Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Apr 1877, p. 4

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at *a* m m r Y^.-^eys'» \*rfv WEDNESDAY. APKIL ftth, 18?7. VAN 8LYICE, Editor. a *^0f the Sangerfest, which t* to be held in Quin'cy U May, the l&rald gaye: "The pY&Vpeets lor tlte State Sangerfest arts 'constantly improving. It la believed that the festival will be the greatest success ever held in the Welt. Lfirge delegations will be pres­ ent from Illinois, Io*H, Missouri and Ktnsfe." • >;->• " ' " • 'The news from Washington c#tt* tullft few elements of political nature-. lUkie public business is tlie prominent feature. Custom House investigations wii! now fte pushejl, with a view te re- foriA-. "the New York Cttstom house will bt taken first, irregularities being reported there. The subject of the hepvy iuiportatiens of silk at an under­ valuation will also lie unraveled. t^hfhe Uriited States Supreme Court has decided that the Centennial Exposition Managers will have to pay bafck the #1^00,000 that they borrowed from the government, to carry on their littte show with last year. Aftet having got the money they trAi?t»d to pay and had to be sued* And taosv the highest tribunal in the wthntry says they must "pay up.* Gttod enough. The restitution which Tweed can make will be too small* at the best; not to seem altogether Inadequate i f life has suppressed anything which the public has a right to know. This must be a complete surrender. Mr. Tweed is not in a position to make serins, or to bargain to save this man or thati The public has a right to kuow .-ill the facts and all the names!--JVett) York Tribitne. t^'California has had a hobby oil the desert question. She would irrigate, and make it blossom like the rose. Silt there has been a change. The Whole Mohave desert, containing 40,- 000 pqufttre miles, produces in the per- sisteut Wily boitihien to deserts, great groves of the desert paint 'J^he whole bttuy of the tfee is fibrous, and it can bt! manufactured Into paper. The Gold State has It last developed a genuine paper enthi&idsni. and is shipping the pulp and the paper East. »®*In the secret language of. the tramps, th^letter "H"' on the gate-post means'that the residents will give the trailer a handful of grub; '"S" that he Will get a seat at the table;*"* M" that he will get a square meal, and "G B-' that he will get the "grand bounce.,'* itow that the secret is out, let every liouse-owtter hie himself to his gate­ post and dig in letters deep and that CttnnOt be misunderstood the mystic sigh rtG B.!" Here, at last, is the com­ plete ft«ltttidn of the tramp problem. % NUN DA. EDITOB K*LAIN I>EALEH :--It ft im­ possible too be displeased #ttft the bright jt^akening of our te^A ftotrt its winter lethargy. When we todk batek to the commencement tetaAiiiitg house time and the improvements in the interim we consider them As sam­ ples of those in the fittuWv Property has advanced front the toW $ri£e niain- tained since the Ore At Downfall, to less tha i a thousand ftolUti* per front foot. The sttn and shAdo\V falls on en­ couraged hearts Arid faces .that look sangulnely into th£ fittrtre. Every branch of business 111 thfe plaW Is irt a thrifty ooadition And likely to «0 Con­ tinue* Election day is near and thfc LittfenW nominees, if elected-, will hive "smodth sailings then wont they br*& thodgh, of the town's prosperity butter a Li­ cense admiuistratioh. We-, that is my partiielS Is trying these hew-fangled lights-. The nruS"- tachio is experimenting on tlto Vailte of star light to proiiiote growth (liOt- with'standing Dr. Lincoln's evideildii iti favor of Slue light.) it is somewhat be­ hind the whiskers whieh W«l-e grown in the old-fashioned light, but w4 are in hopes to fetch tip dii the hottie stretch. Lincoln has been bitilding A piece of sample sidewalk--impossible to say Whether to please the eye Or fit a fddt of about the sanie length that ofteri passes over it. Things have come to a grfeat pass when an anxious inquirer is compelled to give a man "holding a prominent position"$5 to tell the truth. Wdrner & Hamilton are selling ma­ chinery of all kinds; from a threshing machine down through the list of Farm machinery. Hardware and Post office to a Postage