laiiieiler. WEDNESDAY. JUL Y 18th. 1377. Railroad Time Table. GOISG JenevalAke Passenger...... iisco Passenger S«"Hra Lake Freight.. "...\\L7r " Sisco Passenger .7:15 A- M. ...8:37 A- M. ....i 1:47 P.M. ......4:65 K M. worwo WORT*. i . L°n^ Lake Freight 10:00 A. M. iaco Passenger .11:32 A. M. Pisco Passenger 5:43 p. M jcimva T,ake Passenger 7:02 v. m, THE green fruit and vegetable season lias set in. and a raau is waked up at 3 o'clock iu the morning, after dreaming that an elephant Is setting on his equa- tor. to experience a violent regret that he has not attended church more regu larly In his yonth. CHURCH DIRECTORY. MBTHOI>IST.~Itev„ J. H. BACON, Pastor, srvices every Sunday at A. M. and . M. Sunday School at IS M. WM. PAQB, iperintendent. ,IHMI MASONIC. ^MONRJRTIY CIIAPTETI No. 34 R. A. M.--Remi ; Jit Convocations held on tke second and •0-th Fridays in each month. ;?&€ i>PlTLA«kI AttKN Sec,, IlEN'RT COI.Bl" H. P. ^ MctiENRY CAUCUS. ^fteiniblican voters of the Town Mfclifciny are requested to meet In ijfown Caucm at the Council Booms, in Jfte village of Mctlenry, on Thursday, July 19th, at3 o'clock p. M .for the pur pose oftehooslng eleven delegates to lifcten^ the County Convention, which %ill be held in Woodstock on Saturday "JMy 21st, and to transact such other %usi ness as may come before the meet ing. BY ORDER OF TOWN COMMITTEE. GREENWOOD CAUCUS The legal voters of the Town of Oreenwood ar%, requested to meet at the Hall, iu the village, on Friday eve ning. July 20th, at 6 o'clock p. M., for the purpose of appointing seven dele- fates to attend the County Conven tion t,o be held at Woodstock on Satur day the 21st. BY OHDEK OP TOV^N Co&Mizf Greenwood, July 16tli 1877. APPKKNLTCR WANTED. Wanted, a Boy from 16 to 20 years of 4ge to Seam the art of Prin ting. One Who wants to lear/i the trade and means business, can find a good chance at this office Those who think they can learn the trade and get journey - mans wages iu six weeks need not apply. SEE the notice of a German Picnic, wlilch cab bfe foand in another column. SEE notice of Republican the head of this column. Caucus at A Full Scholarship to Johnson's Com mercial College, St.. Louis, Mo., for'sale at a discount, at this office. A SECOND hand Lnraber Wagon for «de. Apply to John J. Flusky, Mc Henry, 111. ICE CRKAKI TRTDAY. Saturday and Sunday evenings, at the Riverside Ice Cream Parlora. "WE have rweSved the proceedings of Boai«d»of Supervisors, bift too late for publication this week. They will ap- pear iu our nest. GEO. FRANCIS TRAIN says: "A dead lier poison than spitz, moccasin, cobra orTattlesnake gnaws greedily at the vitals of Church, State and s^piety." He must mean "Jersey lightning." BISHOP & SON have shut down their Mill this week in order to make some necessary repairs. They are putting In a new flume, repairing the Water wheel, and otherwise .putting the ma chinery in order. v , A young fellow who 'indulges in the use of strong drink, says at uight he feels as if he'Owned all -the property in the world, and in the morning as if he owned none, and was kf arrears for his taxes on what he 'owned the night before. WE sometimes wonder !f even Solo mon, with ail his wisdom, did not occa sionally gallop all over the palace, up stairs and down, into the cellar, four steps at ajutnp. into the pantry, cry- ing: "Where in the name of common sense lias my umbrella gone to?" A staging at the PieklT Factory, some six feet high, on which was piled some 400 barrels, gave way On Friday, last. Two workmen were on the plat form at the time arranging barrels, while one was on the floor below. The one below was caught under the falling barrels, while these above were badly mixed up in the heap of barrels. Fortunatelely : no one was seriously hurt. WE learn that a man by the name of Goodman, who resides at Crystal Lake, committed suicide on .Monday laRt, by deliberately jumping into the Lake. He has twice before attempted suicide, once by hanging and once by cutting his throat, but in each instance was discovered !n tim« to save his life. This time he completed the job. We have not learned the particulars as to cause for the rash act. HACKENSACK fanciers have been dis cussing-an announcement made in a It poultry journal that a hen had per formed the startling feat of laying fifteen eggs per day. We should thluk fv that a very hensorae-lay gotten-up story. *'ADVERTISING don't pay?