' f / When fie was A Boy. In an article on " The Historic Build ings of America," in Potter's Ameri can Monthly for June, Dr. Lossing tells a delightful anecdote, introducing us to the early boyhood of Washington and his friend, Richard Henry Lee. The anecdote is told in connection with an account of Stratford House, the family seat of the Lee family, and is as follows: It [Stratford House] is only a mile from the birth-place of Washington, and stood in the midst of a highly-cultivated country, dotted with the mansions of people who formed a very refined society. There Washington and Richard Henry Lee undoubtedly often played together, and within that mile between the dwell ings was the scene of the following cor respondence when they were boys only 9 years old, there being only afew weeks difference between weir ages. Little 1£j0g * Pa brought me two prettv books fall of pic- tores he got them in Alexandria they have pic tures of aogs and cats and tigers and elefants and ever so many pretty thinga cousin bids me send you one of them it has a picture of an dtefant and a little indian boy on liis back like uncle jo's sam pa eays if I learn my tasks good he will let uncle jo bring me to see you will you Mk your ma io let you come to see me. BXCIIABD HENBY LBS. To this note little Washington re plied : DBAB DIOKKY--I thank you very much for the pretty picture book you gave me. 8am asked me to show him the pictures and I showed bim all the pictures in it; and I read to hi™ how the tame elephant took care of the master's little boy, and put him on his back and would not let anybody touch his master's son. I can read three or four pages sometimes with out missing a word. Ma says I may go to see you and stay all day with you if it be not rainy. She says I may ride my pony Hero if Uncle Ben' will go with me and lead Hero. I have a little piece of poetry about the picture book you gave me, but I musn't tell you who wrote the poetry : G. W.'B compliments to R. H. L. -" And likes his book full well, •Henceforth will count his friend, And hopes many happy days he may spend. Your good friend, GEORGE WASHINGTON. This poetry was written, it is said, by Mr. Howard, a gentleman who used to visit at the house of Mrs. Washington. #ur Reserve Army. Statistics just published in regard to the militia force of the United States show the following interesting facts : There are attached to the militia 115 general officers, 895 regimental officers, and 4,356 company officers. Total num ber of commissioned officers, 6,541. Non commissioned officers, musicians and privates, 83,826. The total number of men available for military service, but at present unorganized, is 2,875,460-- apportioned as follows: Maine, 78,376; New Hampshire, 36,394; Vermont, 30,112; Massachusetts, 247,495 ; Rhode Island, 40,839; Connecticut, 61,302; New York, 483,183; New Jersey, 134,257; Pennsylvania, 356,393; Delaware, not reported; Maryland, 88,244; Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina, not reported; South Carolina, 79,040; Geor gia, Florida and Alabama, not reported; Mississippi, 135,178; Louisiana, 113,209; Texas, 78,458; Arkansas, 95,195; Ken tucky, 217,044; Tennessee, not reported;' Ohio, 229,725; Indiana, Michigan, Illi nois, Missouri, Wisconsin and Minne sota, not reported; Iowa, 169,118; Ne braska, 46,000; Kansas 90,000; Nevada and Oregon, not reported; California, 101,937. A rough calculation of the mil itary available in the omitted States, based on the proportion of availables to population in the other States, gives them nearly 1,500,000, so that the military strength of the nation on paper -is in round numbers 4,375,460 men. Death off a Promising Young Lady. Chicago papers record the death of Miss Alta M. Hulett, the well-known female lawyer of that city. Her death occurred in San Diego, Cal., whither she fled in November from consumption, which attacked her early last fall; but hey enemy followed her. Miss Hulett was in her 23d year at the time of her death. She was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court in June, 1873. She had the sincere respect and esteem of all with whom she came in contact. Her business grew rapidly, and her prospects were very bright. Her ability was unquestioned, and in addition to her law practice she was ia. the habit of lecturing on various subjects. She had considerable prac tice in the courts, and had the respect of the bench and bar without exception. She had many excellences of character, and was personally beloved by all who knew her. In the death of