m tf. WEDNESDAY, MAY 9th. 187?. ^Railroad Tim# Table. OOISO SOUTH, .HamUV* Piis-er.rcr Si-era La^F^nhi..; twm Luke P reight.... flfM** l»ke Pitunfer. 7:35 A. ». i:45 5».'>l£. *itt., 7t«B r. M. . MASONIC. * VdH**KYnnAPTRRXo.?4B, A. M.-Rem- •* Convocations held on the wcond and (MHfc Fridays in each month. , £ ^ HfcWa* Ootftr H. P. PITLASKI ALLBV Sec,, CHURCH DIRECTORY. idKmnDiM.-Rcv. J. H. i«POW, Pirstor. •irvicef every Sunday at 10J4 A. )t> *nd 7 P. M. Snaday School w*. PAGE, iM Wlpoitiitmii •HIS PAPER is kept on die in the offlce of L, P. Bootlt, General Eastern Agent, Chicago • Northwestern Railway, 418 Broadway, New. York City. Onr friends, when n New York, Ope ffiHieil; iBTiwd vw emit in and read it at MjrtbH. They will always be welcome. FOIJE or Five good Roonas to |*et.-- llquire at this office. v SKK advertisement of**For Sale or liehinie,1" by F. A. He bard in another ,s column. .-r ^ T "*;fTo prevent an aching void tn the lilaem of your family, eyJ^crlbcJDor the y^AIMDEALK*. ' Vth "CAN animals communicate IDEAS?1* •MM an exchange. Iiang a couple of ^Thomas-cats across a clothes-line and la will se6n And oat. ,, , ' ADVERTISERS say business isimprov- iug with them. Those who do not ad vertise say business is dull. The moral || obvious: advertise. U$Q. F. TRAIN predicts that* great crash In the financial world is not far oil. When * country editor looks in his pocket-book he Is willing to affirm that the "crash" has already crashed. iAir exchange asks, 44 Are American delicate tn It depends very much Whether you offer tliein cocoanut cake •fed ice cream, or a bar- of soap and a rashboard. I. BRADBURY, editor of the W*I»- kegan Patri&tf paid our sanctum a visit •• Saturday last. He was over attend- Jpg the meeting of the Executive Com mittee of the Old Settlers Association. THE committed on Speaker* for the "Old Settlers' Meeting are. making an Ififort to get the Hon. Robt. 6. Inger- toll to deliver the Address on thatoc- jQ|sion. We hope they will succeed. ' FOUND, near the Methodist Church, In this village, a handsome Pocket Knife. The owner can have the same by calling at the Hardware Store of John M. Smith and proving property. WE present on another page a Map Showing the boundaries, rivers and principal localities embraced In the theater of the preseut eastern wai. It Will be found valuable for reference ysjlpreafter. • ^Wb would call the attention W'-our readers to the card of W. S. PVlckett', Attorney at Law, to be found in anoth er column. His office is in Bishop's n|w Block, whicii he has fitted up iu t lat and tasty manner. taut Board of Trustees are making iiltne good improvements on the Pub- l|c Square, (etting out trees, and oth erwise putting It In shape. Mr. Bucklatid, of King wood, la furaisbiug the Trees. KlflsHOP 5 SON new Warehouse ha# j|st been ornamented with tasty and tjvell arranged signs, lettered on the front. Fr. Hechtle done the work, and when we say no better sign painter can be found in the Northwest, wo* §|ean just what we say. • LONDON letter says the Queen's drawing-rooms are not as well attended M usual this season. We suspected our Absence would be sadly felt and com mented upon, but wc can't afford to go r there every season to give tone to Queen's "drawing rooms.'* OUR Street commissioner has been going some good work in repairing the ggoot Bridge and walk across the creek, towards the Depot. He has moved the ftot bridge to the side of the bridge* •lid changed the walk on the hill front the North to the south side of the Hree&» making a new crossing at the corner which Is a great Improvement. IT max not be generally known that trsooa, who through carlessness or Iter causes, take mail from the post- office that belongs to another, and fail |o fcotvrft the same, are liable to a flue «T ISM and one year's imprisonment, fhii applies to newspapers thus takeu ft-efci % poetoffloe, aa well aa other mail •tatter? . THB barn of Chas. Annas, near Yolo, •as destroyed by fire on Thursday af ternoon last, together with three Ikerses. harnesses, blankets, and