Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Sep 1877, p. 5

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A. nw. fbe» Passenger .... .i *...;.i.lirSS A. m. Cisco Passenger ^ 5:43 P. M. •Oeneva Lake.Passeneer ..7:02 P. u CHURCH DIRECTORY. MBTHODTBT.--Rev. J. H. Bacori, Pastor. Services everv Sunrlay at 10^' If. Sntictay Shoo] at 12 IF. JOHN DCNN, Superintan-Bt. ' "MA^O^'ICV • ITCHEKRT CHAPTER NO. 34B-A. M.--Rezn-»r Convocations held on the second and urth Fridays in each niotitlu HENRY COT.BY H. P, PTILASKI ATTEN 8ee„ MeHenry Town Caucus. The Bepublican voters of the Town Of MeHenry are requested to meet in fovn Caucus at the Council Rooms, in tiie village of MeHenry, on Thursday, Stiptember 13th* 1877, at 3 o'clock p. ifer tfcc purpose of choosing eleven delegates to represent said town in Ibe County Convention, to be held at Woodstock on Saturday, the 15th inst., and to transact such other business as may come before the meeting. BY ORDER OF TOWN COMMITTEE. THE Board of Supervisors} are In ®6ssldn at Woodstock this week. SEWING Machine Needles of all kinds At O. W. Owen. •*- THE Republican County Convention Is to be hel«i at Woodstock on Saturday next, the 15th. COIN detectors are advertised but we don't need one; we are able to detect a Win if it is within gun shot of us. BEAR in mind the Caucus at thje Council Rooms, in this village, to-mor- 'MV, Thursday; at 3 o'clock P. M. ALTHOUGH potatoe bugs have been numerous, the price of that vegetable1 indicates that there are, some left yet. AN exchange says: "A man who used to live on ten cents a day died Wealthy." He may have died wealthy, but we'll bet money he didn't die fat. "Now put down brandicd peaches" says the Chicago Journal. Yes, be­ ware of them young man--put them right down and go away from them. DR. L. C. RICE, Dentist, will be at lb* Riverside House, iu this village, on Thursday, to attend to the wants of all who w'sh anything in his line. See his notice on first page. ;.;BUCK & WELLS have purchased the rtew building lately put up opposite Fferry & Martin's. au<f will immediate­ ly fit it up for a first class Restaurant and Billiard Hall. THE sober days of autum will soon be upon us and the cold nights and Mornings require great caution in ap­ parel and exposure for the preserva­ tion of health. ALREADY the nWisy. clatter cf the threshing machine can b« distinctly beard in and around our town, and tbose of the farmers who have threshed report the yield much above the aver­ age. !e4---- .v THE oyster is engaged debating Whether he will commit- suicide now. surrounded by his friends and relations, or wait and meet a watery grave alone and friendless, iu some future church festival stew. ALL articles" meant for publication, must reaph this office not later than Monday night, Quite a number of communications of late have come to band Tuesday night, and of course were left out on that account. THERE is jnst one thing about it.-- The lady who insists on carrying a good share of her dress in her hand has got to keep her shoes tied up, or let everybody know that she left home in a hurry. W. W. ELLSWORTH starts for the Illinois State Fair, at Freeport on Friday of this week, taking with him about sixty of his celebrated Poland {^hina Swine. Any breeder that beats him will haye to show some fiuo ^ IN another column can be found a B|ew advertisement of F. G. Mayes, Herchant Tailor, which those con­ templating purchasing Clothing will do well to read. Mayes is an old pliable dealer, sells none but' the best of goods, and at prices to suit the times. Bead his-advertisement and call and examine his goods. THE firm of Fitzsimmons & Evenson. la order to accomodate their large and Increasing trade, have been obliged to make an addition to their store, and have opened a room iu the East side 30x40, which they now use as a Gro„ eery and crockery department. They are thus enabled to show their , large jltock of Goods at better advantage, and at the same time make it much more convenient to do business.