Miss Hulett the legal profession loses a member whose promise was remarkable, and the question of woman's success in arduous professional careers becomes more serious. Over-work, sanguine but hon orable ambition, and a recklessness of health have closed an outlook as encour aging for the sex as it was brilliant for the individual A Manntactory of Cripples. A manufactory of cripples for begging has been unearthed in Hungary. It seems that, twenty years ago, a man named Trouilleson, his mistress and her brother came to Radna and started this establishment, amassing a large fortune out of the horrid trade. Children were kidnapped from all the surrounding cities, brought to Radua and placed in the hands of the mutilators, and thus were procured the horribly disfigured beggara for which the city has been noted. A medical professor of Prague discovered the place and notified the po lice, and the result was the arrest of the proprietors and disclosures which have horrified all Austria. In a filthy hall, as the officers entered, were huddled 100 wretches, legless, armless, blind, dis torted ; in hospital were three children, just recovering from amputations of hands or feet, while in a pit beneath the tort ure-chamber were putrefying human limbs. That the existence of this den was not unknown to the authorities is shown by the fact that the Mayor and two other officials have been arrested for accepting bribes to keep the matter secret; while the infuriated people can hardly be restrained from anticipating on the criminals the tardy justice of the guillotine. The Profit off Cotton-Raising. The Financial Chroniclc has an article on the cost of cotton production. It be lieves the turning-point has come to that interest, and that the results of the year prove that cotton can be raised profitably m the Southern States at present prices. tion by an overseer--o expensive way. He raised 82,175 pounds, which netted him $7,828.50. Tne total cost of the crop was $5,413, leaving him a profit of $2,515.50. Had the crop been sold later it would have realized about $1,000 more. If he had lived with his family on the plantation, and done his own overseeing, the profit could easily have been doubled. ALL SORTS. MODKKX marriages, says a contempo- porary, begin with a oourt and end with » court ACTRESSES have their pictures taken when they are young, and when they are old their lithographs do not depait from them. MURIATIC ACID, poured on the wound made by the bite of a dog, may prevent hydrophobia, but the best way Is to shoot the dog before he bites. THE republic of Mexico covers an area of 760,000 square miles, and is divided into twenty-three states, having a popu lation of about 8,000,000. BALD-HEADED men are so numerous in Chicago that an audience in that city is said to look, when viewed from above, like a cobble-stone pavement. THE man who returned from the Cen tennial without a medal is confident that he Could have taken one if they had not been so carefully guarded by policemen* THE Pans, Lyons and Mediterranean railroad extends over 3,195 miles, and, the whole system, when completed, will cover 4,423, a greater mileage than any American road can show. THE skeleton of the United States ship California, built eight years ago at a cost of $1,000,000, lies out at Hunter's Point, South San Francisco, The wreckers are gradually tearing it to pieces. JENNIE (looking in a milliner's win dow)--" Don't you think they are very pretty ?" Lizzie (whose thoughts are on the other side or the street)--"Very, especially the one with theJLong, black side-whiskers." THERE are 448 public schools in Phila delphia, with an aggregate membership of 99,291, of -whom 49,602 are male and 49,689 female scholars. The amount ex pended last year in support of these schools was $1,688,836.02. ABOUT the time the Khedive's Red Sea expedition to cut off the slave traffic started on its mission the rare and at tractive harem in the Mofettish, con sisting of 300 white slaves, besides the blacks, was brought to the hammer at Cairo. A YOUNG woman from the rural dis tricts entered a dry goods store the other day and asked for a pair of stockings. The clerk politely asked her what num ber she wore. " Why, two, you fooL Do you think I am a centipede, or that I nave a wooden leg ?" MARCH. The brown buds thicken on the trees, Unbound, the free streams sing, As March loads forth across the less The wild and windy spring. Where in the fields the melted snow Leaves hollows warm and wet, Ere many days will sweetly blow The first blue