Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jun 1877, p. 5

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PlaMwder. .II- . ' - *# WEDNESDAY. JUNE 13th.1877. *11 Railroad Time Table. fiOTV-n .ieseti 1 Ak« Vt.v4..>><it ©i«<*.u Passenger '...',:'J;iV $•"«?» Lake Freight #3i»co Passenger ,yt % ' GOING hum Lake Freight.... j/isco Passenger 'via? Cisco Passenprer .*.. teneva Luke Passenger V.OK wr V.".8:87 V M." i.. 1:47 P. M. ... ,4:6ft r. M. ..10:00 A. M. . .11:33 A. M. ....6:4* F. M. 7:0i F. M. MASONIC. UnUxxTn^ r.. M -- . Convocations held on the second and "fourth Fridays in each inonWu HENKT COLBY H. P. P*7LA8KI ALLEN Sec,, ] E CHURCH DIRECTORY. METHODIST.--Rev. J. H. Bacon, Pastor, rvicea everv Sunday at 103* A. M. ana 7 M. Sunday Sehool at 12 M. WM. PAGE, per intend en t. , ? DOX'T forget the Old Settlers Party, •ij^lft the Riverside House, on Thursday •veiling. ICE CREAM Friday. Saturday and Ihinday evenings, &t the Riverside Ice Cream Parlors. New " styles of Ladies neck wear. Parasols, Fans, and all the novelties-'of the season at P. D. Smith's. Miss CLARA B. OWEN, McHenry's Artist, is now ia Chicago. stepping with Mrs. St John, oue of the best Artists in the West. S. L. TATLOR, editor of the Elgin Advocate, made our sanctum a call on Wednesday last, while on his way t* Fox Lake. WE would call the attention of thole Interested to the uot ice of "Proposals Wanted" to repair the Universalis! Church, in this village. WE would call the attention of farm and stock raisers to the notice of a thoroughbred short horn bull for sale, Which can be found in another column. TAKK a good snnlnt at. the new cotn- •t. He has not been here since 1762, and won't be around again uutil away along in 1900 and something. CORRESPONDENTS will please remem­ ber that their communications must reach this office not later than Monday night or Tuesday morning. THOSE attending the Old Settlers* Meeting should bear in mind the fact that the Steamer "R. Emerson" will make Excursion trips during the eu- tire day. F. GOIST, of the Riverside House, Has ptgnified hie intention of having a arty on the fveniiig ofs flujj 4th. Tickets fofr tho-Bathe irn- - will e ^issued I THE game of Base Ball on Old Set- Mtn* Day will be between the uFox stiver" Club of this village and the "Typos-" of Wajikegan. A lively game may be expected. THE choicest pronunciation of,Tur­ kish and Russian names can now be ac­ quired from the war map canvasser. Ho can talk sesquipedalian words for an hour on the stretch. JOE DRAPER interviewed the wrong •nd*f one of Mr. Belgtr's mules the •ther day, and the result was<not satis­ factory--at least to Joe. He says it is astonishing how hot those critters feet are! . U • LOST, between the. residence -of Dr. H. T. Brown kiul the Depot, in this vil­ lage, on Saturday last. a Gold Enameled tlc&rf Phi. Trio finder will b* suitably fcewardedby leavin^the-is^ue. ©rficc. as _ WE made a hasty trip !fb Wauconda •a Thursday last, and had intended to make a notice of her business and business iiieii this Week, but Owing to the crowd*-d state of our columns have been obliged to defer uutil. next. CROPS promise to he very abundant this season, except perhaps, potatoes. If the farmers succeed in the fight with potatoe bugs vyl^icliai;e, getting to be numerous, tho latter ̂ o^Vill be good tOO. , . . 5"; THE fashionable style for strawber­ ry shortcakes this s*aeon is to have them cut bias and ratlier fuller iu tlie crust than usual. Those in two shades of saleratus. trimmed with the mater­ ial are much in vogue. A man in Iowa dropped dead the •ther day while beating a sit ting-room Carpet, and his wife has been held to appear at the next term of the District Court. Tills is a dreadful^ warning to the married women, ana we hope they will profit thereby. iv' THE Palatine Herald is the name of anew paper which we find on our ta­ ble, which is published by Richardson & Dougherty. It is aeix column folio, and presents a neat and tasty appear­ ance, but has put its subscription way #owo to starvation price. Unless they |>rove to be million beir$ they will flud they have made a mistake. OCR merchants will agree with us that the fellow who penn'ed the follow­ ing sentiment isn't