Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1877, p. 5

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>1 •**•»! Pwiffippil /***l^"a*^y W "*•».<>, , hi h ' i rl*1 |WV'- :«^AS ... . - • . - * . . : •^WEDNESDAY. APRIL25th. 1877. ii " Railroad Time Table. 'jM eoiNO SOUTH. "WhwreTjik* Passensrar. •e*»«va Lake Fretcht.... v..7m a. n. ... 1:46 P. *. •#ww# •*rrtr , , --GOING HOBTI^R gw»»« T.rte Freight !!*.... .10:«l a. m. Genera Lake Passenger .7:05 r m. MASONIC. %•" J<•• ; . WCHKNRT CHAPTER \O. a* R. A. M.-Re«u- Wf Convocations hold on the neconrt and « W"th Friday* la Meh month. f- { * HewrTCOMiT H. P. PULASKI ATABN Sec,, 1' •'jab-.. CHURCH DIRECTORY. lfETHoniST.--Rev. J. H. Baron, Pastor. cverv Snnday at W.V A. *. ant 7 F. M. Snnflar School at 18 If. Wn. PAGE, •afmrlntenrtpnt UL I l>il J !„! in •w *HtB PAFBlt IS kept on file ig> the office of f*'F. Booth, General Euteniij!pn^ Chicago £ Kofthwestem Railway, ̂ iM^>a<iwav, New ••rk C'tr. Onr Friends, when in New York, are cordially invited to calf in aa«i read it at iaf time. They will always be welcome. * # , FOUR or F5 ve good Roorc»« to rLet.-- liQttire at this office. . P*TK?fTY-FiVE Bushels of Seed Pota­ to** for Sale, by E. Knox, one milt t|a»th of McHorir^ Village, -- -- • MR. MOODY says J? you cannot be a lighthouse he a caudle. But Mr. a candle i» wiok-^li BIG enflf buttons have gbne out of ffcshion, and hereafter retired grind-' •tones of the largest size will have to t)i| utilized hi some other manner. THE Cincinnati Saturdaj/-Ni<jht asks• **Isn*t a wooden-headed man pecullar- ljrlswceptible te disorders in the lum­ ber regions?" We-o-ptn« itdtUl#-^he gets good board. Rltv PETER Ar VEI»SON will hold Epis­ copal Services in the Universal ist "Church, in this village, oh Suuday eve­ ning next. April 29th. The public are «fct lally Invited. SOME one has estimated that each person could receive two dollars if all th« gold were parcelled out, and nine­ ty-nine million of lis shout, ecstatically **Le*'e parcel!'1 "WHAT male** us poory* Inquired an oitchanjje. Cant answer for von, hut big appetite, poor gaitie of pedro and email income are the trouble down this • way. Ask us something iiard. EXPERIENCE has taught the thrifty Hefetaurant keeper that lie must either keep good liquors and a back entrance or lose the paying part of the temper­ ance trade. ; *• THK new Fonndry and MaChltie Shop being erected by W. B. Gale, is up and fast approaching completion. We learn chat he intends getting in run­ ning order inside of the next two -weeks. WE retfeiyed an envelope en Saturday last lontaiuing $1.13, bttt Hot a scratch to indicate from whom or where it came. Tt had been mailed pu the train, and the money was folded iu a blank sheet of paper. Very kind In whoever it was but if they jexpect credit it will be necessary for tfceui to ferai8t!iip£*ri!fe* their «ww» mk resi­ dence* p A COUPLE in Shabbona made! some fun for their friends by getting a di­ vorce before they were marriec£-that is, the bride, after all the friends had assembled, insisted on some tertis that the grooin would net agree to ind so they concluded to give it up; thk min­ ister went home and the party] scat­ tered. So says the Sycamore BtymbU-* can. THE weather is fine and consequently farmers are busy and trade in town is dull. The Plow and the Planter is now seen on every hand, and the prospects of au abundant harvest never was bet­ ter. **So mote it be." THREE hundred years ago forks were nnknown in England, and a man feould scoop up ait the beans lie could carry on the flat of his knife and shovel them into his mouth, without having his wife stamp on his corns, or nudge his el how and spill the beans all over where his napkin ought to be and never is. and say in a hoarse reproaching whisper^'Why Bartholomew." MRS BISHOP, mother of Hon Richard Bi&ltop, died at the1 residence of the iHtter, in this village, on Saturday eve­ ning last, in the 75th year of her age. JJhe has heretofore enjoyed unusual good health for one of her age, and has been sick but little over two weeks. The Funeral was held at the Univer- salist Church on Monday, Rev. J.Straub of Chicago, officiating. . j. WE are informed that Messras ttnrlle