violet. --Elizabeth A kern .4 lien. S " PROF. A. GRAHAM BELL, the inventor of the telephone, was born in Edin burgh, in Scotland. His father, Prof, A. M. Bell, who became noted as the in ventor of a method for teaching deaf mutes to speak and of a universal system of phonography, is now living in Brandt- ford, Ontario. A MAN went into a photographic gal lery at Stockton, Cel., to sit for his like ness, and borrowed the proprietor's watch and chain to adorn his person while having his picture taken, and when the operator took the plate into the dark room walked off with the jew elry. TH HE Scranton Republican says that an astonishing discovery has recently been made to the effect that all the mar riage ceremonies performed in Pennsyl vania have been illegal and consequently are not binding, so says an act passed in 1777, lately discovered among the ar chives at Harrisburg. THE German coast is now bristling with guns and torpedoes from Memel to the Dutch frontier. The iron-clad fleet, specially destined for the protection of the coasts, is composed of five frigates and a corvette, without counting «ne frigate in course of construction. French money paid for all these works. A FLORAL EXPERIMENT.--A lady of our acquaintance has tried experiments with charcoal on the roots of her plants with singular effect. Those bearing red and violet colored flowers were rendered extremely brilliant by a free use of pow dered charcoal about the roots. Yellow flowers did not, however, show any per ceptible effect. A CORRESPONDENT relates in a paper at St Helena, CaL, a story of a wonderful dog m Pope valley. The owner kept sheep, and the dog herded them, fi nally the sheep were sold to a Berryessa man (an adjacent valley some ten miles awav). The owner and the dog deliv ered the sheep and returned home. Soon after the man missed his dog, and searched for him in vain. He was a val uable dog, and his loss was duly mourned for a couple of days, when, behold, up he came from Berryessa with the whole band of sheep, which he had brought safely home again. THEY have been experimenting in Cal ifornia in raising hogs upon grapes. Mr. Joseph P. Dow publishes in the Russian River Flag an account of his experience in feeding a single porker. He turned the animal into his vineyard with a weight of 160 pounds, and it re mained there twenty-seven days, having nothing to eat during . that time except the finest grapes, such as Flame, Tokay, Black Hamburg and Muscat. It was then slaughtered and weighed 163 pounds net, equal to 203 pounds gross, showing a gain of forty-three pounds, or one and a half pounds per day. JOHN NATHAN, a negro, was killed in St. Louis by a man whom he was assail ing with a knife. On Nathan's body was found eleven soars, nearly all from stabs received in Street fights ; and he had inflicted, it is said, many more wounds than he had received. Another noteworthy thing about him was his be lief in the efficacy of charms. In his pockets were found two potatoes, to ward off disease ; a rabbit's foot, which he held in his hand " for luck" in throw ing dice; an herb, to enable him to choose winning numbers in policy play ing, and a peculiar shell to drive away evil spirits. An Agonizing Choice. The Memphis (Tenn.) Appeal relates the following in its account of the recent burning of the steamer Gov. Garland in the Arkansas river: " Capt. Nowland's conduct was heroic. Finding it impossi ble to rescue his wife and two children, he was compelled to forsake either the former or the latter. He had no time to hesitate, for the flames were already scorching the passengers, Capt. Now- land kissed his little children farewell, and, seizing his wife, plunged into the water. He looked back, but the little children he could not see, for his eyes filled with tears, such as oniy a father or mother can know the meaning of. A deck-hand, named Billy Staples, whose home is in Memphis, witnessed the sad farewell. Seizing both of the children in his strong arms, the brave man leaped into the water and carried them Bafely to the shore." FASHIONS Laavt Armure Overskiti it popular sty! Ms Pattern si The Infest most We will mall s Cloth Model free, for lOctMor stamps), to pay mall expenses TMl We will send the Pattern with >Cloth Model of this New "Prince**" Polonaise, free, for _ Ten Cents (or 3 stamps), "PrinctM Polonaise." To pay nailing expense#, Smith's MrnctMoot & Cataltpe. Handreda of Large Illustrations of " » Stamps and Ret It hv return _-- A. BURDETTE SMITH, Editor, P. O. Box 6066. It East 14th St., N. Y. CH)f. Styles, with pressiaaklH Send Two St Both Patterns and ... SEE our STYLES RICH BEAUTIFUL. F A R M E R S , F A R M E R S ' W I V E S . SONS and DAUGHTERS, attention I Liearn to beautify your HOMES CULTiyATE the SOIL to the BEST AD VANTAGE and most ECONOMICALLY. A T and best GUIDES and CAT ALOGUES in the .WORLD. •«.