Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Aug 1877, p. 5

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Jje[|ciiry]-*iaiiuleaIop. WEDNESDAY. AUG. 151b. 1877. Railroad Time Table. OOINO SOUTH. leneraLalve Passenger...... Jisco Passenger lonijva Luke freight,. Jisco Passenger. ; ,...rt..,7:25 A. St. 8:37 A. M. .J(.!(»... 1:86 P. X. .4:55 B. K. i CoixOtfd**ft,.?f;\ lenev* Lake Freight... .........10:00 A. M. fisoo Passenger ,..,.,,..11:32 A. s«. Bisco Passenger ........^5:4-1 P.M. leneva Lake Passenjrer .7:02 P. M. CHURCH DIRECTORY. MKTHODIST.--Itev. J. HI Bacon, Pastor, jrvices everv Sundiv at 10.^ A. M. Sunday _i?hool at 12 M. JOUK DUNN, SupeiLiitcu- dent. MASONIC. «, *•«*. - . MCTIKKRV CITAPTKR NO. 34 R. A. *T.~Re«M- tar Convocations held on the secoild ana fourth Fridays in each month:-- ' UKXHY COLBY IL P. PHLASKT ATXEW SEP., Steamboat ISxeii^ionr^ A Steamboat Excursion for the ben­ efit of the Universalis't Church, will take place on Thursday of this week, (to­ morrow.) All are cordially invited. The Bbat will leave McHenry at 8 •'clock sharp, going to Fox Lake, and returning about 5 o'clock in -the after­ noon. It Is hoped there vviflbe a good turnout. Tickets for the-round trip 60 cents. ' ; Lawn Festival. The next Lawn Festival, by the La­ dle* of the Universalis^ Society, will be held at the residence of A. H. Ilanley. •n Friday evening of next week, Aug. 94th. All are cordially invited. Mr. Ilanley has large and beautiful grounds mid ample Accommodations for all. Ice Cream and other refreshraentswiU be served, and civquet and other amuse­ ments indulged in. The Mclfenry net Band will be in attendance. Iteligioun Notice. There will be service at the Unive.vs- alist Church, next Sabbath morning and evening, by the Kev. S, M. Strick. All •re cordially invited. • W E would call che attention of our readers to the advertisment in another column ;©f White's Ten Pin- Alley and Shooting Gallery, which can be found In Lansing's Block, near the Die pot. THE horse ®f Nate Stevens, of Ring- wood, closed up the Anni versary Party by ruuning away and sadly demoralis­ ing a top buggy. He was hitched near the Hotel, and probably- became frightened by the playing of thte Band. Wjc would call the attention of our readers to the card of X. S. Colby, to be foqnd in anothercohmm. Mr. Colby lias some of the finest stock to he found in this section, and those wishing to purchase should not fail to call and look it ovcrkv GARVER & IIOGLE is the name of a new Arm who have opened an Ice Cream Parlor and Newp Room in the Parker Hotise -Block* in t his village.-*- They have fitted up their rooms in splendid sha pe. and we have no doubt will be liberally patronized. A News Room i; something that lias long been needed in this place. Tijfe Lawn Festival at the residence •f O. ,W. Owen., on Friday evening, was not as largely attended as was ex­ pected, owing to the mistake in not havl ng it no tkjod&but- m vertheless was a very enjoyable affair. We under­ stand the htiiotint received was about $14. The groumts tau lighted piv- eentefl a .y«iy iian/lsotpe: appearance,; E. M* OWEN, of this village is oft^'I*-* ing a,fiirst-claP8 Top buggy foi1 the low price of $100, They, are made of the best of material and warranted for one year. These aro the cheapest! Buggies ever offered'in this market, and :io one who uses a Bngg^ caii aflord to be with­ out one at tins pries. Call at his Ware­ house and" examine ><#)? of , these bug­ gies. >v . ' in . J . i IN another colmnn e{j,*n be found the card of Dr. L. C. Rie$, Dentist, who will visit this place every two weeks, viz: the second and fourth • Thursdays. His next visit will be on Thursday next the 23d. Rooms at the Riverside House. Dr. Rice xjbmes highly, re­ commended as a first class Dentist, and those wishing, his professional