Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Apr 1877, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Lfew; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe.** VOL. 2. .lit. f M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL. 18, 1877. NO. 38. enry Published Every Wednesday by J.^AN SLYKE Mdilor and Publisher. ~ Office in Riverside Blocks Over Snftlth Bros. Jk Co/s 3 torts TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: 3oe tlssr, (itt Adtunce,) -- '...•.-•Jl M tf not P»W WUh'ih Three Months,.wi..CO •Siibacriptioiift received for three or six months |n the Aftnie pro {Portion. BUSINESS CARDS. 3P II. T. RUOWX, »T. I). (HYStCIAN an<l Snrp-fon. Office itt lirlok fliWk over F. G. Mfcyes Clothing Store Water Street, McHenry I1L E. A. BEERS Jt. ft. * VjnS'MOtAX and Snrireon. Orfto£ Attesulence, 1 two doors west of Post Office, MrHcnry O. J. HOWARD, M Y>. %JHtTitc5iAW and Surgeon. Office at the store JL of Howard Jfc Son, Mr,Henry, 111. . P. J* BASBIA3J. CIO Aft Mannfact\i'^r, McHenry Ilk tory No. 171. Oraers solicited, f Fac-t> RICHARD BISHOP, \ ffORVEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. /V <Offif,e in rour of Miirfihv & Bishop's Bank Korth Side Public. Square, Woodstock, 111. GEO. A. BUCK LIN, VfOTfAtt"? PUftl.IC, Conveyancer and In- i.^1 surance Agent. Office at Bucklin & Steven's 8tore, near the Depot, Mc,Henry, 111. E. E. RICHARDS. AS a complete Abstract or Titles, to land in Mcllenry Oouftlj) tlljnovs. Office with nty Clerk, WoortstocK, In. ROUT. WRIGHT. Mannfacturer of Custom Made Boots and Shoes. None but the best of material bm4 *®<t all work warranted. Shop Northwest corner Public Square, McHenry. IIL Fit. HECHTyS. HOUSE, Mjrn and Ornamental Painter, also Fan** Sketches, Scenery, &c., Mcllenry III. Will do ail work promptly ami at rea­ sonable tates. E. M. OWEN. GEJffER.iL T)ea1er ami Manufacturer# Arent in Leading Farm Machinery. low and Terms favorable. MCHENRY ILLINOIS. GEO. SCHRKltfER. SAT.OON and ltentnurant. Nearly opposite the Parker House, Mcllenry 111. WFirst-Class Billiard and Pool Tables. J. BONSI.ETT, SAT.OO* and Restaurant. Nearly ovpoeitc Ow en's Mill, McHenry, 111- FreshOysters 4er* ed ii p in any shape desired, or tor sale by the Can. *Wolif iMttf Pi lillliitgy JO>. WIEDEMANN. SALOON .and Restaurant. Near the Depot McHenry IIL Hoards™ by the day or week at reasonable rates. Warm uud cold jpeaU at all hours. <WGood Stabling for Horses.^* W. W. ELLSWORTH. BREEDER O the Cele1>rate<l Majrie Hnnr. Also .vnil Dark Brahma Fowls. Pisrs •hipped to all points by express. P. O. Ad­ dress, Woodstock, III., PETER LEICKEM. , ) * REP AIRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in theWst possible manner, on short notice and at rea­ son #l)le rates. Also Violins for Sale.. Sjfhop first door North of Riverside Block, McIIeury lit McIlENRY HOUSE. McHenrv, IIL John Karnes Proprietor. Cent'rallv located and tiie best of accom­ modations furnished. Charges reasonable. BUSINESS CARDS* E. BENK£T1\ U. D., STFRGFCON and AcnuCher. Diseases of Women a Specialty. Office and Residence on Clay Street, Woodstock, 111. W. II. BUCK, M. DU HOMEOPATHIC PHVTICIAN AND SNRGFPN,-- Office East Side Public Square, wood- stock, til. Office hours 11 to 12 A. M», ahd $ to 4 P. M. C. W. ROBERTS, M. D., PHYStCIAN AND SURGEON, Special at tention given to Diseases of Women Aftd Children, Voi.o, Im„ W. H. SANFORD, Merchant Tailor. In the store of C. H, Dickinson, East side of Palme Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good,Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al- A-ays On hftnd. Suits made to ordiBr and a fit warranted- Give me a call. W. II.SAXFORD. Woodstock til.,Sept.