Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 May 1877, p. 5

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•y^ * " •<:,f P 'w ? «*I-1 *T* -• • - ' - "•' * • ' I , ' : PI ' ftp': > y*S\ WY PIUIIEALER. i WEDNESDAY, MAT 16thV 1877. Railroad Time T^ble. •Segtsra OOINO SOUTH. Lake Passenj-er &&&»..7d* A. n, iweva &*ke Freieht.. -ft-itr# jjn OOINO ITOKTSU >»» Lake Freight... A. X. iva Lake Passeneer......«»S.i. • .7:86 p. m. MASONIC. IMCHKJOIT CIUPTKU No. 34 R. A. M.--Ween- |r Convocations held on the second and Rurth Fridays in each month. HKNHT OOLBT H. P. PHI.ASKI ATXBN Sec., i CHURCH DIRECTORY. iiMETHODigT.--Rev. J. H. Bacon, Pastor. Services evcrv Sunday at 10% A. M. and 7 T. M. Sunday School at 12 M. W*. PAGE, ••perlntendent. VWE have received the minutes of the iPeachers Association, but they are un­ avoidably crowded out this week. They will appear in our ne*t. Jr«V. J. STRAUB, of Chicago, will oc- *<ipy the Pulpit at the Universallst «t>urch, lu this village, on Sunday, May 4fth, morning and evening. V SQUITJE a number of our citizens are "ill Woodstock Courting this week. On the Jury we notice the names of our townsmen John ileuman and Capt. E. fhriswold. • ' y 'l JHENRT HORNBT, of Solon, showed us tills weekspecimens of Rye, Wheat and ' Oats, received by him from Oregon, that was the finest we ever saw. The Bye in particular was far ahead of any­ thing ever grown in this section. THE Red Horse have commenced to run, and now spears have taken the place of poles and lines, and day and «lght the bridge and river is alive with those who delight to "fork up" the filhy tribe. About the' last of this week the fun will be immense. H.D.XUFP has another Auction on Saturday next, the 19th, at which time lie will sell Kitchen Furniture, Stoves, ^Crockery, Laoe Curtains, Ac., Ac. Sale <• commence at 1 o'clock ®p. M. J. M JfjcOmber Auctioneer. 1 Says the McHenry Pthindealer, * Death loves a shining mark." So it •does but the saying is not new.--Elgin .Times, You don't say so ? Keogh if you had jmt on your goggles you would have Men tiiat the senteuce was quoted where you found it. Tell us something M« next time. towr notice of trees last week, we neglected to say that J. J. Gilles lias been ornamenting his premises with some very fine ones, besides grading and otherwise ornamenting his lot in a tasty manner. From present appear­ ance he will have one of the handsomest Flower Yards in town. % K would call the attention of our Hsden In McHenry, Ringwood, Green­ wood, Johnsburgli and Volo to the no­ tice of Walsh A Howard's new Meat Karket, to be found in another column. They are now running a wagon to the •boye points, and will furnish the citi­ zens with choice meatsr of all kinds, on 4fee days designated. Read, their fUttet. . • WE thiak we do not exagerate when W say that McHenry has no superior •as a Freight Depot on the line of the Mid. In two days last week nineteen oars ot freight were left at this Station, •If ht on Thursday and eleven on Fri­ day, besides a large amount of other amall freight unloaded from cars that were not left. If there is any other $$sisoa that can compare with this we Wfeuldlike to hear from them. GOME little excitement and talk was caused here last week by the finding of ••me bones, which were surmised might be the remains of a man who has been •kissing since last Fall, and in connec­ tion with whom of late foul play has been suspected. The bones were fouud in an ash heap near his late residence, but having been burned it w«s impos­ sible for the Doctors to decide defirl ely aa to what they wei-e, although it la thought that enough has been found •at in relation to his mysterious disap­ pearance to demand an investigation. We do not believe in iiudue excitement in such matters, but let the matter be investigated until all doubt is removed t that a crjime has been committed in our ' Midst. Keal Kftste Transfers. Conveyances filed for record in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County Illinois,for the two week ending May ltth, 1877: Qhas n Dotting and wife to George Vinton, lacre east of East street and Broadway. 