A Murmon, with thQ Algonquin Dra­ matic TroupMjij^gntl making Me Henry a vixit about^Tfie middle of "Slay, and giv^one or more entertainments*. Tliose who have witnessed euterainments gotten up by this Troupe speak of them in th« highest terms. Their His­ torical Recitations are said to be im­ mense. Look out fer Programme in due time. ' STOCK tfALBa The question of establishing regular stock sales iu this village by an organi­ zed ct>mpanyt has beeu discussed by a few interested parties recently. The plan suggested is to have a sale every month; that any person Who has an an­ imal ro dispose of to give notice Through a paper at as mall cost, that he will offer such an animal at public sale on such a day. There are two or three auctioneers residing here in the city, with who ri arrangements can be made to sell au animal for a small fee. It is more than likely that if these sales were to be started there would be enough stock brought in by different parties each month to mak? it interest­ ing, and people would come to town from far and near to attend these sales. We bring this matter before the peo­ ple at the suggest ion of some of our friends for consideration, and would be glad to hear from any and all-interested on the subject. Our columns are open, for discussion, either pro or con of the matter. Will some one please start it f WOODSTOCK. EDITOR P LAIN DEALER :--Our city election passed off ts quietly as such events always do when there is no op­ position, sixty-eight votes being polled in one ward and seveuty-two in the other. Dr. Davis is now Mayor, S. Brink Clerk, Fields and Short the aew Alderman In the North ward and Dr. Nortliop in the South. H. M. Waite has been appointed Street Commis­ sioner. WE have before a programme ef tiie G'-neva Lake Dramatic Ciub. from which we learn that ou to-morrow (Thursday) evening, they will present the standard Drama of "The Factory Girl" and the Roari ng Farce of '"The Rival Lovers," at Ford's Opera Hall, in that village. Among the cast of char­ acters we notice the names of Mr. and Mrs George E. Earlie. Lovers of the Play who attend can rest assured of a rich treat. TUB Band went on a Serenading Ex­ cursion to the Settleuieut en Saturday evening, H. E. Wightman, having kind­ ly volunteered to furnish a team for the occasion free of charge. They Ar­ rived at the Settlement about nine ?A-lock and proceeded to give each of the business places a fSerenade, and at each of them they were wafmly welcomed 4itd sumptuously treated. They then passed along to the residence of Rev Father Fegers. where they played some pf their best pieces, after which they were invited in and cordially entertain­ ed by Mr. Fegers. and au hour was spent in the most pleasant manner. The Band then returned home feeling well pleased with their first Serenading visit. Our German friends at the Set­ tlement are all natural musicians, and consequently good judges, wild they ail speak iu the highest terms of the im­ provement being made by the Band. Quite a number from thia village ac­ companied the Band on the occasion above named. A POEM of six stanzas entitled, from "Fannie," "Where has our beautiful •now gone?'" is received, and respect­ ively, but firmly declined. W# don't know where your beautiful snow lias gone, and we don't care. We haven't u; A Son of James Dowell. who llvee elx miles East of this village, was tin-own from a wagon hjr a run-awav team and Itadltis arm broken just above the el­ bow. Df. Beers «:a&*caPe d who set the factnre, and be is now reported com­ fortable. HALF the fools in this United States think they can beat the doctors at cur­ ing the sick; two-thirds of them are aure they can beat the' ministers preaching the gospel; and allot' them know they can beat the editors* run­ ning the papers. WE would direct the attention of our readers to the notice iu anotlfer column of Bees for Sale, This is a rare chance for these wanting to purchase Bees, as Mr. Thomas will furnish them to you with or without a Hive at very reason­ able rates. Read his notice. THE suggestion of a watoh key that a man can pull oft his hoots with, is the natural inspiration born of the difllcul- ty which the average male