Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 May 1877, p. 5

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,^<" ..,.VM.^.»,>** *<. - •***»•«• :•> <*.#•*. «*w > *,. S5»S» JfeJfrary pl»ii<l«e]er. WEDNESDAY. MAY 23d. 1877. mi 1 ' i > ttaflroad Time Table. :fc>' «OIW» T»oyiU. .. ... : &EEEVEL£&E Passenpe*..............,7:25 A. JS. Ve»4vaX*ke Freight.. ..........,1:4ft p. M. ' ' ..c Lake Prricht .. „!»;«» *• W. Geneva j.ake Passenger 7:06 K *. MASONIC* IJLLOHENFTT CHAPTER NO, ST TV A! 3Ki~4teffu- (at CoAv^catiAns held on the second and Foatth l ridays in each itfmtlh. ^ ntNEt cot&* a. K fnfcAaftt AtLKN 8ec„ CHURCH DIRECTORY. METHODIST.--REV, J. II. Bacon, Pastor. Services every Sunday at lGfc A. at. aftd 7 r. H. Sunday School" at 12 M. W*. PAGE, Superintendent. Tins PAPER is kept on file In the office of li, F. General Eastern Agent, Chicago A Northwestern Railway, 415 Broadway, New f<6tk City. Onr friends, when in New York, IN cordially invited to call in and ttnA it at any time. They will always be welcome. The celebrated Badger Wind Milk at JL Bishop & Sou's. REMEMBER to go and see Earlie and Harmon at Riverside Hall pn fritky ovening. MR and MRS P. 0. MAVES WILT please weeept thanks for a handsome Boquet, left at our residence* REV. J. STRAUS, of Chicago, WTLL oc- <Slijiy the Pulpit at the iTniversalist •Church, in this village, on Sunday next, *ay 27th, morning and evening* « BRV. JOKU WHEELER, who is located *t Campton, Kane County, is now visi­ ting friends in this village. We believe fee intends remaining over the Sabbath* IF you wish an evening of real fun do not fail to go to Riverside Hall ou Fri­ day evening. The entertainment to be given by Earlie & Harmon is flrst class fn every particular and will well repay you. HINTON WHEELER, formerly land­ lord at the Riverside House, made our eanctnm a ple&sant call on Monday.-- He looks hale and hearty and as though granger life in Kane county agreed With Mm. MANY a man talks of what the cona- try owes him, whose services would be Well repaid by six feet in the corner of mcemetry, and who would be overpaid if a five-cent sign was stuck up to keep people oft from the grass. IT makes a man mad to get up softly til the middle of the night, noiselessly <open a bottle of beer, hear its gassy fearn escaping, and, despairingly jam­ ming his thumb over the nozzle, squirt * fine little stream of beer all ever his wife's face. THE past week has been a lively one hi the ftshing line, and the number that have been taken from .the river is slm- $ly immense. Parties have been here from Chicago, Woodstock. Richmond, W»d other points, and boats, spears and torch lights have been in great demand JAMES B. PERRY has recevied his commission as Post Master of Mcllenry, and will as soon as the room can be ar­ ranged remove it to the Brick Store, opposite the Mill, formerly occupied by P. Blake as a Boot and Shoe Store. We also understand that John M. Mo- Omber is to be the Deputy. IS. M. OWEN, the old and reliable deal­ er in Agricultural Implements, has a new advertisement in this paper to which we would invite the attention of all those interested. His stock of machinery of ail kinds is the best to be found in the market,and farmers would do well to call at his Warehouse before purchasing. THE Sturgebn Bay Advocatewas late ly the receipt ot the following scholarly communication which reminds us of some of our own experience In the newspaper line: "Yeou feller want to keep us feelers names out of yeour pa­ per else youm will git yeou d-snoot bust id. No foolin." There's nothing so funny as running a newspaper.--Ex. As will be seep by a notice elsewhere the firm of Blake & Bentfeld have de­ cided to move farther West, and are offering their entire stock of goods at Cost and less, for the next 60 days. They mean business, as they are bound to close out at once, and persons look­ ing for bargains will do well to give them a call. THK dentists are having a rush fixing up the false teeth that have been wrenched and broken in the strug­ gle to master the pronunciation of the names on the Russian war maps; but they might be worse. Stanley the ex­ plorer, in a private letter to a friend, states that the most beautiful spot he has seen in all his travels is Jzjzjzj®|zjz