9|cemond, $300. J' Lois Kirk and husband to Wni Borden. V a In nw ne S, 44, 7, $150. ffm Borden and wife to Geo Van Hooien.-- 40 acres in 23, 45, 7, $500. W V Smith and wife to Chester Howard.-- X acre in ne 35,45, 8, *700. B Paddock and wife to O Peterson. Lot 7 Mk 3 Paddock's addition to Crystal Lake, $185. - II Paddock and wife to Stephen Kolstad. flame as above, $185. \ Titos®Huntley and wife to Mary E Gum­ ming* njtf blk 5 Huntley, $1300, 8 Morrison to M S Thompson 87 acres in sw 43, 9, $1000. Jane Filkins to Eugene A Sessions Lots 0 and 7 blk A Hart's 1st addition to Harvard $1000. J W Marlow and wife to Johc Muhler Pfcrt lot 1 blk7Pierson's addition to Crystal Lake. «o. N R Chnrch and wife to John Q Wilcox. 7# acres in se g, 44, S, $185. C C Wheeler and wife Wm Itriokley nw •W 4, 44, 5, $800. C N Holden and wife to A N Combs, nw ne and nx iQts I and, 9 except 4 acres, nw so, 46, a, $3000. i Daniel Ellsworth to A H Kellogg. Lots 1, 8, 4, i, and «, blk 7. Ellsworth's addition to nnda, $900- IT gives us much more pleasure to be able to truthfully speak well of any in­ dividual or enterprise than to be obliged to condemn. In warning the community against the Lightning Rod Swindlers who lately Infested this county, we did so not for any private animosity we had to gratify, but be­ cause COiioidsr?u it our duty to »Yit!;; t!iT piibiiv issi these SWilidiSia were among them and thus put them on their guard. And we have the grat­ ification of knowittg that our Warning was heeded, aud that ia this immedi­ ate section at least, they did but little of their nefarious work. But We do not wish to be understood as condem- ing all Lightning Red men because a few unprincipled rascals have been abroad in the land. H. Simpson, Agent for the North American Lightning Rod Company, is now located In this sec­ tion, and with J. Compton. of Volo, is canvassing this and Lake Counties for one of the best Rods in the market, and persons wishing a Sod ou their buildings can rest assured of a square deal in every particular. They have put up rods for the following well known gentlemen In this section, each •ne of whom have given them a Written recommendation as t* the superiority of their Rods and manner of dealing. Horace Duelly, Simon Potter, E. M. Owen, A. D. Whiting, Rev. R. Gilbert, A. L. Ilende, H, D. Potter, Rev. Father Fegers, H.M. Fegers, Peter Schmidt, J. R. Saylor. We therefore say to all of our readers if in want of anything of this kind Mr. Simpson will do your job in a satisfactory manner, and be­ sides giving you a good Rod deal with you squarely and honorably. THE following comes to us like a gleam of sunlight after a violent storm, and we can assure the writer that filn kind sympathy is highly appreciated: WOODSTOCK, May 14th 1877. Friend V(tn:--Please accept for your­ self and family, especially the injured little ones, the sympathy of your many Woodstock friends, of the writer here­ of in particular, who has still in his memory, the sympathy, by you ex­ tended to himself and family under severe affliction nearly four years ago. Our wounds were fully healed though the faintest hope seemed vain and de­ lusive. May you already have known the worst, and may the fractured liinbs soon resume their normal tone in perfect form fend beauty. Yours Fraternally, L.P.S* Proceedings of the B»tr^ of Trustees. COUNCIL ROOMS May 12th 1877. Board met on call. President Bishop in the chair. Full Board in attendance. Minutes of last meeting read and ap­ proved except the words "t* the extent of appropriation" in the Report of com­ mittee on Public Square which was or­ dered erased. Treasurer Colby,s Bond approved and placed on file. Clerks Bond Ditto. The following Bills were allowed. Com. Went worth, for work expended on Slrueu aud Sidewalks $75 15 P. Leickeiu. attendance on Board 4 50 J. M. AlcOiuber, do do do fi 00 G. T. Howe, Rent of ground 10 00 Orders issued on Treasurer for the several amounts. Report of Committee on streets and Bridges accepted. Committee direct­ ed to hold over. On motion the following ordinance relative to peddlers was passed. ORDINANCE. Sec. I