Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jul 1877, p. 8

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. .'i ;a? tAflt OAlHg* WAT»«*olhf sr. T. July & / ' CHEESE.--On Saturday there wefe 4$ '"• * |uA«rlif PC preo en ted, •fferi ng 4,44t feo*- in, of which 2,989 wer# soldi This In- lludes s*me which were sold cohditlon- llly. The ruling price WAS 9 cents, (hough some factories bw.ght a trifle •inmp that figora. We notice that the : Creek factory In this town, sold i boxes, at 9&c.> tl*« B. P. Smith fac­ tory, Xorth Wiln*^ boxes, at 0.; and the Philadelphia, factory 220 bo*es, at tt WMk. . . the CHS&S&.* N.^nly l«d. market to-day was .m»ore active and about a quarter of a •" w tugber on nearly all grades. « IfVbout 11,000 boxes were offered. Fully f'\; 1.000 of these went on commission. Ji'he balance sold at "prices ranging from Sje to 16c. The majority of good »ts sold at 8J 9Jc. A considerable ftumber ef fine brought 9jc. Fi ve lots ftttlOceQto. . }*'l LlTTLR rXVLt, m. *L : ; CHEESE.--'To-day there was quite a %arry ia the market. Prices started off at 9}c, but soon rose to 9$to 9}c» aud •A finally 10c. FARM DAIRY.--AG this cheese is sold arly in the day it did not fell th« exc­ itement which aftected the factories, e quote 18 lots numbering 837 boxes It the following prices: 8c.; 8J., 9c.,9|c. BtiTTBR.--Two tubs, at prices rang- froml7c, to 18c. .mron a branch of railroart that runs through the. rural districts into the ffdge of Ifew Hampshire, tin train flrew up at a small station. The pass­ engers gazed out of the car windows to take in anything of interest that might Jbe seen, but the unimportance of the lace being noted at a glance^ tjj&f/eil reading their papers and Be^'flftines. fter a considerable wait', the passen- eyed each other in wonderment, nd one, bolder than the rest, ventured v to the platform and looked into the ftatlon^antl found a tailor measuring ^ the conductor of the train for a suit of , *'4riothea. After the conductor had giy- *' *n full directions as to how he desired the suit made, the necessary number of pockets, their positions, Ac., he came ut to the platform in full view of the assengers, looked along the road as though expecting Hnother train, waved Jjtls hand toward the engineer, and the Irain started off. PERRY, & MARTIN. | *. Assfe' Jit, eadquarters for SWM? *«<%. ',u> •• '***•- -M» V ' \\\H fl** LAUER & BECKER, rs > The Old and Reliable ACIICUUL Near the Depot, ENRY, - - I The subscribers are now re pared with a Stock of Groceries of all FINE CLOTHS m •X . Ware FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS,' ! And in short, a First Class Stock of General Merchandize , 1 ' f Wt are oc^stantly receiving ne^v Gooda of All kinds, and buying titoSMfbr Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk Is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell tts don't live In this neck of the woods. Our LARGE AND CONSTANTLY 1N- OREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that jH OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED^. We always guarantee our goods to be what they are represented to be and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and hence cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor tefesk enormous profits on our goods. We intend to j •V1 *" «y|. • v" And while we are grateful to a generous public for their patronage in time past, we hope to merit the same in the future. J^GIVE US A CALL and : ' k- we will show you our Goods and use you well whether you buy of us or not. •. of all kinds, to make to order Coats, Pants, Vests or entire Suits* on short notice ahd bn the most Seasonal' Tew. afS-GoodfFi^8 , Guaran- all work War- -o>- ri'M-' •m iLive and Let Live l^-The Belvidere Standard. says: The resident of Mark Ramsey, vice •resident of the First National Bank f this city, has recently been convert- d into a bee hive, very much against he wishes of the proprietor. Some re or six weeks ago a swarm of bees ook formal possession of the east half >f the house, between th* ceiling and second floor, gaining an aperture tfihe dwftf cap. While Ramsey was jing to devise some way by which to i himself of these little busy insects, second swarm took up their abode in $the same quarters, and the probabili­ stic* are that other awarms will follow |suit, and the result will be by fall that «our friend will find himself engaged extensively in the raising and sale of honey. For the past six or eight rears bees hare at times made their quarters at thit place, but usually in stnaLL uuu- 1*». ;{l" ± Bow TO SUCCEED.