a quan tity of Hay and Grain. The horses %«re all valuable ones, being a pair of iWlu colta, for which he had refused -•300 and a Stallion probably worth f300 to #400. There was no one around the premises but Mrs. Anne#, and she found % impossible to get the horses out so Vapidly did the flames spread. The Ifrss« is about #800. The fire was started . |»y a boy about four years old, who was playing with matches in the barn. AN,editor who speaks with the air of a man who has discovered a new fact by experience,%ays that * hew way1 to .prevent bleeding at the nose is to keep your nose out of other people's bueiuess. We know of an editor in this county w^o woulddpw^i^yro$t, bp.. the above advice. , ; -- : . 1 •' )I _<>' ill, : A. H. HA.rs.st S"SCSS. «• two limidred acres of corn this sea son. Quite an extensive Corn field, but then the boys never do anything by halves. Besides running their ex tensive farm they are running their Flouring Mill te its full capacity, and will, about the middle of the month commenced operation Iu their Brick Yard. R. BISHOP ftSoN have taken poksei* slouot three full columns in the PLAIN- DEALER this week, in which they inform the public that in the liue of Farm Machinery they are prepared to fur nish anything to be found in the mark et, and at the lowest living prices.-- Mead their advertisement in another column, and when in want of anything there mentioned do not fall to call at their Warehouse. THE "Grangers from Harvard, Marew- go, Mcilenry, and other suburban towns,", would like to inquire why the Woodstock papers did uotgive a report of that "Jlr»t clazsgime of bat?" in their last issues. Tltev looked long and anx iously but could find nary a line to ii^di- cate that a game had been plaved at all. Do not suppress the news gentlemen, if you do get "clipped." The "Grangers" like to hear particular* of all "first class games." ] 11 TUB chronometer front gate is the latest thing. They are constructed on the principal of the chronometer lock, and can be wound up for any hour. If the young man ventures to hang round lisping spooney sweetness to his girl after that hour the gate "goes off," and by a very ingenious contrivance he is caught by the coat cellar and the seat of his pantaloons and thrown across the street. Every prudent father will have a chronometer gate this summer. Half the fools iu the United* States think thev cmi beat Ihe dvctors at cur ing the sick; t^o-thlrds of them are sure they can heat the ministers preach ing the gospel; and ull of them know they can heat the editors running the pa jx* r fi.--Mc I fairy Flahulealer. Yes that's *o. We belong to the two thirds class. Which lot do von herd with. Van Hlyke P--St. Charles Leader. That'sjAst our position exactly fricud Wheeler. Now if you will only furnish the "Sankey" we'll start out' on A tonr at once. What say you? We are turning out some of the finest specimens of Job Printing that lias, as vet. ever been executed in this County. Manufacturers and others, who have for many years past sent their work to the city can now get it done in fine style and at city prievs at this office. We are constantly adding to our olfiue all the new styles of type, borders, cuts, &e„ and keeping none but the best stock of Paper, JCnvelop«;s, Cards, &c., and we «u7/ and can do work at bottom prices. • As will he seen by a notice elsewhere Lansing St Evatisan will,on an I after 4une 1st, do business strictly on the cash system. This is right and as it should be, and will lie found, when tried, to be better for both buyer and seller. They have now iu store, and are constantly receiving fresh supplies of Spring and' Summer Goods, to wh'ch they invite the atteution of the buying public, confident that for cash they c:tn gl vB you •? good bargains a* can be found this side of Chicago. Bead their notice elsewhere. AN exchange says: ^Compare the publisher of a^new^paper, Who has to go all around the cwuntry to collect his pay, to a farmer who sells his wheat ou credit, and not more than a bushel to any person. If any farmer