Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jul 1877, p. 1

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Jfe{|firy Jlaiaiealer. Published Every Wednesday by yj^lS £ KdUor a*A *mumr. ^ ie lA Riverside Bit Over Smith Bros. A Co.'s Stdro. TERMS Ot SUBSOAtPTWH^j . ^'•Wm tK*, (Ito Artvftnctt,)......v-- If not 1»alil #ithta "jfrhree »,>$*..4 <*> Sshscnptinns rsooi^o'l fot thr6c flf six nohtht to the same proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. II. T. BIWWX, M. l>. [jllYSTdAtt artd Sursreon. Oflloe hi Brick Block over P. «. Mayca Clothing Store fater Street, McHenry 111. ;• E. A. BEERS J*. ». YstCTliifr and Sftrttoon. Office atto**Aencet two doors west of Post Office, M'H'enry O. J. HOWARD, M D. iHt"8TCtX*and Surareon. Office at. toe store of Howard & Son, McHenry, 111. fr, J. _ IGAR Jtfti \j tory No. 171. BARBIAN. fMGAR J^ftnnfaCli,""-, Mr'flcnVy fit. Ofrters solicit<>d. fht- S. PKICKETT AT LAW. Mc.IIenry. W ATTORNEY Office second story Bishop's new til. TV.oek. RICHARl* BISHOP-, A TfORNEY .VXD COUNSKI.Q.R AT LAW. an. Office In rear of Murphr ft Bishop's Bank North Side Public Square, Woodstock, III. GEO. X BUCKLIX VfOtARV PlriiT.rO, Conveyancer and In- #31 surAnce Agent. Office at Bucklin w Steven's Store, near the Depot, McHenry, III. E. E. RICHARDS. 1~TAS a complete Abstract ot Titles to land XX in McAltmrv County-, tll'noia. Office \\jith 3onnty Clerk, Woodstock. III. ROBT. BRIGHT. Mannfactnijpt of Cnsto'm Made Boots and Shoe®. None Ifrtft tiW: best of material 'used and all work warranted. Shon"Northwest Corner PnVlic SqWire, ^McHenry, 111. Vlfe. IIEOHTLE. VfOITSE. Sipn and Ornamental P<iiw.«er. also XI Fancy Sketches, Scenery, &c., McHenry III. Will dfo all Work promptly atrti at rea- »<#nable tates. fc. U. OWKS &E^ERAL Agent in Prices low and Terms ffu'otftble. Hfcnftfft^ftivers SlwVMneiy. MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. X 4iEQ. SOHltEINER. SMiWHITinid Itestuwrnt. "Kearty oippoalte 5 the t^wriepr JKWUM!, MC.H«nry TO. fiyrrr«t-C\ass Billiard find Pool Tables. (, J. BO^SLAITT, ffllefltnnt'fcn't. STearlv opnoeite _ Ow«ir« IpM, WcIIenrv, TVL Fresh Oysters •erved uplfi amy Shape desired, or tor sale by Mwt tCan. WGCKJD STABLING FOR HORSTES-.f* gaixw* BHEEDffiB. o the Celebnto.l AS«» L'iKhtand Dark Brahma Fowls. iWpped to all points by express. P. O. itress, Woodstock, III., PETER LEICKEM. EEPAIRS Watches, OlockR and JetrcTrr «f all kind*. Alsw Repairs VioTins i« theliest •tctiUt manner, on short notice and at rea- 4*nAMe rate*. Also Violins for Sale. Shop 4Hrsc 4MT JUnth of ICiveraide Block, McUenrj fat WcHENRT HOtTSF* McHenry, III John Karaes Proprietor. Centrally lw.ated and the l*est of accom- MOdatimka.furnished. Chances reasonable. F. KLKIFGEN & SON. CARRIAGE, Wauon and House Painting done on Short Notice. All work war- ranted. McHenry I1L, South of the Public Square. MATTHEW KARGES. HDFSE, SiK* and Carriage Painter. Also Calsoniimns <4one in the best of manner. AH orders promptly attended t« and work "W>rrantf<t Residcnee at - the MrJIeiiryi IIoiiku, Mcliwiiry, in. MCIIUKxnD HOUSE. IGHMONf* ILI.INOIS;, Frank Foster Pro- prietor. (.<>oil >«fc#i^irtodat3^s-,!lfe,i all tmrtiea. Sampl«r*nnis for Salesmen. Livery stable ntticheiL Pulilic Hall for Lectures, •Jhows &c.., n FRED. KENICII, C I G A R M A N U F A C T U R E R , -AKD- WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. JAMES ROBBlNS, • . ? -DBAtEB IN-- Agricultural Implements SOLOHf MILLS, ILL, MANUFACTURERS AGENT tor the ch$m, pion Reaper and Mower, th« G«rham Oorn Cultivators and Diamond Plow, war­ ranted to scour in any soil, the Forest City Seed Plow and steel' Beam Stubble Plows lOorn Planter^. Horse Rakes, Ac. Will take Cash or Good Notes in exchange for any and mil of my Goods. Post Office, Solon Mills* 111. BUSINESS CAKD& Bfe&NKTT, E D.,- -H and Ac.' . ; o u c h e r . D i s e a s e s o f - Office and Residence on Clay Street, Woodstock, III. SURGEON Women a Specially. W. H. BUCK, M. D., , %iX>5tl50PAl,HIC Phrticlan and SrtK-jreon.