services will do well to read his card elsewhere. WE would call the attention of •ur readers in Nutida and vicinity to the advertisement, to be found in another column, of the Supply Store ®f the Crystal Lake Pickling and Pre­ serving Works. These works are now run by a Janesville Company, and the Store by B. F. Jones, Agent. They have a full line of Groceries and Pro­ visions, which they offer at bottom fig­ ures. Read,the advertisement. Y f v noticet' Constable Wightman and our Village Marshal standing waist deep in the river near the bridge the other day, and on looking closer we dis­ covered a capsized boat near by. Now whether the Marshal was trying to ar­ rest the (Q^urtabli, or the Coustable the Marshal, wo - know not, but this we do know, both got nicely wet, and one somewhat mad, if we were to judge by his talk. We wonder if they wasn't looking for some oues cow ? JOHN b. SMITH, of tfce Arm of. Smith, Aldrich <fe Haythorn, of Richmond, ia now in the city purchasing the Stock of goods for the\r store at MclIenry. which' wi\i it ' open aiid Yeady for business the first of next week. He has the reputation of ojing one of the closest buyers In McHenFy county, and bis old frieuds in ig£{fcary can rest assured that'his sto^iiwill be the' best and sold as low as ca«f be sold by any other firm and live. Remember that they will be open the first of next week, in the store in Riverside Block, former­ ly occupied by Smith, Bro's & Co. - o~ QUITE a serious accident happened on the trotting track Northwest ef this village on Saturday last, in which Chas. Simmons and Mr. Ctopley got badly mixed. While exercising their horses on the track in some manner their Sulkys run together, and their youtig and spirited horses becoming un- «»tS|4J|eat)]e, made it quite lively for the drivers for % few minutes. The re- wilt was both Sulkys were completely demolished, and both Simmons and Crople}* more or le£s injured, but fortun­ ately not dangerously. Cropley's horse also succeeded in getting away and mashing through a board fence cut his leg quite severely, It was indeed for­ tunate that no one was kil.ed. * Oil account of the rain, the Band An­ niversary did not prove as enjoyable an aftair'as it would have been under other circumstances, but as everyone was praying for rain, we presume they were as well pleased in having, their prayers answered at that time, even if it did spoil the intended festivities. Early in the morning the weather looked threatening, but no raiu fell un­ til afternoon, and just as Dinner was1 be­ ing served in the Grove. Of course this put an end to all outdoor arrangement*. The Wauconda Baud was present and a goodly number were on the grounds from this Mud adjoining towns, and many more would have been here had it not rained. The Dance was of coursd adjourned* to Riverside Hall in the evening, where about 50 couples enjoy­ ed themselves in the best of manner, until the,"we small hours," oa Wednes­ day' morning. About 5 o'clock the weather cleared up and the Ball Game advertised came ofl, resulting in a score of 10 to 7 in favor of the Fox River Club of McHenry. Let us all take this matter gwod naturud. however, and hope that the next Anniversary may be celebrated under more favorable circum­ stances. IF-all the sensations of an attack of cholera morbus could be -concentrated and bottled up there would bo material to run a telegraph line three years. It isn't so much the name of the affliction that thSe sufferer cares foY; it's the hurt. You are first sensible of a mild form of trapeze acting go on under your watch chain. This grows until it seems as though there must be a half bushel of young puppies in there, so continu­ ous and. powerful Is the nauseating writhing of "the within." Then you feel as if you were turning a grind stone in a damp cellar, and the per­ spiration oozes and drips and Is clammy Then it pinches. That feels lobstery. Then it--.we mean. tjlie something that keeps hurting and troubling you all the time in there--gets awful heavy and presses your bread basket and pounds on it and falls all over it. and then gets up and jumps en it, and then you're ready to be laid between a layer of feathers and a top dressing of horse radish leaves or hot flannel petticoats-- or something soothing, anyhow.