experiences In winding his watch with the boot- Jack. The fewer things lie has to look after the less he is likely to lose. THE Lena Star tells of two of its citizens making a liet, the loser to fur­ nish every widow wouiiiu iu town with a new dress. A day or two after, the one that lost the bet was seen distribu­ ting a new dress to each widow lady iu Lena. What an act of charity! What •ay some of our betting men to a like arrangement. ' ^ A MAS has just invented a steam hand organ for the use of farmere in welcoming tramps and Lightning &»<] agents. An eight horse power ma­ chine can be heard forty miles, ami the voice is a cross between a Congression­ al debate and the day of judgment.-- It was tried last week at Algonquin. The water stepped running for ten minutes, and ten men fell dead at the lint revolution of the steam crank. The voice of the 'organ extends orer •Is counties. * A FEW days ago a fiend in human shape displaced some rails on an Iowa railway and threw a passenger train from the track. The villian was cap­ tured, aod the indignant' passengers were about to hang him on the spot, wh«n the conductor announced that the disaster had killed a Lightning Rod man. Then the passengers let up on .the rope, begged his pardon, callo.l him their preserver, anil took up a purse of 02(H) for him. Several phrtles fr<jm Algonquin were aboard. IN another column can be found a new advertisement of R. Bishop, & Son, dealers fyi Agricultural Imple­ ments of all kiMds. Flour, Feed, &c. &c. Their stock of Agricultural imple­ ments is as complete as any to be found in the county, and by a glance at their list it will be seen that they have every­ thing in the line of machinery used by a farmer, while their prices are as low as the lowest. Read their' adver­ tisement through before you purchase, and call and see their stock. Ouw «*14 friend, W; S. Dennis, «f W uikegauv made us a call on Thnmlav last. Having sold out their Cigar Manufactory in Waukegan, "Wiir" is now traveling for the old aud reliable House of L. J. Hobart, dealer iu Fine Cigars and Tobaccos, 57 South Clark Street, Chicago. This is one of the b-'st Tobacco Houses in the city, th»*ir celebrated 217 Chewing Tob-icco taking the lead of all others, while their, brands of Cigars are surpassed by none. All his old customers are glad to again see Itennis on the road, and Mr. Hobart will find that he has struck a lead by securing his valuable services. HUSH! be still! We've got an item that "overcomes us like a summer cloHd." We don't propose to tell it all until we see further developments.-- Suffice it to say that two young ladies not a thousand miles from McHenry have got "shook." One of them has procured a "navy six," and hungers for "reeking gore." while the other sweet­ ly murmers, "Gone,but not forgotten." Our heart goes out in sympathy to­ wards these young damsels and we therefore touch them lightly. Should a tragedy occur over this unfortunate affair the public shall be informed in due time, but we make no more |»routi- i ses. WE learn that a band of Lightniug Rod swindlers have been victimizing the farmers.In the vicinity of Algon­ quin to quite a serious extent. Their plan of operation, as told by ena of the victims, is as follows: A man act­ ing as au advance Agent came to the farmers residence an l wanted to take an order for putting Rods on his house. The farmer ask him what would be the probable cost. After figuring some time he informed him it would cost somewhere from «25 to 328. With the understanding that It would not ex­ ceed the latter figures he signs an or­ der for the Rodiug of his house at so .much per foot. That or the uext day anwther gang came along, put on the Rods and present the farmer a Note to sign for Otw Hundred and Five Dol­ lars. ' In other places they have made bills of #200, $250 and eveu as high as $275, where they had represented $40 or$60 would be the highest. With these sharks abroad iu the land we warn the farming community, ahd all others, to be on the lookout for them and the best reception they could give them would be a plaster of sole leather applied red hot. Persons wanting Lightning Rods cau buy them of re­ sponsible parties whom they kuow, and give these brassy sharks a wide berth. 