Jfe|lCIirI f IaMeiler. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 29£h. 1877. i Railroad Time Table. GOING SOVTHt' tOAERALAKE Passenger 745 A. *. Isco Passenger 8:87 A. M. fl"9v» Lake Freight .1:86 p. " Cisco Passenger 4...»... „J,.. .4 M ** M. ftoaeva Lake Freight .. 10:00 A. *. (Cisco Passenger 11:32 A. It.' jptoeo Passenger S:43 P. M. lieneva Lake Passeneer... .*.. 7:08 p. su CHURCH DIRECTORY. JL SSSTHODTST.--Rev. J. H. Bacon, Pastor. "Services every 8unday at lOJtf A. M. Sunday School at 12 M. JOHK DUNK, Superinten dent. _ i CRT of the midnight groaner "Oh, there's melens in it." 7r SEK the new advertisetn«at «F L«i Stoddard, in another column, ! Jo* WIEDEMANN has opened a Shoot- I ng Gallery at his Re*£aurai)t,neaf the Depot. . • : v A PARTY of about forty, from Solon Vent on a Picnic to Fox Lake, per Steatper "R. Emerson" on Saturday 'last, ; We notice that new and tasty s|gns have been put up by J. I. Story, L. Stoddard and P. D. Smith. Fr.Hechtlc was the Artist that done the work. NOTWITHSTANDING the fact that Americans are not a small race, it is undeniable that they are now as a class woefully "shoit." WE H^ve received a letter front' Solon, but too late for this week. As It will not spoil by age it will appear next week. IN selling watermelons NETTR,some venders give apolfttecaries cards, where dollc medicines may be purchased at a discount. THF matrimonial market is said fo fce very dull. The young men are said to be on a strike for more dowry and loss expensive sweethearts. JUDGE B. N. SMITH, candidate for County Judge, and Peter Whitney, candidate for County Clerk, were in town, looking after their interest la that direction. THE Secretaries of the State Fair, Marengo Agricultural and Stock Breed- on Association, and McIIenry County Fair, Woodstock wiil accept thanks for complimentaries received. JOHN ANDERSON, Secretary of the Board of Trade, Chicago, made our Sanctum a call on Monday. He had been spending a few days at Fox I«ake and visiting friends in this yillage. L. FRANCISCO has sold a half in terest in his business to L. Parker, and the firm will hereafter be Fran cisco & Parker. They are prepared to do all kinds of work in their line •n short notice and at reasonable rates. EVERY business man ought to take a rest at this seasqn of the year. He should go hunting or Ashing or bathing or visiting or something else, and if he can11 get away for a fortnight or a month let him take a day or . two now and then as occasion permits. EVERY farmer in the country should take an interest in the coming County Fair. If the boys have a good colt, calf, pig or lamb, let them bring it in; bring a bushel of choice wheat, corn or oats; bring a big beet, pumpkin, squash or cabbage; in fact bring any and every, thing. Everything helps to make a successful Fair. -- ---- --•-- 5*. « BYRON D. SMITH of Burton's Bend Nebraska, son of D. S. Smith, of this village, has been making his parents here a short visit. He reports crops in that State as being unusually fine, and that the grasshopper pest has done them no damage this season. He brought .out to the Chicago market four car loads of fat cattle frort his Ranche. As this is the peach canning season It may be of interest to some of our lady readers to know that by dropping the fruit into hot saleratus water and then into clear, cold water, they will be enabled to remote the skin from peaches, as nicely as from tomatoes and will preserve the bloom of tho fruit almost perfectly. "YE Editor" respectfully ac knowledges the receipt of an Invitation from the President and Board of Di rectors of the International Exhibition Company to be present at the recept ion ceremonies to the Governors of the United States. Aug. 30, in the exhib ition building, Centennial grounds, Philadelphia. THE Lawn Festival at the residence of A. H. Hanley on Friday evening last was one of the most pleasant and en joyable of the season, and his beautiful grounds were filled with ladies and gentlemen, both old and young, who seemed to enjoy themselves in the best of manner. We did not learn the amount of receipts, but they must have been full as much as any this sieason. THE appearance of our village would bo greatly improved, if each owner