«7th, 1S75. M. BNCELN. G U J N - S M I T H Will change muz­ zle loaders-, both single and double, to breach loaders^ TtVia/ Keeps on hand all ^ kinds of Gnn Ma. teriak All work warranted. Shop opposite Perry & Martin's Store, McHenrv, 111. H. E. WKUIT31.VX, Proprietor. First class rijrs, with or without drivers, fiirnisliuil nt reasonable rales. Teaming of all kinds iloueon short notice. O. W. OWEN, WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, MCHENRY ILL., Dealer in all kinds ot American and Swiss Watches, Clocks from-Ilie best faftories in the country. Silver, platedware, Silver Spoons, Ac., ALSO AGEJFJC FOB THE AND THE ICstey Organ ! Which we believe to l>e the best Organ in the market. We think we know that bv experi­ ence, and we believe it, lor it is backed up bv the Besl Musicians in the World. I also sell 'other Organs at less price* than .he Kstey, but can't ruccomiuciul them to be as good. O. W. OWEN. July 33. HATN, F. KLEIFGEN & SON. CARRIAGE, Wagon and House Painting done on Short Notice. All work war­ ranted. Mcllenry IIL, South of the Public Square. MATTHEW KARGES. H1USE, Sign and Carriage Painter. Also Oalsomining done in the best of manner. All orders promptly attended to and work warranted. Residence at the McHenry House, McHenry, III. t RICHMOND HOUSE. RICHMOND ILLINOIS. Frank Foster Pro. orietor. Good accommodations for all parties, Samplerooms for Salesmen. Livery Stable attached. Public Hall for Lectures, Shows Ac., * The McHenry Brewery. King & Herbes, Proprietors. THE best of Beer Shipped to any part of the country and warranted as represented.-- 3rders solicited and promptly attended to. FRED. RENICH, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, --AND-- WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. Errors of Youth. AGENTI .EMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature De­ cay, and all the effects of youthful indiscre­ tion will, for the sake of suffering hmnanitv, send free to all who need it, the recipe arid direction for making the simple remedy bv which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adviser's experience can do so br addressing in perfect confidence JOHN B. QGDEN, 42 Cedar St.. New York, To Consumptives. THE advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption toy a simple reined v, is anxious to make known td his fellow sufferers the meansof cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the Srescription nsed, (Free of Charge), with the irections for preparing and using the same, which tjiev will tind a sure cure for Consump­ tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. Parties vyisbiug the prescription "rll Jilea8e address Rev. fc. A. WILSON, }94 pen© St„ A^lliamsburgh, New York. Who 'Visits' Chicago should fail to rail at the Mammoth iiattiiur Establishment of Scott & Co., 102 k 194 Madison St., Corner 5th Av. Tliev I'avrv the Hjarrost stock of MEDIUM and FINK FvSilfON'ABLE HATS in the West. Mill a single h it as cheerfully as a dozen or a case, and give you manufacturers' prices. McIlENRY, ILL. This House havinar lwen newly Furnished aiu1 Hetitted, we are now ready to receive Hoarders by the Day or 'Veek, oil Reasonable Terms Rooms with or without Furniture. GOIST & McCREERY, Proprietors PJMPLE8. I W I L L M a i l ( F r e e ) t h e r e c i p e f o r p r f p i • -iiiff a Sinide Vegetable Balm that wili r^, move T« n. Freckles, Pimples and Blotches, leaving ;he skin soft, clear and beautiful; also instructions far producing a luxuriant growtn of hairon a bald hea I or smooth face Address Ben Vandelf & Co., Box 5121, No. Wooster ^t.. New York. For Sale. The undersigned offers for Sale, ine Brick store on Wator street, in the village ol' McHenrv, now occupied bv Mrs.C. II. Slorey, as a Millinery St^re. It is 14x35, the upper storv being li'nisiied otl'asa residence. TKltMS. BKA'SOXABLE Inquire of C. H. M<WEY Mcllenry,111. Nov, 1st, 1875, \ WASHINGTON CORKKSPOSDL NCR Latest Cabinet consideration.-*--fcuy Department out of funds-- Depart- mcnt of Justice, ditto--Lowl&ima Commission--He-organising the Trcas* ury Department--Extra Ses^m-- South Carolina--Washington Sfonur ment--The first Lady in" the --' tfex work of Jieform greater thaher Husbands--E*c. | WASHINGTON, D. C., April Oth,.fwi-' Tlie latest cons i tie ration of the Cuhi- het was yesterday directed t(%the charges against Gov. Potts of Motftana Territory The aetion taken ou|the charges has not yet been made pl&ltc, but those familial* With the be­ lieve that Potts will be removed. The Cabinet also considered the finai|cial condition of the several depiirtnibii and found them all flourishing e the Navy Department which Seer Thompson is now investigating, has,however, issued the following; cular, "The Secretary of the Navy" repots that it has become Jiisdtity toitiiiHifuce to the- officers of the Naval M-riiioes that the "amount of money fountf by him in the Treasury of the Un|f»»d States, to »he credit of the approKria- tion Pay of the Navy is unsutHciviif for the months of April, May and »Iui e.