will try the experiment of distributing the pro ceeds^ his labor over two or three counties, with ah additional one to two or three different states, for one year, we Will guarantee that he will never, after that, year's experience, ask a pub lisher to supply him with a paper a yfar or two without the pay for it." THR family of the editor met •with more than its share of accidents on Sa urday last. About four o'clock Master Jesse Van Slyke, aged 10 years, while attending a Picnic near the resi dence of N. S. Colby, fell from a jTence breaking his left arm just above the wrist. He was brought home and scarcely was the broken bone set and bandaged before little Maud, aged six years, fell from the fence In the rear of our residence, dislocating her left shoulder in a frightful mauuer. It is an old saying that misfortunes never come single, but we would like to in quire if two such trials in one day. and scarcely an hour apart, is uot putting it ou us a little too thick? Both child ren are new doing as well as could be expected. IPKUMA KRPOHL Below is given the report of my B. Cla«s in Spelling for the two weeks end ing May 7th 1877: Ada Granger. k175\ Nora Morrison, 3-2i85; Chas. Slafter, 2-&W; Addie Alexander. 2-329; Eloise Waite, 1-2<I0; Chas. Parsous, 1-125; Effie Curtis, 225; Emma Gregory. 1-225; Paul Brown, 3-300; Jennie Searles, 1-200 Carl Ralston, 6-225; Jennie Beers, 2-225 Ytta Beers, 225; Addie McOinber, 1-200, 8. D. 1IAIJ»WIK, Teacher, D. S, SMITH met with a severe and painful accident on Wednesday last. He was looking at a Norman colt, own ed by Allen Colby, when the vicious brute let fly at .him with both feet, striking him on his right side,breaking onejrib and fractrning another. He was near hfs #wh residence at the tlane and was nickful earr!c;l inio Lhe House,and Dr. Brown sent.for. Hois now out again on the streets, but walks at a more moderate and careful, gait than usual. It wis a clfese call, to say the least. Had he received the full torce of the blow the result might have been fatal. But as it was he was mo- lag away at the time the horse kicked. WE learn that a cowardly and fien dish act was committer on a son of F. B. Doran,a hoy about 10 years old, who liSres near Nunda, on Sunday last. As we learned them the facts are a? fol lows : This boy and another small boy were at a spring, a short distance in the let, when two young men came along who had been hunting, one of whom without any provocation whatev er, loaded his guu with powder and de liberately fired the charge into, the boys faee, burning his face, hair, and eye brows in a dreadful manner. Mr. Dorau's boy did not know wtio ihey were. They went to the house when Mr. Dorairstar- ted out in pursuit, but whether he suc ceeded in finding the villlans wo did not learn. A person who would/ com mit such a cowardly and brutal act de serves to be severely dealt with. -• WE understand the gang of Lightning swindlers, who have been in this county the past two months, brought up at Wauconda last week, and succeeded in Swindling some unsuspecting farmers out of two or three hundred dollars. After this became generally known In Wauconda the people got so indignant that the place t>ecaine too warm for the geutry and we learn they dug out rather unceremoniously, and from what we can learn It was lucky for thein that they did. If our farmers and oth ers would totally refuse to have any thing to do with these sharks they would have themselves much trouble aud expense. Those who wish Light ning Rods can find home Agents aud dealers who wiil do them an honest job for reasonable pay. For instance Jelilel Comptou of Volo, is Agent for a first class roil, and is well known as an honorable, upright man. Patronize home men and not gat swindled. MoHKNRY COUNTT r.tlR. The Executive Committee of the Mcilenry County Agricultural Board, and others interested will meet at the Court House In Woodstock on the ]2th clay of May next at 10 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of fixing the time, of hol ding the next Fair; fer