of real estate would cut down the grass and weeds in front of his own premi ses. Horace Greely used to regard it as an indication of piety wherever, in his travels through the country, he saw the roadsides and yards kept free from weeds and neatly trimmed .Let us give this visible evidence that we are a Christian people. AN ingeneious sivlndle has recently been detected at Iowa City by which #1 bills are made to return a large in terest to the manipulators. A $1 and a $5 bill, greenback or some National Bank currency, are carelessly torn in two in the middle, and half of the "one'" and half of the "five" are pasted togeth er. Unless closely scrutinized, they will be apt to be taken for "fives."-- Thus with *8, the swindler will make $4 out of the 010 he manufactures. r SOME lawless individuals, who ham neither the fear of God or man before their eyes, frequently aifirae them selves by pulling pickets from the fences in front of residences In this village; Of late this has been of al most nightly occurrence, and is BOW becoming unbearable by our citizens.-- A reward of FNre Dollars will be paid for proof that will lead to the convic tion of these miscreants, when a pun ishment will be meted out that will bo a lesson for all time to come. As will be seen by an advertisement in another column the firm of Buoklin & Stevens has decided that on and after September 15th, they will sell goods exclusively for Cash or Ready- Pay. We have always said this was the only true principle on which to.'do business, being bett^fr both for the buyer and seller, and we are glad to see that our merchants are adopting it. This firm have alarge and well selected stock of goods, and will make it an object for cadi buyers to give them a call. THE Fall Term of our PabHc School will open on Monday next, September 3d, with S. D. Baldwin, Principal, Miss Wake Teacher in the Intermediate De partment, Miss Torrence in the Prima ry, and Wm. Stevens in tho Gagetown Department. This Is the entire old corps of Teachers of last year, and the Directors did wisely in. re-engaging them. Mr Baldwin, as Principal, stands second to no Teacher in McHenry County, and Our school for the past two years under his charge has ranked at the head, and his re-engagement by the Directors is gratifying to both citizens and scholars. THE Elgin Daily News truthfully says: "If elephants had wings, and came soaring around your head after you had retired to seek "nature's balmy restorer, sleep," you could patiently await your annihilation by being sat upon; but when a mosquito, musical and full of life, enters'your room, and just out of reach, surveys the situation* you know you are soon to be a victim to his vocracious appetite, and your only consolation is In thinking that perhaps there is a rplace, this side or the other, where mosquitos never enter, and )'ou;U'y to sleep, with unhappy re sults." "< II. C. MKAD left at our residence one day last week a lot of as fino Potatoes as we have seen for many a day. They were of the Early Rose variety, large, smooth, and when cooked A No. 1. He informs us that in digging there was hardly room on the ground fo* them to dry. there'being so many in a hill. Taking them in every particular they would be hard to beat. We have concluded to make this offer: To any one who will bring us a bushel of pota toes that will beat those presented by Mr. Mead, we will give the PLAIN- DEALER one year as a Premium. We ourselves t9 be the judge. Who wiil compete? i WE learn that an accident that came near proving fatal, occurred on Fox Lake On Sunday last. A sail boat con taining eleven persons, six ihen and five women, was struck by a Squall in middle of the Lake and capsized, and for a few moments it was feared that all would be drowned. Boats immedi ately went W their relief from both sides of tho Lake, aud fortunately all were saved, although the ladies were considerably frightened. Great praise is due Col. O. Lippincott for his prompt ness and the ooolness he displayed on the occasion. To his efforts, more than any other are the party indebted for their rescue. WE learn that an. Egyptian Lotus Bed has been discovered in the edge of Grass Lake, but a few rods from Fox Lake. This is a very