Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 May 1877, p. 1

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Jjejfeiry plaia2e*lept Published Every Wednesday by : j.v^vrs Hl.YKli r i «feT cr:| JfidltOf alii Publishes* la ttlf efskta Or«r Smith tiros, & C6.'s Store. I" I- TERM* or StfflSCitlPtfldih Ye»f» (111 Advance,). . i ........fVto hot 1»*W within 1Ph«»e Bfr<Mtth*i-.:iV....i.5 ffe TfSubscriptlrtits received fof thre©of six moAtns '» the Mme proportion. J !W= BUSINESS CARDS. W. T. BROWN*. It. f>. iDHY^t.CtA.H and Sursreon, Ortr,e in Wrick Ml nWk Aver t, a. Maves Clrttnihg Stare Water Street, McHenrv 111. K. A. IfcKKUS M. D. lW>«Y8tciW tilth AWridton. Ofll'-e at fesidence, t#6 *&** W6« of Post Office, Bl-flfthVy k a. J. HOWARD, M FT. MtUffciAH and Surgeon-. Office at the store oward A Son, McHcnrv, 111., F. J. fcARBIAN. Manufactu^, McHenrv 111. \j tory No. \i\<. u'friets sniicitoa, RICHARD BISHOP, t+I A TTORXEV AND COON^E' OR AT LA#; iV Ortce ttt rear of Murphy & Bishop's Bank North Sldift Public Square, Woodstock, 111. GKO. A. BUOKLIX, rOTABY PUBLIC* tCpnveyatocer and In- __ , Buranre Agent, Office at Bucklin A Steven's Store, near the Depot, M<Mlctivv*, III. N< E. E. RICHARDS. H\S SWMimVfete Abstract or Titles to land in Mettentr County, Ill'nots. 0#68 Witli rionnty Clerk* Woodstock, III. UOBT> WRIGHT. Manufacturer of Custom Made ftonts and Shoes. None but the b<Mt of nla-tcfinl •sod and all work warranted. ShopNofthwcst Public Square, McHenrv, 1)1. BUSINESS CAKDS. B. BENNETT, M» D., Stflt«t:ON and Ac-ouchyr. ®f Women a Specialty. Ofti'eana Residence on Clav Street, Woodstock, UL #. H. BtfCi£» Mi 0.i to 4 P. M. •lYfi-S"; i ii i i » nm i C. W. ROBERTA K. D., tfaYStctAN AND sUHGBON, Special a* JT tention given to Diseases of Women and GMldrcR, V«u>, I'-f- W. H. SANFORD, Mercliant, Tailor. in the store of C. EL OiAkitoson, Ea#tSMl»of Public Square, woot>s¥0Citv itu A irood Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitittgs al­ ways on hand. Suits made to order and A lit warranted^- Give mc a call. Woodstock tU.,Sept. 47th on W^SANrpm M. ENGELN. ly-SM'I rJ? ii Will Clt&nge mus­ cle leaders, both »ingi«) and doable, I to breach loaders, keeps on hand All kinds of Gun Ma- teriak Alt Work wftYfahtedk . Shortopposite Pert? & Martin's Store, McHenrv, tlU feUHf • • .a igitirfaiurtfr FR. HECHTLE. HOFM5,*i<ni and Ornamental Painter, also Fancy SJieJa-bes, Scenerv, &c., McHenrv m irm <Hm «IV «•«*; (ttowptly ami at rea rates. & *1, OWtivV n KJJKRAT, nrr<\ Wannfactvims iJT Axent in Leadin? Farm Machinery. Prices low and Terms favorable. MCHEXRY, . . - - - ILLINOIS. f I> E, IwJITM AN, Proprietor. First claita Ii vjjis vvithor nit 1MM t, driver*, ftimisiiH «CIIBiiINKR. SALOON and Restaur int. Nearly opposite the Parker House, McHenry IfU #®*Kirst-Clft8« Billiard and Pool Tables. J. BONSLETT, £t i.|JOQ¥ aud Restaurant. Nearly H Ow,en's Mil?,, ^cHeivry, pj,. Fresh Oystern •e^ied Hp in ai^y s^apc <te»ir«d, or ^or sale by «*«/ 49-GGOD ^TABLING FOR I40RS£3..«* w ^ ELLSWORTH. SOREEDERo the Coiebrttel Jloir. 1> Alno i;*rt,t.w>d Dirk iir thma F<»w^. Pi«8 ^hipped to M |»oi*t« by exyress. F. O. A'«- ^ dress, ,^ToodfiX<K*. \ "-iSt. J PETER LEICKEM. I-;: B„.. , . aji kind*. Also Rep iirs Violins in tliebeut tttfsaaWe manner, «ui siiorjj; uojtice ^»nd at ran - snji.itie rates. Also violins fj>r SaUs. >Jhoii ALr^jtX North of iti vemde Block, f^GHENRY HOIJSK. Vf/cHenry, IM. JoUn Karnes Proprietor, jrl CentV)U4y 'locate<l and tlie 4>est of accoin- fnodations furni«heil. Charges reasonable JtfoHeurj |v -J " F- KI.EIFGEN & SON f -S.8; r*A8BlA(JK, \ya«on and House "" |j doiije'on Short Notice. i-«« ! - V!;^ ranted. ttcHei»ry III., Squar^. Paintiptr Ail work war- S^uth of the Public MATTHEW KARtiES. Also H>USE, Sitgn and Garriage Painter. Galeouiinmg iloije in the l»est nf manner. All orders llromyt Iv atten led to and work w>.rvaut«a. Ke»idenee at tbe ItcHeury House,. afivHcnry, ^U,. > ; " RICHMOND ilOlTSR. ' ' nVJHIfONlj IT-T,|NTOIS. Frank Foster Pn*- lu priotor. (ionrt acc.oinmn^-iHoiis for all farttes. Sauiplcv(j/>iijs for Salesmen, l.ivew table attac^ad. PitWjc far Lectures, Shows ftc., r.