-- XI Office East Sido Public. Square, Wood- eto^ jc, 1^1. Office hours 11 t(i 12 A. M., and $ C. #. ROBERtS, OMEOPATHIC Physician . and Shrjreon*. Office nearly opposite Hert^y Roger's Store, Volo, III. , -- - - • '?***&• It' CFECIL *. COX. ^ ? r\ENtlS^. Office hi the fttiSc# MJ McHenry, 111. HERM.VNN felTNTZ. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. Howe's Block, McHenry. 111.-, is now prepared to rnak£ Boots and Shoes to order on short notice and in the best of manner. Having had a lonR ex­ perience in the business he is confident he jran give entire satisfaction. Hte uses non'fe but the l>e«t of stock, and waftants all work as rApresentedv Fine Work a specialty. Re- Viairinf of a 11 kinda promptly Attended to.^- Give life a call. W. H. SANFORD, Merchant Tailor. In the store tot C. H. Dickinson, East side PabttcSquare, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Sn^n js Al­ ways oil hamkL Suit's uiade to order aud a tit wairanted- Give fnt a Call. ^ W. H. SANFOBI>. Woodstotk 111.,Sept. 2ttli, 1^75. For Sale or Exchange. THE undersigned offers for ty, situated in the village or 'will exchange it towards a Tt)^re is a Rond and, substantial for g^o.d Farm.-- 'hv-re is a ftond and, substantial UHHI ble for ft storfc or other business, lie hi> proper, of Sic Henry, Hiding, ftuit- Ihe upper residence. part ol'i hich is littfcd np Connect'd with this's tour acres of Choice land, a good barn and some fruit. There is no n ore desirable prope'rtv in this sect itm, and any persftn having a go^d Farm which they wish to exchang-e, or nnvone wishing to buy will And it to their advantage to ca'l and sfe me. t". A. KKHARD. McHenry, III., May 7th, 1877. M. ENCEUN- G U N ' S M I T H W iil Change fcmz- tlc loaders, both single and diiWe, Wtihre^ch 4ohA«t». keeps on haiu'l tNl kinds of Gun Ma­ terial. All work warranted.. Rhn-p mppeaJto Pexrj A MorXin"-s Stwr«, Kulloui'f, 1U, , H. E. WIGHTMAN, Pr»i>rt«t«r- First class jiigs, with or *witl»®ut dw«i's, fnriii«he<f at reasonable rates. Teamimg «f all kinds done on short notk-e. O. W. OWEN, WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, MefI4S««Y f LL^ Dealer in gill kinds of American and ftvlss Walche^.-filoc.ksfnem the b«sl fact'»ries "in the country,. Silver, j)lu Led ware, ^ilv.eir Spoons, &c,^ ALSO AGENT FOR THE Weber and Bradbury Pianos A> u THE v JSstey Org-aii I Whicih to-Ue iUe.bicsi Organ i* the market. We think we know that i»y, and we believe It, for it Is •backed Mp by the 8es1 r^lusiclaos m the World, I also sell other Organs at less prices than the Estwy, but e**'t reoetmuuend tlieui to be as good. O. W. OWEN. July 2S. BIG BARGAINS -IN- CURTIS & WAITE, Hoist, Sip, aid Ornamental PAINTERS, US, CAPS, k Sliglitlv damaged bv Water in the latettre, at Nos. i!»2 and 1!)4 Madison St., corner Fittli Avenue. The Immense Stock of Scott & Co., Wholesale and Retail Hatters, comprising all the leading stvles In BUSINESS and &RESS 8ATS. has been removed to 1 8 3 M a d i s o n S t r e e t , neaxlv opposite their old stand, and will b# elosc'l out at 25 «o SO cents on a Dollar. Coine early before the best are gone. SCOTT ft CO., Wholesale and Retail Hatters, removed to 183 Maoison St., near 5th Avenue. WAUCONbA- fev invitation of OK Nash afewtUys ago we took a rido after his splenrtid driving Colt *4Bftrn®y,M and during the Afternoon found onraelves in the ant little village of WaitCOilda, Lake Cennty. This belnjf «ur first yistt to this place, we of course took some pains to look around and see what business Was done and who were its business men. We found it to be on* of the most push!ng little business towns in Lake County,her business nven all being enterprising,Ifd^aliead individuals who believe that any thing that i* vforth doing at all is worth doing well* In looking around we 1'ouud the Ittl- l«'wing business firms: R„ Harrison^ Dry Goods at»d Chfocef' i«8v P. K» Due«, Dry Goods aad Grocer­ ies. M. 8. Hil«s Dry Goods and Grocefie*. 