rare flower in America, but famous through all an tiquity for Its beauty. We believe there is but one other place where it is found in this country. This flower was the rose of ancient Egypt, th? favorite flower of the country, and will be seen in ancient pictures and statutes made into garlands or wreaths and placed on the brow of females; it entered largely also into works of art, the captials of columns, prows of boats and other objects being fashioned in its shape. The existence of this flower here was not known until about two weeks ago, when it was discoverd by A. H. Sellers, of Chicago, while duck hunting in that vicinity. A party from- this village contemplate making a visit to the bed during the week. Kotice to Pensioners. Biennial examinations of Army and Navy invalid pensioners are required by section 4471, Revised Code, (34 of Act of March 3, 1873) on every odd year, the next being due Sept. 4. 1877. I will be at my office in the Gazette building, Richmond, next door to M. M. Clothier, Claim Agent, on that (Jate and as long thereafter as may be nec essary to conduct such examinations. S. F. BENNKTT, U. 8. Examining Surgeon. BUTTER AND CHKF8E FACTORY. Some time ago the building of a Butter and Cheese Factory in this village was talked of, and was very favorably received by our citizens and farming community, around. But the matter was allowed to drop and noth ing was done. But now wo have been shown a letter from a responsible party who offers, if our citizens will erect arid enclose a proper building for the purpose, to put in all < he neces sary machinery and start a Butter and Cheese Factory at once. It will be seen that all that is required is for our cit izens to erect a^id enclose a proper building, which can be done at no great expense, and the benefits that will arise from an institution of this kind in our midst are untold. It seems to us that a paper could be started and the necessary money raised in one day. We do not know the amount it would require, but it cannot be large. Will not some Of our citizens and business men take hold of this matter. The parties are ready and anxious to commence at once, and if we delay; some other town will secure tho loca tion and Our chance will be lost. There fore we say let us act at once. The benefits to be derived from an institu tion of this kind are too plain to need explanation^ AMONG the improvements we notice this week is the addition to the Store of Bucklin A; Stevens, which is now in process of erection. They are adding to their Store, on the West side an addition 20x60 feet, which will be con nected with their present store by an arch, the new to be used as a Grocery and Boot and Shoe department. When completed they will have a store second to none in the county. They have found this addition necessary by their constantly Increasing trade. We also notice that Messrs. Curtis & Walker are ending a new dwelling on $he Pickle Factory grounds, which is to be occupied by one of their employes. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--One of Moody's converts, now a resident of McHenry, desires to ask the christian readers of the PLAIND&ILKR their ad vice upon the following Theology, and also to be corrected by whoever may think he is in <*rror: No man made creed is worthy to be considered a better bond of christian brotherhood than the Bible. Tito word of God is itself a sufficient creed for all his people, and the spirit in which it is written is its only trust worthy interpreter. As no one can safely claim to be a christian without the "testimony of Jesus," and as the "testimony of Jesus" is the spirit of Prophecy (Revelations, XIX, 10,) in which the Bible is written, therefore every one having this spirit, or testi mony, should be his or her own inter- preten There are as many different views upon noessent ial points as there are different? christians, for no two have attained the same decree of spir* itual development. Respectfully, It. M. TAYLOR. • •• : ' •TT RINCWOOD Servicesat the M. E. Church every Sabbath at 10:30A. m. ltev. I'ldlo Gorton,-Pastor.