-- When you try to tell how bad you feel your legs snap back and before you can get half through yoitr story some­ thing with the power of a mad bull hitched io a baby cart, or the sudden­ ness of a yellow dog tied/ to a wash dish, jerks your head and feet together and knocks the basin of hot water art over the three old ladies who have run in to see yotf dfe, atid then the din is horrible.' Thbn the consoling remark is made: "Oh! he'll have a good many spasms yet before be dies." If this don't scare you to death immediately, you'll be apt to survive the indescriba­ ble agonies you are passing through, and may yet live to tell about them. THE following are the Grand and Petit Jurors drawn for tte next term of court commencing Monday 24th of September. D A Barnes, K A White. J O Lewis, Geo IT(tell, L N Sheldon, J Wood. Frank I> Tnith, Win CiKjley, Ed sun lliesee, D f< Lincoln, G W Early, Alfred Cady. (ieorjxe B Adamp, J WnrtlimKton, George Wood, John Scully, E J Pratt, W P Jewett, G 11 Trvow, Frank C'ole, A H Huntler, Win Evergreen, G s Frai v, Thomas Guy, A L Austinj J. fc'uiney, V U JJt'gun, Ge-» Stevens, E K Morris, Wheeler .Stevens, O P M.iftd, V K Grosebeck, A L Howe, O N Pendleton, Almon Vail, G«o Burton, C H Parka, J Howard, PETIT .TFRT. J II Lucas, Chas Leonard, Geo Gil lie rt. Win Be.trdsley, Win He id, J B Merrill, Ansel Mason, J F Randall, Win L Turner, V H Cowlin, B J Beck. Timothy Nolan, S 8 Jav'nes, JainesVLawson Jr. J () Edwards, For Sale. A few Biopraphical Directories of McHenry Co., at Perry & Martin's. Price 91,50. We are closing out our stock of Sum­ mer Goods at less than cost during the coming week and would respectfully solicit the attention of cash buyers to this fact as decided bargains may be i'ound. FITZSIMMONS & EvANSON. *H12 POLAND CHINA HOG. About two weeks ago we made a vis­ it to the farm of W. W. Ellsworth, breeder of the celebrated Poland Chtua Hog. Mr. Ellsworth resides 7J miles from McHenry and 4£ miles Northwest of Woodstock, where for the past eight years he has devoted his attention to the raising of this splendid breed of Hogs, and that he has succeeded is evi­ denced by the stock which he now has to show. If there is such a thing as a handsome hog, they can be seen at Mr. Ellsworth's farm. He has now on hand 85 old hogs, ranging from under one to four years old,'30 of which are breed­ ing sows, and 155 as fine pigs as ever was shown. Besides these he has sold 26 this season at prices ranging trom 815 to 860. He now has pigs 2£ months old for which he has refused 850, and one that he refuses 875 for. Nothing we can say here will half do these pigs justice. They must, be seen to be ap­ preciated. But this we one who once sees his splendid stock of Hogs and Pigs will hesitate for a moment in saying that taken all in all, they are the best show to be found, in the Northwest. Mr. Ellsworth spares neither time nor money, and has now brought this breed of hogs to a stand­ ard never before equalled by any other breeder. The best breeders who have visited his farm say that no one in Ohio or elsewhere, where they have visited can begin to show as fine stock. As we said before we cannot half do them justice bv anything we can say here, but would advise all who pass that way to call and see them for them­ selves. We will guarantee any man who keeps liOgs that, does call there will