3. Bv Well*, Dry Goods and Gfooer- i«s. Dr. It. Wells, Druggist* and dealer in Paints, Oils, Ac. Calkins &KetcU«ins Agricultural Warehouse* Judil Pfatt, Canned Goods, Confec­ tionery, Cigars and Tobaoco. Also keeps the celebrated Hanley Flour. Hughs & Golden. Furniture dealers^ Peter Johnson^ dealer i« Hardware* H-. Mamiau, Merchant Tailor. Frank Barker, Harness Maker. Pratt Heuses C. L. Pratt, Plopfletor. It is not impossible but that we have missed«ome names in the above lists but if so they will understand that it was ieot intentional. A41v the above firms seemed to be doing good business considering the times. Their stock of Goods were large and fresh, and their stores presented an appearance equal to the best to be found outside of the <*ty. Thte hofel.ivhfah Is krpt bj* X). L. Pl-att te a model II'oHse, where the Weary traveler Citu find the •coinfol'ts of home and Re served in the best style* Mine frost Pratt understands hi* b*s4ncsis*nd WO |>al«s $o twake It f^easa^t his-guests. Our stay was necessarily short, and tbcreitore we are ««•)** Jil»le <te«.peak an tera^ef ittii« tlnae^ bat we pro<p»$e vo visatt this place again at no distant day aud make a note of her business aud bu­ siness meu iu full. . u • -uJ-Ll i „ ^ t-1 |i jf «{•OW<4fflSitt"1- Nortu and South Mauntaias, in r«nu- sylvauia, commonly calle*! the Eastern Kidge, a well was dug some years since in Franklin, and another in Cumberland county, thirty or forty miles from the former, which led to a discovery a (lord­ ing a subject for interesting specula- £M»I.. After proceeding iu eaeh Instance to a tfcjilh of about 3ft feet, the bottom of these weljs gave way (but unfortu­ nately whet* it lie workmen had retired) aud a torreut «f water r«*bed up. A lead was sunk with fifty fathoms of lino without finding the Jea*>t obstruction. They remained at this time untouched and of unknown depth. Thej»res«mp- th»ju is, there is a subterranean lake in that quarter* ann how far it extend* under the bas« of the vast primitive mountnnv^v f ftunted (b^tweera the Sus­ quehanna and Pittsburgh, will never be aseertafned^mnless>t»r terrible convulsion of nature they ohould be precipitated in the tren&endous abyss A CITT IN ASH^S. ^>reive thousand people have beoti rriide homeless^ thirty persons lost li»«s, and the value of the property d*- stitoped is estimated at twelve millions This is the record of the fire at St. New Brutiswiekv June 2ltfc-~ Ftitty otte-hstf of the buildings of the .cly were burnea, comprising every leading business house* the banks, the newspaper offices, part of the churches, all the first and second class hotels* and tho markets. The citySs facilities for extinguishing fire were poor, and the firoinen soon became demoralized.