^sanablf' riites. lone on sliort notice'. Teamih ra all kinds O. W. OWE^', WATCH HAKES & JEWELER, MCHENRY ILL., Dealer l» all kinds ot AmericJi* and Swias Watches, Ol'»ckK from the Iwst factories in the country. Silver, plated ware, Silygjc Spwus, dNv ' ' limwfiXTVO* TH5 WE^ER AIWD BRA4L>ARY FL^NOS ^NPTJIS ;.v. Orjyaii ! AYhU'h we believe to "lie the liest Orjran in the market. We t|>ink vc know that by experi- «ur«, wjr JbgFlifv^ it^ fw U l« 4^.ked tip by tlte - • Beei musicians in the World. I also 8cli other Orirans at lens pricei ® them g"° " '5 - \t "' 'tf ' • - nrj, w. ov prices than to be July S3, , OWEN, iiJQ PARCA1NS FRED, BRXJCII, CIQAR MANUFACTURER, rAND- WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST. WOODSTOCK, TT.T.INOIS. james mmim, if!*!: PKKSlJBKJtT'S POLICY. . President ttaye'a cruel couhse to- ards tlie'Republicans of South Carolina and Lftuisiaua, whoge heroic efforts for the success of the Republian party were the means of elevating htm inttj the Presidential chair, is meeting with the just comJetnim+lon offehe great intelli­ gent tD«£S t>f bi* party,flu botte the Northern am) Southern States» It is difficult to ilif>cei-ii by whftt just authority the President'-can hold his position, as chief magistrate of the Na­ tion, if Governors Chamberlain of South Carolina and Packard of Louisiana are ttofN;he legal ami riglattui Executive s of those States. Governor Packard certaiiily deceived a larger vote, oil the 7th of November ht»t, than dill <|ne of the llepnblkan Presidential electors, and Mr. tla* c*s was declared chosen by only one majority1 In the electoral col­ lege. Packard cannot lawfully go down without President Hayes going with litui. The legally constituted returning board of these respective States, decid­ ed the electoral Votes of each for Pres­ ident Hayes, and also declared that Chamberlain and Paeltard were elected Governors. But, by the new peace pq>- icy of Mr. Haye* thes* lawful governors are left unprotected and brute force is to win the Victory o^er justice and law. Why should 'fight Jie sacrificed to might ? t'au peace and contentment be permanently secured among an intelli­ gent penple by any sucii urtke shift,? truth and justice prevail though the Heavens fall. But it is said that these Southern gentlemen agree to behave themselves trear the black and white Republicans of those States with fairness, and prom­ ise to support the present administra­ tion.'if it will withdraw the national troops from the protection of the gtate authorities and allow the red-hauded white leaguers to overthrow by force the will of legal majorities. To this proposition we are sorry to learn* President Haves has consented, and Republican ruK* is &t juj eutf ln aUthese Southery States., % , But can we safely rely upon the prom­ ises of men who have conducted as' l»-<ve thesa "Soutliera brethren?•** Did not tl.