-J£veFy0:?0 ^avingr a FARM or GAR DEN should send a Postal-Card at for FBJEK descriptive CIRCULAR: or 10c. for Utaatrated Catalogue, 136 pages p. o. Box, 8. K. BUSS & SDNS, N° 5712, 34 Barclay St.. New York. ACTS WANTED FOR HISTORY 1 It contains nearly 400 fine engravings of buildings and sesnes In the Great Exhibition, and is the oniy authentic and complete history published. It treats of the (rand buildings, wonderful exhibits, curiosities, (treat events, etc. Very cheap, and sells at sight. On* Agent sold 48 copira: in one day. Send for our extra terms to Agents and a full description of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Chicago, III. ft fk ff fUTrtXT Unreliable rind worthies* books on I/IIU 1 IV/il . the Kxhiliit ion urn being circulated. Do not b«> deceived. See that the book you buy contains 918 pages and nearly 4(M) tine engravings. DR. WARNER'S HEALTH CORSET. With £»kirt Supporter and Self-Adjusting Pads. SeeurcB HEALTH and Couroivzot .Body, with GBACE end BEAUTY ©1 Form. Three Garment* in one. Approved by all "liymcifttiF. AGENTS W ANfKB. Sam pies by mall, In Contil, $3; Satteen, fl 76. To Agents at 25 cents less. Order size two inches smaller than waiat mea sure over the dress. Warner Bros. 763 Broadway,H.Y. Lands for Sale 960.000AcrexiiSostkvestHissoiri First-class Stook Farms, excellent Agricultural ' iid*. and the best Tobacco Uegion in the West.. Short win ters, no grasshoppers, orderly society, good markets and a healthy country- I.o»v I'rlrc*: l,oii* Credit! Truiinportmiuii t.i the lands furnished par- ebasers. For further information, addies* A. L. DK ANR. Ijind Commissioner. Si. JjeaSa CENT. NET for the money lender. In terest paid semi-annually finsfc yc-iiv in advance. Security 4 to 10 times the loan in land alone, exclusive of the buildings. (Present ensh value by sworn appraisers.) No investment safer. No payments more promptly met. Itest of reference* given. Send stamp for particulars. D. S. It. .JOHNSTON* Negotiator of Mortgage Loans, ST. PAUT.. MINNESOTA. HIotLers Who Have Daughter* That Have Weak Luna* Should arrest the disease when it Is In the incipient stages. 'It is indicated by a hacking cough, pains in the chest, difficulty of breathing, or oppression of the lungs. If this be permitted to run on, tubercles will form, and Consumption will t>e the result. A most valuable rem edy will be found in Allen's Lung Balsam to cure and check tbis disease in its first stage. For sale by all Medicine Dealers. CHURCH'S MUSICAL $20 Worth af JHulc Daring the Year. VISITOR. Every number has 35? jsnges of MUBIC and Musical Sto ries, Sketches, Editorials, Letters, Lessons, etc., etc. Choice of Four Elegant Premium Volumes, FREE to every subscriber at S«i I .oO a year. Send stump J'orfull particulars, or 16c. for sample, with last song of P. P. Bliaa. Address J. CHURCH A- CO.. Cincinnati. O. - IT ftEIiLW AT HKillT." Frank Leslie's Historical Register •---OF XHE -- CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION Is the only complete Pictorial History ot the Centennial published. A mammoth panorama. l.OOO large engTST- tngn, many of them being U)<i_by90M incnes. A Mead WwUeiL Address AGENCY DEPAKT'MKS'£ FRAJIK LESLIE'S PUBLISHING HOUSfc. U7 PSM* SUMt, Nsw York. MTIOML lis IT CURABLE JO • - - - vholmvo suffered from the various and com- „„H P'icated forms of disease assumed by Catarrh, ana have tried many physicians and.remedies without Lor c.u,re» await the answer to this Question with considerable anxiety. And well they §nar. for no difeense that can be mentioned Is so n nfVerssily nrcva* lent and so destructive to health as Catarrh. Bron- and serious and frequently rata! affections of theluiiMfollow. In many cues ft ctN of simple but neglected catarrh. Othi r svmpathetl? enactions, such as deafness, impaired evc-Biirht and loss ot sense ot smell, m.iv be referred to ns minor bat nevertheless serious results of neglected Catarrh, bad enough In themselves, but as nothing compared with , ""dangerous affoction* of the throat and lungs likelj IT CAN BE CURED. 