8PKLLING KKl'ORT. . Below is given the report of my B. Class in Spelling, for the two weeks ending April.23d, 1877: Ada Granger, 3-225; Nora Morrison. 5-200; Chas. Slafte% 5-175; Addie Alexander, 1-225; Eloise Waite, 2-200; Chas. Parsons^ 2-200; Eflle Curtis. 2-225; Emma Gregory, .1-225; Paul Brown, 2-150; Jennie stearics, 1-175; Carl Ralston, 10-225; Addie McOuiber^ 125; Ettie Beers, 1-2)5Q; 8. D. BALDWIN, Teacher. The cheapest and best Pictures in the county at the Fine Art Gallery o f L, S, Gorton, McHenry. TUK Chicago New Covenant, of the 19th iust., has the following compli­ mentary notice of our McHenry Artist, Miss Clara B. Owen: * A GENUINE ARriST.--All our frierds who have seen it are delighted with a portrait in oil of the Editor of the Covt'nan", painted by Miss Clara B. Owen, of McHenry, 111. The work is finished, and the likeness perfect. It is not possible to imagine a more sat­ isfactory picture, aud we take the greatest satisfaction iu recommending the artist. She can furnish a portrait at any distance, if she has a photo­ graph of the subject. She is very young, aud is destined to achieve a brilliant imputation iu her difficult art."1 This.coming from so good a judge and critic a's the editor of the Covenant is ^udeed complimentary, but Miss OweiTis entitled to it and more to.-- No oue who sees her pictures for a mo- meat hesitate to prouounce them per­ fect in every particular. Miss. Oweu has the faculty that we never saw iu any other Artist, that is of making her pictures set out from the canvass in so perfect a manner that it almost seems as if they could talk. She is now Painting several Pictures for Chicago parties, 16x20, aud also one on Canvass, 18x22, that all who admire perfection in Portrait Painting should not see. The expression, complexion, dress, drapery, &c.. cannot be surpassed by the best Artist iu the world, as in our opin­ ion they are simply perfect. Miss Oweu has also received several orders from the Southern part of this State. AN exchange solemulv inquires: **Watchman, what of the night?'-' and away down the long vista of thd street we hear the echoing reply: "Wliaz of ver nigh! -Like t'co howenny luangon- to flu* where t'pnt nigh' key when er door stuck plum full't stray keyholes. Ats whazzer tnarrer 1th night." a@rA lady correspondent of the Joumaiconcluded her letter asfollows "But I have already wearied you," etc The villainous type-setter made it read: "But I have already married you." This is only oue of the thousand and one little annoyances that a newspaper mail has to suffer.--Lowell journal. In connection with my remarks npon the new Board of Trustees aud the office of Town Treasurer it would have been proper to state that in his .fulfill­ ment of the duties of his office no fault has been found with Mr. Bunker so far as 1 have learned, still some are anxious for a change, and on behalf of the par­ ty iu possession too it may be said that this is third time in sueee$sioij^that the Treasurer has been appointed at the April meeting, aud up to this time no move has been made towards appoint­ ing a new oue nor is it likely there will be. Ira's "Donnelly?*" EEbtel hi suffering for boarders, up to date the register thereof being a total ---- so there is no one to eat that pork and flour or warm his shins by that new fifty dollar stove. What has become of the thirty-eight? Is the question now. A», the meeting of the Literary Cir­ cle Monday evening, the 16th, it was resolved to meet hereafter but once in two weeks and the programme for the uext meeting includes Historical Read­ ing by E. E. Thomas, and a Query Box by Miss Soudericker. A Air. llibbard from Elgin, route agent on the Galena Divisipu of the C. & N. W. R. R., has bought a lot on the new road and is building a house on it, having brought his boss from Dundee, as though Woodstock contained no joiner capable of erecting a residence iu the orthodox style. N. Norton has put up a new building iu his lumber yard, which furnishes a presumption that he is prospering. A new walk has been built ou the county lot South of the Court House, and the lane between Tappau's and Whitsou'a has beeu widened