never be satisfied after until he is the owner of one or more of this splen­ did breed. Mr. Ellsworth will of course have some of them on exhibition at the County Fairs, where they are sure to, attract attention. W PERSONA La A. D. LYNN and wife of Chickgo,have been spetiding a few days among friend-Wi tbis village. Hixrox WHEELER and wife, of Blackberry. Karie County, are visiting friends in this village. FRANK PATTERSON, of the flrtoi of Patterson Bro's. Chicago, gpeut last- Sunday in this village. MRS II. SNYMCR, of Evanston, I«vfsit- itig her old home and frieuds in this yillag-e. We learu she will remain about two weeks. COL. WM. AVEKY. candidate for County Clerk, ami Dr. Thompson, of Marengo, made our Sanction a pleasant call on Wednesday last. COUNTY TREASURER Nish, Geo. L* ^hervveod, of the Waverly House, Woodsjock, atid Al. Sellers, of Chicago, are rusticating at Fox Lake to-day. PEART, D. HOYT and Lady, of Geneva, 111., with a party of friends, have been rusticating the past week at Fox Lake. They have their.-headquarters at the Elgin Club House, where we made them a call a few days since, and found them enjoying themselves in the bestof man­ ner. THE SEPTEMBER NUMUER of "Peter­ son Magazine" is on our tAble. ahead ofailotheiv. as usual. In addition to a beautiful steel engraving "The Wood­ land Nylnph*" and a superb, double- size, colored. s;eel fashion plate, there are two colored patterns, one for a Car­ riage Rug, the other "Book-Markers on (.'aid Board." Though this is a magazine of fashion and art primarily, it is also one of literature; and no lady's bookat all approaches it in its powerful stories and novelets.- In the present number, we have, among other articles, "The Fortunes of Philippa Fairfax, by Mrs. Fiances Hodgson Burnett, whose "Lass O'Lowrie;" has just made such a sensation in literary world, hav­ ing been pronounced the best American novel that has appeared for years. Yet the present novelet^ "Philippa Fair­ fax," is, in most respects, even better. In addition to this writer, "Peterson" boasts such contributors as Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Frank Lee Beuedict.-- Mrs. R. Harding Davis, Marietta IIoKey, the auther of ".Josiah Allen's Wife," etc, etc. The terms of this, (lie cheapest and best of the lady's book, are but two dollars a year, with vei~y great deductions to clubs. Certain­ ly every family ought to take "Peter­ son." Specimens sent gratis to those wishing to get up clubs. Address CHAS. J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut St., Phila­ delphia, Pa. The new firm of Fitzsimmons & Evanson are now receiving large in­ voices of Goods which they propose to sell at lowest living priees /or Cash.-- Call on them for bargains. Real Kstute Transfers, Conveyances filed for record in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, for the week ending August 11th, A. D. 1877: Wlnslow Parker and wife to Frank A Par­ ker. N^j nA, lot U blk i West EcHenty, #400. C Q Stevens and wife to F E Stevens % of undivided h of 22 1-26 in 29, 43, 6, $2000. Richard Paddock and wife to John Peterson Eot 1 blk 4 Paddock's addition to Crystal Lake, $374. M Lashbrook and wife to R Lashbrook. ne se 10155, il iOO. Elias Disbrowand wife to Nathad Disbrow, aoH *eJ« ne 15 and sw nw 14 in 46 6. (1 REMOVAL! P. D. Smith would Announce to his customers and friends that he has re­ moved to his new Store, near the De­ pot, where he invites his old customers and as many new ones as see fit. to call and see him. His stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Crockery, &c.. is complete, and he offers bargains second to none, quality of Goods considered. RINCWOOD Passenger trains pase Ring wood Station as follows: GOING SOCTjb J / Geneva Lake Passenger • Jsj? A» *» Cisco Pas«*iger A. *. Cisco Passenger r.x. ooiNGftoaTH. s A Cisco Passenger ;..l 11:4ft A, K. Cisco Passenger ..6:04 P. M* Geneva Lake Passenger........! 