1T can be cored. There Is no donbt about It. The -A immediate relief afforded by SAN FORK'S RADICAL VTTRK FOR CITIMB is CTkliUce of WHAT inaytollow a persistent use of tins remedy. .Tlic hard, incrnsted matter that has lodged in the nasal pussatrcs mr,*v\nV w,th a fowL applications : the ulceration and Inflammation subdued and healed; the entire niembrauouH linings of the head are demised and purlin-d. Constitutionally its action is that of a pow erful purifying agent, destroying In its course through tne system the <>• Id poixon, the destructive agent In CAtai'rU&l Uiscasc* i . * VI ktttc it J mat w iiuit'Nue niiQ ri'um UfUff- S»ts throughout the United States. WEEKS & POT- XKu, wtocral Ag^nU lud Wholesale Druggists. Boi* ?**«•* 1 "*r **4 K*'// Mr.' "?.«• / PONDS COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTER 18 THE BEST. ASK FOR Collins' Voltaic Plaster. Collin F' Voltaic Plaster. Collins8 Voltaic Plaster. Collins" Voltaic Plaster. Collins® Voltaio Plaster. Collins* Voltaio Plaster. 4 Collins' Voltaio Plaster. Collins5 Voltaio Plaster. €oUio8' Voltaic Plaster. COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTER NEVER FAILS TO QUICKLY Affections of the Chest. Affections of the Lungs. Affections of the Hoart. Affections of the J <iver. Affections of t he Spleen. Affections of th© Kidneys. Affections of the Spine. Affections of the Nerves. Affections of the Muscles. Affsct.ions of the Joints. ^ Affections of the Bones. Affections of the Sinews. Sold by all Prugglsts^ Price 25 rents. Sent bv mall on receipt ot V!3 cents for one, $1.35 for six, or lata for Vs 'V.1'wapped and warranted, by WEEKS * POllKU. 1 roprietore, Boston, Believe Believe Beliovo Believe Believe Believe Be|i eve CAVAKRH.-POHII'K Extract is nearly a Spe cific for this disease. It can hardly be ox- celled, even iu old and obstinate eases. The relief in so prompt that no one who has ever tried it will bo without it. CHAPPED IIAM»S AND FACE.-Pond's Extract stiould be in every family this rou»fh weather. It removes the soreness aud roughness, and noft<>KM ami HE#!i the R)*m promptly. RHBUMATIfi U. - During severe and ehanjreable weather, no one subject to Hheurnatic Vains should be one day without Pond's Exrrnct, which nlwnvs relieves. SORB 1.1 NC;s. CONSUMPTION, COI UHSK. C'OIJDS.- -This cold weather tries the Lungs sorely. Have Pond's Extract ou hand always. It relieves the pain and cures the disease. CHILBLAINS will be promptly relieved and ultimately cured by 'h»tlnmr the afflictid parts with POIHI'H Extract. FROSTED LDl lIS. -l'oiid'nExiriirt invniin- foly rellcvpH the pain and liimllj Cures. SORB THROAT. QUINSY, INFLAMED TONSILS AND AIR PASSAKKS are promptly cured by the us.' of Pond's _ Extract. It never fails. HISTORY Nnd U*es of POIHI'H Extract, LU _ pamphlet fc-ia. sent fr>\i on •ipTiliontioii to POND'S EXTRACT CO.. »N Mniden Laue, New \ ork. Sold by DruinriNts. [Established 1*46.] NEW WILLCOX & <UHB8 HT1MATIC J.ESTBY&OO. BrattiLolaoro, \Tt. IsrSend for Illustrated Catalosme THE BEST PAPER PUBLISHED Toledo Blade! ( Xnsltif'x I'll per.) Commencing April ({, the Toledo 'Weekly Rltidtt will contain, each week, 1111 article from one of the fol lowing distinguished gentlemen: II on. Win. >1. IivurtH, tSecrstarrof 8tat*. linn. .I0I111 Slit'riiinii. Secretary of the Treaantj. II011. I). _>I. lie v. Postmaster General. II 011. Carl Scliiirsr., Secretory <>t the Interior. II oil. .las. N. Tvner, Inte Postmaster General. II <111. O. P. .Morton, Senator troiu Indiana. Hon. J It*. I<. ftliiiiic, Senator tmin Maine. IS 011. ('luirlCM Fowler. Representative from Ohio, and li> nther Statesmen and Public. Men. Tile PulilUherit siuikn tins announcement by permission. Specimen Copies of Tlie lllude mailed tree fi> any address. Send a Postal Card. __ Addreei "1ILADE," Toledo. Ohio. RUE'S HAND CULTIVATOR Jk SEED I»IU1X Highest prize at Centennial for the Best Haml Cultivator. GEO. W. RUE, Hamilton, 0. NATURE'S REMEDY. mJ( T-E OntAi BLOOO PufiiriER ftocofnmwnu gf Heartily. SOUTH BOB TO *. MR. STEYIKS : Dear Sir--I hare taken several bottles of jronr VKO*- TINKe &sm! am convinced it Is a valuable remedy fot Djepepaia, Kidney Complaint, and general debility of (he system. „ . , , .. I can heartily recommend it to all suffering from tilt ab»?fa Mauplainta. You^sje.t^ pARKKR 386 Athene atrjot. Latest . Invention, and%Sn\ § producing \ff ny most JIH W Mr Marvcloaa Q^BT Keealts. Trtlr Mirk li bwi of in Only machlm >M the world With Automatic Tension and Stitch Indicator. •nrv machine. SILENT SEWING MACHINE. Send Postal Card for lllnstMled Price List, &c. Willcox & Oibbs S. M. Co., *Cor. Bond St.