--If your scat 1s hard t<rslt upon, stand up. If a rock ^ rises np before you, rollitl^away or clhr«b over it. If you want money,, l earn it. Ib.tak'es iiO longer to skin ati « elephant than « mouse, but the skin islj "2 worth someihfhg^ If you want confl- i dej|id», pt<>ve yonrsalf Worthy of it. Do not be content with doing what anoth- erhas done--surpass it. Diegerve sue-, ^ cess and it will come. The boy was •» not born a man. The sun does not rise like a rocket, or go down like a bullet | fired from a gun; slowly and surely it | makes its rouiid and never tires. It is # as easy to be a a? a wheel horse. It the job be long the pay be greater. If the task be hard the more compe­ tent you must be to doit. Follow L thee* instructions, and all will be well. i-vi-**' rvtf c- < -- . 1 i McH«nry, I1L, July 27th, 1875. I^SRRY & MARTS M. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother. We also Itfeep A Pull Line cf Beady-Made ClothiSg, GENTS Fnrnislii Goods Hats, Caps, &c \V l»ich will be sold as low f g at any establishment n the bounty. Clothes Cleaned in the toe&t of manner and on short notice. LAUES & BECKER. M(-.Henry, Feb. 2Rth. 1877. HENRY COLBY, --DEALER 1N- \ • iture, Furniture t Best is the Cheapest. tff m- JOHN B. BLAKE, A the new Store of Blake & Bros., has now in Store one of the Lar- fest and Best Selected Stock of urniture to be found in McHen- rv County, which he is selling to the public at a, very small advance of Coet. In Stock can be found Parlor Suits, Chamber Sets, Kitchen Furniture, Wall Brackets, Picture Frames, and IB short everything- usual found in a first-class Furniture Store. •••••I OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Was nevermore complete than at present The Finest line of Coffins Caskets, Gold and Silver Trimmings, to be found in the market. 1 JOHN Mellenry, III., March 6th, 1877. B. BIAKE. BEASLEY 'S PAINTS. OILS, Painters Brushes, Dye Stuffs &G>, &C. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. A LARGE SfOCK OF Choice Family Groceries, Just RecciveW, w hich will be,sold at the Lowest Living Prices. H. COLBY. Mellenry, April 24th. 1877. NEW WAGON S H OP MclIKMiY. HXIMOIS. E. PERKINS Would respectfully Inform his friends and the public, generally that he ia now prepared, at his $lw>p, West of the Public.Square, to do all kiuds of Cnvjvcuter Work or work in wood of anv kind, Burn as the wood-work of Bug­ gies, Wajrons, making lJoats, &<•., and in short anything ever maile in a livst-olaes Carpenter Shop. From a longie.\}>erieiu'e in the busiueas and using none but bc^t of Lumber I car. m all ouu Guarantee Satisfaction! lerons lortecft nd all an® can ^ foutid on hand at his Warehouse, op­ posite thd Old Qtfen8 Mill, McHenry, with a full line of LCADIN(k jj-Wv- KINDS. CORN CULTIVATORS: We have all the leading kinds. The celebrated Bertraild & Sames Haines, Buckeye and Qorhain, all first class and at very low prices. thfe Also Leading Of the Day, among which are the Walter A Wood, BucReye Peer­ less, Warrior, Triumph, and other Mowers. Also the celebra­ ted Marsh Harvester, the Old, Reliable Hollensworth Hay Rake, the1 Tiger Self-Dumper, the Ar­ cher, S'urst & Bradley, Dixon &c. The celebrated Nichols & Shepard Vibrator Threshing Ma chines; also the Sweepstakes. The Celebrated Kenosha Pumps. Plows, Plows All Leading Plows kept constant­ ly on hand and at Lowest Prices. Terms Reasonable. E. M. OWEN. , McHenry, May 22d, 1877. , ft KOKTtt.^rEST^t^ 'T&^rjrf Embraces ttnder one management the Grekt Trunk Railway Lines of the WEST and NORTH-WEST, and, Willi its mime branches and connections, forms the sho: and quickest route between Chicago and points in Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern MichU gan, Minnesota, Iowa* Nebraska, Califoriibl and the Western Territories, lis * Omaha and California Unif Is the shortest and be&t route between Chi(M| go and all uoints in Northern Illinois, low«, Nebraska, I>:ikota, Wyoming, Coolrado, Utah. Nevada, Culifornia, Oregon, China, Japan ana Australia. Its Chicago* 8t- Paul & WSInneapoils Line- is the short Unc between Chicago and til points in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota, and for Madison, St. I'aul, Minneapolis, Btt*--.. lath, and all points in