stamp; and they attend to the Purchaser of a Penny stamp with the same cordiality that they do the buyer of a mower--providing it ia one of their days; One thing disgustingly noticeable is the deposit of dead animals at the poitd and a little way beyond the school house. The sanitary reasons for stop­ ping it are evident add besides those woods may be called the promenade of the tbwhi Decorated by nature they stand in Heed of HO embellishments of this kind, thus a different and mere distant depositary Wdlitd Ostusfe us all to feel that "Distance lends enchantment" and the greater the distance the big­ ger the enchantment.. There is a dead dog there now--nothing in that, but warm weather may show us Multum in Parvo, Unfortunate owners of deceased quadrupeds should have respect enough for the living to prevent the former from becoming a nuisance, and where- ever taken should be btiried. it A FOI8; BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR 1*77. The following are the naiVies df the Board of Supervisors, elected OH the 3d. Inst., for the year 1877-. Riley.R. 8feARI.BS Mareng™.-.. E. GOODRICH Marengo C^rporatloa„.......R. M. lPATRICK flu nhairtv. .7 .'..7.". O. ti. Dl'GGINS C h e i n r t n f u . . . J A ^ K S T H O M P S O N Harvard : .4; J. c. cliUMB. Ald^n. SAMlfj&L CUTTER ..It. D. COON KY ^I.C. O. PARSONS C<»tai L.'hARBER VAN VALKENBERG Dotr.;..;. M. I.. J OS L Y N Greenwood . . . . . . 4 . £ ; ; .GEO. H. GARRISON H«bron.......... ' a t-Ll- " Riclunonil.. tturton. McIIcni'y........ ..HW. ; J. W. CUISTV Xwnrta................ B. F. PKCK Algonquin.. JOHN GILLILAN 'li .? 1 FrtfeE CURE #; ^or Consuraptidn brbnehitis' astlrttia, catarrh, throat and lung diseases; Also a sure relief and permanent aire for general debility, dyspepsia aud all nervous affections* by a simple Vegeta­ ble •medicine; which cured a venerable missionary Physician who Was long a resident of Syria and the East, aud who has freely giten thi? valurble specific to thousands of kindred sufferers with the greatest possibly benefits, and he now feels it his sjtci^d bhristian duty to impart to others tiijs wouderful invig­ orating remedy and will send free the orignrj recipe'complete; with full di­ rections, to any person enclosing stamp for replv. DR. CLARK A. IiOBBINS. Greely felockv Syracuse^ N. Y. (P» O. Box 76) . 1A Springfield, correspondent twites: KThe rush here for signatures to papers for official beggars continues^ As a general thing, our Soloas set up a itand-eft all around, by signing every­ thing laid before them. This indiffer­ ence is proven by a joke on the speaker. A paper was thrust before him which he hastily signed, thinking somebody Wanted an office; but ttte joke canfe in when it was discovered that it was an order 6u the Secretary of State for several kegs of beep fop the use of thff bouse" )&»The intense hostility of eneclas? of fttfr adopted citizens in California to another class of imtnigriints who come to work* and for low wages, and not to luterfere in politics, is culmiuating in outrage and massacre. Six Chinamen hear Chico were attacked by a gang of Whiter, who killed five aud burned their cabins, instigated, as is supposed, by a secfWt society who are determined not to» allow the employment of Chinese labor. Several of those implicated have been arrested and the Grand Jury has their cases in hand. There is intense feeling throughout the State, but we trust that there is sufficient re­ gard for law to slWw tho brutal class that they cannot with impuirfty resort to violence and assassination. Colorado was recently admitted to the diguity aud privileges of a State;' that 18^ While formerly she was permit­ ted but one Delegate in the ioWef House of Congress^ Who could only take part ill matters of legislation re* lating to the interests of the Territo­ ry now she is represented by two Con* gressmeti and two United States Sena­ tors who are permitted full participa­ tion in all matters df national concerji, III matters of local legislature also her limits of action are greatly e&teudeci. She recognizes no higher power than the will of her people as manifested by the action of her State legislators,- Feeling the importance df her neW dignity,-her law makers aim to accom­ plish something .worthy Of theifr im* proved political condition; and under­ standing that there is nothing that so greatly needs reformatioivaa. the camf nlonly adopted grand jury syste'm'.