on the southern shore of Lake Hyiyiytyiyty*- WHILE in Harvard on Saturday last we called a few momeuts at the Indepedent, and the first thing that met our eye on entering was a myste­ rious sign over the Sanctum door which road "Ecifto." Both of the Editors were out, and consequently we were un­ able to ask for an explanation, but if there aiut something the matter in that office then we are mistaken. We pre­ tend to be-tolerably good in Greek and Latin, and speak the English Langua­ ge plainly, but this is a poser. Messrs editors of the Independent will you rU* awH ATntftin f TAi many friends in this County of Dr. E. Bennett, of Wotodsteck. will bo sorry to learn that he has decided to go to fitirope and hereafter make his home theme. The Dector during his residence In this county has made many warm friends, professionally and otherwise, who will be sorry to learn of his decision uS W>1« •?« bwilSVC, *v«n« tint# in inmnit, ' - WsSK^ sal? him or the streets with egg on his face, shirt bosom and hahdkerchlef, we did not know that it Was our egg, but such proves to have been the case. Well, it tmu a big egg, anyway, we know, by the stain it made, Wit then don't never try to use such things to scent your handkerchief. Bring us the egg next time aud we'll make better use of it. • - • * : THE first game of Base Ball if the season in McHenry Was played on Sat­ urday last between the "Lone Stars,'" a junior club of this village, aud a club from Woodstock, which resulted IM a score of 21 to 11 in favor of the Mo- Henry boys. We did not see the game bin learn that it was well played on both sides. The players ranged from 10 to 14 years of age, A hew game has been introduced-->*>*• rather an old one revived--which is be­ coming very popular this spring, and Is said to be quite exciting by those who have played it. Experts report It too be a good out door game, very strength­ ening tfc the Vntoscles of the forearm*. You play it With an eld hat OTT ytrtir head, and/a stout stick in your right hand, and the harder you whack the carpet the bettfe? it makes the duit fly THE arrangements for the Old Set­ tlers'Meeting in June are being cou- sum ate d as fast as possible, and as soon as a Speaker can be heard from the Posters Will be issued. It behooves the Vice Presidents of the several towns to be up and doing as the time is short, and we want to see one of the biggest turnouts ever known In Me- Henr» county. What town will carry off the Champion Flag is uew the ques­ tion. GEN. Potato Bug is actively recruit­ ing his scattered forces in this village, and is deploying large bodies of skir­ mishers on our garden fences prepara­ tory to the grand charge to be madek when the unsuspecting tubers shall send up their innocent and tender Shoots. From present appearances the coming campaign bids fair to be one of exter­ mination. We advise our friends to get in a good supply of the munitions of war in the shape of parts green. MCHENRY, through her efficient Street Commissioner, Isaac Wentworth is "mending her ways" in a substantial manner. Walks are being rebuilt and repaired, streets graded, culverts put in a safe condition, and other much needed work being done. That "Ike" is the "right man in the right place" all will admit, and as this is the second year of his administration, it goes to "how thaihis efforts to give us good footing is appreciated by the Boferd.-- "Long may he wave" say we. Jos. WIEDEMANN, is one of the great­ est men on improvements we ever knew. He is continually improving in and around his buildings, and that to in the most tasty and substantial man­ ner. He has been remodeling the In­ terior of hjs Restaurant, and has now one of the handsomest rooms to be found in the county. He has Cal- •omined the walls and adorned them with four as fine landscape Paintings as we ever saw. The work was done by Jos. Gable?, an Artist from Chicago, and any one who sees this work Will et once say that he is master of the Art. Ne leter sf beautiful r&intlugs should fall tosee these. HAPPENING' around Just about diuner time, we took our rations at the Walker House, Harvard, on Saturday noon last, aud were more than ever im­ pressed with the fact that "Butt" knows how to keep a good Hotel. Since onr last visit there