* is what an occasional grocery man will say, who has ©my tried it iu a «m all way by placing a stick on a box of mouldy strawberries' upon which <s tuscribed" BTBaWbeifriEs 15 cEuxS a ftUArT." Truly a good test! COL. WM. AVERT, of Marengo, made our sanctum a call one day last <week. The Ctflouel will be a candidate for County Clerk the coming Fall, and is v around the County attending ;to his interest in that direction. Peter •Whitney, the present -incumbent, will tba his competitor for the nomination. THERE will be a grand Social Party • In the new barn of A. O. Whiting, on the Woodstock road, on Friday evening July 20th, to which all are cordially in vited. The maple Grove adjoining the b$rn, wiill-belighted, wi»ere -a Picnic ' Supper will be had. Come all and bring your goodres. BY ORDKU OF COMMITTER. WR notice that Prof. Swing is ad vertised to Lecture before the Literary Socie-ty.,ef Woodstock, at the Congre gational Church, in that village, on Friday evening of this wee!k, the 20th. He has the Teputation of being one of tlieifiiiegttQrators in the country, and the citizens of Woodstock are certain of a xich Literary treat. As will be seen by a notice elsewhere J. W. Cristy, tine popular merchant at Ringwood, has adopted the cash sys tem in his business, and will hereafter sell no goods either on short or long tim*. As we have .often said before, this is the only true way ro do business audif all business men would actopt it it would be better for both buyer and seller, and we believe Mr. Cristy will lose nothing by this change,. Read liis notice in another column. ON the first page of this paper can be found a noticed authorized by Hon. Wm. Lathrop, announcing a competi tive examination for a candidate for the appointment of Cadet to the Uni ted States Military Academy, at West Point. Young men who have ambition in this direction should read the notice carefully, and prepare themselves ac cordingly. The examination, will take place at Elgin on a day that will soon be fixed upon and published in the papers of the District. THE Lawn Festival on the Grounds of Dr. II. T. Brown on Friday evening last, was well attended and a highly enjoyable affair. The evening was beautiful, the Ice Cream delicious, and everything passed off in the happiest manner. The Band were present and gave them some of their,, best music, which added much to the enjoyment of the evening. We learn the receipts were something over $18. The Ladies are deserving of great praise for their efforts iu raising funds to complete the repairs of the Church. THOSE who use Paris green must have their minds on their business and proceed with great care. Scarcely do we pick up a paper without noticing a case of poisoning, resulting from the use of this powder. Recently in the central part-of the State, a cow was allowed to run in the field where some of the poison had been used on potato vines. The cow, of course, inhaled some of it, and after she had been milked and the milk used, died. The family were all taken suddenly ill front the wse ctf the mflk, and it was only with great effort'that their live# were saved. Paris green is a mineral poison pf the most destructive character, aud the less used ̂ the better. It is better to let the bugs destroy the potatoes than to give this deadly poison an opportu nity to destroy human life. Incase one'becomes poisoned with it, use the white tff eggs as an antidote. Steamboat Excursion. The Steamer "Athlete" will make an Excursion to Wilmot, Wis., on Thurs day of next week, the 26th leaving her dock, in this village, at 8 o'clock A. M., arriving at Wiluiot about half past eleven. Returning will leave Wilmot at 4 p. M. arriving at McHenry at half past seven. This will be one of the pleasantest Excursion of the season, and our citizens aud the public gener ally are