-- Sabbath School, 12 At. Mrs. M.idolc, Supt. Mr. and Mrs. Gate, of Boston, Mass., are now the guests of Mr. H. C. Allen of this place. Our school commences next Monday with Wm. Nickle as Teacher, and will, without doubt, rank as heretofore second to none in the county. Last Tuesday kiud providence far vored this locality • with a splendid rain, such as we have not had for some time past, -the effects of which can readily be observed by the now prom ising appearance of the fall crops. Already the noisy clatter of the threshing machine ctin be distinctly heard in and around our village and thoSe of the farmers who have threshed report the yield of both wheat aud oats much above the averago. • We-are Informed that a./i'ew of our young people met At the residence of Mr. F. Barney last Saturday evening with the express purpose of there sat isfying the inner man with Ice Cream, Cake. and other nic-nacks, but as the invitation committee intentionally or otherwise left us out we are unable to report as to the success or failure of the party but live in hopes of hereafter being numbered among the chosen few. ' ' - The teachers and scholars of the M. E. Sabbath School will give a Lawn Festival next Thursday eyening on the premises of Mr. Saiuuel Simmons.-- Ice Cream, Peaches, Cake and Croquet will be the order of 4he evening. A general invitation isextended to all.-- No pains will be" spared to make it agreeable and pleasant for all. Pro ceeds to be used i&jtbe Sunday School. One day last week-Mr. Samuel Sim mons was attacked with some very severe symptoms of cholera" morbus.-- His daughter, Mrs. Fay, being anxious to relieve his extreme .sufferings pre pared for him a large dose of what she supposed to be Salts, but which alter it had been taken proved to be Sal t fe - tre. An emetic was immediately given a physician sent for and the old gen tleman was soon relieved and is now able to be^.abouty but • cannot tell for the life of him which it was, the doctor or the Salt Petre, that saved him. BISUABK. Richmond Department. Passenger trains pass Richmond statics as follows- ( •* -, GOING SOUTH - Genera Lake Passenger.^.....j.,.1. .7:03 A. M Cisco Passenger:. .8:14 A. M. Gjsueva Lake A-fei^t.w .1 -M k\ M. Cisco ^assengor 4;33 l'. M. ooisoxojiTi 1 Oieoo Passenger j . .6:06 p. M. iienev;i. Lnko Pa-sseuger.. ...7:26 p. M CHURCH DIRECTORY. GOVHREOATIONAI.:-- Rev. F. J. Douglass, Pastor. Services at p. M. MKTUODIST:--ltev. samL Earngev Pastor Serviors 10:30 A. M. Sabbath School 9:30 A M.« J. L. IKuvninsr, SU jit. T, l?.rl?1,,cr Young Pastor. Services 10:40 A.M. SabUUh School 12 Jl. MASONIC. RICHMOND LOBOE, No. 1M, A. *V* A. M. Regular Convocations first Monday fit each month on or before the lull moon, MM! the decona Mon<lar thereafter. „ _ _ G. P. WODBLL, W. M O. G. COTTINO. Secretary. .Those Niokle Cigars at Alexanders A Hyde's are the best in town. We sec that Mrs. Sarah Emmons has returned home from her visit East where she has been for the last four weeks. ' ,"'f ' We den't need raiiras Ttitich as we did. The boys have beer and they give us a smell which drives away thirst. , That fellow that owns that new top an(* black mare gets lots of girls to go riding. Oh, don't we wish we had a new rig. j Titter's "Devil" looks upon with mistrust. We are sorry. If we have said anything we take It all back, only don't pull Joe's gate down. M. !?llicks has been filling up his shelves with Hardware and has got things arranged verj'nice. It looks as if he was going to make business tyve- ly* ' ' We thought that after the quarrel they would never meet again, bul; lo and behold they came down the street arm in arm happy as two spring chick ens, and we could not but admire his taste. Tho owners of dogs better "look a leetle out" for we saw dog buttons 'sold not long silica and it would be too bad to see tboso fine dogs turn up, for we have none to spare. Besides they alt be lout to poor peopl e And it would be a heavy loss. Send in your orders for new Boots for West and Alfs are now prepared to fill your orders on the shortest notice, and all of you that have had their boots know that they can't be beat.