Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 May 1877, p. 5

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eirj flaiifalep. WEDNESDAY. MAT Wth. 1S77. Railroad Time Table. OOIKO AO0TBL : f 2?' T t ^ *«*•••••••.•» • •%% f# «O »Vl A* H% Freight 1:4? r. X. CHaeo Passenrer .i:SS P; -St. _ Oomo uake Freight................10:08 k. *. Vleco Passenger ...11:32 A. SI. Vltco Passe nprcr 5:13 r. M. <9enera Lake Passenger... ...7:02 i». M. MASONIC. McHrnhv CHAPTER NO. MR. A. M.--Re*n- §r Convocations held on t)M second and berth Fridays in each month. ^ IIENRT COLBT It P. Pm.A8KI AU.BH 9ee„ Tins PAPER is kept on lilo in the office of lit, F. Bootli, General Eastern Ape at, Chicago -4k Northwestern Railway, 415 Broadway, New York City. Our friends, when in New York, <«*« cordially invited to call in and read it at tajr lime. They will always be welcome. For .%**• 1st* Dairy Markets »• last CE CREAM at the Riverside Hoase rlors on Saturday evening. ; • "SAMUEL, the King of the Wizards," 4*1 Riverside Hall on Monday evening. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. .35 differ- lit styles at P. D. Smiths. . >";','TRAVELERS and others will tie well '< |flj examine the new Time Taole at the fW«l of our Local Column to-day. OCR Richmond neighbors are talking of having an old fashioned Fourth of July celebration this year. y\THis Giscoette Train was put en on Xonday, and we now have four trains 4j|ch way that pass this station daily. THE Ice Cream Parlors at the River­ side House will be open on Saturday •veiling for tin accommodation of quests. Twenty-seven Cultivators already sold, mid a few more left, at from $31 to 32 ••ach, warranted, at R. Bisliop & Son's, "WHAT is a bat?" asks a contempo- Hry. As far as our education extends, « bat is a thing to encourage a cat to get off a back fence, and is composed of ,^»lf a brick. I>. S. Smith, started for Nebraska on Tuesday morning. He expects to be absent some four-or six week.*, but will return in time to be ou the Wool Mar­ ket as usual. ttWEof our mostfai thful correspondent >bas sent us the following recipe, which •may prove valuable during the fkhing 'ttaeon: "To keep fish from smelling-- out oft their noses." : THOSE wlio like a first clals Cigar thould call at Henry Colby's and try OJte of his celebrated "Marble Front' or "New Chicago"' They are A No 1. We know whereof we speak. THERE will be a Social Party at the tt«w Cheese Factory, near Wm. Sfudgetf? South east of this village, on Friday evening, of this week. June 1st, Good music in attendauce. All are *Mrdlally invited. K Post Office has been removed to (lib Brick Store, nearly opposite the Hill, and when fitted up wilt UN* as well arranged and convenient as ady office In the county. J. B. Perry Is; the Post Master, and J. M.McO tuber Deputy. A NORWICH man lias invented a plan In three parts by which no one need loco his life in a burning hotel. The tint part states that a man should never stop in a hotel. Omitting the Other two parts, the plan is generally •oneidered a success. A COUNTRY editor asks, **What fa worse than to edit a weekly newspaper, with two-thirds of the subscribers in arrears!"' We cannot stop to consider the question. We are eager to ask what he uses his ears tor such a purpose as that for. Now, when you see a man inquiring the price of looking glasses, you can •sake up your miud he has just moved, and that he tried to carry the tongs and mirror in one hand; and further in­ vestigations wilt show that he got the tongs home all right. A GERMAN life insurance company is called "Der Lebsensversicherungsge*- olhchaft," and when one of its officers embezzles, he is first made intoxicated and then sent to prison five years un­ less he correctly pronounces the name of the company. PARKER & SON, of the Parker House, •re making some good improvement In the interior of their Hotel, by en larging rooms, painting, and otherwise improving it. They spare no pains to make it comfortable and home like for their guests, and that they are succeed^ lug is every day evidenced. THE ^scientists are running down Mue glass at a dreadful rate. Why don't they take somebody of their size, let blue glass alone, and tell us why nothing on earth will keep a cat's