« leaders violate their soleinij oat^ °f 4})pglanea to the constitptiou of the United States and tiieir dutv to their country. wh#u they took up arms to distroy its life witiiout provocation. Has the conduct of these ex-rebels been SUQ|I. since their chastisement for trea­ son tt"d l elipllion. as can war ran| us Jn bt»neving that tiiey ivi)) be true to their ward wliej) tlif?y have obtained com­ plete cijijt<"»l of their respective Stace government ? We sadly tear that Pres­ ident Hayes will learn tqo late that he ; eoiiii)itte4 a gi'eat error in with­ drawing his support and proteption from the legailv constituted authorities of Louisiana and Soptli Carolina, and giving thfMii over to the tender mercie« of the enemies of our common country. \ybP will make the present surrender «' rig! t a precident for demanding fai­ lure •concessions |n the s,aine direction. KJijrhtlv d^maped b- Watejri i the at foe, at Won. |»2 an ' Wi M vlisojt St., co fte? Fifth Avenue, ^"he ^.nihu'jibc st*>ick of Scott & Go., Wliotenaie and Retai 1 Hatter», com}>rHn#nII the lea tine in BtT^tN ESS and -|)iii]£as has leen removed to 183 Ma^lsor Street, nt-a»lv opjiosite thi'ir »d l stand and WiH 1»# c.l«Mtf<"t oyt at iJ i>#» ts on a Dollar. Oom earl v l«eft»rp th,e beat »re irone. * SOOTT A Oa, Wholesale and Uetul Hitters, r.eiu««l^d tp 183 «»i»yn it?, near 8 1» Avouutv. j,-/ •^DBALUt Iffe- Agricoltuxal Implements SOLON MILLS, ILL,, MANUFACTURERS AGENT for the (VIUIJ.< piou Reaper an l M >\vcr. the UOF.I i ii Corn Cultivators and D>imon l Plow, >v .r- ranted to scour in any soil, the Forest City Seed Plow and steel Bo tin stubble Pl.«.rs /Corn PJautero, Horse Rikes^ & •. Wdl ti«e ash or Quod Notes in exchange for any an>i all of my Goods. Post Office, Solon Milify III. ILL. ^CURTIS & WAITE, : . . . . , % . . . V - , Sip, and Oniental PAINTERS, •~A: MCHENRY ILLINOIS. Oalsominlng and Paper Hanffteg done on short notice and In workmanlike mtnner.- Also Graining of all Kinds in the best manner Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. Orders left at the Drug Store of H. CoHiy, jprUI be promptly attended to. Curtis & WaitQ. Ifp^^pr^. PL, April l«tb, 1977, Fills House having IH^OH »»pwly Furnish^'1 am1 Ketittcd, we nre now rosily to rcffivo Boarders hy the Day or 'Yock. on Reasonable rerius' Hopms with or without Furniture, COIST & McCREERY, prietors Onct^'Uj-i.i. a thnr, an 4tmeilcan citizen qf African desctr.t, popular among, his frllou s was on trial for chick eu-steali-ig and the good natured jury brought In a verdict of uot-giiilty this time--but don'f you never do it again. The president has been on trial before the people the past month for deserting Republican policy ami the geiu-rai ver­ dict is somewhat similar. Sfast in Har­ per's Weekly has a picture of himself, penc!l in hand in the altitude of a epui)ky, determined school-boy, nijid at tlie situation and determined to picture it out in his blackest colors, while Uncle Sam. his school-master, slams him, kick­ ing and struggling, down iu his chair iwdsays: "Wait, be patient, and see hpw the President is comingoqt.M Sen­ ator Blaine, in a conversation tlie other day, was asked how he likud the new policy. and he immediately to)d the following story: 'tQnce upon a time a party of gentleuieu in Maine started out on a hunting expedition, On their wav they elected one of their number to the responsible post lion of cook, with the Uiider-staii<||ug that the flrst one who grrtwled or objected to the cooking should take the cook's place, and that this rule should continue throughout thfc trip, On the first morning <,uf« while at breakfast, one of thp party took up a biscuit, put it in his mouth, bit out a piece, and Immediately ex- claiined: *Wliew, how salty!. But then you know, I like it!" PIMPLES. I WALL Mail (Fr«e) the recipe for pn pjl -ini a sin :»le Vegetable Balm that will'r«J, move T n. Frci'kio-i, Pimples and Fllotfthes, leaviqut :he skin * .ft, cleir aul lutaniiful; also instr icti'nn f.»r produoin? a luxijrian^ srrowt \ of hair on a bald head or smooth' fa«'e Aldrexs B.mi Vanlolf A Co., Box 51'21, No. WomtBV jr.. N'^" York. The McHsary Brewery. King & Herbes, Proprietors. THE Ijestof Beer Shipped toanv part, of the country and warranted as represented.