-- West will also sell you a good Harness cheap, and as he has two hands turning out work you will not have f wait long If he lias not one to suit. Nmida Department. We suppose that tbe (jfm of Smith. Aldrioh & Hay thorn, ; at Riverside BlfljEk, McHenry, are in full blast *y this time, and farmers can fetch In their produce aud exchange for goods. Vie kuow that John C., will do the fair thing with all that come and see him and you will not go away grumbling that you did not get what you bought, for we know whereof we speak. Change of base, John Garvrir '.has rented the rooms formerly occupied by G. P. Wodellas an Art Gallery and . fit ted them for living, with his Ice Cream Restaurant in front, where yoif will tind ice cream, lemonade, candies, nuts, &c., arid those in want of a warm meal can be accommodated. John should be patronized. When you are in town don't fail to call and see him. We hear the City Dads have apfpoint- ed Alonzo Brown as Folicc Constable in place of Jud Sherman and intend £b appoint two more and see if they can't stop some of that rowdy piidnight howling and drunkenness. If we should call names those beer fellows would feel ashamed of themselves. If they must have their beer get it like m^n and drink it in peace and don't make fools of yourselves,and the better class of this community will think better of you than thev do at present. ' Real Estate Transfers, ' l!' ' Conveyances filed for record 'In ti»e Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, for two weeks ending August 25th, A. D. 1877: Fritnklin L Smith and wife to l?u- gene Grover, 139 a in 81 & 36 45 T. $6,- 600. : Robt. P. Lane to Peter Tilton Id'fc 69 Marengo $1,000. David Olson to Ole. G Thompson 15 blk 4 Wicker's add't'n to Woodstock $30. Anna L Brown to same11 7 and 10 Wicker's add't'n to Woodstock ^200. X S Wicker and wife to same 11 blk 5 and 112 3 blk 1 Wicker's add't'n to Woodstock $125. J Landon Guard to E Laiidon 60 a in ne nw 8 43 8 $112. R Hurd and wife to Mary Ann Frank 4 a in nw 12 44 7 $T5. RR Stone and wife to AS Martin pt 14 blk 3 Richmond 940. M Van Alstine to E Burchardt 4 a in sw 19 46 5 $100. J B Smith to A E Carpenter 70 a in sw 85 43 8 #3,200. For anything in the line of D Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Notions^ Ac. go to Smith, Aldricb & Hay thorn's, Riverside Block, McHenry. . .. A BARGAIN.F We have for sale 20 doaen Ladies Button .Shoes, warranted Genuine "Oil Goat, which we oiler at $1.90 per pair regular price $3. They are first-class goods. FITZSIMMOKS & EVAN SON. Freight. Muil Sitae of Trains at Crystal Lake. WISCONSIN DIVISION. . Offlusu atQapt g a . .9:37 A. M. St. Paill.„.,.rf....;vv..ivvi^...^v..ll:37 A. M. Wood8lock • .5:20 1». |(. Fonddu Lac ...<.!!6:43 R! M. Paul (night)...... . . . . . A 1 . .10:46 p. M. OOIHO sofah. ^ fSt. Paul (ALG1KD..-;,.^R...L;/:.... Woodstock :iu Fond du Lac St. Paul Mail *Huns dallr exeept Saturdays. tItuus daily except Mondays, All other trains ran daily, Sundays ex ceyted. ' Business Notices. differ- ...4:43 A. M. ...7:45 A. M. ...8:57 A. M. ...9:10p. M. ...6:20 p. it. FOX RIVER BRANCLFI I ! GO TWO WORTH. > ' > A^eominoaatlon.... ...wHoa.*. Cisco.. 11:16 A. M C i s c o . . . . . . . . . . . Hall--... 5:25 p. M. ,...«:4SP. M. UQIXO SOOTH. Mail. „ v • • • • • • ^v <••••*• -2M CisW..-Y; ..S:57 A. M Accommodation 4:25 p. x Cisco....' 5:15 P. M All trains run daily, Sundays excepted.-- None of ttao Cisco trains run South of Cry stal Lake. i , Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. out styles at P. D. Smith's. j For the Latest Styles in Dress Gooes, • go to Smith, AH rich & Hay thorn's, Riverside Block. McHenry. The best Goods at the Lowest Prices < at Smith, Aldrich & Hay thorn's, River side Block, McHenry. r If at Woodstock and , good warm meal call at tauraut, Northeast corner Square. New styles of Men A boys clothing. Don't buy before you esesiss VUI ' stock. P. D. Smith. the Eagle Res- PuUio A. S. Worden and O. B. Ann is, two sociable gentlemen Who have been stopping at the Hyatt Hmise for some weeks, have this week finished their business tie re and goue to other places. Both were fine men and formed many friendships which wero regretfully broken. 