revising the Pivuiium list, and for the transaction ef such other business as may properly come before the meeting. All ladies interested luour county fair are requested to be present. By order of the Presldoftt* A BotTKSK 9<?or«'tary. To All Whom It May Concern. As a number of bills have beeu pre- sensed to nieagainst the Town of Mc ilenry tor payment which have not been authorized by me, all persons are respect fully notified that no bills ag-iiiiet the Town will be paid by. me whicii i have not contracted or which mav not be allowed by the Town Au ditors at their regular meetings. Phy sicians will please make a note of this.* And in this connection let me say while 1 know the tax payers of the Tt»w« m Mcilenry Are than win ing. ves. demand that I should prompt ly relieve the unfortunate distressed worthy poor of the town, yet such as have rfio>yinpathy for themselves, but wiljjjflfrsist iu spending their time in Idleness aud their last penny for whis ky or beer, rather than bread and clotii- iug for themselves and families, have no claim upon the sympathies of the Town and must not be vain enough to hope to awaken nay sympathies in their behalf to the extent of relieving tlieir hunger and covering their nakedness wiih the monies appropriated for the relief of the poor by those who through industry and economy form the lax paying portion of our Town. All who through idleness or intem perate habits have brought themselves to utter destltntlou and are in a suffer ing condition will be furnished a tem porary honie, aud such as are able, an opportunity to work, by applying to me at Ring wood. Very Respectfully Submitted 4, W. CRIST Y. SENSIBLE ADVICE. Y*u are asked every day through the columns of newspapers and by your Druggist, to use something for Dyspep sia aud Liver complaint that you know uothiug about, you get discouraged spending money with but little success. Now to give you satisfactory proof that GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER will cure you of Dyspepsia and Liver Com plaint with all its effects, such as sour stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Cos- tiveness, Palpitation of the Heart. Heart-burn, Water brash, coining up of foodkafter epttng, low spirits &e., we ask jj&u to_go to your Druggist. Henrv Colby,^"Vnd get a »ample Bottle of GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWKK fo»-10 cents aud try it,or a Regular Size for 75 cents, two doses will relieve you. The cheapest and^best Pictures In the County at the FuiO Art Gallery of L. S. Gorton, Mcilenry. Fancy Note aud Letter Paper, with envelopes to mateh. Very neat styles. At O. W. Owen's.- Old Settlers' Meeting. Pursuant to adjournment a meeting of the Executive Committee of the old Settlers' Association was held at the Parker House, in the village of Mcilen ry, on Saturday, May 5tli, the President John G. Rrtgiin. Esq. in the chair. The proceeding? of jast read a«d approved. On motion, duly seoonded, • Com mittee of five was appointed to Select a General Superintendent of the Re- Union, locate the place for holding the same, and make all o;her necessary arrangements for the occasion. Hen. Richard Bishop, Hon. George Wage. H. C. Smith, Wesley Ladd and J. Van Slyke were, appointed aa sudh Committee. On motion, duly s^onded,th« Com mittee were empowered to fill any va cancies that might occur in the number. On motion the Chair was empowered to appoint a committee of three to pro cure speakers for the occasion, Hon F. K. Granger, Hon Richard Bishop and Hon George Gage were made such committee. On motion the President. John G. Ragau, Esq, was selected as a committee of one to suttle with the Secretary aud Treasurer of last year, receive all mon ies now in their hands, if any, and pay the same over to the present Treasurer. On motion duly seconded, it was de cided that the coming Re-Union be ef the Picnic order, each town to furnish their own eatables, tables to be furnish ed by the coutoiltttil Arrangments for eaVslt town . On motion the committee on Speakers were instructed