a new and comfhodions Dining Room lias been added to the House, and now you can walk right in and take your meals and not be obliged to climb the stairs as heretofore. Evegrthing is always in apple-pie or­ der at this House, and the weary trav­ eler, whether he stops for one meal or stays a week, will come away satisfied that there is no better accommodations found in aay Hotel in the Northwest than at the Walker House, Harvard, HAPPENING into the store of Dwight A Forrest. Boot and Shoe dealers, while in Woodstock the other day, we made up our mind that although times were dull tnis well known and reliable firm'had no cause fer complaint, as their entire forc« were busy waiting upon the crowd of customers that con­ stantly thronged their establishment. This can be accounted for In several ways, some of which are thoy keep none but the best of goods, have a large and well selected stock, sell at bottom figures, guarantee all goods as represented, and advertise in the PLAINDEAL&R. NO firm in the county keep a better line of goods', and all through what other people have chosen to call hard times, through square and upright dealing, their trade has been constantly increasing. Read their ad­ vertisement In another column, and when in want of anything for the "un* demanding"do not fail to call at tht ir store, corner of Main Street and the Public Square, Woodstock. « THERE is a rich treat In store for the ci tlr.ens of Mcllenry ,as Messrs. EaVlle and Marmon have advertised one of their novel, amusing and instructive entertainments to be given at Stiver- side Hall on Friday evening of this week, the 2&th. These entertainments have been given in Algonquin. Xuuda, Dundee aim Other twwiiS iu McHenry ftni? Ksss eeasitss, »nd !» every in= stance hire the highest encomiums from both the public and the press. Their eutertainmant will in­ clude the introduction of many tntu*- ln£ sketches. Mirth, Music, Character Soggs, Funny Stories, Absurdities and Oddities, bits from Shakesueare, Recl- tatioRs&nd Readings. Heroic, Senti­ mental and Comic, Imitations of prom- luent Actor*, «fec» They also have an original sketch entitled "Art on the Blfatn,* which is said by those who have heafd it to be sinjply immense.-- In short we have no hesitation in say­ ing that this is one ftf the most inter­ esting and Original entertainments ever presented to the ptthliOk and no man, woman or child should fail to ai* tond atftiftftide Hall on Friday ove- ulngw N U N D A . EDITOR PLAINI>KALER Mre. I1* F. CaigeV Went to Chicago toie day last week for the plirptose of replenishing her stock of Millinery Goods, which she tft<d in a thorough manner. Since then^ as Weil as before, she hfts had even mare business than she could conveniently atteud to> For Instance, she was to have 32 hats completed o«t Saturday last. I have heard nothing hut pttise spoken of the taste exhibited in the goods fur­ nished by her. C» IS. Wllllattls, Dental SWlgeon, will be at G. W. Horn & Co's Drug store on Thursday of each week to help those who are iu need of this kind of work. Mr. Williams is an experienced dentist and people may rely on satisfactory re­ sults of his work. On Monday G. L. Beckley aud Mrs. Mack, both more than Eighty years of a^e, started together and alone for points East. The old people were es­ corted to the train by a large number of careful friends who saw them Otl with all the tenderness tha,t usually dis­ tinguishes the departure of "a iiowly- marrled couple." At the Depot Three tickets for San Francisco have been sold during the past week. The purchasers were E. Dygert, Mrs. Spicer and Daniel Ells­ worth. Mr. Ellsworth has been a resi­ dent of this place for many years, but ou account of being too intirui to man­ age the farm and having children In Bridgeport, Cal. he told his property here and in the future will make his home with George Ellsworth, his son. From the Woodstock Correspondence I conclude that their contractors are experiencing difficulty In inducing growers to contract with them. The Janesville Pickling Company aud J. J. Wilson are more fortunate here. The Janesville parties have contracted for even more than they considered strictly necessary and Mr. Wilson's progress seems quite satisfactory to him. There is a rumor