luto a street. Several of the stone culverts that wereputinby Schryver aud Murphy have caved in aud been replaced with timber. Jack Frost gets the credit of this extra expense, still Jack may not me altogether too blame. Perhaps this is pne of the logical results of A dam's cowardly trick in Eden when he tried to shirk the responsibility oft upon a woman. Well, the first man was no credit to his maker if that In­ stance is a fair sample of his manhood; nor was Eve any better in point of courage seeing she laid it to the devil, of whom no questions were asked as far as we know, but who would expect such a transition in your Woodstock letter from culverts to Satan. Look out for a sermon next. The "Fun" at the Presbyterian Church was on hand promptly, the four agents telling their lies as glibly as though actually traveling about the country selling books, salve, canvassing for papers or selling patents. The ouly thing discouraging about It being that no sales were made. The fun netted ten dollars. The Congregation al Church has traded oft Hauat'ord for Sooey who now pulls the string thatriugs the bell, that tells the folks to come to the church that Barrows built. That congrega­ tion having raised Mr. Northcott's sal­ ary to $1200 now i iteuds building a new room onto the East end of the church for a prayer roam aud pastors study. A meeting is to be held this evening (Monday) to settle the mat­ ter. Mr. Brown, the Janitor of our School building having moved back to his old home his neighbors walked ?n upon him last Saturday afternoon with their armauieut of baskets took possession set the table and invited the family, In­ cluding the invaders to take tea with them after which visiting was the order of the night till nine p. M., wheu the meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the mischief committee. Last week I wrote you that Mack Knight's wife was very low. I meant to write Morg. The lady died last Sunday night aud was buried at Ridge- field ou Monday. Uncle Daniel Blair, thinking his house a trifle too small, built a story on top of his rear wing so as tp make one more bed room, but there's no guosslug from that what be will do next year. E. A. Murphy has returned with his usual large stock and if my neighbors tell the truth he sells cheaper than any other man in towu. If your correspond­ ent had anything to buy with he would go and see for himself. The editor or the Sentinel has effect­ ed a change of base from Clay to Jack­ son street, in which the regular seven day battle with crockery, furniture, carpets and stove pipe was fought, with the usual result and "Gard" is domiciled ou the Broadway of Wood­ stock. At the business meeting of the Con­ gregational Church it was -resolved to enlarge, by building on the East end of the North side of the present building, 32x34 with a basement eight feet in height each story to be divided into two rooms, the new part to be the same height as the present one. The .esti­ mated cost is $800. John Wheat and L. H. S. Barrows were added to the Board of Trustees as a bcrflling co'm-* mittee and the Wottfe Is tit he «ow- menced immediately. A Norwegian woman named LaWson^ living near the Methodist Church, who has been attending the meetings at that placo for the pist two months, ccmh&itKi b; He y. • "• Peliett, has gone crazy and * commission of lunacy has been appointed t9 examine Into her sanity. Mr. Peliett concluding that Itis devils that all her ttnd that he is equal to all emergencies of that Lind tried his baud at curing her and al­ though he said the devils r.o the nura ber of five or sev«n (authorities difTer upon that point.) were cast out they wouldn't stay out. The probability is that they (the devils) being Norwe­ gians didn't understand English or that Peliett didn't understand Norwegian devils. The cure by exorcism was not very much of a success. Dr. Green had a first-class runaway up Itottle street last Monday, caused by the bolt dropping out of one of the clips attaching the pole to the buggy. A tree stopped the runaways to the damage of the tongue, whiffletrees and neck yoke not to mention the Doctor's • « • sqvww* N U N D A . ' EIMTOR PLAINDEALJSRI^L J • EXU3TION. A. ' , Those