Be it ordained by the Presi­ dent and Board of Trustees of the vil­ lage <Jf McHenry. That all peddlers de­ siring to vend their wares within the limits of this corporation at retail shall first procure a License from the Presi­ dent or Clerk of this Board ar.d shall pay therefor* «utn not less than fifty- cents lief more than five dollars per day at the discretion of the President or Clerk. Sec. 2 And it is *furthrr ordained that all ordinance of this corporation in conflict herewith is hereby repealed. Sec. 3 Any person or persons viola­ ting section ©n« of this ordinance shall on conviction be fined iu a sum not less than five nor to exceed twenty-five dol­ lars aud costs of prosecution. This ordi nance shall take effect on and after the 26th day of May A. D. 187V* The following ordinance prohibiting Ball playing on Sundays within the corporation limits was passed. Ayes Bishop, Weber, McOmbor A Curtis. Noes, Howard. ORDINANCE. SEC. 1. Be It ordained jgy the Presi­ dent and Board of Trustees of the Vil­ lage of McHenry. That it shall be un­ lawful for anv person or persons to fday, throw or bat a ball within the imits of this Corporation on Sunday. SEC. 2. And it Is further ordained.-- That any person or persons violating Sec. 1 of this Ordinance shall be liable to a fine of not less than three nor to exceed ten dollars or imprisonment in the County Jail not exceeding six days. This Ordinance to be in force on and after the 26th day of May, 1877. There was considerable discussion in regard to the Ordinance allowing Cat­ tle to run at large within the Corpora­ tion limits and a motion was made to repeal said Ordinance which wa« lost. Those voting for repeal being Curtis, Howard andMuOmber. Against, re­ peal, Bishop. Weber and Walsh. On motion Mr. Isaac Wentworth was appointed Poundmaster for the present year. Adjourned to meet on call of Presi­ dent. K. BISHOP, President. X. KBLTKR, Clerk. Call at the Fine Art Gallery of L. S. Gorton, over Perry & Martin's Store, and examine his specimens. Good Pictures or no pay is his n|iotto. --------- X- Particular attention paidto copying, at the old Gallery of B. A. Ford, By 1, S. Gorton. ' NUN DA. \ EDITOR PLAINPE ALER Chattel mort­ gage Sale.--The entire stock of mer­ chandise in the store of M. Helm & Co. will be sold at public auction, on the list of May at 10 o'clock A. M. Tidings for the house wife! No more annoyance from Tramps! Th« groat question locally settled and a smile of sanction for our Council. It has seen '•Ordained" and "Further Ordained" that every person found on our streets without any visable means of support or with no place of permanent abode be deemed a Vagrant and dealt with as such. Ho will be given work by the street Commissioner until he has earn­ ed a meal of victuals which will be glv on him; and--then the law Is silent as to how long he'will beheld but says that lor being found to be a vagrant the second time he will be fined not less than oue or more than Ten dollars; tho flno to be paid by services render­ ed to the commissioner at the rate of Oite uuliar per u^y. Wm. McDonald and Wm. Schumacher have, purchased Saloon License a $200. Billiard and Pool tables require a #20 license which with the tobacco and cigar llceusa makes an accumulation of itr vestment that It will pay to protect by a careful management of the saloons because the llcen«« may be declared annulled at the discretion <#f the coun­ cil. The regular meeting of the Couse!?, will be held on the first Monday of each mouth;at 7.30 P. M. during the summer and at 7 P. M. after Noveinbor. Irreg­ ular meetings upon notice frotn the cl«rk. Hatch A Butler have a large quantity and the be3t quality of Dry Goods taste fully arranged in their store. Oae good feature is that they are all new. Call and see them. You are sure of a wel­ come even if you do not wish,to pur­ chase. Earlie and Marmon's shew on Friday evening was a success financially, and as an amusing and instructive enter­ tainment leads them all. They may count oii a good house if they should wish to conie again. That dog near the school house grows bigger