cordially invited. There is no better way to have a day of recreation than to take a ride up the river and through the beautiful Lakes te WU. mot. - German Picnic. The German citizens of McHenry will hold a Picnic on the Grounds of W. Thompson, one mile Northwest of McHenry, on Sunday next, July 22d,for the benefit of the German School of McHenry, The Grounds will be fitted up in con venient shape to accommodate all who attend in the best of manner. Two Bands of music wi!l be in attendance to enliven the occasion, and there will be a grand display of Fire-Works in the evening. Refreshments of all kin Is will be served on the Grounds. It is hoped that our American friends will turn out aud aid us on this ooca- sion, Come one. Come all, and let us have a good sociable time together. BY ORDER OF THE COMMITTEE. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, ent styles at P. D. Smith's. dilfer- WOOOSTOCK. EDITOR PLAIXI»KALER:--Quite an event took place iu the patholfc Church last Tuesday, Bishop Fd*ey being here and confirming about seventy^ The ceremony is very impressive aud should be witnessed by all when the opportu nity occurs. D. S. McEwen was also ordained pas tor of the Baptist church in Woodstock Tuesday last. The ordiuation sermon was preached in the eveniug by Rev. btetsou who formerly officiated in the pulpit of that church. Friday afternoon Mr. Brophy took his Self-binder out to Mr. Hoys lot to show the curious how it would cut the rye and put it into sheaves ready to be set up, and the same day the Clippers beat the Harvard B. B. C. to the tune of 17 to 4. The Presbyterian Sabbath School held their plc-siic at Crystal Lake Fri day aud the Baptist at Ryder's pond Saturday. Just where the next is to be held is unknown at this writing but it will be somewhere this week proba bly as this seenas to be contagious. .Mrs. Spooner, who, forso long a time has suffered from dropsy, died sSunday morning. Prof. Swing ef Chicago is te lecture in the Congregatioual church next Friday. From his well knowu reputa tion as a public orator a treat may be expected. A Mr. Woods of Vassar Mich, has been employed to manage our school for the coining nine months term. He thinks his services worth 91200, in which tiie Board agree of course. How's your application, your "coming principal" and "bulldozing" Knox? Mr. Klein has taken the Irving Park school, at the same salary he received here, lie moves this week. Col. Avery of. Marengo was in our town last Thursday' *N>n the shako." He would like Whitueys place to which he has as good a right as auy cue--be fore election. Station Agent Fields is rusticating in Iowa to learn the ways ef the hop pers probably. Well, why should not he have a vacation as well as a minis ter. They take theirs just as regularly as though salvation were at a discount in hot weather. Gard went to Janesville to attend the trial of the 6elf-binder Tuesday last, so did Bradbury; but there the parallel ends; the former saw the reap^ ing come home and got out his paper, the latter did none of these things. Kane stole a horse aud buggy at Ke nosha Wis. which he abandoned at McHenry and. Van Curen and Wilkin son raised him at Harvard last Saturday week, aud Monday Kenosha had her Cane rtturned. Rather quicker work than ordinary. The Equalization Board met last Monday and by passing a resolution or something of that sort to pay the inter est on the county bonds in New York or Philadelphia by draft, sold all the new sev«rn per cents, and C. O. P. is haDpv, but look out next Spring for a move to change them to sixes. Of course the Board equalized, things after its usual fashion by supposing that assessors and people have com bined to cheat somebody so the super, visors must equalize aud cheat some one£lse, the honest always getting the worst of it in this equalization swindle which is in the nature of a premium offered to every property owner to get his property in at the lowest possi ble rate that the Board In making their aununl "raise"' may net get ium above par. It i° said that a fourth lumber yard is to be started here »oon under the management