to invite the Hon. E. M. Haines to deliver an Historical Ad dress OH the occasion. The committee were informed that Hon, Robt. G. Ingersoll, the greatest living Orator, had been written to, and invited to deMver the Address ou th* occasion, but as yet had not been heard from. On motion adjourned. \ JOHK <J. RAOAW, President. J. VAM SLYKB, Secretary. Township Vice Presidents Old Settlers' Association. TAKE NOTICE. At a meeting of the Executive Com mittee of the Old Settlers' Association, held on Saturday, the 5th inst., a reso lution was passed that the Vice Presi dents appointed for the several towns iu McHenry aud Lake Comities be ear nestly requested te appoint their assis tants, canvass their respective towns, aud make ail necessary arrangements for coming out in force to the Re- Uuiou on the 14th of June. Also to re port to the Secretary, at McHenry. the result of their canvass as soon as made. This is aa important matter aud should not be neglected or delayed. There is a Banner f«ow held by the town ot Ben ton, Lake County, for the largest pro cession at the last Re-Union. The question now is what town will secure the prize this yeap. The competition Isopen the same as last year, aud it re mains with Ihe Township Vice Presi dents to see that their towns are well canvassed and are out in force. As it has been decided to have a Picnic Diunsr the amount of fuuds to be raised from each town will be small, only sufficient to pay incidental expen ses, such as Speakers, Music, Printing, Ac. It is therefore hoped that every Vice Presideut will atteud to this mat ter and report to the Secretary at as early a day as possible. Below we give the names of the Vice Preetuwiiis of tii#' two counties: MCHENlvY COUNTY. Burton, Robert Richardson; Rich mond, Win. A. McCouuell; Hebrou, 11. W Mead;Alden, Sidney Disbrow; Chemung, E. G. Ayer; Seneca, Orsou Bra*s; Dorr, E. E. Thomas; McHenry, Wesley Ladd, Greenwood, Job Toles; Nunda. Capt. J. E. Beckley: Algouquiu James L'row; Grafton, M.Pendletou; Coral, S. K. Bartholomew; Marengo, A. B. Coo if; Dunham, J. A. Wood; Hartland. R. D. Cooney; Riley, Attpn Sisson. • LAKE COUNTY. Benton, Hiram Ferry; Newport, John Pope; Antioch, John K. Pollock; tSrant, Richard Comptou; Avon, Henry Hart; Warren, Thos. Whitmore; Wauk- egan, Hon. E. M. Dennis; Shields, Thos. Dwyre; Libertytille, Edwin Wilson; Fremont. Thos. H. Pavne; Wauconda, L. II. Todd; Cuba, .foshua Harnden; Ely. Johu Robinson; Vernon. Robt. Eastou;I>eerfield, Lyman Wilinot. J. VA» SI.TKR, Secretary. TO~TII E~P U B1JC. Wo take this opportunity of thank ing our customers for their very liberal patronage for the past, and to Inform them and the public generally that after long and careful deliberations wo have concluded that on and after Jiinb 1st, 1877 to do a strictly ready pay busi ness. We shall greatly reduce oUr prices in consequence, as we can well afford to and trust that all our eld customers, with many new ones will give us a chance to demonstrate the fact, that a stietly Cash system is most beneficial to the buyer as well as the seller. We shall keep nothing but the best goods and will sell them at a small advance above manufacturers prices. Within the next 30 days, we shall open up a large line of new and desirable goods, consisting of Dry goods. Notions. Boots. Shoes, Clothing, Hats & Caps, Groceries, «fcc. Give the new system a trial and satisfy yoarselves that our prices will be low enough tojustify the Cash. Then be it remembered, that on and after the above named date we shall make no charges on our books to any person fo|> any amount, or for any length of time. We shall continue to' take all kinds of farmers produce Iu exchange for goods alwaya allowing the highest possible price. Very Respectfully, LANSING a E VAKSOK. N U N D A . ' I - - - - : , i EDITOR PLAINDEALKK ^EOPFEWERE generally very much disgusted at the sight of thit|e young men on the streets last Sunday af'ernoou drunk, t Could give the i^ames bnt tliey were so com pletely successful in advertising them- BCITM t.iiAT NEW •jr uHucixwarj i »!