-- The Secretary proposes to retai as much as may be found n» ce^^tr • ;t»f What tliel-e is in tlie Treasury, ii iter Pay of the Navy, for the pufpos of paying allotments to the wives of offi­ cers and sailors, whose husbands are abron and them feels "high-mitided honorable officer in Navy of the United States." The Louisiana Commission h difficult task before it. The 1 news from that State indicates H position on the part of both Gov en rtrs to resist whatever efforts or i nil tie nee It may oiler. The situation there i bill hardly be discussed uuderstandinly ii the Commission arrives and orjjanl ;es. The work of re-©rganizing the Treas­ ury Department is still going on uit|ler the management of the new Secret^fy. Many .removals are not to be tn;i ie cept in the Bureau of Engraving Printing, but the general systei routine business of the Depart me i. to be re-constructed. About 2$0 haijiis are to be dismissed from the l's infeig Bureau. , The Department of Justice :feas fomnl to be about $500,000 short, "tvtfeflier•' the tfilT&f States t'ourts can be legally continued hi the absence of the ivteesnary funds t« pay their expenses. After a pro­ longed discussion the Cabinet concurred in the opinion ot Attorney General Devens that they can go on as usual. But the District Attorneys and Marsh- ale will receive instructions to the ef­ fect that they are to make their ex­ penses as small as possible and Con­ gress will be asked to make up the de­ ficiency at the extra session, which is now an entirely settled fact. It has been intimated that it will convene as earlv as the 1st of 'Mav, but this is un­ likely as President Haves is anxious that the leaven whicu he ha* dropped into the Southern measure shall have as much time as possible tb work be­ fore Confess meets again. The 4th of June has be<»n mentioned by those who ought to know something about it, and it is generally thought to be the tiuio really set. The order has at last been given for the reniovcl of the troops from Colum­ bia"* State llouse on Tuesday at 12 o'clock. Chamberlain left Washington Wednesday evening, ahd goes to his home with no hope for his own cause, but accepting the situation with the best possible grace. lie does not pro­ pose to resist Hampton in any way or to attempt to maintain the struggle.-- He says his plans for the tutur«; are un­ decided, but it is thought he will soon leave South Carolina and attach him­ self to a law Ann of high standing in New York. He states that he will not accept any government position what­ ever, because of the certainty that the people of the country would consider it a recompense, which would not be true. Gov, Hampton will probably meet with no further opposition in gluing full possession of the executive powers of his State, and it is likely that his recognition will give the De­ mocracy political supremacy in South Carolina which will be held for many years. There is really a prospect of t he com­ pletion of the famous Washington Monument in this city. Steps have been taken ascertaining that the foun­ dation is sufficiently strong, and Presi­ dent Hayes is anxious that work on it shall be at once resumed. It is high time that the thing was either comple­ ted or torn down, for as it stands it is a disgrace to the country. Mrs. Haj*es is universally admired, and everybody praises her unless it be a few of the extravngatitly fashionable and dressy women who are loth to give up their finery and so declare it ridic­ ulous for k'The First J.ady of t^e Land" te give'evening receptions, dinners and soirees lu plain black silk, 110 jewelry, aud halt innocent ot puffs, bangs or frizzes. If Mrs. Hayes succeeds iu stopping the extravagant over-dress­ ing of American women, she will ac* eomplish a greater work than will her husband iu hiii Clvil Service Reform. *> MAXWELL. WAUCONDA- « •EDITOK'TLAINDEALRITR--All over the land revivals seem to be the order of the day, and We believe that reform is quite necessary in city, village aud country, and Waueonda we think has had her share, having besieged her from both ends vf the town. < Mr, Bell after leaving Yolo, tried htis hand at Waueonda, but without much effect, Mr; S. C. Lehuid next took his place but up to the