« 658 llr«»dw»y. New York. CHEAP, SIMPLE, RELIABLE ^FRU!TJA»S<^ ALL GLASS BrpfEnjHAHPoî cEî iH LiHED Loss **.IHCOKVEMIENCEAVOIDED PV LIDL^O CLAMP5_IN ONE PIECE FIRST P*REMIUMS NEW-YORK AMERICAN INSTITUTE. --1076-1876-- PNILAD'A r RAM KLIN INST1TUT -- 1B74- --» lENTENSSSSAL. 1070 - , PATEHT-BA^F\EL-CEMENT FOR QLASS OR TIN COVERS AMP WIRES SIMPLE CDHANSEY GLASS MFC CD. " ; CDR 3 D I ARCH ST5 . PHILADCLPHIAl DO to any acTdress. NOT Purchase any a r t i c l e un t i l you have our new Catalogue. Great reduction in prices. Free MONTGOMERY WARD A CO., Original Grango Supply House 227 & 229 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. We Bb«oM be pleaeM to havetti« sMnnl rof ererjr un«m|>tojed p«raoa, L&dj or jGcDLlem&Q, r«n;urially that tffes^rienoedAgents aud as^crs^ Tt will coRibutoKB csitr lo place yourselves in c oftliou with us, aud the mutual bcaeHts thai umy be fderlvfd from St, arc not to be estimated ID dollars a ad t cents, alone. Wo furiiUb more lucrative employment to individual* Mattered throughout the Union than nv other hou« in America. Dou'tdelay, butiuveati* [gate this at once by addressing THE ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY, lUSutUouiousl., Utiiuugu. BEST TEAS. rOPPEM, A\» Dealers. familiM, and coasusnvn ineeoeralof above article® ehould call at JOS. 8TINER & CO.*8 whole«ak- warehouse, 1?8 and 18t Chambers street, cor. Washington, New York, where they will find the largest and choicest selected stock In the country at lowest possible wholesale prices, in lota to suit customers. Orders by mail will meet prompt attection. Send for circular. Address P. O. box 4237. AGENTS WANTED $2,500 A Y'KAK. AtiKNTS WANTED on our <.riind ComkiniitlMi Frospcctus, representing ISO DI8TINCT BOOKS, wtiiifd efsfrywhere. The hlgsewf thinn ever tried. Suit-:; ruad® from this wticn nil i vaala Books faiL Abo. Atreuta WHuted on our .M AI.NIFlt'KNT FAMILY 111 ltl.i'*S. Superiortonllofiiera. With InvaluableIllos- truted Aids and Super!) Bindings, TUeiws Rookn l>ent the World. Full panlculiin free. Addrew JOHN E. POTTER A CO.. Publishers. PHILADELPHIA. WHITNEY & HOLMES O R G A N S VKW AMI i:i.K(; \^T STYI.FS, with V»lu- X* nhle Improvement® : New and Beautiful Solo Stops. Organists and BiuMciitng everywht're indnreo these OrpanB. and recommend them n> JStrirtly Pir»t-('la** in Ti'ne. Meclmiiistn itnd Durability. Warranted Five Ycurs. Send for Price-Lists. WHITNEY & HOLMES ORGAN CO., Quincy, Illinois. CARPET^ WARP. TO TH£ CONSTJMEH. HuTing Improved the quality of our Warp, now behut •old under the " PEERLESS " ticket, w© ehall hereafter adopt, for the improved Quality, tlie brand "WHITE STAR, AAA." We shall also manufacture a lower quality of Warp, which will be sold under tne "PEERLESS" brand. Inquire for " WHITE STAR AAA" Carpet Warp of all leading Dry Goods Dealers. MAZARINE BLUE GLASS For curative purposes and cumulating the growth of animal and vegetable liie. Examined and approved by. General Pleasonton. and Ills certificate accompanying ea-H purchase. GL, •» CUT :o EXACT SIZE, with FAU diroctiou for use and t rraiigeiient in the sash. Fur sale. Wholesale und Ileta.il. by Ab«>,.itf2 UENJA.Ul.V II. SIlOK.XAKKRt each PER mull, F&E «CH PLATE GUIBS DEPOT, iral Pleaaenton's <V5 to Sill N. Fourth 81, I XrHT. ricaa,Ol on BLUB and SUW I UHT. •CLFBIA. M1IS. '8 B08T0F« EECELP»T8. A NEW OOOK BOOK. 220 ECONOMICAL KKCKIFT8. PRICE, FIFTY CENTS. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Booksellers, BOSTON, MASS. If«uiHc-l£»'«'|ier of 'iO Years' BUTTER COLOR. The BEAT Liauid C««ior ID the world, and the <<uly ouc awarded Ceiiti'Dniul Prize Mi-dal. It Rive* to buttrr a golden vellow color like June ^ra^a butter, producing better sale* and at higher price, besides improving butter in color and flavor and keeping. IK far superior to Auuetto, carrots or ANY other color MANUFAC ture, and the only fluid-color that will uot color buttermilk, if added to cream before churning. 1 pound will color 10UU pouuds of butter. The best and cheapest to ro*color white butter. I will •end, on receipt of money, free by express, to uujr oftice K*aut of MinnUMppi River, r lb., 92.00; 1 lb., Farmer* club together and try it. Aetotft Wanted. Cut out and preserve. •HM/R. HMIfli »-!• rhltarfrlphta. Fa. a week In your own town. Terms and 96 outfit IpOC tree. H. HALLKTT A CO.. Portland, $25 ̂ S£L• ̂ SaiBMs HUB. II 'XV JtQA » Day. BOW TO VAKR /r. thing a Vml"and salable. COE, 1QNGK ii CO., SR. Intuit, J ®1 o A DAY «t home. Agents wanted. Ontfit a flJ I«. tormn free. TRUE k CO., Aoguste, Mains, nriffll yrps 7shot $3 00.70 styles. lU.Cnt.frie. lib V ULv CnWESTERN GUN Wonts, Chicagu,M. <2^/4 A A WERE. Catalogue and sample FRKK. FELTQN A CO., IL» SMMB St., Kew YQIK. feet: p *77 sWeekto Ajrentfl, 810 Outfit FHBB. 900 f, *>/ / P. o. VICKEKY, Auguata, liahia. ftC 4-n (Qfl pot day at home. Samples worth tt W frea. STINBOH A CO. , Portland. RELIEVED, no Mxoiora. 