among railroad em­ ployees to the effect that the route of the Des Plaiues or Barrington "accom­ modation Train" will be extended to this place. There Is nothing authori­ tative however and it is considered as doubtful., but even if we are not to have a "Crystal Lake Passenger" our place will be somewhat enlivened by the reappearance of the "Clscoette" or "Cisco Train." Probably this will take place next week and run the same as two years ago; that is, making two trips each way between . Crystal Lake and Genevn Lake. If you will allow hie, Mr. Editor, I should be glad to furnish the complete Time Table when it ap­ pears. MA FOIS. [By all means. "Ma Fois " give us the complete Time Table.^-"-Ed.] Ni KDA, May Slat, 1977. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Will you in­ sert the following in yours this and next weeks Issue. The Universalists will hold a basket Conference meeting in the grove in Nunda June 2d and 3d days. Talented speakers will be present to speak. Grower's Hall will be provided in case of unpleasant weather. So let our friend* make a note of this and.comv out to the meeting. A pleasant time is anticipated. CITIZEN. THE OIJ) SBTTLERS OF NUNDA Will bear in mind that the Old Set­ tlers Re-Union of Mcllenry and Lake Counties will be held at Mcllenry on the 14th day of June next. I want to see a large delegation present from Nunda. Bring along your dinner bas­ kets, aud a table will be provided for you. Bring along the old Reminiscen­ ces of Pioneer life and let us brighten up those old links of Friendship that existed between the Pioneers of our early settlement. The most eminent Speakers that can bo had will be pres­ ent, and good music will enliven the day. You will not regret your time so 8Peut- J. E* BECKLET. CLOVER THRESHER. F. WIEDRICK would inform the farmenv|hioughout the County that he is prepared to thresh Ckkveir or Shell Corn, having one of the best machines in the market. For information ad­ dress F. Wiedrick. Woodstock, Ilk Particular attention paid to copying, at the old Gallery «kfB. a. Fe*d, toy L, S. Gorton. WOODSTOCK* EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--In or$e£ to have agenefrti jail delivery the Court caused a special Grand Jury to be Im­ paneled on Thursday* iton. W. A. McConnell being foreman. Four In­ dictments were fotind; and as the civil docket took but little timfc. oh ac­ count of the absence of Mr. .iosiyn-, WHO was employed !r. nsa>iy sf criminal docket was r?iehsd day Afternoon. John Duffy Was tried on One indictment for forging an order on a merchant, at Huutley by which he obtained a coat, pauts, and lest. The jury thought a year's residence ih Joliet would tend to the improvement of his morals, and on a second indict­ ment for forging a similar order oh Neill Donnelly he plead guilty, say* ing he was persuaded into it. And tho Judge thought another year would serve to readjust his moral balance. It j is a little queer that the officers never get the right offender. *fhey always catch the persuaded but never get the persuader. Httbbell would ptobably have got off with two years had he b»en kept off the stand, but the Jury thought it would take about Jive years chewing at State ha*h to get the moral cussedness out of him. A motion for a new trial is to be argued to-day-, (Monday*) He was defended by Wright of Belvidere, and Jndge Smltlh John Wire was ttled ott the charge of horse stealing and Acquitted but no one pretends to bellevft In his inno­ cence any more than they do in that of Wyiiams, of Harvard, indicted for bur­ glary but acquitted also. Albert Williams, of Huntlfejr* tried on the charge of burglary and larceny did not fUre fco well, and will get two years residence in the Stone House on the Desplaines. He Is satisfied to get of! so easily. O. P. Lillibridge who was married to his chosen Mahala in 1844 was granted a divorce on account of the said Mahala's prolonged and obstinate ab­ sence. The jury was discharged In the fore­ noon of Saturday when court adjourned till 2 p. M„ Monday. Dr. Hendricks, of Michigan, the ad» vanee guard of the Red Ribbon brigade spoke for three evenings thf jpa%t week in the Presbyterian Church. At the flrst meeting G» T. Kasson had the honor of getting the first ribbon among tiie