7:10p. M. Nun da Department. of Trains at Crystal Servieesat the M. K. Church every Sabbath at 10:30 A. M. Rev. L'hilo Gorton," Pastor.-- Sabbath School, li M. Mrs. M idole, Snpt. '•Shoot the Cat*." Those musical ones that so frequently, serenade «ur iotherwise quiet village, at the solemn hour of midnight. We regret" to learn that Mrs. J. W, Cristy and Mrs. Wm, Nickle are both very sick. A speedy recovery of their usual good health, is the sincere wish of their many friends, For some reason (no dflnhtagood one) at present unknown to the writer, the M. E. Church Choir, all save one. failed to put in an appearance iu their accustomed Pi aces last Sabbath. What cau the matter be? Will some of the members please come forward and ex­ plain. and thus avoid if possible a rep­ etition of last Sabbath's occurrence, for Certainly without singing.'any church soon becomes a dead institution, The entalinment given by Elsinsr & Wells at the M. E. Church last Friday evening, was verj' lightly attended> consequently was, financially speaking, a decided failure. Why it is that a first class entertainment Is not more highly appreciated by our people we are unable to say, but this we do know* should a one-horse fifteen cent monkey show chance to stop here, the proprie­ tor would be made happy with a crowd­ ed house and a well filled purse. To all appearance our enterprising hardware firm. Vasey & Holmes are do­ ing a lively business, having now two wagons on the road loaded with tin­ ware and notions. They also contem­ plate starting the third onesoou. which certainly is good indications of pros­ perity. A Lawn Festival Is now talked of in this place, for the benefit of the sabbath school. Just when or where it will be we are not now able to say. We are informed that Mr. Ed. Barn­ ey. the Horse Jockey, has again traded horses and has this time succeeded in getting a bobtail nag perfectly sound but altogether too transparent to cast a shadow. We would advise him to re­ tain him to look through at the next eclipse. Judging by the looks of the animal it would far excel smoked glass. BISMARK. GREENWOOD. > EDITOR PLAIXDEALER:--Still scorch- id by "Old Sol's" rays we wither, while back to mother dust, dry and •ear. crumbles vegetation beneath our feet. Some of our oldest settlers claim that they have never seen the surface of the ground iu a more dry or parched condition than at present at this sea­ son of the year. This being the case too much care cannot be exerciscd In guarding against conflagrations which so often prove so destructive and dis­ astrous. Our community was thrown into quite an excitement on Saturday eve­ ning last by the announcement and sight of fire, which proved to be the grain stacks belonging to Mr. George Barnard who resides about one mile East of the village. The fire was first discovered by a son of Mr. Barnard, coming from a stack of wheat about nUdway from the ground to the top and upon the west side. The origin of the fire is a mystery which will proba­ bly never be explained. None of the family arc in the habit of smoking, nor had there been any person present dur­ ing -the day wiio did smoke. The atuouut of damagt done is not as great as was at first feared. By the prompt and energetic labor of those present the fire was kept from spreading to more than two stacks of wheat. Of these the outer,surface was burned to the depth of a foot or more. By the con­ stant application of water the flames were kept under subjection while the stacks were torn to pieces. The graiu though not an entire loss will of course bo more or less damaged by the ordeal through which it has passed. Mr. Barnard is an industrous, hard word­ ing farmer, and could illy afford to sus­ tain the loss he would have sustained had it not been for the timely assist­ ance rendered by the -peighbors who worked nobly and with a will as If sav­ ing their own property, for all of which Mr. Bernard is very grateful.