-- girders solicited |nd promptly attejided to. MCHESU! COUMV DEBT. EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--It Is gratitt* IHg, to the taxpayers of this County that the largo war debt, contracted by its Supervisors in granting county bounties to soldiers, during the great rebellion, has been largely paid off. From a debt of 9241,505 in September 1865, we now have a little less than *7*,- 000: and from the annual pavmeht of ten per cetit interest on most the debt, the county is hot paying over el^ht. on any portion of the remainder, and it is hopyd that the whole now outstanding Indebtedness will, before the close of this season, be reduced to seven per cent interest. The saying by the redue- tlttjiof Interest la*t year from 10 to 8 percent was #1,640; and. If the people o. ntintie to come fanvard and and lake] the 7 per cent orders to the full amount' of the present jleht. the annual interest saving will be more than 92.000 from the ten percent rule. A seven percent investment in McHwnry county orders is far better than an ievestment iu government or any other bonds now pnrchasalde. The security is as good as that of any Nation or State govern­ ment, and there is no difficulty in ob­ taining the interest on the day it Is due. ' We are pleased to know that the Cap­ italists of Mcflenry county have been so prompt in coming forward and in­ vesting In our 8 and 7 per cent orders. It obviates vthe necessity of having them placed in the hands of capitalists In other localities, where the interest wotiid not be retained at home tobene- fit our own people. A resolution hrt* passed otir Board of Supervisors to pay at least $10,000 a year on the principal of the remaining debt until all is canceled; and, should a season of plenty visit us, there will doubtless be larger annual payments of •the principal. Any one wishing to invest In Metten- ry county'7 per cent orders can now do so, by applying to the County Treasur­ er. . c. O. PARSONS. Seneca, May 2th, 1877. £tii?*Sandwich has a in an who knows how to advertise--J. M. Hummell.--Be- loit ( WSw.) Graphic. You're just:: talking. And Vie maker it pay, too. What would you think to ha^e a tall, lean Yankee come and set­ tle in Beioit tvhw would spend $1,000 a year in advertising awd sell $75,000 worth of lann Implements ii* a year?< He make* a rattling, among the djry fogy holies wherever he move*^$f^7 wich Free Press. PAY UP!--Everybody is groaning un­ der the long ebntinuert and grevjous prossure of "hard times." and everybody is most anxiously hoping' for a speedy glance at the "silver lining" which is said to e*ist In every dark cloud. Ev­ erybody haw been hoping so long with­ out any fruition, that many have grown weary aud sunk by the wayside; their bark have gout down qlmott In sight of port; and yet ft certainly does seem that hopes are day by day growing in­ to a ftetief that the "good tiuie coming" is near at hand. ; > But as au important preliminary step and one tliat will be a vast stride tow. ards it, let evorybody PAY UP! "Easier said than done!" says the reader. Gran­ ted. None know it better than do we; hut if you cannot pay up in full, pay ev­ ery dollar or dime you can. Dou't think because you owe your neighhor one hundred dollars and cannot pay him now but five, that he will not be glad to get even this, audi that his heart will not grow warmer towards yor from tills very proof, yourpart. of a desire to pay. Start the" hall In mo­ tion, and like the big one in the school yard, as it rolls it will