1# r Book free. G. ,T. WOOD, Ma«rt«on, Ind. flOLOlt A TIC) VIEWS of Town#, NISET, fa. uyiJUaAWU Specimen, with full daacription oi country and map. 25c by mail from J. ElCK, Paookt, OA t'TS. .Nare Cnre for C'nlnrrh. Remedies in your house. C. BOX 1288, Springfield. MUM. SK('ONI).IIAXII SCHOOL ROOK 10 jSmA,* JL mailed, «Mi»rpnid, upon reoeii>t of half pnb- lished price. A. ». CLARK. <Kt Naaaaa St., New York. Till' !*• S. Rl.l'K BOOK.--A Rejrintisr of awwy Office under th«' Gov«"riiin^nt, throUK^out the U. ftitli B.il»rie»; includes Poetuiticea, Cust<jm Clerkships, plr. Great chance for Agent*. P. .. Mnw. Address SOULB A CO., WASHmOTOK. FIRE m Buoaea, Prio^T^ IOM. D. u. I will forwnrd a useful (.'irculur to every person wtfcO owns real or personal property, Fr«e ot" ( ont. H. WEEKS 178 Broadway, New York. "I K Best Fsirlitt8011 you ever MW, liy mail, X '/ for IO cte. E. S. HAFF. 114 Centre Street, N.Y. ACCMTQ Ct-hhrp Illustriited Cntidoeue, FRKE. HP fall I q BOS'l'ON NOVELTY CO., Boston, UaM. A FORTUNE ri.uu' by a. few Mnart men who can keep t Can benKu ooonsel. Addrtws J. R. GLADDING, Hob'ken, H. keep their oMI -*.• J. RA AAA Mil Dallv, The newest and best »/y"»Vvl" tiling out. Everybody buys one. Sells at sight. " I cannot tell a lie, I carry my little Hatchet.1* Send 10 eta. for sample, 3 for 25 ct*., to E. S. HAFF. 114 Centre St..N.Y. Agents make $ lOaday. Trytt. l ^iiKA i;i'.ST articles ever offered to the public. V_-' On receipt, of t!V cts we will send by mail, postpaid, one Indies' tfuld-tilated urn.nnental Shawl Pin, alsoons of the newest style Hnt ornainents. These (roods are of tlie newest and latest (tailing: are worth ten times tfee money Trr us, you will send atriin. NEW YORK MANUFACTURING CO., 231 Cnurch Street, N.Y. Use Austin's Patent K«-I Fnoe DJT mail, X cents. Her, .Measure, Paper Cut4 AUSTIN MFG. CO., tec & Blotter Combined.) No. GO W.5th §t..Phils ITOW TO MAKE S2« JPL ING TEAS TO FAMILIES. THIi CHE CANTON TEA CO. Sjt.,Philk to 940 per week SELL- KS. Circulars free. Ad's 148 Chamber* St., NewVork. FBI I FBAH or FITS «urud by Dr. Cr Hits 1Ol Renieillcs. TKRAL PACKAGK SKS'T RKEK. Ross' Epileptii XT FEJBK. Address, KOSA BROS., BICHMOKO, LM, CHEAP Mrsic. UV/l/OLi X O Catalogues free by mall. iOtlSE V A* fO., 3 j East 14th Street, New York. 4*-»fONCK'S PATENT ROLI.ING-STEEL GLA88- 111 CIJ'I'TERS" are used by the largest glass-cutting houses both in thia country and in Europe. Every fam ily vhoulii have cine. Sent !>y mail for 25 cents. Addieas S. G. MONOE. Exclusive Manufacturer. Bristol. C«nn. F VIMIFltS, buy FISHER'S PATENT SICKLE GRINDERS, HAY FORKS and FAHM BEIXS. Sold by Daalors. Cirruhim.fiH. FISHER, Canton. O. A W N I S M C S . T E N T S , W nterprnof t'overx. Sians, Window ShndHK &c. Mt'KKAY A HAKrii. 1(MI Sonth !>«». plRlners St., Chicago. Send for Illustrated Prtc«t.IA»l. ANTEO-AeEM-ir'a:^ Mr'til Si\:' ety for Bunihifj J'ttnl Oil. Write for particulars to " < "IN('I'NN A*M SAl'KTY l.Aill' CO., CINCINNATI. Q. with our Mianuil ana ..fit. Circular* ^r••. Fulton St.. Nsw York w MONEY n. R. ii AKTHOK iSTAVroKUt lOd Fait kOLl!* Kubbrr Typr. Stamps , END JXIE CATALOGUE lomething New r aak 11. S IvoKimor,*;, g P.uh! year Statton»t. I»(» B'wsy.-N.Y. DniTersal BowhoUer txatod circular to V* „ N. Hiiiu, AgtM P. O. Box U6B( K.Y* $10? $1,001) Invested in Wall 8t. Stocks 1 fortunes every month. Book 1 free explaining everything. Address BAXTER * CO.. Bankers, 17 Wall St.. N. Y. W A DTrnVn--Men and Women out of wartr Is ww AH A EiU write for the extraordinary indos^ mentK to Agents on our family paper wiih its four superb Premiums. ,IA8. H. BARLE.JBO Hawley St., Boston. AQCVTQ-Our new book. " ItMI.OOO FACTS bell I O FOR Title PFIIIM.i:," is havin* nn lnimonKe wile. Secure territonr. tor eir-culars. addrt*ss SHAFER A CO., Sx. LoriR, Mo. a, WATCHES. A Great Sensation. Samph Kx Watch and Out lit Jr,« to Aqruts. Better than WW Gold. Addresa A. COULTER & CO..Chicago. & MoBSli.--Agsnt* SUM =•»» --• tae artielss la ttas srariX Oas sa»*» hss -* m,-m 1 4 BOSIIOS.PwiS W* a yenr to Apents. t hi frit ami a. f>:r. Shot Gun /rrr. For tfrnis dross. J. Wort/i ({• t\i., S3SS W i l i y T C O -- t o s o l i c i t o r d e r s f o r o n r . nil I CB penniuieiit employment; gooc •alary. Traveling expenses paid by Oompasjr. linlen Imluntlial Works. 