ef James Kasson, former ly with E. A. Murphy & Co. John J. Murphy lias bought the Hunt let wtich from time immemorial has been used for that purpose and the uew Arm is to consist of Murphy & Kasson. A ware house is'to be bnilt on the lot too, as soon as Muirheads lease expires. If competition is the life of trade lumber must fly in Woodstock with four yards, and the builder will reap the benefit of this competition. Woodsteok is the place to buy your lumber now. The Impudent objects to my cri ticism on the punctuation and capitals, excusing himself by the pleaofticense in "adds," then iusults the advertiser by laying it to him. That's too thin, as anyone who nas been inside of a Printing Office knows suoli thing are corrected in the office when there is anyone there competent to do it.-- Why didn't he charge It te the devil and say the editor was out? That is what was expected. If Knox has noth ing new iu the way of blackguardism, but must reiterate his old He about the failure to obtain the Woodstock School," Squeers can stand that, as to make it true the only thing necessary is to substitute his initials for mine.-- Do you see the point? As I am invit ed, scdii-ofllcially, to look into the Impudent for matter to criticise, here goes for the Issue of July 11th: "The morning of the 4th dawned cloudy and gloomy enough," * • • •' the sun shone clear and bright upon a glorious day." A schoolmaster should know an adjective from an ad verb when he sees it. Perhaps he will inform us how a man's "experience" could "for sake him;" also how the "Band** could "introduce the exercises." Hew d*ea Knox spell Comedy, or is that set up just as it was brought into the office ? So much for one of bis edltork^s/some minor points being oinittedv W-Twehtv members of the graduating class of '77 at Harvard have failed to get their de grees, on account of low standing,n For what other reason should they fail?-- V!lte despatches have been received at Washington to the effect that WeH* and Andei soil httd fmm Indicted on the 28th lilt." Maybe the black* guarding editor of the Impudent can tell what is the matter with that sen tence. **The Russlaus are slowly ad vancing on to Constantinople." 4*Eng- land will of course wait until the Rus sians get within shooting distance of the capitol?" "It. is thought that a tree can be cut down without any waste of timber in about fifteen minutes that would require two hours to fell in the ordinary way." Can the ex-school master of Harvard cbrrect his own composition? It would be useless to go through the whole paper In that way, nor should I have thought ef it but for his sneering Invitation. It matters little what he writes for lie can't tell the truth any way, as j8 plain to be seea from his manner of treating the school question in Woodstock. He says Mr. Wood Is the third man the Board have hired, which there is no use in denying, be cause he will teii the same lie again next week. New KnoXv If you want Squeers to take any more notice of your Has you must invent some ntew ones. SQUEERS. Richmond Department* followa*®61" pass Richmond auttlon as «orxo SOOTH »- . Nunda Department. J Ttifte or Trains at Crystal Lak«. WISCONSIN DIVISION. R* eons sioftTH. Freight.. jtaii St. Panl s Woodstock Fondrtu Lac •St. Paul (night)... S:37 A. M. .....11:16 A.M. A. M. * ..,„V'20 IVM. .....,......FI:43P, M. 10:46 e. *. oorao SOUTH. tSt. Panl (night)...v* Woodstock ...^ ....v...... ....... Fond du Lac ..... St. Pawl......... Mart ...^..4:43 A. M. .. ....7:44 A. M. .....WS:57 A. M. .i;».2:10r. M. ? ...5:40*. M. •Runs daily exeept Saturdays. YL&nn* <1 fitly except Momlavs. All other trains run daily. Saaday* ex cepted. FOX RIVER BRANCH. GOING XOBTU. Accommodation.... Cisco Cisco Mall !»:30A. M. LL;IA A. M. U:2FL L',M. 0:4K r. M. Hfcneva T,nk<p Passenger. Cisco Passeniret'... Geneva L!ik<>VreiKht..V/......, 1M p Cisco Passenger.... !.4:» rl • 7:03 A. M .9:14 A. M. M. M. Gotxo irowftt Genera Lake Freight;... ....^.....lOridA. * Cfltaeo Passenger .... 