accumulate and grow larger and larger. Your paying your neighbor the five dollars will re­ mind him that h<i pan pay Mn neighbor ten, and his, in turn, twenty, and so on; and ere long the immense amount of ihoney now hung on to by everybody as a sort of "reserve' will get into cir­ culation. ggT It is remarkable how cheerfully the farmers and h^iness men of this vicinity accept the inevitable,'since it has become quite certain that the Turks aud Russians are determined to cut and slash each other up. The farmers really look cheerful over, the inevitable carnage--so great is their interest for tiie protection of the persecuted Chris­ tians in Bulgaria and Servia; the mer­ chants rub their hands with satisfaction so earuest are they to see Mohammed­ anism swept out of Europe: the grain dealers are truly glad to see Christiani­ ty so gloriously defended. They don't seem to dread the slaughter at all. We even heard one agriculturist remark: "I hope it will be a good long war. one that will help the persecuted Christians aud help the price of hogs; that will give a good old fashioned impetus to busiuea* and give us a big market for wheat. Fight Russian! Fight Turk! I don't eare which whips only just let 'enikeep a flt'n." And down in the depths of the hearts of this universal, yankee nation this is the feeling that prevails.--Sycavwre Republican. American made boots are mak­ ing inroads upon Europe, and the Swiss shoemakers have sounded an alarm. A foreign paj er says that American boots are sold ia Switzerland at $2.00 per pair. $ot to E.. M, Oweu for Plow®. Boys Clothing, at F. G,Mayes. WASHINGTON CORltKgPONDKNCE. Joke on the President in Church-- Wcmrcd, a:i Improved Naval Porce-- Hayes agrees with his Brother Sol- diet's--JZridennes of the approaching Summer Cabinet Ditcusskm--Speak­ ership of the Next Uotlne--Accident ce--<tc.. Ac,, WASHlNOTONi D. C., April 80th, 1S77. ; 41 the Foordrv Church* last Sunday, where the President's family attend, the discourse was an estimate of Chris* by his contemporaries • and during the sermon the preacher gave Utterance to an expression that hus been u.«ed so fre­ quently iu political circles ainoe the inauguration of Hayes, that It at once suggested the Southern disturbances to the miuds of the listeners and raised quite a titter through the audienice somewhat to the discomfiture of the unconscious clergyman. He was speak­ ing of the Jews aud their belief in Christ, and their temporal Savior who was to overthrow their thraldom and as^the elder expressed it, restore lo t^ach tribe local self-government Every­ body craned their necks to get sight of the President and see how he took It. There is much interest tnanifest«d in tlie question of the unefficiency of our Naval force. The troubles iu the East bring it particularly to mind, and cer­ tainly, considering the age and posi­ tion of the United States, with a pop­ ulation of 4^,000,000, and one ot the world's richest countries, the condition of its Kavy is scandalous. It stands on a level'with the fourth-rate powers of the world aud iu case of hostilities, we have no resource but the hiveutiveness aud energy of the country and such ex­ temporized defences are but poor ones with which to iaeet an emergency in comparison with the naval forces of England, Germany, or even of Spain.-- Wc need at least c'gUt war vessels ex­ ceeding in strong Hi any now in our Navy. It Is quite generally believed that Congress will make some move­ ment in reference to this matter, in the coming extra session. A representation of Soldiers, con­ sisting ot a committee of uon-office holding soldiers of the late war, called upon the President recently to learn his views relative to the appointmeut of soldiers to government offices. He oxpressed himself as fully in concur- ence with the law of Congress which provides that, other things being equal, the soldier shall 111 avery case have the preference in the matter of appointment. Summer is surely at hand, ai Is evi­ denced by more than one indication.