-- Their stock for the Fall and Winter trade is one of the largest in the coun­ ty, and they sell for cash at bottom figures. Call and see their new im- prolti&cn'&'fend examine their gdods. WE learn that there is to be a grand Faif Party at [National Hall, Wood­ stock, on Thursday evening, October ,4tl», the third day of the Fair., TickeSfe 99 cents. The persons having it in charge will spare no pains to make it one of the pleasantest gatherings of :the season, ^he best of music will be in attendance and the dancing public can rest assured of having a good time; PETERSON Magazine for October is upon our table. This is one of the best Ladies Magazines now published, being complete in all its departments, and in point of literary excellence cannot be excelled. It should be in every family, and the low price at which it is published brings it within the reach of all. Published by Chas. J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut St., iphiladel- phia, Pa. Price §2 per year. THIS Is the Way a" new aubscriber writes US: "I have long thought your paper, for mechanical neatness and finish and literary excellenco, the •superior of any published in the county and nothing but sheer inadvertence has thus far prevented nie from a practical exhibition of my preference for it by subscribing. Now, however, it is with great.pleasure that I ehclose the subscription price and ask you to do me the faVot', ofsending me yoijr paper,. QUITE an accident, and one that might have proved fatal te both man and beast, happened to the Threshing machine of Ichabod Wells one day last week. While the machine was being run by eight horses a wheel on the horse power broke, and the horses be­ coming frightened lit out at a break­ neck gait. Well's chestnut team in particular made it lively, and breaking their sweep in some manner ran clear around the other horses, und winding U£) the rope in a few minutes horses horse-power and all was in one pro­ miscuous heap in the centre. The dri­ ver barely escaped with his life, and it is a wonder some of the horses were not killed, but s'range to say came out with only a tew scratches. The horse power was badly demoralized. Taken all in all it was what might be called a lucky accident. WE learn that two burglars entered the residence of Ned Smith, son of John W. Smith, who lives about two miles West ot his father, on the night of the 3d inst. They entered the room Of Theodore, who lives with his broth­ er, and attempted to Chloroform him, but lie hearing a noise and thinking something was wrong sprang out of bed, when the villians made a hasty exit through the window. They fol­ lowed them a short distance but could not get near enough to see who or what they were, but suppose, however, they were tramps. The smell©f Chloroform was strong in the room, and it was probably their intention to gpt them under the influence of it and then ran­ sack the house at their leisure. Per­ sons who live^in the line frequented by these tramping scoundrels should keep "themselves prepared to give them a warm reception, A dose Of cold lead and a job for the Coroper would be their just deserts. MUKDKR IN LAKK COUNTY. We learn that a cold blooded murder was committed at Lake Zurich, in Lake County, on Saturday last, in which John Robinson, a wealthy and influen­ tial citizen came to his death from a pistol shot in the hands of one of his neighbors named Davisoa. The par­ ticulars, as near as we can learn them are as follows: Robinson, as Road Com­ missioner, with a Constable and Sur­ veyor, was laying out a new road which ran across land owned by Davi­ son. Davison objected, and informed Robinson that he would shoot the first man who attempted to take down the fence. Not taking any notice of his threat Robinson proceeded with his duty when Davison went' to his house near by, procured a pistol, came back and shot Robinson through the head.-- He lived in great agony for about four hours when death ended his sufferings. Davison and his son, who had also made threats agaiust Robinson, were imme­ diately arrested and are now in jail.-- It appears there had been an old feud between the parties, and this, with the known violent temper of payison, causc^ him to commit the rash act. We learn that there was some talk of lynch law on Sunday, but better coun­ cils prevailed and he will be punished by due process of law. We offer a line of Mens' Calf Boots at $3.50 per pair, and warrant fhem the best in the county for the money. FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON. HOW IT IS DONE. The first object in life with the American people iyto "get rich"; the Second, how to regain good health. The first can be obtained by energyi honesty and saving; the second, (good health.) by using GREEN' AUGUST t-LOWER. Should you be dispondent, sufferer from any of the effects of Dys­ pepsia, Liver Complaint, Indigestioa, & c., such as Sick Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual {./ostivene ss, Dizziness of the Head ^Nervous Prostration, Low Spirits, & c., you need not suffer another day. Two doses of AUGUST FLOWER will relieve you at once. Sample Bottles 10 cents. !IZ? 75 <"nts< Postively sold by all first-class Druggists in the U, S. New arrivals of Prints and liinghans in Fall styles at Fitzsimmons & Evanson, near the Depot. 