tho (jreat NorthweWr Its LaCrosse, Winona ft 8t. Peter Lin* Is the best route between Chicago and La. Crosse, Winona, Rochester, Owatonna, Man- kato, si. Peter, New ITlm and all points In Southern and Central Its Green Bay & Marquette Lin® Is theonlv line between Chicago and Janfca> ville, Watertown, Foil du Inc., Oshkosh, Ap- »let on. <ireen llay, Escanaba, Negannee, tfar<|\)»tt«', Houghton, Hancock and the Lake Superior Country. Its Freeport & Dubuque Lixid Is tho only route between Chicago and ElgtQ» ' ltockford, Freeuort and all poiuts via Free port; Its Chicago & Milwaukee Line Is the old Lake Shore Route, and is the only one passing between Chicago and Evanstdi^ Lake Forest, Iiighlnnd Park, Waukegan, Racine, Kenosha and Milwaukee. Pullman Palace Drawing Raom Cars are rnn oh all through trains oft this This is the ONLY LINE running thzse MI'S between Chicago and St. Paul and Minne* apolis, Chicago and Milwaukee. Chicago aftd Winona, or Chioago and Green Bay. Close connections are made at Chicago With the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Mien* igan Central. Baltimore and Ohio, Pittsburg. Ft. Wayne, & Chicago. Kankakee Line and Pan Handle Routes, for all points EAST and SOUTH-EAST, and with the Chicago and Al­ ton and Illinois Central for all )>oints SOUTH. Close connections ore also made with the Union Pacific &. R., at Omaha for all far West points. Close connections made at junction points with trainsof all cross points. Tickets over this route are sold bv all Con- pon ticket agents in the United States and Canada. Remember you ask for your tickets via the Chicago & Northwestern Railway and take none others. " New York Office. No. 415 Broadway; Boston Office, No, 5 State Street; Omaha "Office, 24A Farnham Street; San Francisco Office, 121 Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket Offices. «2 Clark Street, under Sherman House; 75 Canal, corner Madison Street; Kinzie Street Depot, corner AV. Kinzie and Canal Streets; Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinzie Streets. For rates or information not attainable firmt your home ticket agents, apply to MARVIN HUGHITT General Supt. W. H. STINNETT, Gen'l PasSe; ger Agent GENERAL; JOBBING Promptly>ttended to.| Change.--TUey were outwalk- Ujjt enjoying the cool and refreshiug air. The bright motn cast its rays oyer the lady, giving her an almost an- €«Ke appea.ra.cee, and imparted to her Aowrtng curl* a still more golden hue. One of her Roft White hands rested in his, and ever and anQti she met his ar­ dent gaze with #f*e of pure love. Sud­ denly a change came over her features: Iter full red lips trembled as if with suppressed sighs; the rauscles nfher faultless became convulsed; she ga*ped for rbreath, and, snatching her lianfl from the soft pressure of his, she turned away, burled her face in her cam brie handkerchief, and--sneezed J m. CEX.EBBATED w. man uaade a be t Chat he would pus twenty-five men ov-er Waterloo Bridge, London, without -toll being taken from them, -and he won. He marshalled his men and asked the toll­ man in a nonchalant way to count the or As soon as the last man had passed the turnstile and ail were walking btri.4;ljr away, he entered into a dteptrte 'with the tollman as to the number 'that had passed. **Tw«nty-dve, saftd the toll­ man, "I vow it was twenty-seven," asserted the other. The dispute con­ tinued until tbe^st man was >nt off eight, when the speculator paid his half-penny and said,Well aft«r all, ft u«o,waller FOUNDRY McHEXRY, ILL. Give Me a Call! For Sale at tfie Saloon of GILLES, * McHenry, 111. To ConsnmptiveS. THE advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Connumption by H simple remedy, is anxious to make known to lug fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will pen<l a copy of the prescription used, (Free of Charge^, with the d'rections for preparing and nsiiig tlie same, which thev will tind a sure CUT© forConsvwp- tion, Asthma, Bronchitin, Sx. Parties wishiug the prescription will please addrcse Ttev. E. A. WILSON. 