'V WU}le Frjpk Brown was. attending a party: a sho/t distance in the country, some scamp cut his horses tail off. It was a queer way to get revenge or per petrate a "Joke," but if the object of the prowler was to injure the a^pear- auce of the horse, he succeeded. Brown is positive that ho knows who it IS and if proof can be brought the south eastern gentleman will be made to suffer for the mean Irick. . On Moiiuay evening, Ang 20, the Young Men's Temperance Association held their second meeting. The meet ing was called to order by E. McMillen, President, and opened by prayer by Rev. G. S. Wiley. A majority of the 45 members were present and energeti cally engaged in the business of the meeting. The officers of the Associa- are, E. McMillan President, W. F, l'omeroy and Geo. Raedel Vice Presi dents, L. Beckley Secretary. B. S. Beardsltj' corresponding Secetary, and Ira McMillan Treasurer. The most importaut item of business which was brought beiore the society at the meeting mentioned was a motion that tho Association secure a popular lecturer to give one lecture, or a course of lectures. (This motion was laid ou the table for one week,that the execu tive committee might have time to consider the propriety of it. The ex_ ecutive committee meets to day, Mon day, and the result of their conference will be made known next week.) Upon motion the meeting was ad journed for one week, The next will be held at the M. E. Church ou Monday Aug. 27tli. j A large number <pf our people atten ded the camp meeting at DesPlaines, most of the in]going by the special train vi-hich ran between Woodstock and Des Plains!,, aud which carried 7 coaches filled with passengers. There was also a special train of 16 well filled oars from Chicago. There was an immense crowd and a good time. On Monday evening the railway depot would have been burned had there uot been a prompt and vigorous resistance offered to this progress of the ff ames. It Is supposed that the fire was Started by the explosion of a lamp full of kerosene, as a lighted lamp had been setting on a shelf where the firo originated. When discovered the ffames were rapidly climbing ttp the partition between the freight-room uid the office, and in a few moments a kerosene oan which was setting in the midst of the flames, and which con tained tWO or three gallons of kerosene would have bursted, then with the oil added to the combustable material near it would have been impossible to quench Ot smother the fire. The as sistance of many Strong arms and willing hands was proffered, and to tliem tbe present good condition of tho building is due. A number of people were heard to express regret for the preservation of the depot, but it must be that they spoke thoglitlessly for there are many larger places than this with much poorer depots--Wood stock and Harvard, /or instance. It was a very narrow escape but the next firo does pot depend on this and may do a great deal more damage. Now just think of Nunda with a fire engine --but it's of no use to think of it. Rev. Samuel Hay has withdrawn from the pastorate duties of our congre gational church, and from the Ministry He has labored long and earnestly in this field of religeous work. The church and people are conscious of the loss which they sustain by his removal, yet they understand that it is against his desires and. only on account of tailing health. Mr. Hay has secured the agency for the well-known paper, The Advance, and as its agent he will remain in our community for a time. There are mauy who take this paper, and to them I would recommend Mr. Hay, to (hose who do not I would highly re^ompae^ the paper. 1 ' "f • ' M MA*OIS. Money to Loan. In sums of $566 aild upwards, on Mc- Hltify County Farms, at 8 per i&nt in terest. Address o«* apply to ASA W. SMITH, Woodstock, 111. FARMERS, If you want tho boat or Pump in.the market, call Mt.lt Owen, Call at the Eagle Restaurant, North- j, east corner Public Square, Woodstock. | W arm or cold meals served at all hoofs \ No old Goods, but everything fresli and new, at Smith, Aldrich * Bay*; thorn's, Riverside Block, McHenry. Warm meals at all hours at tha Restaurant, Nottheast corner PaUio Square, Woodstock. *• New styles of Ladies neck wear,!'" Parasols, Fans, and all the novelties of. 7 the season at P. D. Smith's. . 