-- The shrubs aud trees in all the public parks auft'gardens are in full bloom; people are clipping the grass In their yards and iawns, anil surest sign of all the birds of bright plumage (by which we mean Society fashionables) are flitting from towu en-voyage to water­ ing places, mountains, tlie country, aud various places of summer resort. Sev­ eral of the Diplomatic families will shortly leave the city. The Spanish Miulstei and his wife have already g'Mie to New York aiul will not return here till October, The Austrian - Min­ ister and Countess lioyos will soon sail for Europe wnere they will spend the summer returning in the Fall. Post­ master General Key's wife and daugh­ ter will return to their home in Ten­ nessee the 1st of May, intending to take a house here for next winter. The Cabinet is busy discussing the subject of the business to be attended to iu the Extra Session of Qougrttss there being manifested a growing dis* position to deviate from the first inten­ tion to recommend none but absolutely necessary measures, new subjects are now of d^ily suggestion and there is a probability that the session will find business enough to occupy several mouths time. There is anticipated among other things, a proposition for some civil service measure and a seek* tug for its passage. Political circles are discussing the Speakership of tlie next House with gret interest but more interestedly and more buii-Sly are several Honorable men working, to secure the same. Randall on the one side and Banks wn the other are now the leaders, Randall It is said can only be distanced in the race by Bank's securing some Democratic Supr port, A young cuw, driven along tho street yesterday became enraged, (and wha could wonder at it?) at the discordant sounds that an Italian woman was grin­ ding out of a hand organ and rushh^g at the woman tossed her <yi her horns aud gored her until stye was nearly kill­ ed. She was taken to the hos^a\(not tlie cow) but there are doubts aa to her rf co very. The Court this week sentenced a eri p- pled negro to three years in the Peni tentiary for stealing two white wash »brushes. Was H the same Court (It was in the same city, anyway) that this very season sentenced Ferdinand Win- slow tlie educated thief who stole 91*2,- 000 frein the United Stales Treasury. ' to a year and a half! in (ho same Peni­ tentiary? Oh consistency, Thou arc most surely a jewel! if one could'only get sight of you* Where do you keep yjMlfaelft Not in Washington! . MAXWjH, 2'tHIMM ' :T~~ ' °--! .MSTTEtt FROM loWA.. ATLANTIC, IOWA, Aptil 90th, fltt. • EDITOR PLAINDEALKR;--AS I **• nothing in your paper from Iowa and thinking a tew items might be of In­ terest to some1 of your renders, P will' try and write you a few lines, hoping ^ yon can find ro^m for at least some of % it In your excellent paper. Being for- % nierly a resident of McHenry (I was born there and lived there up. till • about oue year ago.) I anxiomty wait the arrival of your paper to hear the news from old ifcFIenry, and during the months of February aud March when 1 read the accouute of snow and cold weather, when we were having warm and pleasant weather here, J> surely did not wish myself hack there. What wheat was sown, was sown in February and Mar«'h. But now we are getting repaid for onr fine weather with interest. It commenced raining Thursday, the 26th, wind from the