tail from doubling in size every time she gets mad, except cutting it ofl close to the cat? . DR. HOLLAND says the most precious possession that ever came to a man in this world is a woman's heart. It would M«m that he has never observed the tender care witfi which a man handles a meerschaum pipe that is just begin­ ning to have a billious look around the lias of th« b«wl. Ax Ice Cream Parlor is being fitted up in the Riverside House, by Mr» Goist, the Landlord, where ladies and gentlemen can get a dish of Ice Cream in a quiet, cool room, at all hours of the day or evening. It will be open and ready for the accommodation of the public on Saturday evening of this week* THE rify oil ppers of Woodstock are f» hart srivilisr gsffie of Bail with a Chicago Club on the 1st of June, and have sent over lor two of "the Grangers from McHenry" to help them out. What? Wo thought you wanted to show the country folks a "first class game" and now yott «rf >*help m« Cassius or I sink!* A SUBSCRIPTION is now being circu­ lated for the purpose of raising funds to repair the Universalist Church, and we learn they are meeting with good success. About 9400 had been raised up to Monday, and it is estimated that 6600 will put the Church in thorough repair. We learn that work will be commenced at once. WE had intended to give a descrip­ tion of the new Vinegar Works at the Pickle Factory this week, but as they were ju-t putting in the Tubs the day we were there we concluded to wait until next week, when we would be able to do so better, as we could then see tilings in more complete working order. PROF. BOOANAIT, a converted Bur­ mese, and a graduate of Chicago Semi­ nary, will deliver a Lectuie at the Methodist church, in this village, on Monday evening next, June 4th, Subject **Religious character and habits of the Burmese." He will he dressed in full Burmese Costume. We hope our citiceas will turn Out and givti him a full house. - As will be seen by a notice elsewhere the LTniversalist will hold a Picnic and Conference meeting in the Grove, near Ninrda. on Saturday and Suuday next. Several preachers of note are expected to be present, and should the weather prove good, a pleasant and profitable tinie may be expected. We learn that there will be a good delegation from McHenry. THE Grand opening at Geneva Lake on Friday of this week, promises to be a gala day. The attractions will be Yacht Racing, Trotting aud Running Races. Base Ball Match, Dramatic en­ tertain meat and Dance rn the evening, and a grand Banquet at the Whiting House. As the trains are now running with close connection, no doubt a large crowd will visit Geneva on that daj* LIFE INSURANCE, in old companies, are proving unstable, but the Protec­ tion Life Insurance Co., of Gtiicago, 111., can .not go under, as the Policy Holders hold the capital whkih leaves nothing for officers to run away with. Policj' holders only have to pay when a death occurs. Everyone should be insured. Fo' rates Soc^ call on or write t.o Ira M. Mallory, Agent, Nunda Ills. THE Band, through the invitation of O. W. Owen, took a ride on the Steamer R. Emerson, on Saturday evening last, and discoursed -some very fine music, whilesteaming up and down the ri«er. Wo think we do not exagerate when we say that they have no superiors as a Bawd in the Northwest, considering the time they have been organized. They aro giving our citizens frequent serenades, and that McHenry does and has a right to feel proud of her Brass Band, Is a fact. ON Thursday evening last o*M* dance loving public-. t«s the tfufflbsr of 25 or 30 couples, took It upon themselves to dedicate Smith & Snyders now store, and securing the service of suitable music proceeded to do so, and a right good time they all had. While danc­ ing was going on below Ice Cream was being served iu the «ccond story and between the two the company enjoyed themselves until the we small hours. It was indeed a right pleasant social gathering. MINE host, Goist, «f the Riverside House, has issued tickets for an Old Settlers' Party, to take place on Thurs­ day evening, June 14th, when those who love to "trip the light fantastic toe." whether old settlers, or young settlers, it don't make a bit of differ­ ence, willthere find