very far out of the way: "It is not fair for persons to ask their home dealers for six months, one year or two years credit, and then when they'can scrape a little money together pack off to the city to do their trading. Making the merchants at home, who have accommodated them, wait for their pay." THE St. Charles Leader, which by the way ia one of the spiciest papers en our exchange list, canre to hand last week with a new engraved head, which IB certainly a handsome improvement. There is no paper in this District that presents a cleaner or handsomer appear­ ance, . typographical and otherwise, than the Leader, whilfc editorially, Wheeler slings an able and witty pen­ cil. Kane Couuty has no abler paper than the Leader. THE new way of capturing the pota­ to bug is highly successful. Mash a lot of potatoes, put on them plenty of Pans green, and place them in the planted field. The bugs will, in a short time, meet in mass convention,and while the committee of the whole on the state of the union are discussing the mixture they are quitely and effectually hived. There are uiauy Qthings a potato bug can do. bnt eating Paris green and live Is not oue of them. THE Marengo RcpubUcan mjkx •**WhiIe Mr. A. B. Spoor, (who formerly lived near this village, now living in the town of Flora. Boone Co.,) was dig­ ging a cellar, preparatory to building a "house, the workmen came across a cof­ fin containing the skeleton of a human body. The place they were excavating was an old cellar, over which' a build­ ing had stood many years ago. How the body c»me buried theie or who it was is a question for solution." L. A. PARKER, who lives Southeast of this village, came near losing a valua­ ble horse by poison one day last week. It appears one of his boys had been us­ ing poisoned corn to kill gophers, and comi ig to the house had left' some of the corn iu a wagon in the yard. The !;crse being loose of course eat the coru and it was onlv by chance that they succeeded iu saving him. Too much care cannot be taken when poison must boused, buiii, wouiu pe better not to use it at all. THE Committee of arrangements have everything completed- for (he ac­ commodation of all who may see fit to make us a visit on Thursday next, and there is every indication, should the weather prove good, that there will be one of the biggest turnouts ever seen in McHenry. Bands of mnsic are ex­ pected from Woodstock, Waukegan," Wauconda, Park Ridge, besldws the Me- Henry Baud, which we think will fur­ nish music enough to please all. We hope that every body and his family will make up their minds to visit Mc- Henry on Thursday. THE Waltouian- Club, of Elgin, went up to Fox Lake oil Tuesday of last week, per steamer "R. Emerson." This Club is composed of some of the best meu in Elgin, and have, one of the fin­ est Club Houses'on the Lake. They report the fishing good and the scenery around the Lakes the most delightful. While there they elected the follow­ ing officers for the ensuing )*ear: Pres­ ident, A. B. Fish. Vice President, D. S. Hammond. Secretary, S. L.Taylor. Treasu'-er, W. J. Hunter. Directors. J. C. Brown, O. P. Chishulm and P. S. Bartlett. PARKER & SON, of the Parker House • in this village, informs us that they will give a grand Independence Party, on Wednesday evening, July4th, tickets tor which will be issued iu a few days. They have engaged the celebrated Military Band, of Chicago. J, Castello,' Leader, to furnish the muhic, which is a sufficient gurantee that the music on that occasion will be A. No. 1. The improvements lately made l.n that House makes it more ct-uveulviit ft>i%! parties of this kind,- and ^ those • wh > attend on the 4th can rest assured of being well taken care of and have a general ffoo.l time. PETERSON'S MAUAZIXK for July is on table, ahead as usual of all others. Tlie principal steel eugraviug,"Cherry Ripe' after Meyer Von Bremen, is oue of the most beautiful we have ever seen, even, in this magaziue. Then follows a mammoth colored steel fashioned plate with live figures, a miracle «f loveliness lu a Idiliou to this, there are some twenty other engravings of fasliious. T lie re arejtls© colored patterns of but­ terflies and flowers fuit-tip^lique embroi­ dery, besides