- they have tried their legislative hands ©nl that. The law Deferred to dispenses entirely With the almost universally provided grand jury, and requires that twenty days before the crifainal court meets, the judge o'f the county court, and two justices of the' peace, shall sit as a court of investigation with power to indict. Evidence' on both sides may be admitted to an extent satisfactory to the triers. This arrangement will undoubtedly prove less expensive and give better satisfaction than the old •tparte system by which sometimes the character of inuocent persons were rained without their kuowledge. Bilcklin*& Stdveiis, McHenry &W how prepared With a full attd cbiiipWte stock diid ard cbfcstantly rdc0iViri« additions and iiivite th® inspection bfblbsc buyers, as thej§ are bound ti) meet ariy and all i.»..A3*^REb WILCOX Coiripetitioii. They have opened d :::wSrK.oH.vuD»N !«ooJ Iin0 oi {AS\ c0,bre.d the extfSiiiely lovv price of 5 1-2 Cts per y&rd; * French woven cor­ sets at 50 cts only. They arc alstf receiviilaf froiri New Vork, the finest line of Dress Goods ever opened in this btirg, among whicH will be fpiiiid* silks, cashmeresj Brilliantines, Alpacas of all ptices, Pacific Fancies, &c; &c. Also Silk Fringes, Lace! tMinnliivgs, Ydk Laces in variety, HVith the larffest and best assortment of Hamburg edgings ever brbtlght to McIIenry, ranging id price fmm 5 fcts per yard, up td Also £t line line of Linen »nd Turkey Rdd Tablings, Towels, Napkiils, diid Crashes, Lace curtdirts and oil shades, ladies' gldvfes find parasols. Plain bt'ocha aiid black cashimere shawls; Ladies'silk ties of the hitcst styltss. Boots jind shoes, a full liiie, from a neat little buttpn shoe for a baby id a fiile' French kidj side> lace, or button! for a ladyj and from a three dollar stoga bootj to the finest French calf, all of the bc'St make,- arid Warranted to fit and tov wear Iii clothing they have ti full line to which they invite an inspection before' yoii make your purchases. Also geiit's furnishing gtVods of the latest styles. Trunks and travelling bags, and with all tiiey keep? choice Grocer­ ies and fine teas, at low prices. All df which they propose to ex­ change for cash or profdttee' at the' lowest living prices'. Notitt is Hereby Given ! That on and After April 18th* May be Seen,* At thd Stoi?e of in Ringwoori, the Largest and most carel selected dtdck of Dry Goo Notions^ Hats, Caps* Clothing, BOOTS and SHOES, *%»*%!* % >' " *{ i}>. K- * . <<+ ' , IFOR fUfelliTURE, 11#:^ AND PRICES ARE LOWEIt tUAS EVEH: jam constantly receiving fresh sajfplies everything iisualty found in a First-Class Furniture Store; to which I would invite the attention of all thtise content plating piirchafeiag, <iud I maskppsitive I can satisfy thetil both iii Quality and price. _ I^^We lire selling First-Class Exteiisiori per fo'ot, and all other gbods in proportibn; centtf Give us a Call before Buying and Save Money. JOHN I. STORY. ftcHeriry; Ills., MflrcTi 30tli, 1877. \ IS t; f JOHN B. BLAEEj A the new Store of Blake & Bros., has fiblv in Stbre brie of the Lar-J gest and Best Selected Stock of Furniture to be fbund in McHen- rv County, frhich he is selling t</ the public at a very small advance' of C6et. In Stock can be found' S, HARDWARE; Crocierjf and Glassware, k ever found in Ririgwodil, which can be bought for CiWh or llutter and Eggs at cash value, at as low prices as the sime qualitj* ol'gooils ̂ a»i be bought at retail in Northern Illinois. Among the choicest collection of thto stqck are the most beautiful patterns id ^ Dress Goods and Prints, we lia,ve ever been able to show you. jet a very little mdney in hand will buy them. But the grfctte&t curiosity, if possible, we have for all who admire the beautiful ia our tioeof Wan Paper, which is prononnced- fry artl who have ex­ amined it to be the most elegant designs, beautiful Shades, linish and quality,, that have ever found their way to any market, and yet they can be had for Cmrtt or its equivalent, at less prices even, than the oKl style s Of paper were ever sold lor I have alao just