 110 License is tlie question at issue now, and any voter who thinks any thing of himself and has the best 'merest of the lillage at heart will go to the polls ou election day aud put in a vote against King Alchohol. The remark is made "Oh, we have heard so much about in- teinperance it is the same old story over aud over again." Oh,- if tlicy could feel around their own hearth-stones its blighting, damning influence, it would appear to them, terribly new. They wo:;kl flnt! it. vsei .difftrsoee .hetv.'seii hearing and even seeing wrongs in­ flicted and having their own souls wrung beyond hum* 1 endurance. They have seen tlie bitter portion presented to some friend and have witnessed tiir anguish of its innocent victims, have seen the immediate subject of this evil in all tlie noble powers of manhood changed to a silly railing wreck of hu­ manity or Into a very demon of fur}', and still sonie willsay intemperance is au old worn out subject. When the last vigil has been kept, when the last, dead­ ly cup has been drained, when the shaft of intemperance has pierced its last human heart, when its scathing tide has swept away its last immortal soul, then, and not till then, will it be time to cease sounding in the ears of people its awful misery. NeU'rtil<l elegant styles Of Fall ing WinterDress GoodSi in the nibsfc pop^ ular shades.--Alsd ii liir£6 vrtriety of Ladies Waterproofing and Cloaking!* at P. D. SMITH'S* MARK 'EM DOWtf. Flannels and Woolens marked (lowIt to sell. Hats and Caps marked to close. Buck Mitts and Gloves sway down. Winter Goods of all kiadpt reduced at Buckliti A Steven's. Having engaged the services of a first-class Retolieher ih Chicago* 1 am now prepared to make as flue i'icttiret as can be found iu the couutjr. Collahil see specimens. T.. S. CiORto*, At Ford's old Uallcrti DON'T BUY FRUIT WW# you can raise it cheaper. Hav­ ing decided to go into the Nursery business, I offer to the public a first- class lot of Fruit, Shade, Ornamental and Evergreen Trees, as low as they can be afforded, and will make a liberal discouut for cash. This means business Come with your teams or cend for What you wish and you Will get it. K> A* BtJCKLAXO. Kiugwood. 111., April 9th, 1877. NEW SHOE SHOP. The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that he has opened a Shoe Shop in Lansing's Block, ueaf the Depot, and is now prepared to do work to order, ou short notice and warrant satisfaction every time. From a long experience he is confident he cau please the most fastidious. Particular atten­ tion paid to Repairing. Give me a call. WM Dow. COWS AT AUCTION! 75 Choice Cows Purchased North p|rt of Wisconsin, will in the be sold at Public Auction, at Lansing's Yards, Near the DepoO, McIIenry, IU.- Saturday, April 21st, 1877, Commencing at 10 o'clock A. M, Persons wishing a fow Clioire Cows to fill out their Dairies, or a single Cow for family use. win find this a rare, chance. TERMS.--Purchasers will be1 gfven Six Mouths time on approved Notes at 10 per cent interest, LANSINO & BE*TFBUX * F. K. GBAWGEH, Auctioneer. New arrivals of DRESS GOODS, Ginghams, Hosery. Ties and Fancy Notions, at Lansing & Evansen's. Bucklin & Stevens aro very thamkfa for the liberal patronage bestowed on thent for the past 5'ear exceeding their utmost expectation. They will start the year with renewed vigor by elosing oft their winter goods at MWh prices as must sell them. Bieafe thing hi Plows* CaJl' an<J se<. K. M.wrts FLOUR! FfcOURl Owing to the great rush of Custom Gi'i-.ivlhig at our Mill tve have been obliged to ship in several car loads of Minnesota Flour to accommodate Okf customers, and we are now offering Choice Minnesota Flour ac $7 pef barrel. We have also a good supply of Corn, Bran and Feed, which We aro selling at corresponding low figures We warrant everything delivered from our Mill just as represented Give lis a Call. A. II. HANI.EY & SON. KKMGHBER THIS. Now is the time of year for Pnettmo- nia, Lniuf Fever. Coughs, Colds, and fatal results of predisposition to Con­ sumption and other Throat and Lung Disease. BOSCHEE'3 GERMAN STRUP has beeu used iu this neighborhood for the past two or three years without a single failur* to cure. If yon have not used this medicine jro»rse)*f, go to your Drnggist, Henry Colby, and ask him of its wonderful success among his custom' ers. Three doses will relieve the worst ease. If yon have no faith In any medicine, just buy a Sample Bottle of BOSCHEE'S GERMAN Si'iit P far 10 cents and try it. Regular size bottle 75 cents. Dfcn't neglect a cough to save 75 ceats MARUIED. PERKINS--WAT'OX--R\- tlie Rev. R. K* T->dd, at his residence »n Woodstock* thO SKh inst.. Mr. Edwin (1. Perkins and Mir** Hiuinah Watson, both of Nui»l«, Sfclieiury On. til. MeHENKT MAHKICT. BUTTER--Packed, 20(£23 cts. Rons, I5@I8. CHEESE--1-fc. EG<JS-- 12 Jets, LARD--13 cfs. BEAK'S--81 <50@1»75 per bushel. O A T S -- 2 8 c . POTATOES--81 per bushel. COHN--$13 per Ton. FLOUR--#7.00@$8.5Q per barrel IIoos -- Dressed, $fi.60. Lit*, 4.St)<gi§3. TIMOTHY SEED--#1.40(§1.60>er task* el. CLOVER SKED--•"@8.00 per basket. FLAX SEED--#1.40^1.50 per bashoL HUNGARIAN--|P cts. per bnelei. HAY--$3($6 per Ton. TURKEYS--Liver S@I0'ct»f>*r poaa4. CHICKENS--Live, per paumd

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