and bigger and stronger aud stronger. Late last Sunday evening Chris. Buck met with quite a mishap, while driv" ing on the road a short distance from town. Being frightened by a dog the horses veered from the beaten track and when they came back into the road the carriage overturned loosening it­ self from the horses who ran away. Tli« horses could not be recovered uutil the next day when they were found--lucki­ ly uninjured. Later report says that Wm. Schu­ macher is unable to give bonds for keeping saloon. "So much so good" . On Saturday evening the night watch­ man at th£ depot received a telegran} from the she^f^ at Woodstock Venues- ting him to have Child Jackson arres­ ted. L. Beuthuysen, Police Constabl*. responded promptly to his call and in his ofHcial capacity waited at the depot uutil assu'ed that Claid would not put iu an appearance. Sheriff Steadman came from Woodstock with a team but as Mr. Jackson had not been here he re­ turned empty-handed. Clald is the negro boy who was incarcerated last winter for the offense of breaking into Martin's store. It seems that he has been allowed unusual liberties for a prisoner and took this opportunity to escape. George Vcrmilyea has been visiting his sister and family In Ly«ns, 111. for a few days. He will return soon and wait on the company's patrons with his customary celerity aud probably with rene wed vigor. MA vols. FOR SALE. The Home Farm of the late William S. Mead consisting of two hundred and eighty acres of the choicest Farming land found in Illinois situated about 2 miles South of Ringwood & 2 miles west of McHenry near the Woodstock road Said land is under a good state of Cul­ tivation wood and timber sufficient for the farm. Buildings nearly new and sufficient for tho farm, and very conven­ ient for a large stock. The above farm is Rented for one year, lease to expire in April 1878, at which time possession will be given of said premises. Terms easy, on good notes, well secured. For further particulars apply to J, W. Crlsty Executer, at Ringwood Illinois. NEW MXAT MARKET, ^alsh & Howard have opened a new Meat Market near the Depot, McHenrv, where they will keep on hand Fresh, halt and Dried Meats of all kinds, and deliver to any part of the village free of charge. They have commenced running a Wagon and will visit neighboring towns, with a ohoice supply of Meats, on the following days: Ringwood and Greenwood--Satur­ days. Ve lo--Thursdays, Johnburgh--Wednesdays arid Satur­ days. These trips will be made regular, and residents of these towns cin be assured of getting anything they want in the Meat lfqe, of the best quality and at bottom figures. WALSH * HOWABO*. McHenry, May 15th, 1977. CLOVER THRESHER. F, WIIJDRICK would Inform the farmers throughout the County that he Is prepared to thresh Clover or Shell Corn, having one of the best machines in thp market. For information ad­ dress F Wiedrick. Woodstock, 111, Boys Clothing, at F. G.Mayes. Richmond Department. Passenger trains pass Eticiuuoadi Station as follows- f ' ooiira soL-YH / Genera Lake Passenger ... ...JM A. * Geneva Lake Freight M. OOIKO KoaTH Geneva Lake Freight.... 9*40 A. * Geneva Lake Passenger 747 r. X CHURCH DIRECTOR!", CoxanKttATiosAi.:-- Rev. r. j. Dnoalasa, Pastor. Services at "H P M. MKTHomsT: --Rev, Sam I. Rsracev Pastor 8err'ces 10:» A. M. Sabbath School »;S0AM. J. L. Downing, Sitpt* ^V,er. Yonn? Pastor. Services 10:30 A. M. Sabbath School tt M. MASONIC. RICHMOND Loims, No, 143, A. P. & A. M. Regular Convocations first Monday In month on or before the tall moon, and the second Monday thereafter. „ „ - G. P. WODBIX, W. M C. G. CoTtiwo, Secretarv. Oh how wo long for a good hard rain to cool our parched tongue. I. &. Mead Is selling the Tiger Ray RAke. ,,Ike" says it is the best In tho market. Call and see It. Those ten dollar sewed Boots that J. W est makes are all the go now days. John will giro you a good boot foi the money. We should think from the number of yountf beef cattle that are shipped from this place that veal days had come in Chicago. J. Cluney, getting homesick and longing for Chicago, has closed his