1H£ 95th KK-UNION, The Re-Union of the 95th Illinois Volunteers, at Kayes Park on Monday, Tuesday and,Wednesday ef last week, was a highly enjoyable occasion, and one that will long be drem?inhered by the veterans and their friends who Were there ns|emtT!T«d." " On Wodnefedfcy an Excursion Train was run fh>m Elgin to Geneva, under the charge of C. E. Chappell, of Algon­ quin', and when they arrived at this Station the MeHenry Qornet Band* ac­ companied by about forty of our citizens, both ladies and gentlemen, took passage for the Re-Union. On board we found the Woodstock Cornet Baud, bound for the same place, and as the day was pleasant, aud everybody feeling well, we all laid Ourselves out for a good time. Arriving at Geneva at about 10 o'clock A. M. we embarked On the beautiful Steamer Lucius New­ berry, aud after a pleasant ride up the Lake were landed at Kayes Park, where we'were, heartily greeted by the vete­ rans and their friends who, were there before. us. ,v This Park is one of the most beauti- tiful on this splendid Lake, but time and space will not permit us to give it at this time that notice that it deserves, but will speakv of it agaip at some future time. . On Wednesday there iwere ftill 2000 assembled to help the95th Re-Unc. and we learned there were full as many the day before, and that they had a #good time all \yho were there agree. Roam­ ing o"er the * beautiful grounds, listening to speeches from Judge B. N. Smith of Woodstock, and others, an excellent dinner at Kayes. and social chat witb friends and acquaintances took up the time u.itil 6 p. M. when we again embarked for home, feeling that a day of real pleasure and profit had been spent, and a wish within th» hearts df all that the 95th might llc-Une oftener, if this was a sample pf the good times had f)y them. Oommitteo of the Re­ union, consisting of Captains Nish, Eddy and Wnlk^r, reported that they had paid all expenses and had a bal­ ance in the Treasury of .$32,67. They also wished to return their thanks and that of the 95tli to the Woodstock and MeHenry Bands, for the excellent mu­ sic furnished lor the occasion, to Mr. Kayes for his liberal donation, to Col. Ben Barn«;6 of iDelevan, for the use of the mammoth Pavillion, aud to all others who assisted by their presence and otherwise to make the occasion pleasant and profitable to all. We took the cars again at Geneva at 7 P. M. arriving home about 9, tired but well pleased with our day spent at the RTE-Uuiou and Kayes-Purk, WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAIN-DEALER:--Last 'Thurs­ day the railroad men in backing a carload of salt to the pickle factory, either miscalculated the momentum of the car or the strength of the stop at. the end of the traek. Result a broken railing to the sidewalk steps a»d a de­ mand for the wrecking car from Chicago. The same day at the Baptist soeistble* the pastor, MoEwen. was presented with a gttld watch, probably to remind him to be prompt in season and o^ ef season. The great event of the week was the caucus Saturday afternoon upon which occasion the attendance was larger than usual. G. K. Bunker was placed in the chair and "Gard" shorthand"d ?h.e proceedings. A committee, Messrs, Hoy, McConnell, and E. B.- Hichards went out to write the names of eighteen good and true 'Republicans willing to sacrifice themselves for office. Out just four minutes by Hon. George Tower's sportiug watch. The list was no surprise to the chairman, nor did it appear to be to ethers who were present. Of course the li3t was adopted nem con. A resolution in­ structing for Peter Whitney and igno­ ring all the rest, was adopted, a com­ mittee was appointed, and, proud of its work «;he caucus went home content. How the delegation stands as to the other candidates is unknown. How long O. Lord,.how long, will the people permit a few men to make their officers for them through this caucus fraud? Pickles are rampant just about these days, and all on account of the rise. The thing appears to focus at the hard­ ware grocery where last Saturday evening there came off a triangular wordy duel in which sometimes 'one had the floor, sometimes two and sometimes altogether, outsiders be­ ing unable to tell which was ahead, and all bceause pickles have riz so that 1? raine aud Ivassou are in a fair way to clear something handsome on their forty cent contract. R. C. Jefferson has now gone into the market and is buying all he can get at fifty cents. This is a good thing for the producer, and one at least would not be sorry to see him well paid