one of the best Halls in in the County, good musio,and everything to make it pleasant. Re­ member the day and date, Thursday, June 14th, and come out to the Old Settlers Meeting, and bo sure to stay to the Party. New styles of Men & boys clothing. Don't buy before you examine onr stock, P. D. Smith. C. W. Cox. late of Woodstock, has opened Dental Rooms at tho Parker House, iu this village, whore he will be happy to see all who may wish any work in this line. Mr. Cox comes highly recommended by Dr.C. N, Kendall one of the best Dentist In the county, and therefore those entrusting work to him need have no fears but what it will be done In a skillful manner. Wo trust he may receive that encouragement that will induce him to locate permanently in this village. Read his card in another column. New styles of Ladies neck wear. Parasols, Fantt. and all the novelties of the season at P. D. Smithl. Old Settlers' Meeting. Tdk indications now are that there * will bfe a big turn out at tho Old Settlers'Meeting on the 14th of June. Every town should remember, however that this meeting is to be on the Picnic order* and consequently bring along their baskets well tilleu with eatables. All ihe neorssary arrangements wili be made to accommodate all who may come, and We hope and expect to see one of the biggest turn-outs ever seen in McHenry County. THE ground has boon located on the land of E. M. Owen, just South of the Mill Pond, and Within a few rods of the Depot, and those who come by train will have but a few steps to walk, and will find a place already prepared for their baskets, and everything the moat convenient for their entertainment. The Railroad accommodations are also tiie best, four trains a day each way, and from almost any point they can reach here by ten or halt past elev­ en in the forenoon, and return by train the same evening. Let all these points be considered, and then make up your minds to attend the Old Settlers Re-Union and Picuic on the 14th. We wish also to impress U| • on the minds of evsry man in the dif­ ferent towns that there is a champion Flag for the town with the largest del­ egation, which is now held by the little town of Benton, in Lake County. This is open for competition this year, to every town in McHenry and Lake Counties, with the exception of Mc­ Henry. It is an honor worth striving for, and we hope to see every town com­ pete. Old Settlers far and near are earnest­ ly requested to come out and join with us 111 this Re-Uniou, TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. The following is the Programme for the next meeting of the McHenry County Teachers Association: Place of meeting Ringwood, time Saturday, June 2d. Roll call to be respouded to by historical even. Prof-Klein. An­ cient History; A. W. Cumins, Math­ ematical Geography, Miss. Blakeslee, Essay: J. A. Baldwin,Philosophy,(fall­ ing bodies); Miss. Gray reading (class) E. W. Wheeler, Grammar as au exact science; Mrs. Morris, Spelling; J. A. Black, Pronouncing exercise; Query Box; Critic's report by Miss Rose Nickle. We are ateo informed by tho Presi­ dent that Rev. T. C. Northcott, of Woodstock, will Lecture before the As­ sociation at this meeting upon the sub­ ject of "The uses of the imagination in the School Room," Mr. Northcott is one of the finest speakers in the County, and no one who can should fail to hear htm on this occasion. THE entertainment given by Messrs Earlie aud Martiton, at Riverside Hall, on Friday evening last, was we aro sor*- ry to say, attended by a y«ry small au­ dience, but was one of the best enter­ tainments ever given in this village, and tho«e who failed to atteud missed one of the richest treats of the season. As an imitator Marmon has few equals and no superior, while Earlie took his parts in a manner highly creditable to himself aud which justly brought out frequent applause from the audi­ ence, Their closing piece entitled "Art on the Brain," was simply immense, and was alone worth the price of ad­ mission. Had they concluded to stay here another night we have no doubt they would have filled Riverside Hall to its utmost capacity# THB Steamboat "B. Euisi'son," E. Griswold, Captain, is now in thorough running order, and prepared to make trips to