saloon in this place and opened MM In the city. * Henry Oh Willi en will give you a nice clean shave for 10 cents, and George P. will give you one through the Gazette that will not cost you anytbtog. A. J. Howe, of tho West End Boot and Shoe Store, keeps the Elgin made Boots and manufacturers Boots and Shoes to order. Give him a call. The Special Township Electioa for the purpose of electing a Justice of the Peace, is called at the Richmond House on Tuesday, May 22d, 1877, Polls open from 8 o'clock A. M.. uutil 6 p. M. Richmond is very dry. Cole, C«oley A Co., stand gunrd over their mill pond and the guard not being sufficient on Sunday the brooklin boys took ad­ vantage of the man on duty and got to much creek water and behaved--not like gentlemen. Mrs. Ada PettengUl Peck returned home a few days since to visit her par­ ents. Her father is in feeble health.-- We hope he will be able to b« abound again very soon. He is a good, law- abiding citizen and they are the kind of people we cannot spare. If Richmond has not officers of pluck and *arid Woodstock has, for one of that brand came over here Saturday and tried his skill and went back empty handed. The bird had flown. He was like th» Paddy's flee, when he wont to put his hand oft htm lie was Hot there. We should think the way the Spring Grove Rallsplitter gushes forth he wanted to get In the good graces of that Spring Grove Base Ball nlne.-<- But girls, never mind the Rallsplitter, but keep right on playing ball, and don't for any consideration l«t hiaa name veurNine. of Solon it would sink. They are the life of the place. Now boys if yon were men that could get a living for yotrroelyes, say nothing of a wife, there would be lose old mald%,i|f j8«i»a.-- Fair Play is » Jewel. The New Era correspondent Is again In trouble to know who we are. 3fow Squiref Garver, keep cool, "there's a hen on" and as the Special Town Meeting draws nigh you might •care her off. and then how the feath­ ers would fly around that head so es­ pecially put up for a "lawyer f" Hear what he says: Tf«o 5s that fid^stuGu observing jteiifiri that fHrnixhe-* so many pithy items for the Mc. Henry IHttituicnlcr iii a Question that common people here ul*>ut would like to have nn. swered, and answered correnir. A* i<lu from hU oddity and good nature, be is not si little sarcastic at tiiae*. lu lii» iaot communication he says "We know sonifi men in this place that have seven sides to th«tn, and they thiak it ciuiniut: and siiturt, but tliey are so shallow that anyone i-an read them it ei^lit." Now we have also «up posed that all men are even ly Ualttnce.l as regards the number of sides every mau having an inside and outside, it right side and left Hide, a front side ami rear i me, waeru tn«u4oe« Iw hMWM (fat odd aide we would like to know. BEES FOR SALE. The undersigned will have a; 0f Swarms of ttees which he olm»L.. Sale,at 94 forflrst swarm* and «fbrle#- ond S warms, purchase- rs r o furnish tlMl? otn Hives. Or will sell them ay Hive Patent Hive for #6 each. 1 wll Bees for all tfho purchase in any they may bring. Residence four mttoa ..a* - a :i i • m'S «st> *#I JICIICUI j 4 AII uruvr* aiioQMi i ufisr" lii'v "i wuiir, AMMIVTAWNAL" 'I Buy FRUIT k When you can raise it cheaper. Hair* ing decided to go info the Xarmf business, [ offer to the public a Int^ class lot of Fruit, Sli.-td*. Ofiutflfeatal and '!'!»»»; <;• i"**- gg they can be afforded, and will indkt a liberal discount for cash, This means bMslMes Come with your teams or«<tea you wish and y«ti if ill rfet h. Ringwood, III., April 9th, vtn. The Village Board made a goad se­ lection for Pound Master. P. G. Skinkle wears the badge, and feels as proud of his office as Rutherford B. Hayes did when he took the chair as President of the United States. Cbw owners must beware, as the Pound- master is on the war path. A Richmond saloon keeper. ampiSad his liquors Into the Nippersink, behav­ ing joined the temperance movement, that kind the new Board recommends, and them fellows who went a little dis­ tance below ou Sunday and dipped it out. said they couldn't see that it was reduced much. N