•• Depot, and WtMHP to <Mlfr. on short satisfaction wary *p*rr1€Sre«? Il€r IS edit It was the work of a few hours, but very likely they will see things in fu ture years which Will show that the stain can never be eradicated from their reputation. But in a few days It will become necessary to repeat this Story; but perhaps with a different cast of characters. Dan McClure will leave here on Sat urday to join Burr Robin's circus at Woodstock which he will accompany wi th his side-show the same as last rear. McClure Is an old showman, poss essing au eleven years experience., and expects, this year, a propitious season. A good many will'miss the sight of his gonial counteuance and the sound of his reverberant uWhoop-e-e.,v We all hope that he may return in the autumn with a repleted pocket-book. On Sunday Robert Schw&rt*, a boy about 12 years old young in years but practiced in theft, opened the door of Mr. Henderson's Meat Market with a key previously provided and after pry- iug open the money drawer with a cleaver rifled It of Its contents which consisted of small change to an atnouut between three and five dollar*. The door opens upon the main street and is In plain sight of several dwellings., and for one so young to commit such a dep redation in open day must have requir ed an almost brutish lack of fear, and shows faithful fruits of ill government a mothers care Is wanting. Perhaps the young gentleman will find the people ot Nunda a little less lenient thau those of Crystal Lake, which place has been the scene of his former operations. He is in the hands of L. Benthuysfen, who acted with Mr. Vosburg in the capacity of detective and will probably be taken to Woodstock tomorrow, . THE following will probably explain itself to those interested. MR. EDITOR:--We beg leave through your Nunda column, to cbusolingly say to those yonug gentlemen who so freely announced to the public, that they were victims ef that "awful sen- satiou'1 last week, that "Faint-heart never won fair lady,*' and if such was uot the case we should feel terribly alarmed for that Dry Goods Merchant; but as it is we think wo cam rest in peace. M. Dufield and wife, nee Ella Petti- bone left for Harvard at eleven o'clock Sunday night. The ceremony and de parture was conducted so quietly and unostentatiously that it is commenda ble as an example.-- MA *OIB. NOTICK. To the holders of McHenry County Orders. Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of May, 1877,1 will pay the following 9 300 8 percent McHenry Countv Orders, to-wit: Numbers 118, 128,139,149.160, 170, 180. 193,203,213, 224.2:*4. 244.2")4' 560, 276, 286,301, 316, 338, 52< 04, 77, 90, 103. 114, 127, 140,152 aud 164. Interest will cease on the above County Orders May 19th, 1877. JAMES NISH, Comity Treasurer. Woodstock, April 17, 1877. Business Notices* r--' Best thing I»Plows. Call and set. K. M.OWE* If you are In want of Flour, Feed, &c., go to Hauley & Sons. McHenry Buy Hanley & Sons celebrated Pa tent Flour, the best in the market. Hall's Safest all alaes, fofuJi' By G. Bishop.. A complete Hue of WALL PAPER at very low prices at Lansing ft Evansou's. For a first class Photograph, go to L. S. Gorton's, at Ford*s old Gallery, McHenry. The choicest brands of Flour to be found iu the West are made by Hanley ft Sous. No Half Patent or Humbug. A bran now Organ at O. W. Ow1 m's for #100. Particular attention paid to oopying, at the old Gallery of B. A. Ford, by L, S. Gorton. PRINTS in MOW and desirable styles at 6 cents per yard at Lansing ft Evan- son'#. " ' CLOVER THRESHE& " F. WIEDRICK wonld Inform the farmers throughout the Connty that he Is prepared to thresh Clover or Shell Corn, having one of the best machines iu the market. For information ad dress F Wiedrick. Woodstock, 111. Having engaged the services of a first-class Retoucher In Chicago, I am now prepared to make as fine Pictures as can be found in the county. Call and see specimens. L. S. GORTOX, At Ford's old Galtorv. BEES FOR SALE. The undersigned will have a^tttunbor of Swarms of Bees