males, and Miss Jennie Lemmers of the other sex. The editor of the Sen­ tinel walked boldly up to the breach, but doesn't wear the badge every day. He Is probably saving It for Sftnday, and the editor of the Nttfi Ufa didn't take any ribbou in his. On the second eveniug the meeting was smaller, au^ the third attempt made it evident that if red ribbons arc ripe, this is not a good market for them. From the num­ ber seen In the street, a stranger might imagine that this is a total abstinence town, but it Is a fact that many a ribbon is worn that was not given at the time of signing a pledge. Ribbon la cheap and counterfeits plenty. Tlio Harvard Independent of last week manifests a commendable inter­ est tn school matters pertaining to our town, tf that paper had paid as much attention,to matters at home it would not be open to the charge of having an axe to grind. We never suspected the presence among ua, of a Dictator, nor do we believe It now, and the Inde­ pendent may blow the name it threat­ ens te as soon as It pleases. Perhaps it isn't White, or Brown, or Black.-- Perhaps Mr. Independent you would like to dictate to. or at least jadvlse, our School Board, but keep cool and w«it till something turns up, E. R. Bird must have got wind of that emigration of our fighting popula­ tion too Russia, and is trying to tttrn an honest penny out of it, as any one can see by calling at his shop and sur^ veying the trunks he has fer sale.-- They are worth seeing any way If you don't intend to make a trip across the Atlantic. The annual emigration of the tramp has set in, and good to prime watch dogs aud revolvers are in order. From this time onward till snow flies the tramp w'll "move on." Ladd Austin had the misfortune to overturn his heavy top carriage upon his right leg and now finds It conve­ nient to get about with three legs, and Mrs. A. Bourne on the same day, (Tuesday) while trying to pull a car­ pet from the clothes line to avoid a shower, broke the line and fell, break­ ing the small bone of the left fore arm at the wrist. Dr. Green set tho frac­ ture aud she is doing well. Justice Scully has resigued his office in Chicago and Is visiting in Wood­ stock. Some of the young folks wont to Dufleld's Lake last Saturday for a picnic and at night a squad of onr fishermen went to yonr town on a fisb. ing excursion returniug well laden. Fred Joslyn knocked down Joe Petrie's household goods at auction, in the Square last Saturday and it fs said that Joe intends to take tho advice of the learned Greeley and "Go West." Kansas City is the place. The potatoe bug does not appear quite as lively this spring as usual, not one having come under our observa­ tion till this morning. Hickox goes after another drove of cows this week. When he returns yoor readers will be advised by Richmond Department. • K?88en*®r trains p*i« Richmond station as follows • GOING soctn ' SSKS {&• GOING IBTTFN GeiWv* Lake Freight.... v.:;.|&:4ft A. M Geneva Lake Passenger.. 7:«7 p. * OKUKCII DIRECTORS'. , A TTO* R«v. F. J. Douglass; rastor. nerviresat 7# jf. M. MbtHomer; -- Kev. M-rai. F.»RR>S$Y Pastor Services 10:30 A.M. Sabbath School 9:90 A M. J. L. Downing; Hapt. BArrmf :=^ Elder Young Pnstdr. S«rVices 10:80 A. M. Sabbath School W M. MASONIC. Rttfft»lo?rn i bi>OE, No. US, A. T-. k A. M: Rt&gulaF Convortitions first Monday in each month rtV» rt'r ftfefofe the full modn; ilfid the! second Monday thereafter. ^ u. P. Wonatx, WN il CX G. CotliKO, Secretary. The familiar face ttf Will Moses* bf your place* was seen day last Week. •tifl'IT -TffiWll », - ' Ouf Sale fi&ll Club is now fully or­ ganized. and We learn contemplate challenging the l?ox River ClUb of Mc­ llenry, te play tllfcttt & frteudty game at no diitauce day . Smith, Aldrlch A HaythttfA khd D. A. hotter are receiving tnore hfc\v goods, and the buying public cannot fail to And what they want by calling at these stores, and at priced as lo# as good goods can be sold. The Halls played the deuce with a package of tickets sent from McHtenry to Frank Foster of this viiiage. They were mailed on Thursday last and have not fieAChed here yet. It is strange that for a feliort distance of ten miles snch trouble should be experienced,-- There is a screw loose somewhere, and the guilty patties will