a dozen or more other pattern- in crochet,embroidery Jfce, Ac, f»r the work-table. Mrs. Hooper Uegius a powerlul novelet, "Ului^-Beard's Clos­ etMrs. Stephens continues ner "De­ pendent Cousin,"' a story which is alone wortu the subscription price ; and in addition. Frank Lee benedict, tae author of "The Second Lite" have thrill­ ing tales: wnile all the rest are far aoove those usually found iu periodic­ als. "Peterson," iu fact, is ceieorated for its stories. This is, undoubtedly the cheapest and beat of the lady's books; and it combines more attract ions than auy other. A„uew volume begins with this number afiordiug an excellent opportunity to subscribe. Price, twfr dollars a year, with great deductions tw clubs, dud premiums to persons getting up clubs. Specimens sent, gratis, to those wishing to get up clubs. Address CHAS. J. PETERSON, 306 Chesuut Street, Philadelphia. FOR SALE. A Thorough bred Short Horn Bull, three years old, large ,and fine aud a good breeder. He is rrgistorid in A. S. H. Herd Book. W. V f . ELLSWORTH, Carpe ts, Carpets, Carpets. 35 diflfer- cat styles at P. D. Smith's. OUXt DKY GOODS MKRCHANTS. Lunsing & Evansbn, neat the Depot, have a new advertisement this week, to which the attention of the public Is iuvited. They have just adopted the cash 8ystem,and put in store oue of the largest stocks of seasonable goods ever brought, to this market, consisting el Dry (Voods, Groceries, Clothing, Hats ami Caps. s|iwl ia short everything us­ ually kept ia a first class store. They have adopted the cashsystem believing that it is better for both the buyer and -sellei.and now propose to sell so low that purchasers will find it an object to call and see them. Read their adver­ tisement aud cull aud e^an|iue tnty« splendid stock of goods. Bncklin & Stevens, who caa also be found near the Depot, have their store full to overflowing with new Spring and Summer Goods, and they are so well known wo need not say that for quality and price they are never found in the rear of any in the county. Their •rock of Dry Goods,Groceries, Clothing Boots and ^hoes. Hats aud Caps. Ac., is complete in every particular, and close buyers should uot fail . before purchasing. ^ Parry & Martin, at their old stand near the Mill," have their usual largo and well selected stock in store, which they are replenishing by weekly visits to the city, consequently their line of Dre?s vjooi'i always comprises the la­ test patents to be found in the market,: and are sold at the lowest living prices. Their stock of Groceries, Clothing, Hats. Caps, Boots aud Shoes is always complete, and buyers cannot fail to be suited both in quality and price, uo matter what they want. > P. D. Smith in Riverside Block, has a store full of new Goods, bought with especial r« ference to the wants of the people of this community* aud which he is bound to sell at prices to suit the times. He keeps none but the Ixst of Goods, and by frequently replenishing his stock is enabled to give his custom­ ers the benefit of any drop in the mar­ ket. In Dry Good#, Cioihuig, Boots and Shoes, Hats aud Caps, Groceries, &c„ his stock is Complete, fresh and de­ sirable, aud well wdftli the rtte&tioti of the buying public, , IN speaking of the Old Settlers' Meeting, the Wapkegan Gazette says: "It is desired that ail the Old Settlers' of Lake county-should make the 14th a grand gala day and attend the meet­ ing at Mcllenry. Bring out your ban­ ners and flag®, bring out your wives and children, bring out your neighbor* ami friends. Go on foot or with vehi­ cles from one horse to a half dozen, aud wake Mcllenry up as it has not been before for many a day. These June gatherings of Old Settled' ought to erase the care lines from the brows aud aiake the year pleasanter' for *llie awakened memories of the past."-- That's right, gentlemen, come along aud wo will try aud make it both a pleasant and profitable day for you all. SIIOATS WANTED. - 100 Shoats, weighing * from 75 to 100 pounds each, wanted immediately at the Fox iliver Valley Mill, by R. UISHOP, & SON. New styles of Men & boys clothing. Don't buy before yon examine our stock. P. I>. Smith. ** RIUCWOOD Passenger trains pass Ring wood Station as folio Wa: GOING SOL'TII. Geneva I-nke Passenger..... 