and from the Lakes, day or night, on short notice and at reasona­ ble rates. The boat has been thorough­ ly overhauled and we learn Is now iu better condition than ever before, to accommodate fishing, hunting, Picaic parties, or others wUhiug to visit the Lakes. She will be ready to run in connection with all trains, and make quick and safe trips to any point de­ sired. Captain Griswold will spare no pains to accommodate parties desiring the services of tiie boat, "SAMUEL, the King of the Wizards" is advertised to give an entertainment at Riverside Hall, in -this village on "friends make a note of this and. come Monday and Tuesday evenings next, June 4th and 6th. The entertainment will embrace the wonders of natural Magic, Ventriloquism, Magnetism, mysterious card £ manipulations, won­ derful Jugglery, slight-of-hand, Ac., Ac. A correspondent of the Waukegan Patriot from Libertyvllle, in speaking of this entertainment says: "On Monday of this week the wizard "Samuel," gave an entertainment in the Grove House, which was very interest­ ing. differing very much from a great many of the traveling shows, which ex­ hibit in country villages. He has been asked to perform again on Thursday evening, when we expect the audience will be a little largor, as those who went on Monday evening are more than ° satisfied." Mr. Harry Reed, the great Solo Violinist, also accompanies the Wiaard and will appear each evening. Remem­ ber the date, Monday and Tuesday eve­ nings, June 4th and 5th, at Rivorslde Hall. Ladles Linen suits a large variety and very oheap at P. D. Smith's, Particular attention paid to eopying, at the old Gallery of B. A, Ford, by L, S. Gorton. Nunda Department. thi« of Trains at Cfystel , WISCONSIN DIVtSIOJf. . OOIKO NORTH. m Freight;..^ ...!..*... St. Paul...*.i..,.. Woodstock .... Fonddu Lac *St. Paul (night).. A. M. 11:16 A.M. 11:37 A. M. S'"® «"« ** .6:43 K M. .. ............ 10:46 P. M. OOISO SOOTH. TSt. Fnui (night)................. 4.... .4:4t A. *. Woodstock ............i,f;44 A. M. Foud du Lac.-. A. M. St. Paul.. i:lOK M. Mail M. *Runs daily exeept .Saturdays, tlluns daily except Moudavs. All other trains run daily. Sundays ex­ cepted. RIVER BRANCH. OOIKO NOBTH. Accorammtatioa............ ,.... Cisco--.......... Cisco Mail....,,. ... , OOIKO SOUTH. Mail Cisc*fe»&|*fcfci*v.«............... Accommodation. Cisco All ti-ains rnn daily, Sundays None of the Cisco tratus run South of Orrstal Lake. ....11:16 A. M. S ;-i5 p. M. p. 31. .....?:4fl A. M .....0:37 A. M* S:"25 p. M* .. ..8:15 P. M' exco pled. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--The east­ ward bound train, which is due here at £:10 p, M., has been a through train making no stops betweeu this place and Chicago but hereafter it will make regular stops at all stations. The early morning train which is due at 4:43 A. M^ will stop at nearly all of the stations between Crystal Lake and Chicago. On Friday evening, June 1st, a con­ verted Burmese will lecture in the Baptist Church on Burmah, her people, reiigeon and the habits aud customs of the Burmese. The lecturer will be dressed in full Burmese costume. He is well educated--an A. M., and a christian young man. This is not his first lecture and people may expect an entertaining lecture. Admission 25 ceuts, half rate 15 cents. The Literary Society at their regu­ lar meeting on Thursday elected the following officers; A.Thompson, Pres­ ident; Wm. Beardsley, Vice President ; Miss Clara Ashtou, Secretary; Miss Amelia Buck, Treasurer. The question Mesolvedy "That the War of the Re­ bellion has been a benefit to our coun­ try," was debated and decision given in favor of the Affirmative. They adjourned uutil Thursday, June 14th, wheu they will take the general ques­ tion of License or No-Licunse for sa­ loons. The debators are good ones and as they have along time lor prepara­ tion they undoubtedly will make iton- joy able for all who visit them. Joint Rogers. Fremont Ilasson and Julius Clitne were arrested in Elgin last week ou a warrant sworn out by Thos. Ralston of this place. The tes­ timony of the accuser failed to convict them but their own evidence showed their offense to be that cf borrowing a boat and omitting its return. They wer^taken to Woodstock