11-03 A. M Cisco Passenger .6:00r. m", Geneva Lake Passenger . .7:25 p. x CHURCH DIRECTORT. CONORKOATLOWAT:-- ROV. F. J. Douglass. Pastor. Services at "}% P. M. MSTUODIST;--Iter. Saml. Earngey Pastor Services 10:J» A. M. Sabbath .4nt>r>9|9:SQ A M. J. DOWNING, BAPTIS* E l d e r Y o u n g P a s t o r . Services 10:30 A. M. Sabbath School 12 M. MASONIC, lltCHMOHD LOIKJK, NO. 143, A. F. ft A. It. Regular Convocations first Monday in each montli on or before the lull moon, and the second Monday thereafter^ G. P. WoDBfcfc, W. M C. G» CoTTiK«» Secretary, The Waltoniaus, of Reckferd> are campling at Twiu Lakes* It is -currently reported tmre that when our doctors nut short of jaw breakers consult a European war map." Mr. J. V\ Aldrich moved this Post Office in the store of Smith, Aldrich ft Hay thorn Monday, and lie has it ar ranged very nice. • K Bosiness Notices* Ctotntrtg. at y. G.Mayes. 7 1 All the iMdipg Mower* In ttm auufc* et can be fbtind at R. Bishop 4k* Iteoto Mrifenrfr . - 1 > g If at Woodstock aud in want el t , good warm meal Vfttl at the Eagle BM» •' taurant, Xorthe&t center flUii" S q u a r e . , , , . - 5 , Fer the best Pumb tu tfce ttvarfcet, g* to R, Bishop & SoiriSb. _ ' FAKXRRS, if you want the but o r P u i a p j u n a r k e d c a l l e a E . l L Owen. It Is no hnmfeng that the gains In town ateto tof^ttdan^aflSliqi & Evansoti'sw the Eagle Restaurant, ftert* ier Public Square,, Woodstedi> ' Call at east corner Public Square^ Warm or cold meals served at'iitt lM John West Is bound iiet H» II imt- dene so he had Jack Vice spread the paint on the front of his store, and it out shines those *'oder fellers** We saw her. She was plump and beautiful, and he was wildly fond of her. Sho hated hiai, but womanlike she strove to >oatelt Mua, He was a ftea. "'^rV'7' GOING SOUTH. W»U . ....7:48 A. M. Cisoa ,.8:57 A. M Acoominotlation ,2:25 i». sr Cisco 5:15 I'. M. All trains run dallv, Sundays excepted,--' None of the Cisco trains run South of Crystal I^alte. . Albert Dygert started 011 Tuesday for California, but will stop at Laramie I believe, where he will remain it he can do better than by gotng farther,-- Resolutions expressing regret on ac* count ef losing o^e of }heir brother- liood was offered by the church on Sunday, Mr, Dygert is a young man ef good principles and seemingly correct life. He is highly esteemed by the people of this community aud he merits it. At a meeting of the Board, July 13th W. S» Ciair and R. Philip resigned.-- Mr, Butler had resigned. Ttius oaty one member is left with the President, A special election is called, for August 4th to elect four members. No reason is aligned for such general and sim ultaneous resignations, but incompa tibility between nwmUiurs and the President is implied. W. McDonald's horse, ̂ Disney*tas injured quite seriouslv at the races Elgin which commenced Julj 10t4\--r He was suddenly lamed 4b the fyrp foot caiiaing him to lose the heat wiikji he had every prospect of winning.-- The injury, however, tUajgh oxjcajucij- ing a prebaMo loss of money at Elgin, is not very serious* Perhaps it will cause three or four weeks lees of time. The temperance work is pushing quietly and steadily on. Daring the past week our place has heeu visited by twe lecturers aud good has beea done ef course, A number have signed the pledge while, more have deter mined to sign it. Among the signers aud those who n?Ul shortly act eu the good resolutions are seme who have had sad experience in drinking, some who to-day, %fe deeply regi e ti ng the results of dripking b^i^ts. These have opened the way to. oew associations and grasped, the hand# of better friends aud these are friends who have shewn in a notable instance lately, that they will gsve good and patient assistance toene who tries to redeem himself and allows then) to aid him^ Expressions of gladuess are njumeroqs and come from many different classes, drinking men as vy_elj as others. We have one instance of helping a man to reform himself, apd of.seeing the work go for naught, only a few mouths of struggle and douht; then a fall, a per* feet abandonment of good resolves. It might be said that the work of vhurch, society and people had been ineffica cious, but it is not so. The anxiety manifested by tho people and the chqrch for his welfare did not pass, un remarked by many unfortunate drink*, ing men. To these it gav<* more oonft- dence in the better part of humanity.