7:15 A. M. Vkaco 1'iiger. A. M Cisco.Pa&feeyger.. .'..4:47 r. m' GOENU Pfcfcsejifte&t . H-ilft'A. x> Vim'.O . . . . | C * „ ueiiora'Titke i*a»>«enger.' ..7:10^. % St rvicesat the M. AC. Church every SaUiutth at 1W:.J0A. >1. Itwv. Phi!.) Gorton, Pastor.-- Srliool, li >i. Mrs. U uiole, supt. Lyceum every Tliura luy evouiug, at the House. Wm. Nickle, Presiieiit. Potaioe bugs aud tramps the order ot the day. And now we have an Express office. Charlie Harrison, the Agent, is indeed the right man in the right place. Couuundruiu--Why is-J^E. V like the early settlers of this couuty ? Be­ cause he is determined to get a Holme-s of his own. Sabbath School Concert at the M. E. Church next Sunday evening. A g od time is expected. Do not fail to at­ tend. We are plttased to note that despite railroad accidents our friend Gorton of Mclleury is still able tft' iiiake regular visits to this place. >;- Just now one could scarcely pass through our little village aud fail to uote the late Improvements, such as Mr. Cristy's new sign, Mr. Wm. Nickle's ue*ly painted dwelling or the exten­ sive addition to Mr. S. H. Walker's res­ idence. These with other improve­ ments (too numerous to mention) are certainly goud indications of prosperi­ ty. The question discussed lit" our last Lyceum, Rexolved, "That the Legisla­ ture of llliuois should pass a law com­ pelling all cliildreu between the agesof seven and fourteen to atteud school at least six months of the year," is we think a very difficult one for our best statesmen to solve. Although all of the speakers did not respoud those who did. did remarkably well, and wo see no reason why anyoue taking part or attending these debates, should uot be benefitted thereby. The question was decided by the houorable judges in fa­ vor of the Affirmative. Nunda Department. Time of Tratna at Crystal Lake. WJi^OXjSIX F Mail......; St. Paul... W | w f/wi |g jftwrtrtii Lac GOtKO NORTH. •V: -......0:37 A. M. A. M, A. M. 1:48 F. M. ti*-' *»i. Paul (night)... ..... ..... QOWG SOUTH. t^t. Paul (night)..w..;....,.i.^..2I;4:43 A. *. Woo.jj.tock -M A. M. loud d« Lac.. -8:47 A. *. t*- > aul *. 2:101>. *. Mai1 U. •Runs daily except Satu.rdayflu tRuns daily except Mondava. All oiher trains ruu datlj, SfilidatS ex. eepted. " * FOX RIVER BRAHqat. GOING NORTH. Aceommodatlon Ciseo.,^. >. rweo M a l l . . . . . . . . . i w * . II :1ft A. M. 5:?5 P. M. .6:4^ e. Jt. GOING 80C Til. MALL 7:4# A. M. Cisco..... .V, Aocommodation 2-25 p. m .**5:15 r." it. All trains run dally, Sundays excoiitoJ.-- None of the Cisco trains run South of CrvsUl Lake. Buttermilk tangle-leg! Ans^ 13. Is it customary to pay a "helper" more than the "boss" for paper hang­ ing? Ugh! I say, if the tale is true. I. M. Mallory's tea sign is gone-- Stolen. Whoever has it will do well to return the T. Their names are known. Yes, Sr/ueem;-and the pec pis of ^neighboring corporations" feel dis­ grace d--yet st111 a ! pity fot the one alludt d to. \ Our excnrslcn to liencva Lake has not been decided on as yet. P. .Whitney, of Woodstock, thinks it feas­ ible, llev. S. C. Hay, of Crystal Lake, expresses himself as being in favor oi a union of the Sunday Schools for that purpose, Rev.G.L. Wiley has shown what he desires and the people are all in favor of haviug oue sometime dur­ ing the summer, but feel obliged to wait a while longer on account of other things whivh demand their attention now. •LIFE INSURANCE, in old companies are proving unstable, but the Protec tion Life Insurance Co., of Chicago, 111., can not go under, as the Policy Holders hold the capital which leaves nothing for officers to run awny with. Policy holders only have to pay wheu a death occurs. Every one should be insured. FOt rates &e., call on or write to Ira M. Mallory, Agent, Nunda, Ills* While visiting in Elgin, a Mrs. Pratt of Fort Atkiuson, Wis., received a tel. egram from her husband, who is depot agent at thut place, stating that one of her little children, a boy ten years old, had been shot by a pistol in the hands df one of his playmates. Mrs. Pratt came to this place with a carriage arriving here at midnight. In the morning she heard again that the child was no better, that it had lain inau un­ conscious and very critical condition since the accident. Feeling a mothers anxiety itaeemed impossible for her to wait for the regular train, due here at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, and cite made a stroke that few womeu, or men, would have thought of, or con­ sidered probable. She telegraphed to E. J. Cuyler, Superintendent, explain­ ing her predicament and asked for some conveyance that she might arrive at her hom# sooner than the regular train. Mr. Cuyler answered promptly that there would be an engine and car to take her to Ft. Atkinson as soon as he could get one fl'om Harvard. It was but a very short tiiue before Mrs. Pratt a friend and two children* accompany­ ing them were on their way homo as fast asjt wns -afe. to run. The courtetyi was highly appreciated by-the parent and i^lroad i««n, all of whom <ie«ply sympathize with the family. At this writing, (Monday P. M.) the child is still .unconscious and the physicians think no possibility of recovery. MA FOIC. SPELLING REPORT. Below is given the report of my B. class in spelling, for the two weeks ending June 8th 1877. Paul Brown, 4- 225; Etile Curtis,3-200; Effie Tllton. 10- 250; Jennie Searles, 3-250; Almon Gran- g»r, 9-200: Mable Smith, 13-250; Chas. Slafter, 1-175; Addie Alexander. 4-250; Kloise Waite, 1-250; Cail Ralston, 4-200; Norah Morrison, 1-225; Ettie Beers, 1- 250; S. D. BALDWIN, Teaoher. GOOD FARMS FOR BALK I have four good farms, situated in Mcllenry county, which I offer for sale upon the most reasonable terms. Two 80 acre farms, with good buildings, or­ chards and improvements; one farm of 215 acres wi th buildings complete, well- watered and fenced, under fine cultiva­ tion ; also my home place consisting of 280 acres, one of the fiuest farms in Mc­ llenry county. Both of the largest farms lie 2} miles south of McHenry village. I will sell oue or all of the above mentioned places on easy terms Part payment would bo required and the balance to suit the convenience of the purchaser. For further particulars, address, B. F. PECK, MoHenry, I1L NOTICE. To the Holders of McHenry County Orders. Notice is hereby given that on the twenty-fifth day of Jun« 1877 I will pay the folowing §300 8 per cent Mcllenry County Orders, to wit: Num­ bers 176, 187, 200, 212. 225, 236, 249, 260, 272, 284, 300, 321, 345' 66, 70, 82. 99, 112, 124 aud 141. Interest will cease on tlie abo ve county orders June 25th A. D. 1877. JAMES NISH, County Treasurer. Woodstock, 111., May 23d 1877. Richmond Department. Pasffugor trains pass Richmond station a* follows- GOING SOCTIT,: S , Oflnera T.ake Passenger.... ^ ,T :0S A. * Cisco Passenger ^.,,^.814 A. J*. Geneva Lako>rcim......,.^_,,^,.I:«»l K M. Cisco Passenger F. M. GOING VOKTB : , Gencrs T,»ke Freight.t l ; n - i S i , j f Cisco Passenger ..ll:5M A. w. CISCO Passenger .«:«« F. M. Geneva Lake Passenirer..........',i...7:j5 p. * CHURCH DIRECTORY. COXOWIOATIONAL:--Rev. r. J.Douglass. Pastor. Services at 7X P. M. MKTHOWST:--Rev. Sainl. Kamgev Pastor Services 10:30 A. M. Sahliath SchoolV:80 A M. J. L. Oowninff, Supt. BAFTIST • Elder Young Pastor. Services 16:30 A. M. Sabbath School 14 M. MASONIC. RtCHMOxn LOIM.E, NO. 143, A. F. A A. M. Regular Convocations llrst Monday in each month on or before the full moon, and the second Mondav thereafter. G. P. WODELL, W. H C. G. COTTINQ, Secretary. Plenty of rain and plenty to drink, and everybody feels happy. v That Ice Cream at Mrs, Emmons we hear is ver» nice and we will call around sometime and try it, Mrs. E., and then we can give you a bigger puft bnt will pay for the Ice Cream and cake. We have an individual in this vicini­ ty that don't take a paper of any kind, and hangs around the drug stores and gets old almanacs to read. Won't look in his looking glass for fear ho will wear it out. Ain't you ashamed of yeurselt. If you w*Rt to set a mean person find one that goes to the stores, picks out goods and have them laid aside for them and then go some where else for the same thing and never come after theiu. That is what makes merchants and people in trade like you, and aie most happy to see you come in their store to buy goods. We would lalkO to know #Si|r1i4tttei* are carried by this place. Is it so small