4 . ' - v; , fUMPsT _ A largo Stock .of Adams Kenosha Pumps. The best Pumps aad at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. HAY BAKES! HAY RAKES! The unrivaled Tiger Self Dumping Rake has no equal. A child can oper ate it. Also the celebrated Helling- worth, Furst & Bradley and other leading Rakes, at E. M. Owens. Freeman & Clark's celebrated im proved Flax Mill is unequaled for dean* ing Flax. Clover, and Timothy seed aud all kinds of grain. Call for lar at E. M. Owen's. Gould's Iron Piunps, with Mad of Cylender, that a boy 12 years otdcanpif work with perfect ease, in a well frowte%; 25 to 100 feet deep. For sal© at R.^ Bishop & Sou's. 'J Wool Growers, Attention., The subscribers will pay 40 ots. fori Wool washed on the sheep, 30 cts. fc?| unwashed and 45 to 50 for tub washed* in goods at last years prices. J.\NK8vir/r,R WOOLKK Mnxs. Kortli Mam St., JanaavUie. Wis.* : r--•.. a TAKE NOTICED Having made a change in my : ness it becomes necessary that n»jr|p- books be closod at once. All perMm»|^ knowing themselves indebted to me£. either by Note or book account are re-fc quested to call and settle the same att" :' •nee and save themselves cost. This means business. L. FRANCISCO. McHenry, Aug. 28th, 1877., , t : ii .? . REMOVAL. . P. D. Smith would r.tinonRBBI' W nlt| V customers and friencis that he has ro-gf Uioved to his new Store, near the De»|;, pot, where he inviter; his old customers^ and as many uew ones as see fit, tocatt|' and see,him. His stock of Dry Goods£ Grotgrls?, Clothing, Crockery, ubc.. complete, and he offers bargains secondf to none, quality of Goods considers GOOD FARMS FOR MTK "thave four good farms, situated Wfeij McIIenry county, which I offer f®r#al@i:| upon the most reasonable terms. TwoV, 80 acre farms, with good buildings, #r-S chards and improvements; ®n@ farm Oft; 215 acres wi tli buildings complete, woll-|^ • watered and fenced, under line eultiva-F tian; also my home place eonelstlng of 280 acres, one of the finest farms in Mo- IIenry" county. Both of the lar^osfe-, farms lie 2} miles south of MoHtarf village. 1 will sell one or all of Shi#' above mentioned places on easy tei Part payment would be required the balance to suit the convenlenos the purchaser. For further part iouhursiil address, , |p' B. F. PKCK, KeHeory* IU. $:-> SCARCELY one among o\fr many rettlj ers is aware of the vast amorwit of «ootfte that is being accomplished by "ilaw-p son's Curative." It is a noticeable fact that we see fewer cases on our stree of persons limping and hobbling along! on <!ane or crutches, while among friends and acquaintances wo hear their rheumatic and neuralgte plaints and groans. That "Lawsoa1 Curative" will cure rheumatism, re ralgia, and the many aches and pal which every one is liable to ha*«. isinj established fact, and the preparati is becoming so universally known reliable cure, that we prediet tl largest sale for it of any medicine yotT introduced to the nuMifi* for sate bf" I I . C o l b y , M c H e n r y . , ^ s THE AMERICAN FROFUj 11 - t ' No people in the world snllerns oratfe with Dyspepsia as Americans. Although^ years of experience in medicine ha# failed to accomplish a certain and sue remedy for this disease and its effltetv such as Sour Stomach, Heart-burn, ter-brash, Sick Headache, Costiveness^, palpitation of the Heart, Liver Coa-p plaint, coming up of the food, low splr-r its, general debility, etc., yet since th»* introduction of GREEN'S AUGUST FLOW ER we believe there is no case of Dys pepsia that, cannot be immediately re lieved 30,000 dozen sold last year with out one case of failure reported. Go to veur Druggist II. Colby, and get a sans-* pie Bettie for 10 ceuts and try It. Two* doses ill relieve you. Regular siao1 76cents. • NEW MEAT MARKET, f ' Walsh & Howard have ©pened ft Meat Market near the Depot*MeUeaifV where thej' will keep ou hand Froeh^. Salt and Dried Meats of all kiudS,Aad< deliver to any part of the village free of charge. They have commenced rmmifig m Wagon and wiH vfsft nelghllOohg towns, with a ehoiee supply & Heats». on the following days: Ringwood aud Greenweo*-*|teiw days. Voio--ThHMK>aysv ,»> Johnburgh--Wednesdajps awl* Bitrti . days. These trips will he' made regulai; .anA resident's of these towiwcHB be aMureA of gotting anything they want in Ifeo Siciit line, of the best' quality and. aft > bottom figures. WALSH * BOWABBK. Mclleury, May lStht 1877.