present time he has not made many new converts. On Friday evening being in the village on a visit we was disirous of both hearing and seei ng the good folks, having been connected with them in former years. Of course we was brought up with our Baptist and Methodist friends and used to believe their traditions. But now we believe the bible. Well, Mr. Lelaud tried te show us the very dangerous ground, that we as sltuieis stood upon. . But his ideas were not very clear upon any thing, believiug that he is much belter acquainted with modern religion than he is with the scriptures of truth. One good thiug lie offered.before he closed, was that if any* one wished to stopafter meeting to'talk with him they would liaVG thd privilege of doing so, as he would be glad to talL with tl^eui. We of course always accept all good things and like a faithful boy stopped aud offered to talk with hiin upon the subject of Eternal Life, as he had just stated that he had Eternal Life in present posses­ sion. Our Dr. backed square out of it. by saying that he had been preaching for se veral months and did not feel like talking to-night. But renewed his re­ quest tojmeethlm at Mr. l>s. to-morrow at 10 oYloek. We replied that we must return home, did not think we could. But we did stay, aud in the morning sent the following note to hint. To the Baptist Elder now presiding. DKAIISIK:--We have concluded to except y<H»r proposal rcade last eve- via^'to meet yonnt Mr. D's to BLCK GI.A9S. General Pleasanton is a benefactor to his race. The blue glass sun bath Is a great success. Blue glas* cures every ailing; It will take ordinary panes out of a window Bash, and remove any sort of pain from the human body. For instance:--A yomrg man. residing In the eastern part fcf the city, who had a fearful Impedi­ ment of speech, with an intermission of live minutes between every two words uttered, was cured In eight min­ utes. When it was first proposed to him he said/'B-b-b-blue g-g-g-gl-gl-gl- ass tKb-b-be*b-bl--bl-bl--owed/"' but in less than ten minutes he articulated whole sentences without a stammer. A left-handed girl from the Eighth Vvard, after using the blue glass sixteen who sonorously blows his nose von upon t he subjec t of the Gospel «f Cutis!. Condiiions that you except the bible as Gods Kevelatious, (Some preachers do not except as such.) Yours very respectfully. A Bible be­ liever. EI>WARD ALLENSBT. Please return me word that you will be there. His reply and a squarJ back down again. 1 will not meet you to argue on the Scriptures,as, 1 stated last night, that 1 never do. My'work is to point souls to the Savior who saves Irem Eternal death those who trust iu him for salvation. 1 am satistied from what H>-ou said last night that a visit such s you desire would not be profitable. Yours truly. 8. C. LELAKD. The Dr. says: uMy work is to point souls to a Savior who saves from Eter­ nal death those who trust in him for salvation." That ts my position ex- aorly. We trust in him for salvation. But the Dr. said lie had "Eternal Life " in present posession. Of course we wanted to . know how he got it, and that was the object of our meeting. Xow we deny that man has got Eter­ nal Life (the Dr. inrluded) aud we affirm that the scriptures holds out (Eternal Life Immortality) and the time is specified when they will re­ ceive it. Paul saj's we shall all be perfected together. We disbelieve in the dogma of Im­ mortal souls going to heaven at death, and of their going to a modern D. D. Ilell at deatli to await there until the Judgment dav and then to be taken T* * • out. tried, and if found guilty, to be cast iu again to suffer in endless tor­ ment throughout' the endless ages of eternity. Such unseriptural dogmas, (away with them) There is two sides to the question and it is very easy for a man when he has|things all his own way to build up a man of straw and then turn around and kuock liira over. And now we extend an invitatien to pur friend, or any of our Waueonda friends, who have the veil of this mod­ ern delusion hanging over them, to come, aud let us reason together. '•What man of you having a hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilder­ ness aud go after that which was lost." "He that saves a soul from death, shall hide a multitude of sins." EDWARD AI.LKNSBT. minutes, found