do well to stand from under. Tickets have beeu issued for a May Party, to take place at the Richmond House, In this village, on Friday eve­ ning of this week, the 2fith.. The Ge­ neva Lake Quadrille Band will furnish the music, and the dancing public can reet assured that Foster will spare no paina to make It pleasant for all who attend. Those who love to trip the "light fantastic toe" should beat* this in mind, and be oh baud. A general good time may be expected. Our special Town Meeting, for tho purpose of electing a Justice of the Peace te fill vacancy, came off on Tues­ day. Oho of the Candidates, Henry Horuby, withdrawing, left the contest between Geo. P. Wodell and John Gftfver, which resulted in the ttidction of Geo. P. Wodell by thirteen majority. Owing te the hurried Reason among the farmers there was not a very large vote polled. All passed oft quietly aud we have no doubt the result will prove satisfactory. The following is the vote polled: Tfttal vote 167. Wodell 00; Garver 77. Wodell's majority 13.-- For the defeated candidate we have nothing but words of sympathy. Had te takeu our advice given long ago this season of mourning for blasted hopes would have been avoided. You had better now take the advice of the lamented H. G., and "Go West young man, go West," and stick to the cob­ blers bench. Business Notices. For the best Pump in the market, go to B. Bishop & Son's. If you are In want of Flour, Feed, Ac.tgo to Hanley A Sous. Mcllenry Buy Hanley A Sons celebrated Pa­ tent Flour, the best in the market. Hall's Safes, all &Szcs, for sale by O. Bishop. BEES FOR SALS. Tlw tindetsSgned will have A number of Swarms of liees which he oilers fer 94 for first swarms a nd $3 for sec­ ond Swarms, purchasers to furnish their own Hives. Or will sell them a good Patent Hive for 05 each, 1 will Hive Bees for all who purchase In any Hive they may bring. Residence four miles West of Mcllenry. All orders should be sent iu before the 15th of June. ANDREW THOMAS. DON'T BUY FRUIT When you can raise it cheaper. Hav­ ing decided to go into the Knrsery business, I offer to tiie public a first- class lot of Fruit, Shade, Ornainenta4 and Evergreen Trees, as low as they can be afforded, and will make a liberal discount for cash. This means business Come with your teams or send for what you wish and you will get it. R. A. BCCKUID. Ringwood, 111., April 9th, 1877. TO THE PUBLIC. We take this opportunity of thank­ ing our customers for their very liberal patronage for the past, and to iuform them and the public geuerally that after long and careful deliberations we have concluded that on and after June- 1st, 1877 to do a strictly ready pay busi­ ness. We shall greatly reduce our prices in consequence, as we can well afford to and trnst that all our eld customers, with many new ones will give us a chance to demonstrate the fact, that a stictly Cash system is most beneficial to the buyer as well as the seller. We shall keep nothing but the best goods and will sell them at a small advance above manufacturers prices. Within the next 30 days, we shall open up a large line of new and desirable goods, consisting of Dry goods. Notions. Boots. Shoes, Clothing, Hats & Caps, Groceries, &c. Give the new system a trial and satisfy yourselves that our prices will be low enough to justify the Cash. Then be it remembered, that on and after the above it&med date we shall make no charges on our books to any person for any amonnt. or for any length of time. We shall eontinne to take all kinds of fanners produce in exchange for goods always allowing the highest possible price. Very Respectfully, NEW MEAT MA Walsh A Howard have opei Mfeat Market near the Depof^ wherte they wijl kfefep bh hal Salt and DriediteMt* of all 111 dfctivfrr any pari bf the' til Of bhargCi ,. Thfey havfe Comineneed r| Wagon lind Will Visit |i#i o hlinliia i onjt'he folioiiring ia|rs: lU£?gwosa • / - •; v8io-Thm*d*yn; . Jobnburgh--Wedufesdays ittd Sfttut* days. „; Tliefre trips will bfe made regular, and residents of ihcife ttiwns cm be assured of getting anything they want In th#' Meat lint1, of thfe b**st quality and ai bottom figure#; fps WALSH 4 BOWAMSM . licltenry, May ttth, 1*77. *OR SALE. The Home Farm of the lete Wnitali S. M^ad L'onMsting of two hundred