-- itffcfi flames started iu the heart of the to#iu and spread in every direction. Tl» insurances Wefe about At* millions 4&tfch suffering Is already i«ported, so m|fch In fact that several neighboring to#n.s«ent car loads of prepared food. IU|»roportion to the cityss size^ it was h Jnore disastrous coiifiagation than •Ither that iu Chicago or Boston. Ap­ peals for aid have been made to the principal American vities. Almost the first city to respond was Chicago, her residents doubtless remembering that St|Jeliu's gift to the Chicago sufferer* In f871> was $10,000. t tHK OIBBKt g Eleven men were ha^ed In l?enn- syivania June 21st, fot murder. Ten of thom were members Of the Molly Ma- gillre organization, by Which thei*- ^rinses ^-ere instigated. At Pottsviie slic were executed--two tit a^i Thiointis Dully* James Carroll* James R^jirty* James Boyle, and Hugh McGe- ha», convicted of complicity in the uvtfpde!' of B. Yost, the Tam&qn&'po1- lineman, and Thomas Mnnley, one of the mnrderef's of Thomas Sanger and William lltew* at Raven Riui. At Mauck Ckiiuk, Miohael Doyhi and Edward Kelly were hanged fot the mutder of the mine boss. John P. J©ne«s at LUim- fOi'd^ aiso* Aiexandef Camftbell and John Denalme for the murder of Mor­ gan Powelk another mine boss* at Sum­ mit Hill, Carbon county, Dec. 2, 1-8?!. Those fout were executed at the same time. At A«'tom* Lafta- •hanwas Ranged for the murder of John Riley, in September, 1874. Speeches were made on the ssaftold by four of the doomed «e«, but u<o assertion of g*il3!t ®r a u nucefice mere aade. There was no dteordeT, thovgh the orosrds were very largt. This ought to he the end frf Molly 2faguircisin, which has fur so long a SfirGail Hamilton is * relative of Senator Blaine. She has recently, written some very bitter* sarcastic let­ ters to the New York Tribune, upon the policy of President Hayes. Sena­ tor Blaine Was told by a friend the oth­ er day, that a great many people at­ tributed the inspiration of the Gail Hamilton letters in the Tribune to him lie said that reminded him of a little story. A woman iu one of tb« back counties of Pennsylvania went before a notary public to acknowledge a deed, and w:us asked the usual question if she signed the deed without compulsion or fear of her liusbaud. Stepping back one or two paces she put her hands en ber hips, set her head on one side, aud, after looking at the man for a moment exclaimed: MI guess, judge, you don't know the family " JfcHEXRY • ILLIXOI9. Calsomfnln* and Paper Hanging done on abort notice and in workmanlike manner.-- Also Graintnfrof all Kinds in the best manner gatlsfaction guaranteed in every instance. Orders left at the Drnff Storil of ft, Oolby, Wfft bo promptly attended to* Curtis ft W*ite» ifcl|j|aryt 111., April 16tli, 1877. WO The McHenry Brewery. King & Herftes, Proprietors* THE best of Beer Shipped to any part of the country and warranted as represented,-«• Orders, solicitad a-u<ipfomjitly attended: to, A NICK POINT IN LAW. The Supreme Court of Illinois has just held, in the case of Meredith, who was convicted of murder in McLean county, last year, that a Judge cannot leave the bench, even temporarily, dur­ ing the progress of a trial. It seems that Judge Tipton, before whom the case was tried, had occasion to tempor­ arily leave the bench, and by consent of the prisoner^ counsel, called an at­ torney to preside for a short time.-- The prisoner was found guilty and sen­ tenced to be hung. IJe appealed to the Supreme Court, which now holds that such absence of the Jud^e was illegal; that the prisoner or his counsel could net consent to suoh absence, and that therefore trial. •ST The commotion among the Israelites, according to the New York papers, has been very great, occasioned as it was by the proprietors of the Grand Union Hotel of Saratoga refus­ ing to let rdotus to Mr. Joseph Sellgman of New York, an eminent Jewish bank er, who d«*sired to stop there with his farail)'. The hoteL, which is a splendid one, belongs to the A. T. Stewart es­ tate, and the Jewish merchants, it is said, have withdrawn trade from the house amounting to between three and five millions a year, as they regard