she could use one hand as well as the other--and better to©. A cross-eyed boy was brought in con­ tact with the blue glass yesterday for ten minutes, at the expiration of which the twist was entirely removed from both eyes. Auother boy witha-wart'on the end of his nose was subjected to the blue glass bath, and at the end ef tweuty minutes the wart had entirely disap­ peared. P. S. --So hatl/the boy. A young woman witn enlarged feet was induced te have a blue glass win- dew pane, 10x12, inserted iii the up­ pers of each of her shoes, and in forty- eight hours she was enabled to wear a number nine shoe with perfect ease. A mail with "iuverted nails" ̂ en- pennies) put his feet under the glass for twenty minutes, when the lugrow. ing nails curled up on his toes, to his great joy, which he manifested by call­ ing in his better half, with the enthus­ iastic exclamation, "Jew hi taker. Maria Jane; jest lock at that! Whoop! blue glass ferever!" A paiuter fell from the fourth story of a building to the pavement below, during at^ alarm of fire, and a steam Are engine which was passing, ran over him. He was removed to a room in the vicinity and placed before the blue glass, which appeared to quiet him, as he made no complaint of pain after­ wards, and though he subsequently died, it is not believed to have been owiug to any defect In the glass, but from an attack of malignant dyspepsia, superinduced by the violent exercise the i blue glass cure, which has come under J my observation, occured yesterday. A man who said he had been lame for some time, and walked with a cane, was placed iu a blue glass sun-bath, and left to himself in the room for an hour, at the expiration of which he was found by an attendant to be fast asleep and with one leg of his pantaloons rooledup--the leg was a wooden one, and'the patient stamped off muttering that he "knew that it was a blasted humbug all the time." There is no doubt of the success of blue glass; our houses, churches, and other buildings must put it in, aud men must wear it in spectacles, and eye glasses and even gless eyes will soon be made of it. and, ere long General Piea^anton will have all he can do to set blue gla^s in sashes that for­ merly contained common window- glass.--S'milax in Rochester Union. THK CRt Of "UK A If HKAD&" | In A long article on Joitruulism and f Reporters, the New York Ecenintt \ Mail savs: "It is the people and it* 11 the journalists tvho are "deadhead*."! In case anything more serious than i stubbing the toe befalls a man, he hfs-| tens to the nearest newspaper and d«- niands that the editor shall wield the | pen and 6hed Ink in his vindication or defense. And if the jaded editor does ^ not with alacrity espouse the cause of | his "patron" he will make an enemy for | life. 'Members of the press' are liter­ ally hunted down by ^tll sorts of people who have axes to gi lud. The mana­ gers of a public nteetrng who do not A find the reporters at the table, suffer stings of disappointiB«frt; the Judge 4 before ;• reading his opinion, lo6ks anxiously for the stenographers; the preacher ; who descants upon some special sub­ jects, loses spirit if tlie representatives of the press are not there; even tlie- burglar on the wayto the State prise# covets a talk with the ••newspaper* man. Yet the ontside barbarian thinks all newspaper men are dead heads, and envies them the flue times they have in the way of free dinners and free tickets to all maimer ofshows. There never was a greater mistake. People do not seem to raalize that, on the part of the journalist, it is merely a matter of business; that the repor­ ter goes to these places, so attractive to outsiders, much as the horse goes to the [low--because lie must do so. We venture to say that foitr-fithc of these tainments are to journalists intol­ erable bores. The press is the victim of the public's rapacious and unceasing demand for service without pay. Let us have the boot on the right leg- I i@" A laily who had been »teaching her little four-year old the elements of arithmetic was astounded by his run­ ning aud propounding the following problem: "Mamma, if you had three butterflies, aud - each butterfly had a bug in his ear, bow many butterllit-.s would you have?" The mother is still at work on the problem. There are several of the friends of officers who were killed with Custer who desire that present action may be suspended under the proposal of Gen­ eral Sheridan to send a detachment of troops to bring on the remain.