rkjM deserted sftwnd a&d addle pate Those tiny caps, »o long so near and dear-- They burned and sifted thro' the red-hot grate And mingled with the foggy atmosphere. We would say to our friends--G. O. V., and E. P., to Ll D. and W., that we never, never, never--'"Never take a Dare." A meeting will be held at the Coig'l Chapel on Friday Evening, April 27th, to organize a Literary society. All persons at all interested in this should attend. They are about to organize ou the best of plan* and will arraugc the time, place and duties of the meet­ ings to the conveniences of all mem­ bers. Itis iu good and experienced hands already and will be an honor at well as a benefit to every one. It is t<* be a uniou of the two places as far as is possible. All, old and young, are welcomed aud invited to unite. Mr. Vau Allen, J. J. Wilson, J. A. Baldwin, W. Beardsley aud others whose names I have not heard are prominuutly con­ nected with the organization. The Baptist Society will have a So­ ciable at the residence of Mr. Hall, near Nunda,on Thursday Evening, April 26th, AH that go, knowing Mr. Hall's people, will rightfully expect an enjoy­ able time. A train of cars came Into this place on Saturday; its arrival being witness­ ed by a number of people, some of whom were much surprised at a seem­ ing veutriloquous sound which, upon investigation, ptoved to be a decidedly verbal request of oue of the '•Tramping" gentry for release from his close quar­ ters iu a car of lumber. A small boy opened the car door (while a large man stood at a safe investigating distance.) First came heels then the lesser part of a sore-shouldered Tramp, who may thank Ids lucky star that he did not re­ ceive a Pistol shot while some boys were shooting at the car. Every busi­ ness, I conclude, has Its dangers. By the way, when will the Tramp retire from active business and public life ? S. Calkins, an old gentleman at pres­ ent living alone, m«t with a slight loss by Are, ou Friday evening, that came very near bein« one of fatal result to himself. He had set a lamp on a low trunk and turned to walk away when the lamp exploded, tiring the furniture and house. Several persons were call­ ed whose services soon stopped the flames, and evidently the fire was quen­ ched but Mr. Calkins thought it safe to watch for a possible outbreak at some other point--and this precaution prob­ ably saved his life. He had been sit­ ting but a short time when, as he at­ tempted to rise from his seat he faint­ ed- He does not know how long he laid on the floor but wheu he recovered consciousness the room had filled with smoke and was soon ablaze. With great difficulty he crawled out of the house and gave the second alarm, whieh was quickly responded to and the timely assistance of Mr. Campbell and Mr. Ben- thuysen again saved the property from demoli8hment. To his most opportune resuscitation does he owe his life for In a very few minutes the house would have been in ilhines and rescue imposs^ ible; or if in the swoon he had remain­ ed in the chair or falleu on the bed the smoke, on account of being denser al that height-, would probably have pre­ vented his recovery and left him a vic­ tim to that servant who, in his frequent uprisings of late, Is having lamentable success. The village election resulted in^he election of M. F. Ellsworth, G. R. Hj'Wr Win. St. Clair, Reny, Butkr, G. wl- Horn, and Robt. Philp, Trustees and Geo. O. Vermilya Clerk. Mr. Butler was elected Justice of the Peace at the towuship election but was ineligible on account of too short a time of residence here; and for what reason he was run on the corporation ticket is hard to tell, all persous acknowledging that he is not eligible. However he will qualify at the meeting which is to be held to night (Mouday) for that purpose, bat he will resign if there is auy objection offered aud It is whispered that there are some who are have him removed; for which there ca no reason, only that he ha^f^n here but a short time. FOIS. Business Notices* -i-* "d IS. Mr Owen for Plow* , r*\ Boys Qothlng, at F. Q.Mayei. Best thiftg In Flows. Call and *e*. *» » ,OWL£4 If .fou are In want of Ffonr. Feed, Ac., go to Hanley & Sons. Mclleui y Buy