Judge Hilton, the manager of the es- twte, who has a personal enmity to Stfii$jman, on account of a previous qunrrel, as being at the uotlom of the whole affair. The hotel proprietors however* explain by replying that they do not desire Je wish patronage, and Drobably they will obtain their desires on this point hereafter, but still it appears quite nore) ground for a hotel-keeper to take. The cause of headaches has lato- ly received much investigation. Dr. Geo. T. Stevens, of Albany, has bean at pains to demonstrate the relation be­ tween disordered eyesight and many nervous diseases, including head­ ache. By means of (fi^iams in tho New York Medical Journal, he shows how difficulties in the ordinary use of the eyes, arieiug from far-sightedness, short-sightedness* and other defects of the kindr must cause continual irrita­ tion to the nerves. Especially is this the case with farsightedness, and nu­ merous instance are citod where pa­ tients suflering frequently and severe* ly from headaches have been entirely cured by wearing spectacles suited1 to their eyes. Othei affections of the eyes result similarly, but the instances met with in practice are fewer. There' seems to be abundant evidence that several more serious forms of nervous disease may be an overgrowth of such irritation. j0r"Money is the root of all evil,r said a great teacher,, but Frederick Douglass doe * not seeuv to think so.-- In his address to the oolored'people at his old home in Maryland,Mr. Douglass said: l*A poor people are- always de­ spised people. To be respeoted they must get money and property. With­ out money there is no leisure; without leisure no thought; without thought no progress." The importance of money- getting could hardly be impressed upon an audience in fewer or strouger words ttl'TI.Kit's j*t>oONS. A correspondent, of the CindnrtsU Commercial tells thfe brlgnal story of Butler's "spoons,* interest in which hafc been revived by the Genefal's &cent correspondence with "My dfenr Pitkin'* Attd *'My dear Mr. Mac VeAgh.^ it is As follows: "When General Blither thought himself sufficiently secure In }$ew Orleans, ho Wnt for his wife to join hint* In looking over the city fot a dwelling her eyes rested Upon ft fine residence on the corner of St. Charles aud .hill* streets, owned bv a physician in the Confederate army, and occupied by his family, consisting ofhisWife^ h<er invalid mother and three or font* small children.. There, wero plenty of vacant houses In tho city, but they were not so convenient; besides, whfeu they were vacated everything that could be removed li&d been carried away. Butler Wanted n thoroughly furnished house, so he ordered the lady to vacate, permitting lie** to take only the wardrobe of the family Gompany H, of the Twenty-sixth Massachusetts Regiment* was Butlers body guard, and from this company a squad w%s de­ tailed to guard tho premises Until tho arrival of Mrs, Bntlef. One of tire mon not having the fear of God orGoneral Butler before his eyes, but on tine coiv- trary having before him tho examples of those In authority, concluded to fol­ low them by appropriating to lttnreelf some stlvor spoons. It was soon dis­ covered, and the ittan WHS courtmartlal- ed and sent to the Teftugas for a siiort term, but on application to Gooeral Butler was pardoned.* A little OnliforiilH Weathet. ' Yesterday was a remarkable day.