ow Squire t we are astonished that you should ask that last question, "where does he locate the odd side we would like to knew?" Why John you are the personification of that odd side. Now let us reason this matter a little. There are certain men who are teoutinually hugging the delusive phantom that they hare mistaken their calling; that they were born to All some position more exalted than a Cobbler; that a lawyers chair, a seat In our Legislative Halls, or even the chair of State was waiting to receive them. With this delusive phantom constantly before your egotistical eyes, you, JSquiret have ever attempted to get upon that seventh aide, via: the Popular tide. Tou perhaps remember that during the exciting Congressional can­ vas last Fall you were an outspoken Hurlbut man until three days before the election, when probably making up your mind that It was not tho popular side, you whipped around, aud en the day of electlou was peddling tickets for the other side. What was the cause of your death-bed conversion? Simply that you might get on the popular sidet Only this and nothing more. And ,our mind reverts back to numerous other cases of the same kind, but for this time we refraiu'.-- And now John, as you have acknowl­ edged six sides aad we have shown con­ clusively that you have seven, we now propose to show that you have still another and that is your old blind side, that can't see but one way and that where it is to your own interest. That is your Eighth side. Now Squire f take our advice, think this matter over carefully, and after you have done so retire to your closet and repeat the following prayer, uO, would the power the gift a gal us, to see ourselves as others see us." You may profit by the lessou, if well learned before the Special election. Farmers don't sell your wheat if you have any, for less than $7 per bushel.-- A Turk is going to shoot a Russian, or a Russian a Turk, Ergo. Flour will be worth $40 a barrel at least, «r perhaps mere. business Notices. The cold, damp winds which pHevatt at this seasou are ladea with RhenAa* tlsin. Neuralgia aad kfndted disease* which are paliifnl mid dfstftfsstag t# l>r«at ear# !* rieoeneiiry t# guard the body from the stfdtMa changes of our climate, yet, with ul our precautious, how many we> find aft* suffering torture from rhennrtatlc neuralgic aflections lu varied forma* No sure remedy was ever found for these diseases until the discovery of Lawson's Curative. It has been used with singular success for over • quarter of a century, aad never known to fall when properly used. It can be had sf your druggist, Henry Colby. is! <J. STOB.Y --DEALER IX-- $helf and Heavy Har STOVES V TINWAUX MECHA NICW TOOLS, f FABMINO IMPLEMENTS^ -F&m CLOTHES WRINGS*!* • •••>** ftfe* Ac.,; &C., WHICH WILL BE SOLIgi L O W E R TflN USUAL PSICIl! Now.Is the time to purchase* aa**aavo atMli ey. I beliere that I can furnish good goods as as low prices, as anyone in the county. Also keep on hand a full Stock •! BUILDING PAPER, such »,« P|a|9 Board, Water Proo», iron Coated and Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpal Lining. KAWL *AND 8EEg| Promptlylattended to. 0,,noait<> * HENRY COLBY Best thing in Plows. Call and ••• • X. M.OW* * If yon are In waut of Flour, Feed, Ac., go to Hanley A Sons. McHenry Buy Hanley A Sons celebrated tent Flour, the best in the market. Geo. W. Eldredge, our wide-awake Livestock and Prodnoe buyer ean be seen daily on the streets, aud n* mat­ ter whether the market is up or down he is always ready and anxious t* buy anything the farmer has to sell.-- George is an eycryday man, aqd don't scare with every change in the market. Frank Mead Is getting up some very flne Buggies. Call and see them, and if In want of one you will be sure t» buy for as to price and quality h« can­ not be beat in tills market. He has as good workmen as you will find this side of Chicago. He also manufacturers light and heavy wagons of the best material that can be had. The Editor of the PUxindealer was up here on Friday laat, and although we had not the pleasure of seeing him, we learn that Alexander A Hyde took our advice and presented him with a good Cigar in our behalf, and Van writes'us that it was one of those cele­ brated "Gate Way" brand, of which there is no better in the market.