Northeast, and Friday night it commenced snowing and blowing aud continued twenty-four hours. Ius the worst storm on stock that we have hn<*a There is more snow on the ground now than wo had any time during tlie win­ ter. There is some corn planted but this will stop nil Working on the laud for some days. There is millions of hopper eggs here and some are hatched„ but to uo great extent as yet, Theref; is a great deal of damage anticipated^ from them, but farmers are putting InF their crops as usual only there is butf , little wheal sowu this Spring. If you! think you can spare the room .to pnb-: lith this do so aud i will try to do befr- iim ter next time. A SUBSCRIHK. AMFRICAN ISVENTIYK GENIU* • l?Hder the above heading, the ScIeBsfe tiftc American of Blay 7th, has a long!: and interesting article, from which wo|| make the following extracts: }p. To show with what rapidity inveft-K* tors make improvements on inventions!? embodying orignai principals, says thog writer. It may be noted that in the ear-< ly days of the sewing machi ie 116 pat-jS eots were granted for improvements^ > :r>; thereon in a single year; and out of the^ 5,910 patents issued in the year 1857^ * /; 152 were for improved cotton &1 is and presses, 104 for improvements on the®:'"T-^'" steain engine, and lt»8 for novel dovicesj relating to rHilrojtd<aud Improvement! in the rolling stock. In the throe years after the publication of thii| 1 paper was commenced, but 600 patent/' V •* ' were granted; but under the stimulus!" of publi»hiiig thoie Inventions as they" were patented, ten years later, iu the number had increased aixMl. reach!ug 3,710, while up to Janua y St, 1850, as already stated, the aggregate of patents issued amounted to 17,467, Since ttiat time an«i up to the present the tqtal is 181.015. Aud curiosity here leads us, adds the.; editor, to review ©ur owi* work,cxtc lug hack, say twenty years, or to 1857^' a period during which 170,745 patents. * have been issued. We find, by acttin^-^-^ count, that 62.062 opplications have beeuk .l* made through the Seietihc AmerieauS patent agency for pate (its In the Unite* States aud abroad. This averages al* most ten applications per day.Sunday%, excluded,over the entire-period,antfe f bears the relatiou of more than oueil qvarter to the total number of patent* issued in this country up to the time of writing. i&r '• P8* Pinch back, of LoiisjahA,' Is son of a Major Holmes, a white planter by a Plave woman. The Boston Post says: "One day he was with Major HoU mes on a Mississippi steamboat; tho sun was hot, and in the shade of an awning tho planter with his frieuda Played poker for high stakes, and to quiet his nerves drank deep draughts of iced whisky punch. The slave boy sat in a corner watching the game, aud waitiug for auy orders which might bo given by the players. While ko was oo cupied in this way, l!ie Captain stunt* bled across him,and demanded: 'Whoso niirger are you?' 'Well Massa Cap'n. don't 'jtackly know,' was his reply. 'J war Major IIoluv*' boy, but he dono bet me on two little pair and lost. 1V« got to see the game through ,'for* 1 can answer your question. Th% boy had told the exact truth. Ills unnatur« al fkther, having1 no other stake, bet» hlin against 91.000 and lost." 1 9®"A Rockpturt. Mass., widow supports her two children was asked# last week by a fellow workmen tn thoii mill to aid iu "making a puree for * poor woman," Site had only sixty' cents left to <?arry her and her children through the,iponth, but she gave twea* ty-tive cents. A little later the person^ returned au«i told the wtiman tho purs* ww meant Cor her, and tW©nty-flvQ, d^ars. • { ^ j • . 1 . M

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