to await further proceedings. More drunks and at they grow in numbers they increase In disgusting features. Last week ette on thestreets made his abusive language quite in­ tolerable aud in consequence of it was taken home seyeral times. The sight elicited a great dtal of talk, as such things usually do. No one supposes that the liquor came from tho saloon but they all seem to know where' it 7niMt have come from. It seems that an infringtment so generally known might be converted into a subject for the consideration of the Board--in fact they cannot honorably disregard It. Life Insurance, In old companies, are proving unstable; hut the Protection Life insurance C©.,<dffCliicag©, lil., can not go under as the Policy holders hold ihe capital which leaves nothing for officers to run away with. Policy holders only have to pay when a death occurs. Every one should be insured. For rates &c.,call on or write to Ira M. Mallorv, Agent, Nunda. Ills. [1 hold a policy of 92500 in this Co., and recommcnd it to be the cheapest and best company now doing business, --ED] MA FOIS. N t KDA, May 21st, 1S77. The Universa!ists will hold a basket Conference meeting in the grove in Nunda Juue 2d and 3d days. Talented speakers will be present to speak. Grower's Hall will be provided iu case of unpleasaut weather. So let our out to tiie meeting, anticipated. A pleasant time is Citizen. TO THE PUBLIC. We take this opportunity of thank­ ing our customers for their very liberal patronage for the past, and to iuforni them and the public generally that after long and careful deliberations we have concluded that on and after Juno 1st, 1877 to do a strictly ready pay busi­ ness. We shall greatly reduce our prices iu consequence, as we can well afford to and trust that all our old dustomers. with many new ones will give us a chance to demonstrate the fact, that a stictly Cash system is most beneficial to the buyer as well as the seller. We shall keep nothing but tho best goods and will sell them at a small advance above manufacturers prices. Within the next 30 days, we shall open up a large line of new and desirable goods, consisting of Dry goods, Notions. Boots. Shoes, Clothing, Hats & Caps, Groceries, &c. Give the new system a trial and satisfy yourselves that our prices will be low enough tojustify the Cash. Then be it remembered, that on and after the above named date wo shall make no charges on our books to any person for any amount, or for any length of time. We shall continue to take all kinds of farmers produce in exchange for goods always allowing the highest possible price. Very Respectfully, v ' S^tarsiica & EVAKSOJT. Kichmoud Department. Passenger trains pass Rkshmopiri etation is follows- ©M#O SOUTH GeneraLttln Pnostfnger. ......7:081 a. M treneva Lake Freight,12 :ao x. OOIKO NOAFLT Y GenevaI*kefreight,. .....10:40A. x CiCT.eva Lane rassenscer 7:t7r. m CUCRCH DIRKCTORY. ATi.'iSAi.Rev. r. j. Douglass, Pastor. Scrvlcen at 7% P. M. MKTHOI»IHT:--Rev. Snml. Eafngey Pastor Services lo w A. M. Sabbath School 9:30 A M. J. I.. T>'>« innff, Suyit, BAPTIST:--Elder Yon tig Pastor1. Services 10:80 A. M. Sahlwth School 12 M. MASONIC. RICHMOND LOIHIK, NO, lis. A. F. A A. M. Regular Convocations flr« Monday in each month on or before {he full moon* and the second Monday thereafter. G. P. WoDKt/t, W. M C. G. COTTIKO, Secretary. We learn from tho fruit growers of this vicinity that there will be scarce­ ly any fruit of any kind this season. Ladles In want of dolmans will find them at Mrs. Green's. She can suit you In price aud quality. Call and see her. Rooms at J. L, Downing's house. The Good Book says "Come to me all ye that labor and are heavy laden ahd I Will give you rest" and Garver tried it but went to the wrong parties and it failed. The sidewalk from th« bridge going toward the depot is in need of repair. It should be looked to b«for« it gets auy worse. As the old sayings is stitch in time saves nine^1 On May 30th, the M. E. ChutM #111 have a Strawberry and Ice Cream Fes­ tival in the basement of the Church, where all parties can get refreshments at all hours. v "Vengeance is mine saith the LWd and I will repay," and some parties took It in their hands last Tuesday and reeked vengeauce on Mr. Garver