-- From early In the morning until ten o*clock at flight ft hot-, sirocco-likfe wind blew like a hurvlcane from the north­ west.. licking nip every partible of ac­ cessible moisture irom the earth, while the thermometer reached degi«es fn the shade. Its effect Was very gfros- ttatiug* 4t« It fteeowed to dry <u$ the .jjwfcje's "effclfce body* fce&Vtoig one feeling like an auimated Egyptian mummy,-- It was very damaging to the wheat fields, as it shelled out the grain and scattered it over the ground. One far- aner, who came in from the southeast­ ern part of the county, estimated that at least Hid pocmd* of wheat to the acre had beeu beaten out and was lying on the ground, and he thought that at least 13.000 bushels had been scattered eriuises iu t vanla. coai re Sonora road. It was such a win has not been experienced here tor years.--Stockton Independent% June 18 1^*Special agents of the Govern­ ment after a thorough examination of the Fifth North Carolina Revenue Dis­ trict, report that the Government has lost., duringthe last eighteen months, 9200,000 by frauds in tobacco and whis­ ky. These revenue officers have also discovered an extended system In de­ frauding the Government both In to­ bacco and high wines in South Carolina These revenue thieves have a large number of wagons and stations in the different districts. The wagons are driven along obscure roads where there are aoteven^c ageuls. <uid their eon- tents deposited at the- nearest ware*, house of the rlr.g, aud by this menus Uatisporied from 4ue part of the State to flftothor. : ^ , WASBS^O* TLOITIIIALPQNIINCK, WA^Hrtf0¥0*s O.d. Jtiwe ^th, M97. (Jt^ of the ffl09$ cotlSt>icfoiW« ihjd ro« insieUable looking ht»iise£$n Washing­ ton Is oh La Fayett# Sqliare and P'ith* in a few rods of tho Whit# Jfanse And VVal* Dept .grouuds. ThW Wjf^e bas a history as well as ah Mapt)ftara|i^*' havr ing Siprvted the.residence of .the Sec­ retaries of the Navy .before Sje^retary Thothpson. Who has from July 1st antl Will nkovo into It at once with, his W'fe and daughter^ Vice • Presi­ dent Colfax also occupied U during hi# term of ofilo«u Ahd It was the irsideneo of Gen, Sickles, at the time of his shoot- tlnj* Key, It Is a double house presen­ ting a facade of great breath and threo stories high. In Which tho combination of Md and yellow is freely used. Tho entire front with the e*c«t>ti»n of8on»o narrow* freestone band?„ is composed of glazed brltks of bright yellow color, separated tYom oach other by lines of cordlnal red* lvhfe fteceings and comU ces are also red attd tho eBettt b amaz­ ingly loud and thinklhgv . Mrs. Martha 1* Lamln whose "filsior^ of the city of New York^ bus usached the twelfth number Winging the work to the middle of tho ]StW century haO been visiting the family of Ghfof Jtts* tice Waite recently. Rumor has had it that Mrs. Sherman (who Is a devoted catholic) was among the pilgrims who have gone to visit tho pope; but her friends here deny tho truth of it and thy that she did not go to Europe at all* S Ire is Iu St Louis* It ts a fact tlmt none of *s know fot tiertairh, even now> What course is to bo taken in regard to tho Washington Monument. But It ts at least a little comfort to have reasous for believing that something will be done #e#oW the matter Is dropped again. Last week the association received a recommenda­ tion <Vom L'arkin Meade, the "cefcbrate<d srtdpton, to place a seventy live feot high s-tattte of Washington tupon tho moiftinYent as it now stand*. Hq argued that the foundations were not sufficient­ ly strong to sustain the wolght of tho shaft finished according to tho orlgnal design, but that the additional weight of his proposed statue would not effect It as It could be of bronze and very thin; aud since it was made another has bern advanced which has tlio virtue of irovelty If notliing more'. It i# that the monument *ts It stands shall be ̂ ktl- Used as the pedestal foV the great Bar- tholdi statue of "Liberty Enlfcglitning jpg^It le stated at the Indian Bureau in Washington that the bill lor Indians, recently published as