at Ieast*one year in three. Last Friday William Sawyer raised his new barn 40x70 which accounts for the silence of Squeers. The affair passed off without a misshap or fuss of any kind, ovtr forty men being present. That new lumber yard claims to have on hand half a million feet. The firm has been doing a lively business the past week in piling up lumber- It is intended to change Sander's readers for the Independent, in our schools. The former having been in the school about eight years its time must be up, SQUEE$S, POX LAKE EDITOR PLAIXDEALER:--Allow mo to correct your paragraph relative to the accident on Fox Lake in your issue of the 29th inst. Whilst according to Col. Llppincott the full praise he is en­ titled to for tils worthy efforts in con­ veying pa,rtt)f. the passengers to shore, it shouldaifo be stated that Mr. T. K. Milne was the first to arrive on the <*cene with his sail boat, an** that to him were ap the passengers indebted for an early rescue. The Colonel's sub­ sequent exertions however, not only iu taking up the balance of the men (who thought it prudent to wait for the second boat so as not to overcrowd the first) but also in rescuing the sail boat itself out of pure generosity on his part Entitle him to a full share of grat­ itude from the passengers ftud particu­ larly from the writer himself. Neither should I omit my thanks to all those who voluntarily helped to right the boat up again* In order to allay the prejudice of those who might exagerate in their minds the incident of that accident and rush to foolish conclusions on sailing matters; it should be stated that the accident was partly attributable to the passengers themselves, some of whom were romping about in a most careless manner and with a , Duck in propective, paid but little attention to orders, which made me tell them re­ peatedly that "some one will get drowned yet" though of coursc I did not anticipate anything so serious. Another thiug which I must state, is that the boat was ballasted with stones which unquestionably is a bad and un­ safe thing, for granting even the possi­ bility of an accident and to the stones alone,will the danger attach, yet she floated sufficiently to give all a firm footing until rescue came. Iu future she will be bala^ted with water, which is a perfect safeguard against siuking, added to this, she will have an air chamber on the outer edge, .which will place tipping altogether out Of the question, and therefore all sail boats, either with sufficient beam to require no ballast or if ballasted with water need ever inspire a shadow of susni- cion or alarm in the most squirmish or timid. Of icourse there are always those nerveless, unreasoning beings who are lear and reared in trembling and Wh<> always feel cattish when they look at water unless it happens to be in a saucer, but that is nothing . but a constitutional disorder, which nothing but tincture of iron will remove. Thei.Lakes are now comparatively .qnietrfthe residents having left in a bodyjfor winter quarters, although trancl^nt viskpuf-still travel up and down. .J. J. DE CAHTEKET. . i * i » < ! ' "* * ! SOLON- EDITOR PLAIXDEALER.--The time has already arrived for farmers to com­ mence fitting up their different animals' which'th^y will j)lnce on exhibition at our County Fair. I for one sincerely hope every faring in Mellenry county has something oil his farm which he considers as good^ or a little better, than his neighbor^ and w^ll take pride enough to place it on exhibition and try to>iuake the Twenty Fifth Annual Fair a success. Politicians have been calling upon us quite frequent of late, but as Caucus is ove£ I stipposo we shall see them no more.4 ' Our (Caucus was called to^ order last Saturday at 3 p. M., according to No­ tice. After a little stride in electing a chairman Wm. A. McConnell was elect­ ed anctj twelv'6 delegates were soon se­ lected s without any further strife.-- The motto of the weaker party being "Anxious to win yet willing to be heat." ; Some of Mr citizens, however, who promised one thing and done auothej* must remember there is anoth­ er day doming. The Ladies Sewing Society will hold a Fair In the School Hotise, at Solon, Wednesday, September 19th, commenc­ ing at }0 a. m., to continue throughout the day and evening. They will sell their articles consisting of Spreads, Bed Qoilts, Dresses, Aprons. Shirts, Collars, Culls, Socks, Mittens, 30 yards of line ^?ag Carpet, and many other ar­ ticle s too numerous to mention at a low market price during the day, and what remains unsold in the evening, will be sold at Audtion to the highest bidder. The ladies have been very in­ dustrious for the past six months and every leisure moment at home has been spent iu preparing something for the September Fair. Nearly everything has been donated by the ladies and they now propose to sell them and ap­ ply the proceeds to the payment of the C'hurch.