that the agent can't see it or was the writing so blotted he could not see- or had he drank so much Geneva Sheri­ dan water aud did not recover till the evening train. Don't let it happea to ofteu, that is all. 1. N. Mead don't mean to be outdone by Hicks, so when he heard Hicks had built he sent to Geneva aud got a bill of lumber, set A. L. Brown at work, built a very large building and it is ready for the paint. "Ike" is that for the Village Board to meet in, o* la it to house those famous, Tiger Hay Rakes y The editor of the PLAIKDEALBB was up aud we heard he got that cigar by proxy. That is all right Van, but we hope the tieys gave you more than one and the best. But they don't give us any and we can't say how good they are. Now "doe," you or "Alex" ought to give us one the first time wo come in to seo you. We notice tickets have boon Issued for a Fourth of July Party, at the Richmond House, to take place on Wed­ nesday evening, July 4th, aud the bare announcement is suflicieut to warrant the dancing public a good time on that occasion. The Geneva Lake Band will furnish the music, and Foster will spare uc pains to make it pleasant for all. CRYSTAL LAKE. Em TOR PLAIN DEALER.--I earae very near being our lot to chronicle a suicide this week. Last Wednesday Jauies Goodman of this place wishing to leave for better parts tried to do so via the edge of a Razor. But the R&* zor hurt him, his grit failed him, &nd he di'&pped th* instrument, leaving* a gash iu his throat. Ba wilt probably recover.. The drouth is at last broken and we are having beautiful showers which will start vegetation discourage the Potato Bug and encourage the Farmer. But it did not come soon enough to save tlie Hay crop being vafy light, through this section. ' * Notwithstanding the dullness Of the times building still progresses in this village, two business places haviug been put up this spring one by P. Goodman for a Saloon the other by Mr. Baldwin for a Resturant. They help the growth of the place if they are not marble fronts.' Owing to the inclemency of the weather the festival given last Friday Eve was uot as well attended as it would have been had it been pleasant. But people could well forego the pleas­ ure of eating Strawberries and Ice Cream for the sako of having such a beautiful rain. The Literary Society will hold Its next regular meetlug Thursday Eve of this week when the important question of License or no License will be dis­ cussed by able Speakers. There will also bo Music, Reading of a query box extemporaneous Speaking and recita­ tions. Let all come who can and en­ courage the members not 6oly by their presence but by joining the Society taking a part iu the pr^ammo and helping to make it a grand success. They certainly could not lend their talent to a more , worthy object or one that will bo a greater help to the young people. ODD Jr. Business Notices. Boys Clothing, at F. G.Mayw. Don't buy Corn Cultivators >tUl ye# see E. M. Owen s stock. If at Woodstock aitd in want of a good warm meal call at the Eagle Res­ taurant, Northeast corner ~ PubU* Square. For the best Pump in th* market) g» to R. Bishop & Son's. Call at the Eagle Restaurant, North­ east corner Public Square, Woodstock. Warm or cold meals served at all hour* The celebrated Badger Wind Mill#at R. Bishop & Son's. A bran new Organ at O. W. Ow urtl for 9100. 'M SHOATS WANTED. 100 Shoats. weighing from 7# to 100 pounds each, wanted immediately at the Fox River Valley Mill, by R. BISHOP, A Son. i » If you want a first-class Pump, go to B. Bishop & S on's. For anything in the Farm M ment line go to R. Bishop & Sou's. Ladies Linen suits a large variety verv cheap at P. D. Smith's, Warm meals at all hours at the Eagle Restaurant, Northeast corner Public o Square, Woodstock. CALL at Bishop & Sou's Warehouse and see their splendid line of Mowora aud Reapers. WIDE AWAKX n Stop, Look, Read, Think. Take them away One-half dozen Tintypea given away with every dozen Photo­ graphs. Call and be conviuced at L. S.Gorton's Art Gallery, over Perry A Martin's Store. CLOVER THRESHE& F. WIEDRICIv would inform tho farmers throughout the County that he is prepared to thresh Cloyer or Shell Corn, having one of the best machines in