received a new stock of very fine FUR and WOOL HATS, of latest styles. Al»o a great variety »>f straw and l'alia goods. If you have but very little^ money you can get one of these Hats. Also a choice line of I,adies artd Ohildrens, GAITERS and SLIPPER^ iu Serge, Goat and Calf, Button and Lace. Gents and Boys BOOTS AND SHOES. fine and course, all of the best styles and quality to be found in the market, at prices, tor CASH, that will astonish even a Granger/ In short I have designed to make my s toe It. fttlly equal to tire best general stock of goods' that could be fthuid in Wie County of Mdienry either in Style orqirality. Audi n«nv propose to sell any or all <fl' these goods atsucli prices FOlt C.VSU that none shall be able to say I can buy cheaper at some other House. All- goods sold by me will be warranted as repre­ sented. Am ve'r'v grateful for the verv liberal pat­ ronage srr generously bestowed upon me in the Jlast eight years by the people of Mclfvnry, tingwood and adjoining Towns, and it shall be my endeafvor to nrcrit a continuance of the same. Very Respectfully, J. W. CRISTY. BUCKLTN & STEVEM i^American representative* at Coftstatitinnple and St. Petersburg have iiot yet notified our Government oi any ... 'Important or unusual war Btotemehfs in Turkey or Bussia. The President thinks that the effect of a Eftfojtean war would be beneficial to the AwVeri- . wins by diverting their attention from our own domestic disturbances. The Russian Si Juts tor at Washington seems te be tranq*il concerning the situation, and the Turkish Minister refuses to talk Kbont it. Admiral Porter believes the Impending war in Europe to be the most important siiwe the days of the First Napolfcon. He considers the Turks valiant. General Sherman told a newspaper correspondent that he > thinks the resftlt will be that the world will Witness the greatest battles .ever "" fought so far'as «destruction of life is t concerned, and he believes this strug- »le is going to eost a million of f*veF, and they will not be all Russians and Turks either. Which indicates that he deems the approaching fight a gen­ eral one>~- Journal- JAMES ROB BINS, --]*>EA-I7EH liv-- Agricultural ImpUaSents soixm MILLS, ILL. MANUFA't TintERS AGENT for the Cham-pion lieapor and Mower, the Gorhanr (,'orn Cultivators and £>'iamon<l Plow, war­ ranted to scour in any soil, the Forest City Seeil Plow an'd sle'el Beam Stubble. Plows Corn Plantero,.Horse Rakes, Jfcc. Will take Cash or <i«od Note's in gxcliange for any and ail of my Goods; Post Office, Solon Mills, III. Parloi* Suits, Chamber Sets, Kitchen Furniture,* Wall Brackets, Picture Frftmfe's, and iri short everythih^ asually ftftind in a firsf-cliiss Furniture Store. OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Was notef niore complete than at present The Finest line 6f Coffin#/ Caskets, Gold and Silver Trimmings, to be fbuiid in the market. iTOllTV B. ril . Amr.. ^cHe nry, 111.. March O'th,- 1877. The Old and Reliable BOOTS & SHo£S. New &0ods, 4 Hew Price® 48TThe triinfk lines hkve ottcfe' more entered into a "compact" to regulate freights betWctW Western centres and Atlantic seaboard cities, While six great coal companies propose to establish another gigantic mOTfc&pofy b^ limiting the production to coWpetitfve points, during the yerff t87?, to 8,060,000* tons. Since the end of the old combination the shipping competitive' business has been at the rate'of 10,00tf,0(K) tons, rep­ resenting about one-half Of the' total product "of the' mines. It wilY t'hns be s«'eli that the shipping competitive bftsiness is to be' reduced to the extent of twenty per cent, a' marked' tfnd1 no- tabi« decrease, Which, if laftlrfatfy cafrted out by all the parties to* the arrangement, will,- it is calcul'tftelJ, raise the price of anthracite' some fl'ft^ cents a ton. The fate of all jhrevloAs railroad and coal combinationg is typi­ cal and emblematic of what must be­ fall other'similar attempts in this dt- rection. They are not likely to be long lived.- ^ublicsentiment is ag&tnfct all combinations orgauized for the purpose of • artificially increasing the' eost of coal. CURTIS & WAITE, Hense, Sip, anil Omental PAINTERS, McIIESRY - - -V. - . - . ILLINOIS. Calsomihing and p'a\>er Hanging (lone on short notice and in workmanlike manner.