iu What we call an unchristian like way. We notice by last week's New Era that the mind of their correspondent at this place has beeu wandering again. We read his long-winded article aud tried to translate it in a readable shape but failed. Took none of it to ourself, threw it over our left shoulder and would advise him to try again. Mrs. Emmons keeps dolmans and La­ dies Furnishiug Goods, and Mrs, Carpenter in her Millinery Department you will find a full assortment of all kinds of Flowers, Hats, Ribbons and Laces and we should judge from the crowds they hav« that it was the Em­ porium of Fashion. Mrs. Wodell is doing, we should think, a lively business in her Milliuery department, for you will see ladies go­ ing and coming at all hours of the day. One would ihiuk that there would be more old maids. in tliie vicinity than there is, for tiier« seems to be three girls t« one man. J. Cluney has soid his furniture stack to.Downing & Deuuison. Mr. Cluney has moved his family to Chicagowhere he has epened business. We regard him as a man outside of his liquor traffic, aud if any man were to sell It In this place we know of no other man we would like to sae handle it tetter than "Jerry." ; . "" " T! Decorattoii Day is close at hand. May 30th, aud we are glad to learn that Richmond is making preparations for a big time. Everybody should turn out ou that day in honor of our de­ parted heroes, who dted to sav* this country, and it should bo kept green iu the memory of the rising generation that they may strew flowers over the giiaveaof sleeping her&u£. The Gazette says: "We had supposed that I. N. Mead was too carefnl a man to invest in outside speculations es­ pecially those of a hazardous character, but it seems that we were wraug. We have before us a document which proves conclusively that "Ike" has in­ vested in the Crawford Manufacturing Co. Now that he has a controlling in­ terest in the stock of that Co., we shall expect to see him elected it's next President. t" But here is th« doc: OFFICE ov CRAWFORD M AKITFACTUBING CO. GEKBVA LAKE, WIS.. May 19, 1877. This certifies that the bearer I. N. Mead, is entitled to$13,S9 for 1,851 lbs of old cast scraps at % cts. per H>. Due, January 1st. 1878. Signed E. O. CFLBWET, Supt. Mr. Mead advanced to this Co., the freight on the lot of iron, #3, cash, not mentioning tlie500 pouuds of wrought iron which was thrown out. If a few more such men as Mood take hold tho C. M. C., will soon be on its feet and above board.'* Wo would say that we hope Mr. Mead will not move to Geneva for we should lose a good business man. But we don't want to dictate what is the beBt for "Ike," but will say to the Geneva folks they will gain a good citizen and a go-ahead business man. Good byo "Ike/' JfOTICK. To tho Holders of McHenry County Orders. Notiee is hereby given that on the twenty-fifth day of June 1877 I will pay the folowing #300 8 per cent McHenry County Orders, to wit: Num­ bers 176, 187,, 200, 212, 225,236, 249, 260, 272,284, 300,321, 345* 66, 70,82, 99,112, 124 and 141. Interest will cease on the above county orders June 2&th A. D.J 817. JAMES NISH, County Treasurer. Woodstock, 111., May 23d 1877. For a first class Photograph, go to L. S. Gorton's, at F.ord'a old Gallery,. McHenry. ^ - * • Sutsiness i Noticed Bj#tnothlng, at F. G.Maye*. Don't buy Corn Cultivators till TOll r. M. Or ' «ee E. )wea*s stock. For the best Pump In the mirket, g* to K. Bishop A Son's. If you are in want of Flour; Feed. &c.,go iu Eaniey & Sons. McHenry Buy Hanley A Sons celebrated Pa* tent Flour, the best in the market. The celebrated Badger Wind Mills at R. Bishop & Bon's. * A bran new Orgau at O. Wf!4hv m's for #100. £ For anything in the Farm Imple­ ment Hue go to R. Bishop & Sou's. A complete line of WALL PAPER at very low prices at Lansing A Evanson's. store. Good Call at the Fine Art Gallery of L. 8. Gorton, over Perry & Martin's Store, and examine his specimens. P^HHp or no pay is it is motto^ - TO THE PUBLIC. J| Thetitidc-rslgned would inform t1i« public that he is now prepaid to do all kinds of Lawn Dressing oil short notice and at reasonable rates. Yards of private residences, Cemetery Lots, or anything where nice Lawn Dressing is wanted, done in the neatest