-- The fine new barn which he had just com pie red and filled with hay woulcf have been consumed with the rest.-- Some attribute it to spontaneous com­ bustion, while others have a different view of the matter. Insurance agents had called upon Mr. B. that same day but we understand he did not invest. We understand our School Board have engaged the services of Miss Emma Murphy for the Primary De­ partment of the Winter Term. Mr. J. J. Philbrick and family start on Wednesday of this week on a visit to friends through the Eastern States. Farmers who have threshed report a good yield of fine quality. Oats from 25 to 75 bushels per acre. In the game of seveu-np, being played by President Hayes and the Republican Party, tho latter are ap­ parently in a fair way of being beaten, such having been the result thus far since the game commenced. E. WISCONSIN DIVISIOK. ooi«<> Boa™, M Freight.. .4., ,L... .0:87 A. *. Ma IL 11:18 A. M, S t . Paul.,.; ....11:37 A. *. Woodstock .... SJ!0 P. M. Fond du Lac............ „.... .1 ...6:43 r.X. •St. Paul (nigbt) ,10:48p. M. ' GOTHOBOCTH. tSt. Paul (night)... 4:43 A. M. Woodstock ...7:45 A. *. Fond du Lac,...,.,.. ..w.i^».,.8:l7 A. M. Paul p. m. Mail - M. •Runs daily except sMturrtaya. fH.ttus daily except Mimdava, All other trains mu daily, SUttdaya ex copted. ---- FOX RIVER BR-AXCLT------- OOISO NOETlt. A*cta*Hno<latl«Q.. A. nr. O I ^ C O . . • , . J K » , . . . . . . Y * * . . . I T : I S A , M . Cisco ........p. M. Mall. «....6:43 p. M. OOIJFO SOU ¥11. Mail 7:« A. M Cisco., ....i,:,,.. ..8:17 A. M Accommonatton P. M Cisco .ft: 16 p. M All trains run daflv, SitnUays excepted.-- None of the Cisco trains run Skiutli of Crystal .Lake. The board of Trtistet*« irtet on Mon day, Ang.. G. and th« persons qualified who were elected on Monday. M. F Ellsworth and G. W. Horn are the only relies lefr us of the old board. Mr. Ellsworth retains his position as presi­ dent of the board, and ns such has made the following apppointnietils to com­ mittees:-- On Finance and Assessments: Horn. Stone and Darby. Ot\ streets and side­ walks: Ellsworth. Horn and Beardsley., On license: Beardsley. Stone and Hart- man. On public'improvements: Horn* Beardsley and Hartman. On Rules and Judiciary: Stone. Hartman and Ells­ worth. On police: Hartman, Horn and Ellsworth. Nearly every one of our people that are met on the street, especially the youth, wears a rilibou badge of some kind. That which is most conspicuous and most generally worn is a simple bow of red ribbon and signifies allegi­ ance to the temperauce pledge of The Ladies* Temperance Union; aud, al­ though there are many who have as­ sumed this badge, there'a great many who have earned it and who wear it seemingly with pride. Another clique sports a badge constructed of blue rib­ bon, the tacit meaning of which is •'Never Refuse " It is needless to say that this is worn by few. Aud a gradual dropping ofl of the blue is already no­ ticeable. There is quite a mania for badges, in fact, I noticed one man with a strip of brown tissue paper artistical­ ly tied iu his buttonhole. "Tliat." said he. "is the bummer badge." I expect the adoption of the latter sort will be quite limited if not a total failure- There is said to be a fine of twenty-five cents in penalty for any Omission of the duty of constantly wearing "The Red." While badges are of no conse­ quence we all hope that the cause which claims it may succeed, aud If it does not become permanent, that the effect of i.'s works may. The Ladies Tomper- auce Union hold a meeting at the Bap­ tist Church on Friday Evening, Aug.. 17th. Let us