194 Penn St., WilliamsbuTgh, New York* COPY YOUR LETTERS- USE Excelsior Copying Book. Ch(»Tincal paper. Quickiv voyw* any writing \\ ITHOUT M ater, PltfcSS or Bftrsff n^ea at home, library or office,. "For wishing to retain copies of letters every fcual- nen« man, clergymen, correspondents travel- lnvaluahle--sella at sight. S*?nd 53fOOand WE will tendii.300 pane PKMJIC, let- ter size H\ MAII, paid 'o anv address. "\Ve refer t« any Commercial AaencV. Sond -trwrv tor A (rents Circnli CO., l» Dtarborn WARD B. GALE, Proprietor. The undersigned has just started > Fotin- ary and Machine Shop, and ia now prepared to do all kinds ot Oastintf for Machinery, on sliort notice and in the best of manner. We also manufacture tlie^celcbrated Gale Wind Mill* Repairing of all kinds done promptly and satisfaction Guaranteed. ' Threshing Machines repaired on short no» tice. Orders solicited, „ „ . WARD B. GALE. McHenry, III., April 4th 1«77. E. PERKINS. McHenry, 111. ,NQV. 29tli,11876. Errors of Youth. - AGENTT.EMAN who Suffered for years trom Nervous Debility, Premature De- cay, and all the effects of youthful indiscre­ tion will, for the sake of suffering humanity, "cijd free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to Jiroflt by the adviser's experience can do SO confidence JOHN B. OGDEX, 42Ce<lnr St., Jfew Tork. M M M f t TO THE WORKING CLASS.--We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whol«of the time, or for their spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50 cents to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Bovs anil girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business we make ihis unparalleled offer: To such as arc not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pav for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, samples worth several nollnra to commence work on, and a copy of Home and Fireside, one of the largest and best Illustrated Publications, all sent free by mail. Header, if you want permanent, profitable work, address, GEORGE 8TIN8ON 3b Co., Portland, Maine. JtCMta.l>iii*h««<.l 180O, GlLMOLtti & CO., Attorneys at Law, SHccmMkr* Iw ChlpmHii, if <tamer dfc Co.* 029 F Street, Washington, D. G. American and Foreign Patents. Patents procured in all countries. No FKK8 IN AOV*VCK. No cliarge unl'-ss the j»aient it granted. No IVes for making preliminary exami. nations. No additional fet*s. lor obtaining and conducting a rehvariuK' Special attention given to linerlciHiice (/'ases before the Patent Office Exiensions Itt't'ore Congress, Infringement Suit* in dillei'iMit States, and all litigation appertain- ing lo Invention* wr Patents. SKNU .STAMP FOH I'AMI'LLT.KT OK SIXTY l'A(Jh.S. United States Courts and Departments. t'hiims |>roMji:uiH(l hi Ilie Suprenn' (ionrtof the foiled Si aies, < 'on it of < 'l:i.ims, Court of Coinmis* sioners of A lahama. < 'laims, Southern Claims t.'ommissioii, a nd all classes of war claims before the KxecutivH Departments. Arrears of Faj and Bounty. ORKICKIIS, MM titicits, and SAII.OKH of the late war, or their heirs, are in many cases entitled to money lioni tiietGovernment, of which they have no knowledge. Write lull history of service, and state amount, of pay ami bounty received. En­ close stamp, and it fit It leply, «<fier «xtvmtoation, will he given yon free. Pensions. All OKKH.'KIIS, NOttlHICUS, ntld NAII.OItS WOlinded in p in red, or injttrctl in the bite war, however slightly, can obtain a peuxion, many now receive ing pei^i.iiiH are entitled to an Increase. Send stamp and information will be furnished free. United States General Land Oiliee. Oontesied J.and «!a«es, Private l«and Claims, Mining rrc-cinpiion and Mouiesteatl ('ases, prose* ciiled tiel'oie ilie (general Land Office and Depart* ineniof tlie luierioi. Old Bounty Land Warrants. The la»t He|»ort of llie Commissioner of the General Land (Mllce shows - 8y7,/>iH)ucies of Boun­ ty Land Wai ranis ouiKUi.iiilmg These were is­ sued under act of IPSA and ;>iior acts. We pay cash lor tliem. Send by regU'tMetl tel ler. Where assignincni* are iinperlect we give instructions to perlect ilieni. Each depart men t of our business is couducted in a separate ImVean. uiuier the-charge of expe­ rienced lawyers and clerks. *By rea»»n of error or fraud many attorneys are suspended from practice befoi'e the Pension nod other nflices each year. (Jlalmants, whose attorneys have been tints suspended, .will be gratuitously furnished with full information and proper papers on application 10 us. As we ciiartre no fee unless successful, Stamp for return poMajre siionld be sent us. Libera l arrangements made with attorneys HI all classes of business. Address G-ILMORE & CO., f. O. HOX 44. Washington. D. O. WAHIIINOTOK, 1). (!., November 24,1876. I lake pleaxiire m. expTessinK my entire conn- d«nce in ihe vit^mnHihili ty and foielity of til® Law, Patent and Collection House of GILMOBI ft Op, of this city. „ J GEO. H. B. WHITE, i-r »rtl>* Sniinnnl Metropolitan Bank > -AgcnA« w i.HioK MNF'^ St., Ctucago, HIA. UVtfi I>ivOBCESfc_ Legally and qutetly obtained in every State' and Territory, for INCOMVATIJUMTY and oth­ er eauscs, no matter where the imrtr resides. 