the market. For information ad­ dress. F. Wiedrick, Woodstock, IU. - BEES FOR SALE. *The undersigned will have t rifsffiber of Swarms of Bees which he otters for $4 for first swarms and §3 forsee- ond Swarms, purchasers to furnish their own Hives. Or will sell them a good Patent Hive for SR *sieh; I will Hive Bees for all who purchase in any Ilivo they may bring. Residence four miles West of Mcllenry. All orders should be ielftiIufh^i>6re the 15th of June. ANDREW THOMAS, NEW SHOE SHOP. The undersigned-would respectfully Inform the public that he has opened a Shoe Shop iu Lausing's Block, near th* Depot, and is no\y prepared to do work to order, ou short notice aud Warrant satisfaction every time. Froth a long experience he is confident he can pleas* the most 'fastidious. Particular atten­ tion paid to Repairing. Give mo a can*, .>• •;-mm owfr. ••air; •- •' -• .. -• ,K-t NOTICE. . We would respectfully announce to our friends and custnmers that we have commenced to sell goods on the CASH SYSTEM, and have in consequonce ro* ductd our entire stock to cash price*-- We assure you itwill pay to Investi­ gate this matter as we mean business. To those owing us either by book ac­ count or Notes immediate payment is requested without furt her notice, as wo need money and uuist have it at onoe. LAS SING 4 EVAN* BON, Nenralgi* is a word derived from two Greek words signifying nerve pain^ Any one who has suffered from this dis­ ease knows how tlie acute pain follows the course of a nervous branch, exten­ ding through all its ramifications, mak­ ing life a burden. From the nature of the disease, uo internal treatment caa reach it. Narcotics aud opiates relievo by beuumbiug the souses, aud preduo- lng partial stupor for a short time, leav­ ing tiie patient more susceptible to th* pain afterwards, the nerves being wea­ kened by the use ot these drugs. Law- sou's Curative thoroughly rubbed on, i» absorbed through the myriad pores of the skin, heals and soothe*, giving tko tortued nerves the power to recuperato and strengthen till the disease loses its held entirely.' For sale by Hearr. Colby. FOE SALE. The-Home-Faric- of- tbeilate-.>WlH!ans.r^-^-- S. Mfrndconsisting of twe hfikdred ae4 ' **'" eighty acres ©f the choicest Farming land found in llliuois situated about 9 miles South of Riugwood & 2 uiiles west ot Mcllenry near the Woodstock road Said land is under a good state of Cul­ tivation wood and timber sufficient for the farm. Buildings nearly new and sulficient for the l'artn, aud very conven­ ient for a large stock. The above farm 1$ Rented for one year, lease to expire in April 1878, at which time possession will be given of said premises. Terms easy, on good notes, well secured. For further particulars apply to J. W.Cristy Executor, at Ringwood Illinois. THE AMiSttlCAN PF.OPLK No people in the world suffer as much with Dyspepsia as Americans. Although years of experience in mediciue had failed to accomplish a certain and sure remedy for this disease and its effects, such sis Sour Stomach, Heart-burn, Wa­ ter-brash, Sick Headache, Costivenesst palpitation of the Heart, Liver Com­ plaint, coming up of the food, low spir­ its, general debility, etc., vet since the introduction of GREEN'S AUOCST FLOW­ ER we believe there is no case of Dys­ pepsia that cannot be immediately re­ lieved 30,000 dozen sold last year with­ out onfc case of failure reported. Go to your Druggist II. Colby, and get a sam­ ple Bettie for 10 cents and try it. Two doses will relieve you. Regular siao 75cents. NEW MEAT MARKET. Walsh & Howard have opened a n*W Meat Market near the Depot, McHenrr, where thev will keep on hand Fresh, Salt and Dried Meats of all kinds, and deliver to auy part of the village fro* of charge. They have commenced running *• Wagou and will visit neighboring towns, with a choice supply of Meats, on the following days: Ringwood aud Greeuw**d--• Satav* davs. Voio--Thursdays, Johnburgh--Wednesdays and Satur­ days. " These trips will be made regular, aa4 residents of these towns CHI» be assure# . of getting anything they want in th* Meat line, of the best quality and at bottom figures. WALSH * HOWAKDW Mcfletjry, May Uth, 1977.

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