-- Thanks, boys, we will call around again,--by proxy,--the first time Van is up. •• % We think it is time that somebody came to the rescue, for we think that the marriageable ladies et Solon have had their share of abuse from those Jay Hawks, We think they have given tliem the iqltten at some tiiqe ahd they want revenge and take ad­ vantage through the county papers to getitandthp ladies not having the brass that those fellows have are com­ pelled to take the abuse. We know if it was net for the s«-called old maids Hall's Safes, all sizes, for sale by Q. Bishop. A complete line of WALL PAPER at very low prices at Lausing A Evanson's. >.£ For a flrst class Photograph, g« L. S. Gorton's, at Ford's old Gall< McHenry. » The choicest brands of Flour to be found in the West are made by Hanley A Sons. No Half Patent or Huiiitjug. A bran new Organ at O. W. Ow m's for #100. NEW SHOE SHOP. The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that he has opened a Shoe Shop in Lansing's Block, near the Depot, and is now prepared to do work to order, on short notice and warrant satisfaction every time. From along experience he is confident he can please the most fastidious. Particular atten­ tion paid to Repairing. Give me a call. WM. DOW. SENSIBLE ADVICE. You are asked every day through the columns of newspapers and by your Druggist to use something for Dyspep­ sia and Liver oemplaint tnat you know nothing about, you get discouraged spending money with but little success. Now to give you satisfactory proof that GREEN'S AUGUST FLOW EH will cure you of Dyspepsia and Liver Com­ plaint with all Its effects, such as sour stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Cos- tiveness, Palpitation of the Ilearl. Heart-burn, Water brash, coining up of food after eating, low spirits AC., we ask you to go to your Druggist, Henry Colby, and get a Sample Bottle of GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER for 10 centa and try It,or a Regular Size for 75 oents, two doses will relieve you. FLOUR! FLOUR! Owing to the great rush «f Custom Grinding at our Mill we have been obliged to ship in several car loads of Minnesota Flour to accommodate our customers, and we are now offering Choice Minnesota Flour at $7 p<*r barrel. We have also a good supply of Corn, Bran and Feed, which we are selling at corresponding low figures Wo warrant every ihing delivered from our Mill Jipt m represented Give us a Call. A. H. HASLET A SAX, F Painters Brushes, Dye &c.» &c. Physicians Prescriptions j>: Carefully Compoaaded. ,, V., - 1 - : STOCK *# Choice P^ily Ciseeidsi, Jmt Received, which will be sold at tfca Lowest Living Prices. ' H. COLBY* McHenry, April 24th. 1877. NEW WACOM S H O MoHKJiBY, E. PERKINS Would respectfully inform his friends aad the public generally that he is now prepared, at his Shop, West of the Public Square, to do all kinds of Carpenter Work or work in wood of anv kind, such aa the of Boa* ales, Wagons, making Boats, Ac., and in short anything ever made in a tirst-claas Carpenter Shop. From »long experience in the Imsioesa and using none but the beat of Luib tn all oases Lumber I eea Guarantee Satisfaction I GENERAL JOBBING Promptly attended k».| Give Me a Call! E. PERKINS. McHenry, 111. .ISTov. 29111,1876. Administrator's Notlcfe ESTATE Of John King, Deceased. TIM undersigned having been appointed Ad ministrators of the Estate of Joha KImt late Off the County of McHenry, awl State of IlUaelSL deceased, hereby rive notire tbat their wni appear before the County <?©«*» of MeHeovf County, at the Oourt House te Woodatoek, at the June Term, on the Third Monday to June next, at which time all persons hoviac claims against said Estate, are «ott8od aal requested to attend for the purpose of fcaviag the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immedlat* payment to the undersigned, noted tkle F ETKR MOTHS***!* J •fe§8lfii

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