13 year* experience.- Fee after decree. All letters confidential. Address A- J« DEXTER, Att'v, Rooms 8 and f), 132 Dear- t«orn St., Chicago III. Unquestionable wefer- «enee given. Corresjxjndencc «<itU iAui legal professioninviUxl. T Can't be made by every agent every month in the business we furnish, rlmt those willing to work can easily 6<trn a dozen dollars a day right in their own locali­ ties. Have no room to explain here. Busi- ness pleasant and honorable. Women and Ixfvs and girls do as well as men. We will furnish you a complete outfit free. The busi. ness pays better than anything else. We will bear expense of starting you. Particu­ lars free. Write and see. Farmers and me- chanicSj tneir sons and <laughtcr<, and all classes in need of paying werk at home, should write to ns and learn all about the work at once. Now is the time. Don't delay. Ad­ dress TRUE & Co., Augusta, Maine -i-A- f 10T0 925 A DAY Made by Agents in cities and country towns. Only necessary t«» show samples to mak-e sales and money, forany one out of employment and disposed to work. IX.-jed daily by all business men. Send stamp for circular, with price® to agent*. Ad4r*«s ^Special Agency*** JLe*»d*lJ^ltaUdl(ys,<iUie»»^ FARMERS ATTENTION --THE WELL KNOWN-- Mammoth Spanish Jack, " PRINCE" Can be fonnd on the premises of the sub­ scriber, McHenry, 11L, during the season of 1877. Those desiring stock of this kind would do well to call and satisfy themselves. Terms Reasonable. Those from a distance wishing marcs pastured can bo accommodated at the owner's fist. _ A. II. IIANLEY. McHenry, 111., April 17, 1877. CLOVER THRESHER. F. WIEDRICK would inform the fanners throughout the County that he is prepared to thresh Clover or Shell Corn, having one of the host machines in the market. For information ad- re68 F. Wledrick, Woodstock, 111. Notice To Farmers Something New! . i s ILIIOTT'S IMPROVED HABROW. This invention has reference to Improve, ment in Harrows, so that a number toothed sec tions may be connected, and the teeth may be set at any angle of inclination to the f round. This'llarrow consists of a number of oothed harrow sections that are connected by pivoted side pieces and clamp bolts. It may bedr:i wn bv hitching the horses so eith. er end. When drawn from one end, makes a slanting tooth fer corn. When drawn from the other enrl makes a perpendicular tooth as the ground requires. This invention rolls up like a log and shuts up like a jack knife, anil is nicely stowed under cover, and takcB np little room. This Harrow has 10 sections ana each one works independent of the other. Largest size Harrow is 12 feet cut and has 70 teeth. The ten foot Harrow has 60 teetli. The eight foot Harrow lias 50 teeth. The teeth are half inch iron or steel, as desired. The teeth will not bend or break. This Har­ row is a splendid C O R N H A R R O W , And owing to hard times we sell them at low rates. Farmers will please call at onr Shop and examine our Harrow before purchasing. NORQUEST & WEBER. Agents for Mellenry Comity. McHfcivpy, J . S T O R Y , -DEALER IN- Shelf and Heavy H a r d w a r e , STOVES TINWARE\ MECHANICS'TOOLS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. CLOTHES WlilNGEBb ' &c., &c., &c., &c., WHICH WILL BE SOLD. L O W E R THAN USUAL PRICES! Now is the time to purchase, and save monl ey. I believe that I can furnish good goods at as low prices, as anyone in the county. Also keep on hand a full Stock ol BUILDING PAPER, such as Plaiu Board, Water Prooi, Iron Coated and Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpet Lining. KAWL rAND SEE ! Repairing Promptlyiattcnded to. J. STORY. Onnositc Owens MI'l. PIMPLES. I WILL Mail (Free) the recipe for pr«pe». ing a sin pie vegetable Balm that will K, move Tut. Freckles, Pimples and Blotches leaving the skin soft, clear and lieautifnl also instructions for producing a luxurian growth of hair on a bald head or smooth fnce Address Hen Vnndelf A tU, Box 5121, Jso. ' WfMflterSt,, jrew York.

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