all attend and assist. It seems that the President of the Board of Trustees believes in exercis­ ing his authority to the utmost, and a little farther. Several days ago the street commissioner was directed by him to commence work on the street in front of his (the President's) house. Mr. Lincoln, the commissioner, gave reasons why work was unfeasible at that place at that time; but all to no purpose, for a pompous official order was issued at once froin the "Presi­ dent's Office" insisting ou Lincoln's im­ mediate resignation and delivery of the books. Other members of the board claim a voice iu the matter, but Ells- worth.seeonded by Esq, the prerogative of discharging sucli town officers at will, and a fanciful and an erratic will it is! Prof. R. D. Sdott and TrOnpe will give a grand concert in Nunda Hall Saturday evening Aug., 18th. Every­ body should (urn out aud give Mr. Scott a benefit. MA FOIS. We are oflerlng a large line of French and English Calicoes and Per­ cales, full yard wide, at 8 ets. per yard (worth 15 cts.) Don't fail to secure a Dress pattern from these goods. FITZSIMMOKS ft EVANSON. ̂ Bu»iiie88 ^Notices* - - Carpets, Carpets4 Carpets. Vdtfof* ent styles at P« D. Smith's. | Al) the leading Mowers In the mark- . 1 et can be fouud at K. Bishop 4t ktoti** McHenry. 3 If at Woodstock and in want ol » good warm meal call at the Eagle Res­ taurant* Northeast corner Publio Square. • : New styles of Men 4k boys elothiftg* Don't buy before yon examine onf stttck, P. D. Smith. LATE DAiny MARKETS. WATHBTOWK X. Y. Aug. 13. CHEESE.--A large number of sellers and buyers were present on Saturday, but there were no sales. The market was a half cent off from last week's quo­ tations. The purchasers were ieady to invest, but tho.salesmen would not meet them. . IT TtCA» V. T., Aug. IS, CHEESE.--The market to-day was lower, although the offerings were less and competition among buyers more active. About 8,000boxes were offered Of these, some 2,000 went ou commis­ sion, and about 1,500 were held over. The balance sold at price) ranging from 9} to lOfc. The greater portion of good cheese sold for 10c. Fair lots were bought at 8} to 9|cM and fine 10J to lOJc. LITTLE FALLS, N. Y. Aug. 63, CHEESE.--The market to-day was duller, with lighter offerings than for some time past. FARM DAIRY.--Sales amounted to 400 boxes, ranging from 8Jc.t to 10Jc» If you want to see the uBoss Barrel Churn," manufactured at Roekford, gj to R. Bishop A Sou's. It is tho b««t Churn iu the market. For the best Pump iu the fefrket, g» to R. Bishop & Son's. FARMERS, if you want the best Rak# or Pump iu the market, call on E« lf« Owen. Call at tho Eagle Restaurant, Vortii* east corner Public Square, Woodstock, Warm or cold meals served at all hours Warm meals at all uwurs at tho Eagle ^ / R-'staurant, Nwrtheast coruer Public A Square, Woodstock. ^ 1 *" ' 1 %- Mowers and Reapers. Rakes, anil all kinds "of Farming'Tools of the boa® manufacture, and at bottom figures, M v R. Bishop & Son's. For anything in the Farm Imfjle- meut line go to R< Bishop & Sou's. SECTIONS for an kinds of Reapers and Mowers constantly on hand at tb% - Warehouse of R. Bishop & Son. New styles of Ladles neck wear. ' Parasols. Fans, aud all the novelties of4 * J the season at P. T>. Smith's. CAU^it Bishop & Son's Warahoow andaee their splendid lino of Mowers aiftrlteaperb. The Wm. Anson Wood. C. n. & L. J. McCorniick. and the Bradley Manufac­ turing companies Machines can all bo found al & Bishop & Sou's McHen»jr» ^ FUMPS. ' A large Stocfc of Adams celebrated! Kenosha Pumps. The best Pumps and at lowest prices, at E. M. Oweu's. Gould's Iron Pumps, with any kind ofCylemfer, that a boy 12 years of dean work with perfect ease. In a well from 25 to 100 feet deep. For sale at R. Bishop & Son's. ; --. . " CLOVER THRESHER. * F. WIEDR1CK would iufbrnf44i« farmers throughout the County that he Is prepared to thresh CloveT Shot! Corn, having one of the best macfkfMS in the market. For information ad­ dress F Wiedrick. Woodstock, 111. Wool Grower*?, Attention. The subscribers will pay 40 ets, for Wool washed on thesheep. 