01ncinn*U.O f^ASTERN" OKEfiON I.AM1N.-«U<MXK> ij .'isTcs. 'Soil rich, title perfect, crops n-rtn.r». cli mate unMirpaa*ed. For sale at from $1.50 to •ere. Tervis e:is>. Fur Circular Map, Ac., apply tiWu . r»T".- s*<n l't'iuci*eo,Califopnia. A APMTC I'ltlmRtnfn Rnrnrr«, I7s> ViCI* I © hrenknltlo I.itnip < !iim« •leys, Wiclv 32 jnrdst; Oil. STOVES* EMPIRE (.AMP »T«»VES. Ac.. *c. Ps*. Mculnrs tree. ' HII,D A PRATT, Cii>cinn«ti»|0. The Mrook & Fitnn CHT tfunritf. ral Calendar. Jnura.il, and S Sample Plants, 25 ete " J. CliniVlis. Sec., liox 837, Poterson.NTj Floral Lints Free. MAotOC a day sure rnado byAgi'»te toll • n HIhih/ SI Crayons, Picture an ' "" I pi II T!i. P1 . worth fig, 1M1! ted Catalogue fkree. J. H. BUFFORD ^ ^ ... Clironio^. Crayons, Picture and Ohrom.i Cards. 185 »». worth 46. sent Boiljmid for 86e. Illiutr.- " * 'NS. BOSTON MASS. And Ns* Wear Oat. Sold by Watchmaker*. By mail, 30c. Circulars baa J. S. BIRCH it CO., 38 Dey Street, New York. TELEGRAPH Railroad and Business taught. nations guai'aatssdL Small salary paid while learning. Address, immediately. N. W. TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE, JanssTills, Wis. THE BEST LAND 1 BEsr ^ LOWEST PRICES. ^ 8nd far Pamphlet of the Reliable BurUcgton Ho&l. AtMrtsf, I:t4 Cccaitilcrcr.E. £ 1.'. T. 7. I|a . B77.LIN 17)11. I37r\ ff"*0 IN THE UNITED STATEO A SI EN'TS. we want jon. New article. A. tion. Rend for particulars. H. A. WHITN1CY MANUFACTURING CO., Vine St.,Cincinnati,O. 30,000 CopietSoM in Two Months MARK TWAIN'S New Rook, "Adventures of Tom Kawynr," is the book tliat outsells everything, and amnta mass money on. Don't fool away time on dull works, but eet tins live book. Send for circulars to AM RRICAN PUB. CO., Hartford. Conn.: Onieago. III.: Cincinnati. Ohio. AUENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO SELL THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF WILLIAMH. SEWARD One Volume, 822 Pages. Price, $4.25. Sold by Subscription Only. For further particulars, address 0. APPIETON k CO . Pubs- 649 & 661 Brosdwsy, K.Y. THIS NSW ELASTIC TRUSS Hat a Pad differing from all otb«r»,ls [cup-shape, with Self Adjusting Ball la center, adapts itMlf to all pott- ilea* of the body, while sbe ball is the eu4> presses twdc tbo in- ^ ̂TRUSS^ u a •eearaly day Sarablf ass sSsagb Nat by nail. Ct<eslars tnm. KOQLKfTON TRUM CO.. Marshall, Mod* would with tae tmeef U|b> prasare th. Berw £1 bdi ththsfioge* wwh [hi prasi ui(ht. sad • radical Sara cartsiu. II ii saay. TPAS --The choicest In the world.--Importses* I bnOi prices--Lsrseat Company In Amsrtes-- staple article--pleases ereiybody--Trade ovntlnnally in. oreaaing--Agents wanted everywhere--tos' ments--don't waste time--send for circular to ROBERT WELLS. 48 VeMy St. ft. Y. P.O. Box, IIIIMTCn MKS to traiiel and sell to Dealers •••nil I bll onr new unbreakable glass chbaiasfs WW and lamp gc lamp goods Bnslm , MONITOR GLASS Co. No Peddling. Salary llbsrsk permanent. Hotel &n<l trsvelihs ezpeasss psiaL " ~ 264 Main St., Cmctnnstt, OUa JL , I'rof. Hull'* Masic Cesiitsssd u the only pr«|iaralion,on« packags of whicb will loree the beard to (crow thick and h«a*y on the smoothest bee ^without ii\)un> Is fi days iss every esse, or money chserfully w> " J * - • tpsldi 3 fWndrd. SS cents per packace, postpaid: Wcenta. E. W. JONESTAjkland. Mas A BOOK for the MILLION. MEDICAL ADVICE i£KK,!?iSESK-ffifi Catarrh, Kupture. Opium Uabit, Ac., SENT FREE on reeeisl Sf stamp. Address, Dr. Butts' Dispensary No. 13 N. 8Uist.. St. ILotti*, 11* A 6REAT OFFER! dispose of 100 PIANOS dc ORGANS, IIC» •« •rconiUliaud, of flrst-claiis wakers, iuclarfis WATERH", at Tower prices for cosli < their NEW SOl'VEMIt and BOI DOIK) «r* the BEST MADE. I<OCAL and TRAVEIJN© ACCENTS WANTED. Illustrated i atalof nea Maileds A liberal diHCOUIIt to Teacher*, MtntMWj. Churches, Srhooh, Lotto**, etc. £|ieet Mnwc at luuf price. IIIIKAC'E WATKItSdt SONS. .>Iaaa» fitrtin'cr* mid Oeulcrs, 40 East I4tli Street* rnioit Siiiinrc, N. V. OUR PETS. TWO Git K AT S E N S A T I O N S For Agents. "^E^BRliSfMAH. 5 Ban-lay Street. N. Y.. and 1,9 W. 4th St., Cincinnati. M OF THK Repolc. PILES! Dr. Brown's Herbal Ointment Suppositories w j vitoed to care any case of Piiea>that can b« found ia tha United States. A sample bos of iheee Suppositories sriB be sent free by mail to any sufferer on receipt ol twsa|p oents,to prepay postage and packing. Regular priestfL Address Dr. O. PHELPS llltOWM, 91 Grand St., Jersey City* N. 3. C. N. U. Ma lft WHEH WRITIKO TO ADVERT1SEM, JfV^sMaw^r jroasaw tiw sdTKttiMMM