Stta eighty afcrjr* of tiie , choicest FarmiMf laud if >h ii (1 ih liiihois sit hated Mhotit 9 miles SotithoiRingwood A i talhsswee* of MtiHfenry hear the Wtibdltobk road Said land is und^r a gobd it|tfc of Old* tiviitlon Wortd aud tlrribef SUfBtleut foi the fat-m; Bhildlngs ntarty hfcW ana sufficient for the farm* aud vef^ Mtaven* lent for A large stocks The «bot» fatm is Rented for one year, lease to eapjri in April 1378, at Whk'h time posftasfeioit will be given of said prMiiliitta; Tertnl easy, on godd nhtfis. wMl »t!ctsfed. Fdf further particulars af,pl£ fc Ji W.GHst^ Executer, at? Ringwood IllinOlli I Persons afflicted with tthettittRtlsal or Neuralgia are the hardest to bo COM* vlnced that tiie re is ft ft»tii?ay WhieH Will Wach their case, having beett Si M* ten disappointed by mtdicii trfcattnftni As well as by the use of nofetrhltos claim* ing to be fehre cure. Lawsou'sChratlf# Was discovered by a chemist of liOWCtl* Mass., over twenty-five years ago, aid since then has performed mere cores Of Rheumatism., Neuralgia,Tic Dolourous biphthr-Hft. Headache and Nervous tilt* eases than all othet1 hemediescombined* So great is thf proportion of cures,Ovea In cases of long staudihg-, that the pro- prietofs do n»i he*1t*te tb Warrant It when propefly applied ftt'OralNf tf ni> rections. It is fbr sale by all dntglsts. • 'iM DIEb> as* BARTLKTT.--In the city of MarahalltowOt Iowa, the infant twins of K. H. and L. |E. Bartlett, on the 11th of May, after % short stay of three daya. They wftte sent td this Village to HNk Bartlett's father, F. G. Mayes, and were bop* led in the Fatally Lot* tn itftHeary on the ftth. MEHENKY MAKKKV. BUTTER--Packed, 12<gl6ot* CHEESE--14C, Er.tts--Pels, 'Mfpei,. LARD--III CTS» • , BKANS-«l>50<gl,tt]>**bhsi»ek , \ OATS-30@35C. „ ;T V POTATOES- $1 per bitftheli <, CORN--612(rt l4 pet* Ton. , ?V«IR FLOI'R--per barrel. * 1 » lloos -- Drfessed, #5.60. LLTT. 4,W)yt!?5. ./ ^TIMOTHYSEED--#1.25@1.40 per BIY, CLOVER SEED--05@6.OO per bushof>i| FLAX SEED--•1.25(^1,40 per bushofl s. REPORT OF TH* C O N D I T l P l f i--OF THE-- . mm unom tut At Wood stocky Mllfiel*, •"-AT-* Close of Business April J4,'7y RKsoraCas Loans and Discounts Overdraft#; U. S. Bonds to seenre Ohxttlation.. Due frinu approved Reserve Due from other National Banks,.. Real Estate and Furnhnre,......... Current Exin-'ust's, A taxes paid..*... Checks and other t)a&S> Items,',.... Bills of other National Banks,.. r.. Fractional Currency, including! Nieklev. Specie,•{including Gokl 1'reasurjr Cer nflcateu. j.... Legal Tc nder Notes,................. Beacuptica Fuiid'Wlta»©-.Sr»Trc3u^ tsss Hdiy imM Capital, _. . SSRPLWS FWWLR.. I.W' If Other undivided profits. S.«I1J0 National Itank notes iitWiJV Mibjeet le Individual Deposits dubjeet ............. .mmu Total. < 4 € . 4 * « • #• STATE OF ILLINOIS,» VSS County of McHenry ) I, JOHN J. MURPHY. CFTSMFF Of ffcr above named B.tnk, do sofemtlly iiftmr tnH the above statement is true to the be«§ of ttf knowledge and belief. JOHN J. MITRPM*, fl'usfstet#' ' Subscribe d a n d s w o r n t o b e f o r e m e t t i i s f f * . day of April, 1877. E. BALDWIH, J. P. ATTKBT:--Neill Donnelly, E. A. Murphy« R. C. Jefferson, Directors. s . ^ For Sale or Exchange. •m. THE undersigned offers for sale his proper* ty, situated in the village of McHenry* or will exchange it towards & good Farm.-- There is a good aud substantial building,anil. able i'ora store or other bit Miners, tiie upper part of which is tltted up for a residence.--- Connect"d with tills Is four acres at ebotee land, a good bam ami some fruit. There is ao more desirable property in this aw lion, «*t any person having a g>wd Varm wbiek Iney wish to exchange, or anyone wishing 10 buy will ttnd it to tbeir advantage to call a|w see me. F. A. HBaAain McHenry, I1L, May 7th, 1877. MCHENRY Te would announce to our customers tho public geuerally, that our facilities i CUSTOM CRINMHCf FARE NOW Better Thaa Ever Bsftre! And that we are prepared to/to all Grlmling in Iho ifie-bcsl Merchants and Oth«fit Who handle Ftoar are < to give us » call, as «r niin Flour are second to none In the Thanking the public fer past jk*< tot a cootimance of the aaas, • A. H. HANLEY * SOWS. MjsSeo>3F» vm'

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