and best manner. Orders can be left at my res­ idence, Northwest corner Publio Square. OWEN HEBRON. BEES FOR SALE. The undersigned will have a number of Swarms of Bees which lie .oners for Sale, at #4 for first swarms and #3 for see* ond Swarms, purchasers to furnish their own Hives. Or will sell them a good Patent Hive1 for #5 each, 1 willllivo Bees for all who purchase iu any Hive the}' may bring. Residence four milM West of McHenry. Ail orders should be sent iu before the loth of June. ANDREW THOMAS* NEW SHOE SHOP. The undersigned would respectfully Inform the public that lie tuts opened a Shoe Shop iu Lansing's Block, near tho Depot, and is now prepared to do work to order, on short notice aud warrant satisfaction every time. From a long experience he is confident hecanpleaso the most fastidious. Particular atton- ti0A..|^4Oft,>Repairing. Give »• * call. . ^ WM DOwv r > 4 , v ' t i y o R S A L E . The Home Farm of the late William S. Mead consisting of two hundred and eighty acres of the choicest Farming land found iu llliuois situated about a miles South of Itlngwood & 2 miles west of McHenry near the Woodstock road Said laud is under a good state of Cul­ tivation wood and timber sufficient for the farm. Buildings nearly new and sufficient for the farm, aud very conven­ ient for a large stock. The above farm is Rented for one year, lease to expir* in April 1878. at which time possession will be given of said premises. Terms easy, on good notes, well secured. For further particulars apply to J. W.Cristy Exccuter, at Ringwood Illinois. Sensible advice^ " YWtt are asked every day thrmgfc th* columns of newspapers and by your Druggist to use something for Dyspep­ sia and Liver complaint that you know nothing about, you get discouraged spending money with but little success. Now to give you satisfactory proof that GREEN's Auursf FI.OWER will cure you of Dyspepsia and Liver Com­ plaint with all its effects, such as sour stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Cos* tiveness, Palpitation of the Heart. Heart-burn, Water brash, coming up of food after eating, low spirits Sc., wo ask you to go to your Druggist. He ury Colby, and get a sample Bottle of GREEN's August FLOWKK for 10 cent« and try it,or a Regular Size for two doses will relieve you, . NEW MEAT MARKET*! ' Walsh A Howard have opened a mw Meat Market near the Depot, McHenrv» where they will keep on hand Fresh* Salt and Dried Meats of all kinds, and delivrr io any pr.ri cf the viUsg* fioo- of charge. Th?y have commenced running » Wagon and will visit neighboring towns, with a choice supply of Moatt* on tiie following days: Ringwood and Gi days. Voio--Thursdays, Johnburgh--Wednesdays and Satut^ days* These trips will be made regular, and residents of these towns c<ui be assured' of getting anything they want iu tho Meat line, of the frost quality and at- bottom figures. walsh & Howard. McHenry, May 18th, 1877. MARKIFJD. VEUMILYEA--DITKLAND--At the parson* residence, Genoa J auction, Wis,. May 28th, by Rev. F. J. Douglass, Mr. Geo. Vermilyea to Miss Laura Durlnnd, both of Nunda. McHlSNRY MAKKK&. BUTTER---Packed, 10<GL5 otft. CHEESE--12FE , 'V - E G G S -- 9 c t s . ^ LAUD--13 BEANS--$1.50@ 1.75 per busheig OATS--30@35c. S POTATOES--61 per bushel. , " CORN--#12(214 per Ton, ; FLOUR--#9 per barrel. HOGS -- Dressed, #5.50. 4.80@#5. * TIMOXHT SEED--#1.25@1.40 per batik# el. CLOVER SEED--#5@6.00 per bushel. FLAX SEEO--#1J5(<®1.40 per bushel. CECIL w. cox. DENTIST. Office at the Parker Homo* McHenry, 111. Administrator's Notice* INSTATE of Charles Clark decoased. Tit undersigned lm*ing been a;>pm'.ited Ad. ministnitor of* the Estate of Ch»rles Olark, late of the County of McHenry. aad State *f Illinois, dceeosed, heroin- give* notleethatlM will ;q>pewr before the flwHSy Cmtrt of MIL Henry County, at the Court House ia Wood* stock^ at the July Term, on the Third Monday In Jtilv neit, at which time all persona bav.- in? CLAIMS aentust «AI<1 Estate, are aotlioil awl requested to attend lor tho purpose of" havin? the same adjusted. All persons ia* dchted to saiil Estate are r< (nested to malur immediate pnvmcnt to the understgneL--• of May A. 1>. WSL AliainistmtoiW

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