-- I have heard them say so, also4 that the people have done all that was possible to abstain from drinking. Now when, they staud in need of such help, doiiht- lpss they take the stand expecting it to .come, auu may they reeeive it, I bea^ that wp are to have another greeery stere. B. F.Jones will pot "a, stock efrpods in the Pickle FacjQry store. Mf. Jones is well known here and probably will have his share ef the l>atronage. MA pois. Wm, Parsons, of Chicago, Is here visiting his folks. He Informs us that business Is doll at present. IIe 1s one of the firm of Clement ft Parsons, Clothing dealers. William Is a steady business young man and Is well liked, aud we are always glad to welcome him home. 7 ^ Ice Cream and cold Lemonade," that is what Qarver soreamed on our streets last Saturday night. That Is right John, give the boys something that will keep them sober, and mind you don't, through any mistake, get a good size stick iu it. If you do the boys will so back on you and that pea nut stand will be a failure and you will have to file a bill iu bankruptcy. A few ef our Richmond people are oamptng out at Twin Lakes this week. Among them are Dr.S. F. Bennett a\i'l family. A, L, Brown aud faiullR, Eldridge aud family, and Mrs. Geo. Reynolds, daughter of A. L.. Bqewu.-- We suppose they are having huge old times ttshing and taking l£ easy aml we would like to be oue* of them. Boys, ask ns up; we like fun. CRYSTAL LAKE. SPITOR PI^AINVDEALER.--The sub ject of Twin penance Is receiving consid erable attention 111 this place just Messrs Tucker, (not old Dan) and Haley spoke,.a$, the Crossings last Tuesday eveuftig, apd at the Lake Wednesday and1 Thursday ey^jaing. The meeting was in Iho open airv Qn Friday eve ning h meeting wns held io the M. E. Church for the purpose, of organizing a Temperance Society There is eertain- ly nped enougli ef lab<|ir iu tfis direc^ Moi». Sqipeof the Ffcrmera. havecutjlhefc- win^ff:,Wheat; a«d Rye,which tlvey saor isweii, fflSed.:1 At the- IbeSabbath Setsdat. lhf> Baptist. Church last Sunday the c$M»p^ ega^ou /paired 40 the Lake to vvituess Rev* B. P. ̂ witt. adniaister the, rite Baptism. Ttlej^ were two cacditlates. V. C. Gopdwi^ and wjife, Them^etjHg of the X"lt^rary,Socie^y' Which waft to have been held last Thursday evenhagv was oa, of the Temperance meeting,. jx>stpot>ed until tbis we^k Friday evening we be lieve. This piling .0$ regular Duel ings to acQonvuvodate sease ea^/ejN* Is Weo<$to<$ seat another Plcq^o to the.Lake li^t w#ek which makes two frem.jtiiere in less than two week** The celebrated Badger Wind MtMa at R. Bishop & Son's. For anything In the Fans __ went Hue go to R. Bishop & Ladies LI wen suits a variotv NMA very cheap at P. D, 8uiUi*X l SucitoNS for all ki«ids ef lUiMH and Mowers constantly on kind at thl Warehouse of R. Bishop A Sou. „ New styles of Ladies neck wear.- Parasols. Faa«, and all the novelties eC (lee season at P. D. Smith's. Warn meals at all hours at tho Eagle Restaurant, Northeast corner PuNle Square, Woodstock. CALL at Bishop & Son's Warwhooae and see their splendid line ef Hsven, and Reapers. , If you want to see th» "I Churn," inanufactiired at Roekford„ go, to R. Bishop A Sou's. It Is the> bM| Churn in the market. In the line ef Teas, Coffees,.Hobapqea: A; we take speclaj pains to sq|t our tfM«*. if. - Don't buy your fine cut imMj| yettt see- ^ ; our fifty aud sixty cent U>bMQO. , t* < .r ^ •• s.A'J, PUMj?6. . fftoek of Adapt: •# * ; Kenosha i'umps. The besfelfcittpi a*#| tef at lowest prices, at E:.M,/ftwin|>.. , ^ ^ \ • We sell for Cash. We ba»ve k ^ 1 debts. We are at tie expense- tp books, and'theye&we^e can and sell you goods cheapen than< in the^couuty, • • LAXSIMQ The deiaagement of »ucfi sentslfivj*. libers of our body as the ngrtaa wl}l; naturally cause intetise palil twilftflfo" lug; and immediate attention be given towards allayingaU l«i6a*aWr. tory symptoms on feeling tin Mt