30 cts, for unwashed aud 4u to 50 for tub waaherd, iu good$4t last years briers. , JA.NK8VUXK WOOLS* IXTLUK. V 1 North Mun St., Janvsviller Hffa* FARMS FOB BA1.E. I have four good farms, situated In McHenry county, which J offer for sale upon the most reasonable terms. Two 80 acre farms, with good buildings, or­ chards and improvements; ©ne farm of 215 acres wi th buildings complete, weQ- w ate red ami fenced, under fine culti?a« tlon; also my home place cousisthur of, 280 acres, one of the finest farms iu Mo* Henry county. Both of the largest farms He 2$ miles south of McHenry village. 1 will sell one or all of tin above mentioned places on easy feertDMk Part payment would he required atrd the balance to suit the convenience of the purchaser. For fbrtherparticularn* ;4ul«tro«N , t B. F. PECK. McHenry, IMJ SENSIBLE ADVICE. You are asked every day through th* columns of newspapers and by yoar Druggist to use something for Dyspep­ sia and Liver complaint tnat yon know nothing about, you get discouraged spending money with but little success. Now to give you satisfactory proof that GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER will cure you of Dyspepsia and Liver COM* plaint with all its effects, such as SOMT stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Cod- tivencss. Palpitation of the Heart,^ Heart-burn, Water brash, coming lip < food after eating, low spirits &e., ««P--"* asu you to go to your Druggist, Henry ; Colby, and get a warn pie Bottle GREEN'S Ai orsr FLOWER fc lOci-nts; ̂ and try it,or a Regular Size for 75 cents, . " two doses will NEW MEAT MARKET. Walsh & Howard have opened a new Meat Market near the Depot, McHenry,, " where they will keep on hand Fresb-|lM Salt and Dried Meats of all kinds, anflfe - deliver to any part of tho village fro* of charge. They have commenced running • Wagon and will visit neighboring towns, with a choice supply of Meat*, on the following davs: Ring wood aud Greenwood--Satat* days. Voio--Tlitu'sdays, Johnburgh--Wednesdays and SatQf* days. These trips will be made regnlar, and residents of these towns c*n be assured of getting anything they want in the Meat line, of the beat quality and at bottom figures. WALSH * HOWAEBW McHenry, May 18th, 1877. Shakespeare makes Hamlet say **T» be. or not to be. that is the question.** We would say to suffer or not to suffer, is the all-important question which comes home to even* one of us, ami has as near an application to all sufferers from Rheumatic.. Neuralgic and all other ailments of that class, as the famous soliloquy had to llamlet'.moral sttte. When a remedy is within reach of every ene, it makes it optional with the afflicted whether they suffer or ar« cured. We wish again to call our read­ ers' attention to "Lawson|s Curative,'® and to re-state, so they will not forget it, that it is a sure cure tor Rheuma* tism. Neuralgia, Sciatica. Nenrone Headache. Diphtheria. Wounds, Borne, and in fact se many of the every day complaints which all families are sub­ ject to, that we urge its being kept in every house. f or sale by MO. Colbv. McHenry. 111. OUinA MONTHLY MADE. Amenta wa««e€ JKIUIJ Countv rights gLvva gratis f»r the »Ue of seven welt-know* Standard XedWaea needod in every lsunily; f*patatSM wwtl. wide; established niauy year*; MMMle by a celebrated phvsiciim: pwwfe evideaee riven. An industrious. eutHTPftU'-poraoa ea* make snug pevimncnt u>cf«»and veryllbeml terras, by addressiM# «it* KftfCMt, Ch«»tnui"stre«l, riiUrtdelpfcia.

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