-- Satisfaction gtiaranteeil irV' every instance. Order* lnftat the Drug Store of H. Colby will be promptly attended to. Curtis & Walte. McHenry, 111.,- ifpril ISth, 1S77. BAYLIES. GREAT MVrrant.ile College, lycoktlk, Iowa, on the Mis.sis.sijmi. l'rof. Win. II. Miller Uensral Manager. Nineteenth year. Al«>nt sixty dollars pay all expenses, lor Membership Woaril and Stationery. Jtookkeepers, I'enman, iteiwrters, Operators, Architects. Surveyors ana Teachei-s thoroughly lilted. English branches free. Free Lectures by-eminent Orators. FtSje Festivals with Brass Band in College Hi'll. Fret; furnished rooms for self boarding. Telegraphing free. f*hort hand writing free. Good lioarding clubs And family board. Itailroad rare deducted. Immense business i;» K«okuk. No vacation. Address Baylies College, Keokuk, Iowa. Bta¥e where yon saw this advertisement,- Are Now' Receiving' Thblr SPRING and S- MMER Atoc^, Consisting of French Kid, Buttdn Aiid Si<lc I.aee. Anverican KM, Button and Side Lace! Straight Goat and Oil Goat Button,' Front and Side I.ace. Kid and1 Goat, Foxed Pol. Also a' tine stock of Mis«es' and ChUdrens'. Shoes: WPen's Boys'anil Youths' fln«* SIiom;' Kip and Calf Boots; and evervtliing usually found in a llrst-class Shoe Store! ' We now have one of the Largest ^.ssort- incnts to 4o found in the whole' >oAh-\vest. Good GOOTKJ and LOW PItlOES/ iSrRemember we will not'bte Undersold. DWIGHT & FORREST'. Woodstock, 111., ^ril 16, 1877. FARMERS ATTENTION --TIIE WELL KNOWS-- Mammoth Spanish Jack, " PRINCE" Can b<Tffrnnd on the' premises of the sujb scriber, Mrllenry, 111.-,- during the season of 1877. Thosed< Rjring stortlt of this kind would do well to catVand satisfy themselves. Terms Reasonablt*. Those from a distance wishing mares pastured can be accommodated .lit Jthe owner's risk. A. H. HAIt'LEY. McHenry, 111., April 17, W7"7.' ** Still Lives, and cart be found <Sn band this Spring,* a£ his War®-' house, opposite the" Old Owen's Mill, M6Henry, with' a full liite of Leading Farm Machinery, Of all kinds, amonsf which can be fbu'nd tlfce 6bleb^iited Buckeye Graii* Drilly Broadcast Seeders^ Juiiior Cultivat.oi^ Plow Sulky,' whieff can- be attacucd t6 any Pk)iv, Champion' Seft-jfrimping Hake/. &c., &CV Plows ! Plows ! f Plows kept constantly on hand and at lUnVest Prices.' ; celebrated Buckeye Broadcast Seeder. It' is not eqhiWed'.* Afl leading- Also see the Prices Low and Terms Favofable* E. M. OWEl^. McHenry, 111., Ffbruhry 27thr 1877.- (1 ARBISOTifS BARLEY FAVORITE BEASLEY S CEIEBRATED T O M A T O . This new Tomato is without doubt' the Earliest and Best Variety gown ; size, above medium, srtlftoth as »n apble, nearly round; verv solid, tine flavor, and excellent quality 'dve'rv \yav. Fruit if a l>cimtiTliT<IRVk crnj^on clusteri large, ripening evenly and perlectlv, being free from the hard 1'onter core which manv varieties possess. From secs<l sown m open ground in tlatitude of Northern Illinois 1 C/\n I Imril n, fruit begins ripen- A^t^r 5" years of expe- ind Southern V^isconsi ijia Jniv 15th to 20th. jLn.. , . , Ajpental testing we have yet to see an irnper (Set specimen. GARRISON BROi'HSRS, Tfiirserymen. Greenwood, 111 flail's Safes, all sizes, fbr sale by O. Bishtip. Hall's Sufer, all sizes, for saW Uf O Bishop. *p- For Sale at t!he 3^l'^n of JT. .T. GILLES,' McHenrŷ 111. Administrator'^ Notice. TESTATE* of John Kini?, deceased The" J undersigned having btVu appointed Ad- • ministrators of the Kst^tc of John Kiak late of the Countv of McIIeiirv, and State of Illinois/ 'deceased, "hereby .give,'notirtfl that thev will appear before tlirf County Court of McHenry County, at the Coutt HHlise in Woodstock,., nt the'June Tern\, ont-the Third Monday in. June next. «t which time all persons having claims agaTmst.said Estate, are notified and reques^t.1 lo.s^tt^jid for. thfe, purpose of having the same adjiit tei^%; All persons indebted to-, said Eqti}te are requester! to make immediate, payment to the luidersigned. Dated thie' 12th dav of Apiil, A. I). 1877. ANNA KIKU. Administratrix. PETER KOTHERMFX, Adminictrator. HATS for Men and Boys a variety at bottom prices at Lffnsibg- i&vawshti's, ' f I ' • .

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