Ilanlef ft Sons celebrated Fa* tent Flour, the best In the market. Hall's Safe** nil sf2es< torsade by O. Bishop. ' > - A complete line of WALL PAPER at very low prices at Ltfiislfir Jk Evansotfs. For a first class Photograph, go to h. 8« Gortou's, at Ford's old Gallery, McHenry. The choicest brands of flotfr to he found in the West are made by Hanley & Sons. No Half Patent or Humbug. A brail new Organ at for $100. Particular attention paid to copvlnsr, at the old Gallery ofB. A. Ford, bir L, S. Gorton. Fancy Note and Letter Paper, with envelopes to match. Verv neat styles. At 0. W. Owen's. Call at the Fine Art Gallery S. Gorton, over Perry & Martin's Store, and examine his specimens. Good Pictures or no pay is his motto. Having engaged the service# of » first-class Retoucher in Chicago, I ans now prepared to make as flue Pictures as can be found in the couuty. Call aud SPA fihuoltnanc "" w - L. S. GOKTOK. , At Ford's old UallerT. 1 BEES FOR SALE. The Undersigned has a uumbor ©f Swarms of Bees which he offers for $4 for first swarms and $3 for set-• ond Swarms, purchasers to furnish their own Hives. Or will sell them a good Patent Hive for $5 each, 1 will Hive Bees for all who purv-h tse in any Hive they may bring. Residence four miles West of McHenry. All orders Should, be sent iu before the 15th of May. ( ANDREW THOMAS. BUY FRUIT When j'ou can raise it cheaper. Rac­ ing decided to go into the Nursery business, I offer to the public a first- class lot of Fruit, Shade, Ornamental and Evergreen Trees, as low as they can be afforded, and will make a liberal disconut for cash. This means husiuett Come with your teams or vend for what you wish and you will get it. „. , „„ R. A. BCCKLAKDW lvlngwood, III., April nth, M77. NEW SHOE SHOP* The uudersigued would respectfully inform the public that he hasopened m Shoe Shop iu Lansing's Block, near the Depot, and is now prepared to do work to order, on short notice and Warrant satisfaction every time. From a long experience he is confident lie can please the most fastidious. Particular atten- tlon to Repairing. Give me a calU W* Dow. M^UR! FLOUR! Owing to the great rush of Custom Grinding at our Mill we have becfit obliged to ship in several car loads of Minnesota Flour to accommodate our customers, aud we are now offering Choice Minnesota Flour a£ $7 pop barrel. We have also * good supply of Corn, Bran and Feedr which we ara selling at corresponding low figures We warrant everything delivered from our Mi41 just as represented Give us ft ., A. H. HANLEY <& SON. RRMKMBKKTHI& Now* Is the time of vear for Pneumo* nla, Lung Fever. Coughs, Colds, and fatal results of predisposition to Con­ sumption and other Throat aud Lun* Disease. BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYIUP has beeu used iu this i.eighborhoed for the past two or three years without a> single failure to cure. If you have no* used tiiis incdicinc yoursrlf, go to yotstS Druggist, Henry Colby, aud usk him e# ' its wonderful success among his custom* ers. Three doses will relieve the worst oase. If you have no faith in any x medicine, just buy a Sample Bottle of - BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP f«r 10 cents 1 and try it. Regular size bottle 75 cents, Den't neglect a cough to save 7*1 flsaUl auctionTmue. OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. : The undersigned will sell at Pnblio - Auction, at his residence, known as tho residence of Mrs. H. N. Owen, iu the f village of McHenry, on Saturday, May 12th, commencing at 10 o'clock A. all his Household Furniture, consisting of Parlor, Sitting Room, and Kitchen Furniture, Bedroom Sots, Crockery. Stoves, «fec. Will lie sold without reserve. Par­ ties wishing to purchase at private salo can do so by calling at my residence ac any time before the sale. TERMS O* SALE.--All sums of $10and , under cash. Over that sum a credit of < eight months will be given on ap» proved Notes at 8 per cent Interest. ILOwLvrr. F. K. GRANGKE. Auot&eaieer, DIEID. BISHOP.~On Satuvduv evening. April tl«t. 1877, at the residence uf her son, lion Itlcbsir I Bjnlioji, Charlotte Bishop, in the 75th year of- her *Ktt.

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