# Dinner and Supper will be furnished for all. Let everyone turn out and give the ladies a helping hand. Rev. W. R. Patterson, preached his farewell sermon to us on the 2d inst.-- Ilis religious labors and manly conduct while in Solon has won him many friends aud given him a recommend worthy the strife for any young man to obtain. And though he was told be­ fore entering the pulpit £hat Solon would never pay him he never had to ask for money but once and that was in the eleventh hour and the twelfth hour he received every cent and his opinion when leaving Solon was "a pretty good place after all." Wm. Nickle has promised to preach to us next Sunday at half past ten A. M. Let all turn eut and give him a Richmond Department. Passenger trains pass Richmond suit ion as follow* • - '. , • GOING SOUTH Geneva Lake Passenger.... . Cis<*o Passenger Geneva Lake Freight Cisco Pasaenger \'tl GOINO .NORTH Geneva take Freight, r.. Vi*ilift..^10:40 A. K </»«co Passenger |1:58 A. M. I.,.., ,.<;:(*) r. M. • 7:25 i>. M .7:0« A . * 8:14 A. M. **.1:02 p. M. .4:331\ M. Cisco Passenger* Geneva Luke Paftseng#.' f CHURCH DIRECTORY. CON^ EG A T.iox-v L - Re v. J. Douglass, PAst-oi*. Services at 7..V P. M. TOKMIOMST:-- Rev. SAIN I. Kamjrev Pastor Services 10:30 A.M. SaTbbath School 9:30 A M. J. L. Downing, Supt. ILAI'TIST:-- Elder Yonnjr Pastor. Services 10:30 A. M. Sabbath School 12 M. MASONIC. RICHMOND I.OIWE, NO. 143, A. F. A A. >1. Regular Convocations ilrst Monday in each month on or before the full moon,, and the second- Monday thereafter. . J j. U. P. WODEI.L, W. M C. G. COTHXO, Secretary. John Thurlwell.of your town is now engaged in putting new abutments under the bridge, which will make it substantial and safe. Prof. Dafid Swing will Lecture at the Methodist Church, Rlchmofld, Friday evening of this week, Septem­ ber 21st, ou "The Progress of Man toward the useful." A dmission 35 cents. Lecture to commence at 8 o'oclock. The Improvements continue. R. D. Cole and John Brown have their new residences up and enclosed. George Vinton has again resumed work on his new house, which will soon be ready for occupancy. And still we are not happy but are looking around for more improvements to make. full house. DON. At our Caucus held on Saturday last ths following delegates were chosen to attend the County Convention at Wood stock on th«» 15th. G. P. Wodell, A. L. Brown, G. S. Utter, J. R. Ilyde, Wm. Coolcy, Jas. Robbins, Richard Lawson, Fred Colleson, Clark Jefft. John McCon- nel. Henry Hornby. Geo. W. Eldridge. HARVARD- EDITOR PLAIXDEALER The Town of Chemung held its Caucus last Friday and selected 21 delegates. Eleven in­ structed for Avery, 10 for Whitney, and 21 for Young for County Superin­ tendent. Dunham held their Caucus the same day and instructed for Young and Avery. Marengo, Riley, Coral and Algon­ quin have followed suit we under­ stand. Mr. Engcl has moved into his new brick Block, which is neat, tidy and convenient. The Harvard rusticators are home from the kake, the camp has been abandoned and business again resumed in Harvard. The Public School will commence Sept. 17tli,under the management of Prof. Coe, as Principal aud the Misses Hayner, Wright, Gay. Thompson and Worthington, as Assistants. They all conic highly recommended. The Rev. Mr. Fisher, formerly of Woodstock, has supplied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church for the past two Sabhaths. A vote was taken whether they should give him a call and decided in the negative. If you or any of you hear of a good preacher that'wants a parish cheap send him along, we'll try him and divide the hat or basket money with him until we call him and then he must take what he can get- The- Temple of Honor is in good run­ ningorder and many aia becoming in­ terested i» its workings auu,jcli!liig4n to the good work. Pension papers are all the i?age and hi oney will be plenty again. • • U. T. K. GREENWOOD CAUCUS The legal voters of the ttffo'n of Greenwood are requested to meet at the Hall over J. J. P'lilbricks Store on Friday September 14th, at. 3 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of choosing seven delegates tojjattend the County Con­ vention to bo held at Woodstock on Saturday Sept. 15th, and to transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting. Br OKDER TOWN COMMITTEE. NEN1M. CAUCUS. The Republican voters of the Town of Nunda are requested to meet in Caucus, at Barreville, Thursday, Sept. 13th, at 2 o'clock p. M.. sharp, to elect delegates to represent said town in the Convention to be held in Wood­ stock Sept. 15th. Br ORDEK OF TOWN OOHMITTEB. Business Notices. Base'Ball and Bats, a new stockist O.W.Owen's. The best Teas at the Lowest FRICM« at, Smith, Aldrich A Hayfherata, Riverside Block, MeHenry. School -Books and Writing Papi# Cheap, at O. W. Owen's. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. 86 differ­ ent styles at P. D. Smith's. Croquet Sets at O. W. Owen'a for 85 cents. For the Latest Styles in Dress Qobttl^ go to Smith, Aid rich <fc Haythorn't, Riverside Block. MeHenry. An invoice of^new Teas, just received! at *iu.ith, Aldrlch & Haythoru's, River­ side Block, MeHenry. . The best Goods at the Lowest Priosfl at Smith. Aldrich & Ilay thorn's, Rivtr» side Block, MeHenry. $ New styles of Men & boys clothfiig. Don't bny before' you examine ©or stock. P. D. Smith,' Freeman & Clark's celebrated im­ proved Flax Mill is unequaled for clean ing Flax. Clover, and Timothy seed and all kinds of grai,n, Call forctltll> lar at E. M. Owen's. Our Fall Stock will be complete in all departments about Sept., 15th,-- Lowest prices for Cash or lteadv-Pajf# • P. 1>. SMITH, Near the liepol. " FOR SALE. A Six Horse Power Engine and Boiler. As good as new. ^ni be sold gt a bargain. Enquire of O. W. Owen. No old Goods, but everything fresh and new, at Smith, Aldrich & thorn's, Riverside Block, MeHenry. r PUMPS. A large Stock of Adams celebrated Kenosha Pumps. The best Pumps and at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. For, anything in the line Of ifr Goods, Clothing. Groceries, Boots aud Shoes, Hats and Caps, Notions, Ac. go to <Smith, Aldrich & Haythoru's, Riverside Block, MeHenry. i:fo a Money to Loani In sums of $500 and upwards, on Me­ Henry County Farms, at 8 per cent In­ terest. Address or apply to ASA W. SMITH, Woods took* 111. A BARGAIN. We have for sale 20 dozen ladies Button Shoes, warranted Genuine Oil Goat, which we ofler at #1.90 per pair regular price $3. They are first-clasa goods. FITZSIMMONS FT EVANBOX. Gould's Iron Pumps, with any kind of Cyleuder, that a boy 12 years oldcan work with perfect ease, in a well from 25 to 100 feet deep. For sale at ji» Bishop & Spu's. ^ Wool Growers, Attention. The subscribers will pay 40 £ts. for Wool washed on the sheep, 30 cts. for unwashed and 45 to 50 for tub washed, in goods at last years prices. JANKSVTIXE WOOLEN Ml North Mam St., Janesvi 025 REWARD. The above reward will be paid to any one who will find one of 'our Buffalo Boots in which there is a counter, imrer-sole, slip sole or piece of heeling that is not cast from a good, thick, piece of sole leather. P. D. SMITH. Near the Depot. WHITE NOTICE. Having sold my interest in the Blacksmith business in Nunda the Partnership heretofore existing be­ tween Mr. Henry and myself has been dissolved by mutual consent, and all outstanding accounts must be immedi­ ately settled. The Books will be found with the undersigned who holds him­ self iu readiness to balance your ac­ count at your earliest convenience. J. E. BECK LEV. KunOA. Sept. 10th 1877. t #50 REWARD. Stolen, from the undersigned, in In the town of'Burtoti, on the night of the 7th inst., a Chestnut Horse, 12 years old, white strip in forehead, six­ teen hands hi^h and weighed about 1200 pounds. Had a bone spavin on the left hind leg. A Reward of $50 will be paid for the return of the horse and the capture of the thief, or 925 for the horse alone. JOHN KIMSGERN Johnsburgh Post Office, MeHenry Co. I1L SHOOTING" GALLER' Lansing's Block, MeHenry, The best Guns and Finest Alleys to bo found in the Northwest. Open day awl evening. A. M. WHITE, Propria**, I1V . •. mJ Furniture and Notions. Extension Tables 80 cts. per' foot. Washstand Bureaus $3,50' to $5,50. Bureaus $10 to $20;- Chairs per Set $2.50 to $9.00.-- Bedsteads $2.50 to $20.00. Pic­ ture Frames complete 15 cents to' $2. Ladies and Gents Watcfr Chains from 29 cts, to $75. fiiogs 25 eta. to $20. Four Pairs of Ladies Hose for 29 cents. Three- pairs Gents Socks 25 cents. Tw« papers Pins 5 cents. Two Spool* Go®d Thread (200 yards,) 5 ctsr Gents Collars 12 to 25 cts. La­ dies Linen Collars 9 to 12 cents. Ladies Linen Culls 19 to 29 cents Combs 5 cents. ^ Picture* given away to our customers. • £»v The Finest Assortment of ^ Patent Coffins & Cafkets To be found in the County, ewgi*i*£• stantlv ou hand at / * Prices M Defy Ccieffli Chicago Nine Cent Store* Blake's Block* MeHenry, I «§ 4

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