pangs of pain. The best, surest, awi. safest medicine is. wlthotMh Lawson's Curati ve. NeTVflmAMlMM' ,, Sleeplessness, l^heupattni, N|i|ptM% 1m; Sciatica, aud in fact ev«vy diseafft tpaK £ has its ongin in the nervo itriM|l«t '>• yields remf»ly to the iniUeneo ofi tit*. Curatiye. It if exleynal n««fcK ^rfectly. c^a«iy a«a agje*J>l», aadTla' a^pUeU tovthe swrfacg by.t^eiiaid anf, hf.i with bandnges. Ta% Oferto^leB* #•%. ®, , treating., ^aolt disaaae gfimnmaatoa hM1:? e v e r y b o t i l e . j a n d w h a T ^ lowed faithfully, tM not hesitate to warrant a euro. Worn • ? e W1 '• t' RtMQWOOO ^J^on^r tmins pass ' OOl^lOKt*4^"- i Qeneva Lalfo Passeagwr....4*4^ Cisco Passenger.... Otseo Faso^o|er. .74:, GohTOKOBt»ri !t ! A. M. V^M. -r- M. Ctoco Passenger ... |1:4(> A. M. Cisco Passenger-...... .V,..6:S2 v. M. Genera Lake Passenger..,........'.V.7:10P.*M. Serricesat the M. E. Church every Sablwith at 10:30A. JK Rev.' PluVo Qorton, Pastor.-- Sabbath School, 12 M. Mrs. Mado)e, Supt. I.yceuin ev»ry Thursday evening, at the School Haus«k Win. Xiokle. President. Remember the young peoples socia ble to be held at Mf Barney's next Fri day evening. Misa Maggie Clark, of Mqpenry, spent last Sunday In this placp guest ef Miss Fannie Holme*. We are pleased to l«am that the. health of Mrs. J. W. Cristy, undQr the skillful treatment of I^r. Q»v^s, of Woodstock, Is fast Improving. Mr. Eugeue Lawson, of this place, in to help drinking mui who have trledi^jompany with Will Mosefu of McHenry, intends starting for the f|ir. west a|tK>i^t the first ef August. Prospects are now very flattering feiv au. Art Gallery in oqr town, to be Ipca.- ted just east of the rail read, the Artist hailing froai McHenry. We are In formed lie thoroughly understands b|f|, business. BTSMABK. WOOD PARMS ro« I have four good farms, situftedll||t Mchenry county, which I offer for salft, upon the most reasonable terms, 80 acre farms, with good buildings, oliartls and Iraproveaiettts; one farai 215 acres with bcUdfngs complete, WIQF watered auwil feni*d^under fine eutturft* tion; also my heriie plnee conel«tia(eff $80 acres, eue of the jiuest farw iul»> Henry county. Both ef the larfMt f^rnts Ite 2^ mi^s souftln of. MoHtUT village.. 1 viill sell oue.ejc |J|i above mentioned places Part puymont.wo&rbe . &?$£&*$ the tesuia t^-eenvuiliap!: »g,- Hi© pttrefeaaffv " : mmmm adyi^ Teuaxe =-. yeijy.^y.t^oMktfea. crtamm ef a®^»p*f*s»v aMlkg-, y»iirk Prugg^ to ese seaMth^e fer l^rapappv aia and Liver eotafi^nttMit npthing about, yen get «s«puir»gi4> spending money with but IftUi miiM Now. to give you satisfactory pmfr' . AUGUST FLOVIS , wtll< ewu> j&n of %»p*|Kia and Liver Ce»- pl.-i|^g .with all Its effects* sudi as teur stomach. Sick Headache, Habitual Cos- tiveness. Palpitation of tiie IfjTf Heart-:burn, Water brash, coming up of fpod'after, eating, l6>y,spiciUJb. ask ypu,to go to your I>uggJjst JW(Rryv Colby, and get a sample %>ttl« el|t GMKKN'S AU«.UST FLOWER FO* 10 ctata . and try it,6ra Regular Size I<MC T5 peiOVft. tyo dose^ fc$ll relieve you. ' % NEW.-MEAT MARKET.- - ^Jloward have opened J Meat Mjarkcit ncav.tbe Depot, McHwr, , whe re ,.tbey, wi 11 „ keep o» hatid Ffesli, ' Salt a»d,prle/| <\t ill kinds, and * deliver to auy part, of tho village An., of cliavge. Theys have oemtnenced running' a, Wagon *uid will visit neighborly, toyvns, with a cfio|ce . supply <»r Moata». on the * follow iug.dayf: ; Ringwood- a»a.? Greenyaed -8atir». days. VOIOR--THUJPSDAYM John burgbr-Wt> dn^sdayf a^d Satar-. days. These trips willba^uiade regular, aa#» residents of these tow^S-can b^ assurad * ef getting anythiug^they want In the , Meat Hae. of the,, b^st qnalitj aad "«lt. bottom figures. W.ALSHA,UO*r>4L*TT McHenry, May I5W», 1S77. , I MABRIEDt TRYON--SHERMAJT--At Hehron, illy 4th, bv, the Rov. Bvrojt Alatii. T r y o o s n d M r s . £ . M . ; s h e m > * n , o f . dav July 4th, by, Chas. " brqn. X^lfT JfAKKlCt^ > BuTM^t^-PaoHe d, 8^15 ot4v. CHSKSK--Sc. r lOcra, ' ;• LAKU--13 ctjv. •' BKANS--W .50^1 .#^fi^i^»afe' OATS--3G(t£3oc. J POTATOES--81 per bushel. CORN--FL2@14 per Ton^' FLOUR--$9 per barrel^ 'T r. 3 'k' * ' \ t \ %