-* of those massacred by the Indians. Their rea- son-fer delay is iu orde.t that tjme may be given for a consultation wtth the friends of ail officers who fell there, with tlie purpose of obtaining an agree­ ment" that tlie remains shall be buried on the field where they now lie. in case Congres will make a moderate appro­ priation for a monument, on which the names of all the officers and soldiers shall be cut. Hon. Samuel Hand, of Albany, while arguing a case before the Court of Appeals, Monday handed up te the bench a bottle of brandy, byway of illustrating a point he was making. After the court adjourned it came out that Mr. Hand had been the recipient of a note from one of the judges re­ minding him with some severity that the rules of the court required the sub­ mission and filing of sixteen copies ef all exhibits for the use of the ceiut. It is said thai: Mr. Hand ordered up the other 15 bottles, and washed down the joke with tlie contents of one. JB@T*A carpenter who was always prog­ nosticating evil for himself, was one day upon the roof of a five-story build­ ing upeii which rain had falleu. The roof being slippery, he lost his footing, and exclaimed, "Just as I told you!" Catching, however, an Jiron spout, he kicked off h»s shoes and regained a place of safety, when he thi$$ delivered him­ self: "I knowM it; there's a pair of shoes gone!" ILLINOIS l'ATKJJl'SI 1 This list of Illluols Patents allowed by the U. S. Patent Office, for the week ending April 10 1877, is furnished till* ; paper by GILMOKE & CO., Solicitors, j 029 F Street, Washington, D. C. Tlie Patents will be issued in tvfo weeks frem the date of tlie allowance. L. Bradley, Chicago, H|. Couplings for lightning reds. F. A. Bray me r, Jr* Chicago lit, Covers for tobacco-pails. B. Frese, Chicago 111, Roller-:tbstrac tors fer watches. | M. Lafiln, ChlcatiT, Wi CertSpdsttlOii * M. Lailiu & S. Elliott. Chicago 111. Process and apparatus for amalgama­ ting ore 8. C. Palm & J. Fitzgerald, Cerro Gordo 111. Railroad joint. A. If Begardus, Elkhart, 111. Spheri­ cal glass turgets. J.J. Currett, Chicago, .111* Lumber- drier. E. B. Decker, Bock Bridge 111. Three-horse equalizers. C. Libby, Chicago, 111, Congress Gaiters, W. B. Markham, Bethel, lit Pence post. J. Pennyeook, Chicago, III. Collap­ sable cores for casting metalic pipes. W.Powell, Bellvllle, 111. Piles for nail-plates. W. T. She rer, Chicago, III. Show­ case. If. R. Van. Eps, Peoravlffe Wire fabrlcks. . • fig^-An attempt was mailt* lost week on the Rock Island road by a gang of scoundrels to abduct Mrs. George W„ Watson of Massilon, Ohio. The scoun­ drels asserted that the lady was an es­ caped lunatic, ar.d insisted on taking charge of her. TIM? lady "is young and handsome, and was very richly dressed. She was traveling alone. It is thought the gang are moute men who iufest the road. The conductor, after a white, was convinced of the truth of the lady's story, and rescued her from the gang at Iowa Citv. If ladies traveling have to eucounter such perils as theie. It is high time the railroads should be com­ pelled to carry a guard. lOTAn establishment has been dis­ covered at Rcdna. Hungary, where children, kidnapped from the cities, are converted into cripples for begging. Some have their arms or legs cut off, seme their eyes put out. and they are variously mutilated to fit them for a successful career. Over one hundred victims were found, and it seems that the devils who kept the concern ha<l bribed the authorities to secrecy. Ii was discovered by a medical professor from Prague, and it was difficult to prevent tlie infuriated citixecvs ftvu lynching the proprietors. Montenegro troubles Turkey worse than three-card inonte ever troubled a negro in this country. Tup- key wants peace with Moutsiwgro,swt the latter wants a lar£e piece ofTtor* key. As a result, it is likeiy tin* She- Cz«r will do a .Russian bush*«*s ifrtlue war line as soon as the roadie set tie. h is plain that a genuine Nto»tenegro>is opposed to de uiobiileation of the Tu <* kisli army and to de demobilization, the Russian af®j'.-TJW6»ue. ••'J

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