which he oilers for Sale, at #4 for first swarms and #3 for sec ond Swarms, purchasers to furnish their own Hives. Or will sell them a good Patent Hive for #5 each. I will Hive Bees for all who purchase In any Hire they may bring. Residence four miles West of McHenry. All orders should be sent iu before the 15th of Juno. S ANDREW THOMAS. BON'T BUY FRUIT When you can raise it cheaper. Hav ing decided to go into the Nursery business, l offer to the publie a first- class lot of Fruit. Shade. Ornamental aud Evergreen Trees, as low as they can be afforded, and will make a liberal discount for cash. This moons business Come with your teams or«e»d forwhat you wish and you will get tt. R. A. BCOIUXD. fiingwood, IlL, April 9th, 1877. •V * UPVTMIWMI tion paid to RepaHria call. Owing to the w Grinding at our obliged to ship in sevfi Minnesota Flour to customers, and we Choice Minnesota Ft. barrel. Wehav*4!s0«l Com, Bran ami Feed, selling at correspond!^ We warrant every riling our Mill just as repreoen Gall . A .H.Hi . AUCTION OF HOUSEHOLD F1 The undersigned wlllfef Auction, at his residence,^ residence of Mrs. H. N. _ village of Mcilenry. on Si 12th. commencing at 1© IjL all his Household Furnituiflj|| of Parlor, Sitting Room,# Furnft nre, Bedroom Sets, Stoves, ftc. Will be sold without reaei ties wishing to purchase at prj can do so by calling at my rei any time before the sale. TERMS OF SALE.--All snmi under cash. Over that sum all eight months will be givof proved Notes at 8 per cent iul" H. F. K GlLlMOtl, Auctioneer, Call at the Fine Art Gallei, Gorton, over Perry & Martij and examine his speclnt Pictures or no pay Is his mot|(|i MARRIED. OWEN--PATTRRSON--At Wn the ftnri last., at the residence Thom*a Es<|., by the Ke». R. K. _ M. Owen E344.. of Mctlunry, and E. I\itter8t»n of W«>oti«tw.k. D IT FIE LD-- PKTTIDOX «--Afcd dence of the bride's parents, in -J the evening of May «tn, bv Rcr.O, Mr. Marlon C. HutteM of tlari Ellen H. P«ttibone of Xumla: HERMANN KUNTZ. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, HOI McHenry, III., fs now {trepar Roots and Shoes to order on short in the be*t of manner. Having turi perienre in the business he is <** can give entire mtlsfnction. He ItuI the bene of stock, and wnrrnntl H8 repreaen ted. Flue Work a t»i , pairing of all kinds promptly att Give me a call. J . 8 T O B " " •i-DKAUCB nr-» and Hardwa stoves -"'1 • TIN WA BE, J rn. ^FABMING IMPTjEMi CLOTHES WJil ftc., ftc.,| ftc., ftc,( WHICH WILL BK .*> town THAN USUAL FBI Now it the time to purchase, amf : ey. I beheve that I can furnish jw, as low prices, us anyone in the county*^ Also keep on hand a full BUILDING PAPKK, such Board, Water Prooi. Iron Coatc Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Lining. KAWL 'AND *1 I * Hepairin|r ?romptlyiattonded to. 1 . ' r 5 v . - . . J.I8TOR1 p; A Oniioaite Ow'enfc i !*«•> b' fnWiii "iilli NEW WAG H O P ! Mchenry, ojjkow, 'E. PERKINS p - • . 1 , . v ? Would respectfully Inform his friends the publie generally that he is now preset* at his Shop. West of the Public all kinds of Carpenter Work or work * ot nnv kind, such aa the wood.work gies, Wagons, making Boats, &«•.. and anything ever made hi all rut-class C Shop. From a long experience in the n inter iy thing -jop. Ft p , ,„v ^ and using none but the beot of T 11 ailaa in all cases " • Guarantee Satislactioal l GENERAL Jq$Blgpg Promptly attended ta| e a Ca -tl'4. ffi h-i, .vs,.' B. PEBKUfS.: " ' ' i*': _• McHenry. III. .Nov. SSth.)S!B. Administrator's N< ESTATE Of John King. Deceased, undersigned having been appowSsj mtnistmtorsof the Estate «t M« Kui~ the County of McHenry, and State of deceased, hereby give notice that " appear before the County Court rf (^onnty. at the Court House tn nt the Jaae Term, on the Third June aexfc. at which tine all pet claims against said Estate, are --, requested to attend for the purpose i the same adjutted. AH persons tf- s.iid Estate are r«(|ueaUm to makej Dswunt to the uis<lersi«rn«»d. Whday of Apiil. V ti. l«7. A N N A KIKO, Adminiat I'KTKB ROTUEBJIRL, • "-m, " •V