having boen put in evidence before the Investigating Committee, was contracted In 1873 by an army officer detailed to act as In­ dian Agent iu Arizona? that the medi­ cines were purchased* not in New York, as alleged, but in Arizona, where prices are much higher than in the Eastitkat the blll was cur down heay- ly before it was passed by the bureau; and finally, that it was paid, not to Chief Clerk Galpia,<as charged in the public article, bu{ to Riggs & Co. the bankers, who held the claim. The whole transaction, except the final payment, occurred under the previous administration of the ludlaw Bureau. f^rThe Springfield' (M»ss.) Repub-, lican tells us the latest Moody story ourrent in Northfleld: The Hinsdale butcher drove past Monday. Moody ran out. "Beefsteak?" "Yes.** 'When killed?" said the evangelist?, approach­ ing the cart. "Yesterday"I don't want any meat killed on Sunday."-- Butcher drives on, soliloquizing sotto voioe. Returns Thursday, passing the Moody residence, full drive. Moody hails him again. ^Beefsteak?** '•Yes" •'Brftig in ten pounds.n "We don't take money earned on Sundays!M aud b^tuh- er driver on. 3 Ladios Hose, Handkerchiefs, Ties, Cuffs and Collars in endless variety and at priees that defy competition at Lansing & Evauson's Carpets,Carpets, Carpets. 35dlff#«h ent styles atfF. U. Smith's. rat . .. been placed In New York tiaiibor; but as that city appears so backward about raising funds to puf. it In position. It la questioned, why may not the National Capital hava tho benefit of (he gener* ous gift. Report lias it that ^^iiatOT Conkllng wilt have to work hard to retain his seat, his rnept powerful opponents being the famous New York lawyer. E. W. Stoughton, and State Senator Woodin. Conkling Is too strong and out-spoken not to make .enemies, and there are those who, although not them«elve*a«pirants to his position, will Work against him as far as they have power and influ­ ence. • Geu. Grabt appeal to havt reached tLe climax Of honora abroad. He can now b& "IveCtor Gi;ua" if Iife chv>ose8, though we doubt If ha would prefer th* title to that t>f *wh!e^ he is uow' known. This I# how the polilltSl issue In tho West is foreshadowed. ABotli' parties will demand the restoration of the old silver dollar. But there iee^s to be this sharp difterenCa ,bett>eea them, that while one party doroartds^lllver for resumption the 0tl»?r delhands it for lufiatloif. One waftts it to replace greenbacks; the'bther warr^l it hir aAAdi-- tlon to greenbacks.'*1 1 President Hayes lias been Ave io'iftf that he was strongly in favor of tfhd remonotization of silver and the resto­ ration'ofthe ol'^ silver dollar, until re­ cently ho has icono to a decision that he has spoken too freely and will do so no more, as' he now recognizes the eir / of awakening criticisms in'advance up­ on his official intentions' and arousing opposition to his proposed action. s^4-£t»f. *.»' ,;»s ^ - . 1L ff'A. ^ 8®* Tweed who was promkfod r»ltaW" from prison if he wohld restore all hfsf propertj' and disclose all' he knew of tlio plundering of th# leveed*ring h«4 had his revelations returned to him bf* the Attorney General with thf curt re­ ply that they caauot b# accepted as ml ground of release. It Is possible that the Attorney General may expect to' get more from the eld rlugster'by de*>- Tng thus, but it looks if he had been-un-' fairly used. It appears as if the offi­ cials had hoped that bis disclWrtUfcs Would rnin some of theft pOBtical foes and finding that they Wodld1 no? they refused them, to the injury of tliifStkte and th® cause of justice. stfbatw asMdi^t It is no hnmbuf that tho Sains in towna»»toi»f*« - Evaiison's. 'fJ

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